Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1916, Page 5, Image 5
5 v y s. .9 5 ADMIT STEALING SEVEN AUTOS HERE Two Men Arrested in Lincoln Tell of Selling at Columbus Ma chines Stolen in Omaha. RAISED $1,000 BY THE THEFTS rieadlnt; guilty In the justice court of Justice Stevens in Lincoln, to the charge of stealing an automo bile late Thursday afternoon, llay D. Perry, alias .1. B. .lackson, and Michael McNamara were given the third degree by officers of that place and finally confessed the theft of seven automobiles, jurist of which they state they took In Omaha, ac cording to reports received at the local station yesterday morning. Ths last of the orp of ears taken by the men from this rlty. nnd the one In which they were riding at the time of their arrest, was that of Charles Gam mon. 1409 North Forty-rirot street, the car having disappeared from In front of the Empress theater last Saturday even In . The men say that tTiey have raised JiOi en stolen cars, thouph at the time of their arrest they had no money on them. On being asked as to what they did with the money they merely stated that they had spent It in rlotlou living. One of the ears which they took from this city they sold to a banker In Colum bus, another to a farmer near that place. Columbus being the trading center from which they direded their efforts. Passengers Upon the Wrecked China Liner Taken to Hong Kong HONGKONG, March 31. Passengers on the Chlyo Mam were brought to Hong kong today by a British destroyer. Charles Rush, an American who was a. passenger, said all the passengers were asleep when the steamer struck, but life boats containing all the passengers were launched successfully before the arrival of a British destroyer. "When the steamer struck." Mr. Rush said, "the engines were reversed Imme diately. Two other shocks followed, the ship rising higher on the shore each time. , I rushed uc to the deck of the vessel, which was listing. A wireless call for assistance was sent out a"nd a British destroyer which was In the vicinity came toward ua at full, speed. There was a heavy swell and oil waa poured on the water. "There were 185 first-class passengers. 31 second-class and 83 Asiatics. All be haved admirably, proceeding In the most quiet . and orderly manner to their sta tions at the lifeboats. The launching of the lifeboats, provisioned with water and biscuits and .containing all the pas sengers, was accomplished successfully before the arrival 'of the destroyer, which picked us up and brought us to Hongkong." The scene of the accident is twenty- nine miles from Hongkong. Daniels Urges Need of Adequate Oil Supply WASHINGTON. March Sl.-Secrctary Daniels today told the house naval com mlttee that if congress passed pending bills, a large part of the navy's oil reserve lands In California would be taken away. Unless an adequate oil supply at reason able prices could be assured, he said. It was questionable whether thu construc tion of oil burning warships could be continued. Secretary Daniels ursed that the bill include the purchase of 2:12 acres of land from the city San Diego, Cal., as a site for a marine submarine bHse. Taking up the building program Mr. Daniels made public for the first time the report of the navy general board of IWS, which was designed to keep the United States navy In second place. "If It had been carried out," he said "we would have had twenty dreadnoughts and ten battle cruisers by 1919. It would have placed us superior to Germany at the beginning of the present war. Wo kept in second place to Knsland up to 1909, when we dropped back and Germany took second place. Mr. Daniels took up in detail his recom Herniations for a five-year building pro gram, saying the value of battle cruisers was still disputed among navy officers, The general opinion in the navy, however he added, seemed to be In thole favor, but not to the exclusion of drcadnaiiKhU Therefore the secretary said he had in cluded six battle cruisers In his pro gram. Gets $25,000 for Faithfulness to Boss SIOl'X CITY, la.. March Sl.-FHlthful nesa of A. J. Kellogg to his employer, John Amsler. veteran rigar mitnufar- turer, will result In Mr. Kelliig'-f sharin the JfiO.O'O estate of his employer, wlui died at Hot Springs, Aik.. March 21. Tin estate will be equally divided between Mr. Kellogg and Mrs. J. J. i d of Klor ence, Ala., Mr. Aintdor s Nter. Mr. Kellogg entered tin" emply of Mr Amsler when a boy, lirin employed as stripper In his clyar shop. Xfs flunk at t nri. WACO. Neb., March ol. (Special.) Th Waco State bank will ho the name ot a new bank which will be oiH-ned heie in soon as a. suitable building can he se cured. Harris M. Childs, (resident f t!i Oty National bank of York, bus bon elected president and J. It. Iiwinn i,t t hi village vice president; J. M. ;.! of Yolk, secretary, board of directors, Frank Steffen, Iewis S hlechte, F. M. Cox, J H. Trollope William Stewart and Je.or.fe Westwood. Hut tpiiotslrd Ieioljr " udltor. OUINNKI.I.. M-.rch 3l.-tSp.-.ul.- Hunt of this city ha teen appolnte I ssistant chief clcik In the state audi tor's office and will iiwn move his fain II y to iH'a Molne. lie has been In puti 1c life In tl.ia county for nearlv Iwent years, hating loin deputy treasurer to veral term, tro-smirer for three terms. nd state examiner of county officers for the last two years or more. He 1 t prominent Maaonu- Instructor. Treat Coiihi and old at Once Dangerous bronchial and lung ailments follow neglected olds take Dr. Kin; Kew Discovery It will keep you well All druiiglfts. Advertisement. Whatever may te your need, a H Yatit Ad will get It for )ou. Of Primary (omfimi DAYS TO . '- I J From Our Near Neighbors Weeping Mater. (Jround was broken Monday for the new high school building. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward. on March 27. a boy. Miss Mamie Hillman has returned from a two years' stay In the state of Wash ington. The question of a small lihrarv lew will be voted on at the city election next Tuesday. Mrs. K V. Sloan of Lincoln Is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jame wc.Namee. Mr. and Mrs.. Homer Jameson visited over Sunday at the J. U. Faster homo near I'nion. John Gllmoro of Callawav Is here for a visit with his brother, Wilson Ullmore. and other relatives. Mrs. Nels Sogard and Mrs. R. Iaurltzen visited this week at the Chris Rasmussen nome south of Avoca. Carl Jewell has cone to Anslev. Neh.. to work during the summer for his brother, Troy, on a farm. Rev. N. W. Rich returned WpdoesHsv froin a twelve weeks' trln thrnueh In diana and Michigan holding evangelistic meetings. Henry and August Mever shinned five carloads of fat cattle to the South Omaha martlet Monday that brought a total of oter $11,000. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn MoNurlln of Cen. tral City visited the first of the week at WE'RE HERE I BEATON M lis 415-17 So. 16'IStXi 1 ??tils 'if SI ijj n I jj i Mich Nw Etetiric LamB i!ii .s'.;-fy.('"i--..-i; b i i -1 '- jfj- rTrl OPEN A Importance REGISTER (Hi PRIMARIES s the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McNurlin. IXprlnaf teld. Mrs. H. C. Tenant of Arnold Park. la., is visiting U C. Allen. , Mrs. Gorder of Weeping Water visited the High school last Friday. Miss Ksther Wallace of Crawford is spending her vacation here. Roger tielb of the Nebraska City schools is visiting his patents. IrfsJ than an Inch of moisture Is the retrord for March at this place. XV. J. Morrison took part in the annual fiddlers' contest in Omaha last Tuesday. Mrs. C. A. Kessck visited In Murdoek and Lincoln the fore rail of the week. Mrs. M. K. Stearns of Omaha visited her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Heed, over Sun day. Ora Armstrong drove down from Wes. Tolnt Thursday and Is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Helen Chrlstianson, who is one of the Hastings teachers, Is home for her vacation. Rert Saliu.g and wife of California are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sallng. i Professor Jacob!, who has been a sup ply teacher In the absence of Profesior Simmons, will return to his home li Nor folk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Robertson, who are missionaries In China, are tisitlna their "TO GROW WITH GR0WHNG OMAHA." Laier CP f v S Phone D-335.M lJ L "Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters." The FamMS Refriiratrs 3ToZnlE Built liy u man wlio lias tlont' nothing but study re frigeration for ovor forty years and tried out every re frigerator made in that time. All the good points of tlie let known lines are covered in the Cold Storage and their weak points are eliminated. It 1 1 1 v ouie in aim ici us prin t? u our entire satisfaction that when you buy a Cold Storage you get the best refrigerator on the market today. nu th Easiest Paynrcnt Teirmms. V COMPLETE WITH SHADES. DESK LAMPS, all mahogany, wilii hiinty gold trimiii(i ilk suades, eoiu lete with silk cord attachments, ai. ach $1.75 TABLE LAMPS, all mahogany or gol.i finished, with 10-incli gold trimmed sill shades; in )ld rose, blue and old gold; wired and lilted complete with silk cord and attachment plug, ready for use, at, each $-4.75 TABLE LAMPS, in larger sizes excep tionally 1 1 autiful, gold and mahogany bases, complete with exquisite shades, at $12.75 lr,,,V',?.'f 'Mm CHARGE ACCOUNT AND home folks. Mr and Mrs. N .1. t'hri llsnson John Miller, formerly from tMs place. Is makliu the r4ce for clerk of the din trlct court In Cherry count . t.lkfcorn. Chsrlet Deerson his had his home shinsled. Mrs 1. nitrons rntertalned the card club W ed nesdsy. Mrs Aim Calvert was an Omaha visi tor Thursday. Mrs. C I'. Metis was an Omaha pas senger ThuisdsN . .V .1. Deemon and son. tllen, were call "ii here Thurlax . Mrs llni Hn entertained the T. N. uh Wriliicsdav afternoon. nnd Mrs F. A. Svhuunan islted t Ficmonl oter Wednesday night. Mrs. .1. (J. See'us Is entertaining her nother. Mrs. Zwrhel, of l'apllllon. Xlls l'Hr ( lausen hns been quite III villi appendicitis. She Is much Im- iot 1 1. Mr and Mrs J lr vhittltiL' at the Kste of Lincoln A. Uihbons home srd otbei' friends. Arthur I'rrlson und II Thessen loaded the'l :hey cars and stalled for Kwlng, where hne purcliased land. Pa pillion. Yl'ss Sirld Fvtersnn will spend next week at her home 'ri l.rxliiQtnn. Alice Hell left Krldav evening for KUlei . Neb., w here she w ill spend her ve-ratlon. The Christian Kndeavor district con vention will inet at the ireshyterlsn church here April 7, 8 and 9. Mrs (teorge llefflev. Mrs. I .. A. Tries sen and Mrs. Dillon of Urelna were guests of Mrs. A. H. Morrison Wednes-ils:-. Mis. .Ismcs T. Heglev, ssststed by Mrs. Fred llavhow and Mrs Charles FIhU. entertained the Presbyterian Aid society Thiirsdav r'ternoon. Clarence Horn of 1'ortlnnd. Ore. Is spendliiK a few (lavs with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Morn. He will make i business trip to New York City befoie retinnliiT to h's home. The Women's club met Wednesdat af leninou with Mrs. C. T. t'ike. Miss Ida Frrke led a erv InterestliiK lesson on Cnnserv stlon of Forests and Soils." which Is the first of a series of lessons Co conservation. V.h s. F.. S. Nlckersnn Look at Child's Tongue if Sick, Cross, Feverish Hurry, Mother! Remove poi sons from little stomach, i liver, bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs" at once if bilious or constipated. Uiok at the tongue, mother! If coated It Is a sue sign that your little ones stomach, liter and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, psle. doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natural'y or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea. full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia SvriiD of Figs." and In a few hours all the foul, constipated wsste, un digested food snd sour bile gently moves out of Us little bowels without griping, and you have a well,-playful child again Vou needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and ll always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a S9-eent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-urs plainly on the bottle Rewaie of counterfeits old here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by "California Klg Syrup Com pany." Refuse any other kind with con tempt. M Storage : A .. . . l G w NO Showing tht Wall Construction of Th Cold Storage Refrigerator. rf New William amcll Mary Library Tables Solid inahogany, with 26x4 8 oval shaped top, similar to above. A ery handsome table, price ... $28.50 A smaller edition of the same table $24.50 hi Adftim Davenport Table A 6-lw? type with 2 drawers, lx feet long, a QQ Cft PI splendid value . . 4OO.OlJ JL J WELCOME! rTTl tLtJ n r ta titers m1 Mls Kilns Wtlson l.cie l.-i Elites to tlie disnl.l con em ion nln.h occis at alley April IV Hennlnaton. Miss Dens lbhert spent the week with her lister, Mrs Charles Hetls. near I lk horn. K. K. Udell Sent Is st Saturdav III Omaha at the Du.iglas County Teachers meeting. Msnaer CHne of the local exchange Is very hum- repairing the damages caused hy the sleet Slonn. Misses) Mary Dlerks and Irene Itrsu re turneil from Itenson Friday to sieiid tin spring vacation at home. John Anderson's car wss somewhat damaged In a head-on collision with sn other car Tuesday evening Miss l'earl Simmer, teacher In distihl 34. will have an entertainment an 1 box social next Friday excnltiK Chatles Ors'l was In Omaha Frldav and attemled the Shorthorn hreeibrs' baniiet at the Castle hotel In the evening The High school llbrarv fund his been Increased nearlv Its share of the pro ceeds of the play which was given he fore a latge and well-pleased audience Tuesday evening 1 . Miss F.da Maxeis was an over Sunday visitor at Heilin. Mr. and Mis. John Weaver were here from Berlin Wednesday. Mrs. .1. M Dunbar was tlslilng rela tives at Nehawka this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. l'.uhge were Omaha Ifllors the first of the week. "John Conrad left the first of the week BERG SUITS ME EVERY MAN WILL FIND HERE A SUIT TO . HIS LIKING And every Hiiit is a masterpiece of the Master Tailors of America at prices that do not begin to represent, their true worth ami value. ALWAYS THE BEST CLOTHES FOR THE LEAST MONEY Is foreeably demonstrated in our present enormous showing of Kuppenheinier, Society Brand and Collegian Spring creations, and only through our wonderful buying power im mense outlet are we enabled to offer Pitch peerless values for as little as $18.00 or up to $40.00 whidrare worth at least a third more. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Pinch Hack and Half Norfolk Styles. The extivme clothes for faddish young men;' two-button, soft roll, quarter Hllk lined cutuvtay front, a style full of daring and Ringer, in the now fancy silk lined or two-toned effect $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 . SUITS FOR OLDER MEN Of remarkable -good sense in their design and that lend youthful lines to the figure, bjit'Uiet in stvle and might v becoming to the average man - $18.00, $20.00, $1!5.00 to $ 10.00. OUR FIFTEEN DOLLAR SUIT $15.00 is a remarkably modest price for one of our $1.").00 specials when you con sider the extraordinary quality and style we offer at this price. Its the Greatest Clothes Value to Be Found Anywhere Because they are pure wool, chemically tested, cold water shrunk, (Jl ff hand tailored and silk sewn $1H.00 and $20.00 Suits for J O.UU Rain Coats That are dressy in fair weather, and serviceable when H rains $2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and up uiaiiv of rtrsuv oowsi AMU rtjtMis- 60e, 11.00, fl.M. noswuB A wonderful col l.rtlcin of apfTial rretln at SOo, TSc, tl.OO, II. SO. f..i Alliance, wlui. he ll work Hits Mininn r. Ilalrv .1 Mull h:i inrrliseil the Mrs. A i i i:i Mici ii(ipeit hi ct Aoa. Mms Kptle Mcm rs has returned from a weeks xlslt with friends nesr Lorton. MN Silmi Mar iuarilt who l tearhlns st Iteatrlce, sas lsltuig relatlxes here this week. Miss Maud Hanger Is heie from Shen andoah, la, for a visit with her parents West of town. The lesltien.e property of the late Henrv Mascmnn was sold Monday to J. K Johnson for tl. Mr ami Mis I M Ward and daugh ters. Mrs M .! nnd Miss crna. weie at I'.lmwood Tuesdat. alicj . Miss luieiiM Haines of Fremont spent last week with hi i aunt. Mrs. Hulls. ISev. i linnet man of ll.lili n. who is holding a series of meiilims this week at Aerv, Neb, was In Valley between tlllins Tuesday. The l:pwortli leanue gac a cr- en Joyable social l'ilhiv eveuiiig at the home of Mr. inul Mrs F. M Hulls. Mr and Mrs. C II Webb went to Oiniiha l-'ri'iai and ipent I o days. Miss Lola Mans of lletisiiu. istted Valley friends lasl week. Mrs. John l.entell Is ci III this week. Mrs. Wallstiorni an-l Marie, were shopping In IXnaha Salurday. Dr Harris is emoting a t Isit from his son this week. The regular mouihlt meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the l'res- or iiarter ular; fancy Boys' Suits, $5.00 The best suits for $.").( M) are to be found here. Medium and dark colors for serviceable wear and stylish appear ance. Kacli suit has two pairs of full lined pants, and them cap and belt to match besides. All sizes n I to IK years. Ueal worth $(..")0, Saturdav htterlan i hnn h was held at the home af Mis. John Monshan, Wednesday after noon. Kiel ha Zimmerman of Pelden is visit Ing her grandparents. Mr. and Mp Hilmbach. this week. ' Mary Kmma Whltemora. who has ben very III with measles, Is m ich better.) The Woman's rluh met Prldsy after noon with Mrs. Alvilst. Mrs. W. n, Weekly bad A paper on "Padrewskl." snd Mrs. C. H. Vebb on "Nebraska Today." The Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist Kplscopal church gave a verv fine program In the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening. Mrs F C Kennedy. Mrs. W. K. Weekly. Mis C. H. Nichols. Miss May Nl hols. Mis. Condi In and Mrs. .1 Imthlik. were among the Valley ladles who nt flie.1 the shower git en by the Kasterti Star for Miss tirsee Coy. at Waleiloo on Saturday. News Votes of llen. Mien, Neb.. Match SI. -(Special. -W lule dlsrlne on I,. S Comslock s f.irm five miles northwest of Allen, Cnsrlcv W'ordeii. 2 tears old. fell from the disc and ni.e of the blades ran oter his rig 't fort i ultlnn It off. The hoy had been nmkliiR his ome w ith his pi anilfat her for some lime. , There will be four tenth-grade gradu ates here this tear: Mae Fillet, Hsiel Allen. Florence tioodwln ami Zable Krauze. THE LENOX MODEL NEW TOP COATS FOR SPRING The top notch of the -season's fashions, shapely shape retaining garment; full silk silk lined, patch pockets or reg- i mixtures, covert or Oxfords ; $15.00 to $25.00 Tk Beit Fsriuiiifi New Manhattan. Savoy A York Shirts, In tli choicest pattern; j'lotti, aofi bosom, vltli aiarthed or French t-ulfa. A alilrt with a repu tation for beauty and durability l.M, sa.oo, Uk Shirt., td.60, 4.0O, $4.60, S.OO, 6.00. ODI BrXOIAXS. rtn. p.rcaU ri fu ud madias Beat la th. World. In ion and ;-i'le)e I'nderwear. Ilif'it wool. 1.00, 1. 60. Klb and dIhiii cut tun xa'tnrnta. In the different I n a t h a of loita nd aleevea. Sl.OO, 1.60, 92.00, S3.60, 3.00. $5.00