THE I5KH: OMAHA, KATIIKDAY. APRIL I. 1!1fi. DEADLIEST OF YANK NOTIONS tnv ef the military devices In use In the Ki .win nr ats nt Amertan or.fln T'if ailomnrillr, tlie telegraph, the Icl rh". rertaln tres f ernia anil am m jnlM'-n. tho seroplsne, 1tn euhmarlne - II thec received their flrt development In tM country. That mnet terrlhle of mulrrn weapons, th torpedo. Id a "Ten see notion " David llushnell, an Ameri can Inventive senilis, made torpedo In 17TT. but Ma attempt to destroy the Prl tlsh ship Cerberus ss failure. Ilnhert Fulton mad a successful torpedo In 1 !'., hut could not lnteret nrty government In Mi Idea. In the American civil war torpedo sheila trnlted by electricity ware S'icceesfully need, and frotn that time forth the torpedo ha ben employed ojr nearly all nstltis The present rt"V torpedi la a vary dif ferent eort of weapon fer.m that used half a century ao. It Is siaped om- thins Uka a clsar and Is about Iwenty three feet Ion am twenty-orte ir,-he in diameter. It welprha conalderrIy more than a ton, and Its construction cet from to double that awn. I'. is mado to travel In a certain dtre, Iiw n a fined time and to explode mSrn ) strikes some solid object, aw-h ss a tr.'.j'a bottom. A rpedo or me largest and most modern tvpe will tear a saplng hole In the tin',ht ship t ver built. The nose or "eiplosne htad" of a toipedo contain the dnd!7 chsrao o( hiKli explosives, ntroa'jcrln and suneotton bring; oftan et u .d Wr,n 'orpedo strikes ta'p-et a tremrndoua detonation follows Instantly, driving In both the outer and inner "sktns" of a vessel. -The hole f make In a shir's bottom varies in fit: hut 'a seldom less than ten by thirty fee!. Tht torjcdo travels toward Its vlitun nt til tate, rnushly, of about l.0 yards a min ute. Tho dijitan' e and rate of spec I have to be calculated to a nlrety before the fnrnedo Is discharged. It la kept to Its destined course by perpendicular riid fiots In Us tail. The modern "ili'lclble" torpedo wss first usrd In naal wa' d ir ing the Chilean fevoluilm of r o 'arte of a century aeo Philadelphia I e ler. APPRECIATION THE I MM EN 8 K CROWDS that as sctnnled before our windows Inst niplit to view The PASSING SHOW was the highest roinpllmpnt wei could receive'. have rforlvrd aoores of requeni for a reputation of of tho fhow. but beg to announce that thin cannot be accom rllehed at this time. We hall, however, display the very lat est styles for 1316. for aevertl daya. R ose B ushes'l We have received five thonsand fine, healthy Rose' Bunlies AMERICAN HEAIITIEK which are no far advanced that they will bloom a few weeks after you have planted them. This iRour nnnunl rose bush sale, and wn have made our best efforts and secured ,r,000 hushes of the same first quality that have always b.en sold here in pre vious years. This is the opportunity to secure some excellent specimens for your parden and Bt the same time pay a very little price. American Beauty Rose Bushes, all in foliape and some with buds already formed. Sold Saturday in Our "Urcatly Enlarged Basement at mm M 1 OC Each Ribbons for Millinery Uses 7-fnch Moire Antique, plain and Batin edge; in old rose, Alice blue and all the popular millinery Q(J shades. Special, yard OuC 5-Inch Taffeta Ribbon, in Alice blue, old rose, 1 A black and other popular shades. Yard X J C Gloves at 55c a Pair Extra Special for Saturday Unmatched UNTRIMMED HAT Values The Best Styles for Spring 1916 The Second Floor Millinery Store offers an "asxortment of Untrimmed Hats for Saturday's selling that is unequalled anywhere. This is a splendid opportunity to purchase your Spring Hat Shape and save money. Milan, Hemp and China Split Untrimmed Sailors All the very new extremely large sailor shapes in Milan Ilrmp in Black, Gray and Serin or Char treuse; brims measure 4'2 to 5 inches in some instances and are copies of the latest hand blocked sailors now shown on Fifth Avenue New York. $2.50 and $2.98 v . Hat Trimmings At Tiny Prices Th lataat novelties In Flowers. Domeetla flour a and Paradise afTerta. Quills with curled ends, New Wings In white or black. Ribbon Hows, specially wired and made by eiparta In our own workrooms. 49c, 98c, $1.98 Popular Priced Sport Hats Our Initial Showing For Young Girls from 10 to 16 years. In all the latest sweater colors woven materials, colors and stripes $2.50 to $5.00 About 150 Dozen Women's Silk and Fabric Qloves, com prising : Women's Double Tipped Short Silk Gloves, with Paris point and embroidered backs. Women's Double Tipped Short Silk Gloves, with fancy embroidered backs. Women's Double Tipped Two-Clasp Chamoisette Gloves, plain or contrast backs. Women's Double Tipped Long Silk Gloves (22-in.). 55. a Pair ; Women's Washable Kid Gloves In a special sale for Saturday. Every pair guaranteed washable. Standard makes, In pearl. Ivory, tan and gray. One-claap and strapped wrist styles; self colored backs or embroidered Pair $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65. aVl 4 BW w 35 lvwr . nr ? to. i Women's i aiiorea ouics$ Splendid Spring Styles ) WITH THOUGHTS of Easter beginning to form in every woman's mind, we announce a Suit at $35.00 that cannot be equalled for style and excellence of make and finish. Smart Tailor-mades that embody every good feature of the prevailing styles. Copies of Foreign models, duplicated for selling at a moderate price. Gabardines, Poplins, Serges, Silk Poplins, Faille and Taffetas. Colors are new Hague Blue, Copenhagen, Belgium, Grays, Tans, Nary, Ve lour Checks, Mixtures, etc. Girls' Coats for School or Dress The nobby swagger, boxy coats, the smart' sport coats with their wide belts and big pockets; the dressy long nary serge and gabardine coats. Pretty collars and cuffs and the effective checks and plaids are to be found. $2.98, $3.98 and $5.00 Drugs and Toilet Necessities 29c Mind's Monty Almond Cream, lc alia J.r(.n M.nsoln Almond -o- tlon. pint Madam Ise'ReU'e Ktila rood. iUC SIM Pond'a Vanishing Crsam. lie ris. Madam Ise'hell'a dsr. tav als. I.U'll. Fat-. Powder. sis. . , lJer-Kleo Kara I'owd.r, slss , Msloras. rs odr an. bos MarciMtit. Byla houai sit Malorose H.auty frssm. -c so bos , .V Iivrln'a Hou(. ai i.l " ryj I'It Kui t'ertume, th. eunra fur Love-if. t'erfum.. the ouuca tor Hlu. Flos. Perfum.. Saturday. til. Ufl . . . Jar.lln l. I.llsr IVrfura. the oim. 47 II Willi. Km .l rerlu. tiiiap. cake ra- Pow. fl ,"is' ...19c ...29c ...29c ...29c ...59c ...79c ...29c ...29c ...29c 25c B9c 89c $1.00 $1.25 ...12c Tar Soap, apaolal. Soap, th. Talcum, special, Parkers' rak. Woodbury 'a facial raka Jap Hoe. ran Lustrlt. Nail Polish, 15o also for t Inch Manicure Fllas, regu lar prlr. ilr Ppwd.r Puffs, regular tic alia. prlr. Hroma S.lii.r, l(c sis. botll. for, ll.Ot alsa bottle for Sloaa'a Klntkn.nt, 10c els. bot- tl. M.ntholatum, tan also bottl. for Iand.rln., lo als. bottl. for Plnk-A-Ion., for faded walata, bottl. Pure Castll. Soap, 1-lb. bar for Peraald. Soap, lr sis. rak. for Vtol.t Rues Glyreiine Soap, I rak. , la-Mule Team Boras Hoap Chip., laig. sis. Johnson's r'loor Was. 1-lb. ran for He 14c 11c ,.Uc ..14c 14c 29c ..59c 29c 29c 29c ,.25c 12c .. 5c .. 5c 18c .29c Victor Victrola No. X And Five Fine Records $79.75 An initial payment of $10.00 and $8.00 a month. The Records in the offering are: No. 35528 Very Good Eddie Medley Oue Step (Jerome Kern) Victor Military Hand. If I Kind the Girl" "Isn't It Great to Be 'Married?" "I'd Like to Have a Million In the Bank?" "On the Shore at Le Gel Wl." Around th Map Medley Fox Trot (Her man Flnck) Victor Military Band. Introduc ing "Here Comes Tool si" "When the Right Girl Comes Along." 12-Inch S1.2J5- No. 35534 The Princess Pat WslUaa (Victor Herbert I Victor Dance Orchestra. Ixjve la Best of All" "Allies" "Two Laughing Irish Kyon" MKlirting"r-,,Nea-politan Uve Song" "All for You." Somewhere a Voice Is Calling Medley Walls, Victor Dance Orchestra. Introduc ing -Sunshine of Your Smile" "Simple Con- fesnlon." 12 Inch $1.25 o. i.v Here Comes Tootsl From Iround the Map." (McLHlan Flnck) Alice t 4 I ui Mi 60 Long. Letty From the Musiral "80 I xing. Leity." (Karl Carroll! Alice Green Raymond Dixon. 10-Inch 75c- No. 17928 Columbia Walti 1 Mariano Valverde) Blue and White Marimba Band. Marimba Mxrch Blue and White Marimba Band 10-Inch 75c No. 179S6 I'm NautraU-(l.eon de Costa) Olive North. I'm a Loncsoma Melody (Young-Meyer) Olive North. 10-Inch 7"ip The Victor Victrola No. X is the 875.00 model. flip ;;3i, H ;. ..IW.NUM-', ; 1 A I . V Si Saturday Candy Sale and Delicious Cream Fruit Nut Roll, rolled in pecan nuts. Pound. Cream Dipped Cocoanut Balls, va nilla, chocolate and strawberry. Pound Crisp Yankee Peanut Brittle, pound Old Fashioned Black Walnut Taffy, pound., Fresh Maple Confections Every Saturday, lb. Our Luscious, Creamy Pompeian Chocolate Bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Choco- OQ lates, pound MtC 25c tails, va- 15c 15c 25c 20c . . Books at 50c ' formerly $1.25 to $1.50 l.lfht f lha Westsrn Stars Or.y Ileturn of Tarsan Burroualis I.O Insueani's Hlagers Klva Tlioueaml an Hour t'lirater I'reeroif of Hskotrhan Ulndloas Story of Man-o Porter Makers of .(Opportunities Olbbs (IN ft-om No. II Patterson ehps of the Irish HrlfsUe Parrtsh Hoiks of Valpre Dell Hlark ts Wniis MoCutohoon L. of lread Kraktns lscue of the Leopard Blndloaa IV lipid's Msn Oppenhelm Island ef the Stairs Hredy Tsrisn of Apes Hurrouahs Kilts .........I 'urwood ld Terhunt Hat Wins Howler (.'ootids What Villi People Bar Hushes Jlnao Cheater Conquest Iy It Tsys to Advertlee Hacked httc Per Volume. Kodak Albums For Snap Shots 58ct0$1.75 A Kodak Album for snaps Is something that anyone who owns a Kodak will appreciate. We have the loose leaf albums in the linen finish, at And choice of six different styles in leather OC'CQ OC finish .. 01ea0 sPOea&O AM Kodak Albums have 60 leaves and have the tubs extensions for interchangeable leaves. Stationery Department. Rosaries for 50c Special Lenten Sale Five Year Guarantee Beautiful large site Imitation cut stone beads, mounted on heavy gold plated scapular medal center and large fancy cross. Decade beads, capped with gold choice of amethyst, garnet, topas, sapphire, crystal, emerald. Jet. opal, rose, Jasper or moonstone beads. In neat green box. POV77 -To ea-h ruslomer pur r IxCiC rhaalng ens of thes rnearles a copy of "Via t'ruolo." or "Tli Way of ths l 'rose," by Ht. Alphonsus I.laourl, published with th approval of His Qrv. Archbishop Pendersast. It con tains 4 pages, with 14 beauilful Illus trations of th Stations of the Cross. Just th book for those attending- public celebrations ef tha Stations of ths Cross 4urtag lnt. Knit 4 Underwear We are headquarters for the Celebrated Kayser Italian Silk and Lisle Knit Under wear. Kayser Bilk Vests and Bloomers. The vests are plain or daintily embroidered, each $1.50 and $1.98 Bloomers In pink nd fjO PA white, pair P-&eOU Women's Union Suits, silk tops and lisle bodies; reinforced. White and pink; regular and ex- Sr $i.oo Women's Union Suits, fine lisle. Ksyser, "Cumfy-Cut" and many well known branrss. fA Worth to 69c, special OUC Kayser Knit 'Vests, llsles and cot tons, plain and dainty lace yokes. White and pink, regular and ex tra slxea. S for 1.0o, OC esch 30C Munslng Suits for Boys snd Girls, fine cottons, spring and summer weights and styles. Slightly im perfect snd sample gar- HQ ments. Worth to 69c .. 3avC Infants' Vests, part wool; button less and wrapper styles. OC All sices, each a3C Let Us Examine Your Eyes Free of Charge AN K XPERT Optometrist si ways In attendance to examine your eyes cud auggfat the Glasses that you should wear. Iton't wait until your sifbt Is Impaired, com and get ths Jieoefit of the advice right now. Special for Saturday Spectacles, f Cold Filled guaranteed Mmim tie, CUT FLOWERS lesh Cut. ' Ilonie-Growo Roses, long stfru. Q each OC 3c 14c Carnations, fresh cut, all colors. Each Large Hunches of California Violets. Best Styles in Boys' Suits With Two-Pair rvmcker rants Just arrived. We will place them on sale Saturday, at two prices $5.00 and $6.50 Special tailoring in every suit, and just the suit for Sundsy best or hard, rough wesr. Hundreds of beautiful new spring patterns in extra durable fabiira A better selection of models than ever; many of those new pinch back Norfolk, with three-piece belts, others In patch pocket models and fancy pleated Nor folk. All have two pair of knickers. Boys Spring Top Coats Galore $1.75 to $6.60 The biggest showing ever offered in Shepherd Checks of vsrlous shades and patterns; Club Checks and Plaids, Blue Serges. Fancy Tweeds, in vsrlous mix tures. All the newest of styles. Ages 1 to S years. Blazer Stripe Wash Suits are New A splendid ahowlng In all the oolors, in belted styles or f Cf t0 CO Cfl middies. Hats to match maay. Prtoes vatOU p.Ol A Raincoat and Hat Special Splendid water-proof coats, with rain hats to match. Other Splendid Raincoat Seta Choice of either tan or gray shades. Ljo OC o t? J tt? it Ages 4 to II years Oa&.e&O O.OU and $5.UU Ladies' Spring Neckwear In (iorirftctto cropo nnd fine Stv;ss em broidered -Collars. Ventres and Collar ntnl Cuff Sets. Fichus ore very new uinl effect ive. Collar and Cuff Sets, unusual vnlues, 29s, 60c and 03c Roll Coat Collars. Swiss embroidered and hand embroid Cf errd. also large flat collors OVC A besutiful line of Pretty Collsrs, Swiss embroldprpfl. O r Each it7Ve Garden Tools and Implements At Very Low Prices In the Huseincnt llousefurnishing Store. 12 Tooth Garden Rakes 15c 14-Tooth Garden Rakes 1QC 12-Tooth Extra Heavy Quality Garden Rakes 39c 14-Tooth Extra Heavy Quality Garden Rakps 49c 18-Tooth Fxtra Heavy Quality Garden Rakes 59c 12-Tooth Extra Quality Bow Rakes, for garden or lawn. 49c 14-Tooth Extra Quality Bow Rakes, for garden or lawn. 69c 16-Tooth Extra Quality Bow Rakes, for garden or lawn. 79c Good Quality Garden Hoes, full 19c Best Quality Garden Hoes, full ize 49c 4-Tlne Strap Ferrule Spading Forks 49c First Quality Square Point Shov els, plain back 59c First Quality Round Point Shov els, plain back 59c First Quality Spade, plain back for 590 First Quality Full Polished, hol low back shovels 39c 4 Tine Manure Forks 49c Stsve Tray Wheelbsrrows 'of $1.59 Steel Tray Wheelbarrows '"" $2.69 Extra Quality Garden Barrows, removable sides $3.09 Poultry Netting, the double galvanized kind that lasts twice as long; 2-lnch mesh. Per 100 square feet, 80c m full rolls, per 100 square feet Poultry Netting, double galvanized, per 100 square feet, f C $1.75: 100 square feet in full rolls J 1 .OU Screen Wire, biack, all ar 11 Screen Wire, galvanized, widths. Square foot C II all widths. Square foot.. Screen Wire, extra heavy galvanized. All widths, per square ft., 5c Three full lines of Refrigerators Ths "Glscier," a good one, white enamel lined; "Sanltor," a better porcelain lined one, and the Bohn Syphon," the best made. Now ready for your Inspection. 75c 3c Beautiful Spring Blouses More of Those Crepe de Chine Blouses Pongee Silk Blouses. Tub Silk Blouses About 200 $3.98 ?epe de ?ioc a"d t Georgette Crepe Blouses. $1.95 $6.50 Dressy Models in Georgette Crepe Blouses Crepe de Chine Blouses Silk Shadow Lace Blouses All the new frills and fichus. All the smart colors. ; 8eoond Floor. Stylish Spring Footwear Women's High Grade Fancy Shoes, in all colors. .Hand turned soles and covered heels, lace styles. Splendid assortment of these shoes in all sizes and widths. On sale here Satur- d T Ci D .9U day, pair Wright ft Peters' Samples, in Pumps and High Shoes; four lots of these splendid shoes. In sample sixes. fQ QCnd CQ QC Worth to $7.00 a pair, at 4G.OiJ PJe7J Misses' and Children's New Spring Shoes, patent leather vamps, gray fawn, champagne and white kids kin tops. Broad toe lasts, heart shaped vamps, light extension edge, hand turned soles. Beautiful fjO OC shoes, in sizes B to 8, pair J)a.si0 Sizes ihi to 11 $2.65 Sices for Growing Girls, 1 and Sixes 11 to 2 $2.08 P m $3.48 Women9 s Silk Hosiery, 79c Women's Pure Thread Fancy Silk Hosiery, the latest fads in Richelieu ribbed, Roman stripes and many new designs. All silk to the top, with a double garter hem. Full fashioned, high spliced soles, heels and toes. Worth $1.25 and 7Q J $1.50, pair Women's Thread Silk and Fiber Boot Hose, In all the shoe and evening shades, such as Ivory, bronze, silver and all the shades of gray. These are full-fashioned with a lisle garter top; reinforced heels and toes and double soles Women's Fiber Silk Hose, in black, white and colors. Seamless. double tops, spliced heels and toes. Saturday, pair. . . , Misses' Silk Lisle Hose, in colors and black and white. Fine ribbed with mercerized finish. Double toes and heels. Pair Men's Fiber Silk Hose, seamless. All colors. Spliced soles, heels and toes, some with fancy clocks. Saturday 50c 35c 25c 25c ul W Nemo Corsets for Spring & Summer Give Greatest Style and Comfort The best Gown your money can buy will not show to any advantage unless you have the proper Corset and every woman should, if she desires to have her Easter costume fit absolutely correct, buy her Corset now. Comfort and Fashion combine In these Nemo models and when you have been properly fitted In this Corset Store you can with the greatest assurance buy your Easter Clothes. Nemo Corsets have been favorites with stout women for years they mould the form to a graceful contour and give ease at the same time. Graduates of the Nemo Hygienic Institute are here to advise the proper model and see that you get a perfect fitting. Nemo Wonderlift Corsets for stout figures. Has a special abdominal band that can be adjusted to fit, giving support snd comfort. Model 555 for tall figures and 554 for short figures, 23 to 38 at $6.00. Nemo Self Reducing Corsets for tall figures, medium high bust, long hip with new self-reducing strap, 6 hose supporters, 23 to 36, 93.00. Model for slight figures, in pink or white fancy material; lightly boned, low bust, 13.00, Wall Papers Reduced A Large Selection of Wall Papers, with borders and ceilings to match. All colors, suitable for bedrooms, spare rooms Q and kitchens. New spring goods worth to 6c, roll OC An almost endless variety of dark colors In designs for dining rooms, par lors and halls, with wide snd narrow borders to match. Values CI to 10c. Saturday, roll Qy2C Our Plain Oatmeal Paper need no Introduction. All the newest shades with a large selection of cut-out borders to match; suitsble for Q downtalrs rooms. Values to 16c; special, roll iC 8pial A New Shipment of Abaorene Wall Paper Cleaner Just "J f arrived. Regular price 15c; Saturday, 3 cans for 26c, each XUC vortXftjrl iSEE OUR IMPORTANT DRESSMAKING CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER i