AUTO IS DRIYEN BY ELECTRICITY OR GAS H. E. Sidle of Buick Auto Company Mtkei Announcement of Dual Tower Machine, FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN H. F ml. rrllfrit t the Netiraake llulck Aul ciiiany, hii J'let returned lo Oinah. etvl l.rtnga Lark with Mm th MTV 'rtllng HftiKHinwini'nl of an S'lln fniiWI that injr l driven try either rlco trio or gaaiilltie power, nr ly hoth lit tli m tln. Mr. H'llr v tlmt h fl'' Irai-riel t,oiil tiil tar during Ihi 'li! !'! Aulini'ililln liow, alt'wuirh It i I, id j;ti'il!tly enhlliiled at 01 I Una. It It to tie k(in a til"' Would iMftl I'meer ti't hy t'.ta IVonit MuKir VeliM t'uri ptrvy tit rM'-KKu. Jtfr. (-MIik ay h mart itwi In VftiilMtion of iim mrit of tM tw rtr with fi dmiM fiowrr unite, awl tliat gfler ai-elng H performance on th nowitnrl iff r- I of fhliago n4 over ll Um1 of t.'.itmiry fi(ul, h I entlii'lnl tliAt he ran Kit In hl wretern territory f r'.f li ally nil of tlie trut whl h lia. heretofore gniit) lo lli straight l(i trl , I n jm-m(( iriar further of tlm Wwifli luJ J'owrr, Mr, Klllra : "Almost everyim has lookH unon the lirlt a mot or lee of a, woman'a rar, illit f'rr fit y iim; a rar with liiiurliu Prnltilrrvnt suit very simple t nfe-rata, hut limited In mill n Co to an rimy ralni f a r harg.fig plant anil wPh a rt -1 limit. f twenty or twenty-'! ir.lle an hour " Mr. ril'll'a lOfiMnuH, "Win n I learned rif a tyf of rar w)illi transfer th le trln Into an ,utiivihll with unlimited nllrg nd 4 ail of thlrty-f v rolli an hour, or mora, ermhllrig th nr t'i (Jrjra Into th country a far tia llkf and aa faat an lie Would avrr snt to trsvel without thunsht of how, when or wher th power l t he replenished, U a aaay to ' toat aunh car, at aoon a pul'll'ily aiiioun-d, would M lha n aation f ttx aiiiwrioMla world. "Vor yinra iitomolflla anglnorri iavn 4H4 to ronililn filooirlna aod k rar to turh war aa ti Htmfnjil ftia dlxad varfaa of aiih ndlv(dil tna, but r falnlna thl rifhant' l iarfw-tlon of both, Tlila baa really tnn tha iroal of Ilia fora moat antW'm In th ennui ry, Womlrrfiii $ rar a tiava tin loada and woodrf ll rllrlo rara, tmt Id lory of roroiilolnii tlia f and l"-ifc fount ha award' 4 to th Wooda filnr, Vast Number of Cadillac "Eights" Are Now in Use Thi aliipnvnt of ven paanrrr, iahteyllndur Cadlllau !- tha lioaton (11 trttiulnr from tha iMtroll plant on Man h IS, iriarkcil thn dwllvirry of the tadllliw vht almn jwlurUwi ot thin lt' Wan, It t only a llttl trior than aRnfi'n tiionlha ago (hat tha f'adlilan eompany wi r4 otia of tha gnat at lavoiuil na yt lui.,ul In Oik ftijlonioMla Indnatry. Thi m In tha prodm-.tlon of rar qiiltiiHl with aJi la-lityllndor, V-typ anclna. Ifnw rt tha Influonra aiartwl hy tha radlllai waa avldont at tha nlo niohlla ahowa tha lat wltitar hy tha ti'im lar of rara hlWt4 with V-typ nirln yUurHl at retail tr1', tha vul'ia of tha ,W f'adlllaA Ma-Ma hunt thua far ri-h'a tha atupandoua total of mor" than r.fl.w. Gossip Along the Automobile Row Hmlth, th Iwo Kiilda man, don't think a hltry will frwua. Thla latrat dp"lrtlori waa tha dlrc't rult of n frluld aliry whl' h rrri dlrcrt from tha Arctln cirri". Tha Crotkar l-and prdl llon, which l"ft Now Vork for tha Am tin rrttlnna In I I'M, rawitly wrota to tha Klda hiittory pnopla laudltif tha dur atira nnallllra In irmat aiyla. Tha Ooodycar rornpany haa f'ntly pnrchaa'd a flint of ten foiltra and Job Iiw Jilmarlf will itra-a a flllfla tour Irif rar, Thia in w ra ara to h ud In tha anlra orKiirilr.ation and will h 'jMlpid throtiKliont with Uoonynnr Uitot rmime, Wahb Jny, lh Invuntor of th ftwart vacuum tank, waa tha gurat of i, ,uckr, manaaur of tha KH.wn.rt prodnrta arvlio million, bint w'k. Jay fnad a rhff atarlllnif atatimnnt n k rdlti tha rowlh of flewart Vs'H'iin (jink hiiilfiina, Thla hran'h of th work haa h(.rn In oiratlon fur only thrao i arid today thry turn out ovr .' tatikil pr day li. f,, Ki'firy. wratern rpri-a' nUtlva of tha Kfawart Warnr pdoinar oor poratlon, vlaltad ha Ofnahn l.ran'h lt wik and iriorta an f'll'fit, ahowln for Omaha "Our hunlnrnit xbow an Inrrraaa of M per rrnl ov-r 191,, and II look aa If thla .er'enliik would hold tliroOKhOiit tha ynir," r'liota M. P. (t'l'iiMmr ot I'owafl MnptHy dompany, "Thrra l A fnaral f'llti(t of oplltnlaffi throuvhmit thla rfw tlra cntial wat aT'i'tlon. Tha rmmlry l filling up wlih nt, IIimo la pmnfy of money and an apparent dlmcaltliii lo nan It. Another flura la that dealer now In th bualneaa uri, aa an averaxa, mueh better MDrrhiinta thivn In former aeaaoti, V'tia Incompetent huva bean weeded out," Allen Company' Increases Stock Tn meet t):a Inereaaed demand for Allen rara tha atoi kholdi ra of tha Allen Motor Koftipany have Irureiiacd their rap Ital atock from vrViO to ,m,m, Thla Pliicf tha llen rompnny In tha hat with tha lurgeat and atroncaat tnanufneturar of automolille today. Their lori and M.-nllnued niiirli ii'-a In huln fHflllik.a pla'-e them In poallh.n at tha preannt lima better to ba ahla to lak rara of tha demand upon them than a ireat many other miiniifin turer, MOTOR TRUCKS REPLACE HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES Tha Nebrank. Telephone company ba after careful ronelileratlon decided In fer vor of tho lliili k three quarter ton tnmk to take the plnie of the horae drawn equipment for their Una work throughout the atata, Tha purrbeiie lart week of alt thrae- quurt'r ton llulrk trui k by tha Nebraaka, Telephone lomimny, whoae aSurnn la aironomlcal cf flelency la auffhlent evi dent a that the motor truek la faat 'ip plantlnv tha hniae-drawn vehl'la. Six-Cylinder Cars Are Much Desired TypeSays Killy Kli ryllnder motor are a murh dalred type of tourlna; cur from tha puhlln viewpoint at the preaent tlrna, aiwrdlnf to W, U Kllly, jiiiianr of Noyea-KIIIy Motor nompnny, who hurdle Ui Knxori motor utri In Omaha, "The ri'niKina for l cylinder tKipularlly have been told ao often that they hardly need repenting," ld Mr. W, U Kllly. "Tha Inrrnaaa of power, tha abaenoa of the Jar, and the way In whlnh th ! cylinder I klvln a aatlafartlon to u tit le tnotorlala, all ,td to th fi't that thla type hi a hi followln. lint probably the rent, mnmn for II unlvemal pipularlty ta the fart that e oellent alx-cyllml'T motor rar ra.n flow ba obtained at low roet, Olvlnf th alx all the advanlaife that nlnerlna' clanr ahow for l, low prl4 W needed to make It popular. When It flint, came upon tha market In i.oelly car, It wa tr In the heaven to b reached otily y thoae with the dollar Un taleawipe. Todny It la an earthly thin and ronae ueit.y within the run h of all." Washington Affairs The annual flaht over river and harbor Improvement waa opened In the houae with fhalrman Mi.arkfnan urarlfiaT paaaece of the tViOH.Hlil (.III framed h the river and harbor lomiolltee, and Kepreeant tlve lreer and other fepuhltiao attark In H a an elrviiol "pork barrel" tneaaure, Hi'fiafor f'ulheraon. rhaltrnan of the ) ilhliiry lommltiee, Introdurad an amend ment to Ue ant) paea law U iierrnlt pub- "Olido" Now is On tho Omaha Market The Kehraakft (Hid Auto company, ivhl'li I t'ompnaed of men from th Avery company with O. W. Mltler prrildetit, ha recently bean formed to handle th (Hid automobile ante in thla territory. The Iiartholomaw company of 1'eorla, who miiMilV'tur the (Hide, are and hive been ('lonely allied with tha Avery com pany for yearn. The Bartholomew com pany bear the rilatliictlon of belli the auih ohlcat automnbll manufaiHtlrer In the rouiitrv. N. i. Ilaeaelbah li aa. "Tlia Nebtaaku filide Aulo loiiipany will anon have rvb attition for taking cat of Olld iiwncta, eerond to none, llaeaellmlrh hua Juet completed arrHnitemerila Willi the fai'lory to rarry a luriie atmk of pail t (mia)ia, and with th lme aopply now on hand, illido liKht alt irtirrhM ! ulll be aeeutred vt pruiulit altrntlun. Phillips k Son Enlarge Plant .lutiiea J'lillllie A Niii ruiiipafiv, formerly kiuieii aa I'lillilp IMU, have inoteil Intu latai'i' qukil-r and are ptvpaihi t" di i in if ahkre of the I I j autoiuuhlle bul lira Mhhh In a'.HM lit room Oitmhaa eay till . HI Tim lira niiiipaii htva lnvrlii a on .lrilil,. aMlotllit uf luoiiry In Mn. hln. iv 'i h aa latin, diliu, n. . no. I ul il.i ariirml iipalr otk In . llii. n I i MiaiHi i mt a l;i.o t.f l'ni, miiiu no-iil no hUli I in-1 hold aali n. patent i m ' ( kla fax-bea ttl mm In Tea, MAitr-A, Tet., April l-HI In he of enow fell here laat night anl It waa etlll nowlne" at II i,imk thla mornm-, ForJPiBes Pyramid Fll Treatment la Tted At Borne and Haa Bared a Vail K umber front tha Horror of Operation, Pon't permit a danitarou operation for pile until you have men what I'yramld I'lle Treatment can do for you In th privacy uf your own hoin. h th . 1 It - . 1 W m I0tm. IUaMiMkJlllM,m RtmamW Pyranid Far et Pike. No run ran be railed hnpeli'aa UO" ea 1'vmnil'l I'lle 1 realmeiii haa been trlfd t nit haa fulled l.etipra by the Bior fiom I'fdi'le whn believed their raeea hopeliea me In our Die. 1 hey f.ilrly lireallia tin, iov of the wrltere. Tret Pyramid Pile Treatment your aelf Kit her att boa price Mo from lour ilruaaliit nc mall the ruu i.nii brlow rlbt away for a iifitly ft t li 1. I MIL SAMPLE COUPON 'f ItAMIM Mtt'il foMPAN'T, D - i ntiil t lllil., Mnhll, Mlah, Km. 1 1 1- mud ma a Irm aample if Prwirf file I (ealnaat. In plain Wlai'pai , Khliie , , . , Ptrert ... niv , , . IIIIMIIIIIIIIOIIII ,. Htat Uahere. editor or proprietor of newspap ers or miiaiiitii t" turn? !,, a In payment for advert laiiiK fUm r. honator I'ulheraon I the author of the orlalnel antl-iie art and propoae to pn-na hla amendment, Willard Service "Hellor i "Yet." r "All right-coming now. Good-bye!" I r It ban. I), ih tlm i,ii li intti . ,inin,uult t . IA 'I ili tmhi a it iiiti i (Iiik the (i no ltt tho l'U' Man !!:! tif m ..l-. Ulii l'l el f tl h t t t th liHotitrnivni e an I th 1 1 ion eaati.l In i ,ii.ii.( Ui u( "Mli lm rf lll. tt'U-i I'uiin 1 1 . u!i b tU.iiy a tl ! ! 'to e ih phnnw Hney lot tiii(its i-f t.. tt h t , '. the !alt tun kill te(, vr I r 'i l"'io I IhMii t.i tail Jvnir lylliui, i m! lh .iiul, ijMiitei. It-it III .',(, Ik I ! i lit IhM llUil, II it i k ln,i, , In i.ilttt.i ft r l-"i . t'U ) vt ti'-ii'-l- l , ir l Uu.te , nt ft'i 4 Miitttl . i f no I f Ikla tkan ty , tl.MA-t- 'ltte t.-lei l,. or Writ fur full lite Infwr ittatioM, Duplex Phone Sales Co. Omlit NitaiV Operators Meet A meellnj of WIMard atoritii battery aervle atailon oiKtatora wn held at the llonahaw hotel lual Thuiaday by tho Willard Mloraae Ihiitery company, ril rt"d by J I, M. tiinlin-r, Chlm'), th company' dlatrPt manaaer. The rnt tug waa one of rl" whl' ll are beln cotiduttod by tha Willunl HloraKO Hat tery company In tho lork'-r rlilra of the fountry for the cduali benefit of thoae aelecfed by the cuinpeiiy to handle the aervlr and aale of Willard batterlea; nlao lo point out tha auperlorlty of that product a well aa the neoeanlty of rni derln real battery rvlc. There were i forty-two ttnilnnt, repreaenlln about thirty five aervpe atailon In vnrlou lo ralltla of Nwhraaku, low. nd Mouth ln kola. 'mi aha ha been aeleeted a headquar ter for the Willard factory repreaenta- tlve, whlrh etplaln the jratherlnit of ail airvp operator In thl city, i'hr than any other point. Th delelea vlalted the lonil aervlca atetPm, th Nebraak. Mtore flattery oompeny, wlib'h wa pointed out by Mr, fiardimr bln one of the heal battery ftatlon he had ver vhtlld anywhere In th United Wata. Meat Jot I olore. r.MOOW I, L. Ikfi... ,.ii,.m r. f married men who attel) for m rvlce i ttfiler trie nrriiy plena are in join ni color on Mov . The urouiia conenrned are immbera ,'(3 to 41, cooniailiiK of min from if! lo liv yeat of e, Would Force Pugs To Make the Weight MrN.VKAPOMH, Apr!! 3.-In an ef'ort to put a atop to I ho practirn of pnci flifhter entering Mlnneaotn rlnit over vtitf lit, M. I,. Melan, Sltnneaiiolla repre aoiitative on the .Mlnmeotw ntiite box In rnntmlawlon, will preaent to the commla lon at l( net meetlntr a propiaa,l to Incorporate a rule providing for the da rtui'tlon of 10 ,cr cent of w flahter- pure for fnllitre to make the re'pilrod welieht. "We have authority to make rule an I wo could do nothing that would help tho game more than a. rule of thla chnr a'li't'," aald Mr, Molnu. "Many fUhtera would fjellheralely forfeit email iiim potted on making weight In order ti enter the ring with an advantage In pound, which, of cour, I unfair to the oppoelng fighter, lint a rule de ducting Pi per cent of the pure would undoihtenly lolv the fjieatlon. Culls from the Wire Mia Mabel Kturtevant w found not guilty at Chicago of ualng tha malla with Intent to defraud by a Jury In the federal fouit. Ml Hturtevant, a former 1,'nl vemlty of Mlanourl tiid"nt, aa precedent of the Aeo, llon of f'olleite Vt .mien Workera, aoll'lte1 funda from Chicago ao. rlMty women for aiding girl working their way through college. Manufacturer rf automobile connected wllh the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce anoimced at New Vork their dei'lalon to tncorisorai company with ' an ultimate capital of from .',,id, fcrt to tfiW to produce gaaollne and oilier product of petroleum. wUh th purpo of "1"moniriitlng that gneollne can he produieit end aolti at a profit at n price aomewhat lower than that now prevailing and within the mean of ell titter of automobile aoo motor boat," Will mom. I MITin ard A Necessary Tonic Your atorige I t tery need mdi tln in the Sprmz juct much you do. Let u ditgnoa it ci. We'te egperte- Nebraska Storage Battery Co. aaoa remain itTaL Oottg. SI03. Free intptctlon of any battery at any time Turn Your Rough Roads Into Boulevards ATTACK A BtT OW EASY RIDER SHOCK ADSORBERS TO YOVB FOBS CAB. Tha vlng In your tire alou tiunn than pay for them, LITE AC-CUT WAJT0. Jamei Pbillipt & Son Co. 10-J J outb JMt H, Doug. 43t7. 17 Phone Tyler 1000 Aid yen will recelv tii am eof. teou aerrto a thongli yo war ItvetrtBg yon Waot-Ad t TVB BBM Office I pereoa. v"' "v ! The Supremacy of This Reo Six Was Achieved by Peaceful Conquest THE TREMENDOUS DEMAND the over THIS YEAR WE FIGURED that if we built AND SO WE SAY and we measure rrtry word demand the eaceea of orders over ponaible factory production that this Reo Six enjoys is proof that k now reigns supreme among six cylitader csara. about one Six to two Fours it should about because we Reo Folk stand back of what we meet the demand. But again we underesti say that no man, however rich, can want or mated. That was soon apparent. So we can buy a better automobile. ' planned some months aeo to add to the Six w schedule and make just as many of them as WHAT COULD HE ASK that fanot in this " we couia-tpnt we proauaion 30--u Dctween Re0 Six. Stze?-It is a bit liberal seven. the two models as nearly as possible. passenger car. Power? it has ample. Rid ing qualities? it is unequalled. Speed? all a sane, sober man will ever care to use. Beauty? it has beeo called the "Fashion Plate". Reputation? none stands higher than Reo. 4 NEVER DID ANY CAR ENJOY a greater vogue neer did any product achieve such an unqualified victory. Never did orders pour into the Reo factor as tbey have daring the BUT THAT WON'T BE ENOUGH to go part three mouths as they are pouring in round. That ia now a certainty. We haven't today. touched the peak of the demand yet but ee .mr . I, . , . . dai-y orders are already in excess of daily JUST THINK OF 1TI On March first we had output on hand at the Kro factory in Lataiing, iuarnediate shipment orders for more than AND WE'RE MIGHTILY PLEASED, we Reo YET ITS UPKEEP COST has proved to be lews 4200 cart about equally divided between the Folk. For, while it h aggravating to be than one-tenth get that, one -tenth! that of unable to supply all who want Reo Siies, it is ome five-passenger cars. And skimpy Fives, gratifying to know that our policy is approved at that! by such a tremendous percentage of buyers and they the best clans of buyers because the IF YOUR PAST EXPERIENCE has bem only two great Reo wodek. THAT'S MORE ORDERS than we ever had on hand at any previous time. That was March first, mind you not May first and despite the fact that during the past three months, January to March inclusive, we had BEST OF ALL, that demand is the result, not shipped more Reos than during axiy previous of artificial stimulation, but of steady growth. most discriminating and cautious. three months in Reo history. ISN'T THAT A WONDERFUL RECORD doesn't H prove that altar all scood engineer ing practice atd sound business principle win in tltc long nia? with other makes of cars, you would not believe could not credit the facts we mitrht tell you about the low operation and upkeep cost of this Reo Six. in a car. YOU WILL RECALL DOUBTLESS that we Reo Folk took no part hi the recent noisy THIS REO SIX APPEALS to a class of buyers controversy. We dt4 not vie with others in who formerly paid several times as much for claiming supernatural quaftie ft this their motor rars. Men able to pay anything Reo Six. LfW yourself, we were amused Jajt too sound in the head to pay for fn article onlooker. more than it is worth. r HEO'S POSITION WAS SECURE. W think MEN VVHO LOOK TO QUALITY of materials it is permanent. Knowing as we da that Reo prestige is tht result of long years of conservative designing and of energetic Im proving; of estabhatung an ideal, and wot k ing ctirwirtniily toward it, we were only latUlry interested in 0 Wordy lueWe. WE HAVE NEVER FEATURED excessive , mf peed or radical features of construction. A REO SIX OWNER will endorws We speak only of Reo quality Reo uniformity them any Reo dealer will show you the proofs, of quality and of economy of upkeep. Just those things the more sensible buyers demand SO ANYONE WHOSE FAMILY DEMANDS a seven-passenger car can afford to own this Reo Six while the wealthiest will find in it all the luxury that can be had (it any price. IS IT ANY WONDER the demand for such a car is so greatly in excess of our ability to build them even in the big forty-acre Reo plants? Is it any wonder? NOW IN YOUR CASE, if yon happen to he one of those who ore still delaying the placing of your order. Satisfy yourself as to tha superior value of this Six. Then don't dftay another moment. We've told yoj the cm. ditions. You mut realire thut thouaaiuU must te disappointed this spring sj every previous spring. and workmanship not merely the price tag. THINGS HAVE MOVED SO RAPIDLY in this industry such tremendous advuncr have lieen made in the improvements of metals and thrir ttrstnirnt and in manufiirtuiing methods it is impossible fur most buyers to trslue Vkhat wondeiful quality is available today for $1250. M) WE TOOK NC PART. W were rtgitent t let others ttatm anything they thought heil "-content in Its knuwlrdk-e thtt w Km Folk could, when put to tts teat, prove as much and j hqj too MUCH TO SAY and you OR NEVER SINCE the first Reo was made Biuie, OUR ONE CONCERN WAS TO DU1LD enough lUs ta supply that ever itreuug itieutfte wImi feel ssn-r v. brn they have tied to Reo-that tvrr tn-irtMg tlas of dtt nunkMUog burtit wlm are hkutg, ih for the tttttrst, Uu U t ties Uil, in ais. C.wlder WK AHK ANXIOUS TO IMrRESA that great know we Reo Folk are not given to extravagant ue of words -that it was intp-naihle, titree yrais ago, to buy, at any price-- at any price mind you rar vt stuh ficellent ruling tpirttitirs, of such rtoisiiient itfotrngnir, lng hie atvd Uw mauitenaiu. cost, as you t'huitt in this K'ra Su. AND IT WA3 A KKAL PKOIILKM. fvr yvu-wlf, l vesr the Hro fits etyovrd a gtfat tWsnaiul. Thot wm tts ftt yrttr, W bad go atniit it ill our utntsl rtiieivtiv way and aa uwd hi umtcituiutd the lieauAiU this Ut, I t utHn you, We h.ive n mental resrrva timi in fpfaktt.g of this Kro tits, We know what giwi into it -and we know that tl there li of Kro eipenrtue and Kro integt tty rnt illtO Ul vlraiU Mai nuking, and sold hws iteen jmssihle to nutke eiiouiLh cms to supply all who wanted Reos. Never a time, THOSE WHOSE ORDERS are In our hands well in advance, tan count on grtluig Reo Sises for spring delivery. W have our allotment by dsvs. Can tell you just when vou my fieit yoUiiKeu tit. lkt e-Miy day's delay is dangerous-there wVt m riuHigh tvi gii ivHiud. Fust orders will be drlivticd hut. JONES-OPPER CO. tHiinhutMs lUlem m! Nltein N'etrsA ml WeiUrn ! TODAY WAgil I tnumt to aairv, A. H. JONES IlAitingi, Nebrntkn tHattihuIpe Southern sn4 Halia NltsV nJ Nrlh-t Kmui J UIO HQIOIV CAU COMPANY tsiituf; HUU. H J