Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    X .v
titi; ni-;i;: omaha, tuksday. a run , mr.
Tour Mfrobm of Sub Committee
Tilt Individual Eeporti
wfth 8nt Judiciary,
, WAMJNOTON, Apt 11 3AH)nn
e,n tb Bom!nf!ofi of Iul 0.
iJ! o Ihn gupreni court w
pirtpfn4 today by Ih final Ju
4lrlry cummin tir It hal re
ceived report frwu ell but on nf
th fiv genator i,n tb ubom
hiMU which tM hiring, "nv
f'r r"lf'li, imw.rtt mado a r
port tnrly r'"fnmridin' ronfir
matlon, Suitor Walali wad Ion
nporl and fu-nator Chilton, the
third flmxr, will gubmlf, a report
tomorrow, rfcitator Oirririilng grid
Work m d a rp"rt lnt ryinflr.
Kn,uif Walah AariA In hi report;
Tli reel rrtm ut whlrll Ihl man 1
t-iU'K I Mint h ha i'i4 fh InlT'l-
tle of w-n In high iliea In oor flnn
del eratern. If r.a r'A t'4 In w
of fhVn)ei r of wealth,
"ft ! r f'f ffiilinn faryr av M
r,l,luff hlmeelf a l'i errie reltimrty
nd vltliffallon. All ho n4 fo do I
t rlrfft with th fi4. It h vr -Ilia
lh finer of 1I, th high
In fh mar! pi', elhr In eonrl or
)t,,tm fi,e fnibiK In will hav on
, rMe if rjeuaitnra, fir non t-t h
need heed, Hi ftmn thn nr fpr.
W tha p'ihll of th Imp' unl'n el'l.
n In any great fn! 'i(i, but
lmy ih m'im of ''fp'n' i)i,
0Vr III) fhM llrtuhl,"
leer af ear rl,
"An ftH'l (it h vn" h 14
, rri'IMy t cmclwl lif th rtmt
inmum HtntiUl f,m rJftf," mM fiir
Work " m nny In yinihr with
rn'iih nf h vol tlit Hr.l'r Mrmil
h hn fl,ifi,r in ttlir economic, In4n
Ifl tiA ''lul fonIMI'iti, wh tf thlj
1 m ft'liii'1 h h 1n fif'iir,
nif)lilK tr Ih tvmttnim tnnA.
"ffun nf hi tri-rt4 Mr M I
!, iM (or tit rvaavn h iit1nA4 th
.rirvatlvi. Th tnr h vi rprih,
tint th lrriif mnt Ui h nn4 him
rt rt nml wwiM dx'r'1 from hi
i,fi;!n ) trig II l nf th m
M thiil nik '"''! 4rtrhi. rt f'rtm
f 4 riir, fciit nit ntA f
I'i4f, To P1' t11 "frm
rmri. r wiAf 'tu4 wul4 b
frlnnf rrit!',"
f umminm hmit t ntlrmaOu.
toniUit rnnnmifi, whi prinm ot
ih iiAtninr tr hi fiiur In th ril
ft A t pr rnt Iwt f WM
n4 fmhlW ylrlK, tihnilM,4
rJ ffiilultii. It I4 Mr, Nrrt4l
hmj ".t th wmfMetu- rt t lr n
jUtixnt f th (firlii of which h li
ftfiilr nt nf tlm i:nlr f whlh
h I lil.n f Hl!r lmlr hi
lixMnrH j.iH' of th '(rm
irntln iwl trnm Tt Oi
fir hir i'-r isy il t4' whll not l
li on th tr h i,mA n UM
In th IH!ll rooin, hf h n4
lhn irmk . horf nl,
rntlnulN on Th Jl flty rfltr
n4 rpinr, l"ii I'out Jo, Knt (it
fh fllii-l h In hi k'mii'l n4
rll4 tht h wfi4 t l't4 eor
nrF, II nii4 hi mpln
A h')"!") hl"i( thfi'ilh th elumn
i,1 Ti P. Tli r'ilt w that h wa
lwt4 h1 an varwhlmlrif majorti)',
II jul!fl4 for th ffh, but turn4 th
w,rti vr to Jfhn Iril, flow incfiUr
tit Ih f Mf toiriinlMlon,
AhrUt thla tlMi, Kiil'a work a r
fwirr h4 Ur'i4 lha ailnilm ut lull
Nr, h wa pnbllhln th Momrii
t Safafiil, Nr earn I Omaha
ami l4 tlh wllh Knl n4 hlr4 him
l Ink Ih 1llorll manaa'-mant of th
imifr aiiil wrli a rohirnn sf mttr ach
('. It la ar!l that th aaiery w
per Hay, whhh In tha 1r wa
nlrtf4 pi1nrly. Ila rnain4 with
Hi lioatiiciaii until iVA whu h want
to frnvr a nil took poal'lon aa r-(.orli-r,
wirhlfi thci fi' a tlm, aflf
whl'li I wiil lo Halt I ah f'Mr 'i4
wmkrA upon Ih Trlbu, fliilitfiiitll'
da .it lit Top'k. Kan, ir ha
i,rkf. on th ailltoHal nil of Ih Cap.
itiit ami luier in th proof itailinn rnem
Hvlwrit lu lb "'
Hm Ktil rft'irn4 I Omaha
an4 h4 rl'l"1 hr vr aiin Cor a
l,uniir of ymt h t'l proof on Ih
w nrm-lli'iahl, and to rt ago ram
hurn la Th l- aa a pmf i4r on tha
I. Ullil al'ln
I nit laid Ilia itaia lirii Krnl l
hiii a trirlr. lili tir rn
uliinl a flr or lrlnf fim4 h rnnl4
i,t ii.or ifartahl mallpr arnuiwl tli
mi.allcl fiaillmi (f a fail than any man
in th fitofi inn II Hil '"'I Ilia
fHniinl II atipiillnn nf lit I Sn ainl
i,il,i r i'ii,lll f ti whi wi t on Hi Im.kniH
l 'i intiilil ipoitia
i,r i f ll,a lf,rW llial ha t . I tt
! n uiuA niiriuinn ntr nih- ih
niir wmlil hi pntlri I for hlMlM lutn,"lir llrhiiiig aiiatia. thu in
ii'ilii N"Mh Aoiil ! I'umi- hv
i,l Sol on In tint l, wilt Ih lnrr fr
a iiii a i f iftn it la, i I, a piiMiali,!
ii in innii'lll l-iini l ii,i I wa
in,, I In tut I i. ,,- Hi,. I 111 IIH m, ll
i.iii HI t!i an iirr" 1 '
. ir4 i't fy ! il,ailMi, il
it,! Krlil nlM h al hu rninmaml
In i.iakli. ,!.! ao,l unlii'H ml ll
fa il
llratla tioallna t I aar,
I i,i, l,i an. I I , l I i I tf 'll III n I,
, a inn i u a hi.. I ! 1 1.'
i ..I M an I ll I ii I ll l li
i I a t i -i i in ii I i H-'a i -ir-i In
It, nl Kill ami f nr i-a (liUMa (.1 l.
in -.,' l..r I,, ,ii,u, a umi ram ot
i'm, ii aH' i II he u il'iiff t l l
I. ut
i M,,iiitf i i, t i i '! a ii if
, 1 1 1, it fi t n, ra 'i f.a fi imlim
t,i an a,-i i I a ,l l,l ! I
Ion iwl i"n lilita4 !' tiu l'
.'f i"a t a ' II a
ut ! Mi Id a !, , iiil
till H,lln fi l III fall I aka I ll thai a
I ,i. el .1 i,in In h i tit
ahifta aaa i la4 at it, nn
t tallam I ( iil
lnni ISa tat i-f l-U rai aa
I i ft a ft iithi !,; a )
int. .iii, ii a i
1. r i, I alai ( l at with tt
I',f .iMi-i 4 I- a ' i r In
t , h'ih lta l"ti llir.a l hit
! 1 1 . . li !: (, I, h
. . i u. I i,iu ii ill I In ii ij nal
Omahan Witness in
Live Stock Probe
On at Washington
W AtlflNTroV, Afifil .-Hwrlni on
KprltlMv II';Hn4'a rotrlon t
hat th f-4ral tra! mmmiwlon ln
vatigai whlhf th nr-af pakria ara
vlolaimg Oi anlltruat tw wf hK'in
u,4r iifi hu Jj'll'i' """"!-
Artlmr M'Wr, Mr pral1nt nf Arm
n,r A Co,; ft. ('. McManu. rpr ')
fwlfl A o, and rait!" fl-ra
0pI,i,fJ tli faaoniMon. rniw .,.,.,,-.
Mtnbh lit Kali, Walt'f lo nnr,
roiary of fril(1'ir, aiid Mward I. H'rK
of itnah. n1 Ih tnarhM lominltl of
lh Amorkan lAi Block aaao-ilmfoii jp
pori4 ll.
Hairasoniallv Mririfl npni tor in
iliil.n hv foadln lIMr from fann-
ra In vral ii who comi'lalnad
fhiflr nf llt prf f""1 hy th
Ii' kr.
Ilrfi'l llrfland Innlai"! that
lha pt hnrr not wiir 'I pri"
In th n,tl(i, hwt follow fnl from th
rnuntrr to th yard to A that rruln
fld trlra ara mlnihid on thn,
"Thf I powar whhh 'iillr l'
In flv klo yimriinl In Ihl counlrr
nt only ta ti'rol th prl'i of pittAw,
hut lv in l"tin trm un1r whhh
bi)a1na ahall h Ann," h ld.
Itprofiltl tmnllitl of .hM, ln
alid that tha p,kr mad
fr't than vr O'irin th lt ymr
whll hrAmr fall4 In lr numtir,
.fi;t now, Mr. UntAUti IA tW rl-f
hv nn ohjiwtlo tn prl't, h it thr wa
nn rftlnty In hw Jong th fn
dltlon will ohtaln.
firirnlilv Knt nf fallfornl 4
1ar4 "ih lln;n of thla rvimblnnMnfi
I i wll known lht hy hv nvf
h4 Ih f)rv tn ny It tn tri,"
Klrnliv fiil nf Iowa, a fi,m
mUalon man, il!lar4 tl'l fh fyakara
fl4 prlf through working r
mnt, hut h W"'l th roluion !
runt It wonlil hrtng nn hnfll In th
farmnra, fnrmr Inn,ulr1, h lriltd,
ruli4 In l rnofty for th rlr
ornmnfl rVilil'in hr on tio4y
ovr all in'fc ytA wa Ih oiniion
nf th packing prnhlatm, h mlnln4.
!r""o'Hv norland n4 Ior,lnl
lnlatf th Inlfodunllon nf th riliillon
o4 nrl 4rnand for an lnvHgav
lion 1 1,1 yr had rn4 marki tn
rlna In fh fw f lrifr4 fwlfH and
whll aula mn wr allafla4 wllh
lhlr froftt prlr thr wa noihltig lo
warraot aanrn of a rotilltiiiallori nf
fair rtum If th pranl itlloii r
anlMd In n flaflnlf ip tn radlral
th ll4 vll of prlr fldng.
Mr, Mkr, vie prMld'iit of Armnnr
A Cn,, urrmnAA by aiiomay
nd ttl minora, f'iaiofid th wll.
r,ia atfl It wa ld ih tikra war
Willing tn aijlfrnli ihlr look tn Ih
rnmnl In prov lht lhy hav not
h making an unfair profit.
ffBotlmifd from Taga (in.)
Ihrmigh tit fallura'ln Wj i,f ll,o ( aiiliii
N.ilooal bank of Unjoin, of whh-h II
M'iahr wa praaldml, Tli rnony had
bn pl4 In Mohr' hank by ii
Tiur Hill, wb t'irnd ovr iiu
fpla iif d'pmll (6 hi uTar, Hart
ly, who 'itl lhm a faah, It wa
f'artl' a a lion In i'hnklng mil- larg
aiirna thai prm'liillaud th fallur of Ih
"HII Nailofial hank.
At IhaU 1 1 in thai Wa (in dopoalt
nrly W7,"9 nf lal luniKy, of whhh
ll1. In rnund inimhp l,,ongd in Hi
trmnnt avhnol fund. At lha lon
of lfi Ih Ifglrlawra or4ord a war
rant drawn I mliiilniiaM th imiauiiit
'hool fun4 Hartlny drw th warrant,
but lniad of turning tha monay nvar
to th achool fund, h aold th warrant
through an Omaha bank to Nutn Toik
Tl,U ia In April, IK. Jiwt before r
ll lng from ottl: In Ih fall of ivi, tha
Kw fork bank "nt lha warrant ba''k
U th Omaha bank fur nollnrilim, llarllry
dp1ld alal inoiiry linlll ha had
cumiilaiad a aum aiifnl'nl to lak tin
th warianl, whhh, with Intarrai,
amnunl'd In inoi than .himI, u, ih'tj
4rw a rhtnk for ilia anminl.
Mr., J, M. Hrlaht,
HTKI.l.A, .Vb,, April I -iMiwrlal
Th brxly hf Mr. J. M M rlahl, wh
4id at hr homa In Wrlla Malurilav
truing, waa taken ftun'lay atlrrnuon lo
lha hum of Mr. Wrlghla alatar, Mra.
Andaraon, In Aulinni, whra fniw-ial and
luirlal arvlra war hld Monday afiar
noon. Mr. Wright waa MUa Kinma
Kara. Nh waa marrlfd lwanlyfva
yar agn In Mr. Wrlahl, who with thro
rhlldran atirvlv. Th i-hilitn
Varn Wilghf, prlnrlpal of th At luiia
war4 aihmil In Auburti; Mkaa MllrtiH
W rlghl, whn iri'tilly rralgnvd aa piltuary
tra'lit' ill Julian, and a ann ahout
ara oltl Mr. Wlht la i"aahlr of lha
I'arinrt' Plata hank nf Htlla
l.amla It, liraaa,
I v , ila l ltnaii, ad II yaara, dixl
iHiiiiitaf vulng at hla hmim itaar TMr,
llith and lvnwiirlh alrrrla II had
hnt a rral'lxnt of Omaha fur Ihltly
,ai ami for a nuan.r of a raiilMir waa
ritiilt)'l by lit t'nlun I'ai'lfiv Ila la
iiithi1 I'Y fuiir rlauahlaia
Mra, I r J, t araar,
Mia I aura J faivrr, atil . )ara,
lliil Hntunlar al a Imal hillal kit
h,1 llvd l 11 lotiglaa atraat fur lha
lai fit ! "! la aiiitlvad hy la
Tim i hi, l mi' it i,mi,la nf n,u
ha h Im- ai"l liU tlir I, ' i .1
ii i ii I i
t ii 1 1 a ii. it1! i i ii 1 1 t
iiiithig t, , k;tn,i In, , mm in tn
ta ill i.' atiiurr i-i i-U tli.i ,tua
ir O.a ki,1,tM at liil in a ln'iir
,. i. Mi,, tut a i,,ii a . t." tithi t tu
Iiiii I .., ilnaai !
In,, ni f r , a a i a I il,.l ai'l, iii.i
tn I', I a, t ii,t ft aiiit in ,u
i ,, ,,,ii an I in) ta ill i no ii in ,, I
tittt In
I nil I lt't .till ! ln 1 l
Kilti'! i Ii ml 4 ,r, n i ir
wyt!i. ,iiiiu,4 al anr itru at t t
giama (lib I i Mia Mtnn at t la I at
lha I in. a I In i .inn a i,,i,
t'lll Kt
tl-l a ftf, ta il i 4 l ar k .i'H
hiiHt4'atir ftuMi tat il na ttma
llllllll If ti'll Wlatt t,M Id lnil l,i
a atwilil n I I 'H nn l l
H ilil A I 't , ii iii ,l -M , In,
i",i .ii! W tiii aiilih I, ,it ait
li.lilii.n k t Inn t, l I
; t
w 1 f i I,
Oiipttch from The Hague S&71 That
Rumori of Embroilment of
Nation Unfounded,
TMK KAOCK, April 1, -(Vlg lin-d'-n,
April 3. fn.lajri-4. -Th A
rodatad rr'aa la utn kulborllav
llvrly Inform! that all ppnihn
gfnng tficardlir lmpnfllni( rin
hrollmnnt nf Holland wllh ny for
'tn powar r wholly unfounded,
but fonldrbli gntlon of th
public pnrglafa In lilljving that th
rpnrl4 nnniln offrnalv by th
III, gtf,poadly pUnn-d at ih
1'grlg fnnfrnf, bold Ih ponalbll
lly of dni(r in Holland' neutral
ity. Piiblli; gnilffy hag hn con
ndrhly ullaynd, hut hut not wholly
J!iippkrwJ, In th ghn of a
arlmnt from th irorarnrTienl. lo up Ih altuaflon. An alarmlnir
lulltln ptihllalid nn Friday wag nol
liauofl t lh Ingtaorn of th govtirn
nint, Th Ilij r,cy of Ih ?!ank of tin
Nfbrlanla wa Ih a'-ann of a amal
Pin for r'l In utrhnnn tnt ppr
pwlally on Ih part of mony rhn n
who hav hn r,nrliaoatva of a mtui't.
of lb panli'ky rondlrlon of fh rty
day of th war, of whl'-h, howvr, thr
I an far no ln4lrilon, Tli AmirIrn
hoijra rfi'ii5 , fllng of nncaaln
Afir a lrop..rry ff,tlonl rrmry It
rloa rlpr4 rtovrniirit hori4g wr
again frrllonlly lowr
Th lul. mlrtllr of foralgn affair,
whari ak4 hy Ih Aori.d f'ra rp whai hla vlaw war on Ih
altiiallon, rpll4: "0,ilmlth! of muji
Thr la nothing in worry about,"
Holland khort of Hbf,
lfollrid rai'a of whl ar pro:
ll'mlly haui4 and Ihn A'lid
l'ra I InforrrtMl on Ih vry high!
aulhorlty lhal fh Korrinint lnlnt
In buy mm i,m, Ani.rh In AAL
Hon lo th normal rnonihly. In orrtrr
lo form th n'l4 trva.
vral ftolrh ahlp hav bn rainlal
llon4 ttnrtor Ihn nw ahlp law fn bring
ltio aiippllr from Amrh. Th rtl.
nprm rrf fh rary la n In Ih
fallur of th Ilollnnd Ain-Hiai) Una and
oiher iihl ionnpnla fn fulfill rom
pllly tir nonlranl In tianaport rWir)
lona of wht and four fn ion of
corn from North an1 ftouth Amarlra,
owing in th Oolay hy war IrH.
MhouM ih rirlflnlt nvrnmnl grant
Ih razi'i-ar that ha Jttaf hn m4 tn
It for lha i.rra of Holland' proaant
lhauffM',t Itnfxirt aupply nf 7,W tona
of rorn rnonihly, then th abor man
llon4 will h c orraaponfllngly
li'ii, A hundred ihnurand Ion nf
corn i ndd vary rnu'h,
r'otton rnftnufa;lurra ar manlfaatlng
unm-aa l.f th lftilalllnnlnf nf rrargo
hy tn govrrimnt may lnirfnr
lh fh ImporUHm of th ndd aup.
pit i,f rw rotion from A marina.
'from a flaff (.'orrpunoiit.t
14Sn,f.y, p.h, J,- IMpn lal Talrgram )
- W, V, fllOi key t DiiihI,. ailll I.. .
eandldat for Ih dumuf-ralln nomlnallon
ror govantoi, moaaag of withdrawal
rar,lng Kairriary of Htal I'oul lata
thla rnlng.
IIAMTIMIH. N! , April l, (Bpaclnl Tal-Hm.)-Th ad., n of lUatlng
ll, ilualna Haturday, tolaM ttg, or
bout tl In rin-...a of lha hnavlrat vol
vr iiollisd, Th normal r-puhllmn ma
jority or about t waa riTiudid,
fampalan Xrara Knd.
KAinnrnr, Nh ap.ii i.-xpiai )
Kalrbury annual niuiilrliuii
drawing l, a roa and an umiaually
arm rigni ta i,ong nngad hftwaan th
"la" atttl "drya'' fur vlrlnrr. Although
Ihl la an off ynar In rlty polltlrg at
falrhury owing In (an mnnhra of tha
,-l,iii,l hoard and Iwn rniinriim.
lrtd at lha ni tint Ih fluht la b.
It, rnttrrntralfit on lha liquor njimloti,
ll yrar Kalrhtiry rcmalnd III Ih
"art ' iiilimii hy aavpiilimu votaa, Talr
bury aa "dry" In Jl and l!tl.
Want Ada never ehlik Ihelr work-they
Mill gi-t reattlla. If anything will.
V Bee PuLnVoi Frep'a.
Hie President of the United States
You, .1 a laxpnycr ami tiu,inf m mrtn,
r intrrmtrd in thf bieT"t lusinpn con
cern in thr worl.l-Tlli: GOVKKI4
Veil aliotilij tlftrui'tl lhal thr ( ..ivrrnmrnl'
uniiifv whhh jwir tticittean, i!irr!i
t v 1 rKKSIUKNT who 11 tl tuiain mrt,
iilmmiatartat wnh lha Mini eroiumtv, tin iciuy
nil ru!li at any othrr tnt-inrwt,
D Yea Want tliialneaa Man fotf fmUWtT
lii a.lvrfturivrnl It hfuig i!ifi)vM in
alt '.U rf Id fnuhtry, ti artnii nllinnt In
favor ihl tmnrmetit
II you at In irmplhv vijth ii, in anil
MiH Oif rtjm fUm it r 11U1U n 4tigatiotv,
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I ! t a , m aw
A 4 It ......,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
( if .. ieta.,k, lU f, i MKl.i.iMiMt.n
buitc 1615, US llinadwej, N w Yoik Cilv
fContlnu'd froi-n Taga On )
mnt of Ooneial f-nl 'lrrra,f''.nfly'
rport4 a defeftlng from 0nrat Car
ran.n by travrlT arriving hr from
f'hlhuhhu f 'lly. Ttt r that thy
'Irr.rral IIrror at lg'tna, om Ihlr'v
flvn mil north of Chihuahua on t;
Man Xinl railway, and t ht h
h4 nridr him a command tltr,atd at
l.fw nun, rt'iit report had fVhrl
Hrrra gattlng out with 1,M men toward
Ih dlafrM In whhh VIII I operating.
I,rtm 0-:lipl lrafl', poaltlnn f
th end of th trail leading raatward
toward fhlhuahiia from th (luerern
dlafrict. It I hllvd hr that If Her
rera, aa nontended hy Mel'n official,
I o-operalln With th Amrlon for-,
h will h hl lo tnit off VIII' rep
In that dlrertlon.
UnrriT. waa an at f.aaina aaveral
day daya ago and If may h that h ha
left, that vicinity lnr.
At tha ni'artrmfra dnnl hr In
day If wa atmurir.ed tlutt equipment of
Ih motor truck iralna operating fie
tweeri ftaliimbug, N, M,, and f'aaa
Orand' had gbnuf been rornplated. Only
n few mor machine r fo M dd".
Tl, motor train have reached fh n'a
ry tf nf fflisncy, It la ld, and
whll tiea nf ih M'xlro North trirn
would h vry advanfageoti II la ru
'oiiKr nieitary,
Vllllala Ar fteiea,
Ouly Ihre of th twn(y-lo Vllliat
"ntly thrown Info th W Jiio Jail
I ,11 remain lhare, Th remainder, In-
"ludlriar thr former general, hav
hn rlj nd ordered nut of town.
I'olon! f'edrn Morale, r.rnlllo Oalvan
and Manuel (', Vuwhn gr Ih one
In rnatody,
0nral fivlr, enrnmandlng lb
Juar garrlaon, today rtal publle a
brief meaeage from Oeneral Ourlarrea,
at (Tilhuahu Vy, a'ailng thai On
aral ravaai gt. (Uirrm had lnformd
him that Ih Villi) tlkd hy in
American Ironn t fluerrern wr badly
broken up, acaflrd and ("ornplelly da
moralld, flni'l Cavacoa added that
Villa wa wotmdid In fh kne, ll gav
no Information regarding th bndlt'
flnow atorm In th Ml' an mountain
ar badly hamparlng Ih telegraph w!rt
running gouth of Juar,
Ta Car a t ord la Ila liar,
Tak fAiatlva ft rom o ijulnln Tahlela,
rriigglat rfun4 mony If It fall id
nut. K, W, Orv'g algnafur on tach
lot 2tc,-Advrllamnt.
(from a Btaff Correepnndenl.)
IJSCOhti, April l.-Hp'lal,)-A
great rtlavovarer, iJeptity Attorney Oen
eral r'tr llnrrelt I entitled t r
eral ihrinioa an1 a liberal aopply of
hero medal and other (Uoh fixing, fie
aide dtacoverlng inveral rafale which
It ha aought to hav do' I red alula
property h ha now dlannvered th real
definition of an narrhlat.
Mr, Iiarrett ha Juat returned from th
northern part of th at at, where h had
neeaaloti to rgii a rata before Judg
Weahiver Involving nm lnlrntlonl
matter, and aay that a man appeared
before lha court aaklng for naturalisa
tion papera and when aakad th queallon
If h w n anarchtat promptly replied
that h wa not.
Judge Weatovwr lhn kd him If he
knew what an ananhlel Waa, and the
man promptly replied that an anaruhlal
waa man who he had mot than one
wlfa at on tlm.
l,ia(Of,N, HKBU.
Rapoblloan Candidate for
Commissioner Public Lands
and Buildings
A latpayar
I n Nehmaka
for 30 year.
t'loanly (don
tlfled with tha
In tare li of
th tt for
30 yr.
Member of
Htal Board of
10 year,
If electad
my polloy In
the dull of
the omc will
,98 Businesj and Zf0 Polhlci",
1 1 t a
rVaataawt al Ik t'ta4
O'rard Cablet That Uaeitinni About
Stmex Have Been Referred to
German Admiralty,
WAftHI.VrJTON, April 3.-Amrl-(gn
Amhauaador Onmrd at UtIID
tabled today that thn 0rrnan aov
ernuinnt hud promlrrd him a prompt
ffply to hU Inrjulry riKafdlriu dn
l ruction of th Rrlilah gtoafnrr Hu
mi and olhe vaanl on whlf h Affrl
dtn wr endangered,
Th Iferlln foreign office, A mrm en, lor
Oernrd tatd, had referred hla Iri'iulty
lo (he fiermn udmlraity. Whll no d"fl
nit llm wa given by Ih Herman offi
cial within whhh a rjori would b
nide, Mr. Oererd aiitlnd h had aur
auea It. would h forthcoming a aoon
a poaelhlo, Th Amrbn ambaaaador
dlepa'fih lndetd that lnetea1 of Walt
In for the Herman ubmrine rmimand
era lo report th admiralty office would
aend out Inipilrlc to Ih a ibmirln heaea,
A number of affidavit-. md hy Amer
ican and olher ieiiKi on Ih iern-r
Kue, to American eonaular aiid dlplo
malln offal In Krance, hav been for
warded from J'arl hy AmbaaJor
Kharp and ar epild at th "tat de
partment, within lb n'l tn day. They
ar adllfionnl lo Ihoa errJ In f.rn
lend from r)u gurvlvnr.
(Ktorri tff ''orreapotidenl ;
MNi 't;lV, April ,-cpcal,-lr, M'
Kim, aeelelMnt ' V'-teilnarlan, ha
returned frnm Chalron, wher h wa
lookifig over ih matter of a crlo4 of
rattle which wr blpp4 ther and gold
a a oiry cow.
Inveailgailon dlacioaed lhat th row
had Men bought t th Omaha io-k
yard a foek rattle, and that lhy had
been ahlped out without having Man
given ttihereulln leal,
Th nwnr of Ih 'lll wa fored to
hv thm tt4 t hi own ipn,
on of Ihem ehowlng to h a r.ctr,
whll th report on other l!a not yt
hen raeelved,
'from Staff Corrpondnt.)
l.N( ff,N, April J MpHl )-tv-rnor
riapr-r of Kn ha mad a r
iitieat. fn Ih anvernor of Nebrk for
Ih return to that iat nf , I). Wat
kin, wanted In llnllnn for obtaining
money under fala prelenara, h,vlng rerv
rearite that h own4 a lrg number
of hog, on wblrh repreaenl atlon It wa
ahi to fh chck,
Walklna la now In Jail at Tawnea City,
bring held by lha hrff of l-awne
The actual mak
ing of Mattresses
and Box Springs
now going on in
At 1513-15 Howard St.
Ho not fall (o ana the
ilriniiiiatrallini t b I
taofk. Coin and ar
Juat liow a Ihr rlprlii?
I lliillt ami every.
Ililnif that go Into It
1514-15 llWaril HI.
Good wtigi'H and full caon'i4
work nniircd.
Thar la ne danger or potalblllty of
Contcrlptlon In Canada.
leferonrna required from all appli
cants. For gpwlal railway rat and
other Information apply to
Viora 4, aa Blilg., Omaha. Mad.
Antliort4 OaaaAlaa OovraaiBt Agent,
Wanted 50,000
Farm Hands
ol experience it once on the firms ol
To rrjiliwp tlif younjr funiior
who hnvc cnlificil for tli war.
fl.AIM Ml. Til.
Klnr TMK MllVKHT 1.IKK aaa
itrgHitlaed In 1 Hi fl , it ta ,ui, Vi
eiarNin 1UI111 aggregating It lit.
fit I. Alt Hi I bene tlitinn have tierii
ili tittiiieillainlv aftfi- roa-pipt ,f
priu.ft of (loath. Ill 11 rial tn pahl
a la Mr, Minnie J. Hiat, t.o
nf ilimiatii Hlaiea, Un illei nn Ihtt
:ih tlav of Kebfuaiy, HlK
,Vf Klale biM'attia a Mir r
iltl THr MIKW r'Hf I.1KH im Ih I9ll
t of Mai ltl Hh ilteiifur hi
11,1 l it p mill 11 nm, eirh fin I 1 1 It,
nr a inial tf lini .ID, III polii'v
(nr ! noil an, lhal aa lh ainntinl
palil hi wtil'ta, Mt hiale. Mi.
hti htlit no itUr itiram
V al I I., lvel.lnl
Cinrantcod Cost lila Insur anca
HICC"Nia rat,tHt im
- I
1 IXglA?
TIkj fasliion (infer
New Spring Suits
Hand Tailored By Men
Conservative, plcas
irig styles, in wool
gabardine, mixtures,
black and white
An Excellent Value
(As Illustrated)
No Alteration Charge
Apparel iScctonn Second Floor
Save Money
Going West
Settlors or
tfvary Tu1y firwi
3H, to iiioln xilnl
North Dakota
fara t V'Anu la Albarta from gl t MM klaTo,
Karry t1; Mardi iV I't April 14
liK'loaltf lo lit In 1 1 polril In:
North Pacific Coaut - - - $315.50
Canadian Northwcut - - $31.15
Montana $27.50
Writ, call or oho for omplt datall aa ia
far ta any yoft I th Wt and north rat,
r. r, itfivourtK.v, c. v. t, a.,
ISM Vamara at,, Omaha,
fhonei Uonglaa jeo.
sM( ft)ifri$) WMi.
"Are You a Chopper?"
Coming to the
Auditorium, April 7, 8 and 9
Of the Highest Class
A Photoplay Beyond Comparison
"01g-aVB e rOM VBaTTCm."
9m I nM unit, IHetfifh Atn. lenturaMi nn
hl!l h'tfiff Not lit 114 (1eHftr4 fit t ligxfti
Mit fnnti (h na-ni ! 'jr. iel M'tt- l -1
Hhtiar e-ri iMtai 1 iil r 4.Mtifilr te llniMimt
XeAAlt' Dtm MiUutt Wm. aDftri,
ut 1.1.1:1 H AM imowx YAK
l,l,l.l. VAMI'lltlilvt-yaiiiii.
Vaudeville wni Tltoto l'Uy
I Dress Trunks
vi t nff.t1" a -1 v f ,
, ,iitml ' "i"i l' t-t
in A ,iia' ' r 'i '!
n..t I .ti'iig'iitiil Hi
la- h at
a i. a u a ,
M ian i at ,
t, tan
I w i.i uut avt j
I Frelmg& Stcinle
0v, a ni a4ga it
I 1803 l-ArnAm
offto MicldleWeJ,
Colonist Faros
Omaha, Manb ii lo Afndl
In 1
Mat. Wed., tat.
upport4 by EDWARD LTXCX
la "OOToaaT"
Prloa a and goo.
Wear" Wai-"Wlitnw Mf arniy."
The Bert of Tandanll.
Calif Matlae. Bvry Might, gill
I ' Tit Bianbtiiur
lUr "
1 'Tmf wiBatt."
(in. r -1 a thn .ii A 1
im a, tir.i i-.,,
1 , ilium a 1 b i,i.
n'ir. i',,,i u V
eti eV I ''', I'M ' 'Mill (') Welv
u if ! ntu 11 1. ' M.ut. Ia , JtM' .',- ,'
NORTH BROS. "A Bachelor's Romance'
Turpln's School of Dancing
l , ntr aiguth 4 Kari am Cla
1:11 u,ir 11111 nn. I'atvat lnani.a
,i'i,a aaaaii (ita,
Where The Omaha Be k
Universal AnimatrJ
Weekly May Be Seen i!
ruisoi TIM nut
t Oil llll'llHNf
IV a f
pivmumi tunr
trN M-tttrit't!