Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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"Maneureri of Jane," Oiren by
University of Omtht Club,
it Succfijful,
Tt wit an nthiieleet'r, fathering of
frtrndg. parentg end re,Jgllfeg that
thronged Jaiiohg Memorial hall to wit--
the "Manauverg of Jan," a four-ant
comedy given by the I'nlvorall jr of Omaha
Oiamallo rluu Haturday. Mvery act
brought forth apolauaa. Tbe collage
Thceplang went through trie difficult
tly without a hitch, Tha far of more
ftiun one no ed ! Illuminated with a
rialliioug tiiik rotor eoma admirer earn
huge floral fleelgn over tha footllghte.
Tha play depleted rUlorratb: ICnglleh
Ufa In all It reality.
Mica Million 1'eareall, who rarrled on
tha difficult part of Jane Nanvla, brought
mt In every detail tha whlmalcel action
til a (polled artrl. Her lvr and re Halle
erilrig brought forth etormg of epplauee,
'There rnuld hardly be a octii r enainple
of th I. nail. h gentleman than that por
trayed hy Kdgar Krnat. Attlrad In a
Jaunty riding eult and wt'h monwle
which lie need In erlaioe ratio alyla, ftknat
had ll'tig difficulty In making a decided
Mt wlih t! endtenre.
A Ird Iiaprhlld, l-uyena Hlmmong
rarrled n tha part in perfection. Kvan
hie eaaumed talk had tha rlf ht rlntr for
an Kngllah nobleman. Ilia rlevar and
willy geylnga together with Ma gklllful
getlng did murh tt furry I ha play it,
riraruatln e'l'r-ree. ItulJi fVilllria aa florv
etantla i km proved to ! an Ideal rna
lilpulntor of feminine elretegy,
Tha r-egt!
Jan Narigl ,
t'orietiititlne Oagg
Mra I'eechlor
J.edr liiifehlld
Mra. KoelacM
Mt lioata, k
Jcre. I'awaey ,,,,,,
Mix liowaler
Mini 1 r.i... I ,,,,,
I .or 4 ,,,,
Jervla I'MfKimon ,,
rorv 1-efigUoii ,,
eOr Nullum
,., Marlon fvariall
,,,,,,, Kutb Coillne
.0111 JoiM-IH'lt
Jean Tieiger
.,, Aloha genuine
...NInahHh el,ert
, Kthr Knaip
,,, Lillian Andereon
, .Amy .''hit!
, Kogena Mlmmoria
...Kenneth Klefeer
,, YAH,t (Cruet
. Victor lieltolt
I'rohenriary Moatm-h.,,. William Thonipaon
Mr. I'awmy ,, Wlillam ''aiiilpd'-n
mr Kolwrl twalr Krank J(riwl"ll
Peace Arguments
In Oratory Meet
Tuesday Evening
Tha r')a of para will ha apriiad
Ti"'day night In f'rlKhtnn auditorium
whra tha lnlar 'ollfj(laia nrwtnrlfal win
tal will ha hfld. lUprxffniatJvaa nt
lUailma, lillvu, I'olvrliy of Omaha
and t'fi'lahlon will foinpMa for tha
firlia of $70 and tha honor of rapramnU
1 1 at Ki'hraak at tha Intar atftta ronlnat
May I, Tha aurcaaaful omtor Ifl tha
Inlftr aiata tnitl will rfprKiwnt tha mid
6 wat at tha National I'aai-a umfr
n' at Iaka Mohnnk, K. T.
W'aldn K. Ulillllwctim will tvrnl
f'rfinliton In tha IntKr-roHmlai, ronlnat.
MhllHiiKton won anrond pla In tha ra--il
Crala-htun ,onl''at and haa li an
anihiialaalh! dvota at oratory and elo-
eiitlon throiia-hout Ma wmraa, hisvlna"
won many dlatlfixulihid hunm n hotn
Ireland Irritated
Over Enlistments
t'orri(nd-n',a of tha Aiovlad I'ra)
M JIM.V, rt, -Thra U rnldrralil
Irrliatlon In Ireland ovar tha action of tha
Itriiiiint In ri'fualiia- it tha niamhara
of tha royal Irlah conalahulary failllll"
to afillat. Tln-ra ara 10,'W of Ihaaw pillc
nin In lralant. Thuy ara man "t iplrn
did phyaPina and anoiih of thain to form
two hatlallona of lh Irlah cuarda ata
kr, n on atitnrln tha army, Imhlln eaaila,
whii-h rotiirola thm, nffnra no oliJllnn.
Jt' la tha trcaaury whlfh atanda In tl.
way. Tha Mlliman, If thwy anllilfd,
. would ba hanalnir twrnty-fla atillllhtia
wrk for a ahllllnc a day, Tha traitaiiry,
whh h haa linH thla dlfffulty In tha caaa
tit oihar piihllo aorvatita, ami tha ovim
mailt, whkh haa urinl on prlvata ain
ployrra tha duty of acttlnf thlr nirn trim
for tha army by vuatantltia- tham all or
a part of tlu-lr waaa, will not In tha CAaa
of tha Mali polha follow thlr own i
anipar and prai'fpt. Tliira la thiia a dvad
loi k. John ludinonl In prf of tha
lord lli-uti-nant and chief n-Tntiry at a
puhllo niM-Ung haa rondxmnad thla antlon
of tha trraaiiry. It la a hlndranea
to r'riiltln In Irvland, ilnra tt la dlffl
lult t prauada poila In tha country
Olalrlcta of tha tna-nry of tha nd for
man whrti thry tha filli-o kept hark,
thoMHh at thn pirirnt IMi-y have vary
III ( la to do,
'rtfhtit rullaaa atudxnta ara rvhrara
lri( rvfry day for their l annual play
tn la praentd at tha IlrandHa thoaixr
Apill "Maul." tha ple aeleelad,
dnaely fi.llowa tha I'll.llial atAry. The
Older, however, haa heen allghtly rlmn1-,!
for diaiimlli! i-ffart. Kalher John IHh'i
terlnl. V l a r aeneral of tha dhM-raa, l
ri'l.nha if the or'heatra, atit av
aoir fl iimlanla will taka part Ul
Mele roetumlna will l fegire.). hut u
enae will h afarad tn loiwkit tha iay
the mi'l a o.eeef il In ytar. Mlla
Tnmiiiy Milla la dtililiii tha yuunf The
plana, I'mfeaaor l-l la r,l.r an
onheiiral artanaeutent in harnu,y wlih
the ((eiiMal H.( of ine ly and
hrai en a rh,la f forty ! Ill
e,oi( iillr wiiiun fur It
Tha Ulla " alll I i.lrM.I,,l to lien
Jamtii t,i IUh. l atil t'olfy til hata Ha
..le of l-ant l llaverl le will ilr
tl, art if x,a ao. tliir lUir will
). tt, e part of Jialhii
!. I,. ,m t .i,uitil lea tl th U i I
it e I ,. '. t, ,1. fniiitlt ) i.l to k, l
a H i.. I , . M.m.t, nm ni til H a tatlni iii
,!. , ( (!,,,. !,,! )
l.'. i. ,o, ih I.. m
it i.ioui.. ,,.,(, a. uik Hlt ,..t I h
ltl li.ii. tl ,i.t. i k t
.-.oill.e t . , tv.1 tt l f .itt,e
t"' i t"( t t,u,, l I W-.J
I ' ' I I OI.I ti -,.,.(
I' ,-, . I t! I -e A ..... ,l 'it l
.t.v.iu. " w h : - .i s,
" K Hi .. h ei . ut fni, i I'd)
I (.1.1 a l.,lt n.M.I r, .kljt ,, Is,
I i.i. ,im ii. ,i. i,t (. I t4 m . (, )
I. t',i HI I'H it a"irlit4 hr,.g
IK l l I I? 1 I J 1,,(.(,,
l If . . h lit .1 ( t ..... a 4
lo. i (.., ., a) ,1 it,
"III., ,1.4 I t,n !.! i, ... n
' a "-' p. i .. .1 m ' 4, si v
Tha all I'tilvernlly Week trup., Imrid,
lw rluli, dehatara, unlvetalty Anypr,
fierman dramalli! a title and I'rof, I'er
alrifer Willi hla roworkera hava returnwl
from tha aecond annual Invaalnn of Ne
braak towna wlih Hie tiil that tli
week'a proynifn waa averywhara fithj
alaatl, ally received, and nt every town a
flriAtiilal au'Teaa wn hd. Ten towna,
Kreniont, Jiavlrj fliy, Krhuyloy, North
llend, fV.ward, tVduintoia, flrand lalnnd,
Haallnira, york and Frlind wera vlalu-d,
although only thn flrvt flva rmmed ani
all of the nuinliera of tha profc-iam.
The hand drew tmrhapa the liiri'at
rrowda, nJihoiiKh tha imlvarally playera
with "llellava Me, Xanllpl," hy Kred
erlck itallnrd, Ih Nohriiakft unl.iiKliy
Play wrla-ht, a'ored a tn-niendo ia hit The
hand, In addition to Ha evening- minerta,
played afternoon concert a at every hlKh
aihool In tha towtia flailed, mid player
a aaered ooncert Hundny at lavl'l t'lfy.
The hand waa the f I ml oraatilxallon t
atari out, under the direction of I' It.
Cornell, and rnntiaxed hy ' d i In Iviri"
and It. J ftnundera. I run M I tiietr.
Iha eoinpoeer of tha Koeno-t irmli, c
rr,ioM tiled tha hand, playliiK o piano aolo
aa hla part of tha proyrnm
Tha dehatera, dlaruaaln the prepared
neaa tpteatlnn on whh'h they won d"ti
hla victory over Kanaaa univeralfy, with
I'rof. M. M. Fokk and K. K. ''air, tnan
ar, wara a new feature of tha proa-ram.
They wera favorahly rerelved at avery
town, Tha afflrmittlva team won thre
out of four de lalona, none heln rendered
at tha fifth town vlnlled. The unlveralty
playari followed tha dehatera. In addi
tion to tha five towna on tha circuit, tha
Indent preaenled "llellava M", Xnn
llppe," at Vork and Krlend.
Mia. luvrnond aa director and liny
ITriiitia a liiHtiat-nr hud charge of the
flea cluh. I'lorenia Voodford aecont
Panled tha cl h urn aololat, and Ixnt Mar
eellua and lmlee H' hiivland, wht ara to
hava Iha leading part In Hi" Junior Hue
play, wern on thn prourain with an
amualh- aketeh. I'tof, I'malntter, with
an anterlalnlii- lllon'ril"! leitura on
Houth America, concluded tha re-iilr
feature of tha week,
The Oertnan drrnnallc cluh irrftt4
Play In the tona-ua of tha fnlherlmid at
''nliimhua, 'Irnod laland and llaatltuta,
At Keward and I 'avid fTty Iha two
towna vlalled In 1406 that, wern again In
cluded, Ilia allcndanca waa much larger
than a year ago. Tha lame plan of houa
ln tha aludeiila among Iha clllnena of
Iha towna d wiia followed, with tha
reault that tha votera herame much bet. -tar
aeriualnted Willi Iha imlyeralty work
and Idea la, In no lown wna thra fienrd
any advaraa crlilclam,
Vork t olleae.
Traaldant Mcfiuahllti haa aona aaat on
a hualiieaa trlii
I'rof and Mra rl It Ilavla and Mlaa
Wllllnrriaofi are atiendlotf Ilia i'&'lloti to
I. Inch,
Tha election for tha May nuaen took
itaa ort VVedneadny inornlog at chapel,
Mr. Ilerlv. who la miklna- a tour of
enllcgea of N'ehraaka In the lnlerala of
the yoiinif Men a tlirlellim aaaoelatlon
auinmer ronfetenca, waa with ua n
Tueaday and allowed ylewa, reirod'H!'d
in natural color, or lr,aia J'ara I olo,
I lie co ege orchealra mna an enter-
lalnment at Thayer on Friday evening.
I'realiletil Jairn-a A. Iw-nla, of tllf Theo
logical aeinlnary vlalled our chapel aery
lea on Wedneailay iiiornliif Ktul loailu a
very Inapirtiitf lalk,
Premnat olleae,
rrentdenf flemrnona made a trip frj
fentral t'lly end Me re k, where la apoka
before tha Teachnra' aaaoelatlon,
Mlaa Alice p'lorer. form' r rreduata and
counly auiiarltitcndent of York eoiin'v,
who la now iiliendina' f'olumblan util
vereHy aia-'-laHrliin, wrhea thl her
rra'llia from Fremont colli ga wera nil
accepted at facta vuJua hy that Iriafltu
llon. Tha nhaervatlnn deriartment tnvlrr tha
direction of Mra. Minnie Hump aold tha
laraeal riiirnher of tlcketa for tha Whit
mora art eduhlt at Iha high rhoo nn I
refielved a heaullfiil rirlXA ulntura, Tuej
rada alao reielve.) a fat pti lura from the
proceena or tn anmn,
Mlaa Mia Meyera. Hnaal 11D, and Mlea
Ruth Iiavlea. aclenllfl'i i:H1. have hen
e lei led to thn poeliloiia of high a. h'nl
end eighth glade, reapeoti.aly at
Hl.ver l urk; aleo, Ml' Neva prnney will
laach her flral aihool near Alhhui to
which ahe waa reiiently elected,
Tt. K Miltigcaon. cmhl r of the Klii.
tiank nt CliamiiHii and a aMidnot twe v
ear a aRn. muue a plonaiiiit call at th
college thla week, looking for a young.
nan tn taka a poellinn aa fcnlint
'',hpr In the leu, it at that place, K. I.
Zdciiy aeciiml inn poanjon whriln la will
Irt-glii work Monday, April .
The following elinlrnla ft(,rri t' e rotn
merHnl 6 purlrriciil fcelvr.J dlflonat
VvehMoidy iiioiiiiiik, msiiy of ineiii
entering- uj-on iioelllona at on e: lolo
hllvey, Joacpti J'helpa, Nlker Judklna,
Hiidia I'hlllla, Klori-iica Kiirrurt, K, II.
.id, Miunlo Nlehautn, t'harlea Thorn
hurgh, T. A (ileatel, Kno h l-.ketrarid.
lalln Moore, Ujcii 'rice, Clyda 'Inlnea,
Klrni-r I'elhl, flnorge Mchoellger l.vinan
Korenaon, ttgear Wllllairia, J U.'Marcua,
John Mohr, '-ier,,n Waller llng
etotl, Kohert Hlrklea, Frrderlr k Jl'lhlll,
Joivld llundahl, Knima tlolan, Adolph,
Kin era Verne I'eieraon, Malouel Weill
hej, K. J. Zelenv. J;avld 'iard, Anna
'hillnglier, John Bveraole. and Frank
ftrnait laland t olleae,
Tha atrMnv yaetn Ivgiin Frtrtny,
March ,TJ, end will clora Monoay, Arrll I'l.
'11,,, I, ,..,.vnl..u 1 1- ...... .m
f entral colhgii Iowa, dllverd an Inai'lr-
nig annreea on j ne way t't Win.
In tha coot at In haaket tn t,twan
the literary aor-Mli.a tha Athenian lrla
'on'iuered tha Arofhlci V.n glrla and Ih
Athenian bova were vlctra ovar thn
A moll in yon boyg
ffev Pay IT York, the new atnte gecee.
taey of the Nehraaka lla'tlet "lata e-m-
Ventlin eat,, ,aui l m, . ... .. a
drraaea lu-m II a r-olli-ga (ilat'orrn n "Tlf
Hve year I'r-.yiam.''
The Anrll Volanla lag teen turned n"e
to the alumni foe ramirftlgn riilpa,eea and
the I'ollrre Hullello f,,r May will he
IfinlingcI m tna Irttnreat of t'-rt J V)
former t,odnta for the nrr,uinUm "t tha
Tinner of a million dollar arnpolvn
In tha triangular debating con'n.l l.
fweetl llriaflnga, flrand Mand and Kear-n-y,
March U. llrntid Ularid rtefa.lad
the , ri'-v Normal, Imt wn defaaied
JlfiaMnva tha aarne evening by tha
llaailnga deLatlng" team,
'Ilia prohlhlilon ronfnaf wn t-arflclpatad
t laal Toot arlay evening hy Meeara
Wnlter lirnlth, Nyr"p, K.o and lt.relt.
The flrat place y,aa aeaflr-i ffl y,rj
t-.vrelt, who will re(,reaer,t rin1
college In tha coming; alattt prohlhlilon
Tt. Orand Iatnd Aetnli"y wna h-td
at the college end cu'lnued frrtin kun
iy. March t Friday, Vtaret, 11 )
wa under the aUMplcea of the f',la
rulhailort aociely, and iia eonventlon
II waa gehool of Inairui ll'.n, f'a au
dent were ciiliega aludeiita lolnlatera and
'hrlrffliiri workera and Ihoaa wlhln(f to
herorrie am h Ha (ra hera were I'r J
W, llellev of fowa llev II t'lchacd
i" in hi faailnga, r. ., A. levlM of
Lincoln, ir, Henry (inrlofa of Indli,
linv W V. K'.hhlna of llolhr'ok I'ey
A, f, Mull of 1'a.wnee, av. J, 7, fohln
of Mnrviln and gevernl tf (in colertf
"King Solomon" of
.England, Strange
Sect Leader, Dies
(f'orrcaooridenca of tlwi Aaaoclalcd l'reai I
UlSlioS, March 2r).-Jme William
Wood, a aelf atyled "Klnir Holoinon," who
a rjuarler of a century ggu headed Iha rt
llgloua art known aa tha "Army of tha
f(ord," died February 17 at thn ae of tt
yaarg, Intrlnif lh aarly 'm Wood wai
a revlvallat In Auatralla, aaaoctated with
f'ropliat Iowla In tha truaieaahlp of a
Mapllat chapal, hut later ha enma to Kim
land and engaged In faith healing, llclng
of gtrlklntr flgura of patrlarehlal arp-ar-ane,
with leotilna fa' and whlla beard,
ha deeply linpreaand fhoaa with whom h
cama In oontoct, avan peopla of waajth
and poiltlon. Ifa actulrad a building- t
ItrtKhUm, whl:h Iia called "Tha Oanctu
ary of Jehovah," u.S, freildlng; thera aa
' King Holoinon," ha eatahllahat till goat,
tha "Army of tha Iord,"
Many eiitliuilaati gold oil their pon
alona In order to g l, live within tha
clrcla of hla Influenca, Wood d-innad
roU-g of purpla and gold and gat on
throna whlln hla followara, man, woman
and thlldrn, danoed U-fora him in
central gpaca imlll lhay fall onhauatad at
1ila feat. Ttila and other aorta of mn
tpmitt antravagance, hovrayar, Mnana go
repulalvn to ontaldara that rtoU ORcurrad
and Wood and hla aect wera finally
forced Info obannrtty.
New Substitute for
Steel Production
fCorrrap, Mnfaof Th Ag'ootdtd I raa )
AMKTI.ItliAM, NeiheHnnda Feb.
Tha problem of finding- a ai gilnti for
ferro-nmnganaaa for tha production of
ateel In flermany bag been aolved, accord,
Intf to grml official alatemrnl ra'ojved
Jinra from Ibr'lri, Thl aiba'lt la tha
tianira tit which l n-d divulged, ran be
produced In btrgo (uniltlcg trnm Intar
nnl taw rriaterlala, It la gald.
Fan'orbi for tha prrelua'd n of Iha new
auhatanra ara already working and mora
ft bif ronetfiie'id. It la a-rt 4 that
th nw prut "m will make, fjenuany In
depan ant, of Import In Oil Una,
No Smoke Days tho
Thing in Germany
r'orreg,ondcn'- of tha Aaaia-It1 I'raag )
ii;HI,IN, March 17 Tha "no amoklnf
nayg" Inaugufiited by llerr Klrrhner In
llrealau for tha lii' fit of goldliug goma
tlma ao, daya on which imokrri ah
atalned from tha nea of tobacco nnd iiva
their poaifnary gllowaru of danrg and
'Iguretg or their value In caah tt mm In
(Jia army, havg been hold riow In thirty-
one cltl'-a, huge and gruull, and hava had
UK'oiilalilng eeaulla.
A total of tm,m In ragh baa been col
leered, It la reported, tldeg about VA.VA
clgura, Wt clgarela and i,'l pajkagag
of lotaicfo, Tha fohaono tradt, aa waa
ortadftally feared, baa felt, no lll ffnag
from Iha "no-amok Ina daya," go that
plana ara beln completad for their Intro
duction Into thirty-four other cllleg In tha
near fitturt
f vaulla It run laaua nofeg to flva tlmeg iha
crorreiind,-ica of tha Aaaor Utr d I'raaa.)
U)UK)S, March Truri' h, a gmall
remote agricultural village not far from
North Walaham, Norfolk, ha gent all
of Ha men-lty flva out of popula
tion nf Wt -to tha front, which la inld
to ha a hlktier peirenlaga than any other
town In Ureal Jirititln ran boaat. "Fvary
Truncher hag to tha trench," Ig
the way tha neighboring: vllliigera
preaa It.
Get a 10 Cent Box of
"Cascarets" for Your
Liver and Bowels.
Tonight aura! Tka f'aacan.ta and en
Joy tha nlceat, (onllrat liver and bowl
chaining you over eiprrlciuutd. 11
Caacgretg liven your liver and clean your
thirty fcot of powela without giijilng. You
will wnkn pp faellng grand. Your head
will laj tUear, breath right, tongue clean,
atomacli gweet, ayea bright, gtep elaatht
ind romplcilon rray-they'ra wonderful,
(lit a lO-cent hog now gt any drug glora,
Mothcra can aafdy glvo a whriln raacarat
to i-n at any lima when they heroine
trciaa, feverlah, hllluua, tongue coaled or
toiiatlpntcd-t'aacarata ara harmleai.
...7. '"' ' ' ""' "" '' ' ''"""' """"" """"""" 11 '" ;uiiiaaia.uajwi i. -n . noi.a m
J) TOW! i:
wartaaa it n m mi I r i -ne i imii ftMlai laum , ia ihm HfcaaaaaaaaaMiiu - . irnrirt -iinairiiaiai
I. Chicago 12:40 noon
Lt, FntltwooJ 12;S6 p. m.
Ar.NtwYo.k 9 49 . m.
If. Nt l,k 245 p.m.
At, l'tliHJl 9 22 . m.
At. lAuafo 9,45 .m.
-"IIII.Mi.i.aiMaaWfe Mii ItlllMffiler
1 PJ
f i a-t
tV It f,'(i,i I.ASf
1 iwiinc- I'wa. At,
.'4 ..M I it NbMt4
Thunderer Favorite
For Kentucky Derby
CUICAOO, April .'-Hurry I'. Whl
ncy i chratnut colt Thunder r, which won
America' rh heat rit' lng alaka laat e i
aon, la fnvorila for tha Kentucky derby
to he run at Ixmlavllln on May 13
Tlila Information hud been received hy
racing men here, who race II that It 1
tha flrat tlma In tw-nty eliflit yeara fhnt
a winner of tha anatern alaka event haa
been favorlta for tha Kentucky derby.
In IMH 1'roctor Knott, a futurity winner,
went to tha poat tha warmcat of odd
on favorltea for a Kentucky derby, hut
In a degperata flnlah ha wag b.aian by
the tan to ona chnnca, H.oki,nn, 'I Im
favot Uiat Thunderar la a brother to Ito
rat, Which won lh derby laat year,
aeemg to hava aa much weight In making
tha colt an early fgvorlia, u hla own
Tha flab thla )ear protnlarg to bo aa
brilliant In point of i la aa any which
laa gona to Iha poat in a Ken'in ky dry y.
There are forty-nine enlrp-a, Iha very
err am of tho H-yeur-olda, but It la prob
able that a number of (andlilalea will
drop out by tho time of tha race.. The
talue of ti e race thla year la flS.i'iu.
The firyiie-lfiitriiiier nine returned vie.
torloiig over the lleree dlvlalon alroet
railway team, 10 to Z, Maturdny aflcrnuoii.
The alreel cur boyg eonlrlbulel gener
oualy lu the error column, whllo Klalan
biiekee of the lib kel giahbera waa nil
Imrd, liollu and t.uderua trmde up the
II A It. I.ali.-ry, Tha fielding of Klrk
and tho hitting of Drdlit, and Wolff fe.
An I'aay, rieaaaot l.aiallv.
fma or two Ir, Klng'g Nw Ufa Hlla
at night Inaiira a frao and tnay mova
ment of Die bowela. 2fcj. All drugglala,
Connie Mack's Crew
Proves Poor Match
For Boston Braves
I AIM MOV V 1 1 T V !! A r4l TV
Hoalon NallonaJg acored flva Pina rf
Morrlaella In Iha aevenih Inning veater
dy and eaaily .Wonted tha I'hlliulnlplila
Americana, 8 to fi, lloalon oulplaynd tlx
Alhletlca throughout. The Tlravrg pitch-
era kept the Alhletlca' tilla well gcattererl.
Hcnre; it.ll.IB.
Hoalon 0flJI)ftfl'rtj.i
J'hllii'lelnhla i M IM t I I) d-illl
llnllcrira: Nehf. Knelzer and Trafraa.
aor; fruwell, Nnhoig, Morrlaella and
Vnr ( htldren a l oltte n(l f roop.
"I hava uaed ChamUrlaln'a Cough llama
edy lit treating my children for fiobtg
grid croup with the bat guci gg, Wt it
tiol far) aafa without It In tha liouae. I
cannot atwak too highly of It," writ, a
lr, Joahua Nutier, of Hwlftwaler, N. It,
Obtalnuhle every wheia -Ad vertlaeinant.
itaa. f:. ir v
certainly does
heal eczema
In fdif filf! nt ffporft, covpn'ng a
pcriful of ovrf fwrnty yrarn, literally
(hoinnnilt lphy$ician! te how uc
fftt.ul the ifsini! trc;itmnit ii or
fcrrna ;unl raimilar ftkin Irouhlrs, The
liril tHr,( RfHinolOintmrntand Kfti
innl So.ij) usually itopn the itchinif
;iii'l huriiintf, itii'l llicy noon clrar
avt;iy ;ill tr,irc ( ihf eruption. Nj
oilier Ireatnif-nt for the tikin now ,c
f'ire the puhlie can nhuw .ueh n record
of professional approval.
lr,,l cnnlalnt niMi.g i,l harah ftr Inlartrau niiurg
ed ran hi eg l,,,ly ,v, t nim, r,H, ,(,
r.vrrydriil.tall P ineMtelmrM ami kn,-,l , ,n
trul h, ,,,t, i ),-', A,,,,,,,!, Juiiim,,,,, Ml,
ne naiaa mm
mrtiit i leg i
"annaej .yaaym ieTY4iri,"t ,:, ' ,"- ,,f ye
t6g mM&
You can turn most any
thing you may have into
cash by using a Bee Want
Ad f rom your services to
an entire businessfrom a steam
yacht to a kitchen tablefrom
a thousand-acre ranch to a fifty
foot lot from a pet goldfish to
a team of horses.
All you have to do is bring, phone
or send a little Want-Ad describ
ing what you have for sale to
The Bee office and somebody-somewhere-some
place will see it
and answer it.
Don't hesitate, pot your Ad ready
NOW and see that you ,iet it to The
Boo in time for tomorrow's paper.
Phone Tyler 1000