Till; I5KK: OMAHA. MONDAY. Al'Itll, 3, 191 (J. 5 T CITY NEWS "TewaaaatV fag Inertia ao4a." f 1 1. Ml . f 1 . . . , J - A ri mint miii ra fi,, riMi Sard Tool-,;. Morton A Son Co. o Mad a a SUrar Omaha UI Con, C Mia id. Ava. n. jrL of 1 lt ;d farm mortgage, J, j,M(,f(t, Kmlln Bid "Toga" UirtU ftofwua' claaalflad 'tlo today, U lptn Irt Th Baa rXClXMIVbLt, Mud out what tb va- rtuua moving pl t thaatar nffar. Heap Yeuf Mooay and valuable In U American if I-mpoalt Vauit, HoUfh nt, Be Hum rent ft (" I rrmnlb. Open from y a. n, to . , In kaUUaaay to C1-jnii f ir, jeraderp W, MiMner of tl I'nlnn J'ain. ha gun to i.lteyenn In twihieef Ion with oin 'f Hi wotg being dune along in ytm. NMkf Wan Xuabaad Mr , Hubert flour lay, a lpinl of '111)!.!", Ill , ha r n,utcd local pull'1 to ort her h ithd who b a.y, dlM.tir"l from Vtlof, Col,, abruary I arbar BobbaA of MUty 0t .1, Klrkland, barber, who re.tde ai lib aV'a.nlt,1 avamia. wa h d tiO and robbaVr uf V) rant aa ha wu on lit war to Id hom at ft ! hour !. vaniti. U14 tut SmwUf Bora VhmUth. Wobfir waa bound var to dUtrlct court relay VSD bond on a fliar nt Iwuln a tsbae.k to Wrivn Uroa., whan h did not havva uftelmt fund In tho bank to fnaet Out ehck, w Clock at Iohag An electric- Ally wound clot a, wild a dial two ft aw l bolnc ItiDiitlM In th tr'ltn t'xnn tit tha Omaha 'iraln '.tiriKf, It la bvoata'l In lixi w-nt w1l, about ton fat alwva lha floor. 01Ia4 Maa to Talk Vara I'. U. Xallai'l, who wni lUlilng :riimlaUifir of '1v.lnril, O, uiirter tl.a aulfrtlfiiaitrav tlon ot Mynr Jiaknr, iiow aiicreinry t,t mat. will li!r'!i tfm I'lilvamlf y iluti afiar I'iru!hn foni)y. Dug Calabar atarta l'mni1niaar Waonr baa rUi'l out afif tin l(C)0n4 it'iitt fn lil ti'oii'l i,fw aul.onio' Ml. hm-irUw to tha i-liy obr)'a f nrA, about l.alf of tha iloK owii'ia Jiava protmi iiO tbi'lr pet wlli IIli laga. QHiAeU k Oartatt aTuaa Morion A Don. Omabaa Oata Uf oa ;ori W. rt don, allronij Boo'iw'ior In th' Woo ,11110 of lb WorM bidlllng ba Uf 4 th funUK't f''f tblfiyalx nill of lew rail tihA KrH'Unt naar lntlttiia-ilfa on lb J'tnii)ilvinla Hut. Mi4 tor Ifavlta" tu!aa Oooda Jo No vi a, iif'i r a bics bi fora roiiuoU nlo!,T MIOKbatm, wn boiinij ovur on a i l-iuii. of ImvliiK In bin ,oi-iiliri U.frt liiix 111. 'I a lo t of Imiiimii ullt(''0 it mtu bun o"n from a bo;iir. Slbla Ctaaa X-a4ri to Mt Mra. T). A 'oli', bnli r of th IV! hi iKbliortioolJ l i liimi of Kin i lly of Omaha, will I'.iidini Ikt rluiia for fiil.r 1,11 Monilttf 1 rti-ioooii at 2 iloi'l, In th ainlltnrlurn of llm Ydiihu Afn'a t'hrlatlnn aoi:ltlon. Kika Zntartala-Tlii Klka will boM ail li.foiro) rnna'i'nln anl imrly In lha Ufun lit A lo rtnn VVr-1iM "!, kvhiiIob;, April t. A p oiram of iopiilnr l'iflori from lounlii.) ciiinly anil r:r wt.I bo nlvwti by tho ,opl of the Mlllli. Ifyan 'ui!1, uiidi'f tin Mrt fMnn i,l Mia, Kyan, Btol4 Injuat da FolUaman A. cor- h r'a Jury lnva(liillrm tha itaafh of l'o- ll':rnan Wlllliirn Oood iin1 Oilvrr Morrall coni-.liiild afU r tub f iMlbrratlon that Morrftll ),aij -fi4iJ hi own Ilfu afUr UMirflarlha; tha ufHinr anil abifitlnif M. JMomll, tliiiMt, nw win brouKhl out, ulota4 ot Sal tia Fultlra Franlc Mnn'lMno, who erfvi-a hln mViti tm aa f rth KirtiiTiih ffrat, wua arraataij hf ltfii-Hvr finnn and Kntnnlly of tha )i- rnl oi'i iJifiarttnant and 'hr;4 with hln a furlilva from Jwnin ln ytmtrt Any afternoon. Hit I uisfi'd of bHn vnl-d fir highway rnbbarir In Kant Oinnha, Tha roan U bi-lng hald for Mantl. fl'ittlon. Oaa "Ttu-TlW UMagiM. nndnrlanda. Eleven Graduates at TT' !i. C A I. - uiuvursity 01 umaiia Klcvun ai-nlora will rcr-alva tholr di ploma from tha l.'iilvurflliy of Onmha thU J'iri, They am: Kfflu f'lolland, Iiorothy Mi'Murrny, Olady TallniailKa, Ifii'h I'l'I'T, Viola J -Urea, Mr, Thonm Wlr, VI' tor liollolt, l.ilwln r"ll, Hum. nil Hln! It y, (luirli Friii)ilM and Old hum l'nlily. of (hi niiiiihrr ai'voii ara A'liidiiiil" of th Omiihii lllah nchniil, tha t' loiilii'li r IuivIhk i'oiim' fioin mil roiiinlliiV IiooIn l i iiiniih it) llinlr ntiK ulloti at I hit lorlil ai'hool, Mia Ituih Iior, wh will iii'lD hr niioiini, fihli.iil hir wnik litHt t-fhruary hut hum iitiiililat In uni'l'lili. ouIiik to lb fiirt Hint (lii'iii t tin 111I1I lii 10 tirudun Hon ib th firtiliiit of flinilf l'rtid (in ftrli inclvii th iliai'i of Itin hi l it of Ailn, I 'nuilumi will n'cnlvi" M h, it 11, 11 iti"t:it, At th iHim'iit Ulna ha In tuMoif iioilli liin at thii I iiUi'tiilii of Nil'inliii l-'i 11 ioIwi 11 tiii'l hU irn infilti u-iii nt It." lulviiiilty of I inn, ha Tui"i'!i i iifti inmni llm otnlor 1 l will In roll 1 111I111 , y llm M"Hlill Ilii'llilHI i f (In. (m nil y nt tin hoiiiii of ill- A U 1 r Ih'i.K, I. (nil if Ho' I'm hid ilr.,i r 1 n.i-iit, ETTLT MFNT PLAYERS TO CO INTO DRAMATIC WORK )! 'i,,iy itiiiliiN nt II, , t Htholh' . Il.i t I, ii) lh. fi III. 101 i.t tilmiia, mr, il, 1 II, .1 I'd HI Mi.. M..v I 4i It I, Kill I'l.'-l-lil Itlln- l-lii! . t fll tt I'l l II "I I k , f I'H nt 1 ,,n.l, ill li. ,11 1 I. 1 'i,.- 1 1 Km 11,, II.. 1. II',- f ini.il I il I. ' I I 1 ' I tmii 1 Hi, 11 I .,f ' I H U u 1 ' "' I '- ( l.. I I.;, 1 '"I -II1 I I SON OF CANADIAN PACIFIC CHIEF KlUfO IN HATILC ''.: I! f , ,; J H j I ,v id. I li 1 . II, al lai'iiii tit I i. i' 11. . . . i I ( ,, nf I ,1 , a -. I 1 .. . a '-t' ..l I .1 11. a I. ti M ft lil. tali d I II. 1. 1 U, a 'I ... a an , " fv vl a . , I i , . ... il, 044 . I 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 UHHj I I I 1 a I w . 1 I a l.. 1 aJJ.. , HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Btockmn Making1 Frepantiom for Their Annual Trip Through out the Weit, TWO TIE ED THAMI3 ARE TAKEN Th aiitnial t' kwrt'a trip throuah ihu liorthtfui, whlnh will t.f bud nt wm.K, la trinimi, antbiiitlaam fur two twin paal. M.rtNry frank A, Ktrrkir of ibc i'hanan Tiafflr linna"r Klu llbir of thi. anli ioni'Niiy havi- hn-ti workiiiu on an liliirry nd hav abmit i-om, plated all of thilr plain) Thi. trip will naiial, lent two k ainl fi -w Iny ovr. Jrfint yir thirl. w.ri' nh'iul flf'y a' of It. fnh In in ar'y, fi,r ii'ii,k i,,.iy 1 M of llmlii. It la ,i-i lil II, 11I thi onr l i-li Knl loft will ni'H''y miioiioii thai or inat yar, ijuim' piofnn it.m ham riioi" from lha p union of hual fii-a h. inada I'oininlaalnii, nii'l )ii limn mora llt.i'ial In fhxlr lviotluiiif nt anil booaHna at,lrlt. A I Jt a I. irulf I will tonka lha (Hp, But fw altaralloli of lat yf Kin orary aft oiitmplii Jt I piannH to tnaka th trip (i.l throunh Idabo, a will w'trn Montana tarr Itory, ltr Ukln In Wyamlra and othtr wtrn tat., Th parly will Inava nxt uiiily Mffmrrwim, April , arid will not return for two wi'iik at Imat, Tti atopovi-r l Trirmo).oll, Wyo , will probably h abortnd t a fw hour tut t' inak th atay lnnaf at I'miy. Wary U'Niitlrr 1akn, I'iit,atalnad nd wary, two llllnoln youth of yr wnr ovirtiiki-n foot liiat th ftork Inlmi.l frk aoulh of liufftown ynirdy aftrnoon by liolf llva Albin and fiffbnra Jokiuuo inl lianhaum, 3mn Xln-rdoti and Jnmvn Kaiinrh, tnr thin" wi-r tlm IHIo Ibcy irav Mlk Mri'briy, iUnk mnui , UniU-4 from IIuimi'I Jiinitbm, III., and hud !ii"ti "on th roinl" ain'a lt Mnmbiy, Tln-y had had lhrr fill of th "rnnit" and wir on Ihelr.wity hon whi-n i.h off). i'nr ovrlook thm, 1'robatlmi littnmr Mllli-r of onmlm ciiiii own nd took rhniii of ihfin. Injnry l'rrnta Arr., A fw rnlnuf hifor f .f.c I v lk flllln pmarid at (it Jiom to tu-rvfrnt warrant for br orr'.at In an nllie-1 if BKlvlnif tolin Koo1 I'baraa, ffuwl O'Bilnn, living til ma Jitti'rmm mnrt, I'tif her hand with an n and wim hMfi ai.iKndd by lir, rt. blndi l wimt th off). 'r rrlv, Min wa uriflhln to tnawir the eotnplalnt In pi raon, but will appiir In imirl. Th cut wn . i1., non iind nnrrowly nlid mvrring tha hand from lh r't of lh arm, Unmtn-r llotlnai ,agn, Ifarti Oarlnw, Jl.11 Hull and a fw othur of lha official lumlnar! of th Ibjiith Kid Howlln- l'n hayis arranfid for a m.ntltia- of th 1mm iap- taln of th Work yard and Muxbt City 'la Jl lt.aa;ii tmima. In I huld thi aflarnoon In th offo of tlm rtoiilh Oinada lea and Coal fompimy i. Twit ty f'iurth and M trit. Tb ai,lidMla of th hanillrap lourimtiu'ril to all how b-ra In th two lia;u, whl' h will takr piece th lat. wwk of tlm prwnt month, Will h dll7Ull"ll, Hull annonnci that a umrriir l-K'i will h ornanlcd a anon a the tourim- m-rit lm h"n run throimh, Th aim me.r tnm Will hi. rnnpoad of not mora than thrn mn pli"o und four iMtrm will howl tl' u wiifk. Tbl will mak on antuo a k for i-luhl ttimi rirmlt.td to I'fifpf, Th innimiir b;'irt Ima ri-vi-r provrd prmannt organisation lhi frir, o atrnuou effort ara bfltiif in do to plac th propoiiltlon on a firm h, Tt la thouirht that i-nough bowli-r :n li lndin:d to alkil up nndT right f'liin" May Itlten Annnal Tooler, Ditntor ar erlouly eonldei log doing without an annual -nlor l.ia -f tb" Tootor 'tbl Jun. Annoiin'-eiii. nt wa mad to th r,1 lend.-r by l'rlti'!i.il Moor ,who hud dlro't fi'Ully i-hary. of th paper that a esah 'iin of V would ba ne'eamry to print Iho laaue. ll.alde (hi tha rlaa. tnetnbira would hava to fumlnh all eut of tin tnaelvea. It aeomi almoat lmponlbl to rli" thi mm In advertlnltig and tha (lax memhar ean think of no other plan. Th high grhool own tho plunt In whli'h tha paper I "ed inontlily. Bvpubllran to Me. rtenuhllean will hold another metli. Wedneaday evening In thi. faldwi-ll hall over th nninniy nan n.i... Twi nty-foillth and M etrei U Announrn. inert to that rfferl wa iimde hint even- In by I'real.li-nt P. 3. Martin of tho 1 -lull At the meeting held Hiri m mi' .111 v tho pluri fr a big aeMon to gr et and eoiigratulitl nominated i iiidl liileH for nffli-e were nlrntel to a ( ..ti 1 n it 1 1 bl, h dill report on prngn inml" i tlm eimilng niiuiiii, '" elation w-r uri1 Hi "IW oeetlng held In lu',ihr nan, n ... .... .,. ... . a,,.... ttli,, l.. ion il tnai me Iflided that time will i" oouiur 1 im yrar The Ini'ul 1 tail I n i.'g"'"o or affleein "'i Ileiile I'm-ketliHiib 'I hell, I d liiiMur, flieiiiuii at 1 tie t'u.liil.y pai-k. . ,,r l...lliri log plan'. 1 "" "e.. Hunting yeateidav, charging mat ti ,,!,. , all.t e.iiitali.li, t !" ""i ai.iinlliig In I " ' ",r oil, a l J ii'i'liM-k Tlir "mail. Who In .. I Uvea at 'M rt u'li li,n lOU ati. el, and l t.l.aim tit 1 v dnnU il i't now Ii le i f I be Iiii I b rarlr !) Mil.' Inmt j-.-4 ik ""' a-'" '' A" . l.l Mlkl' Vl.l 'Bll. ' 't' .t f.i ,g ,i, .... I e.l 'Ail l"l 'ei I III 4 an! I" I'M ' " ' a'""'P'li, , put O'.IHI. Of Hi ' ' ll!,U III I' " . , ,,. u. 1 ;.!. a ',it I 1 I 1 ' " .. u'.i I 1,1, i It.a.t a I Vmr ! 1 1 I In,. ,f at Ii. 11, 1, 1 in e 1' '- ' 11 ' b "P I , iae Hi" 1. 1 -i I a'l't lea a fi.. ! I I.. I.i V. 1 I 1 - t i I I I . t I, . It 1 1 I , a e ,1 ; l. r a. o, e Me I I at '( ' l-a I I I. a t i I ., I . a .1.-. to i ' aia wl t ' i . ' . . a ,, l! l el a. I I I t I ' l-.lt eli I ,. Mil I "l let. til. I'. ' t. ' t a. I - I ' I tl taaart l len l t a t t' II t1 .1 I ut I U i1" I Vht aid l', Ii. J N I I'.l' ..' a .... t . al ma tl.'a tin. I'mIIi Ik ItMMor I Mtwti4e -'l"va i-.f ,.' Hi ,'l.la ., .,, I , , ..ti i, - t ,..', i i ,n a I' - i -'1 ' . e ' - ' ' ' I t I. , It la , a II In- ,"l . i "I ,', a S ' I tl. I aa'. I I a a I . ' Mill.,.. II .l ,- till. 4 I ' I - " I I , . ' - ' ' ' e ' ii ! Celebrate Fifty Years of Wedded Happiness Surrounded by Friends n I A Ail '.! ,' f "it - ' 1 Vf ' U Mli. AM; MUM. U'W Klfly yrar of hppln lipfin thi old earth wer ehaik'd off rfaiurday fr noon at th bom of Mr . Kelrla, Jlluff and Madlaon atreta, Horin'a, wlin Mr and Mr. PIwln K, Tunmr CBli iui 1, il ttinir Koblen weddlh;, Tlm old ronpli-th''y'r both aynty flv iar old appnarrd to ho youthful a oi'V of II,. ay rompntiy aaiimbtn4 t th'lr diiiitir' homo, and th hp- at I, Hyrtnn, Knudaon nod Xwtt, Th prowaalon will leav tha re'dhe for N11 e re Jlrt ehur'h at Twenly-aeu-oml and Kltumy utreet in arrlf at th liitii.r at t o'eloek, interment will h loiide In the Holy Hipuhbre retiietery, M laalonner in Talb, liv i, h. oyb r of "iidun, Afrl, mla lonnry fioni lb t'ild rttiite to that put of AM'n for tlm lit fifteen year, Will be 11 anlr boin oioining and evn- nlliif before (be rjoiijftegittlon of tb Boiitli f una hit 'rnbytr1an ebnrch at Twenty tlill'l and II alreel, Th tulnalonnry I tmvilliiif aeroaa th roniiri'iit tilllog lha t'ry of hi iiicii'ii' In hi work among (bo Afiliini nod will prov 11 moat In-fiin-wlog tnlker, MmiMlian Hakea 7IU, A T Moiiuhiui, i-otidldiiln for tb dmo- t:ra Hn nomination for Roogreaa In th Me.'otid dlnti't, mndo ii ati'ii'h yeaterdny afternoon f. tbn lilve Kioek e'bang biilldlog to a erowd of about Zn men, telling ihern the pint form on whl'h h I runnliig, ll nl, 11 w ;i'ary to bovii an hon.t man for eongr amh and 01111 who knaw aomethlfia; about tha law, Two funeral Today. Two funeral will h Held tht. fie. noon the Nooih Hid... Mra. Milton Miv ! C'ullougb, gd M yir, who dbd t hr bom, vm V afreet, will b hurt, A ml I o'ido. k thi afternoon. Tho furn.i! will b hold nt h rnaldone I,, mi M r ' ehuri'h, liilirment li,g rod )n j Mtiv'i i-ainnim. ti.- ,...-,,.! ,.t tAiitii. : WlireWit, who died Thurday aftarnoon, will ho held tbl afternoon at 2 o'cl&'-lt from 1 h yldi-ri", 4i N.,uth Twenty fifth afreet, to llm laaurel Hill rmti,ry. Mr. T, Jl. Holman, former Narpy county pioneer, wo a bulled yeatrdy aft ernoon nt 2 o'eloek. The funeral w bbl nt. (In. form homo of Krnd lak to iho Im I'bitin eemeiery, aouth of Oman. .Mra, Julia, Hoi tor w hurled Friday morning nt h.9i o'clock, tha funeral aery. be being from (he fcaldence f,, tit. Agon' cbui-'h. Interment wa triad In fit. Mary' ceoi'lciy, 1 1114 In I ttf t;aln, "rto.. I'lratia," II, n big aerial movl a'ory o b run In The I '.-, will mako It linn 11pp. iiiain o In an Hinaba theater I'udiiy nil. iiioon th Ix aaa theatar, Kor ae, tbree-roont bona, barn, ehleketi bonce, ty-nree. Cull Houth 71, Corotu r Willi Croabv report tha oa of ii ft Cili a 1, in wlillo in tin. H .ulti Hid y. al. r'o.y 'I i,i. ,'n wn I l h.-twenn A and I, aiic ta on Twem y-fourth atrwt, I'or r nt, modern C-room cottage, lib fly decorated, 2'Hh and A Nt. ''. I'ei2. Voniig n-i,plii of th Weal gidii Inter leniniloiiip,iil elmii h g ive an April foul luitv ot tlm i-iiurih ,,,d at '11, Il t y -elulilh di d Q atte.-ia luat h-i,Iiiu A largo iium ber atti-tiij, d, Kor Kent- 7 It., beaidea bath room; bewly Ji-iorntf.il; mod , heat; (loan In; l-ii. Jin. N K, ( or Ifcid lil, 'I Al. The keii;,int'tori of lienre of Honor bi i,;,s No, r;i it HI moot at ih home of Mi, t,. Wjini, I'iri) ninth and t! ain-eta, Ti.urabiy fi. ii,.,.,n Mia. ., J,b. rl will bo a at-h :n lit h'.li pa, Miiigori.le llllleli, ibillgliler of In tertlv iiti l Vn, ,Mii,. i;iil, ii, I , iff, ring fr on iiti.ilier 11, r.. urn l,p uadown al Hi- 1,1 , ,11 Inline In in, veal al In A tloeloi'a taia Waa In ceiiMni y hii I nriln y, Tii" In nf Mia Il ia l.ong, Twuilv- PlUlh nil, I M'il.1 ii. lil renin. Will h Ilia cell-li-r nf 11 pi" ,1-lrtl toiimn.iw evi nlng 'lha e .i lal in iii-iii given i.a it hem fit f,.r tlm ll,,,lil,iiii liii..,i,ioiiiiiHlloiial floinh, HYPHEN "TbSTrOM SWEDISH NOON SOCIETY Tlm ywcliKh ,V,,,,i, I in y 1 ,ih of Oinaht, 1 ottalai log nr I,, iulni.ua and priifeaalonnl men nf wnl;ii llitn ir d"int, will n. dial, tbn atti-iilh uiiliP 11 aai y of II r.i.ii.dli.g hf l.i.lillug a amuki r mi, In, .n 1,11 ug 1,1, i-li, ,11 at ti, (11111111, ii-UI 1 lii'm.i.ioa nil Thuradgv relilig April ' 11 'I ti., 1 I..U 1 1 ii" ,.i,ii tint i.lil l av. In,; be, 11 f, .,!!. l 1,1 1 .11 ., J y hi ,,,1,1 and N I' fiaii"ii Thi t baa .. en the timet an. .eaa f I i f i.ll TI .. in. i!ib..fM. ha In i'l"e, l"li'l TO l', tho I l il, baa In. 11 ,l il' 'lUi ly . Hu, I log held Hf. , 1I11 1,1. ,iii,t 11 a 11,1 mli hi 0 ,111 nt I , l,.l I I lb, 1 i ll. . I'.t' . 1 1 a 1 . , I."i,'i ml at wi, I ii , rni, 1- l ti't'ii if 1 li.l, waa tua liai .j-e4ai an, I 11, i" - l' u.e vii't, t . 1, hi,, tai mmi'iia at It I ' i W III I . Ill 'r I I I ll, i . 1 1 ii. 1 1 i.i. I !l I, t- al f'i,fp . It. H i p. I, a, N v,.,. ,., 1 1. j , ,a ilaM - a i, I A l I. 'il 'I i ' -, , j ,i l,,--t Ir .4 Ha a.- ,ti ,! ' i i,i I A I t la A ) I". a .1 I , I t ll,. ' I e n 'It'll I " I ' -I I a I, la,-, "'a i I 4 .i. 1 tha i l"i I I.a , y I r aia.l , ,,. 1 1 .., i m a el h ii II. ii ...no I -a i . (i, I a . 1. -!.- I, a in VI li.aa, U,I link ail lie) i i .. a i I l-i' lit I I'l I SILL CHAnntO WITH ! RUfaNlNU GAMING HOUSE i i tt.. i ..I i ' i -i . 'it' - 1 If. , ;V "ir turn IN K. TI'IS.S KK (in of fhe fifty year m wa but allartit aa roiopainj to their an'l'-lpatlori of tha fufur. Mayor V, D Tukr of florem- i brut Let of Xli Turner, ami wa piani at tb i If bra I Ion, Tb only lllog ifhlld f tha Tut n-i 1 ta Mr J Klil 'lhie ara alo two gland' blldron, Clifford nd Mauda, th t,imr hi lug a i lvll n li.r and th latter a atudent at cn tral High, "Sporting Widows" Making Good at tho Popular Gaycty Imperaonatlon by William Orleve, Vln eeht Dummy, Kuth I,f kwood, John Barry, Hilly Rtana nd Aba lavltt, ir p'tlvi-l;', ar fnature f "Tho tpnrt log Widow," an imuaually eloaay bur p aipin prod'trllon, wbl' ti op nod 1 t venliig at lha Oayety lh'.nlf, rrriin nrat lo Inat a iii'rry irornpany of peoplo romp throiigh a ineiang of melody and rnlrth m il lb Inlereat do rot lii f'ir a tnlnute. The eotum.i and atnga ('tiling ara good and thi 1 horn a wll haloniad. Jlaron H, M u Malauawii, adjutant of tha Jfrenrh army, lend timely Intar eat to tb plena, "Man Jnn,' by Anna Maek and rhnril, la on of tha mualeal hlta, "If tha V, n. A. nhoum tin to War?" lend a military touib o lh final of th f trait ay t, John Itarry and Billy Evan, liag and Taiiei. are pair of iler eoinellan. The vmivAt lmft of tho offoHng I abova the '"drd of bitrliu produi'tbm nd " "v"ry r''",", 0in "nn'u "" '"" -i.enori.y, to rui.-r --'n r""m Th '""" "r Worwaiwiy, wa prei.fitd rlH' ally. In bla lmpraon- tt"n of f huny Al'ott, vit.-ant oueay ' or-il wim hi retiOitton or "iotimr Maehrea," "Tb Nportln Widow" will appear tbl aflerri'mn and evening and throughout tha wfk. Charity Concert Fund of $2,000 is To Be Distributed At a meat In g of lb ratallera tvimmlt ta, eompoaed of Iul (',. Naah, Oorg Hrandel and C, C, Bldn, who wr tack of tha charity eoncert eoitraa Juat eloaad, It waa found that tha um of ll.iyi wa left aftnr ripenac wera paid to ha dlatrlbuted among Omaha irharliit tda intlf titlon. A le-lo rommltts haa been ap pointed by tha original on to maka tha aiabiiramnent., tha dlabura.fig irommltta I mailn up of Ii roril Hlcharda of tha (imaha National hank, Oeng,t Haver- ait I' k of tha Trilled Htata National hand, end Fred Hamilton nf the Hrt National bunk. Tha I'rltent and Judlrlnu fa of Id Want Add I th Itoad to Hucoea. Policeman Good's Funeral Monday Tha funeral of 1'olb emari William flood will be held at th n-aldiri'-e, H'lltl Hpald Ing atreet, Moi.ilny nnuiilng al 1 i. Kmrn tlm raaldeni-a l!i body will be taken to tb Haired Heart church, ecortn1 by two platoon of pullet,, whi-ro llio laat rlii a wl tnt held at o'clock. Tha honorary palll.i-i.ier will h: A, f Kugrl V, McCarthy II ', Ixion Ji.hli H I'liffay M V lwni,ay M J Kuilltan 11 llellfeld 'lli illllia li,nlon Tlm aiilu pallbearer aid la. A 3 r-itiiittclni'ii W i. Knaanl A I. Trhy t ail hweiiai.n I" II V I t T i: I Mill, 11 i-ml'li M ..1 1 I. v I .. 11. ,.niy Ilcliino ScoIps Cut leu ra Soot lies KM-'? ' iwiilsliiiiilnitl: iilfflliiiijlrii ( ht r titn-aj (..in Ii ; . i of il.aia.lr.tff an (I. I 'i lilt I 'hi 1 1, i a I hoi ii,. nl Sett li.'.ii og ' ami- tiil I -ii nr .H..t an I I , I nl f lit ti. i iiii i, .a to , m In l.,. ! ti a, !n i n-mi an I I" - t t ' I I I M . ' I, ...I gi ''l Sntiili tut It I rn I v Mull BIG NEW CLOTHING STORE HAS OPENING TliouiMtidi Visit the Efttbliihment of the . H. Oreen Compgny, TRADE OF HllST DAY HEAVY When laallog about for a location f"t another I'lnihiiig (lore, f J H Oiee i un puo of Hni'nt t'l'y bad a n .111 ar "f I l In t:w, liu' after looaln the yioiinl or Mr ' r en de'-l ed H at lion if Hum J ii.. a"d Hi adeantagl nf fir'id b) 11,0,1, and a n it a. I, fir l. re la tin- I it. or v.i r 1 tt.ri.w 11 g m lo 1 ,e pilde g'nr a, a id a I diy loin aid t if tl bit,. In 11, i- among, It tm ih 0 ee a for th . , lo'bli g aop - 1 r nd h wl. weie out in In -(. n to ra Urn j 11 iireen c-rnpuny f nk a I rt ' 1 in 1 b 1 11 1 1 hi 1:1,, i ,1,,,. ,11, ,,, , l'oaid alr.eia. f. ruieily oct-up m l,t 1 l,n King, l'i-k Clolblng loiniakny and haie It a at home aph an enorm m a'oeg f 'lot bin;, fiirnlahli gooiia, hat, capa and ' WO) II, g )IS Hiy ,,f ,,( i,,,,. Wbal laat Hill Bit. W, th 3 If Oian oniny will 1 al'ir to all rlaeaaa of trail, lh p-WWr will ba to nabla eugtouiani lo mat Ik' mdv f prfetly at horna an t I'allna that l tha tor tliay will find a plai wher a dollar will buy nmr good than at aay other p a In th i-eniral .i( Held Mr. Cman- "W hara ruin to Omaha in iy and we lii to l.udd lip bualnea for th f'lt.ir. To do thl, a rnut deal fairly hud nuaraly with lb people iid ylv II 1 in a d .Har' worth of go'ei for nry dollar that they pnd, Wa tr''l"" to malt fhi in atora for Oi ma and biiln for eah and aallln for eaah, wa bellnva that w will b abl lo larry out our lrta In tvry dill. "In th (lumha utmt w will keep fr ealo y.iel a good good aa can ha found In ui'y other tnr In tb elty. Our irtyloa will b juat a rorrit and up toVlai a 1 an b found anywhor, tut It will b th prteea that w will put upon o-ir good that will fell," Blaalay I Art tail. Th rnnrnanf nf lh lower floor of lh tor, tha floor oorurdcti at thi tlm. I almllar to tb plan follow! hy the Kin, I'ei.'k eompany, thoigh nW flu tore bav bn Initalled. Th bttr ' liiaac of elolhln aa kept In gla far I ', . altered about tha room In an orHatie at d pliaaln manner. The dleplay la art.l'lo and aftrartlva and lh goiAl o arranged that thay ran In rhown to purrhaaara to good adian- iltiin. hen Mr. firetn eama to Omaha, In- al'iid of hrlnyln 1,1 rlark wltn him, hi I I red mrt of fhom hr. Thay aro en. I'.rbnnod In Ibatr lln and nurnhor of toeiii have larga prona,I foil., wing tinnnn tha nun tnr I K, W, Mwasaoti, who wa no popular with th Kin, 1'ack 1 nin!tny I.eler In th rin th J, If, Oin 'on.paoy will taka over tha atvxmd floor of th hulblln. and at that time ln'all women ult and furn'aldn deri motit. SETTLEMENT PLAYERS TO PERFORM THURSDAY NIGHT Tha program of threa oti-it play. whloh waa to hav n lvn by Th rlelilernant Mayer at th Cathollo Turnn hall, litf, goulh Thlrteanfh atreat :n Minh , w n prwaented Inatnad on next Tliurfday an an log Mary Irana Wallaca will tllraot lha player, who will glv "Th IPmnuar," by fCdmond Itoatandi "freg Cutting," by Ooorg Bernard Bhaw, and "Bak of tho yard," by Knnth Hawyor (Jowl, man, Tha followln will hav part in lh thro playlet; Mam la Nlntip, An- lm Camay, W, F. Rogmajzl, Ixiul tuirin, Hay Cm-ley, Pr. r", Padll, Anton Hadll, John CTilatiorad. Blanrha Wavrtn Mori Oafrinlo and W, T. Badll. artau- r G enuine dock On Dr.'iiijrlit and in Hottlcs, on and uf tor April (itli, lilKl. Wo ituarantoo our Hock lieor to bo live months old. Only a limited amount of this boor lias boon browed. l!o sure and order a case sent to your home. Win. J. Swobodn Retail Denier Phone Douglas 222 Metz Bros.' Brewing Company OiuaIia, Neb, Chaplin Imitator On Douglas Street Gets Into Trouble If film pr agent apegg th truth III making the alalemenl thai Charley Chaplin mm ,'herbed d' lr I to tar a tragedian, he or mayl It wa an Ind falor neaily acconipllahed II )eierdy firrnoin on lioi.gla afreet Charley Chaplin wa waddling down be trite blm kg 00 llougla alreel known I ta HonKh-nm-k boulevard," and wa t- r,-tliig a bl crowd of burn and l,w tin' He had big tlgn 0I1 hi hack 11I1 erlialng eoiiietl.log or other, and tb irnwd II nt f..)lot eil 1, 1 01 a buying tot I" fun JIhii him (liarley apparently w a i.iib-lng If a much a iie iiawd. lie wili!ic. t ,, -d hi M.I. tw.rled hi li e m,, I ,ai I,,"-! glorlonely, I'.ildciilj he 1 iid on hi toe and Hi.. Ir.igil, Miinred II fill flap. dab aliit an Itinerant photographer aland, liiioening ft, .aini-n, and all gal'ey weal, Ham"' (he i,tiol.,griiplir lore lonaa a 'IVa . leaguer and innited on Charley 1 iiiuelaclie t'harUt tor' hed off a few a. ira of apace and the .road a'ef illy folloaed, and o did the photographer, 'Hie advatlpilog romeillnn orn dlafaiiced l lm, and ,tt d.,w n on a pile of trunk In front of 1 ar nahop Oal from her' ..radahera, hnm'" II, pawnbroker rhmited. I'oor I'hailey ka daddied on J'retty oon In lit taper h biiinpd Into a woman "Nniak"' h lped blm with an um brella Charley Jlolt. patrolman an lower Bong: fret, laugiird, but wlkd over lo Charley Chaplin and ordered him lo behay. This Bird Thought Bright Corner Was Billy Sunday's Work tf Billy Hunday could tat en him M hav had "Jdnly" awllrri from "fild Page v.' lo "Th Brewer III Ho." Ntewed would b a rolld d "fip'lon. rhkied, oud, 111 up.-.l r lndenaf. How h managed to loov about wa a myfry, H walking at Nlgfaerifh and Yr nm, and iiy aaamlnlng tho nw board fn aurrotindlrig tha rlrt Na tional bank atrtirtura. Apparently b waa reekln tha anfrane. H walkeit alt around th building never I Urn, look' In for at door, Finally In dlegut h gav It up and aolalmed: "Billy rlhunabayah dar nol fool not t'ava doorah nlah ahnl' lah'tiael!'' An niud crowd waiting for atroet ear agreed that th work doe rmbl tho tabertiacl aomawbat, George E. Barker Celebrates Coming Hero 60 Years Ago Oonrg K. narr, mlltlonalra ral rtar nwner and portman. daitiirday. celebrated bl alutlelll year In Omaha. Mr. Barker la 11 year of , hilt 1 a pry and aetlva, b y, a any of hi mii; In fart, b teajtif illy told ellr of beailn hi on, Joneph Barker, Jr., at golf few day ago, Mr. Barker arrived In Omaha April t WA. and ha eonflnuoucly rldd br. I'"" r"11 "Jt "'""" 40 ii mora vnioani man ny tn.oter vroe" erty owner In Omaha, Moat of hi hold ing ara downtown, Frank, Alfred, Joaeph, Jr., flaorg, Jr., Mr, frank Martin and Mr. Charla Mar tin are hi children. IB wlf I !4 en joying good health. rr fllllaia Atlaertt Whan you hav a avr haadacb, a eompanld by attd timgua, lothln of food, eorurtlpatlon, torpid llvr, vomit In of partly dited food anil t n blla, you may know that you hav a avra lllloua attack. Whlla you may tag quit alck ther la much conaolatlon In know In that relief may b had hy taking tbre of Chamberlain' Tablata. Thay ara prompt and f factual. ObtaJnabl , vart wher Advrtlrnnt, "THE OLD RELIABLE" cttWK-aiuw;' For 1916 TTD Joe Steelier Says He Is Ready for Gotcli ff.t.SlijST. Nib, April 1 While her today on bla way from Lincoln t'i hi born at liodg. Jo echer dlrd l.oj waa rdy any i?y now to ta klo Kiank ftott h, "Any 'rt of an arrange tent rill tnt," laJI atailur "tthat I want I a elaM at tha champion who banded but irwu to firdernan " A REMARKABLE 4 STATEMENT Mr.S!icMon Spent $19p0 for Treatment Without Bene fit FiriallyMiuleWellby Lydia E. Pinkham Veg etiblc Compound. Enclewood, III,-"Whll Ktie tliftruifl. th (Imngifcf Mfe I ufffl iWiui iMyinena,nr- vOUaliaa. ftaahn (it liogjt, ml I gulTar! ) mufti 1 M tuit krxw wht.t 1 VM 'Imntf nt tljTi, I afavtit im Ud- Ami not on til l mm fy gwl. 0ri) !y lavTy efH t rny honaa inl MiM nil hail run k ilcic n I waa t on lime, ami l.ydi E. I'lnlt htim'a V ir at alii (Wifgiunti my! hr wll(iio 1 uk It, aunl now 1 urn )ut m well 1 yr wg. I funnot uwlemuri'l wti wmir-n don't im how mueh imln m ufferliifr' fJiy W(jM ri l.y f.k Ifiif trur irmtllrlfi, ran not ;rrti It anmiufi fnf It ni"l my life and ktt tno from tfi) Inaan Jloapiul'-Mra, K, Htm.txm, U'M &. )lalbed Ht, Y.t,V,rw(pA, III, lliyglnlan tm'UnjbfiDy iIM Uwlrfat, 1ftUlot! with thi rM tra!lly and tm tin tio mift.hui of on thmoftl awleriiiHd treatmant I un,aaJ t,y Uk tne'lirimil j,rotrliea of if, frianl ol't n-.l.l fi"l MM t h"rl fitiUilneil In I.ydla K. rtiiklmm'g Vrnillit OmpHiiw, If mir coin rllAl ln ttUiM It Irttygj to wrllrt tli l,yt1l Y., I'ln la in in Mi-illi liirt Co., f .yuu, aUuM tor aiHM'UI trrm adtlm, WHAffoWwHENYOUE " FEET BURN AND ACHE How many time hv you em horn In lb enlng with your f 'blug and burning from to'l,ng or walking In hard, hid alio lealoer. and wim I wouldn't you glv lo I wa rlled of mat tori ire1 Hera I a aim id war to obtin ! isonl, eomfortatila, happy feet that wl'l rcomrr,eo'l Paelf ! , II I ) min i and nepniv iter , kg of Wa Ne.'f from your dmgglt. It only e,. ?'iurir, Then o bom and ban, yo ie wt In hot water In which yotl ba t!rot-d tw or lbra of tb lahbl. A deiieloug a na of tiimt'iri and well tlt.g will nrp over y i and ail tired, aching feeling will vanlah, Wa-N'-Ti, added In your baili If a dnllghtfut elean. r and dlainfiae tarir, raroovln input I tie and banlatilng body odor. If your dfiigglal baavi't wa N Ta, aend ua 1 1 t'eni to eover fpna of packing and loaning and w will rtd ymi .H", pkg piapald to your aoorea yoj ftlll thank ua for i iidon i'M,, Mouth u for th -!- Hon.- I. C. tnd, Jiid,A'lyer IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Tot hv iwollen ft and handa? miff, ' hy Jolnfr rnrp abo'iilng, rti'ittiiatl'i Pain lorlur you. Vou hav anln baeg, pain In th lowai acg, pi,in In th lower al,d'tn-n, ditri uuily when urlnatln i flllk out i a a- a ara dangor vtgnnla Tr'iuni I with V' our atoner w.ric ' in d Be,l tanning, In oti form or another, ha art in, Jt may Pad lo dropay or fatal Bright' dla If not eba' kad Oel om OOI,r MfiTrAf, llrtm Oil fTapanloa Immediately, Ther ar an old praiatloii, uaed ail ovar tit world for ent irl, romldiitng natural healing oil nd herb, well known to plivai' lar and ud by Ihonaand In thalr dally pr.:U. . Tii- Capaui,, ar Hot an eapvrlineiiinl make aiiift "pntant niedb-ln," or "alt, whoa effeet la only tmf,orary. Thy aia a atandard remedy, and act naturally, gently and Ulkly, lint when you go to tli 'frugglal, ilialat on getting tha pure, original Haarlotn HI In Caiula. I la aura the neio- liOl.l) MKIMI, la on lh lei, and thii aroti't yourwlf agalnat Cuuntertnlt,-Advert la merit, W7W mm mm .Beer t I 1 1 1 . I t ,." 1 1 .1 I.I. ,l. i I 1111. I I . 1 ii, 1 1 i