Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1916, Image 12

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If Mr.
Want-Ad Rates
far word, , ttcti iiiMrtloa
paclal Bat l
Farm and Itanch Iiv1,
t per I in each lnrtla
(Count lg word to Ih lln.;
lAMol t Ji'A'i lONrt;
le per word. , , on Mm
lHrs par win d, , . thra concutv time
cbaboi BATimi
la pr Una.,,. nna ttrn
Jo per line, .three conaecutlve tlma
(Count alx word tha lina.)
A total or Ma OB UM
10c par Una each Ineartlon
(Minimum charge IS cent ;
Monthly Mat for gtndlnf ala (no
change of co.y ,,. II 10 per Una
u.'it alx word to the Una.)
Coatraot rata application
TWB f will not ha reeponatnt for
mere than one Incorrect (neartlon of an
advert teemful ordered for mora than
eoa ttrna.
AfiVERTfHrtrtrJ ehnuld retain reerdpta
given by Tha flea In pevrnent for Want
Aila, aa no mlatak can b Met l Had
without Ui am.
tW Tim TFT.rrTTONT! if yon eannot
rnrlnf'r bring or nd In your ad,
Ak for a Want. ad Taker, nd yon will
receive tha aim good arl-a aa when
delivering your 4 at tha riffle,
nrwrj Trr.rn ioo.
WANT-an -vir,fMMfi rr)r,
fTrvwr, rf'Vri'iVM.,,. u ni .
Wonvrwa r;mTioNii.....,,i:n p m.
Antwri (ha quaatlon
"Whr to to tonlht."
mnua. ,,ntiF" wuola.
I"ar, Artlon from tha worij go. B'ir
prtaa aftar atirprlna "Tha M' rnnf a (
ef Mary ri' faatuiinf flna, Mayo
an4 II. H Ualthal,
"I'avallah Hualnaaa." with R ita Millar,
ho la (rtatr than f'haplln,
Hit raalf tit gnnA plcturaa.
Halhrooir iillnn In
"Tha rurardonahla Hln."
A flva art atrlMina 1m t,( Hw Torh
aorlety ami rnrallon,
'um mnmmi:
Tha Thaatar Btutlful,
fVancis X Buhman
In apadaJ faatur ef
"TheHIim Princosg"
an4 a, fool romaijy.
"Itaeauaa Jla Tva4 Har."
"Tha Hurprlaa Iloviaa," ranay. "A
Tamporary Ifuabaml," li.hln cimiady,
"Ih Intrudar, Kalam romfdy.
TDLUVAltdriSd 'iIMfMiortb;
Panlal rrohman praaanla tha Inlml'ahl
Mary rink fori In Ta n'hon tha I'rh k at,
mxrmvr, "'is trtk rma m
Au4rr Munaan, tha moat Uautlfui
woman In tha worM, In 'Inaplratlon," A
ilartn romanra of an artiat a uinilal.
AJao a food rom1y,
"I ) tlia.
umm, 4tirx"Kir"N.
Mlaa Jar.hla Sai.ndra In tha flva a-
Oold Hooatar play, "Tha fihrlna of llap
rTlll"'r' "' hil
oft r"i i El'ST, ; TiriM.
Kjlaoda N. I of "Tha trna Taaa nf
Nfary raia.1' Txlra apaclnl. "War In
tar Features
Thraa ara Hiivlal Kitra Rnrl
Taaturaa now aprarln at tba
folio Ing Thaataiai
KMVril. )TlTTnf i'OVM.Ah
"Tlia Mtranaa C nf Mary rn."
faalurlng lvlna Ma0 and II, It. SSWlt
hall, AfCLU) rXKAVRK'Wuittlf."
"Tia Burpria Ifouaaj." ,
mm (:: Bfirwir jrTi:
"Taa fihrlna nf llapptnaaa "
Ilurf.KV'AltlV uri klKA r..NWt'll Til
'Tanchon. Iha rrl-kt."
nitiKT'. itrii a n tr $ i n n k t :
framla X. flmhtnan In ""Pa Bllm
ortl lilt'M, itTlT ANf Mfc irt
"Tha ft rang Caaa nf Mary lai."
Arv1ir llunaan, ta matt haaullfiil
.,n,n tn lha In ' I nlt ! "
titl!lt'l', Still AM' I.OTIIIl.'V
1 fWauaa II l.v1 liar '
h a r gt r V f T 1 1 mva la) i.
l.tiU. AH .i.,t-'i.i' i-a a' tfi-.t mill
!., I i-hi ..!, it, ii ' a
i.'iitAia tn i i t4i I,. !t tiila III uM
evv"vi4 it. laiMi'i i l t
I U'ltJ? It) vtt ST ,.f f,i,
lli,al .trill. I. .i i. ,-l ..' (
I, (ik Sir in. s i'. nam at
A r...Sll'l'. ..S H.M. l. i !!
IHlll I -.1.1 i- t (.... i ). I w
You Get Real
It Iim rUsjh 1.4-4
pf U nt mnn iir-wU
iM'rtnt it fnrilitif
if tni ami riKK.rtai. xiTimt.
Hotel-;-Mia. Mary, aged .11 yea re.
Kuneial Tungday morning, Alr1l 4, at
f i o dock from tha family reeldenca,
4)1.1 Ho. Ifiih HI,, No. Hiil". to HI. Iirlil
get church at lo a. m. Kurlel at Jloty
Hcpulclier cemetery,
M'lKllLI.L-OIMer P., March" Si, Il4.
Kunernl at i:roaby g hapl, 2T.ll N. 24th
Ht , Tuegrtay, Apill 4, I p. in. interment
meat Lawn cemetery.
WHIT bury your dead In tha cold ground
In eiorrr.y weather wh"ii you ran buy a
lomb In a marble building at reeaonub!
pileg Td MAI HOI,l'.l 'Ml CO , I) ir,i,,
Lumelafer "Monument Work, mauao
leuiiig, all Hii'la inn i k ura Kith A hard a,
IHrih-i:. 3. ani'l l.vnn lion tomW,
;lvnlti l,(,y; KinU hii( a,h Ki-hultK.
Hn'ilh 'I wniily flml, alrl, Alilmi ami
Annn Vitrl:l, 0.11 Mootli Hv-iitii avt
mi, Ixnla and lilovaniiliiia I'lniramxli,
Ilia North HlnloinUi, hoy, Mi ana ari'l
Ann Jnnrirl' h, UlVt Houih Twunty-flfth,
hoy; John ah'i Mriii'll Hmllh, hoilll,
y; John aii'l I. mo a Noi'h n. h'jt Houlli
7tnly llii aypnii", hov, Hliani" oicl
Inii'l Moinan, '1Mi l'oiliton hviiii''.
hoy, I', A. ami Vin Jduikl, ,3l Hlniiiy.
hoy; Waltnr ari'l Klala Cunrault. YH Hoiiih
Kl.v.iiih, hoy; 'hml" I', mill Ao'lliif
HmIHI, itH Houlli Twrnly ninth, nil I,
I.Mtlia -i'Mar lloinon, VI. ' Houlli
Taniy anvanlh; J'otil' k Jirfr,, 1 fiioiiiim,
l North 4variniii; William Uoo.l,
If., JII Mnhllli, 0ora It. iifUWr M,
'I hilly fourth and Kamam; Vl"l Wl'ia,
II ho,lial; Mra. Knthi-rln l'nclovl, Jo,
tilt Hooih Thirty Oilnl, Martha Y, Ooo h
i,, ho;.llal; Murlon M, lll'Ha, V; W
lfc: 3ull llotor, !, Tw-my ai-vrn'h
ami Harrlaoni Marlah , liavla, P. V
livi,i,rt; Joaaph II. Itour.1, n, ISI4
louiaj foi5l fVudar, I inonlha,
nt imimo rriitini.
"John VbII, Ii K, frama rtwlllriaf,
$l,Wi; Mlllan M. Maul. 'f. Houlli Thlny
rilntn, rapnli to ilwolllna, !,, 'I hah,
ThlHy-otahHi anl '1. fruiiia illllii,
l fiii, A, Mrhrt Herlir, f"' NoiHi
iorty.vafitl avatina, fraina flwlllna;,
lilWi; W, J, I'ri.r.on, WW) Jwifnyito,
U yUJX'iU'Iw1.... u . -
"1,ayofowlr.Vii ia" ll-' fia-a war'
tranlMl ttAa,y
Nam arid HaaiAanra, A.
Marrlt It. Whit. HnKIa CraK, Ta n
Anna F'urily, Omaha, .,,
'laorva MarWh, 'iniaha t
K"anl Marty, J)ubujti, la .
lllvonr.l flharra, Tanuaiil,, la ?!
A ii nila llallay, Omaha i
W V'lK Tax a4ll a'radiM It ha,a,
.i lll arif f...r.r II If '..""4 I f aa Iwiim
-inn loii.ailnl.l" f"fil aa l.o"l
aii' afarr oar thiwMrh t t t-Mnwrn
INK l.iw-l'n(ii aba )n,4 l',M artinl'a ara
laurai4 In nwlri( l Ml Ui 'a' law la
a"tf la riifiB Uwai la aad tha of
Ihl'iuati ailvarMaamafit ai.4 rlfalll. an4 last
a faliu'a to i ii. M aau,a uaa M r"'". ''
volva a aavara frwriallf
OMAHA I 'll Neil.' Illj'l'I H HTIIKKT
frraofig, halving Inal aomo artlrla would
do wall to I all lha offli a of tha
filiialia A Ouii'll llluffa Mtri!t Itallway
roiii,aiiy to a' 1 1 lain wlirthar thry laft
It In lha atrit mra.
Many ariu'lca nu ll dy era turned in
and Ilia company I amlooa to raatora
(hrm o tho rlfclitful iiii
lionr 41
IIMT Nli ki-W auto ' hnmr, HmiHiiy
i, in., aoitpo plara hi il part of ll
or on military romj or loin nntili Klii'l
ar pla hotlfy J A M't'liilii, ;hl2
liawfhorna Ave Trl M'alinil K'.lt
j'AHTV who plrkr-d up iini. contulnlmr
I'M and rhaii Hat. afiiunoon In Hipp
llrnti'r, rH Houlli U'U to avoid tronhli
1IHT -Itlai-h l'' ilu IiiiiiIi collar on liim
ijen rar or In -W. ". W. I'ldg., al.out f
o'clock Krldny, I'hnna Wnlnul 'MU.
fi, l ItKWAKM -for r, hiro of Ahih'Hic
heket and Bold chain; lout, in-ai iWth
and liodra to 113 v ' Hr H''i
rnrnllnra and Mom. r hold (ioorla.
Al'llll, r'l.HM TI KI-; ItAK'IAINH
No mailer nhctlmr you im-ioI a lnln
plcca or a complim outfit, your aavlna;
will ha fh on the If you will conault
u a flrat.
MTATB lc;tVITi;HM ').,
( or Hlh and lcla HI.
OMAliA" I'U.MlW C'D.-Kcll " ami "hair
nmitrraara iiindn nynr In now th'ka at
half lha prha of n omia I'houa na
for aaiitpln of Ikklna. Mali ordora (Iliad.
IHd Cuming Ht. Iinnglaa 2P.I
rmiSiifi.Ktfi haixalna; lii'da, Jl: lalilaa",
rhalia, ruga uaa tvra, M h"ddna of
all klnda Wb N, Hlh W'ahalar lad
" I'laaoa aud Mualrnl laitrainanli,
t'lANOH Kilt ItKNT.
flood makea, good condllloii, 13 il iwr
inonttr naw pliuioa, It no par month.
A. 1 1 OH I'M CO.. IMH If' I'oiiglna'Ht
"" llnra n4 lltllna I'lilnr'a,
I"lh H. aafca, 'a ttlra. ahotveaaca, ahnlv
lug, rlc We huy, acll, (iiiuiliit Muluia A
Hiniply Co., 411 14 II H. Ii!th. lumg. t. .4
ihafc and all naaa.J Mrodkry, I4C lloiig
Trpvwrltpca and uppllra,
K'KW' maohlnca aoid th aama aa runt,
i per liionlh. Hett ua yon buy or
rent. Whipped any place on ten (!'
frea trial, llulla Tjpcwiller Mchanga.
HUH Hlh, Omaha, Nell,
ttKM I M1TONH." Monaiclia and Hmllh
I'lemlcia for rent, anil anywheia, l(-m
Irmton Tyiewrllari 'ompnny, 1 1. l.'t
liMI.IANl'K Itlhhon and Carhuli Co.,
vperller and office anppllea, wholn
aala and retail t Mtl. 11. Ill llnwanl HI.
illlil.AMi '' UlillloN A CAKIIOV CO
Offica aupplica. imuglaa iilii' J'J lina
TVI'ICWKITKIIH aniil."" rallied re.lreil.
Central Tipewrlier Kc Van Vaniaiti
flKN'T airollver typewilier J im) for H
uler Tywfller Aaency, Iffel Katnani.
Jaerelrr, lllaHionga, Wulchea.
illli.riAAItl'H ' lucky wedillng rlliga"
at mill and limiglaa Hia
ll,tn," Knra,
WViTiuy an. I ai'll tailor niada aoTia' and
oveicoata Krleilmmi, Ull Oouglaa Ht,
algl Maraiar,
ftowiujf Miu-liiiios
Wa rant, repair, aell neadtea and pari a
nf all aawlng maOiltica
Mk Kl I. H
MiiRAMia t vct.n ro.,
lnlh and llatney Hla Pong IM
HIIHarA aa 1'iiai Tahlaa.
f"ftl HAl k"'ew ami aecnid Viand arum
and p... k.-l hlillnid tal.lea and howling
flli-x and aceiirlca, aind for cadi
,',, eaay i.aiioalita The Hr inau
taiaal'iillriider Co, T 4 H 1"IH HI.
Machinery and I !".
Vl.'W c'"iiid hml iiiulma, ilynamoa,
l''." iiiaannlia I lllcll Vl. till)
Viirka ' a! -h HI
Vlll at). I iine MII I' tlalnn lillie. a
ln.aio" aw Hi hlai ac t at..ra 11
iail. all in aoid mm. .!.. a a
laiaaln and an It I' Alamn hiiim
and iiiiiii.i, nearly n M"'ui M.n
l.m I'na'a la
l-tlalleia a4 lilllca vltea.
trsTHti. I 1 1 1 1 1 Co l nl ill AaiM
aiMll aad,
" HA?cM, .MI, M ll'l HV
J t l't, i'i".tifi . a. of
Iraa. -n ai I ioaa !
II ' m l !' t :n it mi I I' ..n
' a S 1 1 i a i i t I I i.. ..
I . .,- . u . . i i
4 lac ItaaeHwa
I V it t V up i iii',i i.n a i" I ci.'i.i
I i.o.M.'.a .lv.l i. "H.xiiii.a y taM,c
j ii,l ...d i.,c 0. i l.r ,.
1 ,. it a Yi .. t ;'. I ' H i n ,
ii t.trt if foil of OiU I'npor t.
ihm! tit'air', m1, wliirvi r
'it in'nni Hi m ni'iv
Phono Tylor 1000 uiul Put
MY 'digit "aTaiidard of ij.ialil v ' wilf lia"
maliiinlned; 4 ipinrta or Old Koiitenalla
whiakv, 1' . I.oitlcd In bond. Il'-nry
folio. ' io'mI order houaa. louig. 71112;
U'2-U't S. I.'.IH Hi,
alicx" ji;tti;h OQCoiniOTse;
Thirteenth and fwlglaa.
riotfled In bond wnlaky, fi.
full tua t.
Vry, rlaan kindling wood by tha"!'. ay!,
delivered to all purl of iha city, I'oug
laa 17M.
J ) KSKH, " I )i;SK W IWKiftT
New dcaka, ned deaka. bought, aold
and tiiidnd, J. ', llecd, YMI JTarnain.
yi , u '( ' 1 1 N T V Tl t''A HI l. It
JlKOI -k '( A A T O'S "' I'.'uc'k y WWIiIg
Hlnga" at lh and fioiiglug Htg,
rAH'l l'K Hhee-l Metal ' llofl lftth"Rr"
r;XKJt'"'iHK AT Y M ''.A .-MuaiiiaaajfianT
'l.aidlea 'lallorlii.
Ifl'lJI rlaaa ladlea" tailonng. It. Flachar,
Klomar Motel III. la . 204 H. 17th. Tylar W.
(arpenlere and I nnlrai lura,
laaard Hon lira) Capitol Ave, T. Hit
I'p'g.,, gcrena. Wah. 177. Tom
(!. W, llokanaon, VA Jnwlh. Tyl. 2IW-J
f'amenfliiK and I'laaterlng Call Ttad T'f
f. II. Koya, t III lalol. i'liyV.ali.,'-
Aeenrdlon, Mid. Knlfo, Ho Plaatlng,
(lor, Hultona, Hematllchlng. Noll, I'laat
1ig A linden Co 431 i l'tort Ink, Jt 4M,
fjowna, Mnlta and Wapa,
M Ho Str.tla HI ' all lur. WM
ANVA HI.ATKlt, ilreaamakerj jadlea' afili
a. .Ha a et" tally, eouth w 4a S 'i'u.
ft, I lll'H lireaaiuakhiK a'fiol; gill,
dreaaea, etc 'l.M California lioog W'l.
fircnain'k'nr at home T W' 1l Ho, 17lh,
I'IKHT.c.A ""4 drcaamakln,, " lt", WrV;.
Kcleier'a Jreaamakli.g Col. -Miy Nat
Tarry luaaamak'g 'olini, A farnaia
WOI'.K guaranleed" I dono WallHiM'i4.
Minor llepalra.
CAl(lt,f, n-KC:, CO , Ilea Hldy. D, Wl
lonerele ontraeliira,
fKMfcNT walka and drlvawgyg. ,0, Wl.
To aa el gappllea.
OMAHA Tnaal Hupldy, W H. lllh,I). Ill
HuOona a4 I'lratlwat"
" n c Van' aIiam,
fueaa I'lcatlng and Mutton Co.
f'hona Ooiglaa gl'Hl iKa-T j-anfon Mk.
Noithenat Conef imh and rariiam Hta.
A'Tiirdloit, knife, aid',', apai'i, hog and
goh ray pleating.
Comhlnniloit hoa and (Ida pleat aklrt
In all laical lalgn. , , ,
llemaiih liliig, nlcot edglnr, pinking,
fuelling end Imllona mada tn order.
Mali ordcia given prompt and apeclal
attention. All avoik guaranlaar,
llaf rdreealng.
Hair f'arlora 207
Palrd llldg
ManP inIng, g'alii, facial and violet rav
Ircatincnia, Tolht arllclea. I'hnna J),
H,i for aplioliilnieiita
Ktarrlltlng) for .,,.
ACCOIiOloN, aide, knife, gunburaf, bog
plcallng, coveied hultona. all ala ai4
atylca, luinalllcliliig, phot inlglng, em
lool.lcry, heading, hialdliiM, cording,
eyelet ui woik hiiltoliholoa, pnniianta,
2m looiKl.ia Klock. Iioiighia IKitl
A I 'V MlT'eK your nioperty na Ihonali
yoii l.cileved Ha aale or rental to he
irnpoiianl. h' keeping It lia'ed In lha
,lg Hooae, Moni'i mid I'.eul Ijiiata
Onlde TIM'; ItK.K,
4 1'coiiiilaula
C. P. A.
4,fll4.17 Hatnga t'ldg, Tel, IJouglaa TH
A krl' NHI'lK'IKH, Council lllufa, la.
Tel Uliek ll; Aiullllna, Accuunlliig,
Incorpoiallona, Inveatlgallon.
I Irnncra and Ugcra.
8TATK I'ry Clng. .o l N. Uth. D. Wll
- Hm fH-
Ml Hk",NIA Hitlphur, Hteam. Modern
'J'uiklah, Meet i In HATIM and MA a).
HAilK for tired nervea and rhaumatlatn.
I'rlvaia apartment for ladlea with lad
altemlaiita IW Karnain. ii. J'
Clialiimea, TllKATItlfAIy aowna, full dreaa aulla, for
fanl. a N. 17th Ht John Feldman.
I'laao loalrueilon.
Ragtime piano idaylng guiiraiiiaad In II
19 w leaaona I'rnf. Haytiea for Original
,ateui. mUi llnincy, I )ouglaaf.Mi4.
ItMgllinii piano Plajlng poalllvcly'laiight
In W leaaona l.'li fuming, Wal, jHiV.
hlropcaclora, apliial Adjoalmeala.
I'll, 1111111011., 414 lloae iililg. . W47.
I'almer Hchool Kiad Conaullallon fraa
lira lllllln.haiii, U freight.. n Hk. I'. 7Tj
I)r. II, larael 10 Iliap. The lllilg I' MM.
fir, J. C!,J.aren,e, I I'.alid Hldg Ih Mill.
rtyKCTItK"' lioiiaa rleanlna, our work and
pi P a will plcea.i you, 11 ua ratnova
your aioim wlmlowa an I put In yuur
acieeiia, Trier Ml J.
I'HII WIM'K I.Kit, r;t lawy Ava . Ky-
deuce aecun-d In every ca Mar. fiTca,
JAMM Aid. A.N, 813 Nevllla" F,v.
ih-nce ... inc.) In all caeca, Tyler 111
l.ANO Nal'l I'clecllva Agcy , inc., .2 Hoe
Ulila. T)ler law. Mrh'lly confldentlul,
Jualleea nf the I'eaca.
II II CI.AIIIUU.m;, bli I'aalon Ilia ; llad
?d Notary public; dcpoaltlon atenu.
C. W, litlU, il'il Hatker lilock
I filriiiiMllaia,
Carrla J, ISuroid, .D I'aa Mk. find 4M7.
IiOl ,,AS IVintliiH Co, Ti l, lioiiglaa 44.
Vacuum ( leanere.
CI, KAN ji Ifivl.V ami TllUlloltOllt.t
WITH Ki'LII'HH i:i.i;i"l IIU'; IlKNT U
AMI II I'li ll I'AV li'H'Hl.AS 17-54.
41 a I ii r-a and W lrl.
mil? IvT I V hilaciilu waahing machlnea,
' ,v,x ' i h i tilu lrna and remllng
lainpa. W3 t.'iimlng Ht I long l.
I'alnlliiaj and 1'iiperlna.
1'AINTINtl, paper hanging; new aam
plaa I'.iweia chalif fl ( I 'J N Ii'th.
l unaha 1'neie i . Tn I n Ii I nmglaa
If. MAItt't H, tailor and cleaner, praaalng
and 1. 1. lncg Mo S lath Hi. 1' r.e.l
I klmaeg an4 I arnaca I leaalag.
Wma guaiaulee.l toi iivnian Ii f'.'W
CAKF'Jt, paatrv and fancy bakery g.inda,
anpi'lla.l to parllen Imtgca and etileiiaiii.
mriiia 7. II Heeler If. ( N lih W. snl.
I (irnncra anil Tlnwure,
MA Ht lift I in 4- : Hamliioii, ah Wft
Wateh gaerlallala,
'hrtattanacii, .M il , raium Pa , II yr tip
Adterllalaa Smelllea.
M r HHa'ei a i . , I. Hi rinam P U i
t' T I'tiMnaon tcl I'anlin I'lk, D I.
it llradhtirv Nnjalii H W iW llldg
llaaclag 4eadeiulea.
Halewpalh 'b talelaaa.
MP it J It. Ml Hh K, II lt..aa I'ldf
I'artlt a4 Wla rai,
miM fa ti'ty to ' I'h. n lied I 1
lall.'ia' liUwImi.
(iM.i-.a T in a C' , '' a- a t'i 'V
Ian era.
II iVi'ia l Ii. N hca ! Vt
Wed.tlaa llallMMary.
t.l4ing m.....!. l'..-i't I'H t'a
I liwliata-
t', ''.., I,' .t !'- p: Ig Hel 111
! Hraaa aal ! Iaa4i tea.
t'att. tt iiu,. it V, ih a"d llaii ia
ktp ahfiht
-iti' to
1 I4A VI- I ... i pool tubi' 111 very gooT
coiKilipoi . harilng new cloth on topa
ami coat of poliah -that ( will trado
for a ,vi'xl cooking ranga and tlmng
table, (rtnat ! In On.iha or Coumi
Itluffa. 1'aitha trading ir tha lahlea
will l,i required lo amp ana to them
evea from forty mlha raai ef Omsha,
If your properly la not pMiited In una
ef lha two i ltlea plena do not anaer.
Addreaa H, C. 1I4H,
OAMOI.INK Van'gH,' flrefeaa coeaer, Kill
aon ilrapbophonn and IW recorda. 7
diawer aewlng uiai'lilng. drop head:
piano, mat li0 when ney; all above In
good condllloii Will emhiinga for
horaea or an automobile, or what
have yen? Addieaa H, C. IIIil, Hee,
I'lNK Kdlnori Home phonograph, playing
doth ' end 4 rnlnnle rycoida, large Hlg
rul Home, all in firal-claaa alia pa. Want
rimdlnm-aUc'i h,e bog and Wl ft. of lawn
fern log, or Addreaa H. C, D C,
COOO roil top ilcak and chair, worth
O'oewrller and at a rid, 114; larga
hanging algn, !', good kltchiui range,
110. 'irada all or any article for what
have vou, Addreaa H C, IM. lira,
rX''HA.V'lir gaa langa for oak aifvlng
labia or bird aya mupla "hlffanlar;
alao !-dlc' ault hnd chllr'a clothlr.g
and ahoea for i hlckcna, Addreag H, t-.
Kit. Il-e,
C'O M f f , K T I if I a " H a I "g ii I cm pa wlreleaa
aendlng and receiving out fit, with gaa
englna and geneiatnr lo opctala et,
Want iiacd (nolon ycle. Addreaa 8. C,
1110. (tea,
IIAVK aet of tweiity-aeveii fill aliaep
akln covered Kney' l'iiiedla Itrliniiiilca to
Irada for inachuilat a or hla' kainlth'a
feela Addreaa M C 11,14, Ilea.
WIHCO.VHIN I'eerliaa refrigerator, ia
paclty ii) poumla; almogt new, coal 112,
will trade for gomattiing of r.'p.ial valua.
Addreaa H, C. 111?. Ilea.
liVK aeveigl good cheap antoa lo gwap
from ;", 'ill up, all In good running
order, What ha,v you' Addreaa H,
1 IM. Ilea.
VIIAf liava "you "to'lrada" f'ir 'aaddla,
I'ddla and blanket? Adorraa ft. C li::7,
IIAVK an ICaalinan Kodak In flrat riaaa
ahape; lo i.ri.i nyiegg Incubator. What
arn I offcreil for both, or either, or
what hava you? Addieag M, C, io, flea
W'lf.I', awiip cdhken appllamea or fnrnl
lura for an Iron Aga or Hand Junior
hand garden plow: no ether inaka con
aldeied, H, f. 1I4, Ilea,
If A VIC" io-heraa" puwar "doulirg'ec'canTrhi
Htanley gleam angina; will trade for
anything ef eoual valua, Addreaa g). C,
lla. Mae,
'A iihiUh m AclTiSr. "wliT" t raja" for an
lomolilla, bookcaaa, plclurag, i.fflca fur
nil tira, ilhtaphena, or what hava you.
Addreaa H. CIOM lira,
T,rHAUK7iir "aiilo, repair aTiop
fool a; leaaa on 4 room houaa and gliop
for f1veyeara. Tal, 'ol , "7.
TrTX TiM-'A" waior tnotor waahTiTg ma
nblna for Inetthalor or anything of nal
value. Addreaa ft 11. 175, Kea.
&"m I'm iTati vf:fr"iiw t,m finCpitoT
holler; will trade for a cabinet vlctrola,
Addreaa H. I' . Jjlfl, Ilea.
rA..i'TI' Af.LV iraw Monarch'ol, to
frada for gmallar gulomohlla. Addreaa
H JH4. (tee.
WII,I( trada" Anilnater rug, 0I2, for
buagy or light, wagon; or a hut hava
you V Ad lreaa H C, 1141, Ilea.
'jtKMIV'IToN typewriter No. 2,""wllI"tr'J!a
for diamond or phonograi h, Addreag H.
i, Id
jlAVK larga oak aldeFioard to Irarla for
roll loii ifeak, or what hava you 7 Ad
dreaa H C, ll, Mee.
(IK CAOKT ault for a good alfda trom-
noiiii, iii4i te in goon conninon, aniit vu
H. I.?. 1147, lice,
I iOl ' 1 1 1,H Ii A K H K I, hi eccinua ding ahet
gun to trade; make, offer, Addreaa H
C, 1140, Mc,
i'P ta lime lo pulnt Ihatl.uuaa. What hava
you lo trade for Wi callnna houaa pnlnt'.'
Addreea H C. 7, Kea,
I ft WAP, buy and a-ll k..daa: fl'ini
daveloueij tr; KArM HTt'l'IO, Na
vllie ink., I'ii and Hinney ,"'a
I lIAVlii an encellent mfi'tor boal. What
am I ofrered? Or want light chail.
Addfag H, ('. Hid, Ilea.
ilAVW henvv built new printar'a Trand
cart to a m n p for lighter una. Addreaa
f4 C, lll.-i, Itee
V.ZiT'l'tY In coiiiitry atora' building, "waut
aulo. Carhale. m lal Nat. I if llldg,
WIf,I" eKchanga flrat claga I'oncrrta
work for auto repalra. H, I',, k7l,
M K'HI incubator lo aarap for thlckeni.
Addreag H, 'L1I4a, Ilea,
HfiA't luaikarfor proparfy, ?T ?f,I4e7
CM frf. and rooming houaa for gala, douhla
room cafa-dltilng room and counter, Ita
modeleil four inotitha ago, everything In
flral.clnaa ahnpe, .'giureg, llghla and
furnllriia ara all good, Meal afo In
atata eicept aema of tha hotel cafea,
flood lepulallon, heat clnaa of Irada hi
i'IIv. (Juarantee io-lnialiieaa, and over
dally. Over ll.ism gloek now en band.
Hem, geventy i,0i monthly. Itooiulng
houaa of ten (Im rooma oppoalte rafn,
Moilcin egcept ban I. (lood fitrnltura
and llghla and everything O. K. limit
IrTenly dollaig (tan monthly. Oppor
tunity for a llvg man. Itenaon for gell
ing ta gh'kneaa, Addreag V Wi. Hen,
"WK want ainn of ability and
food refcrenceg who can Inveal. in a rirat claaa and elnli
llahe, hiialneaa carrying good
aecurlllea. We will pay a man
who can fulfill tbcae reipilra
menla a aalaiy of fl,) per
jear on Ihreo ymirg' contract,
increaaliif Ida anlary accord
Ingly aa ha firmlucra reaulla
opiuilng for man aa brunch
manager In timeha, Hciiver,
1ea Molnea and Kanana City.
Aildreaa V Htu, lice
V'Oll HA I. K -Hteam vulcmilger huatueaa,
Tin oe acct Ion llllriina vulcanlm r, Mil
lar tuba I'lula. All loolg. Only xt.-iun
vulcanUer In lu iilaim, county ai lit
town, O.mio population, l ine trade; reii
aon for gelling, oiher hualneaa Hacrlfice
for ipilck gale. Addreaa Inrilaoii Auto
Tlra ltenilr Co., Iienlaou, la,
i'lill I'Mnur, feed and coal hual
neaa, eatahllahed If ycara; only one lit
town, located tit Nehraaka a heal coiiutt;
a lau 7-room honae and a lota, office,
uarcluiiiac and wagon ecale, ;'m1 liiirt
HI lied tki;'
M.ArKHMI'l'll will Irede r gell hualnea i
ai a bargain If taken ip P k Am off, -icd
another hualneaa pi..p...lit 'n and tip a
do tmaluea Ht once, Him Hit Halal oi,
M.ACKFMITH - IUg opiioriiinli v t"r a. it I
I ia. kfi.iHli to buy or trn la I i r o ..
hualneaa III live town Wrlia or phone
Itiilaiou Hliita Mank, ltalatnn, Vel.
I ill I i I aline iiihii Hauled In put iliug
etiitn In new hi h k building No drug
at.ira i loger than a mile licit! rrmnti.
el.le. I Ilia opportunliy. Kiattk Kot'lcla,
toll I, Ht . Ho uth Hide t'hona Houlli f.ui
l)IS'ii t'htuia I lunula real hai galna,
liiaihhtea. tepatra, aupplleg, a craanllea.
Haw and aec uid hen I He ua
Valid Ml.1 finite 4H
j'HU HVl.K Mill gi ll cheap If taken at
kio a, Hue ).. hall alley a and l att er
t.iialr In iN.iinei th it. all flial claaa mil
fit It H Mki'l.-en Weeping Water,
roil HAl.K liifaina' .hldien. and la
il'. a (oitiiai.liiBa alora at Oavol t'H,
Sate, at a tbAtn, I at l.u'alt iit ta
lutait d ung ait evel'iutl a tthu-aa, want
1.1 It'll.. ' N .C. I'avid V Ii N.'.-
cit HAI. I I ". gi... a of .In g.....l. It
I ill, a and 1 . n a al.naa
! !. I u. tl. CI. Hal S.-l.iaaag
ui of I 4.. f ulnar paHniiiai
a Id . T CI I a
' IvK I wl i',.l i- il i Ci.a'i ha .
. . .., it i... i a II,. t al. kg I all
i.r flint in I a MM'e I 0 tmi.a
ff M I
oi, p: tl.i -l h.4"t ail.
a lo fi. " I. . i
la '"i e II v in 1 '
wi taial'ilaur l a'u-a
a i ,ti. r .,,.
l, M. ,. 1
ft 'it ml I
r n gi-t k
to. a loca'l it n i i-( t
IIi.ih lacat ! I iia, .1,1 ff
V Ii, .,:.. d Hp. kana, t aart
- Ad Service From THE BEE
Th Hfw'i Wntit AJ .Hfwtliin. i jrrrnt ywlMi tevtW lnti
tut Un Out "worki ftr vryWily--tinf mmI littU rioh mm,
Hor- it Ifnrfiti niQit l viUlU tn nil ith jrf.i't frtrt,m.
ivn Ad in Now
FOR HAI.'K-iloiKi, el' gn atocit" nf Tla'rd
wara; llva town central Xnbraaka.
Good reaaon for gelling. Ua quick. Ad'
dreg. V .',. Me
Ff Tt HA t.K-Iiunn;n f4,f gr..ry"gto. g
and flutur'g; would taa auto or vacant
h ta aa part puymant, Addreaa H Mi,
THKATKHH liiiyrieAga or aall your ' the
ater, macnlne and guppllra thro'ivli
1 healer M. Co, Ifel Karnatnl'. 1:7
WII,I,IAMr(. ealabllahed '.'St eara"f oloiy'
or gell boaiucaa gea him. 411 M'l'ago'i
llldg. Ileleien.e I', H Nat, Hank.
New and rebuilt bargain, guppllf.
Omaha film Kcl ane V H 14'b HI,
TO" H.klI, or buy a In'ialpeaa call on
Huach A Horghoff. Frct-J- Mlk, U . 7flM
BAI.OON Hood haying bualnagg In a good
wet town Wrlto or rail H. H. ,Vei,ei,g,
f'leree. fVeh
TO OKT In or aut of buaiiiiga rail "on
OAV'IKHTAD. 4-7 Hee Hid. Onug 477
(,i(iU pa roula and wagon at a bargain.
Addreaa fm No. 1i h.
FOH HAI V, Orn crlea nd fltri"lai
N Hi., Houth Omaha,
lleiiuilna lloneaa,
yok HAl.M --room, iip-lo-dat rooming
houaa; Juat the plana for widow or
young rniiple. Am leaving illy, Will
aell at aacrlfice, J 1K, Keg,
WFBKLT I1ATK, lVi f'Kfl l-I.VK.
day work or hualneaa adg regular raleg.
I llnea no week,,.,,,,,,,,.,, ,,.Wai
I llnea na week ,..4.j
ra'h antra Una IUj par waek.
WA'Mf KT)'joli a book keep r er aTgaial
ant In goma rmuitiy hank; I yeara' eg.
peilenca In bgtikg and (1 yeaia' aa deputy
county Ireaauier; gond referemea. An
ton vyolff, Weat I'olnf, Nell.
YOt'N'l man wanig pogition In automo
bile buallicee. Ha , had 4 yeaia eaperl
erua In tMg line a repair man and
chauffeur Can furnlah tha beat of lef
areiicag. Call I mug 7..tZ
BITITATJON wanted by farm Implement,
vehicle, pump and wind mill ealegmaii,
II yearg' aaperlenca. Call or writ
lloom 12). Millard hotel, Omaha.
"VOI N'I man wdli eijieflero aa a clerk
would Ilka i,fHim work; o!hr work con.
aldeied; email aalary to etgrt. K 1"4,
yOCN'T men or woman who want good
noaltlone gl.nuld advirtlae In Tha Ilea,
It la Ih paper big hualneaa man read,
bnnkere, broker, retail anil wholgggle
TJlCK.N'HKO rliaiiffeur and m hanir
wlalieg poglllon driving or repairing; I
ettra' e parlance. Addreg K 007, lie
A wefifhninii or (uaid, tinrmy man,
ag m; temperate nanit. m i" nea
MARniKI) tnan, on who ran do all
repairing, U'!li a carp-miar worn,
maaonry, imlollng, itr, Hava tool, Hl
yaar with enn cum em Kurnlah bat
ef reference, Would Ilka to work for
real eatata company. Hlgt wage, Wli
Av fl, Council Hluffg
"W AN TKIi - I'oaltlofi a a 'ieikngny lln
nf rndae, alore; hava om agperlen'.
Addreaa V 2f., Ie.
T.Sc t'KfiiVMi'Y.M young iVgrlier wiafie "In
work In Omaha nr near Omaha 714 H,
17th Av. Ml. one Houg 4112.
gf leerllauenne.
VkTCMV.HlT H heii you wanfTielp"
nr call Kmplre Labor Agency, 20) H,
In. I'lviia iong,ii,
IMiOi: Ci.KANINU, wlnd"ow cleaning,
rug dealing, flrat claaa city rrf. Web,
Wanted - Houge7.eanlngrlao wall paper
cleaning ', Mrunner, n, Htm, Ty. zr,t W,
HAI'I.IN'i eahea ndruhblali " vV'eb. UM.
l'dl'N'i lady nanta poaltlnn a Tumaa
keeper. atata aagea whan ngweilng.
Will com guy time, Can furnlah heat
ef reference. Addreg Mlaa Cora
Huahy 1202 H. Dycamor Ht,, Coffey.
Vll'a, Kf II.
WANTKH "fe-TaltTiin governeaa" after
June I, Have had Inelrucllon In piano
and voice, alao two year egperlanc
aa teacher, dial terina, Addreg V
HM. He
THK HKK c'hafga""for ''jalHlarlnn d'
la lower than any other form of adver-llalng-not
enough lo rover coat of
A" middle adwidowwlhea poaillon
C cook In mall holal or a hnuae
eeper for regiieclabla prrion. Addreg
Hog l74,Wmnlliln, I.
LAI)V, 3llyear old, wlne"polflon"g
hougekaeper; will ppreclale a good
dome mora than wage. "A," car Ilea,
Council Uluff,
yf)tINiifdy' tnograplierri yaaf'"e
peilenc. delre noaltlon. Can alio keep
booka, Walnut 27M
W A NTKI) - f 'nail Ion fioukeeper by
middle aged widow lady, no objection
lo farm, Addreaa Y Wl, llee,
SCAT colored girl want poaillon a
chamhermald, nay work, or wlt-
rea. Harney XOii.
A NK.AT reliable eoforrK, "woman want
a iltuatlon rook for bachelor.
Imuglaa K4I2.
COOiliKl) wiiinaiTwanla work in kitchen
hotel nr honrdlng houaa. Imuglag MM.
OIRfTempinyeil In ffoctnrVofflc wiahe
extra work, ('all liouglgg
I'HACTK'Al, nurga wani position, Web.
aler din.
t.AfiT atenoajrapher want po'altloh. ( ol
f MJt
Laanarrr aa Pay "War.
HMAI.j, bundle waahluga liy tha pice or
down, by cnloreil laundreaa, very re,
aonahle. Call Tyler 1U.4-J In the morn
ing. .
II ANIi "laundry at l2l NT 24lh Ht. want
email bundle waahing: lace curtalua
done with care Call W'etc 2fl
HKI.I A MI.K coloreit woman ttanla lauu
drv waahing, tiny work, cleaning, Tyler
l;XMhltlKNf I'd' "laundregg' A man' a
gl.hlg. I'ar, ST. 12.
FAMILY wiiaiilng, bundla waahing, Wb,
MI.ANkKTH or "bundla" waglilng"" I 1741
Cleimlng, Inumliy and day workl'. 7i
l aunilicaa. duv work, A Jackaun, W, IW7,
Claiinhik, lai'iidty and day work. I). 74
Woman want gleadv aaah I la. 'eg Ho
IU' N I l . aaahlng a Hilled W eh. inf.;
I.Af'NI'ilY1 and rtav orli ' W'el.glei .'.u'll
I'la. nutar, Tyler akJ-W, 1711 Hurl
I.ACVIHIV am' d "' "lk Well tial
JUl'Nl'HT, leaning, day work. W. ','M.
llaree and lllfleaa,
K S hr h ATONi'l- nihkr. grain,
fr,',. huokkeepai. :, office mgr.. inv ,
i trn, giiliping ulerk. Inv. ll.S'i. liiit,
n laitgiaphvr and gtn. lAi aut"
aaleainaii I A and colli Ma hava man)
tin. i Call, phone nr write S'l III.
I VI fl.r, only M cenl f.n luoklng p
no: m aiin 4Hin'Ast,
!.l W II S, Mid
ftt A I'l.lNil aaleainaii, alaple Ilea .t,
tFavalicg gal. aitiait. I,""'M atw'lalilaa
I V I l' i aahit'1 and Mal l , I"-' VI Mm
no.; Mkct lv. Hiatiit and aaa I I il.'t' t
n. a' l- .! than. f ! Iv ale eineiil
VV,..ii.i h. '.iau a a Itticl Aaa n , la
i '. laiuatot of lha Ml i-i,.-e Mualtiegg
1 ; ioioiIi S .u, i,l Ivgng l i'lill, a
tup ii oi i' ji n.; H.'l.i it
V rind a 'U. a rug ;
imi.(iIUii: to Y rii
!. I 14 i I t V Mf M tVK Ml I'll
1HIVV M 'li i imoiiil Hi god at
a len, tv giatiii atatci, e
ttgll lift V.. l tiii( I it
- Kosults Arc
I'mf eaalayaa a ad
I rndea.
VAl.'l I I I ' nfpblnathin tinner am!
pliiiol.i-r; ati-ady ,ou for rlgtit party, At,
li. y,wi hy, l ' i b fl' y. Neb,
WMN1 1'.U -'" imui wori'.uien at onca on
marble nd granite air tool; eight
froura. Ad irf.a II. C. r.uilln, Mlaaourl
V'llv, Town.
Tife.NTII '1' - Kprlnr.eI bridg ami plat
lean, a.ilarv I.', ( r we'-k. Wrlia or wire
Ctilon K-ntlala, )', Kt l'-th, Kn
city, Mo
Af.Ir-AM'il'NiJ aliio" repair" maii"w!tu"
o c: or wnla, . Oarage,
lorn, ,S. li.
f irug alore anap. jol.g. knalal, Mce llldg,
aali licit nml 'iillc lora
WAN'S l'h (Uglily ri come i ii'!cd, dd-
iii'i l i n an lo rcpicainl g hug form con. (.any Mi , luimkn and Weal
ecu ot a 'Vol iiccc.pi, r lo open an
Oeiohn office hut In' he In poaillon
to aiii.n::,' V f.iiei Irn'lora lo dealceg
It, me t, ri'' 'r I o rliht man will
be backed wpli plenty of good farm
P'iMr ,.(! , i.a. " reference,
l,,,t 'ito,in(i. ilc Addrcfg V, 0I, Hee.
fcX MIJifKN' I I' I".i.j. aalcgmaii wanted
1 for iov,, ,,cl,raMi. , or Hoiuri Owkoi
tnrllory; galnry nn'l cooirnlaapiu AI'pv
In ii n wfltln, fcl-oig age, eupcrlcioe
and gyeigge v,,,ui,, for peat llnea
yai, Hp.r-inlid 'peiiliir for legl aalcg
man Aol.U lo V ''.;' Hee
Haliem, er i.n.1 aolldloca,
VV A.V'll- ii A n'0 to repreaelil lb H'ed
eial log, I,, it Lincoln, N"ii , an up
l'i''l" rnPipftnV. aiillng the llileat
j '"I'D ami g,-i , ui poll, lea eaperlenc
I" I l.f"int; we leach you the huap
r.ei.g, refer, ,i ca reiprlie'I, U rile Ira
l: AlMrtg'.ii, Hec y and Oeit Mgr , Wll
l''t,on Mci'tlm, Lincoln, Neb
tAl.MWi Ef- fur Nehraaka and Iowa,' to
handle the fealet aclllng patent en
the market, (f t"u can emu wi to $im
weekly, 'Ac nnt to bear fiom yoM.
ld W, O W,
HA l.l'.HM KN In aell automobile ape, ally
lo denier to Nehraaka. lot a Houlli
liakol and Kan me M"' llldg
tl'lMKTHLMI ealla good, hi money for
the aaicaruaii who la a buaineaa getter,
I'M? W. O, W,
LXl'Mlll'.N''M aalegniau wauled for
pioferred aim a In good c iiiipan. Ad
tireaa H PdZ. Mc,
DaLKHVIAN wanted who haa ea ciiaioe
In a"IMng fuel claaa preferred gloek
flood propoallion Addicga A loll, Mce
lloiela and i.t alMarecf a
JtClf-lAdLH empleyi'inl auenr y, Idio
liavenporl Hi , head't'igrleig for hotel
help;, ati-ntloii lo dlelafiee order
Trade Meboule.
cor j m v,
Men wented to !- ri Hi trade Wa
hava originated a Plan lo lec)i l
hulckly end earn hack Million while
learning, Toole loeluded Open lo eteiy I
epe. Wrldi for catalogue, MO Ho 14th j
HI., Omaha, .Neb,
ha moved from Sl'4 lavenworth Ht
to J'2I Fatnam Ht,
In learn auto work for tba big aprlng
fogb. I'Tno training work en aulo and
electric elarllitg gyalema
t' Karliam HI 'lomlia Nb
LKAItN barber Hade, mora than make
four Million while learning M"t of loola
im lulled Job guaranleed. Call or wrlia
for latalogue MO? Lodge
MKN wanted lo I 1 1 1 the bgiber trad
Tuition I,",, luel Caaa Hi,, Omaha.
J-TltlCMKN, brakcmeii, lw rnonttiiy. f.i
perlem; iinneceaaary. Kallway, Y t'A,
WANTLL-.lapaiieae for general houaa
work, keep lauridie.a, nmat be able to
lake care of lawn H) per month. Tele
phone Walnut 242!. . .
tVANTKIi Yountf man a "railway melT
rlerka, lie mii.rli, gampie
iinrailona fret.. Kianklln Mialllula, Lepl,
721 N, Itrhcaier, N, Y ,
YV'M ftlt'WOMK.V, Ix or "over, wialiiTi
govarnmeut poelilona, .'l month and
over, ghould apply for particular to if
!?. Me
At;N'K aultg""gpoiigei aliiPlireaaeirfioc.
htg cleaned and blocked, fl.25. Carey
Cleimilig Co,, Weh, Xi'i,
Af"! KNfHl'oTralilirg iiol it' free ;"rro paaTa
er -owder; uulck 'iiiartar eeller. Lde
gog'g Hllver I'ollehlng Cloth Co., 14.4 B,
Turner Ave,, Chicago
Mtnma and lillleea.
" ML riLiNo run.
I0XP. fil'T Ol'H , (KMili li'I'TI RP' VV.
LXI. HTKVO. (HMK I'.I'Y) 4,'. TO M
KOOKItH I! Kl', CM,, left l'AXT"N MLK,
CoMI'TdMKToli ul'H f-O
HTKNOI MIA I'll K,ll (Hcgliiner) Ml
HTI'".NOlltAI"lll':il "d.
HTK.Nn. and Hkpr, 'ti; Hlemi. and likpr i
I'.',, caghlff. io. Hleno. and proof reader,
W egtern 'llefereic e Ar Mond Aag'n , Ino.
71,2 Omaha Nntmnnl Hunk Mnlldlng
H'I'KNtMlKAI'll, flint clana pi. ml Ion"
1127 W. II W. Mblg
HTLNO, , atelin. Mh elflce clcik, .:ii.
Watt lief. Co., I.40 Mi ii ml Thea
I'rnf eealtma and 'I railea.
VMieit In need of pogllloit call oh
ua. Nu charge,
Kcininik'titii Tyixnvrid'r Co,,
i li ii i I pav to Indiea and It'll la f r dei.
malliig .' .i..wa l limit gpaie
tint, eipcili iu e untie, i aaitr ) . c all
fui en. una . "HH
U'AVIKO i.n a foi pi. ...lug ahhla
Ai plv In Mia lhc. k. M K Hmlilt A
Co ih and liuua'a H'a
11'AltV balldlaallt h ' I Mr i h pa it oalia,
aalranitattea aad g.illclloia,
Wani 1 1 - u i-m c. 100.1,1.1. mwii-
!U,r, gluVH a 'el rt-llea a. 'ell, lid t't'llnr
. i.i'v I' 1 1.1.10 .... 1. 1 l i ugi.l paity
ti'dieaa I"' !' Mce
Ipi itikubl a4 Montr at lc,
W A VTl M "i leMaH'" ' ' r' i
lal iiniai' Wok In an. all f.iiol't i.t
wa. a 1. fi lee . a in I vp. t l
- I . I OI I . ' "L I 1 1 ' II
lllHt, t o gi n. i .l l, a 1.. i
log 111. il ( t I ' ""k ' I' "IH', i !l
I ....I! I 1 . . ! 1 I" - i i 1 ' t , . I
t I i'
VV 1 S, I t I a v
vt a I it l
tt it 4 tw-1 ii ti a.
l. .! null I t aKiaial l.. "i I
a ... a I 4 S t t fl, ..ta II tl
n, l
n iftnijii uitS thit ftiiry ih Btt ii no i4' .irri'tif H'fi(
4aft tf ih ttUphani at Ini ViSII HTl' t nt ttni ptt uatj -fit
)vn Ant (a it'll ii pfy f ' t fur uhtn ht
Sure to Conic
llouaeheld rtitd lliineallf,
WANTI'.O i.oii.pci. ii, ..i.i.c girl for
hourework; ;i in family; good wage.
Mr Thoma W 2.-1 Hpauldlng
H'. Colfijg :'Vi ,
'nA.Vlr.P -Inmpoirsii! wolic gin for gen
eral bouaework In amnll family: good
wauia, Harney I l Ho. .1"
Till, I ,.. -mlmt J, ... kl Ullll CI
ef two (hildnti loll I lilcago air
Wrilnut ai2. .
W'ANTI'.O At .ice, gill for general
houi.oik, loll ChlciiKo glrcat. Wal
nut ;ii'.t
WANT Kir "- lloneekcepcr, inlddi g'l
lady picfi rri'd. Cull Walnut 2MI after
p, m
WANTKIi Comiiit. iit ieok,' good' wage.
Apply Mi Mia, i.l, HI or, IT.i) iaf
nam HI,
Vv'AN'I KIi -Lp,d gcond girf, "Kr.
M () '.'ol'Cl,cr 4-2 H. Mil HI, Mar. M.
WANTK V) Kpcil.ii'd aeeond girl, Mr.'
M. il. Culpvixer, 402 X Hath HU Har.
U'ANTKK A girl for general liougawork,
ml I'lirnom Hi,
T,A I'l'.MI L.Ji KL "gei eii'T maiifl ra com
liKindalloiig le'iulrad Telephon 11. MM.
T,X,l'hlMI' ,C,i ai,i. fumlly nf JireaJ
no waehlna M I'omdctoii Ave.
W'ANTKO Compcienl ""ookfiefereflegg)
rci 'lnd, Teleibone Harney 2112,
WANTLO a, young girl to aeelat Willi
houae work. I'bone Hainey koll
life ' , WANTKIr Muni be gooifriek"
Celfag H'l 421 Klorence Itlvd.
Vt IOT1" lrl for general houaewoik, Moli
ll v'l.rue Ave, Kcm1 I'ark
V ANTITr ;lrl for d"i yorlij 1.0 wll-
Ing. mall family 2kl2 1 led X a.
WA.NII.O N"1 while girl for iou
wotk. ''nil lo-r.H'.ii f.i.
OHU, for gciicriil liounework; to WI-
iiKr 4'2'( liavenporl.
WANTH.O Maid for generiT Touaework,
I'hone- Walnut MI. .
OlMl, for g'-neial houai-work, Kirny
' It lake but minui ef Hm to va
foliar when you lead The Jte Wnt Ad
KJ.HIK L,-J'lee writ or roinTM-itn,
In writing to Advrtlr
pleage mention that ou gaw
H.eir Advertlgemerit in 'Jh
LcerV day la enrollment dy, T!ook
keeping, Hliorlband, Hti-notype, Type,
writing. Telegraphy, CM! Harvlce -all
Commercial and l,ligllili hrati'Jte. Cai
lllogua. free,
llh and Harney Hi,
Tel. imuglaa llti.
For ,!e with good reaaon for ll.
tng, iailely of cnurM Ml a fella hi
Jtoaln" H' hool, en of th lending bui -pea
collide ef Omaha. Will ha gold
very reaaonahl away below tegular
Pipe, If you are considering taking a
coora InvrailKKia thla at em:, gill"
Hpilng Term begin oon. Call office,
Omgl.a Mee
P HOOL Of MOf)KUTTAf0iTii'rl?,"l.
Clnaa or prlvat legaori. Howntoau
glildio. I'lioiie Webater tV,i4,
"thk vTnnt sciiooi
HTKN'HIIA I'll y V, 00 K K Y. XYlXt.
Lay H'hool for Toung Woman.
Kvenlng Hchool for young Men and
Women , .
Haiuiday morning ela In typawrlUnr.
fon ( Imffy, Owner and Managar.
H lib Ht. Omaha.
FA XT("i V ftTk "Helioel of Tattering nd ( rt
(cache paying trade privately. It 111.
Piles, Fistula
Dr. fi. IK, Tarry cure gle, fltu;
and othr rctl dler without gurgi
cl opertlon. Cur guaranteed and no
money paid until cumd. Writ for book
on rectal dlaeagag with testimonial.
Vl. K. it. TAHItr. 240 be IMdg.
nilKl'MATIHM, tomach, liver
and kidney trouble, gottr, nervou
m and aail.ina aufferera ara guo
ccaafully leaiored to health by ma.
fcxamluaUoii fc'iia.
Call Hulti) 312 lie llldg.
Ml, W. II, K N U LLEN ft K RI,
Chiropractor. Tyler YjU.
TOI'Nil women coming to Otnah
nHm-era era lnvlii.1 to vlalt lha Young
Women a i'IiiIhIIiiii naaocl.iUou building
at. Mill HI, and m M.ttya Ave, whai
they will be directed lo guilitldn hoard
ing eg or olheiwiao ae"!ied, lio
for our Uuvelera' gjid at thw t'nlun
"W1o lidlea' lloma Jnurnnl. II 'A
f na Hiiui'lay Kveiilng I'oal jl '
I ho oiinliv iicitl Icuiiiu l tal
ttx gulig. 1 ipliona hy April earna Inat
J.if..i The Intalhl.V I'dialon Aa'n.
Yum eider or nncwitl e optrihule Vk.
I hoiie tiuugiaa ilu. or ed;' vaa
(Illtiih.t, Neo,
I III lil .MV give 1, .ill. e, Hull f Will not Vl
Ihtb e f .r hiiv ih 01 lon iaciad by Alha
M N't 11 ai. on wife, wiiiunil my gnowl
edi;i. 1.1 1 iiIihi nt 1 bin 11. h VV p aa
J'. It. 'N I, M'" Hlaph-g and'rlTi'
1 r ball', i lc til.' In i.tiilaiil 1 latn I a
m I'. I P ui , H ltd. it. II a 111, to I P
m I'..., a . 1 11 vv.ii" Hlh
THK e il. nil. ui Army ludualrtal tmiii
I11 1 1 lour oul 1 1. .11, lug. Mint lure, ma
gaiiice, c. '. , I. W dlairdiut
I. ,
I n oie I'oualaa 41 at and our wagon
(all Call mi. I In.' e. I uur In. lionta
11. 11 Mi.. 11)1 i'"iU it
Cllll HI, I a) nun end wlf." ft .nidi-
tuiciiiaiia, wiahe to a child ef
elilur g' lot went tin of Infaic v and
t teaia m l, u ft r. u. n Addreag I' l"ia,
I'll iT'iiiltAI'IIV l' .gbi in ell ((an Iia
few i I' "ca I" k.ulaa w.oa aa a
tn-1 In -or. I ,11.. i t fi ,u,, i.f I'liulog.
rat'ht i; pin I'lu.iia filer 441
I .I-. iMiok and iMugireai.
ii,.-.,t i . i . at know u em,
b ,. a let
tiat.r, in
i. " lit, in i,,l , v 1 I gr
ot I , ,,,a It ." .. I tl
,ip a
rh. i
I , ,
1 1 111 N l 1
ui I .
u a I . t''f
,1 ,.,...!
S 4
Clii.-pi.4-i, of
I i amt 'U'.c thai
a 1 1 t u. a illatlaa
.. i1, it a n
!M' PTi: in:;
. . af 'f
liagig I
l l a I
i a i
, o i .itl.,11 I ,U le
r ia Lie VVigf
Mot , ti'