Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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The Ia Publishing; Company, Proprietor.
sintered t friht rftrf f f t a wnnd -Was rrmtte. lid Oa MVhrtCltmVtH.
, nx (riiT Hr mil
' par month per yer.
rfir ni fundey...., i i
iily yllhi"it Muri'lity. ................ .4, ...., 4"'
fcvehlng and Puri'lay ............. ).,,,,., ,,,,,,, .
I W..11. without H r y .J...,,,,,. 4 OT
Punltig without tfumlay,,..,,,.. tt-n... ........... Ul
Huti'lnjr lie on!)' ........Sim , I "I
1'niiy a n't fuii'lay I', thre year In dvne., liftOT
h-Mi noting nf rhanga of 1lrw or Irrgulrlty Jri
rtelfvery to Omaha lla, Circulation feprfmnt.
lleiMt by draff, einrea or itoatal rdr. Only twee
cent stamp re'eived In payment of rnll account.
I', ii.i , I harks, imept on Omnh and as tiro 4
rhan-, not accepted,
Omh-Tbe fie Jlithdlng.
tilth (rrmhaOTl N street,
Council li.ffsH North Main etreet.
Uiienln-I.. IJfll Imlldlng,
hi - i roftpicd iik ft'iiMiMt.
Nt-w Vnrk-lionm Ji. J, fifth avenue,
(, I,oil-f,0 New Henk of Commerce,
V.'ahliigfnn7Z'i Font leant h trt M W
Addrese communications relatine- t new and ndt
jorlal matter to Omaha Ik, Mltortel teprrnrit,
FKfiftt'AfllT CinCTMIIO,
54,328 Daily-Sunday 50,639
Dwtghl Williams, circulation rnnsgr of Tl' I company, being duly sworn, r tnat to
varum. circulation for the month ot fsurusry, Mi,
Was 14;:I 'tally and 1J1 in'Jr
I.WKiHT Wll.lJAMrt, Circulation Mngr,
( r1ld tn my preeeri'a and SWW to Pror
tn, II, I 4 dy nf ilar'h. Jf t
IWilluT ilLNTKH, oUrr Pu Ml
bould Tli fi mlbt4 to tbMii, A4
)rt will I changed m cfUin M rKl(iWt4Kl.
Now doth flio roong rna'i fanrr tur to
rlr;i(fit f)tl vlaloo utlnwiy.
KccoMlnx tho uplift in lh kkIIi) 1 1 p
proacbra tbo inonoMmy of a daily irlud.
If fbo xpIanaflon wnt furhr, It woull
monnral that lb "I" la Jut a "Jay,"
Jt I i-vldont from tba aM:wnla that I'antbo
Villa U aomfl iprlntr vn with a Um tf.
Th rrin ibanrnj wlfh Hottln an Invanlon
of ranada 4vllDty wr not potd on Kaolao
hi at 017, 4
Tha fnka rHornmr ktpa on ahoutlna"!
how bont I am; I tried to ateal only 1",0'I
to 120,000 wbu 1 irilcbt easily b.a triad to
ateal more."
With ao much eormtruetlon work In hand
and In pronpect bow ran our water board bona
4vot moid ot bla time to partlaan politic
without nt-KleftlDf tba job ha la paid for?
The I.lnroln woman, reported to bar
rrlpd a fortune In oil landa, baa tba addi
tional aallaf action of potting meaoullne rold
feet without taking the temperatur.
A tornmlttea of conrreaa relegatea both tba
dry amendment and the auffrage amendment
to the plgton bole for the preaent. A prel
f t nflal ftttnpalgn year l a poor one for ahow.
down on dlaqufofing queatlona.
Out of the conflicting atorlea of the aur
vivor of tho triple train wrotk, and the attempt
1 1 fix rcKponelhlllty for the dliaater, will rome
(ho ijHiiul divided llame and lnoncluatv re-
ulta. After that, forgetfulneaa.
i-- .1- ..8
The renomlnatlon ot 'Tee-grafter Bob"
would mean aim ply that bla aaaorlatea oa tba
tlciket would hare to carry him, or rather, be
dragged behind him. It la to the Intercut of erery
man who hopea for a republican nomination in
tbla county to be laved from being aaddled with
" . . "
Itevlaed ropier of Prealdent Wllaon'a pre
parednnaa epoechea algnlflcantly quallflea down
ward hla Ht. Ixula outburat Hla call for "Incom
parably the greatent nary In tbe world" now
read "Incomparably the moat adequate navy In
the world." The change underacorea the aober
aecond thought.
The daya of old, when plratea bold plowed
"tho ralng main" hold no one-act perform
ance aurpaMlng the holdup feat of Erneat
mhlller. To capture captain and crew alngle
l.antleil and depart with the valuahlea rlrala tbe
a hW'vciiK nte of fltte, or the Mediterranean
plrtitra of long ago.
Mr. Ilrynn Inalma that Nehraaka baa atonn
mill for twenty-rtve yeart on the laaue he la
r.ow rlhliiK. While (hat anaerllotj Invitee dla
pute, yet the demiM-rt were In control of the
Mtt ailiiiliilhiratlim and the legialature fully
Imlf of that time, ao the burden of the Inillrlnn nl
i (Mm rU'M home to the Itrvan buui h.
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
Canipll fran rilaa.
Tli" mi. 1. If 1 iiiimhI..iii, ma amliitialy e nd 1.-f
h4 I'm a l'l'IIMf nf ti.ill In. a litiil.t uil'lrr ilin
liuii ail ai.nlma ll dill itn In llm itl nl
1 ii aiil, lu d ma ! wlUi III i ".J irlalu.
In a'l t 1. lit .( 1. irl. i I..I, ..i,,. ii llli
A? 1.11. I Mini 1 r I iii.ll 11 ".riu'n il. a.tvlnaiill
i v nf I'"' n 11 ilk!im Hi. ) Ilia iiiii lla 1 ui
Mi tlaii 't'lM, .).. t.f It. 1. w.r lfi).
'1 ( n V i.i in. a, l in ii,)n.g a law i1m
a I'nihli ul l lii 1 I Ii lint III Ik 1 afUlii
" m, II..I I'.sti., f... 1.4,1 1' iiili..- !M l,i. I'll, ail
U i'h t-i ' .1 1 In Ii l Mil .Vita lit t hi. l'iii
i-..ii h ilv, ttn.f aiMi'litf Ihli.fa, Ihal l
1 j,( -i.i tl if I -I m ., ii mt Mli aN.,) ..'a
, ' ii 1 li-l M I ' , !! li.i. m a a al-i
.1 .1. Im a toll) . tli ii, t. wi.l) n
II. 1 wa .ula I i I I )! float iiii.l
ll.u di .'Ii l 11I1 ..ihnl.i mi. I .ni,J
1 j ll.a II. . t '""'I i-l.l i n ll I lai an
a -ii-ln. If ll.a i.'4tt'i.M at') tu Httn
ivi-.i '1.14 . i rl t t Ilia . .! Iai, !
I H l" H JIH 4- I II J l"l I. l-!l. ll.l lt.
!'. .i. an. H. ana 4 Ui.4 i. ia4 Ua W I.
. !,. !, t. . i-4 la... I . iiilnaia4, i.
1 li f lt a
Mi. V. ) T fa 1la.1t al4 ar
a.ll'na al H tiim U la'l I'l ai ii.)..iila luaiiiKl
Mt an I Ma ,'n a I !. 1 iii.a lata .a !
(..l-lt ... fcfc.t i n ittlil. ltu Wai a, 4ta I
I- 4 111 11 I. n-t ai-. l. ii 11 a - I a ill nl n i
.. h 1 . .,1 l t it
! . I 1 ., I ... ,. I ... 1 s pi , . .14 1 . ( ,
1 . a ' ' a .I 1 I;m I . t 1 ' 1 l .1 , ' ' a 1 a
f , Mia ..n.a:.. i i.t a laMiiit'i lailvif .
1 . i.....;j , . i 1 . J -I.t, I'al.i ..I I
Bryan's Pledge to Wilion.
At hla birthday celebration, William Jen
Mnica Tiryan again pledged bla f-elty to I'real
Jent Wflaon, and predicted bla renomlnatlo,.
at tbe coming Ht. Ixmla convention, Tbla la
c,iifte a matter of form, and not at all un
ff ted, but bow do Mr, Hryen'e action aquar
with hi profeaalona of loyal aupport for tb
f-ealdent? Only a few daya ago, when Mr,
V'llnon wa aaklng of congreea a vote of confi
one, Mr, l!ryn waa buny with bla follower
at Varhington, riving lo prevent any en
ora'ment of Ihe announced foreign policy of
1 he adfolnUtraflofi, At Lincoln b followed bla
announcement of loyalty with an attack on the
prealdent'a plan for making preparation for the
di'fena of the nation Home, month ago, at
one i,f Ihe yraveat toomenta In recent blutory,
Ilr, flryan retired from tbe reeponnlMa poaltlon
of aecretary of atate, becauae be did n"t agree
with tbe president on a j'icatlon of pumtnotiot
Importance, Openly profeexlog loyalty in hi
party bead, and bla quondaro pemonal chief,
fee great commoner baa, by every trick tbe
boa of the adroit politician, oppoaed the entire
program of the adoilnlatration. Jiy hi pubfle
ntfcrancea be baa preaerved bla "regulnrlly,"
hut be ha rerved hi right to knock and
hamper everything the prealdent doe, and ha
taerclaed the right at all flrnea ffla preaeof
jl4ge to Wllaon lavea Mnwerd fb ijuaa
tion, Wht la a democrat?
lUtw to End the ail Feedinr Graft.
The Ue baa been fighting the Jail feeding
graft for many jtrn and, at one time, aeemed
to bare auceeded In atopplng thl abue.
Through The liee'e effort a, a lair waa en'td
by the Jeglalatire providing for f4lng coanly
jail priaoner by contract upon the at roe plan
that the prleonur In the city jail are fed, and
thl ayatem waa Inaugurated and continued
throughout the two terme of Sheriff Mralley
with iot aatlafactory reulfa not. only In the
haodnome aavlng effected fi,r the tun payer,
but alao In (be character of tbe food fornlnbei
to the jail Inmatea,
With tbe advent of the preaent demo
cratic aherlff, the poaaltlllflea of reviving the
Jail feeding graft proved too tempting and, with
lb aid of ahrewd lawyer, be aecured a court
declalon nullifying the contrt fnedlng law.
Not content with that, the aberlff and bla con
tingent fee partner, turned lobby)! and manip
ulated the leglalature Into making feeding al'
lowanee of 22 cent a day per prlaoner, of which
two 'third I profit which be pocketa In addi
tion to the K.OOO a-yeir aalary and mtleago
attached to the office,
Thl Jail feeding graft abould be atopped
by Ibe nuif leglalature, but It will never b
atOpped If the preaent aberlff remaina la office
and it able lo block It, If tbe contract ayatern
la lmpolhla, a tbe court fndhate, then me
law ibould be made ao tbat tbe aherlff moat
act a agent for tbe tonnty In auppllng food
for the Jail, with tbe county footing tbe bill
juat aa It doe, for earnple, for the detention
borne and the poor farm,
Aa candidate for the republican nomination
for aherlff, Michael Clark ba glvtn a
aurance that, If tiered, be will be aatlafied
with the legal aalary and that be will not put
anything In the way of tbe enactment of a pro
per meaur for feeding of the pr!oner at coat
to the county. There will be no trouble with
(he lawmaker unleaa the man wbo rnakea the
profit get buy to perpetuate hi rak-off, A
vote for Clark will, therefore, be a vote to end
tbe Jail feeding graft.
Struggle of Olanti.
Two million or more automobile oweere and
other tbouaand of gasoline consumer are dili
gently aearchlng for a gua to wing the flying
price 0' oil. Vocal proteata and kicking tbe
pump i-roduce no reponalve echo at tbe eign
board. With the aerene confidence of cinch
the elevating flgurea look the consumer In tho
rye and calmly intimate that haate 1 nereaaary
to escape tbe neit Jump.
In all case of current price boosting tbe re
aponalhlltty I placed on war, It la Ibe evil genlue
of aacendlng te product, of lumber, dye,
drug, dry good and eatahlofi, Every producer
with thing to sell eoe tbe war aa a stimulator
of prices, passes the uplift down the line, each
handler adding hi hit before It reachea the con
aumer. The oil Interesta are quite aa patriotic
a the other fellowa, thulr reach 1 lo good work
ing condition, and melon are their quarterly
favorites. Maslera of the art of scooping tbe
coin could not sit Idly and let all the coin roll
by. It la doubtful If they will "hog the trough"
much longer. I'nllke other price lifting mag
nates, the oil barona are op against the whole
automobile Induatry and automobile user, an
argreaalve and reeourceful multitude, forced In
nf defense Into a united body. No means of
relief, from a cnngresalonal searching eiperiillon
to possible substitutes, will be left untried, Im
perilling a vast buslnesa by boosting the cost of
power to prohibitive figure may yet prove the
mesne of undoing the oil monopoly,
A noted doctor diagnoses the rmintiv a ihtef
aliment as a lack 'f flret ilss fathers Other
bit noted this national weak nans before, but
failed to tU It out loud. OouhlUs the wlvae
are aware of It Kveii fathers admit It, in rn
(lileme All this knowledge make for Improie
incut, tut I'toarea t bound In be lw and
spasmodic so long as the dads are denied Ibe
oful uplift of "lather1 day."
Tim imial eiuharriiairi if lbs aaj nipe
iic n,r nf pr 'fsa!in tmihalnisri ' tlie habit
nl lamiMiets fnri'iitg iimpey upon litem. l'lM
01 nerve Insula at luleratils, but bating
IKHI f.ninl Into Kite poikflS, t eetee
if cuintmliiiiii nhiili the trntptsli'n, ' doubt.
H tisui ltH H l' iniittt
I tic ililrf i mif seaiosst aitMlalf Bulut
Ills ihrrrlug aoiil In the ai blt "The
ifsat (ortlflealleti Of the I'liMed HUlni ala
lii.pi itisi'li' alhl eel aittik" Th state
unlit I laM4 nil I 'la rcaiill nf III tioeiil bom
bard went al Mobile , , sad affsi llfelr
I I'lra if lri.UI tn linns
Whataiar iMMilmi insv I e bullait ! the
i,Ui li.illnirM n( li a .lnlMlallalln. K
i -alrllnnlilal fiint. ia lni'H Itia fetili it nit.
1 vast ill Mei Tbe 1 uiuiiig il" in " 1 l n Ii i f He
' l.'l.i lliilitl' il tli.l IlKV tli- lllil'i.i I.t ilt
; ("( i ' 1 'onl t hi huh tii"u
Clr Vr Iff fcserasalats) f Tewe ellsaeel.
ilatvaij Courier: tint withstanding the tui Ihst
J.iallc f,'barte K. iluabee of I Mi supreme court f
ht t olled Mtale bs lrlfnt(y dectered tbat be I
not a tvenOMeU t'f line tttU of ptesMant, en4 bs
Itialaiantly refuxd to Lave hi name appear up"n Ibe
prtrMIt belb't at the primary eleeiion. It ha been
aawruilrted by cbuse '.arcaa aver f. tete thet tbaie
Is a ry strmg nfliiert tn fv"f of hi caeflldsy,
end a wsy f ai xt,ftim W.tfcat -fMr.l baa
Iwo na,d, Tb plso I f"f every vrter in fsvor
of 'i,rle r thttiti f'r proa went Ut wrt'e that nm
t full on the blank Itoe whK.h will b found 00 the
t-aiM tor vh pirpt, Tl.ars it M otr wsy le
gt elpraaako ut lbs true aanilmant an4 IM .'0nw
b'-pe II will I ad 'Pd t-f lh rpiWt'n VMera el
the prtnsty.
fwrer fce i ress le Ike eere.
mtAi t t'.Uttt Kepuhiiao; Writ ft harlee k
)t'.gh and pi an In the e'lusr in fral ef lb
nam. The liep'hltan will bv a fati-almtle ef the
balbH slewing J"l h'rw t should be wrlMn In
J,aleel Ceei4a fee l're4ea,
llmrUngtm, Jlerald. The llarsld flna llf In
sympathy with h movement stsn4 by VKor fios,'
water to write the name of Chief utl' Jl"h In
on ll.a prMimtf i.atM a th republican ceoOldaU for
prestdeot, We tilJeve fht ffugnee I the logbal
randidaiis for pce.teenl, end, deapiU lh ft that be
has lr,M4 all prill I'M J overt iea w fr. we believe
lhaf. If ihe ci le msde loud end insistent enough b
wilt bsva lo heed II, There la very Strom aanllmeot
all r,r the se'e In favwr of l ihes, and there ia
a very strong een)lotnt In tht eoimiy lo fsvor of blm,
end w hope lo e lar nurnt't of vMr writln
tn Ms name at ibe primer!, lusb' I a bla mae te
every way, and tble I en oppofiunliy for Kshrssk
ft 10 m-inMiAtiK worth while, eomeihlr.g that will re.
d'md to credit, not only itt ttm repeMb4ii petty,
but lav ot the and eyturttry, Write In the asm
ot Hughe aa yeur presidential preference, If b I
ynuf chol.,
Meal Te f tf.mntf flee,
fitm'Hit TrtWne; Tli btndrd ispublPen ftie
break awppr that have decided r tht
"' writ In !. name of Chart K. Iluah on a
blank line In Ibelr priiMtf IP kel, hv undrlkn a
preMy big Job, In! II csn h ma1 aucessful,
Th r. and me if the prty c in fvor f
Jtijah l'te of iMtr great admiration for his
abliliy rd bi tdepederii, tourao etlfud on ll
ptiWlf Ouestt'H Kvetywoer or g'e be can d
eover the predomlnenc th ll'tgh sentiment, It
I stwitsr-eows and acg. Xo n I cultivating H
Tte f'ple want him because tiy lliev In bltn
TI.ey went blm n"t alone be'sus of be fMness, bi,
l'u bl vatlbilitr and the aaa iraiv h would
give of success, Tby wsot r!tf f'd lh bltlrig,
Mri'rtl, fmodK whirligig meth'iri of th present
administration and te fsllure it gl U Muniry
Statesmanlike management,
Th newepsper rampelgn for f'hene K, If'igti
In Jirska will serve to test ibe fltneas of the pri
rnery plsn lo endur. If lh plain snd msnlfeet riestr
f the people to aa Hughe nomine 4 cnnot. b
,r,sad Ihrougb Ibe pflmery, it wlli abew bow 4
fwtl.e the plan 1 And it IK voiei r no! cpW
of going to the poll end caeilng their vol foe
Chart Y.. If'igbee, written and PH4 Just that
wsy, It wlli be a discreditable eommenterr on their
We would like Ut e the ispuhllcan of Mbr.
dovnstru 1 heir M1lty te in thr wish In th:
matter, Thy aa for Chart JC, Hult and tby
ouaht to prove Ihemselve pN ef writing th
risme la tbalr prtmnry rtellol.
Weald Here All Wrlle la Tfcelr 4 kl.
atr1'e hun: VPtor R.sewster propo ibat
rpuhll"n ( writ Upon their ballot th name
nf J 1e Hurl- a pcefarantlal candidal for prl
df.t. It I not a b4 Idea r4 might be nlai1
upon. It weupj I- a good plan to print none ef lh
name of presidential n"td on lh primary bat
lot and lev the sprln t those who ere able U
writ and wbo Uke tflcint InUreat In th matUr
to writ their preference on the Uliot,
Trewkle Wall Wert Wfell.
falrtiury Wsws: There la every Indication lbt a
lrg mlorlty t th rpuWbri of Jffrea county
fsvnr lh nomination ef Hughe for prlrint-in
fat, he seems to be th omy men on whom the re
publican itmld all ontt. Unfortunately bla name
will not appear on the official beliot, but there I si 11 1
no good rsson wbr rsyuWi'sn should not ipr
their prefereme, and lhr can d so by writing th
name of Justice. Hughe on the Wank line on III
ballot. Tl line we prood'd for that purpose, and
this would be a good year for rapublbane to prov
that even under our prant ballot system It is p,)s
slhl to drft a man for puhlln rvlc. Thr at
many iraeiis why tbi should he don, in lb first
pl (Mr are no candidate appearing oa lb ballot
who would be lh first choice of any cmtsMerahl
number of republrn In th tt. And yt, unless
rwpublliana tske the trouble to will the name ef
thaly preference on h tlchat, soma on of III een
dklates who now liav a pise on lh lb kt will s.
cur th entire Nebraska delegation to lh national
invention. While Mr, Hoabe Is not a rrn1ldal8,
there em to It no doubt In th mind of those fe
miliar with the sliuatlon that he would er.cant lb
nnmtnatlon If It wr unilcrad to lilm without a n
taat. nepuWIoane of Jaffaraon county ahould le
tt ihst their iiholn for prsMnt Is recorded si lh
primal las.
Twico Told Tales
fair rlahiaisal,
fort Collector t'inllay n-td Mslm ald le a .Na
Vork laptirisri
"W eiporlM a WIHon dollars' werih nf feed Issi
year. N starvation thars, hT Ke em h grewl reiu
in IbaiS ss lb wounded nlllr itiada.
f flioilnl s.ilillrr tu a rinth n.aiiisl daialopari
a fac, and every bill while hi nurse put a th -rmmiaier
lit hi nionlli lo aiater hla laitinoraliiia
I raaanlly lb doctor rams ti s Mm
" 'Wall, hw si rn,t I'm r th ilmlm aki
'"rslnah. sir.' saht tbs .iilii
" lls yint bad sev innnlalnneiil
" A fair srnniinl, sir-a fair smtiiiin
' 'V hat ri'd Veil l's"
" A la ly giinina a l l'4 nf UM l am a an
iklrai fer I tclfameel
i t ai'iatn lnim tit 'ally iiU I lima ni
It'll. sbnul III a I' ' Iws !'. anil ha wav
il aiiln I'l' a lii"i"l en th l i"1' i'' hi hiikfti
' I llilnk I tl I s In. tMr l"al lira! I niimai. d h
"Wlltr f ' Sk1 H 1 I lh" 1l '.
a,a ss kaa i-n a!lti '
Wvil, t 410. I'i'l t'li'l.n l.i.a I ai fi ilvii.ti 111 1 4
4 lili'l '' Iftilled lii l i l nil) iha ' in Mil 114
ImI t mi iu i nly drvail, lill in th --r t an 4
h .ii..n.'i b. 1 t.i t 11 1 iiii'i In a inil iii.,i 11
ut iM t tnal itaalk If l"'t i.,..,. I.iaaka
I. li nil fi l.l" tl t,'i a 1 tilahlila ta.'tP
litaat Im kvatikHdr,
I .iiitmj aii'l i-e her In ti ih skum
ha la if 1 in nli a ' "I iinblu le liio y .4
I I, 41,, tn 1 h 14 l btins el a'l riaaait at t
tar l . a Ali-r la aing tnn4 Um an III
1 li k4
"V..a il M.aa d I hi i k'i .a lkl I ai'i
lat 1 1 11 "i ' h th ed. th hpf. 'i
si, 1 It t at. I lii 1 1 it.i l . i knaw Ik
I k t " "i-'
, .... i ., i.. tt i.. i.i.,.tl in i,i i
, . , -i ,a i h a n 1 4 a li ii a tnn see
i , ii.. , . I la i- it a i
' it ihiU'i I 'ttrs'i
Hallol fee laalle .ev We4r.
OAHSMlWl. h.. alarchl.-Tolhe
KdlOr of Th Ke; l ermlt me to olfar
a euggestinn In rd to th "writing
in" tbe ostne of 1srlee V. H'gb'
for president on lb primary ballot,
which I am pleaeed to note Ihst you
org ! abrsak rapulll'sns Ut tin,
IM titty fepuMPan county ntrsl
aonooliu have a god!y numhar of
handhi'ls or caida printed on which shall
ppear th noi of Charles K. Hugh
In plslo, Istg type and stttii"n dl
ratg eapeclally to r'pblln voters to
hv thl name filled In on the ballot
rjortetily nl!d, ft those hsndbli'e or
card b freely distributed In town and
cine a day or two befor ebv.tlon snd
en election day at every voting pis
posrlbl, In counlle bvlrig no rep',
llcn orgsnlsiatlon Irl scm fw ln!rd
Indldduela uo; lbs duty of e"Ulng
these O',
If the snsiloo meet with your -prr,t,
Kindly g)v It th publt'-liy
through lb colurrm of Th IK Ihst
you think It d"rvs snd I bop tht
th various rfibll'sn county commit
lm will doi some meihod of getting
lh hm of Chsrlea K. Jtugha promi
nently before tbe volera end urge them to
have II written In lh ballot.
tf'TK-Tbs editor of Th lie alresdy
has tbase Inst rx lone In a fsc simile
of the praldutl llo of tli bsllot
with th wiltlenln name, which sllS
may be bud fre on i'u4t,
Aaslesl SananarlM.
fif.HWH. Kab,, April l.-To tb Mitorof
The I: Tli recent eaploit of (htm.n
sul'inarlne r sonluilv proof that
Oerrnsny's promise wall ss Irasty
ot;ligslons sr Ilk pi i rM, mde to t
broken. The fr(ueot slsugbter Of non
combatsn's on the high ' I rnk.
Ing Internsiionel lew a Joke. A aubma
rlo do not pisw th necessary f
clHM in en hi them to fulfill their ob
ligations under international law th
amklng of lh fusHanla would bsv re
S ilted In lb severance of dlplomfl r
Isttons with rjrmny If the lata secre
tary of ti had not drtd th preal
dent In hi hour of ne4.
fifty-fourth and Woulv4.
4 at April fool Letter by "wok,"
OMAHA, April l,To th Kdllor of Th
lie. A contributor to Tli We, thl
data, - tta that I curd tli psg
of a f Mil Increasing the fee of the
c!rk offK and tht, therefor, I
should rcv no credit for turning In
P1Z4J.7S mor f than my prdcr
for a Ilk period, and furthr aswrflng
lhat t "bung onto" nr to lfto'H of
Insanity f until th auprerne curt
had ar-okeo. It I true that tb new fa
bill did In some Instance Im.-r th
f.. But . eorrponding reduellon w
made tn Other , th net result being
a very slight reduction wbn Oi entire
hu1nss Is taken Info account.
The following estract from a ts,imo
nUI on file In ihls office should dispose
of th chsrg that fe bv ben ln
r reaaed;
CrMAIfA, Jteb . fel. 1ft, t9".l -W betiev
th prewnt fe do not Incraas
in avrg cost of llil4l'in nmv
item in fiaw pnnr 'o
d' rrvrf fairly di-
pid with h ettem In effeot prior tn
April lo, mil fl'ie more na
rdh'it the burden le . Ktel.
Howard Kennadr, cji A, f)ay, WHilsm
A, Medi'k. Willi i. nr: A. c, Troup,
Chs llle,
and by praxti'lly every lawyey In Pong
lea county,
Tii old fe bill allowed pron to -rp
th payment of fee In a lr
metsur. end under mr prdasor, the
county lost In tbla way from WA to
pnJ) .
Ae to Insanity fs, lhr nevr wse
dollar paid me that I did not report
and pay the County Treasurer 'ner
than the law rd'lrd.
Thl should be a complete answer to
the rhatgee and ae lo lh other
charges so freely msds. It wbl sppr
during lh (mpign that lhy rt en
Just Insufficient a foundatkm.
Th l.lerr Tear.
OMAHA, gouth Bid, April 1-To th
Editor of Th JS: Much has been snd
Is now being ssid concerning th met
ier of (pplying th literacy test In tb
naturalisation of parson ktng e1tn
shlp In this grt commonwaslth snd sd
niitlltig foralgn-born persons lo our
shoias, l.lterscy meant "versed In, or
acquainted with literature " Hut tlawlng
It with rfrnc lo lh msklng of rltl
sens nf persons nf foreign birth, it seems
tl at ths requirements sra, Ibat the an
plb snt should b able lo speak, read snd
writ th Kngllah Isng'uig, ao Dial h
i t bl lo underalsnd priflv. or lo a
ronbl eslent. If Ihls im norrml, !hn
ws can es soms grvid grounds fir spnly.
Ing lh tail. I vendue th saaertlnn that
ws hav many cltlsens, and mhets knock
Ing for srimlselnn slmnat dally, who ran
neither apeak, read r writs ths Kng
llah Isnguas. sn Interpreter bavin lo
he need In all sin Ii !neince W Ibluk
tbla 1na nut meal the Intent nf nnr
liiill,atl'in ). 'i'l m alinuld nnl
ta natiirallrad Until la baa tnttler'1
y.nglltll to lb client that ba la able I
all a fair end teaaonabl answer lo
liiterrogsiotlea propounded to blm with
out th Id nf stl Inleinrelar
Tbs sdiiilaaliw nf fnraign bntu nani.ia
1 ur shiiras abinild danianit allenilnn
Siong Itils line, mm Ibsu the
rula nil sra an tbat the iiii.L.tri'
III ba mm rirely barred Una hsi
lii dual i.lllti.bll prui'lltlllea nr mi
lhat aafa lbl one fla It nal aa ta
hiirt at a nut liar la aittamcty umlaalrabla
S roufultne can Is pls-sd In tm b
hn It emu It nmitilaliiln ths lute
rlU ii f lbs a et n inr nl nr prnlai linii nur
flag And If that ba in. li tine 144 I tm
tiedihiy trifirmad tbata lai, lhair titi ir
atltallmt rayei fl.i'iHI l-a laku luiin
ll.m and itrimiieib-n ennuld t"'b l'i.
n il iriu. i liiararir tat
I u.a '' b44 I I- b iliaiati. I to 1. 1
n "- I aniMain. blhr b rti ul
t,. nr n4int biMii rti.ltt baliar ii'. a
I. 1 4ii..ihr I'llina, and arbt I I'm
4 t am ef i4''l' mil d In In- 1
4l a in in.1w,a a f,a aullabU In I a
Uiil', a"4 r-m tl-ni onli bit I', '!'.
i'l 1 s k a it
Suit 1 1. 4 aii'ti t-. ! i'1'l IF
ln aluU f Hit 14 l!i l ttf t. I li 01 til' In
II. . . "I 'l little! I I'ti t-i -in i f
i, fatiit ttiilliy ili ! i"l
,.r. i..ii nn it' 1 tt
sjo n ToisToFf noo r tm
II I . I ..(4lit4tl altlltl th 41 Ull
I 44 e-nt't lh 41, n. la. l. tt
la ..i.Ui-n ef a(l. itn 1 at ant at ih
,ilaiia ef eslboi! dti
ti 1 tin a.nld will t t b.i'tr )'.' I
t 1.. I., it lb f as tith
.itniii. wh rt'k I t tkit ii l'.
4ita llilnk tiitia lit It.i a it t
i., u t at iadiii.ii 1 ! M4 iu it. iii.,iin
i,, f II. it , 1 ', ant' a eh I- It
n tty ibuifl t t (. tift '
la tent
Editorial Snapshots
JJoton Trainorlpti H I s4 to ecm
tmplr th bavoe that would be created
by lb colonel f'it-tlng bird et e
pacifist toovenHon.
fefrl? free "rs rn hs lUedjfe'l
f'reeldent Wilson bl support for r
sl"lon, ss If tba praaident dldn t si
re) hav troubles enough
Indlanapoii News ((ermany denied
sinking the feral, Austria denM sink
ing lh 1'erals. ud now Turkey ba de
nied sinking th I'ersia, Tou're nest,
in laaris,
l'liild-l(l.ia ledger: Those tnr,mlin
who deploie the derslty of the Middle
Ages csn find plenty of f'-od for reflec
tion In the polsofiings and other crimes
to lb i:nrrnt news.
Washington I'oat It the vrsg Im
migrant from aot'lheastf rn Kurnp war
fytrriltted to r,iy 4 e,srpt,i,
Hry teat to the (aatned Judge, it Is
feared ti,t the latter would b promptly
deported a undesirable,
Cleveland Main feale lir e'.llnl nf
Harvard aav ihst Ametlr stis spend more
than five billion d.ilsrs a year on non
essentials. Weil? What. ttresry, un
AmerPeti plc fhls Would be If ve siieot
all our money on n"
Ix.ulsvlll Conner .JouroNl; "Tbr t
tnA snd had r.o''l'rrin," eaya the duk
of Manchester In a syndics le article,
'just ss there r And turd news- men" lit ihntf, 11,1 tht U e j(( '('(
omg mar tn mo newapnfrer f'i'0 no not
ee. t the lielretae lo Sunport them.
f'lllsburg t'fapstch' If Me'relery !kr
Isn't careftil some tit lb incest lnnlair
Wlli be yetlldK after blm tot bl tniate Ift
doing thing, f.very time (ii-itui fun
stn rmtk that t.e wants a few rnor
motor trnrk train or sotnething of Ihst
sort lh secretary ,w,r ), th order
and turn tn other work
-n ,i, i,,k t a ut de'le
an' imagiite it good a tbree flfi.
SO tlil hve a-nao trtouan t"
the hand -A sen ing loo har.
"Ke fust girt over Knee J
Ctrl I engaged to ll year end Ine
angagement a oroken fc'f
"I irt you get. your ring l''r,. .,,
"'let ft ,k Wny, ihre month nr
,'! ah wrote rn. .klr,g If I,,""'1'1"
ba.a 1 ho elonv rst f"f br, -Woe'en
Tseilea Istdy p rtend to Motea-y
tb way, what birthday la IM w r
l"ateaeMy thirty-firm,
' lluj. iivli'l W 'Hhted lust e-
f"''h, ye? Ii i on nf my favorite
"Vt 1 cruati tb ousrl, than s
ml Ii elih mar-ury, wbb b ba the f
U.iy of Oiaaulvin ln gold trp-l We
treat Ibis nt!k'0 In ritoit and flnll
attract im V no at'ld "
' ae said h M' vlailor
eoml'lK lel 1 rn'e.a Alf"i1 corriill.
e(d a ,roi aiiacing money from
my nuabsnd'-te-'OOvUI ,o.irter-,lul,
A wui vwww Twoiry millkw
ARE vxi kmMf MG?
,lule, if you II let m go III enli'
If,, mrniy
fc,. v,ill have lo atv snort sen
1.., ul.. 11 cini In eff lt'g s r-
f.rm,' I H'ln I" Po Is niigbtiei
tn seotd ' '-Kane ly Journal.
Mutbrr-ia cWog.n Is tmlng
WlHla, enrne end kit b'-c g',od-by,
Mll)..'m buay Just
toother, bl do It - f'.' fc
(tow wori'bffiliy ro'i t'lK lb
I struck a
mRinrvi UMZKS
f sgg'-d ftoifers- lo y ty i.,im
Itrosoway seeis never wjt suit war
dan on',
frired foljln- Well, nider do w -only
H' a longer ohc. Itsitimor Aml',
,"'ail, have yon been fltiog your
' l',en digging frencbes." do'lared firm
greearnsn flood jt, 'Im In for ral
fight,"-Kansas I ly Journal
Mtle Ulster-1 ',ui(i ih If I got s
hi' ho of endy fr my blrtlwlsy
!ig Krofher-kA Would I
ft'tle klater- liut why wou'd you laugh?
Ilig Urol her -lie-ue tin bigger lhari
yor aie,-ji!ge,
Voung Widow -tld you bsv much
trouble gelt in Jack 10 pint urn'!
(!) friend -No, dear; t told him you
r ttitr hirn.-lloa'on Trsng'rlpl,
Xbe Oliirlng the (.! i-.y.,u forget lha
1 bd a dozrn offers tefor I ftriild
yo ,
If.. Well, what of it 1 proposed to
do.ri women befor I rnel you,-Indlan
ii .Si ws.
Hut In that p;'
li'rie." . , . 4....i think
l'r f o rrno w,,,i.iti
rir- n"
hlin rocl
you roul'l ""' t , tt
gem I til hubbub -Chi",
"Sow, Johnny," said tb tcf,r, "sup
p', you wanted to bul'd a V,i bouse
and bad only I''fr, wb would ou do''"
"I 'pr,a I d have to Oierry a girl wt th 1
Mo," ansrrd tbs young financier, -
K attest 1 ity mar
"ftob," .ld rorum Joe,
what' on of
th iir op'loilstar'
"Well," na-d Uron-ho fmh, "
nr I kin mk out, ao optimist I
,,ri lis in "rr-m aid fust
ycf ni rot the graaaes
l leh lb feel Of CpllOg,
ftt'lOg. ' !'
yiwi ar.roa tb gia.
'gollow, led arid lawses
alng, wot Id, alng "
Clcel eroaa llio gaaa
t'lMnh lb fet of Xpriiig'
Id' winds deliver
Humor through lh town
Tab of feeds that oulver,
Idle Wlhd deliver,
yvif- II, rapid fiver
lrag the wiilow down
di winds deli'er
Humor througli Ibe lown
In lb country places
sy tb iler bt'e-'k
A (.I Si SOS Iter gr".
tn ih 1'i'itnr fit!
Wayward April pac
tp'inUir in tr I'mks;
tn i h 10'iii'rv plars
Sly tb aliver books,
flints nt li"n glamour
f,ven r' h lb toeti,
I'rhsn rouses stammer
Him 'rf sllen gismour,
(Ml tl, ely' eta trior
I5t tb voice down!
Him of eilch gismour
1vn re'.l lb town,
Small Things Are Often
Most Important Things
And this is decidedly true of the import
ant part the small Want-Ads of The Ifce
play in the daily lives of thousands of
Omaha people.
Fortunes are started here, seemingly
impossible business difficulties are
solved, household help tangles arc quick
ly righted, the lost is found and count
less other Human Wants and relations
are satisfactorily adjusted daily by the
use of these wonderful little IJec Want
Ads. A few lines in the Want-Ad columns,
costing only a few cents, will work
wonders for you.
Phone Tyler 1000
IHiri'l 411 HI SliMIS,
White Sulphur Springs
tr. irgiiil
ni l Ul, im. mu
I I III 'I'M I'l.
I itieit Hth l atalillitinitnt in AtxerUa,
Cnnntttetl Ditetlly with lit Mute!
Nom entf af felnctff WA af f urt Ht,lth
Knaiti ln InflS Utk fuui ay tkttf tsrUntt
rii itti ar t aiot ws
Maaaaiag Out. tut UttUaat Matl
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising no matter
how tfood aidvcrtisinu' niay he
in other respectaS it must he
run frequently and constant
ly to be really sueeeesiful.