Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Troeptri of Seventh Regiment Spend
Night and Day in Saddle in
Search for Villa.
COM 'MM'. N. Mi April J.-North
from Hi town of Ourmtro and ! lit
Vie Una of th Mexico Northwestern rail
road, Hrouiii arrnyn nnd over trailn
(hl through th hut if and can
yon of the Mlrrit Tarartnmate, Anierl
run cavalrymen of lha Cevenlh regiment
are. riding night anl dy geekim Vrttn
cio VIII. rt ordlng t'i lntt report re
olted fiom field hcduuartcr at Colnnla
Mills Information rnmcrolng I ho pur
suit filtered oter the border today and
nothing dcflnli wn received from of f I -rlnl
iuice There were peialnlcnt fit
for1, honr, that the force of Colonel
limM had capt lied (b man who w
nine the "Hobln lined' of Mnlcn, lint
becaimc of Hid difficulty In eommuiile
tlon hvf hr n uimhe to make report.
lt repon from Ih ramp of Ueneral
1. I'eraMug i lli9 front Kill" Ihat
the, trick of vehicle believed to h Hie
carriage carrying Mil In hi flight h'l
b" H (ll"ovord.
acoNrlog lh Monnlaln.
Oibr advice aald that tha American
cavalrymen were riding throuifti th
mouniuln In th ffl)i of a heavy gale,
which nuw rrilitt'il with enow and (Hig
gling ruin, f.ul throigh tb irmii hlou
no awrxter into th vry vital of th
men, but that nut a rlngl man Indicated
ill aire to give till afCb.
Arm? nun her nr cnnxlilerablv dia
turned today dv numcro'i warning from
confidential goitre that VINInl adher
ent kim gin tiering In lb lltlbuali'i d"'
rt, both north end (KHiih of Axc-nelon
and nr the motor Hall leading from
f'olumhua to 1'imm Oiande for th pur
ioc ot attempting to cut tli American
lino of loiimioiilintJon.
Mut lli' n Watch,
An film I fm y guard of Infmitrynion
wiili irn iric imttrortit on tn lli vfot
W tim k, w ilncrt on trm k tmln
wlilrh lift hort for th front lodr. lo
Idled rmn' of Holillom innrdlm tlio
lr vvi"r r"ctii'it hy llm fkld Meriipli
mid orlrr'd to walrh rlonnly for ilBti
of boil forion J,lciitnnnt A, W, flul
llon, Twrntiotli lofiititry of Mitlnltfon,
Ky ndliitmit of Itin buiw, lft on l'i
trulii for folonlwl pnl'lan, whir ha will
attoturt to ro-ordlnata mora rloawly lha
work of Itia oupedlllonary fof a and that
of tha tm ho ramp,
ynoffii-ial Infnrrnatlon lo hA it that
a'varal arot of Villa 'a adliaranta, who
wara citpturrd or wounded In tha anna
mnt at fan fJaronlmo ranrh laat
Wcdnz-adajr sra fpartd In arrlva hara
rturlnrf tha night, Tha four Amarloan
irnoirt who wra woiindod In lha aam
I at I la. It wat aald, unffi-rad wound
whirh ara not aarloua onouah l nacoaal
lata th'-lr bflng bronttht hara and prob
able will la tnkan In lha field hoapltal
at Ckaaa Orandea for Iraatmanl,
Par Oaf Halloa).
Approxl'iataly .10,rinn wara dlatrlbiited
to tha ai'ldlcra on atallon hara at lha
regular rnorilhly iar day lodajr. Whlla
tha uaual rreca'Hlona wara taken tn pra
Vent Iron) e amoriff tha man, tha uaual
paydny axcltement hi fnllltary camp
waa romplfti'ly ahaant, (hi man at'pnr-
antly raaliilng Ilia aerlouanaa of tha
tank hefora tha froopa.
When Jfua Kanra and hta daughter
rronaed tha American Una today at I
loiaaa. tha flrat Meihan town throuirh
worn in American troopa panned on
tha way to lha fronl, waa left without
hu Mid n Inhabitant. A fow lonely hoga
wer howling at tha door of tha huddled
ilttia dirty group of th Mealcnn but
which mad up th town.
fotuea Bark -Vmr Alwaya."
Banna, H year of agn, eroaaod Into th
1' nl ted Htataa In a pralrla achoonar, tuoh
aa uaid by tha 'Torty-nlnera." Id4
In It wito hta houaohold good, whlla
from the rear axla awung a water bucket
under which trottrd atuhby tHllod dog
Th bora wer hitched to tha wagon
by meana of harnoa faahloned from caji
va rartrldga holla dlaoardod by Vllll
taa In their flight from Columbua, Hnnca
ld tliat ona by ona tha raaldent had
left th town, Ha, hlmaolf, ha anlil,
flimllv left alona, wa hound for Dom
Iiih, N. M., ''para lmHr" (for al
n I
Omaha B'nai Brith
Marks Anniversary
Hero Next Sunday
McKlnlry linl of K iwi flrlth will hold
In iMi' nth annln-renry i lluthm on
Hiio.lny. April : nt th Itennhnw hotel.
Mluitiuml l,lvliiilon, h.urt of tha H nal
I'Mlii Aiilllitf.iiiiatlnn IxnKUe, will be
the gi'fet of honor, nn,l will deliver an
aihlrrn oo the wink thi Irauu I doing
In preventing tha iWimntlon f h J, w
hi liewrpal'er. nuiguitliii -, thialet. ell'
Th it iv will ci.nuiii-iii' with an nulo
loot tbrMiighiiul Ihe iMIy All nal Mr It It
teml.,-i me intMeil In prlli Ipate Them
will be enough iiiHrhltu for all The
eiart will la fi..m the Hvluihavy InMvl
at I : a in
!' lamiuet will tnke pl at I M
p Ol tirp at th lleoalmw hoi,i Mr
l4lotfi,.n will ihUver hi Lire.. t th.
han.p."t Ihl wilt b followid by a p
'l , rforniHie a whn h the roiiuuliii
t li,. , t ,i,rpri. I 'mi, in
March Not a Bad
Month for Weather
A t I'l l t. u,i,ul.,H I ' ,!'
H Ihe Iki t w i'1-ri bni'va-k Mi-H a
t,il . l I a O" ' 'II U i n ht ihe
it'i,u"iii af ti,, ! ( ii.
i ir . i-it i .! uJ
i. ! n-t"! a
iiii.j Vi H l-.e l,iiin-4l tkin.-41 .u
I "! tt-a I ieg kl
1 l .. l teil.i-. - ,f if
t is J. ! !., all is
liltl'tl I H II !. -f k tl
1 1 1. t I n h I ' J-,, f . b
lc ( 'l i( I'l t nliv I'
ill,, I Mll ' lt.. lit tOi,'
ti l I - l In a t.. 'h -I M.t.ii
) IK fcxvi ll"'t.ilt. w I k
, Hl,) ti l i,'t Hl, 1 l '
tiwi taa t '
t - I l-1 l
!-.' H-inu , Ih a i i,.ii.
. i i.. i 1 !. an I., i,
!, I(ivii.t ! t'4t!f
(,. (.. . twta m liltii I IS
)l. H- 4flHli ii I i , W
Mrs, Horton Looming
Mr. nrret Horton, the "myiry
woman' in tha caaa vl r, Arinur war
ren Walla, aoaueed of polaonmg hi
wealthy father-in-law, John ! feck.
loom dally In a larger lixhl In tin ile-
yalupmefil at the dlatrtet aitornay of-
fh of New York,
Tha dlDlrlct attorney ha announced
hlnmelf a far from aatlxfled wlih Mr.
Marguret Horton atory of her meet-
Ing with lr. wall, II ni lare Mio
elf to b atlll tiiicoiivlmed tht Min.
Horton, th "rnit'-ry woman." iwt the
denllal In eclly lha treidenlal muonKr
ha claim
Oit of lha mot peeotlar angle of the
i la the llllurt of Horton. The hue-
Imnd, In high-pitched vole, affirm hi
loynltv to Hie "ilova," Ha ld h
tierfectly wilting for her to tiling whnt
comfort nh enn to Walt ,n III pnxoii
"Wa haven't gotten a n'ir d'l from
oiir o,iitlniiem," he ld. .
We IiU'.p lolil the itlnlilct attorney
eseryihlng, anil our letlmotiy, a glvn
out. I itlelol led illnlol Ird In the rli
that the aiHlfmenl are pulillnhed Willi
meanliiga did not Intend to convey.
Wa luce nollilng to fcir.
"Whiil inv wlf" and I houll hav
dono to hv lift th a'at when
Ihl matter flit clime to life. We hav
told eveiythlng, I r'.et, and ill they
hi not ellried Wi r allll foM ad
to hinr up iiii'IT 8 po'k of lien."
Tha chei Ucred career of llotlon w
a aourca of lnleret to lha authoilll
f'ourt lecoiit hn he wm dccliireil
bankrupt during ('hrlHn wek
I hl w Ihe w r!od during whh It
Horton claim l have flrat tnel Walle.
(Cofillnued from lwg Ona)
mil He a detailed report of th ligga
nienl. Nor wg any word rlvd from
Colonel Imdd, although fvl' at th
army wlrele tton her, ritetriipd
by rllmallc ionilliiin, wa reuuied to
day, llrlall flrreivad,
MUUaiy headuimrief hera mad Ih1
taimiit :
"No h loll of Ihe engagement hav
been rcevd. 'fhn only liieg" re
colved from Ihe gouth wr of purely
rouilne nalur and In none of them wa
th engagement mentioned,"
fthr Infornmllon rtefd Indicated,
however, that lhr I gtlll much doubt
at lha American field liead'iuaiter
whether tha bandit rhleflaln wa with
hi force during Ih engagement, una
report given much crdi ni w ht
Villa utlnd tha wound whkh brok
hi leg and ahattemd hi hip bona In lha
attack made on tha farrn garrlxm
at th town of Ouorrero, March it, and
that tha leader waa carried away by a
few chown follower In a Jolting wagon
to a aocret hiding pine In tho mountain
wllderne around Uuerrero.
Although lha puMult by th American
la a pew ierten for Villa, on h
ha novaf met In all hi yr of gurllla
warfare, army men tier ara not In
clined tn mlnlmlM th tk before Col
onel Ineld. The Uurrraro dlatrl't In
which Villa, with a prlca on hi head,
wa abl for eight year to emt cp
tur by I'orflrto Idaga rurale, abound
Ing a It doe, In cav, canyon and al
moet lmpbl mountain trail, all
acreoned from lh yaa of air aroul
by heavy growtha of mountain pin,
admlttadly on of th mot lanlated
reuloti In Mexico and lha ona In which
tha bandit ha lha largeat number of
Senato Debates tho
Army Incrcaso Bill
ThroughWholo Day
WAHINTON, April .-Tha aenat
debate th army lnre bill again all
yealerdny without any Indication aa
to wtien work would begin on th ma
cf pndlng amendment. Aa yal Henator
Chaniherlnln, chairman of th nillltaiy
commlttea, haa mado no effort to lhilt
genoral dlnnua'don which hoitau yeaier
day ami It prohnhly will continue .vrl
day at leaat bofora amendniont an'
Ink i-ii up.
Heiintor riorah told the cnat h" hid
found an tnurmoiiniabln coniHuliin'tl
barrlm- gilnt th propoaal tn th hill
for federalization of th" National flmrd.
Iln gava many leant iltatl 'tia to aupport
hi contention that und. r th lonailtu
II, m coimreaa ha no powor M ntf re
th rtlavlpllna U ha authority t pre
ectlh. Henator t'limmlit and Penalof I.ew a
nhaildy dlagr'd with henator Uurwh.
Henator lwl atlikd tha cnat hdl
proamoii for a fon of federal voliin-
leer, 'itng It wa aimed at tha N-
lionnl liiinrd and would iH"troy It If
Army Secures Over
Two Thousand Men
WAMtlN'ITN, April I -Hlnc rcrlt
lug waa hrmt t hi U
bimg th rmv tip t maximum
.irrngih ." - --cepi.l fr,'t
x.fc aipiyhi can lunnwi, fW Mi
and Ne oik 1..I In Ih li'imh. r of r.
., .1 i. tin with 1. ' H,I ()""
H'tiv t in nil P'..t r
, an, r1'! I i an ' "
1 1 ami
Y l ft
t.l (4,,,i e I Aif'l I -"ii
, .l.l iH' Me.t lt ..H.a.'l.'H
I . .t.lkt l I I "...I.OI ,B
. . .... . . ... t. I k.
,1 I'"""' ' ' " '
ll.. I tal. t of
k. ., . . ... i ti tt-
) I, i.'.',ill eg
i t hi It! a I
M t
. . ... VI ,1 I. Alt
l 4, I l , Ml,, t 1 "'
,i .. U .!! - ' ' it .. Hi linn l.iie ano avi t it
l',.i Mtl4 I 'tll'l
tK ittl,a
v- A foli-'W I' -11
ail ti I i '
ll- I
,tW - U i l't ' " '
,., l. t-'inmial w"k l"' ''f
W fc, IH, !' '
1 W (.. t wt t tk at-
,. I lt 11 ir lb Aia'W
a k aeaeit -nl I t'a f f
wkt-a k ItlaM ..ivtt-W , t4ta-
Larger in Waite Case
- y v,
ft, Hawley, prealdent of Dm A'f'f Club of
No dn'n ha hirn 't for the attempt,
hut It w epe'tid to bo mad om
lima tin aumiricr.
Villa Slew Every
American He Found,
As Ho Threatened
V.U i'Ar, Ta, April t-Th lory of
tha murder of Ihreo American, a "-r
man and an Kngllahinnn at Mlnnc wa
brought hero todny by Americana arriv
Ing from chlhiuili'm f'ltv and waa an-
eeoted a authentic by fednral ornciai
Tl. linnitll' victim weta flcnlnmtn
Hnell, Mr. A. T. Well, Jy IJndly.
Americana; Herman lllanhanberg, a tier
rnan; Imrnild Mdlreaor, alno known a
Uriice. a rirltleh guhjecl. Two other
American, llenry Ackltn and frank
Woodn, war In Mlnac at Ih lima, toil
lliclr fnln I unknown. Tha ric wn
brought 10 rhlbimhil, city by J. H.
I.ocka, th only American known tn hava
encsped tha miireacr.
Accordlrig lo tha fnry, Villa cnpt'ired
Mlnnca, ftuerrero and Han laldro laat
Monday, Kverywhera ha went h an
nounced hi Intention of putting lo deMth
every "gringo" Hint full Into hi hnnda,
rmd ha carried nut hi Intention. A far
th Mlcn wet concerned th
bandit prnmlned itfety lo all lho who
did not lal up rm agolnat him, No
quarter wn ahown to th (irrnzltg
troop who attempted lo relt him.
Thera war numeroua roport In Ml
l'o lody that Villa wa already rap
tured. Homa of the wr vry elr
cumalaritinl, hut not rm of them wag
capnhl of verification, Th wlah being
fnlher to th thought wn pprenlly
the bml for mont of tha atorlc.
(Continued from I'ng On)
Inm; 'A, fond run on two lde of a
iinnra ft-era field. In going from on
coiner to th diagonally oppoalt corner,
how much will lc ait ve, by going In a
atrnlght line, ralher than by following
tint road f Jiiat one child In lha county
aolved the problem rnrrect'y, yet oven
though, tht principal of iPinlhemHtlc 1
mentioned on page 41 f2 of tho four
of Htudy. I rnnnot feel tint! th other V
hntild t rlnnaed a failure becaua of
their InnhlHty to arrive at a corrct o
lution, or Hint their u"fulnen future
cltlxena of the tnt would he erloiily
Jenpnrdleed by their fnlllir to flgllr
out to th frHi'tlon of a rod tha exact
dlatanc aved In thl cane,
"Other illation tnlght tie given, but
fed that the above arm auffb 'lent to prnv
my gRaerilon that we arn rxpecllng too
much of puplla whoa reiiaonlng faiiiltlii
are not et ilevelopi d and whonn mug nf
expi ileni v la not uffi lent lo warrant
an Intelligent tie itinciit of the anhjort
with which we rtpvi-l lliiiu to ileal,
Khar nf Ih Teacher,
"In order lht yoil may tindei atnnd mv
ponltlmi, permit m to quoie fiom vtmr
teller retiarillng in nan of the Cntirec
of Hlutlv. 'When you tiiminliT that all
of llieni- iii"H, in which you mentioned
to the pewepnptr coireapmiilntit fame
directly fmm youg t"mira of Study whh-l
yntir teacher i euppoe. ! In tench
In and wlili h Mm. aa a titiinty auper
liilemleiit are auppoai d lo uert, tho
ITHIi lain tine not aeein to Wall
follmlt d '
"A you will tmtle bv leferrlng to
th enrn-d iln-iiUr btiei .t Imirlnii
w arn emieatmiii lit r. n.iw the I onratt
nf MI'oH III IM fnimlt, Hot hm en.itl lv
1-,'imm.t tn Iml.tmi l, i,t t,ime tha
law reii'itti l mi l ihv i tilli of tn,
l ' e 1 1 .1 , a la n 'I II -1 1 H r at taken
fiiiin ,'nu- tiller .ttii teit th a nfi
in li .l in tun i but llmi i i aa mil
I'm I 'a ! 1 ! '' ' it a I 111 . h i f ti i.n
III tin Wilt I'is 'ln. Ii ,ltl liiul 'f li
tt I la Hit w i mak e
th iiu. -1 t.t m r r t , tuot at a Ivanlaa
! w i ih' n .11 lit f. iMiilng
t.ak. .nl ti atlll !'. (alttlit lfln
'nt l , 'I t-at ta Weta- Hng tb
'l,i,ia tit 4 I'tm t , itl r I tvalt.-tt . a-tt a
wi I f't It-m I tl .ii tlnaty alk tf
l't ' 1 1 a, it. I. I 1 in Itf M
fc t ma atlult I , la li, a t) ,. il'a'tal
11 ttt'-a l ;kr lit i'i. ili 1,1,1 tn a
una i,,i,.itt .,! aititttta Iw
Htal'H, e-e i ' n, ti.,, tiniit 1
!' '( 'aula w a wy'll t
a lot tat vtaai l i it to Wr i, I in.,
p 11 .1 aal.i. Uvh I it, nt (in
f . - rtt It II t,it
itutin art i ivan
t WI ,
t n
H - t I a Wl, xir
a- t"H V.- ia tta,
a I. at
tlt! I
K.l"- -'
i Y'-e: V,.3
a i- n Hv t U ,
in I 1 . fvai ia -,(
It'lkle .it ll.-aX
.vtt't4ii ii,ill.. I
t a tot w ti-a
II ihtitt an.l le
Gallieni Starts Work Early and
Xeepi at It Until Late
at Night.
tCorrecpondenr of Ihe Aoe.!tl Pr.l
f'AHf M, March lf,.-lnerl Oaliexnl't
great vigor and nfgy ar lalng put to
k evr gfraln In Hi War offl' II
begin work at I o'clock In lb morning
and keep at II all dy no(wiihtndlng
Ma J year, but, with all hla appllcaltoii,
ha flrid lha dy work I nr flnihd
when night come
To y nothing of th retonltotlty of
conducting the Kren h tnllitary opera
tion, ()enerl (laillenl hn lo rcflv
freipienl vleii from a conidtol hum
ber of the Vtl dipotlc od aenMloi;
he )m lu tlend meeting of th cabinet,
pnrtlclpullng In Hie dcllleralliin of 'h
french Wr couiicll and of in AIM'
eomlilned wr counili. b I auirtmoiie1
hefoia lha war committee of Ih cham
ber and war rommltte of lha ngl two
or three time a week to glv Information
regarding th progr of th wr, and
he hn to attend iloni of th i bm
i c nnd aenat on vry ociton when
nDIllary i(Utloni r di'Ud, and
fie-piently lo reply lo on or two Inter
pellation by member,
Many leHoii In A newer.
All Hint, would b Irn if fi'eol to ex
liaoel 'lallleiil ( energy, but ha h In ad
dlflon It reply either from tha apeakefg
tnd In Ih rhambor or through Ih
Journal (iffp'iel to all aorta of o,oion
pod In wrltltig br Ih member of
parliament, Th rpietlon occupy from
do urn page upward vry day, cov
ering Ih wld't. Imnglnal'la rang of
objet, Th mtntater of wr, of coor,
do not peronnlly conduct tht corr
pondtire, hill gin' to reply engige
hi rponlbIHy a rolnlier, be roul
In each rasa know Hint lha information
la exact.
"foii fore m lo follow profelon
tht I not. mine," (Jener! Ulllnl nd
In a recent dcht from lha pener
aland of lha chamber In a woman! of
pelhetla deapalr. Th profalon lo
whl'h ti referred wa that of debater
and of general Intelligence ageni for the
benefit, of lha depulle, On a alngbi da
th inlnlaler of war waa Interrogated ll
time Tha following f pr linen gtva an
(ilea of th rnge of queallon;
"How many building wai rcq iM
tinned for ti hopltl befor tcto
bar I, JUKI; how mny hav been reipdal.
tiona inc ttctobcr i, !:&; how mny
hotel wara fher nw,iig them?
Here Ar lame f"er,
"Why ar th dally report of offirr
In charge of hoapltal gometlme loe1
by head nur?
"If u h and 'Kh a paragraph of auch-
and auch a gec.tlon of auch-and auoh a
chapter of urh-nd urh law w ap
plied In auch ft c; If go, wbyf If not,
why noff
"If It I trtia that In certain hoapllalg
th fgtlctii of Ih gam ward ar al
lowed to tax lha air only twlc , wk
and In iugd of only lg .t a lima, gjid
Why In aom geotlon of Hi army 61
man aleep with thalr clothe on"
Buch rg hav don mora than any
thing el to call th attention of tho
pwWIrt o th Impoaltlnn that captain
member of parliament fimka upon tha
mlnliet' lima, It ha developed ft da-
cldcd currant of opinion In favor of ma.
lire to put 4 gtop to It. On propaion
favored I th adjournment of th e.
alon by th prklcnt under th power
eonfeirod upon lilm by tha ronxtltutlnn
of WIS. (m th other hand, tha ocllig
and republican aorhillt hav propod
Ih nomination of a permanent flornmla
alon of forty-four member, with powar
to Mull any irt of th front and any
military ratablUlimcal or ttuartarg b
hind th front.
War Stops Italy's
Market for Marble
Corrpnndonc of Th Aocnt1 Prei )
IlOMK, Maf h I-War haa hit vary
hard lha Alpl Apuanl dlatrlct. eapeclnily
In llm rit'lghborhooil of farrara, wher
Italy') flncat mnrbl la nuarrled. Franc
end ll'ilgl'tm war Italy' heat customer
for marblo nefor th war, Oermany be
ing a ring third and Kngland fourth,
Ther hn ben no exportation to franca,
llclglum and Oerrnnny for over a year,
and now It I announced that Plnglnnd
haa decided not to allow any further tm.
portntlnn of thl typa of luxury,
(f"nrrepondne of th Aanoclxtcd Pre I
1XNIHN, Keh. --'arelill In'iulrle
earn to ltow that for th moat part In
auranc comiatnle hav lcn wll within
their eatlinata nf what th wnr waa likely
to coat them, tha at era ajnonnt ex
prtidetl Iwlng about ffi ler cent of thai
eallinated, Cotialdnrlng Hi great nuiitlwr
of men who may be expected to have In
anrt-d their He who at pmiit ar finht
log lb flguiw la Hot a blah 0101 j but II
I noibed that th t'ttmrwiitn r carry
Ing larg vui In rerv.
(Corraindnc af th Aitelld l't
CAU't'TTA. Mart h f -Th cintrona
haa liaait laid her of a new boapllal for
Impli'ial itUraaea. Ih flrat nttttllin of
II kind l't b aUI-lbe4 In I tie Irnpli l
'ottlnn of th Hi unit itiplc. ft' ho
titlal ia b"g gneri'iialy viutnwad by
ellh Indian and b t evd tup
,.,t ala,, fi -nt ,'i,mintt hi ilr.ii and
ftoiit IH An.eip an tlut fcfllr fot-iil
UtttN Vf. I I H li I ,f
Ttal1 nalt 1, 1 . ta.ii 1 1, It t, H a
blri'ina rta,it4 tit Wati'li ah l.l
nutrtaf n in'r iiii.iii it im
an I till lii)i ' ft 1 1.1,1
I .lia I t llHi Wi'il t
'an'-i ft 'I ' tun w aniik b
n 10, a aiaa' - i f I'M I 'tn
it k aithar t t au ! ( i.
' l ' t ll- wl I at it ttt t a
nl I' an . tB t ,aM, and
t tat k . t -an ' e ttilne
Hllll ll
Thai t.t' liwii tat
! ,a I.n It wa t li, a ' 1.
1 .. it t. ,t i,.-a taaiaw. a .. . ,
a ,, in - a it a, a a a -I m,
ti a I'i -t a t
va,'.i ! tl-f i at ! fit "Jit bit, 1
f.fai- i. '1 I- 1 a a. 1 It, t a
I-.-. , lin t ' -a-il -t I la i-a lo'il .1
a a a . -a - -at- a 1.1 it a a t 'a it a i
vil'.,,,it ,a ' ttii t 1 itia it aactfoal I,
3. 191 C.
Zeppelin Comes Down Like Sick
Bird, Says Sailor Seeing Descent
Biffri'l'tVfCIM. I'.ng1id, April -rvedi
forreaculng th urvlvora of toe Zeppelin
Irii belong to th ej,wtlng trawler
Olivine, commanded by Lieutenant Will-
lam II. M'lnioi, royal naval r- .
rva, but naval men freely concede that .
tha credit for bringing tha Zeppelin down ,
belong to on of the Innd batterie. i
wbhh toy b dccibed tatlond In j
an cierii county. i
Tha .appr-llri nm don Id th biowd
mouth of tha Thame, oon flr t 0 chu k
gi urday morning. That atrenh of wa
tr, a well the adjoining cot i
w!er. wrm wl(h paliollln 'iri,
Tha altahlp b k bad be' ti broken by
unfire, i gondola worn r.d'lied with
hrnpoel bullei. Mevaral ot H iw ,
wer badly wounded. Jta commander
had guffblent, conf1dfi'a In th huinate
lly of Hlllall .illor Id f.l out wlrt -leaa
algfinl of dltre
'Mb cam down Ilk a 'lrd, flop
ping t both enda, a If they wr
win," ald llnr who wineaed th
decnt. of lha Z'ppelirt
Deny Harris New
'' . v aa
Hearing ot Libel
Suit Against Bee
Jiitu fin K. IJrave of l'ndef vlcr-
dy ftrnoon overruled Ih motion In
lllrlct oourt for a haw trial in Ih
0") libel null brought agalnat Th lie
by Mr, Meyer Jlarrla, which h nan
tiled, Th Jury In Ihe ca had ( l'kly
found for tho tlcfeiidghl f'r a H)al In j
which (ha Irulh of pubD'alloii wai
pleied, j
The Hnifl gulf grew out of an account ,
of tha iret at Mr. Ilntrl and h"t hu. !
band bv tha Oniab pull', Miafgad wlHi
Ilia then i,f a diamond Una f l mil ''oun-
eil lllurra lewelrv ealabllaiimelil. Tli
hubhd ued Th fie fo for a Ilka guru, j
hut for icaaona beat gtiown 10 nimaen
tbrough h;a attorney, mv.d H dlml
!, l-aiongi) ult lolallln WifW liava
been brought by th Haitian to !ill
balm for their nrrrnt, inm of Ihwa ilt
w lnllliiled In t'onncll liluff again!
tho lewder few duv before lb expira
tion of Hi glittot of llin;uil"li, and It I
at II I lefi'llng.
Bryan to Get Use of
Licdcrkranz Hall
ORAVn IMf.ANO, Neb , April i ape-
call Telegram )- Not only did Hi pro-
poaed protaat by a few member againai
tha rental of tha ,ederkrng auditorium
for W, J. firyn'a proliihition addr
of next Wadneadav yvanlng not, avail,
but a reoiillon ndorlng the action of
tha offlciira wa adopted,
Th reolullon declared that fb policy
of th paaf perrnlitlng all feputuble or
gnnlxtllofi and propegandlnt tha tin of
th larg auditorium ahall b cmilnued
and th adoption w by an overwhelm
ing vol, Mr. ISryn will, therefor, not
only not b barred from thl hall, bul
will b ahown every uaual eourieay,
f, if. P11eri1 of flv!nd, f, I an
rtorirlcal anglnaer who propoacd to the
then mayor of fnvelnd, Mr, flakef, now
tho aecralary of war, tha development of
a municipal lectrlo light plant at ('lev.
Mr, "allard wa mad lighting flornmla-
lonr of Cleveland and under M dlrec
Hon Clavolafiil'g light plant ha b'eii d-
When Mayor Maker aecond tarm of
of fir expired on January 1 of Ihla your,
A republican ail'-feadeft to tha office, with
lha reguit that a changa w mndo In
lha mimagement of lha elo-trld light
phint, Mr, Itallurd nepplng out.
Along In November of In at yr, th
Kciloralloti of I'nltnd Improvement club
wmita Mr, Unllard, who wo then the.
lighting rornmlaalonar of I'levelutid, and
akei if he would not coma lo omnha
and loll Hi people how -ctit clm-trle
light had betn ttccompllahod III Clova
litiwl Mr. algnlfled hi willlng
ne to do o, and after geveral dale
had been ant for hi vlnlt, It waa ar
ranged that ha nhould Im (mra on April
and I,
"W ar fffblmil today, hut ar not
iifflclent," aald lir. A, I. Harmon In a
Iticlura on "T)i New Hm'UI and Polit
ical Mkylln" at lha lrlia. C'hilalliui
ihiiicli Prbloy i venlng.
Th diivulopmciit of 1111II011 I founded
on religion, (ha home and commerce, ami
tha moat Itilpoiifliit of Iheao 1,1 religion
China lia been held back by her tclialoii,
whll th ( hiUthtii nation have turn ud
vatntd by their."
I'r Harmon wai formerly paator of
Hi Hrat I'hrlntlitn church here and 1
now about l' bcaln hi work an aucnaaor
to Chancellor Alnawnttli at I'uliier ntil
veialiy. Alt liifiirmal teiwplloii wax
lelnhied hint fiiHoatlug lha b'tlure.
Ml feint Aluler"!!, Itatlr of Hu
l ulvtralty of I Utah, ha pta.'Hi itllt
onnii'letnd plan for hold'n a ainiou 1
a, It, ,nl it ii 1 11 a vaialbm 'lie' tioe l ((
of leaihiir now enii'l.iye.l ai llm mil
aeialtj. will i iht of th,
At'Dftlliig It .vii AiniorauM, una tr to
0. VKfer
-a. k ,tta
TtV WmmMm -wVk. tVytf
ftl ta
Th , wn mooth and Ih night wa
clear though daik, o lha trawler wn
abla tn take aboard wo. inled a wall a
unwiuudid. Horn of tha craw wer at
th top of tha balloon whlla Ih wounded
ami their .tindur,i remained In th
biiekel below,
After all the gurflwor wer aboard the
Olivine, the crew of Hi trawler attached
g. , 11b e lo the . '(.elln In the hope II. t
they would b hle to bring Hie pitza
to poif, bui towing wn difficult me; bud broken 111 two Ha end
.no It up In Ihe air whlla the mlddl ac
tion well down III tho wit"r After
making about two mil' lha Zppelln
becitiii emliely anlerloggad.
Tha Olivine ia engaged in patrol duty,
,,d Meulenulit Mm klnloah llnrined
hi pilaoncf lo a dmtroyer and agnln
put aut in au,
The dcalroyer brought Hi Oermnna to
Hhcene lo tepot and pro'a-eded wl'h
th prlaoner lo Chatham, where in
wounded wnr plaved In lioaplliil.
fenre of tha woik Will t uliirging
of th pr-medlc work, Cu along
thl Una lie Imllng viriebrate anntoiov.
nooloity, t-lny, ihtmlairy nd phyai "
Wl b offered.
Iteal'le tha pra-meillc work many H"
college britmhea, eapeilally language,
Will b taught To meet the demand of
high gehool aludenl wlahlng lo tmik
up credit number of academic
brsri'he will b offered ln'1 .ding r.t.g
llh, nriimn, l-alln, Krernh ma'hema
th a, hlatoiy and eeii' e,
I Exhibitors Crowd
! The London Fair
ft orriopondemaof Tb ocl;ited I'll")
VAHtX ! arch 17 T n-w 1,y a'
raopo (b w I'll op eel Mnr-h 1 hn
lulnl of n 1 ghlbltoi nnd re .i- hav
barn r'lvnl from liloio thrtti ' no'. re
fim' rnnnot b tvu nm-
The f lr la ice en P l'!on 1 1 Hi
naonl ai f tha l m, bo i'i"'"
will lo ilin in I! 10 aiira'-f li e lht It Ik In! -tided only f'f h !"
men who want ilth r 1 1 boy r to rM,
Thera ai no nnllor froui the I.'nl l
l!"l, beeauae It ere w tint tlm f ir
girangameiil, tut H l hoped thai Amcr
lc will b rpre..iit'I In gnotii r ynr
Tl.a exhibit", In-Pnb. Vi f.yon houne,
gvniy light from rw tgerlnnd, twenty.
nine Itilun, fletrn I'ngiirh, two Oni
dien on ypuiilah, in" I!Uln and on
flOln llolllllid I'le all.lC" I t'lAl'll up
entirely l y aerlou bran lie of In lualry
en I eomioeieit ainh Icon, nleel
mechanl al end cleilrl-al Inaallallona,
,,,ii.iIm t.r1ware. rliliftce. textile.
hwtg, aioea, leather, t'hemlea'n, dya mid
pler Th" fair I hel l tibmg tho ipiy
of th IHion In rp billy 1 onetiucied pin
upoellloii 10 rn,
li.lihful florae llrlnk Aid,
Thrown bead flrat to the ground whll
riding tioiaei.ok near hi homo at flon
i,.i,. . ij,,. li.iliik. ;x year old.
,e. nine iinconai loua.
lie inij i-rt til nomo m on "-i
i. . ii 1,. a i,, ,u l, alni e. nnd when
lha family heard a mdaa In lha front
vnii nl nicni tnev 1....1..1
Meinbei" d 1 lore. I tin-y lieitfd It. p Wing
at the door ... . . ., ..
I.ollowing th roid, tnev rouni i'inc
uneonai lo ia and nearly frot lu rteatli,
. j'hllailelphhi liecoid,
'Tiz" Gladdens
Sore, Tired Feet
No puffed-up, burning:, tender,
aching: feet no corns
or callouses.
Um 'Ml'"
"Tlx" make aore, burning, tired feet
fairly tjnri'-o with delight, Away go tha
ache und piilnM, the corn, citlloiia'i,
bllaiera, bunion nnd ehllblaln.
"Tin' draw out tlm acid and pol"n
that puff ui your feet, S'o miter how
IihuI you work, how long y ou it 11 in a, how
far you walk, or bow long you r ulnln on
your feel, "Tlx'' bring relful fool com
fort, "TU" In iniixlcitl, grand, wotid.-r"
fnl for tired, Bchln, wol en, nmanlii
feet. Ah! how t-oniforlalile, how bnipy
you fell. Viuir feet .tiiat I mule for Joy,
hoe nevet h'ltl "f eem tight.
tie! a liox of "Tlx' now
any dmaa!! or itipartnnuit alom Cod
(out lol iiiit' forevir wear aiiialli r alio. ,
keep your tail freah, tel and Imppy
Juat think' wholn ytrnf fool I'.iiiliiit
lor only t t ni.
Bell-a sms
Absolutely KomovcH
I n (1 ifjost ion. One package
proves iL 5o ut all drucclsU
I i. j
aaaa aaa i 11 1 it i
Q i v e Men
and Women
"Steam" to Accomplish
Their Heart'. Desires.
'Ihouaali'i of people in Ornwh. k""
Kr, A, I', WlJeiiian, tnglmjor on th
I nlon I'ai lfle lallioiwl. Ho Uvea a-t 1
houih Twenty aetolnl a'rett, (tmuJig. 11
I a aoltd, ubliiiitinl man who I ri"iad
lor hi picilon of eneh,
Mr. Wldoinan la lha rl pownr bahlnil
gieaii tauioau enijioa. no peiivn""
ui.o eiye for lha engine loitt TanliWt
piiifortn for tl.a himiH.n body.
Mi. Wlih'inan doe not gi tuivily uipiy
IJie power, of couiaa, but he aupplle the
'oritlna, without whbli 1I01.1 great m
of wnei'l and vahe would b a una
lea a nei,,p lue
Tatilae doen not giy,.ply llf", hut ) fur
l.lahoa mtlvll to the vital oignna, (hat
eller eniililea lliom to plielu. o llf",
Mi'. Wlilemau I 11 veiy goil friend of
Tanlue, inn jl'11 (ell I he glory beat In
hi ot n Wot la
"I guffeied from cnaipation, liver n4
lijioii, h iroiil.le (or ten yi Mi, r
month ago I nearly hud giiaii H l, WIimii
I hud g blUoua altiiik I would lntrly fall
over and rouhln'i walk, I got ao nervoua
that avetl tha ring of lha telephone) bell
would make m Jump, I want to lii
iilig ivtl. 1. for my health,
"I 'lliii ly I unw 'j 11 li- glvei tlnl and
got a hot I la,
"After tailing Ta lilac I f1t aJlogalhe'
Ilffi tenl, I didn't Jmv bloating gnd toy
appetite, teturtied, Tuiiigc did ma niofg
good than anything 1 aver took. It iif
I good for my kidney, it ! a womlar
wmkrr and 1 am glad to t 'rinmeud tt
for I never felt teller In toy llf lUan 1
do now."
Tan Ian la being ape-billy Introduced In
Omaha at II. Kl enuaii A Md'ounnll a)
drug torc, Sixteenth nd Jlodge atleCI.
Tan 14 inav be obtained In llenaoii at
the Hehlller-lleiil tin lung Ml or! Hprlng
field, II. l'l"Keili,llil, Weeidng Water,
Meyer I'rng Co,; N'ehtaakrt City, Henry
pviiwara A Co,; Auburn, H. tt. ih.ri., Ah
laud, II. If Cone, Mniuio, I. II, I "I'i h;
l ieoioiil, H10WI1 I'Vedofli lt-in T'rug
Hole; iii.M'iiiil, W, O, llai'llog A Knn;
ClarliMon, K II', Koa, t'olumbn, I'urlty
Irug Miore; Monro, Kill' J'luirmw y;
Mallon, K K. Kurrl. Ml. Ueion, Young
Murrle, fiillerton, Utiffln llro ;
fjroken How, H. II, I,ee, Unadlilg, nank
A. Uncoln Adverlleeinent.
Gray Hair Restored
to its Natural Color
In a few aprillcaMon to lt original drk,glof
(bail, no ;i.iur how long It baa laaaut giay or
la-ini, and (Jao'Jua (ciuoyed by
-no on will know you ar uxlng
It, the. tm. II, ail 4ler or direct receipt
of orlca, bend lor booklet "Hegotllul llxlr,"
Mi llo liar Hpeetaitlea ( oinpanr. Newark. N I,
When llm Oilldrnti CoukIi, K"')
Mualcrolt 401 1 liroal
ittnl (licalg
No telling bow aoon tha gymptom may
develop In croup, or worn. And then
when you'r glad you hava a Jar of MI.'H-TKH'l-l':
at bund to glv prompl, aura
relief, It doe not bllfller,
A flrat old aiel a eerlnln renndy
theie' nothing like MCrlTlvltuMC. i'wi
g'nid of nioihira know It, Ton ahwiM
keep g Jin in tha bona,
11 I 11 remedy fr adult, loo. Kelb ve
Horn Throat, llronchli la, Ton.llitl, Cniiiit,
Hllff Neck, Aathmit, Ne irnlgla, II ad
acha, f'ntigeatlon, I'hurlay, IllieinnritUin,
Iumbitgo, I'alu nd Adie of Unck or
Jolul, Hpraln, H"iu Mu-eleH, Chill. lain,
I' luHli-il r, et und Cold or tint Cle at Ot
oftnll pre Will plleumolilM I.
At your drugglat'a. In ' nnd M Jar,
and a ecn luign honpllol i'4; for l.',A,
Jle aure you get tlm genuine Mi'ii
Ti:itii,i:, Hcfiiae lona -get what
you ak for. Tho Muatr-rol Compuity,
'! vi'liud, 1 ihlo.
it Ml ki;tlli:r.
;IW 'A araaM . T'.-a tact
litivotad t'"
Prilllaut Mneleal fiurlaaqit
.Ni ', 01 it M.vt 1 I ua.
Sporting Widows
1 U1 ltlitllf rll I .( .if, ll"1h,
Plilliil r. I .-i t ut. (Hilt 1114, Uitii'h"4-ti4
lug inrti.a a. ti inn v.,, iwaj
Baron H, fv,;;'
, mi. t 1 1. rtiK iiu n Vii ""
l, I.II-.- a' v i tl t r'a-
ai.l a I,, li a, l,,t. M ,(mmif
a ' 1 ' ' -: I lit
v.i.iiimi pi 1 r'ri, . 1 ' k a. m 1 a aiia
i-i li 11 1, , t e
' 1 a - - - I -ai ..a.'ia 4. aaa
' " " ( 1 - ' - 1 1 . ''ei a , I ... aaai
i'i ,a . ... u l I, .a ei-M
' ''' " n 1 a I .. . I .aa
" ' ' 1 ' " '... a !
' "i'i a . 1. .1 1.. , . ii...
1.1 ,.
i. .ti. fc, M.kUr
1 H- ft'4a K :,
1 ' . a a t la 1 . n i
t t tf 1 ft- Af NY Whw
lit v A? MATIMkaj
aV Cattta tlaiaat I i, LuLka
a - n ' -t ; ' . ''"' , syl
I . 1 Jl . .'
g a . 1 a
lb Uaat .1 Vattatti,
l"i' 1 a
a a
fially H.'a f Hi t I . ,!
rut hu hi i ' 11
llSM H ' ' . a
. m.ui, uin r
. a - - 1
, , 1.1 a - -
-I I 1 ; 1
3 ni
1 ONI it riK"rz
NORTH CROS, "A ticUlii'i Imm
lorpln's S:!!00l ol Oanclnf
(till via', i'i A I i am (Ha,
I .at , 1 1 . .. li,' ft ' ata lai !
1 . WABHtt A
not in t-a mi
! !! I I ! H !.. ! lit,
i t a wi ! t-f iuU,
,..,... t t .,, . I I J".
,et J -aa V !'.(, w .n4 t .i.i4'1
1 . - tit t t-.t t '
th; , ,-tut j
carnal (hiliiM wt
tlwahg, Ski.ltt
, ,.f (.,! t .,
I ii-l ti a at a t a
1 it fralieia
1 1 d I
II. ,
b. ...
,1 I,
a l't t I 1
I l-t
lH ''
t i