4 A
Ambsnador Ocmrd Cable, that
Teuton Have No Official In
formation on Incident.
WAHHINUTO.V, April t.-AiubaM-ii(of
fioryrd rubli-d the Hint') lie
piii irtit.tit today that b had Imon )n
forfiicil by (hi (icriiiHfi ((ovdniinwfit
itiii' nothing wa known offlclnlly
(licro at th eUiirk on Ilm Klpiiijur
Hiinni nrid Enllbmn, tint Hut nil
InH'tlllyttllrit) g I"' I OK fllHll. Il
mild th" i!crm!i yov'r run wit In
formed Mm Ki'jr find only tirwajiapir
report on I ho (wo ran- up to tlia
pioeefit. '
The control if Amhenasdor 'lereid'
dipiiii h, H,. lri relvd from Mm
alum Inoulrlee about the two thlli w
forweideij f Jimiiii aeveral day ego
wrm Immediately cnt hy wlrelaa II
fx dlditit WIIir, who I Hiking a weeg,
u. If l(i down the Polomed river on Ih
Htl yacht Mayflower
Tim Investigation prnmleed muy take
we k ut more, M'llitiiiifin commander
el will have In ft'rt before 1 1 Ir-r-
fil g'ivmilitlflt MrJII hll In iOlfloll to
y (If finitely whether one nf It ob
marine iunii. ii,ii jtueeex in longlteh-
Offp 11 take fur granted that Ih l,ng--ihtnn
w li(lit by a Oorman null,
mirlne lerauee lit report Hint Warning
p were find at II before ll wa toipe
iWd, TViay a I an believe that Did HimwK
m alia-Ki d by a fti limm In but Imvn
tin i ',iw lufl v proof
flelelialeg fi)F I 'ee ut kobeee.
AMftTKftliAM, Minli i(VI Uin-don,
April - A dlapetrh received her from
lll'lllll, U) Unit 1119 revolution rrguidlitg
ibiiiarlh warfare which waa adopted by
nil partleu In llt iP-ppriag r-' ' ii iy end
ii'Hin'l eo'lallal minority group, la In
be prracriled l i I1ili'cl(,f vim '! ,ll, mill
lollweg The rranliitlnn eiiihde In Urn
name i,f Major Ivint (! rum ii, ialnr
iif Mm imHumiI lilirl, ami Itv-lvx .( dcf
ni'-mlii la tit Id Ital' lia'nji
'11 ! if (lia imilnli.ii( aa r'li"-'1
l"i, la )n imll aa fullii
ri'Hn Miat trio anlnnaln haa ptuvntl
to h an fffidMe 'ji( aw h Iiihi f,in(
hull fnllinIa of aiirfarr, tnaid m tli
U-ii'Hi if (lormaii)', Hi liKli liiim
irra li mi,vi(iiii tnul, ll.a ln'i
uv lii iiiakt am li na of n'ir il'iniirlii-
tin uf all our mllHary oi'Bfia a will funr-
ii(t I lie ih'c and auffKiiiirif l'ia fiituir
f Oi-fmari)',"
Tlia fini'Knlfif lianaliUlnn ff Iha flral
p.irr, of lh raauliillnn ilii'a a, dlffrnt
I'linmlriM-lliKi (in io n I Hindu lit IIim liil' Ii
B at Hian Unit liiiilld in Ilia tianatiHofi
nf Ilia rraiilullim anfil hy wlnl"a lal
filKlit from Ida Ovarpatui N"i nifwy nf
ffiriln, 'J'Imh wlialfa varalon isniiialmid
tliraa wnrla;
"Tlia t i linag (trfaai errl.lfud ht
It 1 1 nfcfaaary lo all mllllary oiana,
ai'I'ialv d( iiliiiiar1na, In ich a wny
a lo Inaiira a peine will' li gnaiarilira
Ui'miany fiiliira,"
lfoniliind Irnm J'nga (turn
dnalloii. Ila frinfrril (tinraa on
Pi aily t,lA gradnatra, 11 ot whom -
Tanntit (llnay nnil (far.
Horn In r lluata, 11, I , January J, JKH,
ama Anvil arvd Ouilng Ma early
nanliiHid aa a farm hand on hi fatpar'a
mi and attwriflVd Hron iirilvaraKy.
At ft aia h waa Invttad to baroinn a
lirofcaa-ir iif rriodarn languaga In thl
unlvrrally, Among (Indent In hi elaaaa
tr lilt-liar's (tinny and John May,
During (ha la tar yaara uf hi work at
ltron, Jr"faaor Angall wrota a1l(iirial
for tha IYovlnnra JoiirnaJ and found
Oil tiiu-li to lila liking that b ahao
rtinied tila acadi-mtfl oik to bicoiiil edi
tor of lh p(r.
An ln ldnt oicnrrcd at thl tlma th,t
(I moiitrald hi Inalatenen upon "plnln,
niivarnlat ad 1'nth." Ilia foniiar lildnt.
,1'ii.n liny, upon graduation from oolkt;
tind lakni tip th atinly of J In Ahr.v
ham l.liwoln'a of fP a In fliirlfigrVId, 111,
Ivlil'ir Anl ok'-I Hay to write
a ..erp-a of artl.-le on IJneiln. Conald
1 1 11 1, If aoiitinient aho'il Unuolii a a
' rtnlni IllK-r ' ppari"d In tha manu-i-ript,
Anaell, on reading the 'ropy,"
toiiK I. la p.-ni II and alaalmd It univirn l-iiiili-,
iii larlng that It wan too hlhly
rulored and refusing to pilnt iKaggi-ra-th.
n nr ai-iiHnieiilalllv
119 th fin M,"' ha demanded,
' allhiHit einhelllahiiM-til "
. tit II rfitintht"! In i tiRt of the Jour
tifll rtnrliiK Ilia civil war period, tinfall
li.tly lotal In Hid din, itniirnl, Imt al
tint eohrlitalnii of tlia alrifa ha n," 1 1 1 e. I
a mil frinii the I'lilveialty of Vrininiil
In ..-fninn M pieahli ill Thla, In imvi,
,! t yrma iiefora lr. I'haili-a W
I. ihdl Ml.tvr.t , (ritlll Itir lit i liar-
,1 1 d
lleml if I wtvrrallr nf Mlrkiann,
Aftr ftie in Vrrimiiit, i- An-
' I tutu oy In llialati'lit t-iilla fpilll
Mi ina n and aiMipud th., pranhh n.-T t
II, - 1.1, 1 in iiiiUkkHv Hint In m,
imriiig lila adinliiialrailun ll. aiiidnl
.i. , 1, in, n, f 1 uni , fj n ft l eh.
niii 11I a pi .i,( UIIkii) rn fnnii f wl io
In -tnii fP fni'uttp giew fruiii lluil.
in.t- iiii-mln ra to ti
I km f 1. 1 1. 1.1 ( v a. k , l,..r 1 .
ii.imt fur llila phiii..nmii imnil,,1 ,
i ,u,. , rfititnl ii.il iiih . .h
It il ir. In rt i..,nui, I think, In
11 tii'in of imr f . ui f
Hi I. in 1 1 ii-i'.-m. t,,.wv. . . t i-ii.t
li lilt I .!! if ir,!H ,,.n I't .!..
College Professor Missing Years
Found Working as a Dishwasher
iil.mtt Ml M'lUNti-'
Mill ent. Ivt t!il
ton tl '' I'-' il li
"l'H 'f inul Ifl't.
in , .'M I
. a vi
li I I .. I
i tit M"i. I tilt
., li t a tWof lf-eai vt Mat il
1 ( ,l nil 1 wlHl't, 'i. I I I
tlia J'vU htl ', ""it .1.
1 a 1 . i a-tiUh In h . .
, i leta. a, wl. , t ko-wu I111.1
tl I'.a int tf ti: 1U11, tia -n ....
I a w.t.M yi fe,ti' e 1
tt !
,-,,.. .(leg' tt the ..0'. he .lini.'i.t
I I teitl, -1 ml tht ha rini.l
at 1 1 1 I It t H lot 1 t, I'll
li.it l i . I l.'t Ha timi time, lu
tut l, hi. 4 1 1 t-it.n . It
1. ted a Oil hi f-.t;4 MMMMwl f lllli.-.l
i.-H -! t t-1 l.nil;.i,tU
11 t eM, lit fit trt 1 t 1 ..
a 1 M ton kt'i'tt') I i 1 t tint
tnit, lir. Unlay of th ..N'avr Vork HUH
:i.iij nf Induration aaya:
'I'raalrlr'nt Angrll hit a put th lowar
uiim f th ooIIckh wltnin rnh of every
H,!li ai'hofil urail'iala In Michigan, to fiva
ilm avary Infanllva to I'llmb for MghfT
il.'riiilon, Thn niwliai.'lam haa grown
iinl'-r hl haoila uiiHI It h Worn tha
ai .-ml and moat ivinipl'iln of Ha klnl."
Illplnmalli' A pplrilnii,
u dlplornnt, (if. Aiiall gitlnad Intar
ii ilniinl illailrii'll'iit, Ma aa a"nt tiy
I'iihIiImiI llavra a iiiIiiIhiit to China In
iwi .HI, IfnrliiK thin Hiim h arlnil aa 1:0111
m.l'iriir In iiannUttllnif linporiant
liniilia Ha appointed I'C I'r'-alilMit
Mi KlnlfV aa mlnlaiar to Turhay In IiT.
Ilia piililP; a rvli a alan llii linlnl appoint-ini-nia
in On- liiii-rnailniiol ('ninnilaalon
1111 ( iiiiiulliin Mahi'ilia, and rrnilrriinnahlp
of lti i"miiih1Iii Amiirli an cummlaalnri on
1I1 171 wMiaiWMa fi'rtii Ilia gmal laaat to
IP n
11 ofitlimed from J'a 'm
ihn inking liiaf, alnri Involved an ontlny
of I'lI.W.
Willi Ih eranllon of a Huh houaa eoal
log approilnmlnly IWin.W, the timah
Allilrili- rlnh hy (h tlma H haa liaen
flnlahed will hava rcpreaiitited an x
pendlinra of upward of three-quart"!'
of a rolllloii dollar, If the preaent plan
of Ih promoter malerlalliia.
Set I Inh I Klneni'e1,
There entitle no long'-r any d"Mht In
(lie in refn flnain lnif of tha piopnd
rhin iiiiiao,
Tha flni4irlal alamllog and fiiilillo
aplrllrd (hai after of the won Who have
laken Ilm Inlljal alepa ,ln hooailng lha
project, loglhr Willi lha known faot
thai aeveral of tha Jcadlpg Irnal roin
panic am nln-ndy making hid for the
h'iMl of Hi rlnh, Jooin up a the moat
alKiilfP ant aaniirance which angnr for
the aiiicnaofui carrying out of Ilm under
inking Another aallent, tmlm, eraenllally
finmhen In churaier, thai haa met. wMh
wPlcapn ai approval In drufllng lhi
pronijiilng plana la that lha puJi' t wl
h handled eniltely hy local men,
'inVi of profcioiloniil promoler of
I Mot I'! chili have un rejeclad, Ilia
tiiiiiihan having ilw Pled to carry
(lirougli itie undertaking hy llieinaelve.
I All Ibe Ileal Fee I urea,
Although no 'rt'-rihlla pinna a In lha
I Hull hone conalru' Hon have hern d
j elded main II I uiianlrnoualy agreed that
j lha proioaed palatini home of Ilm 'Inniliil
lAihlHIii rhili will have Inmrporaieil In
jit every fciilura found practical 111 the
Jilih Ik other Imgis eiilna mul mimy
oini ra or an uiira, modern type wnn ii
will find their Inception hnra.
Thai will lie cafe and grill room,
Ih In ut word In hllllatd room nutl
howling alley, tha moat moihin anil
convenient typo of ewlmrulng pool a ml
lm lha of every (Jei'rlpton, a Iuik gym-
naatiim for evry kind of atliMic aiMirt
mid dlveralon, tcnnla, miuneli and Imml
hull roiirla, g hall room and i-ounllea
oilier feature
Ilia rniiKr-lafr uhtantlf.d--thet
lha new Huh hnuae would have about
lui al'epiog room and aparimenta re
aulled In the promoter hHng wampd
with application from men who want
Ut live llir iennanntly, Apiironl
MKtcJy 109 apiU'itil'uia. have nJrendy
nome to ttie notlna of th bona I era fur
the new Hub.
for lha Wiinire folke,
Tlia women have not hen left out of
lha tentative plan. It haa hen d
Hdd that on certain day th wlvea,
flaugliler and friend of iicmlr vlll
have tli tie uf the plunga, hull, a anil
other convenience. Th projinaed mng
nlfdwiit hflll room hid fair In heenrn
(ot-lal reiiievou of Ouinha,
Ahout twenly-flv or thirty of the
prime mover In lha ornliKid effort for
nn athlcilo Hull for Oiimhn that wilt lie
eennd to noli In thl auction of thn
country have mtula Hi'iiingi'ineiila In vlelt
and lniet the cIjIi houae In ivveral
of th larger elite.
Tlia trip, which will ht mad In- a
Tn-lvate (nr, nail for vlll to, among
other clll, Mliineapolla, I1I1 ago and
I Jet roll, where prnhahly tinea of the
f I neat athlcilo rluli tn th country at
the irht tlma are located.
fi'orreapnndruee nf the Jtaeoelatnd Preaa.)
TUB HAOt'P;, thrlanda, March K.
A eliilnn on Ilia auMet't ef a dualletlc
Iielgluni, cnruirlaliig under the one crown
a alf-goverrilng Netherlandish apaakttig
Klandera anl a f'reuHt vpealilng WnJ
Imilii, hae-luat heeii aent to King Albert
hy the National Klemlah union, a am-lety
which waa formed before tlia war. II
now rnnaiatt of over lft,0"0 member and
ha liraiithiia In all Important rltlt-a of
The Immedtal motive of th petition
wh the dliniilaaal hy lha llelgtnn gov
eriinienl of ten ltetglHii offlHula who ere
( nlllliig a Kliiinlah parwr puhltalied III Am-
lenliim, tin Vlmnim, Iih Hlt-iu H'lun-Ull
Vnii't 1, wlil h make ltelf the mouth-
piece of "n aiitnliiiuniua 1'landei within
an Independent and neutral Helglum "
The 'tltttl!i deilaren:
"ll Ik liai omliig tlHlly rleater to nil
Im e t iiiiacliiti P li iiiIiik a lliat Iciini efur
wtinl ilm tiiial alrlvlug after unity of
alwi'i li whii li uufiiitunulely pa l-i-cn th
fMl.liCB Mi,l 1 11 nf i,l, luni Inli-llial pnl
I h i a 1 1 1 o ilm Inileptiiiili in e, n-ittat Im
1 hrnkeii with fur g-tt'd 11 unity nf hrl
! and niliiil In, ...nrahutll lha leal lilnttii
! of lt, Hull alone tun piodum pn,wef, a
, - tiait'i'illlty. Thtue en'y eta re
j imtii.g fur Uvliiiiiiu future of rai pne.
i r l" V in Union li-e who tltaire to
jit liu. 4 ftililttl i,tt, liuia halve of
I "'I'll illiptan In titii.pUhi fivv.tu.nl ivr
i H rlr own ll, lih ,, .pum ip.u(iit
ki ll nun SIO,, Hull ih aiHh end
' ' t, I I Ut !r I 1 . t. It I
' ' ii'.fl t ll UiiM u i,
i "a ,tii..mt(: t tiiitn.itu, it, Irtuil.
'"' id ilm , an t, ..i
!, lew 11,411, Via ,
' "' ' . t. , l ivi iv (i r
J I amain, wttut I ipl4 ! I,, v., ,.
l-l. Ll I - I -1. I , H-,, ( I,,,,,
;( ll.a l..ri, ,, t lul ...
I tt 1 ,1 , ,i, , ., , wh,H
- k-.i. I
h 4ii
1 Hi. ml, u -j... tt- t.t f.if,.,,!,,,
jtat, .t in ...,i... .,..
;i..i in ti.,f ... 1,1 M ,,,,t,
! - ln. 1 1. a'ter
J "e " . I hat .i t ., t t....
!" ' ""W take '.tin
I ' ! ' t ll.a ,Ue l.
;J '"V 't ( -ft I I l J
Nurse Succumbs to Poisoning
Contracted While in a Hospital
Aoute lnfyion and hlood jiolaonlng,
rontiacted while lha waa nugagfd In
her dull a nurae, canned the death al
4 o'clock a. m. yeaierday of Mia tVrmnn
Kelt, e year of age, nuie for tha lt
lghieii month at the Mouth Omaha
hopttl, Iter father, Dr. W, H. Iteti,
who attended her, gave up all hope of
hef recovery aa early a Thuraday af
lurnoon. m llel and Ml . Verna I'll h'T,
nur t Hi Imapltal, were With, taken
III Jnat Moii'ly Willi what appemed to
he rmimpe. They were at, 011' lanlaicd.
Mta richlar' ailment rtovrlopod unmle
tnkahle algn of mump, hut no await
ing appeared on Mlaa fll n'tk. Th
aae wa later dlngnoaed aa dlphlhtla,
hot when lir, llf IK vlaited hi ilinightor
Thureday evening h hecame alarmed
and at once lo'ili her l'i hi home In
llel I vua. No algn of either mump
or diphtheria appeared and lir, Itet A
elded 1 ho 1 hi daughter hud heuome ln
fuefed In the neck, and from there
throughout hr whole ayatem with pola
oiiou hcl, prnhahly through breath
ing gerrna while attending a patient
Mia it regained rnneHnneneit only
at Interval through KrPley and frldny
vnlng After I thl morning ah never
pec 11 1 ne r,n' ou again.
Mlaa M. I "01 11, head nuie at Hie hoe
pltal, aald that It waa a myatery lo her
how Mlaa Hot could have 1 uM meted
any Infaellon. No polaoiuiu nr lufertloue
tiiaea are piroilled ! the hoajiltal, ah
aald, and although Mien llel might hav
peeiine Infected frnin even pneumonia
came, Iheie have haeu lion am h at Ih
Inalltullon foi aome tlma.
The funeral will pi-oiwilily ia.k plar
Mundny afti rnioii, young man of He. ,
their own coniepiinn of life. T the'
threat 'Ian llnlghio ra I all ne ou rile n
aeru pa- Helglum will he I Attn or h
will not, be al alh-llander wttH deep
couvlHlon return th emphaM" gnawer:
'Helglum will he r-aliihllahd on a dual
lailn or federal footing, with eeparaie
aeif g'lverntnenl for I'landura and Wei
loniii, tit It, will no longer prov tiphle
of lifn. Uaveunt ciiriauloet' "
'try allien' Mnlment far
If you ligi'e rheuiiittllam, lumhngo, get
a 2 holtle of Hlnan' Miiliocnt. It kill
the pain. All drugglat -Advertliement,
All fieeet Nam.
nin e upon a lime, an lha Mtory goea, a
Kl ein linni 11 i lulling ll,e lomh of Napoleon
wioln 011 a convenient, null Ilia llnua.
" 'Hi, 1, wax 11 111 fit many, a aoldler
hiate and true,''
An . r.iirliaiiian coming along a little
In I -r Hud 11, la and added;
"lint Wellington did hci.it hi in at the
hull! of vValiirliio,"
'l int neal vlellnr waa ail American, who.
aeelng the foregoing conirlliiillona, rualied
Into Ih comniiiltiiin with ell of lha 1
alralul that i haialerlitea tha inrmlier of
our great nallou:
! Bright and Fresh
j Are These New
I Dresses
From Denigners
who jut dream
of Tojji foe Tots
Children's Dresses.
2 to 6 Years
In f,'liaiiibrnyn, Zophyr
Jin?liarriH and Devonshire?
(Hotli U10 Htrnight one
pioco effect-s; bmg waistod
or mcm'i -em f iro etylos, in plain colors, medium or
Wxht, blue, fink, green, rose, and maim. Hover col
lars and pockets beinp new feature. AIho hand
ftnhroidery or cinioekinK
Prom $1.29 to $2.50.
A CHI MVS Freneh atyla
(ircHK uf plain glnRham,
with I'ollur and bolt of plain
i-ontrMMtliiK color, tmibrold
ort'd tlt'Hlgn on collar, 2 to li
year -
trT r-X
1516-1S-20 Farnam Street.
miles nwtiv from vourhome. unnide to resort
to your usual treatment. The cold may bo
checked at the very start. Then Peru mi Tablets nro
Real Life Insurance
Miiita niter the a,unfHrnmlnwttKi liauKl rt'runa.
ttuHtlnit lha ulvfiit, ihry r m vt vrmiit
unit (hry niu(sU wllilj fur nuiinitHH nal rf tJul.tr
tHMliiteml uf ttiihl ami kttdUil ttiiklutua I !! wh-t
Him Uavet alwiil, lalnl t tliiwl they fivtlf y t"" let
ajnilut thertln tt if iii.l. ten wmtlie t haiira uw Meal ailailly
a.v.1 HMea4, I an y U WUU ni M ItiuuetUal U.
For That Tirctl Feeling
tHuly iriuf?,thk'h Hiwii Nutur' iHtxt tf t!p
til t Nttuti iri (h iMt hfl ly lnlrf, MU iU
fin. I I 'mni.t .f iiwat inul.ii' N-nrM. It a tint iJy A
kjilciiihil innh'. rtiin4 t'invii'y iivil vIt. t It
li telly due. t il 1-wi.rl veHuihal itiaiikltlH.a mUt
teineul rtt4 gnii, In ttitl HiUti. U ivl IvwvU al Wvil a III
tha t.itliUk wttiua,
Tk Farvwa Caaepaaf. CatuaaWwe, Okf
1 ,
-.) , ?
lavue, friend of Ml Hell, who wa a
formrr flellevue college Hidnt, will
let a palllwarer.
"Ilut brvr tlll. and trynr fr and
toughar far 'than ahoe-leathr
"Wa vvaahlngion, the man who could
have IP ked them I10H1 together."
he wrote and douhtlee went iiwiiv quite
aiiltafled will! hi cllmaK -l'hlldlnhla,
iC'orTipondM 11 ot th AaaoctaleiJ !',
JIAMIi;il), (Iimny, MarHi yi.-Man-ufacturer
and retailer have lncread
Ih prlca of clgiira, bee nee of the fur
ther rle In Imtih emhange. The Hgar
that formerly retailed fur 16 pfennig, I
old today for II, and on the more -penalve
grade the advance la greater
Th Herman tobacco market, of whh'h
Hamburg I the center, had large np
plle of lnbeeo nn blind when the wr
began, hut thine were uand up ahout a
year ago and alnce then llrmnf ha
been obliged to depend chiefly upon uih
lobacoo a name In from Holland, In
addition to the Increaae raiiaed by the
rle of Tiulcji egchange, there may he
till further advance, becaue there .
talk of a higher exchange upon tobacco
In all form.
C HILDA drniw of fln
filnnbam, Ions walatml
nftVt, with a touch of
mocking at nock, plaJn blue
or plnU, 2 to 6 yearg
rwr TN t
The timo to use
them ia when you
first feel the depres
sion or chill that le
tohens a cold. Don't
wait for the cold to
deepen, the chill to Ixs
followed by a coufih.
Perhapti yon mny bo
''''''' l ' ' ' '
'I'l.iu t,t,p,. uvti.nilj . fcni
'Hiin ctort' fm tenth to you
a eordinl invitation tfi inupcct our exteriHive
Mtoeknof home funiiHliiiiKi". You will be nur
pried at the lowncag of firiee ufid the high
quality of the (""d cliown. Our low ex-pHiif-e,
our inexpensive location and our big
buying pfwer emible uh In quote you lower
pri'-i'M on reliable home -fiiniijdjMiK.
$4 Monthly
hknhov, ih'sokk, vumv.M V.,
"Tor Thia
III 4 aome
a toaal
Ilea four
lion of
a o r t d
iljaa, WlPi
j a t an t ed
I I d 1 ii g
linn eo'l
ome loin
.ilnta with
op and
u a a a
i h ihv ti In
Wa mj alao
i li ii a I fl t
itlmr ("tylee
mil pa I tenia
t very mod
irate prlcea,
Ta i i.
Uka llluMtiatlnn, with large
t'ulonUI iliaiKU mltrur ami
haan. W iiil h
haan. Wort h Gift nt
MaAe t.f f r"I
? Propla'l Mtore.
:iPiif 7
H $4.95 W
4 in. -kv I
14 II 1
I yi-yt-l.
f $ a",-. vMwaaaaaaaaawaaanartA
E' wef'WknUk
. n ' i
; ., i i r 1 1
ii jatX' I r r "TO
f ni
It will tw'we you time ami money If you m liEK WNT-)4JDQ,
im, I voiir frlorwlii I t'!vnrv nrtii'lu nnlcl liv lliix fctnre beam fl ll
and your friends
cr prie iilAMi nn liO.i,1! inn.un
i'HAI, AMi
I t HtVill', Tl.lM an loll' 11(1
lauga cnuiiiliie two iliatlnct aiovea In
no", ll giveg you a coal rang that y"
can nam In lha copier walhar and a gaa
lane for lia In hot waalhar, and oe.
ctiiilea only Id aiec of th nidi nary
iH rang", and doae the wore of
both a "net and g'ia rang', A alnta
ivn eervea the ,iipoa fur holh coal
li m) goa, A alight operation change II
fi uni a ma! lo a gal lauge and vl
veran, Jlruia a aliong a mil
Hiifi, specially prlc
Trnii ft 01 ffa!!, fl 00 Monthly,
rl'HJI UAH ri'lloMtTKIlhi
H'e" Hl',11 - !', HV life Hie
I lelia'lnii ai.it la a aplendld
well ma'le He mi, I lia fiame woik l
eu l
eolPI oek an") Ih iiih'iill Ing la
fabili-opl leal her of apaclal giada, T
nprioiaiet iiiic in now m' mi ia tioin
oil leii.ipeieif aleel atirlnga Aa Hi
Hire aliowa, the upper pail of the
lia pillow oplioiaief m i,p, ilia i" in H
tlrme;v eooifni (aide and t-mlt,i
Thaae r'e kei are built oil liioat, roiull
laalfnl line and t Hut pflca uuntrif
m "jumrtj
ere a wonuerriii vaiu
tvaellv W'Ulli I f-
ale Mil il
Term I l(N Ck. t'lo Monthly,
a apleiidlit, well nia1 tiiaehtne hear
ing a aliong guaraute, Th rajlnt
work I onk and lha metal pall ar
heavily hlucU eiuioieled Willi lickl
Irliiiiolnga, I'oinee romplai will) full
at of ewli,g loailiina f O C fl
alia hmaiiia, Hpeolally I , J U
prioed at ,
Taenia I ttOe 'Wkly.
ara now ahiiwln uur ein-
piet Im of Kit rafrlgef
tore. Many new feature
fi mil
Tli ran ar plndldly inal
,rug kill feet In ! Tli pal
I .in a and daaign are all In tola
aiirlng'a laleat etyln and ih nuailiy
of rua I of a high grade, fei na
put on of theee rug In our hum
and how It enliven an
a 1
I lie borne, 1 Hey are
worth t'iOM. II
aala nrlita la only
Terra, fl.aS Calk 11.04 KeBthly,
o WUrt Ovea
Oaa manga, almllar
to II I net ration. Oven
I abov broiler aim!
ha black Jnataat nf efiamal pen
el, III fuur large burner
with patented alr-tnliera; burner
can he rmirvd, making thmn full
aanltarr tevan I large and I a
(lulctt baker, Haa lower ahalf.
lK A FlUVZ-rilB.
O Ii K A S K ll mul yrm
h111 nnvrr nei1 to hafii
A gonertiJ clmavnlng
day. Opirttu
electrically a n u
all you Df1 io
do la to attach It
to an lni:trlo
llgbt ;kot and
thla wonderful
manhlna will
taka every partl
rl of dirt out of
your home.. Htm.
rial prlra-
T.A4) extra
f i r full
Tariit I)
rtii.H-siiin iim-
II 1 A li I'IMMI
XKuM T A HI .11
.lual Ilka ll,..u
Hun,- will) Uigri ilicniai
..t, flllad li flint
rtlt'li'ling l.,, lla riminl
r.lill nr Uia ,it.nl
I't t iH.it'tM,! d,ilglii.t laai
SnW I iii e Ilm I.t l. .!,
tiel Hid 11. la Willi i.n ti ul
Him atilaii Ikat i l han I
a m p.Uall Ul.l.a At (Kit
) tti., I Hi.r wl I-
liln l l'ia ! twlua In '
tll Tlv
w.tih lit.
i 'ni l i Ii i el
-.-t w : fl
4f rJ!?Tl
il XN Li?
if VI 111 are w
U -af " " " win i.- "fM n i ada
' , arm are ri
I I I eon-
II II v en lent I
, baby
f O A Cfl " a Urfc Ovea out
AU.nll Oaa aVaage, almllar I wmrth
- i
rilhT; "'rHi Illttll'tP'W'U-ir'
PSsolav 1
iVerv aniele no fl liv 1 f 1 1 m More near n
positive guarantee of hatinfuftion - for if il
int riht' the I'nion Outfitting Company
mal.eH it right. Nearly thirty yearn of fair
dealings in Omaha hare given nn the confi
dence of the people, I, ft u funiihb your
borne with reliable, dependable good at low-
a lei i t'.irn iii'i' mi I ft t Lf
y-"1 ". Wat. MAX
It'"' '"' wwmmirmt-wml
I f V7 1 ' i)
1 H
I i
; Mm
ami. 1 f"
"le(i f fc'l
ov 'i p
pli F
. . . . j . ..a a - E
iriniie aoi mil in irwri ri
raay ui!lient, Ulilt lia.
I'li'lglit palil two liiitiilreal
llilli-, No frelKht allowral
on Myaf,
VOL. Ml txil IXKH Jl'HT (iOl.Mi
forma a chair and
almpla movement
handle ran I
Into a no
caJt, Thea
go . baakale
are very
pcAHilavr and
when tJt"i
on the
atref, " l
It 1 not
Ti e a aary
jlo take the
-h 1 14 out of
Tlila tiiltimhla (iraluimla ml
TwHtii l.atcet
Kolea tlim , . , .
t.oo pae week put a Oelumbta
Utafeaula ta your hem.
Special Display of
Bran Btdt
ill . - -t t f
by a . . ti
t'T th sfSS LJ
e made j&r va kjj
I Kale nrl'
ii ii im
m in i i
j MoatbJy. M
in Tkle ktaaiv llel i. Juat Ilk tllua
liaHnit, higi-ily iiaiiiv,lik la fi.nr natl " f dur
I In h)i iiii.' fit had r.m.ii m-tl rt
l.nat Uh e, h tut log
Oppottt Hotel Rome,
(i i-l-i- ii .f; -HI -tl '