T1IK 11KK: (ftLUIA. MONDAY. A TOIL 3. 1016. AUTHOR. , OF "WHISPERING SMITH," "THE1 MOUNTAIN DIVIDE," "STRATEGY OF GREAT RAILROADS," ETC. COPYRIOMT, WSriY fRANK H. SPEARMA.M.' QY Of MOUOITAIM RAILROAD LF KIPTKr-MII J!STI,I,MI'. T. g nopal. Utile Helen Holme daughter nf Oen iel Holme, railroad niait, I recU from Imminent danger mi a euenlo rail load by Oeorga Hiortii, a iieweioy. drown to young womanhood, llulrn va Binrm, now fireman, her faihar r2 hit friend, Amoi Uhlnelanrter, financier, end I'otierr rleagru. promoter, Irnm Ihiealaned enldeloil. Hfebrker em ployed by hint rut meal Ucneral Milmra' eurvey pinna of llm cutoff lino fur Hi Tidewater, faulty wound llm f 1 and ea-wpe, Jtur father eatal lia'lly In volved bv lila death, M!n got to work mi jla 'riileir, Helen recover titt aurvay plana from li'iigr,ie, ami though 1 hay art taken from her, find ti arcl ilanily made proof of the aurvey blue inlnt, Worm la employed liy Ithliu'lamli'r. Hplke, befriended Ii y Melon, In lila turn aavaa her anil the right-of-way Contract when Heagrua kidnap her. Helen and Mlonn win for I'diieliindcr a race grnlnM Hengrue for rlfc-ht of way. Helen, Hlnrm and Hhlr'alander ream HpUe from H'-ii-grim men. Hulk t"l record lo r.ru fect Kliliinlan'l'M', ntnl Hiortii nnd lleli-i aava fi.lka fioni ' r ti I" 'h burning court houe, Vln In Hinter-aiHIon imiin pinch out. Heitgrue aalt H and aell It to rtlitnaletider. TH inliir l relocated Hhlnriander give Helen anil '(rorgti each one-third of Hie ftniiai atltlon mine alock, rleagrua chetrle to prevent, payment for tha mine la tpollrd. Helen, rtnred to home (irnl aortal poaltlnn, vee liar da' parting gleet from a threatened rolHa rlon t.y a wild ride, DRIVI. 'PI Ml ",AT "PM4H. !( wa a week later that there were nrlkl aiilvltlaa again In Mf'on'a hnnw TlhloaliiiKl'T l''i rnme ilown from thi mountnln with Utorm to armouo. to IMrn tha omi.l"tlon of ih sorwrntlMon rutofflh ruaa of no innili anmlty nn l Mftarna latwpn tlia rival romlx l.t hnil atrlvan to ai'Mev- Ha hi- emtul hiilkllllg xlii Mat iniiklriK r.i'ly, witan (h'-y arrlvad, lo Join hir two Manila, ml nil raiwiwl (o th alttlon to kc tha im rial train tint to carry Ih'-m wM't party up tin Hue to i-i-hratf Ilia ilrlv tin of tha laat aplka-a rcaponatMllly Hint Hhliifln1T li'l ls""l, r h"r prolaalt, lo Ilalrn liaraolf. Tfc. Irnlli oavlv d'iiatai1. piltlcit In rarly and tlin ptrty-railroad men, on- airiifitlonlai and paraonal frlcndu of ma hiilldfra- ttlnif out nri tha plnlfurm at BIkiimI. Hva It for a moment n air of aoplal gyrty. Tha atop waa mad only Ionic onougll to achana grcatln-" nd tha part. nlrK-d by th Bitfn"i -on )lnnt, ufAln boardwd tint train to con- Mniia tha iournay to tha, cut-flrr. Tha mornlnf nwppar at Octnalda had contalnad articled daacrlptlve of. the proanaollv clebrUon. and tt wm In one of thaaa thtt haaflliri rail nnnar irrua'i m h it In Wn llvlnr room ratdlnif hie pap" l.VT-Orr T BtTFRSTITIOV MTNK, iii.m ii.l.flu in Ir vn i.nat nnlKA. At noon May HMnn (olmaa, duuifhtar of tha lt" ilierai nonor.. Huparlnt'-tid-nt A. Kh Inlander and on atr'ictlon K.nKlnr Oora drtv tha aplka that mark the comple tion of the Buperailtlton cut-off. erua rd with anrf. To III dla ordared mind, now yletlmJd by !rlnk. II titrf-nwd If h clr,lr.tlon wra In-Und-d to lnalln hit own deftt. In furlout mood h ttrurk th btll tl tnmmon Adame, hit tn-tnt. Whan ttia Itttrr tpprd hit mir ld urtly: "Brlnt Ward htra tt onpe," and turned t the dectntar thtt hd latterly become Mt moat Intlmatt re toitrc. The moment Ward came In with Adnmi. Beetrue picked up the pawtpe pr. "Look t-t that," he laid, without preliminary wordt. Ward rd the head llnea haatlly. "Tou te mhfi going on." exclaimed Beagwe, laboring appar ently under excitement. "I want you to get buty." , He tpoke the laet wordt In a tone thtt left ho doubt of hit meaning. And Ward, old In weyt of Intrigue and crime, looked t him to undoratandlngly that Keegme had hardly n-ed to add what he did; "Thtt It my 1t chance," he muttered. vcouly, "to get rid of Dplka tnd Goorfce Btorm. HPlhe hnt doiible-crnaaed me at every turn of tha iod. I took that dog out of prlaon. I helped him eacepe when ho ought to have muiig. 'orge Btorm ha been an en rmy of mlna ever tinea I began my cut off work. H It hadn't been for him I . otild have won out In aplte of tlio oilda aalnt m . Ward, I wnnt thoee to men. t'ndi-rttand?" he demanded, vln lently, catching Ward't elmulder a the aauie lima with hl trembling hand. "I want them both. Get tlirin. I'll make you rich." Ward waa quick lo anient Me ui.kk to act, end after conferring hur- liadly en cletalla Heagrue aiartcd the to men out. In the atreet Ward and A.1am l.,iardJ a tanliab, gave their orders to ilie driver and were whirled rapidly out on the deert, At the cut-off the rodinatcr iiffiitalt of Hie operating department of ihe Tldematrr Una were In waiting f"' :he tneclal. When It reached the fen a ealuta i'n. l by an tneenln'ia rutl mat i.iah ullh dMisnille ,ie fifd from I an ad)ntnlng hill tt t from a aecond hill. aii fi"m hci thi tmprtiklemi l ite ,d niii titetad the gat apecUl, li mi lnik"l Hh iilifrt'nttSf e tlnan on llw int r lm tfrii"ny A golden ai'iki. had lit Ifo'llrd f f lloltn Mil the mi ..I i ... mt. i , gefng n th nijutei i f i owiist'H ai teidti.g the l i (.. .. I i eft! tale no ttu I-"' ii i.n ar.i tall 1't'lit miiUl ill .uioi'Uii i 4i bf hand. Ittit ltid i t.iiol. I ( iuSii ( epike d th" mate S..d li'.-i- .' Ittf the g.tldct, i i. I' .,lii.t., ' r . Ih (o tl . i f , .., 1. k... the ai-t i Mi ( at ', ' I t ''!! ! . . 1 l il.ll I .f tt '" ; l.. i .. .1 .'I M . i i. I i N t m . I a. Ii -.,il I,1! I I I , . , . ,' , I-' I ' ' , Ml " 1 t r. ,1 . H ! ti . d I ' ' t i. ill t I lo -I .1. Ill "''I I I I lit I I t OI I" "l I. 'u . I 1' 4 tlin I0 ' " ti I ht-el !! a I t '.M eg 111 i Inn. a 4 Hi l l(,'e..llMe i"ll hid H-I.g f ivi. V , ,;. ,.( ' i, I 1 1 . ' t . , , , p i ei, i . . .1 i. -o i , i t ,., I ' .l I. ' He I .. a tat. tt. ll-li. . ' k::hj- -fe.M': ?s f --. 7'Wf 7 T '. ' A eV'' l .mnmanil to Ida lommmlon. rll. TAVVCi?' rMVrf,i t-'.;' Winn s.a.,.e .ro..,,l H. 1. 1, g llu-n. K'WWV r'-JW '. ".l tbal night, a at, nm- f.-Ung ..n, .'Od A, I-. ano,. Oeorgw, and let Helen atart the fir: train over tho cut-off." Btorm walked toward the twitch, toino dletance away, followed by Bplke, Stand ing together they threw It and algnalmj that all waa right, ItliliiBlaiitler helped Helen tip on the engine and her gucata ttarted to boatd the trtiln. Helen, quite at horns Inaldo an engine cab, pulled tit throttle allghtly and tho driven began to revolve; the engineer yten handed her curotfully down from the gangwty and the (rain alerted. At the twitch, Hplke and Btorm engaged thin Intonlly, fiill.jd to notice two men creeping up behind them, rope in hand, it ken unaware, nooaea were thrown euddenly over their head nnd before they could mnke the leaat dofenao, they were throttled, felled and dragged back from the twitch. Ko awlftly and expertly wm the attack made Hint Hplke and Worm were choked a I moat tit once and dragged down out of alght before anyone noticed their dlanppenranc. Tying their hands expedltloualy. Ward apeculBted for a moment on what to do with them. Adama' prnpoeal lo throw them from the brlda It lie nemillveil They would find thorn too quick. We'll put them Into tho ore cars," he mid cunningly. "When the ear are loaded at tho mine the ore will do tlin real," The two picked Btortn up, unoonaolona. and carried him along the track, Inylmf him bealde It to await the coming of Hie frelnht train. Returning to bring Hplke In like fnehlon, they wero aurprlaetl and n pact to find that he had illaappeared. Hiinnlng hurriedly around they wero mi- able to find him and, foailng that he might aoon bo back with help, they re. turned to make aurp of Btorm. Hplke bad, In fart-overhearing Ihe fat In Kinte for hlm-roUnd. gAnged and hound a be waa, along the track to tint btldii-i below. rinlnlng the, he con tinued to roll over tmd tried to drop out of aiiibt underneath. Hut In kililnu down, )ii'!i'em m he waa, hi. hand caunht ly tha rope with which h una fanlened on Ihe head of a irnectn aplhe, nnd Inatead of dropping lo where be apeedlly could have hidden hlmeelf, be hung quite l eltdena In ihe all mn penied bv bU wrtt. 'I'd it oi" Imiii. ineaiillme, had enme al"H ihe mine ,pic an) Ward atnl V1nhn v. at. hints (belt opi-oMmillv. f),,K n,,, i.i Into a gomlola Wove ii it to ,. .tfter Bnlke " de clared Win I. ti n' iilnrmed for Hie f. ty of Itiiiii.i 'i' noil 1 1 1 . -.iiipai.loti. Ic-I. e l ?..K.t Man .lritf , , In.e i t i hi in ti I" .l. h I ...' The 1.1 I l-.-en I l.d In (on II I.. t t , .' I I t., n Ihll, one iIiim'I..i h in e ff! ' t.llli t olie ' I Willi Mill . I.I (.. tl. it. , lol.ht I II I t w l-.t t.t V 1 n ..! no of - I. II I. I ,. 1 1 l I '1 i . , .t I t ., wt r it , oi te i .''I :in i ii. t t lie 1 1 ,t I f t' ' 1 ..-,i Mi .iff, led In i In. mull of hit I,. I , . i ti.i I i mil.'.. I t V If l . H I I I . nl - , 1 I . (II, k . li I... i I Ui t , let I ' .. o V - ' r e.'i I - f.jrt I IH i It , t' t .. N 1 I . t ,., 1, I , ( .i.t t i1 ,i I 4l I l. ..I. I ti I vet I M The ghoe-U Had Killed Htm. place where they thould have looked, they paeaeil, Kven before they were well out of the way, Bplke had relenard hi fed and gaining the (rt'k waa i nutting at full a peed buck to where Helen wna waiting leeltla the apeclal with her filondt, Theao Intler aaw a bttrehemled man (Joahlng down the track, waving hit arm. Ho might have been a madman to wild were hit geaturea and more than one of them were alarmed when, heedloat of Helen a aurroundlngt, he broke Into her circle to tell her of the el tack, Hhe llatencd with conaternatlon, "They've got Btorm," exclaimed Bplke "Tho curried lilm off flrat, to throw him Into an ore care. They meant to throw lit both In. if they've thrown Oeorge Inlo one of those cart, the minute It'a loaded, he'll be killed!" Helen blanched. To threaten Htonn't life wna to touch her heart. "We muat get aboard," aha cried to thota about her, "and run the train up to the mine without loalng a minute. Hurry," abe cried, "everybody!" Illilnelander battened the excited guealt Into the car, algnaled the conductor, and tho apeclal, awlftly gathering tpeed, atarted to catch the freight train at tho mine. In the gondola Into which he had been flung, Btorm, pounded end abaken over the rough rail Jolnta, grnduaJly recovered conaclouaneaa. He knew he waa In no danger until he ahotild reach the mine, not even then. If he were only nbln to cry nut. Hut atrugeje ns he would, he could not re lease hi hnnd find feet nor Ihe ga Hint choked him, Kvcry movement of Hie train waa mi familiar to bint Hint II added to Ihe hiiiror of hi altualbni. lie underalond when the car under him (-naeil to move that thev had reai ht-u the mine awllcli. Ha could picture the lirnkeioaii going ahead lo unlock, opto nnd throw It; hn could e him algnal the engineer lo come on In another moment the car In which he lay began to move ahuiiy ahead. He hoping It ml a lit etop before ll houhl reach Ihe deadly t hule for It wa Hit that cnniUlpjied hi erll. The ir mllrd tlower and alowcr. He knew well what the engineer wna doing: pulling ahead to a pot th lum nmdnln under Hi chute. Btorm mm, a the com detuned nun eeea tha hladn of Ihe gi). lotlne mied ah ive blin, the chut taef ciiiii.i lulu eight The nint moment Ida OWII U.iliilolM tliPW iiii.l, r II hii.l .l.,ni.. l He na d luittlt In the fil.t cat to h apolied fir loading Only lh turn of H leter in, lav bet Keen llm ant dmith i 'l.iUliiie I . i,. ie,( ,i ri. head With ttu itrnnith if a alio!, he nne Ii r. nd I ll. 1 .1,1. Ili lilt, on (tiK .j. , US h I l.ven ff 1-1.1. a In lha , hi4 n1.' in ild iitrfi Hie l i. -l In nn f la ,.' !. I,n I tHteliHie !',!, in of ' I t'i oioiHlF, ' ' " leilhldel t,. i pitltiell. a It t 1 Hi. 'It j !h! Kite,. tor Hilda g l" V 1 ! I to In. io ll, n y t . , . K ,, ,'.-!' . t,t It ,(,,. ttie t fill! f--. tl. , a i -lid U.a i .t I i v a l,.l tha to t '. ke , . the llemvot. f ,.l.,l n , ' ,1 a' ... .i li t h.- aaf-t, v ii . , .1 j V in.,.,.,! ,,,., 11 f i.,!4 .. , -ti".'. in, ita, n1 a, t 1,1, . I in, in, ft j I . 1 -imi. 1 I I 1 i4 M.oe . a 1 I I ' . ' 1 ml a I. i. - an. I la m, t,, l. all ill. I . , .. et,'.., j 1 .,,.1. tn ,. , ' ; ' ' ' ,, t 1 l, a . "ua j . '. I 1 an .ihr, ,i...,.ii a i(1 a' t i 1 ' H ns ih la.t a 1. t il i ' , I f 11 ill .. .. ( t ll 1, i a V 1. at I, a I vnm t m. o,. In, 7 1 .a1' i 1, ! i., i.ar.g act i.t I h ' !. l'h tUein !., U -iftti f .... ,h, , tea r 1 1.1 a a f l a v- v'ial. I . 4 I nN l .,va ..1, t,n'..t ' " i e ti .. it ttae ka . v . nt 1 1" a . , t , ,a 1 .,'!., i)., 1 - 1 h.t , 1 1 1 H 1 1 a '"I a d n .... ' t -a t -lowly deacended that he g up hope. A cry outalde, tt woman'a voice, hardly roueed Idtti from bla alupor. Hul the next moment he full a gnat ahoek. II teemed a If he were launched pre cipitately Into apttce, the world wn fulling around him. Overhead, a mighty roar oraehud on hi heutlng -conacloue-neaa left Mm. What lied happened wa that Helen, leaping from tho gangway of the en gine alnioat before the apodal, tin wlnel ground by the brakea, fully atopped had run, awlftly i.p the twltdi track heald the gondola In which Btorm lay. Hhe bad no meant of knowing whether Mi la, car contained her lover. II waa too late to algnal the leverman, too late for him to avert Vn dlanatcr, If i f a were Impending from Ida actlonMlio chttlo waa coming down. Hut at the Inula nt th monetcr maw wa opened and tone of heavy qimrta allot Into the gondola, Helen, outalde the car, turned the dump ing key and Btorm dropped through Ihe opened rar bottom under the treatle, Tho or at the tajne moment wa pouring In at the top. When the young engineer returned to ronadouane, Helen wa raining tear and klMca on hi upturned fitce. He lay tinder tho treatle, freed from the corda that had ao nearly canned hi death, mine men and thn gueai of the day crowding around. 11a alaggercd to hi feet and greeted hln deliverer, "They bad Bplke, too," ho auld, apeak Ing rapidly to Helen, "Wn moal find him before he la amnlhered " There n no need for her lo attawar. Bplke apoke for blmaelf. "And what 1 want to do," tie eaid with hunt, whan he had told Btorm the atory, "I to get that pedal buck to the bridge ami get fter tha guy that roped me " The neighborhood waa scoured for a Ign of their aaanllnnl They found fthcr the Unload had aloud In hlch fteagrue a pair had come up Hut the two hail lolig ago mailii their eacape and were running back to town to report lo thalr employer, Itaatrnlng up the nialr. looking guiltily over their alioiililera aa If fearful of Im mediate apprehenalnn for thtdr crime Ward and Adtima l ittit Into Beagrue t rooiu : '' j ' eaartle waa In ttaillttK ' V e Btnrni." an tiegati 'Hood'" tiled eagiile ' .-ifikii got ataay' I Hnagrue alltlik bla flat lulu Ilia mien I. hi. 4 I anl, I that f.lli.w ota ll mi ttte other," be lu iltered t.ften t la t 'it For ere th,r tn-itt i I be t d' ti In Ihoifat,! 'I lirfl lo tinned a'legeU nit' i I ' if ii ike raci) he Klli la II. l.tl. .,it,i We will .el I tui It tt ar, l,. f le, a ii'ol! t a f !' ; illlu. aria mile lie t,l If.,, fiiil, hi i . i, 'in I I lioiat i l t i t Ai1.it , f i laii a in. i t. a t .oi I t ' r t'.',i i I . i a i Ilia .. . ' d f , le tin i i". I . I . .linn a... I , ih 01 cat t ,e .10.1,1 a I 4 ' -' i, I'.-oilo:! ' t VV I , i, , I. a a a . t , i i , i a i li, I It,. ..a t I I. ...i I I. I Hi1 1 l, fi ll I, .ii I., I lo a ai.l.l' (-.' I, It. 1. iii, e tl i -4 k I to, a d I nt I . i 'if lidi ! ; ' ' , .i, ltv ti mi ; I lei ! . ,,. I tt a I t , a ila . .to It a.t 1 ti.4,1 11, i I. i ; " .'wHaiaa I' "-... , III li ' 4 I 1,1'. l t 4 al i it g tt ! lo I. t. Hi 'ii a a I 1441. t i o, 'it i lie, Jlt.iui it -i -a t i.i In g it . a' a ' f ,. I., m t t .r " ( at t a l-'i I ,. Iil'il, li , kar Ii, 4 a I ' II tlntm I tr a. -, a I t 1, k.t ,i.i,-l If laalct, .'anal 14 bV i mi I ti I o in e, waa the (Irat lo extend greeting. Hhe noil, ed Ihe atralned ex. preaalon of hta face and the ravage nia.1 on It by hi recent .11 col in t loll. Hit W", Indeed, allocked Blie would hate led him Into Hie d braiy. lie atopped on the thteahobl and refuted to enter. He uw, a In a vlalou, ivh-it o her now that the room wt filled llh laughing men end women- lld not Nee, Ho eaw midnight within it uml hi own gccomplicce In a death grap pie with an old man. He eaw that old man laid nut a few moment later on J couch, a doctor bending anxlouly nv.-r him lo delect a heart bent. And he taw tlin turgenn f'tce a he looked up nnd gtavely ald; "ijenoral iltllmoa I dead " l)cpltn hi rccklea bravado, a ahud der gripped him for an Inalant again. It ahnok It off and braced blmaelf wi'h angry reaentment. "No," h aaid brufiiely, " won't go In there too much of a crowd for me. I'll try th r. ci Id Ion room." Turning, he encountered iibliielunder. The two men greeted each other briefly. rihlttelundcr apoke with klndllneta to hit nephew, He tried to tell him that h wanted him to do differently. He aeatircd hhn that neither be nor Helen cherlal.cd any luatlng reaentment for what had gone before and now that they Iwj were llm winner, they meant to be gen erout to the lotora and to him In eapoclni "I am willing," declared Hhlnelandcr, "and I think that Helen will aland with ni In It, to give ymt an Intercut In the mine- It la big enough tn mnke a dozen millionaire. Make a man of youiaelf, Karl, that all we ak. We'll do the real," Heiigiue regarded him with an oxpte. alr.n an terrible that It allocked Ithlne lander. but what wa pnealng thrnugn Bcagrue'a mind, he could not tell. 'Tomtit row," Heagrue muttered, like one hardly In poneiaalon "f hi tenae, "not tonight-I'll talk to joti tomorrow. Where Helen?" "Mie left here thla mouient for th coitaet viitoi y with (ieorge Btorm" !.-agiiin took a tep fnrard, a If til go to her Then be ttnppeit and turned awav II rilaappeared from alght In the ehruli. bet of fie garden and walked ome tlll- trtiice liefnre be encountered tltl'ite Whom he I nd gone tmt to tmet lTvetl the twn I I lit, to. o he f motion under whb h e - m,iitlng He told Ihein whl be l a l ti told them of admin a ei-mw,, the thwHitiug nf hi plan, and IH loiih, eave them order aa l.. ,l.,i i,. (,. and ton to do it lie tteml.leil with' fi ilo.it eniibaal aa he apoke on ' Unl j lei, H e coaat la i l.ar, 1 be ri.lalood ai !'. 'Ill dr. i nv liandkeii hlef ' T iMi.i on Ida heel, be left tlo iu '( fc i'C'.i.I. ir I .krit HttierHtidv el e I. I . tlin e.iio.tiiiii ,f , ia tine i. no ,a , , lo ,,i ,tr. parlf tn llialii - . v die j I! HI li'll l flolll ttllt .. Ol, ,,,) 4. i I - t t i ti, n.i.fc n.l, j -4 i,' ' iiHi I ll,'l 1 llel.n t, fit. iii' ' ... .Hi, am, ( .'a ' a " " ti 'UK ft and I I I , I hi I a..,.,. anr?!,, . ti.) liifr' if I : i. ii an! t,! oi ii, fi t i , ti ,s llv, ' ' 'lot.'.. I hla I i . ' 'life I 1 t I 4 I , ,o I, I ,, f I ,,. . , " II. I ', ..II iv I a en 1 ta I t 1 1 lull I. , . . . t'Ol I It I ' i, ..I i,. I a a , .. I 4 I - ' I l l, l ' , a a ti .rn.o,; w a , ti , . , l, a a' on ni..'-' it, Haiti. a.( i I ! wa, i.a .t. a-.'i I " " I I'l l I a to' I t ll. a . I i .l II , 4 I I, 4, ' . H t e ! ll f ,. i' . ,ia d I i l,U to- IH I e .1 ., a ' it ia i-i. in tt.,tti i.....i . r. k., , in gaidan. ....".. t t lb a teti.g , ' " I ' ' hI mi a I f . a a bin a,,,,, gt..,i,a ,.a fi t.at. 11 i" fait ' . in ker a ., a a .,, Iit waa vie hi.- anil tlia highwayman mlaiook Ida fiann- for Haagrue a, Whoii Ilia napkin flutlt'ted to the floor, Ward inlainHlna ll for the handkarulilef, Matilic.l liiltnlly the two allho.ietted fig Uiee In the cunaenatoi v Wengrne, et Helena aide ro to Ida fel Two flioia rang through the nlgnl sir faaaiuo, at i li-ken, cl Iclicd h't hari WUh a ahnailv rupieaalon he looked af Helen. And 11 .lie m retimed, he c!ut heil nt hi hcail nauli, and fell headlong ( the floor h'o'ena fniiilii' i i ii himuhl a limit I to Ihe cii n "i" r a 1 1 1 1 1 v I'lmii ft"tiit near at ..I I .ml. Inid hack I :e ,.l:,rt. eitleii'd the mom fhai heiinriia fn in I tin fliini doctor ll.iii'ii. Italf heni e I lie kI tt i i folhia id hv I M. i it 'i 1 1 Tlic fiiirdi r' ' lull i.i i epo. I tui i , die in a I e .i iii"ii.J I'fie,! iii I eai'. fni D i f el le.i I, l.'lil o.e i i Hioini t ' I t ' i a 1 Oel I g Hid I eir ctt t I lie r i.i" i li." Kaa Id.liteii, ih iv I nope,) tui., li end lulled in iiifmiuiiv Kfeml for ii, nil' tide II ana fpike r keen ear Unit de tei icii the f i 'in I'lioi or iit -it- motor ' They " icnklim iln If t le Inn 'it, ' he cried ' If we sret il'tm we n i,. hi oi li ip.P k " I 1 m ifd'el O I I I f i" I , . I l ai e.l Hie dtdewa'' a ij -.it it tiled hv Itiilen and Ml mm, ! V ire r,1i!i! down the high-, e'trr lie feeing l-ul Ch .N'rt llghle wen 'l'r on p, hul ome lltlr-lJ!gl:l lon.l.. It .olh!e In fol low Hie hl!lfdeCI III' Ht.ey Delow (lie bridge at Clroil Hie hllth way, Inrnlng uip!.. croaea ihe ran road it l a hell ( ioei.a anil tin- aignala were ilnglng for the 1 1, eirulde e.re when Ward and Adaiiia. looking behind at tint beadllKhfe of Koike' car. eow they Were holly pnrmiril They n ened fire with lhlr revoliaia mi ihe uraiiltig car, but Helen, Hlorm and Kplke, kce.ug mt der cover aa heel (tiey nniM. Old pot alii' ken apeert. The cilmloala tliua preaaed anw theie waa a i linih e to put Ihe lail ruad crnaalng between them ami (heir piireuttr. 'Ihe eaoreae am iIii.ii iiumi i iiiein, tun (leeperttte mn catiii'd re ohooreia. Ward look n chance, ('mad lug hi machine to lit limit, he tried for Ihe cronalng ahd of the Main, The en gineer, aeetng n colllalitn unavoidable, checked bin I . Iti I.eaU'y, It wat loo lale, The engine lmol on the taxicab and the next In.tniit the pilot, lrlklng It iurely In the middle, ihrew th heavy llmoiialn fifty feet In the air, When Helen, Blorni and Bplka reached tb apot, tho engineer aa banking down to Itiveatlgate the rataatrophe, Lantern and aeari hllghtg were In ought Into piny where Ihe moon left Ihe land cpc In hailow. Ad ii ma' body wa found In a harrow pit. Th hock had killed Mm. Ward, flung agatuat a tree, lay at the foot of II, mutilated beyond recog nition. In Helen rniiacri atory, t doctor bent over Beagrue, but Hie wretched victim of hi own criminal Intent lay uulle dead. The eun roee happily after the eveula of that tragic night. It roe nowhere on two people mot grateful for their ecape from aaaalna than Helen and Btorm. Within the following weak tha gtienla of that plgbt, had they been gifted with vlalon, might have aeen Bplka aeated, hook In hand, In the garden, read ing an account of a marriage ceremony. In It, aurrotinded by her frlenda and given away by hor fotler iinrle, Amog Hhlnelandar, Helen had become the wlf of Oeorge Worm. (TUB KN'D.) Mirror Route Mild Hose. 1.1. ,M of wild ho for their own llkenea when '"'..: . ; ' ., .i ' . reflected from a mirror. Wild hog which ertat In the monn lalna of Ttandolph county came down Into the foothll'a and charged Into th home of t nnford I'hllHtia, upaetting fur dine and allacklng l'lillllpa' a-year-old ami. The anlmala bad lorn nearly all the clothing from the t lid. when he ran Into a corner where a Mg mirror hung The hog followed, but aoon atopped when they hehdd their llkenea In the hlg gla. ftnly aecond did thev heel tale, however, then turning, plunging 'mm "" hc 'ae hack on ba mountain tide. The child wat only tllghtly Inluted. ('InclniiMtl K.nnulrer. i'lmely Tip. How In elude your wlf when aha Hi atal that vou poahlvely mut wear your ru'ihei when yon uo out' l-'lral, till hi-r you poalllValy will tint do It. Thla will proiline In her an atll lude nf i im 1 1 mil Ion and ahe ta ill alnmal fotl,e you for imt wearrig Ihem for giving In i a chaiii'K to act Ihe role of pniri j r Bin nint a that ymt never ora ruh lier be f. ite vo't ere mauled Mie will Iheti tell voi Hint toil wet altaaya a. k ..o, ni'd will wuili Ii4ia4df Inlo a Inv el Hoiv In th. nking ht giml care 'n, i-i leklte nf not T'lltd "er Hi.- r. Idler to keep pence III till f'lttllli - lodge. treble' eck, I IHU M tl ii lu ai.ia'l hcv atorlei the i.niiiil fl'1! Ii loadv alm ii4ineii l.itu Willie .mne running Iniu tne h i i. . lull, i tin- In h'a i I1 . ineril ' .,mlie ' h pltltl.nl, do Villi klolW Ai i-hia Mlioill lie. a " ' In. I ioi bat'' ke1 lie oiotlei In. t.i'i toi a-ihle HI. .an . nei k ' l. oi i.i, far i r'aio lo 4 I a in V. . . toe Hiii.it attaeeted l'i t il fnn nl .i t ii.. I tli)t k, - w, t . I a, I I tt l ll ' l' !!' ''I! n in Ilie a.l.i i(i l.l II eutntdtv t oil lo A I' Ll 1 m" Ulna Out ( III lln a i 1 1',-1 1 i , ml n a aid 'i'4i h . 't a. i I oi 1 1,. i I of l l ino, at j I l.il-l. loa ,!! i"iiU li'li't,! I I. I 'i p I ', t e 1.4 'ft "I, l.f Ii I'm I'iIiIi -i i a. eol i.i a in I - mi It. t.a t I. .. f i il tie, in- a a i a- a i I ltn wh.i, fa j ' . ii I 'i-.i, r... I l,l 4 t ' . a.reot I i. ..it I ta ii 1 1 a aioiiae, if d.t,(i V- I.I1.41, !'' , III 11,14 ll ' ,-4 t,ftt ti".o 41 I f 1 1 ei", I at" I" . . I t I t. , ' I'll --.a,.l. 'I ' I Hi ' ' ' ., . '" ' a t , I 4 i a one in 1 1, .i, nail 4 i a a ao t in it l-lu'ii'-ll I 4f 11 '!' ' ii in kl 1 a n if Wu I nt ti .l H't, iia ta Ivo. f Doo Wt'.t(,i Hoiisecleaning, Then and Now What haa bei'oina of all the old Joktf tbont hoiitarletnlng 7 They wera hardy reiennlalt once, corning out In aprlng llkii th" liillpa, the hut iff gurdy, top, marldea and k p.liig to.' Kvery man looked foiHHul l!h dread lo that week of littttioil. alien etellldl: na$ lipadH lliltfrti. find tlire lertH n,.lfli.tf fit In Abt " -" '- h' u e;il nfr : he kil eu liihlc W h h I log a i I t f ( nirl, irln clean, of de'l.'iil fn (tcemet.f and of real .H i-tlid,.el 'no lo the domeetii. Ilihii 'iil 'iil,e jn 0 vi.n 'li, " 1 ' ' I' hov. :l,.. tooioa 'fre f) flt, IIWiMl.rt Hlid e.erytblm ,,.,liei er o,iieef, to tliHIInl)' tinhonieilki-. The enfa and id.iiiie. i hi no the rnmt pondi, ware lila nicer lo alt In icit there In die eprlug anti ahlnc then Hi,, .iet been In the put lor The nitpele li'mii nVar (he floth. lino In tin- jattt ,,,(,,1,. ,f)., , beanilf.,1 lei. I hli h e plfivcd In (it oi.r hcer'a- ' - nei'tle.. ,f trf KerHia. in "In .nan ho ime tit i,en the , f red. hum-! mjjt to fltiil other ddl, ta In the Infiev-fin; y world, t'an'f von nt. tl, el rnili. Itimida Mm mnklnit it duv t tt. .t.,,. Iiing mined out of tne rn"me, furnltnte earpeta. Hr'nrc, l,rl, .in a, , and cor' Ulna" And the inei.itu onKlnught of the pall ami i,io p Iiil4at" "Cover Hut broom win, clean i loth tnd vlia (I .. ,ning ai d waila very care full),' mother would y. "Try not tt leaie atreaka" Mil-h n buck breaking l ualn-na tt w, tmw ,, ,,ei k a-lied' The ahfte pulm naa waalieil an careful' tvlth icry Pin,. at, ami no cleaning powd-r or grlty aubatahc. that would re mote ire pt.liii well aa the dPt The tliidoa. were e.nelr.,1 mn, i,i wttnoiit .,. . , ' , '""". ruooen a,y MIHI ..... .1 a . . o ii em, ii, ami men poilaheil with l,ewrepee"lyjpe,,)r ,r (h(. pUrpnM thamol kln," my mother need in lo any. I ii member her taylng once fo a Hatlnr: witty ""ow clean the if Ighlmr' window al wtit look after )ou'v cleaned hou.e"' Moral: Alwayg keep yotir neighbor' window clean," he obrvd, fter Ihe paint and window weta dm. and the floor arrnbheri (he p. t'lre and bric-a-brac were waahed. Tha baric of the plcfureg were carefully wiped, and Ihe frame anr) Ihe gin. lied a the window had been, fill painting and id framee were very carefully handled, wiped with a cleat,, 1ry doth. The furniture waa alt bruahed, out of door If pon.lhle, and the wood woik on Ihe furniture wag pollened. The carpet had been bealen and hung In the tun-how It temed to brighten and frethen It, glmoet aa much aa our ieam or vacuum cleaning doe now; but oh, the labor of If! Don't t remember the "carpet-laying" I Door covered with many ncmp.pera or perhap with oleen alraw, If In (he country, where afraw wa abundant and newpper gearce, Very gingerly four of ug walked Into the room with the Carpet, holding the ror ner lightly till It wag Juat In plar. and ready to lower thiwly to the floor, to aa hot to Ulaturh the paper underneath, Don't you recollect the Ingrain carpet, lighter on one aide than the other? lurk ld up In winter, light tide up In um nier. And how Ihe rerpele were turned around, ao aa to etjuallxe the wear; bow tho middle width under the renter-tabl aholll? Thnaa mar tlia ll.ririu about? Thoao were the thrifly daya. when people aaved every penny and a hoimo once furnlahed wu good for a lifetime If the hotiaewlfo knew her bualne. end aha generally did. What a bualneaa II waa, at retching the Carpet Into tho corner end lai JJug H down! Mother breaking her nail and father pounding hi thumb with tlin lack hammer, I wonder the vera libra wrllera don't write vlvil pirturei of tm h icene. Now i could put the clean thing hack hi Hielr place, hang the etiowy rnrtnln at the window, and with a elgli of relief Hand In Ihe dmitway and urvey the Jolt. " It eeiliilnly doe look nice and rlenit, Ami bow freah and aweet It aiiiell " -621 rf sivlf nu of NclT.iaka tegiMfred at Uotfl Ator during the pat )tit. Sutg'e rV.iom, taiilnHii haih. f IM0 IU IW IXeil ! a fM Id lael S.rtgr I'l-mtii, with t-ilt, f I no 1.1 fr mt I-4.t,' fi o lu fi we 11 lor, I'-a.li to, giul kutjt, ,t.Ml 111 fii h TIMI'SaSgUARl. Al lfi4,iv, 4ih m githj fUetetg-w ht liiH i f ,a, , ih taWaai a4 Uinii. a n hi. l.t 4 U e I'tvUiititiy lit ii U (aatuow a, ii!!itmiitiim!i!!!::!::::::::i;!!i:ri f CJ ,k V I g I ..H'- C if li-l,.., a .irti'.g In i 1 n a a a r ,,ii , , . i r a ' i a g 4 i . t i i X i i it-.i. t I .- ... i 4 it.- ' - i i.i ,o , I 1 i i a i - i t g" I V ' i ' i ' !. i 'ii a Nti . t iat l no. i, a.t , i,i,r a t"- at v.n I tlal 11 ' a ao t.u.- Ihm i. ( i I .' , , i,i . H .1 t,... , t, .,. , , ,,. ' ' i ' .-I -i t'.aa, t i -m.