THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: APRIl A TOY ENGINES PULL TOY CARS Complaint Againit the Enjrlinh Rail road, it Being; Averted Not Up to Thoie of United Statti. FREIGHT RATES MUCH TOO HIGH lCnrrefiondeni of the .unedited Pre.) LONDON, Mured J. - In ileinaiidlmi " pat-wr reform of tlm wil railway a.t nation In Kngland, the "till Mxll On all tan km aimir iitnirlnt.a hetaeeii Knftilah and Artmrlenn r n . ' y . mainly t tha dlaudyantnge ,f tha fnrtuer 1 1 I'omplalng thai ytlill Ornit lirMaln favorably Imaled, la aitill and coiiipiti'i and offer the fnllwdjd every advening 'In tha way of almrt and profit Me. hum llrllJnh frrlgnl thargia, fur from lielng the lowrat In tli world, are lh hliiheat known uni lift. "AIIIioiimIi frelwht rati. depend In th flret plai'a uprin the riml of labor." M add, "mid alihnnvh nvni of rmlwiy 11' n ar Oner time hull 111 III" I Idle I Hate a In Mil iminliy, freight rule lirn far lower In Amiila limn here Tim Hrllluli lalluay, nllti 1 1 1 ! 1 1 enteti.lld aervla they Imvn ti'iiileied d tr ln the r, ar managed emu leiirllily Try rouble Mill toy rata In thl r uin try a Iralnloitd of I.Vl loo la t'oinddnred highly eatlarartnry ami oinellioe.. lino frilling O'lanttiy la pulled by I vn en "Inex, In Awerl' alngle entitle limy In eo hauling t.l'ft ton 'I'n inn' e am It load H llrlllali railway could re'iuln turnly engine. I Ureal -i'lei rnmpidlll'ih luia led In lUn heedlea doubling unit trebling of rail way line, I o'liilleaa aimi'l iiiunlry Innim have two or Ihree gliini and lwi or lhrr aela of offleca, I Iiieoui imlng ln, iter and In fHeli m y, tin- ritllroiidn allnw ImaliK rnen lo un riillwny rtr for atotag purpoarg, and (lie feaull la tint I llm hulk of Ida eitra, loind-d wild tiler ihandla of i klnda, riM-uinbt r aluilfin and aiding. "7 do Id II In h railway ere behind ihe rly of America. and ninny older eoiliilrlr In piiliinenl, hut (dry ditva per tiilln ,f fur Dim lreai inpltnl In me world, In order lo ei,al,l0 (hem tj nrtt annnnniii dividend, railway flninirler livw pllad dp rnllwuy ciiplliil In th tit moat, Tdelr eH(i lun h-ftt Inflated nd now dlreiloi demand Mint tday b allowed o conilnnn to pay dlylderidn on Ihla wnlerad ciiillllittll'ii. 1 "My llowln Ido rullway In rhurgn wHatver thotrafflo would lr, tlm guv rnniiii(, mn pnrmliled lliem lo control Irada, ruiiroad rdltrrlly fityor, hiii I'r, or dualroy Indnairlojt, and (hoy rlir on prliielpla, lowor rle In for. rltn cioda willed , tmml, hi 'nUrm:tn& lhn in lrlllah iroodii wded r omttlli d to mk ni of fda roada " TWO ARE BOUND OVER FOR THE THEFT OF POTATOES lirnrgn firnrild, rraldlnif In Mlnnctipo lla, Minn., ttnd J'rank Idiker, 217 Norld Tnty-tlilrd lrvt, wars dound ovor in district court rm a rliitrxn of tllnn clcvrn naeki of "jtptida" from , Mllwan marehnndlao car Tduradny tilxht, I'ollr ald tlm mnn lao !ol two auto- rnohll tlrea from car. Their hond waj filed at f-'.'d rued. BRIEF CITY NEWS Trwnaaad'a tow portlna' dooia." LlfbUag riaturaa Iluraa-arandtn. ZUwoa4 Xa-atTamBt Kloca, Kdholm, a Mtot mm ItNow Uaaoon Fraaa. Oart.a Toolt Ju. Morion at Bon Co, trrora Xada and a-miratt Omaha Olaaa Con, Co,, ml Cap. s. V. ITA. To Sail al Eatata Mat It Willi J. 11. Uiimcint A Co., J opllna Jtldg. "Todajr'a KoTla Frofram," olanalflad recllun today. H appoara In Tdn ia EXLUJVICLf, Kind out what Id va lloua movlnit pleluia tlinutera offer, ' Xaap Tour Monaf and vnliialil'a In Ida American Hnfo Id-poalt Vuulta, 211 Houih 17th Ht., ne im. lloxe rent II.W for I mnnlha. Open from I a, m, 10 ( p, m. KUlaaar to CTliajranna lir, p'redrn d k W. MIllliKtr of tho I'ndm i-nrine, dn Son to Chiyanna In connentlon vllh antna of tha electrdal work delng dona ulniife tha avaum. Mar Huabnd-Mra, riobrt Ooiir l'y, a raaldnnt of (lllloapln, III,, dna i" Quaatrd local polka to loeaia her hualmtid, who alia aya, dlaaptmarvd from vp tor, t'ol., Kfihrnary I, Said for Srawlna" Born Ohacka li. Wohnar w hound ovar to dlalrlct court under a I DM hond on a uunrgn of laaulnx a check to Hlmon Hroa., whan he did not have auflclent fund In tha bank to meot tha check, , Kaw Clock at laohana-a An alactrlr. ally wound clock,, with a dial two feet acrnaa'la hrtng InaUIIrd In tha trading room of the Omaha Oriiln c.hna. It I tooatad In tdn weat wall, about ten frat above tlia floor. ClaTaJand Maa to Talk Hare T II. Finllard, who waa HuhluiK roinnilaaloner of Clevelund, O., under (do admliilatra tlon of Mayor linker, now eocrotary of war, will addieaa tdn Unlveralty ilud aftar luncdnm Monday. Doj Catcher Itart roundniaatfir WaKoner da atartud out after un Hcned doia In Id drand new automo bile, According to td i lly clerk a tec. ord, admit half of Ida dog owner has pnxeetcd Hielr pel with I'1' tag. Ooodrlva Oaren Boa Morton A Hon. Me.A for Hatua Btolea Qooda J NuvrM, after a healing bef'r i'umiiiu aintirr Hingditi, i luniit.1 imit wi a 'li'ma f lilhg III M poaaraalott '.Soil . Igara and a ' t i f dame u 1 1 .. .ut t )ijva been alud u fiom it boi .ir IkU CUa .1i to M.t-li IV A ro'l, leader of l, a IHJ nHiil,t,u IiomiI lll la iie ( I'ta rlli if nmnlK, will Oliduit lief i'Uaa fi. dadura on Miio1a kflaptii'Mit at ; otKuk n II,. a ilito'l'itn if i!.i iiune M.'it i ,i i M ,i, n-,,K isi ion Will tk rnture He wlaUaitef-i . I V Mtih r i I tn) ti . i -.1 i . .i t ,i,! it ne tpi'l, M tiat' imiiv Hoti-litt riming at cl k will li. f '-. t'. tttvn. 4 atand .int. i: ! ),vi. Will it, ,t,,i Mi - la', a'l ' Male aMtf at tke V M C A H.n t. Il.llllg to tl I, ' l.rt I I I ,1 li, I I a t .a.tei.ii ii t " talk. hi t Wl'l l i ll t't i M ixti iuatt, tt e, v ' ; ot II, p ...t.a Mvh I 1. 1 1 ti m a ii i. i t i . .s , . ii , . 'tii.,'a. HI, I' i " t.b..v.HI H . tv l--lt v '., , k a ar ala laii f.a fo icj t 1 1, mi in.) ,1111.11 in ii i' I I- I I ... . t ,.f 4 r r i f ew -ilil (v. fr 'tl I Hk, ' t l It li b, . not S I'.Of'l.l AH Hi t lift, t r b n t .d r i iff 1 In - o it i i , . . I 'it . i !H. ( t...... (' ( 4,,., t t. . . " ,1 i !,.' .i . r .,i, 111, -m II S i kl. i. V ' t Ti" akiala , NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA-Sketch of new structure to bo erected through the. generosity of Mr. George A, Joslyn and other interested in tho univorsity. r If' h tJr 1 , : William Nowton Has Momeiitary Scare William S'anlon of Id Ifatkllt fto Hoap tompdny of Omaha had a ear j Crlday whan h learned of th .tapeneao ahlp CM o Marl going on Ida adoai' off j llungkoog, Ml, Nawlon had a brolhei ' III Mongkong win) waa to anil front there j March H. ('nmparlaon of the imrra t,f Id lili on will, d ha a In anil and h I dip thai want mi Ida lmle w n.u igt, i lo aUrtln erym at flrt g:nr. b it ' eloatir Ittveellgatlon ravreled a dlffrmr, Tha dli i landed w Ida "Cdiyo Maril,'' i wdl'e Ida on on wlileii Mr Kawion am- j datkrd I the "llrifiiyo Man." floth ar j Japatiaaa boat of th rooUii'ka' ilia I'na, ! DR. HARMON SAYS NATIONS ARE FOUNDED ON RELIGION "W ar iffd(rnt Irnlay, but are not euffd 1'iit," ld J'r. A. I, llarmoti In a lacltira on '"Hie We Hoelal and Colli bat Hkyltna," at Ihe flrwt Chriatlnn i iiuui, litblity iivatilng. "Tii fievolopmatit of natloii I founded on fliglon, tl.i dome and lomtoeiie, and lh moat lrtiiortnl of theaa I tallglon i ti'.tia ba held back by liar religion, while Id t'dria'tai figllon bava been ad vurrrd by tlialra." Ut, Marmott l forinarly paalor of tha l'lrt ( ttrlatlan rli'inlt liar and la now about ti beln hi work a irv,,r lo f'bgfierfr Alnaworlli at nlnr mil verally. An Informal teceptlori wa tanderd Mm following Ida iarltiia, Wnl Ad novar aditk llietr wnrk-lhay will g'l raautla. If 'intldli g will, Grain Exchange to Take New Members and Raise tho Feo A irll aleeilon of td Omaha Oraln iina b been railed for April li, at wfib h lima rnembei will vota upon hanging Id" coiialltulloli, t'ndr tha old ronailluMon, prrrtrllnn warn made for Sfri tnmbaililp, Tb have all drcti luken and Idar ar a ftiimder of gialn firm and rompanla aaaklng adinlaalon, It I pmpoaad to In rraaaA Id tiieliilwralilp to t'lb. Al III praaont lima th fe for ntatti btlilp, under tha conailiutlon, la fl.WA It la prnaid lo lin-reaa thlg lo ,vA for ttew mamhar, MHWItW.,v, CITY LICENSES SO FAR THIS YEAR NET GOOD SUM from Januniy 1 to Mur d ..I V Id ana denii imeiit Inaued 'In I Id enaea, which ylelidd K44I 10 Inirlng tdVeorra ponding period Inat year ,et wn'ia 411 llcenaea and raveiina amnunlltig lit II I',: Minilittf i I'ttdllf l.and, Tde 1 'tilled ftntea bureau of forealry Iota decided lo throw ripen utrtftti acre of nubile Inula In Ihe Wdlln mouiilitliia of Sew lliiiupahlie to ocioiontloit by aiinuoar tiini, A leuan of tdlilv vnara limy be arc i red tit year Tdn autim aottt In many purl of New England will proeura oulilHdt itoaaarlou but It eiiiinol bn (lei, I.., I l tin l the While moiin'itln alien am! Ukely to le found fur moio llin' tlve In j Hie pitttleijlati of i llmnte, ai eoery and ' Id" ptlmltlva aeclualon that offer a! leoipllng irrnapert to tdn iiiiin wild rod or rifle. If who yeania for a deign In om i vaat wllderuna may now Indulge hla I fnnev at a tnoderaltj outlay,- ChlladHpltla ! l edger. 4 Mint for Surmr, Mr. Hlmpaoti had taken lor llllla girl mil to le,t at a Iilend a ho iaf. and il tteol well till Ida eloa if th" hienl, Tlien aha ttlia dorrlfleil o aee little Klaln trying lo Mnugglo o aid a of Idlll dread and butter Into bar n kl "ih, lon'e, wdat lira you tbdfig?" all aalied, In aad irptle, ''Thai nil ilHhi, moldar," lief mll Nliilgdter reeaaited bet, "I dial thought I d take a pi'.'e buek to nut' a a 11 tein," -New Votk Mall Horribly Naaelfl, Tlere a a'lfhl Amerin boom In td" output of Atfrnd Novee Ida l.iig llaii pay-yoiii'-nwii way poel, defoio tlm war, but of ltt Noyi' poitiy I, a auf ferrd a alump At tdn renlnry club In New Votk mm tna,ln editor nld lo another; 'Tbeie Alfred S'niM, llm pout, nvr tharn. It hla birthday, I believe, 11 a go over and wind dim many liappy to turn," "No" ai.1,1 tde older edllor, "No, wn muan't offend dim, cilice hla lump et In, da horridly imkIIiii' alioul any meti llop of reliima."- New Votk tllobti llllla Mary'a loale, l.lllle Maty bad never a ett der Aunt I o it and waa mucd delighted wneti a i M waa tiromll by Ida aunl, Whan lio idiy anlied Dial Ida ami wiia ilm a) i'ornio wea netnrraii at Mnijfn norno Whh ll lead' "Mlaani train, Will larl at amn llm lomortow," Mary alood 'tuMly by wdlla br ttiolbar read lb leiegiam and then burt Into tear "Why. darling," tried ih moidnr, am ! Imxly, ''wbnl In llm wirld I Ida mallerT" "lid, nmlder," teplled I ha clibd del wan Iter aoba "I will imvar era my auntie Anna, after all," "Nckor ana derl" calmed liar ino'har In aitprlan, "What do you tnaan, dear''" "Wdy, Ittolhar," aapbtlncd Ida elilld, 'aim aaya aim will elari Hie auina time tomorrow, and If ad dona aha will loaa her iralit again, won't adc.7" - lleriH-r I ,Malne i Your Personal Appearance ) your Kiaglaat rt In Ufa. Your whol fulurai i)iinda Upon II. If your iigih la poor, your ppr- nia la not a nnd a If you wr In g""1 hngtlfh, Idd you ver tirlbult your mor halili lo any particular rauan Hid you know tfi origination of iiln tnih of poor (ikmIUi aigrmd from poor OnthT I'laln i-nounh If you will only gfial) M, For lanih inegu alomat Ii iroiililn; lhn look out, for ll iravlllnir gllitianig m) aidilnmlcg, llaiiminljf t - TniM TrKYT DC ifio.tiw nippAi in a nrr If you lim-n Informal! hy nutnbara of ilaiillala Hint you runout tin flMH w1h t-t ft nh, that your mouth I pwullgrly formnd anil a iloin oilmr ('uai for Ineompi'lmiry, yitu ran m tma, gn4 flilH propi-rly, lhnllalry ha dvanc. In nvcry lirnmli In lh Uat fnw ra until It U poaalbln to perform a plot of work that formerly waa roiialdrwl ImpoaMbl", l,H ua talk llm inalT 1 four l-lh t-r llti on. U Mora Munranlw) tm yrara, gnir prUa llt ami ronipar It with mrm w li filt 'or work H" Urm, Wlarr Fllllnua fiOf tlt Hoik, jirr odh .. . . -Vj.OO llrat Vt-K. Jold IVowiia Wi.OO Trfalrn-ila . . " 1 .00 u, Ulti Mlleago for firt Mil' on Onof-Timi! t'untriuAg Utr l,00 w Mr. ",!;::mSl1 McKENNEY, Dentist Phone Douglas 2872 Th Man 1it fiit TI KT In II I.TM. The Repairing of Your Oriental Rug la work you are particular to have wall dona, our Native Armenian weaver will do Idle work aa II abould bn dotia and aa you would have It Rugs Washed and Cleaned rhone Souffle 913. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street. Mahogany TMe Ump Sale Price, $22.50 rV-lld mahogany lop, 20 (nrhng In rJigmMH, r'ully 'iuliprj for lamp rnnnio'-llon. Rugs Fresh and New Looking After of Service Testify to the Quality We Sell Years To buy Cowan Furniture? Underpriced is an Opportunity Grasp It Before It s Too Late Jg "Only Hiiui wet tan KiiarHnln" la llm knynott of mtr run Iranamillona. Our iiririvnliil iiHMorlincnt in 1kUi coIoriiA find pnttcrriM h offvml i'of your wlm! (ion. Slaridard rui'H Mini of nmiHual mid lnrgc profiorlionH nro parncij in r-twk. .Many of tho color nriavnilahlt) Imtuuhh of lic dy pTolilcm can fctill lo olilaincd horn. As to price wc have confidence in your judgment. No , careful buyer can afford not to look here. From th Iowi-kI prlmd Hruaanlg Rug to Hi moat. ainnalv KriMirli WlHon, we offr only raflr''liani1lg that w bollflvo In and that we know to bo a kooiI vglun at tho prl'. Seamless Axminster Rugs 9x 12 Size, S20.75 to $29.50 KugB for hard wear aiid at moilcrnlo priori. A hig aKMort mcnt of ull ovr-r pattcni, plain oolorinH, Chlnwa dcKigriK in all color coiiihinatioriK. HIM', .rleil, tM to 121,1. Bundbar Wilton Rugs "TliiU. H-fnir llkf Iron." A foal u re rf our Unx Dr-pacliiiciit not wold at any oilier Omaha Mores. Sold for iiko in nioro jirivato honnH, officr-H and Ktnlc inntitiiliojin lhan any Rradc of rug w handle. Wo roe ommeiid thorn for hard natiHf'artory wear -not exponriivo. All roKiilir fizoH, duo ;xir); KlfixlU, and 1 1-1x13 . Also tho "Oval Uuk" and "Rn of Many Angles" A Complete Showing of Whittal Anglo-Perniant, An glo lndians and IIardwick& Magee French Wiltont. Brussels Rugs Low prlcad rufg that give Koorl gervlca enrel lent aaaortment to chooao from. 9x12 Size, $8.00 to $23.00 mm Mm mmm Body BrusaeLs Rugs Choke rug for dining, roomg and bcdroonig In cti In t ; colorlnRk, bluea and brown, 27x54, $1.50-6x9, $22.50 to $25.00 Hartford Saxony Rugs In pnllcrn pHvnt llh u. Copiog of Oriental wegvug tht rxctill nn thlnar we huve previously Heel!, iniitln of th hoavy Haxony yat-iix with tlm limg piln pre u I In r to Jliirtfonl b'luony riiK. I'umu lu all hI ,.. 9x12 She $60.00 and $62.00 Congoleum Rugs The now)t woiioinj fliartr ro erln for lutl limom, klultfii, lard. riMitn, Woman rc amaxi-d on aln thfHO hundgoine tug to larn how little thr-y coat. atuftl ut tM " t S.'I.dO in I a t .H(H-",''i t 87.50 l (Mm Hi gH.50 i I T arl fun Ik. wnal.til ati l vlin-il up like IIiioIimimi. I y flwt. " ' - ' " . WIIK.V tho oroditorg of W. K. Cowhji & ('o. offered lor hi!o ho tock or Uiift famous factory ut nn underprioo mo honglit all wo could Rd, Wo know what Cowan rpiality noan. Wo know that Uitialia jieopie wouki appro- oiat bucIj an opportunity and our judgment haw her-n julified hy tho hhIoh of tho pat wook. JJy tho purchase, of a laro projiortion wo enn oonlinue to offer to Omaha The Factory Stock of W. K. COWAN & COMPANY Greatly Underpriced (Jorapricod in thin fain aro MahoKany Dro.m-eni, hvmn Talilox, fliiffoniorofi, Clic val 01anoK, HoiIh, hihrary Tuhlcs. Deftkn, Dining Room HuitoH and other items in a preat ariety of fcizo, dehign and prion "Rut nil of ( owan Qual ity," and every piece ahrjolutely guaranteed hy the Orcluird & Wilhelm Co. The 8aliii arn hobalaotliil Thai Mt tVfllial KxanilniUlini Will I'onrlme Ion of That. Thara will be no more Cowan furnltura In all tirohablllt- It la wlgdom to buy cow, Dining Room Suite, Jacobean Style m FUvn tiiAr Iiinlnc Hulle tn oak. r-lMialon table, rhliia ratilnnf, ar vlra tadla. aldclKiartl. alt kldo rhttlrg and arm rhiilr, for $525 - 4p4r.rir. i trrj iH-eiillful paltnm at Thrne-iilare IMnlng Hulle In oak, eXi-naton (able, aide board, eer vlea tattle, rhlna cabinet. HI aide ciialrg and arm thalr, J25 Mahogany Library Tables A very r.holre aaaorttnnt In variety of prfer.lljr proportioned. Hale prlc, 25.00. 82II.00. iKIfMM). J-iO.(K, IS.OO. Maho.nny iMvnnport Table, jf,H7,M) eJMl 9(O.0O. lairv Hitnil Carteil Mnlti(jaiiy l ablug tu ktOK Hi. M170.IMK X17H.OO. q g roster lieds, $jz.ou 8irl 0 .... . w-f!'' . .... Bond mnogany roup poamr nfua, full 4 0 le with rurvei) plnHgpplit I op a. Other Potter Bedt lor W.00 and W. Full and Thrtt-Quvttr Sim Mahogany Dressing Tables, Sale Price $56 bet (ut, Hiliilai iiialiiiriiny lop 4 2 Ite'lia long, 20 liii'ha wblii Trlpln mirror, I'otili'r lulriur, I'.uSH, iih tulrroiH, Mahogany Library 1 able Sale Price, $48.00 HlA,'twl VtMhr.Anv. ft Ineliaa long. , liu lie H, 10 Inehea high, largn eoier dmaer. 1 Lxi--a ra ft Before You Buy a Stove Investigate the "Round Oak" Combination Range Burns cuke or gas in the same oven equally well without change of parts, N il ill) I'lpt'l'llnt'iit but N 1 1 led ami l' I ii v fit uliitr lliul heal llm y ni null ii ttf IIU lnn nnil llm giiitl alil'i't uf llin liluker. It I pnmf frttlii (ill in i litfiit ittfl ylvta l i'tf'it aatlaftti Hull M.tny Uucrs Hire tn Omaha That Wouh Not IU Without a Round Oak Combination im itn mi fat in lumnrr and nt ru tf'!,fl,ll' ! in Ml fl J.. ,1 h..-.,. (um,llftflf( ilftn. 4 a Mi li tf ci Kit tmi w uw4 in uwitf $t4 Mt i a 1 . v ,k,vv 1 1 . X i vt liii i . " , 1,w,i lli 1 1 lii rmiti 1 1 im n it t l.t.1 tu x mil )tm (ihn tif tin ait tall tie 30 Dftys' Free Trial ami Hu aak ni li pa a tit ttltrlef thai lliim If jnu art. (itittlttml tain) wa k mhw )ua wtl li, tuu raw a i tnnll liiuttllil) i)ltiriili WMIll I'ai.l fi, A Houiut Oak fonts no more, Beautiful Duchess Lace Curtains rPllK tiiiNt gtul miiat approved window rui Ininliig, 'litem curtain inn inuilti III H llel hiliil of fill ii llruaanU linl, In Ivoi) gut) new I halnlHigiiii i iiliir, I nctlliigly ami l ffilln lNalgn, Priced $4, $4.50, $5.50, $6, $7.50, $10 Pair ,. Ia. a u i i f I f'-'X'i m Stinfnst Fbrics for Overcurtniin llm IIiih U Ml) i tlllipli In MnlH rlllilfh' lie rffeil t,in fiiii(-l tiialriliil I'l.ilit and f ui e git at I It , (ilaln imihIiii, plain and an iiwl li tl iiih ttailea uf blua, timlti'it and irtp-w-At m te tthlr, Priced at $175, $2, $2.25, $2.75, $3 Yard New Moquette Couch Covers, $12.50 & $18 llrprtiturUMil nf ai I'd' (iritilal ling. Why Take Chances With an Unsanitary Refrigerator? You cull own a Mife, M'ii,ilil. llorrick today and apply your old, wiini out ice box as $.'1.00 mi the price, Tho Hahmce in Monthly rayments, tti utitifc; it iim uhi pa for it. Me "Hie mci nti.l mhiI' liiiiiily art. Iuimiik: pi'ni iv pit'M'1'Vcl food. It ilocni't pay to u Up li M old Witter ."nuked ice bo, ThiieV inoin ttitill llioliev to be u ill bllHIitf II Ib'l'l'ii k. The Herrick la Iliads laltlt ail tillln l'' raa uf aullil nk ,iiil.liil an I 't.ln d Ilka i I'le. uf l.ttitltiii Iimiilti i ll r lll.l'l Willi til..l It ilHH In iOiii tu i ti ii iin Hull It I In hI! a' iailia. f.ill ml It Vi I I'tlla VI 1 1, ft H 1 VS ii. il hot III - h of hard ! i a.'ii a ut III'" In ilig t 'llif abalu ton H and I ttiiti a I.I at Ml ('.Hi t'.iiiio iil I 'i ll.nlillig I' 4t ., Mitt liiii.i gild ti l"il l"i il All iiit-1 up from $lOfJ '", I i i i : i,i . 'i 'I ": ,,! f I 1 h' ii. J 1 ' ' va" 4m4M 1 I jdf '"' , ,4J f' rt'ia''.