The Omaha Sunday Bee I
zine Pase
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and Lordj1;
uf Any Rsal j
JiE to id! Clo
The Duke of Mancheiter at the Head of the King' Bodyguard.
,V- WV ' J
int-'-r '--Hi ' 'ri,-i j -in fnrifnrmr-r ' ffit' " ""-'1 J, .. , ; f, .1 1 11 f m 1 ' ' ""' 1 '
The Dub A Mnchfer (n Uniform,
By the Duhc of Manchester
WrltUfi tpoIfH for Thlf Ntppr,
HAVE lt"J "r duV! n4 Jw! of sn im
to a emintryl" A prUe,ly fIr juntioo.
VMithi t ;ftt. It wo'M nound uhiiOtit '!f cvi'Jit
frropohltioa thU a da rouf(ht up r frtj nftr
generiitlott with no ftaor4 p'hhlon, e tri)tjfl of jn
term pttriol'wm end U;lty, hMt of eowwend
the lof.JwtJr rwpwt of t)ff frJIw eountrymen, in
rerf texitle for Bute to irtw on for itj publia
The trho!e Mnftry of the ermntry prom it from
Mtgne Cherte to thf j ri-nt war. Look whr you wilt
in our bfotory, ia the nonaJe of onr t&t;rft( our dipfo
or n, our r, our ('oloniftl Admiawtretioo,
our colonization it)if, eod hhAory will )ve the jutfUflfe
tion of the erhrtocracy,
I don't y thre here )n m thwk ehrrp ewong
tbrn, Irot meny of the hlrk ihep here Md wp tbir
end x5ot higloriowtly t the Jeet end di'd on the front It
of Ktoj'lre
"JJcfiflnKie on the honee f the Knglish,
The English t?g J jrtyd,"
j I do Dot y that th produce wore riiun then any
othrr tUn'f gnoUn i en oth growth, but I do say
thet for hi(h level of edrnfoietriiUvft Ability, tor fsfrict
ne of dut, for Jntenee, If often j!-nt, patrioUarn;
the liritfuh $riUrrvry , in the word of the bunti)K
"A good 'nn to follow,
A bid 'on to beet,"
I could go on for pn.n thing norne f(r nao', wb
of whirh fp'1 loudly of the ffjf ht Arvh of the pant,
end how now n'rUon eftftr cnTetion ha cflrri'-d
on the tradition of thf, founder of the houne; not el way
in a KpMta'-ular wfty, but leaving thir offering of aolid
ittone, built in 1h ViUr of the I5riliih Krnpir?, H
jnembrr the facade nd eibdlifthrriritt are not the only
fine part of a buildings the foundation, ach aeparate
tone in the wall and pir, are a important and a in
tegral a part of the whole a the rrmt ornate pilaster.
It awn to roe that if you '-t apart a breed, thoen
originally for outstanding ability of it ancentor, end
g'-tK-ration by generation add to them rnueh of what j
het, rnot forceful and trongt and motst auepesfiful
in the particular line they ere needed for, you rnuht
prediapoae that breed to ability In that line, Jt i o in
every other branch of the animal and vegetable kingdom;
it, ia o in Kaat.ern eountrle where trade end profe
m'ori are hereditary, and why not in England T
The line the arihtoeraey are reared for are govern,
merit, diidomaey and fightingIn ahort, eomrnand- and
you don t have to do more than ank the Ruhordinatea of
mot of them their opinion ofwlwther they ran do it, to
His Grace the Duke of Manchester Cites
Engl and's Titled War Heroes to Prove
That "a Breed Chosen Originally for
Outstanding Ability" Must
Inherit That Ability
I ''' fas.
fm. ' ? 'J .,r
tnd out whom they will rhooae to be led by.
Hut in the latter year we have heard aecnaation
that the ariatocraey waa degenerate and effete, outworn
end aoft fibred through generation of luxury, If ever
e nice ratch word wa rutblcHHly swept away, if ever a
,ela wa triumphantly vindieeted, It ha been in thee
dark and terrible month einee Auguat, 1914, when our
country ha been at death grip with the mot wonder
ful war rnaehine the world baa ever aeen.
There wa 110 need for reeruiling earnpaign; there
wa no need for eonaeription to bring the ariatoeraey
forward to defend England from the flrHt, When many a
workman' houae knew only through higher pay and the
pre of the war, hundred of home of the nobility were
mourning the lo of aon, brother, eoufiin dead,
wounded, blinded, maimed,
I don't believe the moat rigid form of eoneription
would find one aingle member of the Engliali aritoeraey
to take at thi minute, I don't believe there ia a aingle
male member of the Jtritiah aristocracy able to drag him
self about, over eighteen and under sixty (and indeed
many over) who i not in Government employ or working
for the Government in aome capacity.
I don't know of any woman of the ariHtocraey who i
not working to her ntteirnoHt, epaeity in home way for
the country, I don't know of an amtoeratic homo in any
way auitable that ha not been offered to the Govern
ment for nursing home, convaIeccnt home, boapita or
Other uaeful object.
They talk about the privilege of the aristocracy, the
right of peer ix hundred and fory-one of them, 1 be
lieve to sit in the Mouse of Lord a hereditary legmla
tonr, for aueh peer to bo arrested only for indictable
offence, to he tried, if aeeuaed of felony or treason, by
their peer in the House of Lord, and, if condemned to
death, to be hanged by a silken rope.
Hut there in one privilege which they have alway
tad and which now, as in the pat, they bavo availed them-
The lhautifal Viscountess Mas
screene, Now Working as
c War Nurse.
The Duke of Manchester Declare
of a
in England,
Man or
! Now
in the
of the
If Physically
Able to
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elves of greedily, and that i the right to lead the way
In offering themselves and all they have and are for tin
defence of the country.
Thi liht lie before me in a newspaper a I write -t
forty-five heir to the British peerage who have either been
killed or died of wounds or illncwi contracted while in
activo service aince the war began and this list is not
a complete one :
. ' 1 - .
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I - i j , t r
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Atii'i i)m 1 m, r,ii ij . , , ,
AmlK-rni 11 f llurk
n', f ,h d V
ikl.. ti.vli I,' .. I ...
Hull. nil' (, iiui!lli
i.nni ,
Oul h, Miiriiiimn of.
lri(Jnii I, VlKi iMiiil ,
I "I Innlc w in I i
f'llfiUd, l.iiffl , .
flu IHii'iuWo, t.irit
Ilillltni'V, l.nld,
I ihtilll hum h, J
1 ikkIiiii iMIH li, I. in,
I mulct 1 h, l.nril
l iiiii lii-il( VlnriHI'it
llmiiillmi lit iu.
n-ll. I.i.i-I
Hhi (tllii4,t I, tif if , , .
Hill .11.1, H Uf I ll.
I. Ill l. I. Illi) , . , ,
M HI. i.K. luii, l.iuil , ,
Ullliiiiiii, I tin. I ,,,
K iiiliit I, in i , , , ,
K Inlirtlnt, 1.111,1 , ,
K hill riiliiu Milk ll.
I.iil.l ,,,
1. 1' 1 .iMii.l.l, I ,,,, , , ,
l,lii.nliii.Mii-, ,Mr.
Il of
M " .1." ..il l. I.ol.t ,
1 .1 11 11 1' 1 n I .in t
.lull. It. VlL Mill. I . . ,
V'H'Hi it m jil mi, Mur
t 1 1 . t of t ,,,,,,
I i.l il
1111 ll t 11. I hi it . , . ,
I'l.i' Uli, I l.l
lu ilium . I 41 1 of.
lMln.,.l... I ..oil .
'niiit.iK l oiii
It ...iol.fl. I I , .
Ml I il . I In, . m .1
(tl I rit.. I ..1 I
l.tiiU.lt.'ill. .:, I. .11.,
I i.(i, ... V ip' 1
I ... 1. 1 tit, Ml
l(.l t. -tl . ,
tl. lll.tl '). .11(1.1
H i.i ll, I 111 il
-1 mi 1 1 M, 1 i.l o
111. ii,j. I.O., 1 .01 I
liiun, tV,i, lid,,, it. L,:,,;r
Cr), ripl, W, A
iJinrnn, Cupl. I,oi il,,,,,
n it r m I jk H. ChiiI, Mnninc of.
WttyriKiii'h, hn, 1,1 Vlit'd't
llooil, U, linn. M, II, N. ..
Htuart, T.t Vldcniiiil
A NT-linliu r(rM, I hiiI. 'I', (
T. '. II,, M, I'. , ,
r llluiiilli-m, I.l Hull. J ,
I' I tn tv f, i'itil. linn. ('. r
'irrllfcll, I ' it 1 1 1 Hull .1 ,l Mtl
ii'iiri-ii. i i. ii. iii ii. w
Mullnill.itiil l iil Hon A V, )
loi n lion, I.l Hon. I,, ,, . .
IIiiiiiIIIiiii M,,, , ,n, ,
M V. ll
lliinlliiK. He 1,1 Hun II II
lliiriihtf, ,, Hun, I.', r
Mliln, fcio, i.i linn ,r T-.M I
Mm i in, ,l I'nl Hon, il II
h Inliim. I in. I M.iirr of .
K Inn, in it i ,i,l M,,irr nf . .
,lo h,,j liniiiiniii l aiit
Hun, '. II
W iiilii.dii, i u.i Hon. VV, II
t iiiim ri, l.i, l,iwiil . , ,
i till, i.i Hon ii i-: ii
M.lliiif , Hi. 1. 1 Hi. I
Minn It I'lii.l l,ii I II (J
l iiili, Inn, ri. , l.oi , H I .
II r 1 1
I 'o -Irt Itl I V II hit Ii I, .1
i Mil Hun A K 11
I'll 'I'll. ' I I il Hull I.l, II I.
V I I, I , ,,.) I ,,
I- . ... ,i,,.n lii(,,,, u Hon
1 ' Ii 1 1 , 1 1 ll ( i .
Ii'ii I I lion i
li iid, ,.,., . .., Hon. II
I ,1
!l,i,ll.lo I ..H It. ,, f f
n. iil., Mil linn M
M. Mi. I '...t ll,.i, I ,
I n'oii. ' -tin Hon I II M ,!
Ill , t .ti-l I mi V ,, , ,
It i,i,,.lr - , ( .,. H .hi
ii I i.i ii ..t , r
V'Hrl.l I il II. HI V ll .
I I" Hi Hi I Ii -Uli I, .l 11,11,
' I I
W Ol t, , I t ..I,
lid II, ilrnu,
(lonmlUr ad.
Il lull Uit.
A, nd H Hlhrt,
2nd ItiiMooii,
1 1 iiml tin., 11, N, P.
ih n. Hrou ru
In! C'oldKlrrittiiiiil
2nd friifntiln,
Inl Mr Un.inti
IH(l(lllllll, in
III (ifA llrlKmlt,
lili'li linillil
Ulli 1 1 il IT
i (iikI irjni (Id
:nd inn iiii
If.ih lliini.il
'lid Hri ldl
im IriKh 1 ii a i ,1 .
lliDit KlU.iil.,
:-ti ol I in i tit.
lr,1 lltfl. MrlMa,
i .no old I nl
II II kii IliUlltl
. iiU I 1 1 1 Ml 4
il H ,i ,1 In, I hi irfll.
Ii I it H I I i III l,
Ii 11,11 il IliU
ml l.lf Uutidt
.lfilllllf (Id
liU1 1(41(1 (Ml
l"lll Hil4H4l
ii-' i, im . n h ii.
il Out.
M Hut ll.lt
K " II Mi1
Hi ll till
i ! lilNaft.
Ii ,lt im il .It
I "ill lli.iitu
M 1
Ulit ll.llllll
t rain Ihrir (Utillex to the Trent hex,
Mei r-uU of TiillibanliiiM Vilt (Hint I'mwvik hui t at
in the Trench. the l)nUni lira,
Moioir Deetb tf Captain the Hon, l.ton l'UUir, Im of lord 11 v f ir
fie Keira t IVetusri Wb, Anordinf In thu Duke, lleve (liven
llmir Country,
i .. . mi ... i , ii. . i i' i !i 1 1 1, n M i !
One of the I oi ty
I'heir I iv fur
til l td it. I I I A
V 41 Itol oiii li. If i I till W oi tl, . , I i t..i, In .i. i.
l I t IU.t.1 ttHk ill t.l H i Si IL II It ,l , Hi I'.iill.'rl
'III fM'li t.d Illi! S nf llfli lllli llllill fill' I pilttl'-lMltflR, (fl
offi I Hm imm Iw" t!.i-!l on. I inni. nu (h,. sllnl of duty
and i.,ut!l.v to lli. ir King tm. I llii.i Mialn'tltiihl, n tli'ir
Ii iiiiilimi Inrth iiml liniii,ti) m:. tif i ui intf liiMr taiihl
tnut tn do Mint u pruiti jt- i.f ln i aj'i',
Vrt, I (hut liny an- of ti-i
Nl 5mihI lit Dukt (,( M.miKmU
will nniila n itl.Miliiln iitU
' m, i.Ui i rii..i iiib.,"