TUT. 0MA1TA RTTXDAY BKE: APRIL 2, lMfi. LATTER DAY SAINTS HOLD CONFERENCE nual Woild's Conference at In dependence, Mo., Will Be Pre sided Over by F. M. Smith, OMAHA WOMAN TO BE SOLOIST Till Wra tli-iB l.iiivoii iii tndc "wJnr, Mo , Ilia animal wnrl.l "rim rrnr nf tha I'lrniiiiiiitxH riuin'li nf Latter Pay Pini t.,n firm, tlmi, In III m f y (,. f , , ,,.!,, Prrdgili it M. Hinil i, 1,1,1,4.1 nn of the Ul J.,l,l Ktllllll, Will f!.(M Hp wn 'linaen In tli ,dlliiM ,y tin. miniihiT alilp (if lil i 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii," tur nun al tlii-lr 11, rnnferMiee. at whli'li flmc lin una aerlniiely III i, ,Vi,r, (,.,, Mil Aaanini It ai, i tMve ), ritni-"1 to liiilinieiire, M11 , mill h ordained tin ili-r Hi hand nf ,i ,.,nilitent , lijira anil official nf lli rlmri'lt to lie it maul dent, (lila office uliiu rolifi-rrlng ii,ii dim tli right In act n "tiiiii, .'rr ami ivilatiir" Tli Tittr Iy Knliii, mmhuUm! In IVVl hy Jnaanli Miilih. miiiiflfiithrr ,,r id )rft Inmlrr, liHlayr In ,rraMit ri'vclii llw. Tlif-y In, Id that lin.l , hi., Hil iiwn, rk Bll riVI'lll IIIM VIII I.) IIIm H.IK.ntg fin earth lnly, tin ii, u, (M. ,y n( ll,e ,roilipl nf ohl. p different, nan, lli linliin from HiiiHf nf Hn, rlmr. lira nhfiul 1,1m ai dm fi, n1Mi ,i,, ,i, h mil it Incurred the cm uml rlll'-ulr nf irianv 'tiiiidini-!! anil nietuliar nf varlmi nr. f anlKnllniia, which rninllv iniiaiiid ,i,, Ihrnngli Ufa and fi,nd a ilium , ""' ''rll,, III, In IMI, at n4 hand nf A inli, 1, inli, wlilln ,c under Ilia nriiacn nf officer of (in, it, In Ilia mnfualnn which f.,lowa. tlila tragedy Orlgliam Vniiiin, rirnaldent nf Ilia leading 'ri'iniin nf tun rlnifch, claim lia )rMi-iii nf (li rntlr nrganlxatlop and had Mmealf ordiiliirij In that poal lloti arm in ,ti u,, , ,h, nnt Into l,a vallpya ol th at In a av fia of moat rtnarlilil oiirijK ovr larnj, lha rallwaya at that tlm not -finjifii farlhr wrm than (.'imiiiHI Ultiffa, Thara, Ina to lha ially wnniifrfnl aiacli Hv and nlirprlaln alilllty of flrltfUm Vnnri, Kara luld tlia foiiii.liiilon of ih lautlfg I'lljr of Halt lk, llrfoar (,, Tlia widow of Jnapli Hmlth firmly r fncd to follow Vonnu wet, or to r"'o. ni)-. hl Uiurpil anthiulty, anil ataycl In her hoina on Hi biinka of lh Vjlmln lp, with hr four yiMitia aona, and raarnj thm to b 'liid-frarlnir i1 imw. lilrtiii rlllwina. Vhn Jopli, lh old it nf thi-aa amn, rpahd lila majority, fi mad two araat raaolutlnna, Ona w (hat lia would llva In ai-h a manner that n ona, from Ma antlona, ahould I, Jnatlfled In Inarrtna or anvlna that hla fl.lir liad ban a M mn, Tha othr wa that ha would atrlva o maka tha rHlon or whlh hla fathr laid down hla Ufa honnrahla In tha al,ht af man. Thiia It waa that, In , IMO, at ha k of it, h mat wlih a handful of (ha faith fnl, who, Ilka hla mothw, had rafu! o follow Toung, and tfra ha rorn ld tha ihiiri;h, and waa nrdalnad Hi rrionf, which offha ha hld until tlia tlina of , datli In J8I4, at Indapendonra, Mo, flow wll ha aHMdd In rarrylim out tha raolutlon of hla yonn man hood, la baat attatd by lha tuft that wh(rvr ha and tha ninhr of (ha 'Imrih hav vd, (hay hava han ro iilcoil to ho good rltlwna who llva oloan llva and command tha rprt of all mri, Thay ocoupy poaKlona of honor and truat all ovr tha ITnifd tata, nd no hndy of paoplo la mora a-ii...ia In alamplnir out tha lnlriity of tlm apoatata rhurrh (n lha wt, than ar tha mamhor of tha Itaorganlxatlnn, To 1y, lhy numhar loo.ono, and hava local churrhna all ovar tha world, Pour dif ferent tlmaa, tha aupramo oourt of th I'nltad HI Mm ,a afflnned their con (antlon that (hay ara th trna auccaa aora tp lh original church, foundad In and that lha church with haadiiuar cr at ft It Ik Otly, la anoatat. Joaaph Hmlth hlrnaalf took tha (xialllon iliat Ilia doctrlnn of polygamy la an ahomlnatlon In tha alght of, Ood, no mat ter who originated It, ffa aamlnad "i-ery claim mad that hla fathar w ivapfiiialhla for thla evil but waa iiriahl 10 Iraca II to him or hla tcchlnn al ny lima. Tha memom of th nor ganlxait chiircli ar unalterably nppnd in thla Hlirimlnntlon nnd ara waging onaianl viar m.anal )i, tmm their pul piin. 1111,1 from their hoinca, a ivti c ' IKCIIN Hi tint- Ma dth In Joaaph Hmllli 'Ic.lnimicd hla alilcnl ami l'i clfrli k Mud laon, lila aucccaanr In the nfflca of the IiIkIiisI prlcalhond the ,'liiinili, This niing man had bean for cIkM yenr n ...hIci ulil, 1, fiiihcr I,, Ida WOrk nf ,rahlliia mar Ilia 1, f,ilm nf ha l.nWv. Ha piiraucl bin Hln, II, . hi !,,,, .,.,J u. . nllf a I, mil i,i iia.rt ,v 1 1, a 1 liuri'lil, "1 loa Hint Khiihii iiiihetalfl.-a, nnd flliallv, Wllhlll tin, li.nl B 1,'i.lK, lr rclvad hla il.i, ,,., .I.nia,. hi 1 'lurk mil ! all hi ioi, ,.pr, Mhh ni,,, r the M iaiui.il 1,1,1.1 i.i f, uml (Hi-,., li,,,. f 11 Ml . Ill v Hull, III 1, 1, ..in, or hU fclli.R i Iniivliii ,r i.iul, I.,. . Ill"' Ih.tl i a.llllllon ,if II, nH. l I, ,i liliihlem I,,,. I enf I l,iu,i,.Hi x ,,, "111 l aulirll Im h I Ill V ni l, a 1114 llilal mid Hi In 1 , i,l In,, ,!l,- lKV lltli nil- I, ,1.1,1. 1, l,. ' ' ml ;na ii.ul 11. iiitwiMil in lh.- nil, ii, 1 .1 1,1 ,,f i , .....lin, ,1, 1,, w,,..i, i i',lll run. Iplca t m 1 1 hi.,i. np .I'll, ill. nip wt.rr, 11,1-11. ain 1 ,, J - III, "ilk Di.lil N l.lut, I,,,, .1, B 1 it.l ,i!.,l II a ,,,,)!,, 1 (,,(,! , ,,, i, , ,, t"d, I'. in, ill . a fiitlrni .... 1,1 t,, !.,H iii.. l.r i tlalUIH l ki.illr,. W'M 1.I1 't.lll,tl.M. Mi Mi, 1 . , ,, ., , : II,' It'll, I, IllH Mi l, f, ,, :. (,1 I ,11 ar, I l l.i.ttea , 1 s ,., .. , .. 1 , Chi. ! i: ' I iil.ll I, 'I. II i 1 . , t I a, 1 1 . i.l , i, 4 .1 If, - I 'u pi in, , I il - t,g i. I l, ! rairt I'I'I' ,1 ,. ... .1 fl'i th Hi, i,i .,f ... , . . . ,. ., !fc 11,1111 I 11 , .... ii,aul .1. . , 1 1 , , 1 1 't 'vi,i I', it 'i.'-'tnal ,1 , . a t,l. ., 1 II,-, 1 .1 a , II il ,1 It .'. 1 l.f 1, i,. , af 11 n.. timiitti ni "t 1.1 (HI HI . ll. li . ( , ,1 I Will. I I , I I " . I . . 1 1 . , a'l I,' . I. a I : , , . . ,1 " .1 ' ' O- ' llH .o 1 ,'ft . .'. 'I ..',1 - I. I .. ,li, .1, ft II. V, I , ,t ,'t ' Una I t , , a II I 1 f -1 1 1 l nt vii i , . ' I !' !..i- '1 ,1 it .n l")u . 1 1 ,,,..1,1,1, I 1 t . . it , , ,f4 i 1 ,.) , . I 'll. 1 .I. ii 1 1. HEAD OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS CHURCH. u K t i , ( Li ftr.j V,:;,.. Dt. Frederick li. 6mith frul, provlillng ptwavn Ihal lhay lire mini .n III ' iliiht waya and nl th rlht Minn' II la hi iimMtlmi to Imiv Ilia ao I ' I a- i,r III'' ili'inli at niirl lilkli -li Ilia pnlnla of 1 rflcI'Mi-y and cnllurP, nf aplr liuiilliy, .in wni y of aarvlc In (ha pinfl lliiil tliln.a of life. II ballovaa thai ' 'lulniliiiiMy I a, llilng adauiiatB ami nrlHiitiitilft for rtuily id -not aoinalhlng' lo hn (iikti out and oil cil (or a fuw houia one a wick! lia belva tlia kynula of H e'letcMftil t'hilatlan Ufa 11 palt1 by tha word "narvtia," and thai that aarvlcaj ahould h randarad to thoa wh nrad It, ragardtaaa nf (aula, atatlnn or fortune In Ufa, I bona Srrr lllahop, At tl.a approaching coiifaranca mini In taraat will renter around lha C'booalng of a haw preal'JIng blahop of th church, to (ail th place; nf K. . Kellcy, whoao r.lgnatloii waa axicopiad al Iho lt confatawa. It la thought to v' aom young man in thla portion, whoa an part arum In hualnaaa ahull mmllfy him for iaklug rharg" tit tha rapidly enlarging fliiambtl affair of tha church, ThHr tiaaaury la malntalnail by tha (Ilia and Irrin-wlll offming of Hi member, and out of thla fund, rhurche ar built, achool catubllahed, old people' home and chlliliari homaa maintained, a well the fnmlllca of tha mlenlonarlei mtpporled. The nilaalonartea go nut, almnat literally "without puree tr g'Tlp," having no lanlary or allowatua, but dependent upon th klndnea and goneroally of tha pionla among whom (bey labor and preach. Thoa) lulaelonarle hava addd to (he rhurrh, by baptism thla year, over ,0 memhor, and they gather to fhea an nual confernncea to tha number of () r WV) to oininaol logelhar, lo llnblb new Plea, and new pourg for another yr f proaalylltig. 'fhay form, (ogatbar with tha aaveral other forma nf prlcalhood mpieaanfd at tlia oonferenca and tha largn numbr of dlaglaa from among tli lay momhara nf (ha church, rhoaan by varloua lo;l rhtirchna, on of tha moat domnorad'! bndlo extant. No doctrine can ba forced upirn thl organi zctlon; no prleat ridden, Ignorant people accepting blindly what I offered tbam, but everything la dlacud openly, and th humbloat member ha lha right to W hrd ,and bag e'jual rhanc with avcry o(hr mambcr of th confrrenc for vole and rota, Tlila eonfereno aeaa (h return of v riil (nlereatlng tnlaalonnrle from for clan field: Klder C, VA Millar, from a four year mlaalon In Aualrnlla; Hlahm, itodaiirk May, from a flva year' effort In liondon, Kngland, where he haa tarn potiirliv left hi wife (iiul fnmlly In that troubled area; Kld-r flea Jetikln nnd wife, from a moat trying mlaaion In I'tlcatine, l,o-er of Mnala, Th Ittar Iay Nnluta aia grant lover of tnualc. Indeed inunln might b aald to lo part of (heir grant religion, alnc on of their recent "revelallnha" lell them to "mltlvata (he gift of mualo an of aong" Thin they hava g general church chorlater, whimc duty It la In llr. t tha iiiualral actlvlll. of (he whole chur' h, to Hlmiiln' and auaKeat ind out tin, and alote all to noml.liie their ef forta for thea annual aaaaniblia. F'ur monlba the vailona local cholrii have l.aeu atudvlng under hla dlraiilon and whan i,,- mrat Ihl weak, Ihay will have a vmi chonia prepared In alng In utmoat luirnmiiy and anthiialaam It hn bawti Him cuaiDfu, for revet ill year, to pra mr, In addition tn th anlheina, an orHtoitii eung bv th an maaaa chnrua ThU year (hey will alia tlia ' 'Mal,li," v hen Mr. V. N ltnhluaon of Kfli, 1iy, Mr. IImiI 1ST iiilg of Dinah ami Ml. lMl.n KI1111am1.il of New York rtty i be auii.ti the olnlat Mr. A, ,V l!le, lr, of New "Vina I'lty la th HoiihI ihorlalrr, end Mr V. ('. rlall of ." I !' il"l.iit, and both IM br Iii ailcii.la 1,1 a at Ilia r.mfi-n ihk i;!,),,.,, l h I, ,,i,1 i'. I ai,a nf Tr,tu, I'm, , 1..1 l.irn I,,, I, lnn a aeilim ,,f aar 1 1 e a Mi UiiMtKa i lly paii'Hitliif the inn. v.'iilt'tf i f H e annual uiaciinir I'lati aii' I ,1,,., 1111.1I. I,, i n hi... i lai I liMnha after it, 1, ,),, tin in. 11! nf I'.iiiti r'it, a for a nt. . ir irr- 1, a i'h In.-,! loan, h i,f II, a II. i,t h 1. 1 a"i I vMiii ! li, ii.aat li, It,. I. Iiltie I. of' li al Hi- .', irner of t -lrt,l, l.i llll it,, I . .I 1. 1 mivrU hiiI 1. nld a.ivl'.a i-.tv I'al'haU. In. ill, t,,H and ...1 , ,,' ! ' Hn ,. .1,11, would lll.i.liri Ibh (or tea 1 I. . I mi" h.. . in a I I an, i 1 ,1 . 1 , 1 . i, - I nli,at ' M ,. I I- I .. ,:.,,..', a. t.M,,, ,,,, I i' ,1 II. I . '1 l l... I ii la. Eczema Wash Used in Hospitals II ,f k--,. ial 1-a 1 .i, 1 4 kta . a - '! . I !'' 11 ...(,! 1 1 W, .il n.a ;,. I... a at y.f at .1 ,' l It .. .. i . I. ',., a- ii I . a. a. i K a.al, in 1 1 ea.aag it a i.iini i,hmi nf a.. " ' Il l'ilKi , , 1, lta I , 1 'il lauval. I ... I a.a ka- .('., h a ,. !,.,. aati II , , ,,a ,, I I "! - ,a,l a 1,. a II 4 I ' I li I I ' 1 - a a,. ii t .. (, 1. a I ' . ' a- I 'a fc-a aaail.t.. .. f . .1.1 ,,,.,..,.1 ,. ' .-i i ", ' il 1 i 4 ' I- ,'. a , 1 , ihif 1 ,' ii 1. ., I 1 ... a.. I a a 1 1 I , h. .14 '' I lk- 1 a ia1 t. , ,, , ... .1 l V a t 1 I 1 I .,, , ..a r 1 . 1 H I' ,u 'M la ' A,t ',-.., H When the First White Men U J fULUJ WV. VA Hi-a ? J. Ml i t ,1 MM . . l'ftl JkUxA W iVI ' I ll" The flrat white men In nam th atiHr fte of Nabraak from nnrthaaal lo aoiithweal were (ha Mallal brother and l nt Imr rrativh oompaiil.ib. a parly nf eight, whii made Ihlg trip In I law. The gcoompanylng rut I pen drw Ing. a henrly correct In daiall hlatorbaJly na poaaii from (ha recordi Thl group, aa akelehed hate la ona of lh fitly tu evenly five hlaforlml group that n (o ha rapreiitad In Ilia grand blalnrloal paraitu In be held nil th at mala of Omaha ilni In; Ak oir-in wnak In Ihn full, llemlnliig with th dya before the com ing of Coioimdii, (ha Mtanliird, with hi llilrlyal goldlera, lha hllorc para1 will tioriray with lb rei"tlv gmuw ll the liiiiairtaul group of iruula, trap para, rioreta, and federal troop (hat ever touched Hi anil now known a Kabraaka, from lh dlenvry nf Amartoa lo Urn preaetit dar. The Mallal ipedltlon, pictured hara with, la only on f lh gcoreg of group to I, a aiiown, and la given here mriy aa an r.mil nf th kind nf parade (hi la to h The Mallei brnlhar wr llerr and I'eul. They plunged Into Nlrrka aonia whera in lb region of what I now Ihu kf (tmiiity. With alght wan Iii tha party RrsW fiSiS r';' h M 1 n ni f. ' 1 N If Id If "rst I aT ft ' f ' W 'V ': I Ihl m ,.v . V I .kaaa.. B J V.' The stiper-sensntionnl nocicty nmstcrpiccc, "Tlio DCCCIC TUT A T 17 D Sociul Pirntcs." will be exhibited for the first time DJuOOlJCi 1 11 1! A 1 ILK in Greater Onmlirti I'RIDAYi APRIL 7. at the ir.r:w SOUTH SIDK mwbwbv . .,.-.-,( ra ... - r.r.- 'rritiii -Tin h'-l'r r iiaar n iri- ra- n r --f r'ir i" - - T a-aliiia" - and iiumlier til horaea laden with pnek of guoda, thef get out May to, IVM), for Hunt Ka, Mailao, whar they hoped I" trail with lha Mania fa Indiana arid alao with Mpanlarda already eettled In that rrglnn lnc (h an id II bin of r'nmnado ar 1afor, I'tliar trader bad lkaii tha rnur Clark, Notorious Counterfeiter, is Taken After Fight fig A NflWIiOl', i'al, Apitl I .laiiic I. (lark, lillvd by fadeial an ral aerva ! ffien hera (o ha one of I lie , leveraal roln rnunlarfnller In (ha rnunlry. wm In Jail her today following hi rapture lal ll night aflcr dn,eialalv faalal log arrrat I'laik wna loieiad In a cnbin In lh nearby hill and waa overpowered by two rrat iervh man aaalaiad by member of lha police furca lievotvera and awdff ahntguna wet found In th rabln, f wall t die tnd allot far lha counterfeiting of gold O'llna A tfre of plot ana er publighcd bav dremetutf GEORGE The Adventures of Two Remarkably Smart and Attractive Young Women who delegate themselves the champion of their sex and start out to work retribution upon unscrupulous and perfidious members of the male sex, especially those whose wealth and position seem to hava rendered them almost impregnable of attack. The title of this clever series is TheSodal Pirates and it will set you guessing at timet to determine which side of tha game should be designated with this appellation. Should it be these two girls who, with all their shrewdness and attractiveness. Do Not Hesitate to Match Their Wits against their male enemies! or, theso same opponents whoso cunning, reputation and position make them all the more dangerous? Yet daringly and fearlessly MOM flrVD MARY FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE seeking the vulnerable snots In the armor of the enemy until they leave them hors de combat" or crying for mercy, So much so thai el ..la at g. f a t a m. m . - inn ipiuii oi most or ma campaigns conducted by lWona and Mary Will Make Every WotnanSmltc With Dillght and at the tame time set many men of conceited habits and un scrupulous natures wondering if they are really quite as smart as they thought they wrrea Ferh story in this remarkable series keens the feeder en thralled from start to finish and always wondering what will turn t la Vaa A Va. 4x a..V. V ami ' ll ... The Little V I Crossed Nebraska in 1 789 along lh Mlaaourl river In reach Hani y On tha ad vlna of om of lha Na braak Indian th Mallei bndhar took a new nun I a, gtrtklng diagonally aorn tha grl unknown plain of Nabraak , The aarnnd day of June Ihay rnhd lha bank of g wld and ahallnw rlvar I which they named th "llatlg." ThaV Law Abolishing Coroner's Office Declared Valid Tha law ped by (ha Ut laylelaiura, iliollhlng lh offlca of emmty eoroner and making Konatable appolntlva Indeed I "f elaciiva office, ara both upheld by I'letrlct Juda rieorg A, Iy( befor whom I wo mandamua aulia war haard. Nv imam Iiorranr, uiidartabar, who waa n ftiaed by lha alaolton oomnriaalimar hn ba tendered hi filing fe for th oli of coionar, brought th flret ul(, and I, Ilia, who aoiight la bo oonataMa again, brought tha Banund, in making tha ruling, lh oourt d i lured both law to lay perfwtly plam, and laaaonahl. and (bamforg valid. for what Is undoubtedly cmenaimng btones been conceired by lb celebrated BRONSON ASSJSJt" HOWARD HUGH C WEIR Hilt remarkeKie aerlei, one of which will be published weekly end each one complete in ittelf, get, forth up neat. Nevr was the haralirreft of the great play wright, GCOKGF. ItKONSON HUWAKD. employed ta better advantage than la Tic Social Pirates and the very name of HUGH C. WEIR, the wall-known writer, I of itself sufficient guarantee of the literary merits of the novalisatiun. No more cunreutlvgi hrain ' t a . a. " vtrue n rouM have lnn selectil fcr this tasii ll 111. II i.l . .a . a mail i ! wi mag i wo caitbriltes in f esiiutt Monte Carlo . The Sunday Bee followed thl rlvr up gtreaun, rwnialnlng on th left aide of (ha at mam until Ihay found ple-w whar It forked, vldntly near North riada. Hn J una U Ihay rrraiaail tha rlvar whar It for Mad and true aoufhward Into what (bay (armed Hi high plain, that aitended nlaar lo Danta, t They report having traveled aouih from (hla oroaaing full threa day without finding gtngla trace of wood nf any hind. dn jun hi Ihay reached th Arhanaa liver, In attempting to ernaa It (hay Inal vn bora and lh parka with which tbay hopd to (red at (heir dilnallon. Tha br1f record of their raraar chow that Ihay reached Kant, ra July E, I7M, having (raveled & leaguaa, Tli Mallet brother ara credited with being the flret whit men "in bring lh Mlaaourl rlvar and lha mounlabu tov gather," Nolad hltor1cl Incident and hlator leal point of lb old day r lo b hown In thl parade by mean of lab or t flnalg, wr.ll (b prlnnlpej apd! llun gnd gnoutlng trip gray lha tat In th early day of from a century to three oenturte o, art ( b repraaentad by bUiorlcaJ group, of wblob tha en raiTntlrtg th M4li brotW K g amplaa IrA, their (hotor. pit Meat Cause of Lame Back and KidneyTrouble Take a tflte of Salts to Hush Kidneys If your back U nchlntf. Noted authority says Urio Acid from meat Irritates the Bladder. Meat form urlo Mid whit giollaa nd irvarworka thg kidney In their effort to flliar It from lh yirn, Jigulr t- rg of meal moat fluh th kldnay ooo lonalty. tmt mint rltv (hra llkg jroil rollavg your bowli rmivln tha old, w and polaon, elaa you feel a gull rn leery In lha kidney re1n, lirn pain In tha back or (log neadatha, dlr.l fa, your afomarh oM, tongu I eoatad and whan tha wMiar la bad yn i hava rhumalli twlngaa, Tha urln l alondy, full of dlmiiti lb rhannela often get Irritated, obliging you to get two or threa dm during thg bight. Ta nantralliM the trHtallng girld gnd fluh off 0 fKidy' tirlnou w get bout four ounce ef Jad 0H fiom any pbarmasTl tak taMinonfi1 In g glae f water before brWet far a few daya and your kldnav will than 't fin and blad'lor dlenrdara dtaaptvr, Tbl famoii alla la road from tha acid of grape Mid lemon 1'iloa, combined with IIH.I. and ha bn need for genera'lona I' olaan and atlmulai alugiilati kidney and ta bladder Irritation, Jad Halt g lii' panalva, harmleaa and fnaka a d"llgl.( fii affotrearant lihl-wtr drink which nitlllong of man and womn lake now and ttaan, (bia avoiding aaiioug kidney and Madder dUjM AdvctUmnt laat flak bn aver Itlewrerad. WrlMitJif el g vl lialu lniro-Hoi e Ma a"' a4.LnJ.Ma aaaeda al JfaUragefg, J F v' -a'f, X MM ihi Hit ft Si tv t Ill's I bVitll'Wv. Ml) Vf:-'t i r. 4 W '-4 i ' 1 ef fe I Ml ftva