1 TflK T5EK: OMAHA. MONDAY. APRIL 3, 1916. Nebraska STATE RAIL BOARD NOT TO JOIN TEXAS Chairman Clarke Bendi Letter Which Decline, to Support Shepptrd Bill, in NZBEASKA HAS ANOTHER PLAY (from a f f rnrrannudiit.) LINCOLN, April 8 iwrell )-Th. N tirk tt railway rotnniiaalnn will nut Join with tha Tx otiitiilnalon In It ripporl of Hi hcpprd bill In th ati f. which take owl if tha Jiitcrtto 'ommere roiiimieinn'j hand tha power l annul a mi figed by authority of a but would net tit II In 11 dlf fnmnt wv. Answering ih letter M'lili i'i-il t.i Dm Nebraska commission, lli'iiry T. t'lsrlis, sestng for tlm rniniiilsainn, linn wrlit.n to William Ji. William of the Tac commission the following letter; III truly to your favor of the i'sth lilt . selling na to wrlln or wire our approval of th amendment tu I hn Interstate ('inn mere Act, tirnnoaed hv Men I or Mhepiaird f vmir Hi!, 1 lioiewllli enclose ropy iif letter lliln tiny iniilliiii in rti nnlor HIm-ik pard, Aa yen know, wa have a. esse similar In Ihe Khrevcrinrt i now pending I, for III I nil-ml ill I'fiiiitiiM'm onmiiilralon nil ooneeiiinlly have given th ijiieallor) of Jurisdiction nf th I'oiiiiilmioii great, naai or eertniia thought w ar iflninl mouaiv of the otlnlnn that congress will not. denrlt th Inlrle. t'oininerrn commission or ins power tu win nut iii fllsorltnlnsllnri, H,ieh being th 'an, ava hellev that our contention that hi imitie i orntnr' i iiiiuiilioii should ti r'inlri aa a. condition preee limit to Ih Interference with ! mude i""' io nun: in aniu niilnsi ami iituoa snnebly low In ami of thinevee. In hi absolutely m, ml, Aa iiii know, our weal fn roinmlcslona spent a git deal of mint arm tnonv In tin- recent western euvanc rale riiaie, Ma am not sails flail with lh decision of I hit commission hi in passenger rai case and II la I unifier of amlniia com ern ami 1.-f i i gret in ii a thai we could not nl did not Jiafa II, lul.l ..I .i Hiat w wi i:iiiifli)iit or ivviTalnii llii irt on inn r"'"r'i. I iruai iiit th imniilnn inl.cn i,v na will iiio't with jiiiir aiipioval and thai r' I win aci rn in uio upon your ai-n amra Hi lru Milt y of ainriiiliiin ilia law ( a in provliJ a hikhi l,y in aairn, DOUBLE DECK CAR EQUAL TO TWO SINGLE DECKERS 'Ciorn a. Wlaff (.'nrr'apntirtont. 1.1SCOUS, April a.-(ipHal.)-Wli'n. sf a rallroa'l innipaiiy rannot furnish a i1om,ft-0rk ir for tlia alilptnnt. of hp, t tiiual, furtilah (wo alnvla rat n ratiiiot i'liai moi foe tlm two cara tiian th rat woul'J liav hi-n for lha imihi-4 rbr, Thla la lha ntdar of !, Klala Hall- way r-otnnilaalon nil a rnmnlalnt. nuili hv 1 ilia Hniilh Omaha, f.l'e Nark aaanclatlon atalnat tlia lock laland railroad whlrh had rliatu'd tor two i"ara whan lha nrrtVr had hn for on doubla-dark far, Howrvar, lha farty ualnaT tha car mual inak Ma ffiifat for th can fHn daya liffora lha tar la tidd, ai that In faaa th dnulil-d'f k rar iiuinot ha had thr will l tlma In wur lha rur ordrd, Th rnntrovaray IiivoIvbiI lha mm nf l. if, Ih dirfarrm httwn lha rat n a ilonnl-ilrl car and that of tw ni i a of th naulor atork tnafc. NORTHWESTERN TO BUILD FINE NEW DEPOT AT YORK TOflK. Nfh, April J.- Np"'lal.)-Tli N'orthwralrn railway tifflclal havn an iinniii'd thai work will anon atari on ft fjnOOO iaaatiirr aUllon, 'I hy hava ulao aiimiuni'i-il that savarnl cradn croaalniia Wnl h hnv l,rn rritiald'nvl dntii"rou, lulli hy 'My ami railway offhlala, will 1 Ui-riild to l onr, Murvynra r now on thr (round oiiilliilnit prrllmliiary el it 1 1 M'li'n lh alntlnn la roinplftad It will hn on of Hi finraf on Ih North wai urn f-m In m rlty lti l. of Vork, I'rcjihlf nl Mwhan, of tlia Oomtnanlal i lull, "in inaklnir aurh an outlay for n at at Inn In Vork th Northwtrn otrhlula rf ngiili tlia growing poaat I, llll lea of n thriving city." LINCOLN REPUBLICANS ARE SHOWING BIG LEAD M'ioih a Kluff Cnrraapiindant.) r,I.VC)l,X, April J.--ipr.lalj-1lh l (1 1 lifi fin rglali illon, puhllciina i f l,lni'"ln nir kIIII aliowtiiif a lo In on ii',ii ovi-r tlm iImii'iitiii nml ihi? ono lima Ii,iiiiI' ai 111 luil'lx Ma o., n, Tlm l ic'atl'aHoti "tla that .ft.T vnlrr lu'. lini'.l Hn i lf 1 1' orflc Willi Ii la Mi'! iilmiit " v"i xhntt ol' ii'lali hIIiiii a i iii nifo. The IkiivIiik U na follow . I'i liulilli hi, i I W 1 1' nun i mih S'.i inilv . I''i lil'ilM ill MM l'i I'll'll ( H n u 1,1111 II Ci'iniiial WCODS BROTHERS TO BUILD BOULEVARD IN LINCOLN ' I i oil a f luff I'm H spmidelil I I.IVlll,S M'l ll ? l.i'l I till I The i,l I'll cm of Vile i.tt. i i lii Iimw a ii. li'lhiaiil. W.imla liiniiieia of l.tinoln I ,i n .. . r f t t tn h old n uiinbiig rand i-i.ol In . o'lien'-i . ii" on ion- and line, ,t,rtpl-l tone. I'llli Hu when I ''HIJ'li'U il . If PI M''"I'' It' ni" to the .!!, i 111 1 I ... I Milt s'lllt III I he f ill. I IK'lol of i 111I..111 .'., sue,.! ii in, j a ,..,,t. i''i.i'isti ih.. t .io'iv and ii'i hi Ii .i I l .lk s' I el, II no r "11 It" I 1. 1 I l 'ii lot'! ni,-.! Iii Ihe , 1,., 'I li ni V ,'! i f 1 1, n il- i n f I in- , I., I, rn Notes nt I silar llilila i iM' tm i " . i. . .i : . ill 1. , ' II I'll I' 1 . . g . i M - , . . Ill' 1 :.l li l-l ! , , , I . t I I ' i I I It .1-' Sl.lV'' 1 ' I I ' I . I i II .i . t l.i. i . i i I I,: ( I a. , t ., , !.... ' I i . I li j 1 ,, , , . -1 -.Im It ii .1 ,e!, I i . .1 1 I l' I . ' 1 a. i. t . .. I' I , e I. i ,.il ii i ... ii . , ,1 I. .m; i t-,r i r , i.i.. j - I ' ' o 1 .lues i. W I link ".. v i ," . .' i. , . ; 'i i i ! i I - . . . ...i., i r i " f ' " '. .1.1 ' K , ! ''. I 1 . 1, ., ,..,,- I , ( ) II , j I -n " t ... ,., i a V : . " "i- ii -i.e e a '. ,ii. , ' .,. , i I, , " '.. , .n i. I .. In j X llrlla IImhis Haiti j ' ! i V v ,.,,,, . i " '" tia I VI l, , ,. . ., j 11 ' '"l '! ' ' . j - . - . , i , i , ; Nebraska Youth at Beatrice is Killed Under Car niUTIUt'K, Nb, April .,.-(ifilal,)-John Main, .trld aon of Mra. John Main of 11' Kra-ll, w.r killed at 11 ! today whan hi ulninublln upaat thraa mllaa aaat of l'(-tll, Tu hody i found underneath th tar hy John fay, farmer, with tlm fat driven through tlia wlndahlald. Tlia tkiill wa riuahad, Young Mrlnaa'f faiher, John Mnna, waa klllnd at Lincoln a fw yaara ago hy falling down Ih aippa l hnlal there. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE AND NEW BUSINBSS HOUSES TinmornoriT, NVh api-h s-fHp. rial ) Work on llrlilgipnrt'a new Ii,nn0 ai'lnml hnua waa ninimrn''iil lual wrk, and If la pni'ld In have th hiillillng fady for the opening nf aihnol yar In itrmbr, Th new Imllilliitt will ha nndrn In every partli'iilar ami the tiw altn will hav many adventagra over tlm old, The fr'hre t hit far a li td ara j ('.. A. Hheeta. aiiperlnlrndent : II, I'lnv- ' burn, prlnripnl; Mlaen Margiiret Mlt fli'll, Mlnnln Oldi'talinw, Cnrnrlla Willi, Ann f'hariihnra and Klhel Miiiiahrrry. 'iiln and lieunle nf Oahknalt have imr- rliaand twn hualneaa lot on which they will erect a 'nncici garngn Willi pi'aacd bri"k front, fii f,., II. f", Clark . Won mniinencad work Saturday on new garage to he rnn, friirld of hollow Ilia, Willi plrancil hrhk front, 'r, V. Anderann Id the miilriict k,. nr'lay for emending hi drug alor build lug aevenly feet hark to the alley, OLD LANDMARK AT BROKEN BOW BURNS Mt'iUKN HOW, Neh April :.-fp. clal.t- Tha dolrucllini of fli thla week of lha old "lull realdencft mi th north aid of town, remove from iirnkcn Unw a, Keriulue landnimk. The liulldlng waa a iwo-eior y hid k and w aa hulil, when th railroad cnino through here hy O, J. ' !olijiimn, nua of tlm euriy hanliei f'ole nmn tnarrlH Hi" dimgliler of I'nlled Hint" Hennfnr I'addork of lleatrlie and brought her here In live, I'nr n few ycina Ilia old houan waa on of the elegant residence of the city, II con- llnel a aimcioua hall room und hllllaid room and waa the ai en of many aoclal fuiii.it lona, Tim property changed hand many tlinea and finally beram ontii forlnhln hom for lha pioaiieroua farmer, It, wn while aervlug In Ihla latter rapacliy that It met II fut. The origin of the fire I not known aa tlm family wa out of town si, lha lime, CRIST CHARGED WITH BURNING ANSELMO STORES rmoKrsx now, n April ..-p. fllnU-Kherlfk' Wilson went to Anaelmn iaturday forenoon and arreated KranU Orlat whom he brought, hank to llroken Bow, l.'ilal la charged with arson In con nection wlih the hurtling of meat, rnr bat and grange alor at Anaalmo several week ago, Ourltig (he week an aaalat- ant deputy fii. Inapector ha been in lik ing Inveailgnllona and enough evidence w aecureij to wniTgnt t'uunly Attorney Krfly leaning complaint, frtnt la al- ready out on houila, charged wlih rohhlng drug atora at Anaelmo. Ilia father I , hualneag man of thai place, FREMONT WILL VOTE ON INTERSECTION BONDS rnHMONT, Nh April 1 -ipi'l, - Tueiday Fremont will eleel four coun cllmen and two tnrmhiii of the achool hoard, The dnmoirnla and repiihlimna hav fuaed on I he achool hrnird ruenihei a, but each party hn a. full tlclicl In the enunpllmanln field. Tlm propoaltlon of la ulng Ito.wio Intel acci Inn paving lunula will ha votert upon nt ihla election. Reglatratlon show a big fulling off over ea ago, which I an Indication of th lack of Intarent in th election. gtodenta from Argrnllna, FREMONT, Nab, April J.-fHpeclal.l -Mlaa Ulndv Hall and her tu ol her. Harold of Huenoa Alrea, Argentine, aro among Ih new aiiidmil at 1'rfinont co. log. Th mother of the two young people, acnmpanled I hem and will make, their horn line vhB her i hlldreu at tend achool. Oil. N . .al.j... . .... ii. Beyi3raf)oCo. 6aHA.s,ina4 V T I I iffirziii Nebraska STATE AWAKE TO CALL FOR HUGHES Pol kCounty Republican Say. Strong Sentiment There the liooit Hii Candidacy, BRINGS STRENGTH TO TICKET iKtnm g Blaff Coireapondant ) !,!Nl'OJV, April J -iMpci l i-There la s dm bled feeling In 1'ulk tnuuty tlmt lepublhaii ahuiild write In tlm nmno of Oniric );. Hughe mi lha primary hnllnt a Neliraalia cholc fur thn pieaiilency on th rrpuhlican ticket, Thla la th sentiment rxpreaaed hy , well known I 'oik county gentleman who waa In Mih'oIii Inat week au wlih oihere wa talking over tlm all on Hon, II thought llial Tim Men waa doing a good wmk In bilnglng lha matter define lh repiihlleima of the atat mid hoped 4 tin t the nun would mid In Hie luimlniillun of JtiDgn llnghea. "W muat noinliiaia a mail," ld he, "Who will I. ling to hlnieelf Hie undivided iipioit of thn lepiihlicaii i ii rt v and at the aim lime ilmw vuiea front th ileniorratlc and other pnrllea. If Hughe la nominated of i'imr It will tint be lieiraaaty In inlch demociallc vnlea, but If wi can tinmliiAt a. man who can get lliniu, an much I he hctler and make Ida I'lecllnn lie iinnnltiiiMia aa puniilhle, airenMlli In Tlrbrl, "Anolher thing In ha considered In the nominalloii nf Hughe la thn alivngth II will tiling in our a'nie and i ongr'lnnal llcael. "I hellee Ihei are no candidate who liinild hilng our ticket an atrong up port no Mi lluglua mid I liupe that enough repuhllcan lll a II that way and write the name of rlmile K, Hughe on lha piliiinrv bnllot Nehraakn'g i hop for the cepuMh an nominal Ion." Somehow Ihla anmc feeling la hfgln plng to alinw Itself over the alate, If re porla hrnughl to IJiuoln ran he be lieved. Thorn la Utile duuht If Mr. Hughe had allowed hi Ihiihb to leliialu aa a, candidal th vole for him would hav been practically unanimous., Many sra of the opinion thai, hmauaa ha will not permit hi n me (o he need, ought not to deprive the votere of (he lla from selecting liini If Ibry ao deal), SIDNEY STUDENT WINS DECLAMATORY CONTEST TilttPUKrOrtT, Nch April J.-IBpa-clal.h-Tlia Nmlh Mails valley dlatrlct declamatory ronteaf waa held l Ittldge port Tildwy night, In which the high chnol of Blduey, AHInce, Hcotl' lllnff, Bridgeport, lliiyard, Kimball, t)hknh, Mlnatiire, Merns. and Morrill took part, I'rlnea wcro awarded aa followa: tiratnrlcal - 1'Vancla Herhert of SHdnay, flrt; t'lnreiic tlualiinan of Klmba,l, c- lireinallc. -Miiurlna Jacohv of Kimball, flratl Marlon Mote of Alliance, aecniid. Humoroua Hiilh llartlev of Hcott' Muff, first, fortune Mullrlng of Alliance, second. Ilnliy II illy Horned. YWAM t'TY, ApHI 2,Hpeelal.1-Irvln, Ih elght-montha old on of Mr, snd Mr. Joaeph Frederick, living !. of Tall f'ily, waa badly hurned l-'rhlny night, In enm tiumiier the spark from th cook. U0 rt tb biihy' clothe on flra and h waa hadly hurneil hefore th mother rarna to ta reeciie hy throwing a bucket of water upon II. Th"r I lllll hope of i recovery. So iter Asks ew Mnlluu, HNVHKIt, Noli.. April S. iHpenlal.) - flualneMa men and furmera of Hnvdcr and vhhilly have presented Norlhweatiirn of f 1 'lit let wlih a petition itnl-lnn for a new depot, i Hnydcr. Tho polltlim ! forth Unit the preaenl alallon I lnadenuale for I lie huelncaa handled at Ihut plm e, W'nr llnliy I und gale, PAM.H CITV, April S,lHpecnl,)Tlm t'lithnllc, ladlca held food al here to dty a a war baby fund. They will aend the :; made lo the lied Croaa aoclely who will distribute, tlia money for tha relief of tho babies In th war zone In need of proper food mid raiment. I niprovenieul at hailron. CHAUHON. Net.., April 2.-(BHdl.)-Tm now opera houan will open April 'I Win It la being punhei on the new l-'ltev Niilliiriiil hunk building. I'i.Kluil for the fniiiidnl loll nf the new f l.'.'i.iaar romt and postofflc building hn begun, Maltless A Erannew Beverage Making an entirely new and novel Beverage from the choicest Ameri can cereals, without malt, without fermentation, without sugar, not KAISER SENDING SONS ON FOR EIGN MISSIONS, a . I I 1 ' 7 I J 1 V." frl A ( K ' H I . ' r4 ! 1 s New ei . 1 1 1 1 1 - loi memlieia of 1: family have been found by Hie kalaer, f'rlnce Aiigual Wllllnm, hi foiulli aon, IS eHced to nrrlva ahortly In llniKela lu tiiao tip, evcutuiillv th pnalllnii of governor-general, now held by tliulcial Von lllaalng. It la undcralond that at first lha prince Will serve as saalstant to (irncrnl von lllaaliig, hul ullliiuilely villi aiiperciiile the present, ruler, Anolher son, 1'rlnce Kllel Filcilih h, Is n lil lu have been delegated by the kalaer to go to t'oiistaiillnnpla to n enrol sword of honor to tho siiIIhii In com. memoraflon of tho bravery of Ihn Turk leh army, He Is due to arrive oon, sn a rila patch from Amatordam. Two bundled especially picked policemen hava been acnt ti ronatnnllnnplo from llcilln to tuka procaullonary menaurn for th safety of tho prince. J lo will alau visit thn Turkish front In Aalii Minor, DEATH RECORD llennla MclHrthy, TAU.H flTY, Nob., April 2. -(Hpeclal.) -I'ciiirta .Mct'artby died al hla home In till city rhiturdny inoinlng of npoplegy, II I survived by hi widow, his daugh ter, Mr. Ambrono Klnn of Jefferson, la , and one son, Cyril McCarthy, who ban been in Tulaa, Ohla , I he past Iwo month. Ill aged fiilhcr nd an Invalid brother nindii their boniw wltli him. The fnneriil will bo held from thn I'alholle church, Mondoy, at 9 o'clock, Mm. Ilo her I Ii, llnrne. CHAIillON, Noli., April :,-(Hpe,la.)-Dled, Mr. Hubert K. Ilurna, aged "0 year, wife of lr. It. Jt. Ilurna, who came lo Imwea counly, then Unorganised lertliory, in thn aprlng of 1KS4. Hr, Hum died two year ago, Three rhlhlnui and aoven yrnndchlhlren eurvlv. The chil dren are Robert and llenjninlii, both re. siding here, and Mra. tlcorge K, Cole of Ardninre, H, , ONE OF VILLA VICTIMS IS A NEWSPAPER MAN El, rASo. Tex., April I.-Hotmld Me. Oregor, one of VIMns vlcilms nt ,Mlimc, was a new p.i pei ninn v.lio bud worked In lenver, Chlmgo and In i lhcr e'itern and wealccn clt en Inning the Colorado 'oal miner' atrlko be took purl In I ho fighting between Hum und Ihe lullllhi, brewed, containing no alcohol, being tax-free; not a "becr,M "near beer" or "temperance beer," with a flavor and taste of its own and being in a class of its own. For sale at all drug stores, hotels, restaurants, soda foun tains and soft drink establishments. 1'imiljr Tfitl Sun'lpe. hf WILUAM JKTIF.U 2Wi N StfMt v" War Ecmovcs Many Familiar Characters On London Streets ((irrenixinilenc of Thi Aoclaled I'roaa.) I.tiMiiiN, Wb. at.-Almnat coinplei ill.ipperriiic of thn rKe1 hut plctur cmu int vendor tnd other lilneiant fre'inentera nf London thmoilghfiirea I on of Ih lioiahl chiine hrnnght aholil by a year and half nf wr. Hefore hiMlllltle hegan th rurtii,;ni nf the prlinutl n'rurln wra lined fnini morning tu mg'it hy hawker of pirated coping of popular arnig. cheap toy aeller and match vninlnia. wlill at veiy fw rd th paaaerby waa aceoatad by a man r wntimn carrying a fruit haefcrt or a tray lailun wlih rhi'olata or other candle. Now Ihe ia irt gnu and Veda ,..10, r. graierni nir in reucr rroin in lconal.nl anneala In buy. At th earn inn.. ,.. ,n.e are p.nn in n. rieen i nun i ne eoniinuima nuiy or keeiung ine rnggeii rin imiiiii inn Minus or win cwy ; ordinance tllher rtinrnrlcra of l.ondi'n' sireef wlinnc dlaappearame, on Ihc com run, In i regiel ed urn the led coaled alio lilacki I formerly ,"en Ml etcry etrenl lorwer anil round th railroad stAtions. Th ills aureenhle Imndun in id, iinriug up hi case of wei weaiher owing In the ilayey 1 comnoHllloii of the aiilxoll, nmaea thei? men a ahencn nolliarilil. and alni that of Ih rroasliig wealiera whu al the jiiiicllnn of frerUented alieel epl Hanoi' pnihwya thrnugh i tin mud ami whi aeivlcr nun inui h appiei laird ti I he niiinen 'I Im puali cart men or "cnatei inongei ' wlih Ihrlr Mill" doitaey harrow full of cheap vegelnhle whl'h thav loudly of fered for anlr In the auhuihan iliairlcti awny fiiim ho lift plug cenleia have gon ineny of (hem in seiv In ihn a rni. i. The ''muffin anil iruiiit" men wl'h Ibelr wnrni aie for aflernoou l", whiiee adtenl In III alieel aftei Inie H heialdi'd tiy the ringing of a, hall, hate unit their loimda. fur bakt have been turned Into a "signed" trade wboe sen Ice aie leg ilred for th making of iiiiii) bread slid cannol l.s aiie l for iiniie Thn ' shell flah' alnlla, formerly niucli seil hy palrnna nf saloon aftr their famine home, in, , Inaed at mldulghl and whein they conauided whlka and coi'kleea aoalied lu vlner and apilukled thdkly with pepper, ara no nmr In evl deme, having acconiianled th h"l balrnil potalo can Into oblivion wlih the Introduction of lha new llghlliig regu lallona which they could mil avoid In fringing If they dealred to cunllnu Ibelr trade Willi mtrrrm Many nf the workei at these peculiar "trade" ara now engaged lu tha aerv c of their country In making ammuni tion for th irnopa at tha front, and whelher they will aver rl'irn In their oli aland after tha war la a moot point. GASOLINE MAKING ECONOMY Independent Oil ( oinpanle r onlract a lib tlovernmeiit for It III inan Prneeaa, Hlspatche snnonnc that seven linle pendent oil enmpenlea have elgned con tract wlih Ih government, agreeing lo maka naa of the Waller V. nillnian pro ci'sa nf anlractlug gaaollne from ciiulu nil, whhh la expected greatly to Inctea th available upply and tlm reiluc price, lllilinan, a young rhemlat In Ih bureau of mine, aiinnunced about a year go tint ha had discovered s proceaa for oblaliilng gaaollne mot econonib ally, and also for making cheap toluol and benrol, lo chemlcala of Iniporlanc In lha dy and rxplnalve IndilsHIca, (lov nrnmeiit. cnnlll and i bniiilsla for oil and powder roinpanlea have pronounced bolh pioceaaea pracl liable. Willi Hi Itlltmiin niefhod Ihe oil la passed Ihrough a tuba In Ihe form of vapor and auh lei led to a very high preeaure. The or. liiry way la to dlellll the gasoline finm th oil, which leave a. large tealdila of almoat Worthlea lolhl. Ily th new tnelhod much of Ihl residua, It I tald, con be. coiivorled Into gaaollne. At first Utcinenl weie msdo lhal the prnducllnn of Kaaolln could hn doubled wlih th ttllliuan proceaa, but, renenlly tha per rentngn of Inciea hu been eallmaled at from 15 lo SO per emit. A I ul In tho Interior department prn hllilia employ from profiling pernnally from dlecovcrle mad while serving th government, ao lha Hllltnan proceaa was turned ovof lo thn I'nlled mate. Imine dhile attempla were mmbi tn Interest n coinpanle. Hoin of Idem have agreed lo innkn nan of I he pmreas, hut Ihe Mnndind has held out. It baa a method Omaha Beverage Company G002 to 6016 South 30th Street South Side Station OMAHA, NEH Phon South J26T of riiraciing gaanlin hy which ( la ahla, accnitllng to th aia lenient nf Hecretary Ijine. tu uhialii thie tlm mot than any ludnpondrnt company, Tills tat inent oil men say I an engei allon, Thar la, tieverthiiles. no duuht hut that th fiandard b a superior process. Th Ifcreaam) dnrnand for gaanllna hi ciiad numerous nttenilU In lnvni a utmtlf nt fur gaaollna or ihntper proea nf manufnciiirlng M. "II mm y that hniidrixla of prore for cheapen, log th gaanllii prnducllnn r auh. tnllind tu them ry year. Th Itlltman illecniery, however, I sponanred hy th t'lillscl Male gm ernnif nl,- India n mill New. Mine Layers in Demand at Front . . ! ,, , ,,, f ,fe , lalcd I'reas I ( ,nN,nv, M,rch J", Ten thmmand ir ,gMH mine. will he wanteil on In. i (nm,), air front dutlna Hie nei twelve niontha lo rri v on ihe wmk of I'limellng I'm ihe laving of mln", sccordliig In Ilut'erl KinlHIe. pieaiilenl nf Ihe Minna Ki ilei allini of Ureal Hllluui III maltliis Ihl annouii'i'ineiil r Jinllle alaieil thai while a i ulialilei able iiimlier of riuneia were already itiitafed ill Ihl Willi, Ihe fc'H nt iimenl Wanlnd mole and " going lo iippeal in Ihe heme offhe fui Ihein These men, how oei will haie lo be enrnlb'il na inliin leera Italy Feels Finch Of Fuel Famine ii'iirieei'ioidoiii of lb WaniUleil 're MILAN, March i , Thn lliilltin fi,ht. Ihg ahme II, e snow line find Hood ao cr' Ibnl Hie buy riuuta aie visiting eletv lioua. iiille, Milg uate paper for fuel, 'm sheria ale nei flat and fid Into a machine niilih lolls them I glilU' lulu a loll or l. hi mi 1 1 ii 1 1 In illHiueei Thean lolls ran be iineil lulu a linap ak and when flm la wanted thine or four of Ibeae piipei lulla suffice, TO P A Y H 0 M AGETO" THE IMMORTAL BARD'S MEMORY IC oi limp mdeii' e of 'J he ,anc'n : I I r-ai I I.tiMiiiN, .Mirch .11 To cclehtal Ihe Wikeper leieenleiiury mi appeal Ii halng mad In eieiy mil,, woman and child In lh Hilllsu null n ueai from April i'i, Mew alylc, to M i A a mcdallloii of Mhnkesieni e, The lilitli and rim Hi rhile, old slle, mm April 'II, Ihe neiv style la May ii. A comiultlee bended by Hie bud mayor nf l.ointon baa laniied n let r In whl h they ): "Thine who wear them tv, do homiiga to the Imiuirial rmmn that Voiced or inspired alni'ial evry Ideal Ii Which we have pledgud unr nall'ilil1 lioiior, and for which w a lodiy pic pared to sncilfl e our 'lull sh lilnj an) our laal man ' '' AUSTRIAN WOMAN GIVES MILLIONS TO CHARITY (Ccrrr apondanr of Th Associated I'rest I lU DAI'KHT, Teh. :.One of the must liotabln ibsrllles slur Ih beginning of the war la Ih gift of apprnnlmnlcly myi.tKin by Pratt Irma Krall, who died va cantly for lh education of the common people, J' ran Krnll. wealthy when U nmi i led for ilia flial tlm. enhanced br fortune wlih each of her flie niarrlage, and died h oi l Ii iirmy million, Her fourth husband It rnn Hlralilendorff wnt widely I. now n llnoiigli Auslrla-lluiixjry PRINCE JOACHIM WINS LAURELS AS COMPOSER (Corri!poudciice of Tlie Asais'laleil 1'iosa ) ItldtMN, March .- I'rlnca Joa' hltn Alhieclil of I'ruaala, whnan muelcul com poaltlon liHVei.beMi a prominent friiluM r"c til I v of prograiua al the I'i'ussini) coin I, I, a iv ill I en six Insrclua of it popular cbaracler since th lieclnnlng of Ihe war. Thev re called "Pto tlloil et I'atrl," "l!U, I'ho J.bg Mnrch," "With Hod for King and Country," "Young Ccrmany" nnd "TI a Men In Kle'd Jtay." HYMENEAL M aln.Ht-lluff. CIIAHPtuX, Neh., April Z -(Hpnidiil.) -Married, at Ihe reablencn of the hrldn'f piireni, ,Hr. and Mra William Huff, PM wnrd Wnlcotl. In Callierin Huff, by lb Hey, William Itutika of lb Urace Kpl. I'i'jial cImihIi of Chadion. After a abort eastern ilt Mr. nnd Mra, Walcotl will resldo on one of Ihe Iioiimi s on the I audi of Ihi rather of the groom. Irish "Party Trnce" Lull Before Storm (' orreapondenc of tha Aaoclaled Trea.) IH'HI.I.N. March W.-Thougli Iher la a "party Iruca" In Ireland and, during tha wur, neither polllbnl party conteta thn other' parliamentary vacancies, tha varl nua oigHtilxatlnna arn maintaining and strengthening Ibelr poelilon with an y to th future. At tb annual meeting nf lh directory of th I'nlted Irian league, of which John Keilmnnd I pral- dent, tha secretary, ,loeph I'nvlln, M, P., announced (hat lh organliallull li not only inltitlnd II atrength, but ha largely ineraaeed If, Thr hundred and Iweive nt btani he hv been affiliated n'' 11 year Cork show an lnsra of Ihirlv-thre hrnnci, Tlpperary of thhty-mo, Donegal of twenty-eight and l.hnerlrU of twenty five, ThtM rult, me llr1bilted to Hie ere of county innvention held all over ih country at which Ihe mntlir of th Irlah parllav mentary tiarty met Ihelr cniialltuent and risUcd for and received from them a r newal nf auppnrt for Ihrlr policy, The Coming Baby I Hooray! Hooray! Noililng rle run o e omplelply endr" pi io the pawn! bikI Iho (uiuto ai lh e pert ml arrival of a htiM, (tut In Hi lien lime the romfort of Itie moliier I of vast Import a in. Tberla pleudid itrnl rem. ily known a "Moth r' I rlend" whkhst rrl a wonderful Iritln enre upon th ripand. lug muscle, They bo. rem mora pliant, lreii wlllxiiit tindu alii, make Hi period nn of plraannl title. Ipsttoii hitlead of p prebetialnn. In a serle of plrndld teller from all over lh riuinlry molliera tell of Ihu giant help "Mother Krlend' wa lo thm, I ien grnndinidlier h II th wonderful stor I I I hdr own iliitlder ahoul lo enter tlci a' il" of motlirrlssid. drl a bottle of "Motl si Friend" today of )our nearest driiggtaf, lr Hit splrndld help with tour own ban I guided by your own nil nil. For a fre laaig nf (Merest and Important' In all mother writ In Hrailflrld Regulator Co., 41)0 Lamar Hldg, Allanlii, lis, It relate ilia peraoiiil rtperlenrea of inanf liappy ointhrra. It to 1 1 many llibm Hint all women should be fa miliar with i It la at one a gold and an hup rslliui. Writ (or Ihl houk. 7 PLASTERS Tilt Wnrli'i Cticlnl lnnnal Kimtii. Backaoh), Rheumatism, kurnusgu. Local Weak Stomachs Head So Do Inactiiro Bowel First Thing Each Morning Bafon Bmkfast Al 6lf riMNf from phydc, pill. mlnral water, old and arum, day is from night. Dlffintar in laal. ai lion, ratull. OIF t (HINT hocauta with It ui conatlpatlnn nd klndrod ilmania pan away Ilk rrnal bafur Ih aim. DirrlMST bcut it lnvigortaa and upbiitlda.andlicautllt I a natu ral way lo bet i iir health, a atr ongsr alomai.h, mora regular bowal. claarar kln, gralr i.rgy. LET FRUIT-VIGOR KELP YOU TO GET WELL and KEEP WELL (NT Mrs! clM druggirt or grocer can gat Pruit. Vigor lor you -$l par lar. Or by parcel pint from u - Una jar l-f our jar J.iO-iix lar 5.(X). TCWART FOOD CO. 121 lturll IMi.CHICgaO 4 q paid on 7tm Cart ii'caf AH depolt in tha State Rank & flwAiu ISlhA JLf Harn.y J Btraata i protctd by lha Depositor' Ouar ant Fund of th Stat of Nfbraika. Commmrctal Accounts invitid 3glty Deposit Hones. 1,1 no a. yasr and up pat J on Saoingt Account! Mmn .itwnmmiui if ninT. FRUITfUIGQR Alcoholfree I ,- m . '11 I - 4 t i "" - aafcM'rtlil'a.al..fglaa.4'lil tmJUMZmKXXmMt