TfTK nr.K: omaha, tit-sdav, atoil -i, ion;. Nebraska RENEAU'S NAME Attorney General Decides that Broken Bow Man It Entitled to Run. GOOD LOSES IS DEATH RACE 'I'mm Xlff I'orrofxirwIcM ) l.tSCOUS, April I - (Hi' lnl Tlri ) - Tint name of I, A. ltenati of lirriketi Uuw wiIkIiI 1j.v remelriirl on die (ri- weiy tiiiUnt a (atnliilate fur the re to 111 national rfi'ilill n rmiventlcn Itwl h willed, fiuriUity nf Html 9 Vunl tilled that a dm j.i-titlnn dll not have ,ffl' lent name In two cnrrlnnl ijirtrl't (h name coiilil fil o on (M Mill'. I, Tli matter iitl up to (lie mioniof H"i"-ni am Ijij Ii (ItIiIi'I flint tli li'liilnii footliii1 ni'r then (lie re iuIimI mimlcr of alfner for tin entire t! llmt tli (mm of Mr. I!"iiii -n"l't l.v a ln' on lli Imllot, lADlnc Ma opiMoti oo a foroiT oilnlon of tin '! )o on? roiift I" Ihit Jmiklti e. AflT iwiirlnif thi vlitory Mr, Uaiiea-i loiilxl.l (lecMe) that lie hart he'll vlmll-r-atat and will al t)i aecreiaty of It) withhold hi name from Iha tiiillot, !, In Hir il(k lr(h, t 'm til loo1, lih'nle lunar at Oxf'trd, ImikIkicI, !'( out tmler In din i'a with rleeilt lo he t fli hertaide of hi mother, Mm, J'i'lX" it, K, lo'" "I" Ihl ' Hy- Mra. (loo'l rtrlii llil frioniliiK, wlill' (he not! friifled to l'"t I" N Vol It oin time InAnf. Tha yiwt Mian iiinrriotied horn hf ililn lo week aid, h''t warn unable to iim iiik el the lime. MM, flood wa a efeler of ' vn of NehraK dir. Pool Hnrnifl". Heirrtary of Ktata riierll l'wl U wink life fford a wmi fliianrler, (he report if lit offi for Oi month of Wardi ahowln r' l( far In ''" " month for IM to irevlfu yt. Tim r'"U'l '"f """"' "'r $;!,4H I, all In ''li. I'""1 b '"r nl wolln, "To Tmt I to l!i't, Kl ." Tli tnoVh of Mr-h, VM, hnwi IXVU.'A iA fnr llio Hum month of iMt, !,,. IA Til IwliKlon fli followln ItKow: forrrtlon lrigt, 'orporntlori pnilll',, I'W; filing rtlrl of lti'orriortloi, VlfM.W, fiiiary roiniiilimlonn, $!23; lrnl, I3; icrilfllil O'l trufiwrlpt, $',V; Uliiiln Knd trdVliirlM, V,V, null ot iun, VZV, lon hrk lw, tt; all ollir wHlf u, U,4J, Aatomobll Titr: In tlm uloino(;ll lcirtiniit, wlil'ih In iilnUlril by &-fnt tat on frh tinm W twt, i.VA autoinoblln Ht and W fnolor'-)"!l illn wr -ft out durin Mrrli. Till tnuUfH total numhr of mitomoolln rltrlon of t,1) lip to March Jl n4 of motorcycle r-illr.tlon of 2,fA for fh firt ttir montha of tliia ymr, Ttil conllirbly reM tli total fcidirtl'in for lt yr, th numtwr for that yr Mnr W.Wi lor uoioMI. Mr, Tool flifiir'a that th ffJ autmo ill rltra.tln thla yar will nt fall much blow tjoziO, Kiponfllturaa nt tTw 4irtmnt Jn sonnctli with tha Unfiling lit Vcn for tha month of March wra: Offlca auppllea, I16.CS; extra hlp, WIJA; aalarlaa, tl,M; volt, M; tiumlwr Plata. i),7, a total of fl,t7.. PAVING ThTbIQJSSUE AT KEARNEY ELECTION KKArlN-rTr, Nb., Aprlt l.-tflpcll Tl- rtrum,)-Tha elty alatlon at K!arny, wiilih taka trM tomorrow, haa tn on of tha moat hotly-ontt4 cm linliim In many y'ara, four mambrira of ilia c:liy connrll ara t h ,tttfA, and ona H'-'pHon tha warda hava from two to flva contnalanta. T1i main Imu Involved la whathr tha city will rronllnu I ha policy of tha laat yr of paving and Improving, H'lvrral !andldata hav annoii)icd that ln-y will flmrmnd pavlnf ptltlona from rculdmla l"fore crcailn now dlilrtcta In iid of followlnif tha prraent law, which kJIo tha (ounril to rranta a dlntrlct, lug tha proprty owncra an oipor- i iiiliy lo proiirt agalnat tha mova. HK-rwl inllcx of trfflt lmprovimrila Iihvk i,cii pui In under tha 'lm, whll nra of effort to K' l p'opla In aln iv irii; p ililoiiM htva fii'kd. Tha lahorln limn rt almoal aolnlly whh -tha nd. dnlia wlio fbvor puvlng, while tha rrHC iloiiarlea nro found iilnioU wholly among lllf ut T ICidi nt. BANK SAFE REFUSES TO OPEN CN FOOLS' DAY A I i:nll A, Ned , April 3 (Hproiil ) An plll Iim.I nVe. Bun iiiij on llir I'lmt ;iiiioiin hMnli of (till illy Hul'irilay iru the ilnom of I In- om nfnmi o sivlhH Imi'lt, n iii. of nil of tin' con. I'm and iiiiinlpiilMloii In ITinhli-iil T, i:, V. llll-lhli. hihI i nuKlniiinlii, f 1 1 i i 1 1 MiiiaiiiH clom'd nil iliiy long ami ili.l nol 'pin i'i 'mill pi o'i i.i u In tlie iviiiiim I hM i m Han flili il nli fnrmeia mn rnrrn of tl'lll lni'1 In iu hlinllllux Willi (In- Mil Null.. inn, I 01 1 nnali lv anoihi-r 1 '"' liM'l rimiigh nm lo npitm o Hint li ifllu ill,) nut flop UtAIHICE CAVALRYMAN IS ACCIDENTALLY KILLED I'l A Tlili y: I' M r mki i Mi; II i Lull y le. N'eli , A n II j tepr i I I uii'n i,ieflnv of IhU l11"'! II Oll-miliUC NlrltlOii mil In I on VPUph it on iiihi! of l inn naiik I elfih i a air , I', dinlaili h,i ni,,i Wliu.l h,..l hi II ft' iiHtinite VI i l. mi I In' ,1. hi V fill" in laliol ,liili ,,o ih ..,nt.r l,r 1 1 n I, l,l H HhiiiI.iV "il " in if ami (..r Kin I inn.lei r,,i f, i.iimii'i Ui II'.. mn. II una lf,c 1 "Ml nl .Mar nt. N't' Thi' ! will i . I I h t.,6 Mil I'l lll l.t SUES PARENTS-IN-LAW TOR SOME HEAVY DAMAGES )l Kt I .S iH N- 1. . ill . l I H Hi" . I ll III It lUll h III 'tfli .. '.I I.H lrtl,, a I 1 l4'cc li Hll Ml HI I ill" I i I' ! i I ..'i f li" ..inv iii lie i ! i- t Hi ' i I i.t i a t" t 1 1 r I t i" i I i hi ait ' 1 Jin aiy t '(!. p gii.iiff , $ tin I t a lth 1 ,,iitt pui e 'I, ,, (ho . '..,. '',(-.'le vih " ' t -f n i'l'l i I i l i ll ' '. .' i,i a 'i1. I.. Maine Mi k Men " 'ifct aa I In HI. ,.ii ai.. ef'e- Vi-'.l in, I, a i, .,. ,,., ,( if ii-'i ! I'n a ii i,i i.. , . i t . ii, .' I i ,,!,,,!, m i ,, i ., , I ,. He l'-. U ' . Nebraska Thrown Through Windshield When Two Autos Collide TMT,Ml-:il, N''., April J.-- (Mpcilal I llowmd Krown of Crab Orchard "d tloro Muharrr, a traveling auli'imiiin from tsh'i, la., n piilnfully, hut not nrloimly, Injiicd In an auloniolilln col Union at 10 : iii loi-li MiiIiiiiIhv niKbl Tha accident a on lh road from f'rah "r chard to Teeiiiieli lier Vel. llnmn w biliiKlng Mahany to T" iimnen to ralch a inldniuhl Irnln, ,lnue Morphy a iciiiinlng lo Ma hon near Vinin Tha lirown car and tha Morphy car 'ol lld'd Willi terrific fo P. Mahnrty tl rown ilirmiKii the wlndahleld by Hi" Impai I from lb (olllolon and (offered liicernllonii of ihe one aim and III faca fiom broken glaaa. Ilrown w thrown out on hi cheal and anffeied from (he effe la of Iha fall, Mmpby waa lull. nllKblly Inhired It l not known what cauae'l Hie H'lilnf. Holb ia wern carrying HkM', ole from lberlaod. M-TIII-:HI,ANI;, Neb, April l- 'Kp- elal I Tha Went Cenlial Nebraaka decla matory contest Ik to be held here nrnf Kiit'inlay, April , Tha rofilent wn (o occur at North Malta thi yar, bol o epidemic of a acrlona nature canned tha change In location. Fifteen or moi a'hoola In the dlntil' l will he repienentel Tha l aat Kt, Jymla Jtrblg company, which ban the contract for count ru ling tha atiile aid hrblga arroaa the )oilli J'latla river immediately ami'li of f4nilie. Iiiii'l, la making at rungeioenla ptellm Innry to acloal opemtlooa A, U month-old daughter of Matty Ma on, realillng aoiilbeaat. of town, bnr- Jled Thiitaduy. death having reunited from the cffci la of Injiifba recelvnl In a tun away a day or two prevlonaly, 'fba child and Ita mother wers thrown front wagon agalnal a wife fence. The moMi l'a InJ'irlea were aetloiia. TAKE NEW TACK IN EFFORT TO SOLVE O'CONNOR MYSTERY HAHT.W, ,Nb ( April 3 . -.fXpaelal 'lei 'gram,) M, A, llatrla of t)fnb alnrtcl ptoceedlliga to erhnma )b body of John O'i'onnor for I'lenllfbaflon by lie alleged won, John Klfk'nan of Omaha, (it Ida )t- (er'a anil for the Mitffi O'f'onoor 'All.e, Jluirla alatea that a pecnll ir l one foi million ban been discovered In the body of John Klrkman and other eeneratlona of h family. To prove that Kifkioan and ottora Inherited theaa bone for- mallona from John O'Connor, It la derd that tha body of the reepiae; l,e ehiltried for enarnlnallon by X Itay, I'cnnlt to nrhijma tha body n nhfoad by Mayor MalKetf, but. f'ny f'lerk f!rl ton on the advlca ut ''Hy Attorney linn h nmn withheld hl algnatiir wllhonf,, whhh II la Inoperative. Mr Hoifhtnafi characterized tb mova aa nothing more than a "flatting enpedlflon for avPhni" to g'lbalantlafg theory of bona pee illarl Ilea." He aaaerted that the Omaha peo pla had nothing tangible iipon which to make good their clalma that eucJi an glraordlna.ry mova ahonld ha allowal. Tha county judge a I no refoaea to act. JUDGE FAWCETT SPEAKS TO Y. M. C. A. AT AURORA AUTtOHA, Sub., April 3 -fKpaulat,)-Ipeaklrig to a large audience at Iha mari'a meeting of tha young Metre (Thrtattan aaaoclatlon Hunday aflernorm, Judge Jacob Tawcett of the Nebranka auprema eourt, declared that the future of the American republic reata In the Integrity, courage and good common aernte of the common people of the country, The re-, publlo waa eatabllnbed by the common people, he aald. Had been defended and maintained by the common people and thelre la the greateat concern In Ha per petuity. Judgo Fawetfa addreaa waa of a pntrlotlo nature and met with a hearly reception from the men of Aurora, Attorney ffeneral Willie V Iteed will be the apeaker at the meeting net Hun day afternoon, J'. II, (iroavenor, Aurora' new poattnaaler, will aieak oti Iha after noon of April 10. I'reTenla Infeciloe, Hloan'a l,lnlmeiit aplbd to a aora, cut, wound or brulae preventa Infection and blood polaon. 2,ir, All drngglnt.-Advcr tlnement, i 1 1 , n i a i, a i) v i it 1 1 a i t i i , Vote For Judge James R. Dean I I Mr i'i 1 i't .f " H' l,.,l HROKKN IK)V t VM'lI'Mt nm Judge Supreme Court ';:: . Nebraska Registration at Beatrice is Heavy flKATIilf'K, Neb, April . tHpeclal J rnmpf't aia tbul a big vot will be polled at tha c(ty election in l Tuieda), aa 'If, Volera had reiilelered When the regialiatloo board ch,c. (la book n1 ftia city hall Hatutdny evening raiull ilalea, thine for Iha nminb eloni r iliill and threii for the manager plait, aie in the race, and tbire are lo b eleiled Tha city ha been iind'l the comtnia eloni r mihiii Iha (n at few 'ni, and nl the rli'itloll Tuemlay lh Volel will be given an oppoitunlly I" vote fm the plopoaed pew ayatein, The i niiilldiHea for the oriiiiilmeotier avulem era J I! I', rield, J, V, faundeta and U T, llenida, and for iWm manager plan II. A. Tnomp on, K. 1 lleli lonn aicl ( otirao ftitoh Another liia lo he foiighi oul Willi the ballot I for atid again) lh aaiwma IPalilce at preaepl ' Wet," and the high IPeniia workera believe they will telalti Iha aalonoa, ahll (be opp.nlMoii la eiiilly i)iifldili( thai th' will lone out. Cor membeia of the achool boiint the cindlddle for lb" abort term at A. W, llurge, i' A gielmn, Vernon If, Andrew, In W, Maiden and , I, Hereon, and for the long teim, ). A, Harnard, Mi. I.aui I'o'k ytahoa' h and A, (I, llutkelt, DENTAL EXAMINERS ARE UPHELD BY COURT 'Flnm a aiaff l'oieaior,d' nl t 1,1 VOl, N, ,Veb, April lcpel 11 i y'rank Atnold I'ailerami of liotdott be gn Hie pra' tpa of deniHy In ciciirl without Itoublmg lo plocora a Iheliee to ptailice The alate boa id of dental arrtier were taking atepa lo tmil htm under fh dental law, when I'ai lernon applied to Judge tVentover for n lohmction, wbb b waa granted in Aug it, )!', The i utm i niii- mi fm hearing Mrh fi and upon the argument of lepnty At toiney lieuml 1enter '(, liarrel), Judge W'eeloier tloild III" iae and d.S aolved the lfiiincllon, Mr, Ket f it contendei) that I'alfetaon bad failed (o aisle m can" of ' 1 1'iti In hi petition, (hat Iha cetl allegation of hi petition wrie Impropeily Joined, and that. I'alleraoit had ail gdpiia rem edy at law, All of the contiiiion we auaiaincd by Judgw Mtaiovet etr 4 bereb for flrldgepert, liUII'UKI'iiH'r, Neb, April J . rntpe. clal.t-Tbe f'atholb irf ItlPtgepoit have pufhaaed a alle for new t hun h build big and will atari a hendnome edifice ! otie Although the ('aiholba have held ervbe her at tegular Interval ever alma the town w rmililn d this Ida flref effotl which ha been made lir erect a chufih billding by thai tl homlnalvm. a u YA To little hearts and big ones, too m 28 flip Wrifflov SnpiirniiMi :ro riilluif IA RjJ calling, every day: Their message is one of good cheer about this refreshing, beneficial goody that costs so little but means so much to comfort and contentment. , Send for the Spearmen's (Iumption book for younfj and old, illustrated in colors. Atlilrw Wm. Wrifilcy Jr. Co., HiO.l Kcuner IHtltf., Chkn (Shew it alter every meal 1 mmmm m t u w m t ..r jm m w er mux. -w - - , m m Nebraska SCOTT'S BLUFF MAN HAS SKULL FRACTURED Ki'OIT H 111,1 I'K, Nib, Aplll iXpe ilal I Itettrnin l,danhi, who live on a Kliikald hotiiealnad eibie. n mile icrlh of till nit, la In a cilunil C'ii"tit ion u the teaiilt of a full iwln i Hilinlny, when u livery team In . dihlng niu awnv llwant Wiin liitowii onto hl head and Itoiibb i , til ukull I fia. Imeil and be ;in oiiiv a mall illume lo te covet b Molon las wmk limb I on g WUly foot blp boellice botldllig fieUK to lh laiiO n,li', of new III gen lore (he Mcotl ('luff hool ho. ud Will be compelled lo biilbl MllollKr ' h i'll h'lllillmf again Mil" aiiiumer. Tl," e' hool llH I il lootnlct'il cboWJ li III l1e of about Z'l boot l,li"lt 'I Hill,) I le AUBURN SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLDS COMMENCEMENT At KT l(,, Nib, Ailll --iflliecial I The I'tenbyl' i tun ilmi'li fealoird a aiud nation em m I X iii'l.ii moinln l lcmi gtulf i oinpleleil lh f)rl alatulaid lenrher ttulnllig lo'iirc nn'l (ten- aeaidiil dlplonin lif the ilitioniliinllon The ad dice and awarding w bv Hr ulna tlooal iiHiiiilemlent of .Nrhiaeka emod, frv Kalph lloiineiiiaii The gtaduale were llev. II tt I'otidU, I'aul A till fllof, Meadantea f'altiellne M (olidlt, Unmet M, liile!, N .lahe tlllnioie, Anli f! t;i.oll and Kale 1,11nbeth I, Inn and llloo Manila I 'in I Icilnlla K Oillati, IUlu I', illllati and Moienc (! Jone FORMER HASTINGS BOY WEDS BEFORE CAMPAIGN IIAHTIN'IC Neb, A III 3- iKpecul I'el egtvtii i Word baa i'li''d heie of (he mrtl4e of ,leljlelint ('liarle Heliedlct, on of Mr and ,"t I'', .1 llenedlcl of (hi ci. lo Mia MiiiK'i'ei Ihiliol War ing, l Vncouei, Wnh , M'U'h "A, on lb day I bat,' w otdered with hi reKltfient lo Hie Meilcan bolder. Itene dlc( I a former Went I'olnl fool ball ii iNmpalgM I Irenerba, ih':a,tkh'k, n , Apm .1 Mpe. 11 Telefilm I A polill'ul iii'cIIum wa b'ld at Cllb and ''null lieela thi evening ddrud by ihe ctidda.te for Ibe cP manager plan, K, I,, llcielotie, II A Thompiion and 1 'oiit ad Klot'b, 't'beae candldalea and (hue for ''ommiloiici yiilem will be vo(e( 'ion (omoitow, l.oldeo Wedding el lllierli, fiKATl! I' l', Nell, Aplll 8 - (ie. , Mr and Mm )oit Wilghl of Liberty Kaiuirtay rebbtated tlielr golden wed ding aniilveiaaty at their home, nui rounded by ihelr chlldien and blldten 1 blldien lo the H,!mI and foiitili gmcra Hon. They have an unueual rei ord for half a iiul'lry nt mauled life, In that ym Two Intjwtltlvs there ha not been a, death In the family among the children, grandchildren or gteal grandchildren. Tiny were married April I, law, and 1 ainii lo Hag county In )'), where (hey pun henfil the farm on whl'li they rculde for per aiie, LEGAL SPARRING TO STOP SUIT OF GREAT NORTHERN 1 1'roni 11 iff ( '01 riaponilenl i l,I Vi1il,N, April 3 IHia ' Pil ) Altm nc-, ilch. nii Herri Ima filed a motion In fcb ril iiiutt to lllnliila the can brought bv the Oifftt Noilbern again! acvcral 10UIIII1 I,, lierp the i mint le ftolll col lectlng Ihe I'lllman 1 at Inn ameKcd again! I hem. Tlie motion w filed on the ground that the aillon too iabt ilui' not conl'iln aiiffpliiit yio'iml for aeiliii Itraof I oniHirreiel i lnl llooinleg, :IHNT. Nb, April , iHie"ii i Tb ',101 roimo'i' al 1 1 iii clnluii lo tic (h banner 01 aaiil'ilioii of ll i ai in ll I'lilli d i-lnii The illy ha a jmpm.ill i of 40', eo'l Ihe 1 lull (mm n mmhei hlp of I'm The I 'oomieri hil i lub Inm -rud o"t -! lima to 'ill the loan nl'hg the lliyli Illi" a Mu foi a I. cM. i 1 1 11 10 ii. F Ij.chI ipllal will iimlall l.etr In the mar funie nn up to dale tool, in ' .-inmeiy iiimI butter making plmt eir Hank al HrMaepnrl. (il:llHi.;'ti(T, Neb , April I iHie 'tail 'I he Ncliiarka Miale bank. Ilrulge pott third financial Itiellt illoii, opened II itoor for biialiir Ihl morning wild a repllal of I,. It llowey of Mil coin l the pneldent; J Miller of lO'tiver I flit vice prenldenl, I', I. (flceri I arroml vice ptenlilent , T It (ami, cl,ler, and Will Meeker, a.ll apt (l.ler Why Spring Dringi Out Freckles and Eruption The guilden apeatance nf fiekle, aligbl eruption or ftna llnea al (hi 00 I allillnileil liy ,lnl li to tin acilnlii rai," wlib h I iiimanally a' live flnrloK Iha mina motilli. Where lb kln f o affected by llil Influence, If one will procure an mince of eninirton nicrcolifted wan at anv ilntg atofe, apply a llnle of II before retiring, lire com cream, aha can caally overcome I he (rou ble HI, 10 the nil la waabed off nail morning, flaky nam parlbPa eome Willi It Tha enllie outer cuticle la removed lo tl.i war In week or two, with all 11 ibfecia No beach could o effect lie) II v remove fickle or hlemlehe, The new auifnce la amnoin, Hear, frean look, log No pain 01 Inconvenience acenm pimlca llila elml'le llealllielil to cae of vilnkle which allik beneath ih, outer akin. 11 olulioii of aatollie, I or,,, Hited n ij (ilitl elleh banel, makea a ta.e 1.11 111 wnii 11 i wonoeiriiiiy ei fi . H' e Ad i'el lle' ineni ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all dru foists. cm WWAPPCD Svulvtl infant I V I I "Now Remember' hurry to your grocer', for a can of Calumet learn your final and best lennon in baking bake everything with Calu met that proved a failure with other lUk'mg i'owdcrs. 'This in the tent which proves Calumet the mireM, .aft-fit Making I'owder in the workl the mofct economical to buy and to me. My mother lias used Calumet for years and there's never a bakc-day failure at our houf e." Received I Iigliett Award. AVtf (Uok Jlnoi I vt it ta Slip in I'aunJ Can t' h fii n p nnn jl j ft- ri Is an ideal beverage, most refresh ing and gently stimulating. It tones your system. Phone Douglas 1889 and have a ca$e tent home. LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., Distributors Phone Tyler 1000 Er Want to Hire f Brains and iBitelligence Put Your "llclp Wanted" Ads in The Omaha Bee TELEPHONE Tyler fjiAKiNQ PCrWiyrioi HAOCrVTritTHL THC BEER YOU LIKfi and you will receive the same courteous . service u though you were dcliverini your Want Ad to THE EEE Office In Person 3f 10C0 1 WmSi w IKU1 H.HVt V J tZ.Ba