Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1916, Image 14
Want-Ad Rates fr CASK WITK OUl rr word each insertion. Special Batsst Farm and Ranch I.ands. To par Una frh Insertion (Count six words to the Imo.l FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTK1J CLASSIFICATIONS: ?e per word one time l'.ic per word... three consecutive time CSABOS BITIlt le per line one time Jc per line throe consecutive tlmca (Count si, words to the line.) TO AO TAXCBT TOm I.ZSS THAJT A TOTAIi Or 90e OB Z.XSS THAU lOe m SAT. CARD Or THANKS. PKATII AND FUNERAL, NOTICES: IPC per line carh Insertion (Minimum charge 60 cents.) Monthly Rata for standing ads (nn change of copy) $1.80 per Una (Count ell word to the line.) Contract rates om application. TITR PER will not he responsible for more than one Inrorrert Insertion or an adrertlsement ordered for more than one. time. ATWERTTPTrRfl should retstn reeelpta riven hv Tha nee In navment for Want Ads. a no mistake can be rectified without them. fSK THT: TFT.rTTTTOVT! If Tii eannot eonrenlentlr hrlnc or send In your ads. Ask for a tVant-Ad Taker, and you will receive the same g-ood aerrlee aa when flellverlnir your ad at the office. mONP! TTT.KR Inn". TrAVT-AT roT.T'MNfl n.OBr nVFVTVn F'ttTIONS 1?:fa M. MORNINO KDITIONS :) P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. An wen the question "Whcr to go tonight." Dowatowa. empress. mn & douglas. Tha Code of Honor." International Intrigue so gripping in these days of strife makes this the drama of the hour. "The Twin Trunk Mystery." "Tha Rubble in the Ulass," fun with Punch. "Seeing: America First." PRINCESS. 1817-19 DOUULAST Six reels of good pictures. tHlFTARNAM ni6FARNAM" First run Universal Program. "Her Hlster's Bin." A very good pley. t cents 6 cents. Horta. 16T1I AND BINNEY. GRAND. The Theater Beautiful. "The Iron Claw," episode No. I. "Miss Warren a Brother." 3-reel Vita- graph drama and a good comedy. rutin ti a xt iinn i itxi Ml A IX ill KJlJJl VEi liVJASJ. EOTHROP. 24TH LOTHROP. Willard Mack and Oeorge Fawoett In "The darner." APOLLO. 2 82 4 "LEAVENWOSfHT A Modern Paul. reels. Irtibln. Cartoon of the City of London. Her Bad Quarter of an Hour. Vita. The Artist's Model. Vim C. OUEEVARD, 33d tT tegvenwortfi: Tonight at 7:15 and 1:45 Metro Pictures orp. presents Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayna In "Pennington's Choice." HoITEFf, 2&61 LEA V EN WORTH Jane Grey, Tilly Marshall and Triangle rtoiies in iet Ivaly io It. W rst. MONROE, 2G65 FARXAif Margarita Fischer In the Mutual mas-1 terpicture: "The Oirl from Ills Town.' Mutual weekly, topical and current events ano a good comedy. ant glae. 24TH ANDn7 BESSE. Pellg Tribune No. K. The Surprise House, drama. Ham Agrees I-reel Kssanay with Hherman. ivaiem eomeny. ORPHEUM. 24TH & Rf Keystone program: "The dreat Pearl 1 angle, - ialuring (tarn Hernard. "Fatty and Mahle Adrift," featuring Mable Normand and Fatty Arbuckle. Star Features These are Special Extra-Reel Fratures now appearing at tbs following Theaters; APOLlil. 2WI UiAVKNWOHtlf. "A Modern Paul." BtSE; 4Ti iA N fN7 "The Surprise House. ' 'liOUTJE V A MI 7iiUAN IV LKA V KN W'Tll. 'Tennlngton's CIioIlc." KMPUKSB. I5TH AND DOl'ULAB. "The Code of Honor." G RASD. 1T 1 1 A N D BI N rN K Y. "The Iron Claw," episode No. 3. IajthrOi, 2ITH AND LOTllROi'T Willard Mark and George Fawrett In "The Corner.'' I10NR0E, 2 1I6 FAR NA M Margarita Fialier In the Mutual niaiter uece. "The Girl from His Town." OltPIIEUM, HTII ANlTir "Fatty and Mabel Adrift." pRiNCESS, 1317 IS DOt'GLAS. Six reels of good pictures. TlTin toll LI F, " 2641 LKA V EN WORT FlT Jane Grey, Tilly Marshall and Triahgle Kiddles In "l-tKstyDo It '' C.4KU 4K Til . 4 Kg. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness during the sad be reavement of the desth of our dear hus band and father, also for their floral offerings. Mrs HENRY BOLL, sr . MRS. Al lil'HT RATHMAN. MRS. ilENRY SCHMIDT, M Rt4. JOHN BOLLN. MRS tilAHUj) SHOWALTER, IiUIS BOLL HfcNHT sul.U MOSVMEMTI AM) CKMRTKRIES. MAUSOLEUM. WHY bury your dead In the cold ground In stormy weather when you can buy a lumb In a marble building at reasonable prices Tel. MAI t' il.KC MCO.. D. 3176. aumelaler Monument Works, mauso lauina. ail kinds markers. 18th at Charles. rLORISTS. K8T QUALITY ' il.'f Flilft'ERS or plants. Art Combinations, shipped every where. Excellent service to our cus tomers In past years recommends HKsS SWOBOI'A. 1416 Farnam HI p. Iboi. BATII. florist. 14 Ks rosin ht D) K JIKNDKRHON. U14 Douglas. Ii. XXi. Mriolers Kiorlsts'Telegraph Ann. Jk.. DONAGllCE. JJ llarncy. J"vug. 1A1." IK IMIIMi PKHMIH. " I'mil km ft .T0..1 Vsllev frsni" dunl in II I r F W. Slabaugh. four ft a mn dwelling's a'.t .uth Fiftieth. 324 Ko-ly-nlnth nvrmit., 224 South Forty-ninth irniir niwl S 'I Smith Fiftieth avenue. '.'l ram. N'nrris Norr's. frame dwell ings an follows- 7"17 North 'la-ennr-fnnrth, f: .'; :r!l 1 North Twenty-fifth. I '(. y,:, Nrth Twrnt v-f If t h. t -'.: :ei:3 North Twcnt v-fifth $2.mi; South Fortieth, $:.:): A. K. Perlcy. 62i May berrv avenue fame dwelling. I-."1"": t. F. Bolen. :41 Mavhcrrv avrmie, frame dwelling J.'."'"'; N M. S"M. 3 1 '1 JIamll ton. frame dwelling. 12. : Civile O. Smith, 4'.' 1 5 Chicago, frame dwelling, $3. TV. BIRTH AI DM AT IIS. RUtha -Albert and jielma "Johnson, 42i South Nineteenth, girl; Fred S. ana Anna Myers, 1412 North Thirty-first, hoy; Altwrt and Sophie crwinsky. 2X18 "I, Kill; John and Floretta Orau, l'J"7 South Sev enteenth, hov ; George and Anna Lander tneih, 22I Elm girl, Lino and Fall Z.ler. 2ii.ll Decatur hoy; Hlazey and Mary Ielek. lilt. Dominion, hoy. Deaths Jsmes W. N. Hunks. 1014 North Twenty-fourth: John Wallace, 74, Poppleton; Lillian Flokas. 11. 1 231 South Sixteenth; William M Farrell. 4i, 210 South Twentv-Mghth; Martin Karablk, 35. hnapitsl; John Kaiser, 62. hoapltal; Noli I'araona, 36, hospital, Gurnet M. Toner 2 days, 4I1 X; Meryl A. Winn. 4. 2611 Mason: lunula Tululatl. 2; 112" Arhnr. MtRRMGR l,HKM"K, Marriage licenses were lasued to the rollowing eouples: Name snd Ucsldence: Age. Jesse U Htalmaker. Nidney Over 21 Agnes Harnes, Coiad Over 1 Homer C. Hhrrrlilan, Omaha 27 Helen M. Hendricks. Omaha 22 T FOUND REWARDS IF TOU Im anrthlnf an will a4rertlM II km, yos will ftirelr rrovf.r It If found by as hensM prsrn. HrirstiiiKle rcorrtea art brouiht ahent evry liar thronsh thla rnliiml. THf l,W-Penrla ho find loat artlcLa art Interaatxl In knowing tkat tko '! law la atrtrt In reonlrlni thm to aek tha ownar thrnuih aiWrttaemant and utttarwlaa. and that a fallura to do an. If aaina caa be provaa, la vnlvea a aevar penalty OMAHA A CO! 'NCI Tm 1 .1 K K H HTKK KT RAILWAY 'OM PA NY. Persons having lost some artlrle would do well to call tip the office of the Omaha A Council Uluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Itotlg 4 TjsT-Hlgma Kappa sorority pin, tri angle set with pearls; name on the back ' Williams." Red B17I. Reward. pQp SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furnttnre ssd Household Woods, FURNITt'ftK" PRICVH HVABIIKD. Greatest price cutting bargains Omaha ever anw. Our store is not the largest, but our bargains are the biggest. Buy now. Goods held until desired. STATE Fl'KNlTl'RK CO., Corner 14th an 1 Dodge. Uoimla 1117. Foil HA1.K Complete furnishings of u room aartment; owner leaving city; must sell Immediately vlctrola and ruc otiis. mahogany bedroom suite and many other fine pieces. Apt. No. 2 The Page. 811 Bo. 81st; Harnoy21tl8. OMAHA 1'lLl.OW' CO. Kelt and half mattresses made over In new ticks st . half tha price of new ones. Phone us for sample of ticking. Mall orders filled. 11i7 Cuming St. Douglas 24f,7. PR1VATK 8AI.K. R-rooms of furniture; Hat. at 10 a. m.. No. 2 Bhelby Court, between Leaven worth and Mason, on 12d St. FUUNITUHK bargains;, $1: tables, chairs, rugs, gaa stoves, 4; beddings of all kinds. 18M N. 24th. Webster wx. -paaiua Hd Bfaalenl lastrnm-nts "UAROAINH In slightly flsed and second-hand riANJ.--PIAYKK FIANOK-ORUAN9 was jnow 1 Rturtevant, ebony I 1 Kimball, walnut " 1 Hallet Davis, oak 4") 1 W. K. Wheelork, ebony ... Tib I Ohlekerlng & Hons, ebony ... 4V) 1 R. B. Howard, oak 87b 1 Btelnhducr, oak (new) 2n0 1 Hallet & Davis, oak 3Vf. 1 Kimball, mah.. large case.. 1 Vose Pons, mahogany 4.' 1 Kimball, mahogany tnewl ... 4' 1 Ktilch A Zeldler, mah. (new) 4o0 PL.AVk.rt I'lANOK Will 1 Boudoir Plaver, oak PM 1 Boudoir Player, oak &" 1 Ptnxe Player, mahogany ... 4-'' 1 Whitney Player, mahogany i 1 Btory Clark. Flayer, mah. M 1 Kehr Bros. Player, wal 1 A. llospe Apollo Player, mah tv 1 A. llospe Apollo Player, oak 700 $125 I7d 1 17o 1. -0 lKlt l!l 2i 2 r: 300 Now 2. aifi 8Ji 4;) I 4, ill 4IA bHI 1 Kimbail Player, mahogany (like now) 7,'i0 5.'4 1 Whitney Player, oak 61O UK) UIIOAN8. 1 Kimball, high top fx, 1 I.voti At liealy. high tup J 1 Sterling, chaHl lb 1 Kimball, man., piano cased 71 These Instruments have all been thor oughly overhauled at our factory so inai iney can naruiy on told irom new. Terms to suit the most modest pocket book.. hole representatives of the celebrated -MASON at HAMI.IN FIANOS The highest priced piano In the world. A. IloSPH CO . K13-1515 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb. PIANOS FOR RKNT. Good litnkes, good condition. IS. HO per month' new pianos. 4.K per month. A. HOHlKjV- l"l-ljDouglas 81. tore and ffleeFlslures. CK8KH, safes, scales, showcases," sbeTvT ing. etc. e buy, sell, oinalia Fixture & JBupply Co.. 414-I-1S. 11th. I oug. 1724 Typewriter aud Bappllea. NKW niachlnes sold the s.tme ss reiilT )J per month. Bee us before you buy or rent, Shipped anv place on ten riavs' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. SIH B. isth, omalia. Neb. RKM1NGTONS. Monarchs and Bmlth riemieis for lent; sent anywliere. Hem- Ington TyMwrlter Cumpany, D. 12X4 RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., typewriter and office supplies, whole sale and retail. D. 3242. 1ol!l Howard St. MIDIJtND " RIBBON A CARBON' CO Office supplies. Douglas 2147. 228 Rei ning. TYPE WRITERS sold, rented. repaired. Enniani. Central Tpewrlter Exe. in RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 1110. for 'i. iilver I yie writer Agency, ivoh Farnam. Jeselrt Illauaoada. Walekra, BRODFGA AII1V8 "lucky wedding rings" st lAth snd IVuiglas Sts. t lefhlna, Pars, Kte. WE buy and sell tailor made suits and overcoats. Friedman, 1211 Douglas Bt. Sewtaat Mirkiara. iScwinu; Machine Snip SATURDAY AT S A. M. Starts the most wondcrtul st-wing maddne sale ever. 1o used machines at lilies that will sell them all In one day. Bo come early , and get first aud best choice. BINGKRS. WHITKS. NKW HOMES, ST A N DA K DS. W 1 1 K ELE Jt-W 1 LSOX S Uoinl Hlauiisril Makes. I t Siugcis. price tl to I5. 21 New Molina price 65 to 112 12 Wheel, r 4 WiIkoii. 17 to 17. 12 Whiles, prices 84 to 12. 1" good drop heads. Your choice at 8,.j each. -New $25 Nebraska machines, only Cat $17.50. Needles. 1 cent each. l"o oil st 6c a bottle. "e belts at 12c esch. Sale 011 until I Saturday evening. MK'KKL'N NEB. CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney Sts. D. lsAl Kewiny; Machines We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines Mli'Ktl.H NEBRASKA CYCLK CO. 15th and Harney Sts. Doug, ltsl. Hllllard aaaV rtal Taalw, FOR SAI.K New and second hand carom and pocket nruaia taoies ami com nog alleys and aicsaories, send for cata logue; easy pa)inenta The lirunswick- Balke-i 'nllender Co.. 4u7 40H 8 lot hSr Marklsarr and Kaalati. NEW rcon hnid nuitors. dynamoa iimsiiutua Im liloa Llevlils Works. 218 s. I2tb St. F0R SALE- MISCELLANEOUS Printing and Office Mappllea. WATKIIS-llAHMIAIlT Pig. Co.. quality pilntlng .Je. I mug. f.-4 . 13th St CKNTH A I, Piloting Co l ' ll 'UI.AH 77 b4. liol'iil.AM Printing Co.Tel. Douglas S44. ynrmrry anil Seeds. Foil SALE Ever bearing strawberry plants, home grown. $.)') per bundled. Colfax 37m. I tellvered any w hcre Incity. MlareJIanetms. MY high standard of iuallty will he maintained: 4 quarts of "Jld FonteneUe whisky. $.;.2fi; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock ni'til onler house. Houg. 7b;2; 122-124 N. St. AUVKHTISK your nroprrty ns though you believed Its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping II limed. In the llg House, Home anil Ileal Estate Ouide-THK IIKK. ALKX JKTTKS LiguoR" iiousk:: Thirteenth and Douglas. Mottled In bond whisky, Ks-. $i.0O0, 1.25, full una t1 FOR HALEOIt f RADE-Carpet "weaving outfit. Address Y 32S, Bee. 11'YI,F good as new, $12 cash or trade. Colfax i;:j. WANTED TO BUY KSKS, DESKS DKSKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. '. Reed. 1207 Farnani. liav i-ash for IM) feet of aeoond- imn'i ihm n iim iiik. i ti'ttie ..niiiui ni. I WANT Ef) tfTTiiiy," aTTiar'ber-shop iS7HT i j i . i . . ... 1 1 ' i . . o in Norton. Humphrey. Neh. Turn old furniture, household goods and clothing Into caali with a Ree Want Ad. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TltKAMURWR emmf:t O. SOLOMON BltOliKCAAItO S "l.uckv Wedding Rings" at lfith and Uouglas nts. rARTKIt Sheet MetaK110 B. Ir'.lh Pt7 FX Kit' "ISK AT Y.M.C.A. Huslnesa men. Ladles' Tallorlna HI1H class ladles' tailoring. II. Fischer, Flomar Hotel Hldg.. )4 N. litn. Tyierzit, 4 arnenters null 4 am raetors, Iaaard Bon 1906 Capitol Ave. T. 1!31 C. W. HokanBon,2S05 I.vnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. Cementing and Plastering. Call Red 709. ft. II. Roys. 2n9 Bristol. Ph. Web. 36!9. Motor Hepalrs. CAHIM, KI.KC. CO.. Bee Bldg. l. 1W79. M ines anil l.laioors. BUY your family liquors at Klein's T I I . r ... X- I . ' . U I ..1 - - iifciU lliUiil injiin.r, u6 . mill. nresaiiiaulnai Accortllon. Side, Knife, Hog Pleating. Cov. Buttons, Ileinstllchlng. Neb. neat lug & Button Co. 4111-2 Paxton BlkR 4M1 MA OA M K MICHAKLS downs, Suits and Wraps. 911 So. 25th St. Call Doug. 7JM. CIAIRK'.S Dressmaking school; suits. dresses, etc. cr,29 California. Doug.7WO. Drrssrn'k'ng at home. T. W9. 616 Bo. 17th. FIRST-CI. ASH dressmaking. Red fi5 Kelster's Dressmaking Col. H.28 City Nat. Terry Dressmak'g college. Mih A Farnam. llnllona anil Pirating. O. if.' VAN AltS'AM. Dress PleatliiK and Mutton Co. Phone DoiiKlas 8109. i.V,-1 Paxton Blk, Northeaat Corner ltlth and Farnam Bts. Accordion, knife, side, space, box and sun-rsv pleating. Combination box and side pleat skirts in all latest nesmns. Hemstitching, pilot edging, pinking, ruchlna snd buttons made to order. Mall orders given prompt and special atlent ion. A 1 1 work guaranteed. Kverrthlnaj for V wnias. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles: hemstitching. Plcot edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. 1DKAL, BUTTON AND FkKATINCJ CO, au uouglas tilocn. nougiaa trrosstasti E. A. DWOltAK, C. P. A. 433-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 70t. A. KTZKNHPKHUKR. Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel. Black 1197. Auditing. Accounting, Incorporations. Investigation. Rata.. DR. RKN DA- Sulphur, Steam. Modern Turkish. Fleet He BATHS and MAS- SAUK for tired nerves and rheumatism. I Private apartment for ladles with lad attendsnts. lilts Farnam. Phone D. 34.1 Coal nines TUB largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lichen A Bon. 1.r.14 Howard. D. 4115. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 20 N 17lh St John Feldman. Pin Inslrnellon. Ragtime mo playing guaranteed In II tu at lesso is. I t or. ilay ies lor original By stem. JH0 Harney. Douglas 66V4, Ragtime piano playing puslllvely taught in M lesHons. 42 cuming. wai. a.ti. ( klrnuisrlora, lulnsl Adlostmenls. DK. HI RHORN. 414 Rose Bldg. D. 6347, Palmer School grad. Consultation free Dr. B. Israel, 3X) Bran. The. Bldg. D. 6423. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Laird Bldg. D. K4S1. Iloasetleanlng. ELKCTRIO house cleaning, our work and mice will Dleaso you. 1ai us remove your storm windows and put In your screens, 'lyier Ml J. Delect Ivra, JAMES AM AN, 313 Neville Block. Bvt- urni e ifi-uirti 111 an cases, lyicr ii.n. LA NO Nat'l Detective Ago'.. Inc., 628 Bee Hldg. Ty. I. St riot I y confident lal. Druiia. DIU'(W at cut prices, freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman eV Mo- Connell Drug lo,, Omaha Nel Justices of the Peace. II. II. CLA1BORNK, 612 Paxton Hlk ; Red iot. Notary public; di ptmillon sleno. C. W. Blilt. 3il Biirker Block. Vaennin Cleaners. CLEAN urtCKI.Y and TlloROT'OIILT WITH KCLll'SK Kl.KCT RIC; RKNT II AND $1.M 1'KR DAY. DOUGLAS Una fTTTJl.' I T Klectiio washing maehtnea A iwvAi electric Irons and reading lamps. 1 uuming hi. Doug. zois. Cleaners and Ultra. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 Pa I at I us and Papering. PAINTING, paicr hanging; new ssm- ples.l'owers. Webster 111. 912 N. 2,lh. 4 uiirrrte 4 uulrarlorl, WALKS, steps, driveways, floors, high class work. Phone loug. 23M for estl- niate. SA Hole. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 912 W.O.W. Bldg. Taft DcntalRooma. 1617 Iniuglas. D. 218s.' I'alrata, D. O. Bsrnell. I'sxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. . Af SturgesXi Brandels" Theater BldtfT Bakeries. CAKES, pastrv aud fancy bakery goods, supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. 7.. H. Keeder. lUsi N. lMh. W. 8W7. Tallnrlna. II. MARCUS, tatlur and cleaner, pressing and repairing. .i n. loth st. d. (kUu. silntney and I'nrnace I Iraslaf . Work guaianteed. F. Hornenian.D;72. Tnaeel SaDlillea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 621 Fnrnnera nnd I Innate. HABFRSTROH, 4"2' liaiiillton. Wal. 2971. Trnnks and Mall Cases. FREUNG Ac STKINLE. Ivlb Eariium St Waleh liperlallala. ChrUttsns-ii. 2d fl., I ailnn Ph.. 18 yr. rip WrdiHaa Blallunerr. Wedding Hnnouncrmenis. Ixiuglas Pts- Co. Adrerllslaa Kavelllea. M. F. Shaler aV Co.. 12th-Fsruam. D. 7471 Attorneys. CT. Dickinson 611 Paxton Blk. P, Bra as and Iron Foundries. ISO. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta. Uasrlai lcilriln, PC LUX ACADEMY. Ill . 1Mb Bt. llaarlag Instrnrtlou. GENKVIEVK HAUFLAIRE. Web 33t. Kleeirolasls. Uloa Alleider, ;4 bee Bidg. Red 4 nlronadtata. Carrie J. Buford. 1-0 pas. Blk. Red 4M7. Osteopath !' alclsaa. MRS J. R. Ml Sli K, 4 1 Rose Hldg. I'urc st and Ittuotw aereens. FROM factory to you. liiona Red "'27. tailors Trtntaalnaa. Omaha Tr'm'g Co . 4"2 Karhacn RU. D2.' I an era. RANC1 MORGAN, HI Pee. D. 409 SWAPPERS' COLUMN FINK Kdison Hume phonograph. plalng lith 2 and 4 minute records; large Pla net Home, all in fitst-iliiHs shape. Want medium-slued Ice box snd ft. of lawn fencing, nr what? Address H. C. Il.i6. Hoe. KII.I.Y Kunday The Man and Ills Mes sage," hook of 4 pages, over st lllus- trat Ions, cotitalnlng history or Jlr. Min- dny 8 life and his copyrighted sermons. What have you? Address H. J. ip. Hee CJOOlJ roll-ton desk and chair; worth lit, t'ocarilcr and stand. lis; large hanging sln, V; good kitchen range, IM. Trade all or any article, for what have von. Address H.C 11X1. Hee. KXt'llAN'JK gas range for oak serving table or bint a eye maple ciilf ronler. nlso lailles' suit and children's omthlng stid shoes for chickens. Address S. C. 174. Ilea. PIANO FOR FORM. New I'eclllan piano player, Rd-tiote, wllh worth of rolls of music. In ex change for new or nearly new f-pns- ectitfcr y ord car. Harney B4i). COMI'I.KTK U. H. signal corps aircless sending snd receiving outrit, with gas engine snd generator to oerate aot. Want used motorcycle. Addnss ti. 111i, Ree. ONK Kaatman J A Kodak, excellent con dition, want, pure blood chickens or what have you? Also one liUVegg Incu bator Kltner one or botn. Aduriss n. C. lll'd Hee. HAV'H set of twenty-seven full slieep- skln covered Knoyciopema, Hrltannira lo trade for machinist a or blacksmith's tools. Address S C llM. Ree. NO, a Oliver typewriter, good condition. to trsde for 11-gauge shotgun, either repeater or double barreled. What have you? Address H. C. 1132, Pee. WISCONSIN Peerless refrigerator; ca pacity ion pounds; almost new, cost 12, 111 trade for something of equal value. Address B. C. 1142. Hee. WHAT have you to trade Hir saddle. bridle and blanket? Address 8. C. lliiV, Ree. OAS engine. Alamo. I II. P practically new engine, complete: value !-?0. will trade for chickens or what have you? Address S. C. 1i:i1, Hee THIN Indian, ;-speed. electric light, been rodo about .lull miles; first-class condi tion: want to trado for diamond. Ad dress S. (V1 127. Hee. WANTWD TO KXCHAND li Work for rug or small furniture. Douglas tiitil. ADDTNfl MACHINF-Wlll exchanse for Ford, good Dlctures. office furniture books or what have you? Address S. C in, nee. Hot KK KKI'KR'S high standing desk. fi-ft.; will sell cheap or trade for type writing desk, office chairs or vertical letter filing cabinet. Douglas HolZ, WILL, swan chicken amillancea or furnl ture for an Iron Ago or Planet junior hand garden plow; no other make con sidered. S. C. 1143, Ree. HAVK 20-horse power double eccentric Stanley steam engine; will trade for anything of equal value. Address B. C. IliW, Hee. Til A DK A water motor washing ma chine for Incubator or anything of equal value. Address H. C. 875, Hee. PRACTICALLY new Monarch N". to trade for smaller automobile. Address . 1144, tee. W'ILL trade Axmlnster rug, 9x12. for buggy or light wagon; or what have you? Address S. C. 114i, Hee. RKMINOTON typewriter No. 2. will trade for diamond or phonograph. Address s. O., 1D4). HAVK largo ouk sideboard to trade for roll top desk, or what have you? Ad dress B. C. 1I31. Hee. DOUBIJi-BARREL breech loading shot gun to trade; make offer. Address 8. C, 1140.- Bee. ' WANT to trade a square Stelnway Piano for horse nnd buggy or wagon. Colfax 1676. . IT Is time to paint I hat house. What have you to trade lor no gallons house paint? Address B. C. 113d, Bee. I HAVK a $22 gas range, or other furni ture, to trade lor chickens, geese or ducka Address 8. C. 112H. Bee. ONK Remington typewriter. In tine condi tion, value 10. mi ror small diamond or equal value. Address 8. C. 1130, Bee. HAVE a large prey goose and gander to swap lor small pigs, rair or seed po tatoes. Address B. C. 112Z, Bee. ONK 18-ft. steel hull. S It. P. motorboat want some kind of a light cur. or, what am I offered? Address . C. 1125. Hee. I SWAP, buy and sell kodaks; films developed free. KAUB STUDIO. Ne vllle Hlk , Kith and Harney Sts. To SWAP for auto or residence lot, a fine 4-reel feature film with paper com pieie. j'none uouglas dl'.'l WANTED To swaD work, painting and paper hanging, for carpets, bedding and furniture. Address P lull. Bee. HAVK heavy built new printer's hsnd cart to swap for lighter one. Address H. C. 114T., Hee. WILL trade 2 National Cash Registers for team, or, what have you. 8. C. 6i, nee. EQUITY In country store building, waut auto, t'arllsle. 420 1st Mat. Ilk. Hldg. PIANO to swap for light truck. Address B. :. 1124. nee. MFAT market for property. O 827. Bee BUSINESS CHANCES CAFE and rooming house for sale, double room rafe-ditilng room and counter, lis modeled four months ago, everything In first-class shape. Fixtures, lights and furniture are all good. Best cafe In state except some of the hotel rsfes. Good leputatlnn, best class of trade In city. Guarantee 1100-business, and over dully. Over $1,000 stock now on hand. Rent, seventy i$70) monthly. Rooming house of ten 1101 rooms opposite cafe. Modern except heat. Good furniture and lights and everything O. K. Rent twenty dollars ft20) monthly. Oppor tunity for a live man. Reason for sell ing Is sickness. Address Y 332. Bee. iilrACRK farm, Washington county. Kansas; Improvements good; thirty alfalfa; stock and Implements go with farm; ready to move onto; want Income proiert y. CARLISLE. 420 FIRST NAT. HK. BLDG. Dltl'G store man wanled In put drug store In new brirk building. No drug store closer than a mile. Rent reason able. Fine opportunity. Frank Kohlela, 40.17 L St.. South Side Phone South 640. MOVING Picture Theaters, reai bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, pew snd second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLT CO. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 3Ifl. FOR SALE Infants." children's and la dies' furnishings store at David City, Neb., at a bargain: best location In town: doing an excellent business; want to retire. Box No. 226, David City, Neb. INTKI.l K5ENT and persistent advertis ing will 'sell any salable real estate. and the largest number of prospective nusrs can re reacnen inrougn ma Real Estate and Want-Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha THE BEE. FOR BALK-I20.OH0 stock of dry good, la dies and children's shoes, ready-to wear. etc. Located central Nebraska city of l.x. For further particulars address Y 331. Hee. FOR SALE Well established grocery. clean stock, rlt.e location, wish to retire. Address owner. D. D. Loomis, 1527 N. W. Boulevard. Spokane. Wash FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware: live town central Nebraska Good reason for selling. Ue quick. Ad dress, Y 2K7. Hee FOR SALK OR TRADK-Good. clean stink, clothing: live town, cash business good reason for selling. He quick. Ad ill-ess Y tli. Bee. . THEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine snd supplies through Theater Kx. Co.. ls I hiiihui D. lvj, Dowd Sale and Auction Co.. Im.ilia. have closed out more nidsc. stocks than any other mm m i. . write tor U'tti a OFFICE for reai estate or insurance sumo floor as Bee office; 13x21 fiet; $To. The Bee Hldg..orrice I too in 103. WANTED Drug or merchandise stock for desirable Omaha residence equity. iimvi tleai. lyier z,L .va . nun. WILLIAMS, established 29 vears To buv or sell business see hint. 411 McOague Hldg. iteierence t . s. Mil. Hani.. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt hsr-jslns, supplies Oinaha Fllin Exchange, list s. J4th st TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch a- BorghoffFrenser Blk. l. His gVlAHN Good paying business In a good wet town. me or van rn. 11. .euens, Tie ree. Neb WANTKD to, buy for casli. drug , buy for cash, drug or vaiiet store coin. Neb. 7o South 17th St., Liu T GkT In or out of business call on OANGKSTAD. 42S Bee Bldg. Doug S4TT FoR BALE Groceries and flxtuies, lb31 N St. South Omsha GooD he route snd wagon at a bargaiu. Addns J tt. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED VEKKL,Y RATE, lie PER LINE. day work or business ads regular rates. 2 lines one week i 3 lines one week ,...4ic each extra line Ific per week. stele. MAN and wife, both under 37 years, want work on a faiui; man experienced farmer and wile good housekeeper; bolh healthy nnd willing to work: pre fer to work for a baclielor or widower, hut will be b-lad to find snv other pine-. Address C. R. Aspinwsll, Uni Washington Blvd. Flat N. . blcago. 111. W IDOW Kit, .'1 eais oid. with boy 8 years, would like Job on farm by month; experienced, no booxer or moer; at.ite wages; want good home; can give refer ences. Walter Keyner, Relvue, Kan. WANTKD Job as bookkeeper or assist ant In some country hank: 3 years ex patience In banks and 5 ears' as deputy countv treasurer: good reierences. An ton Wolff. West Point, Neb. YOUNO man wants position In automo bile business. Ha.i bad 4 years experi ence In this line an repair man snd rhsuffeur. Can furnish the best of ref erences. Call Doug. "iTC. ITI'ATIllV uini.H hv farm imolement. vehicle, pump end wind mill salesman. 10 enin i-nirniiir, v.on .....- Room124. M1llardhntel, Omaha. YOI'NO man "with experience as a clerk would like office work; other work con sidered; small salary to start. F l'M. Hee. Y"t, R0eed it Is the nnner bla business men read. hankers, brokers, retail and wholesale merchsnts. l.H'KNHKO chauffeur and mechanic wishes position driving or repairing; 9 years experience. Address rv ii';. nee. W'ANfKD Position ns clerk In any line of mdse. store; have some experience. Address Y 331, Bee. CoLollBfj man would like any kind of hospital work and institutional work. W eheter 21.11. K. PKItl KN'i'KD young barber wishes to I work in Omaha or near Omaha. 714 8. 17th Ave. Phone Doug. 4112. AS watchman or guard, ex-army man, age 3H; temperate habits. M 10"i Pee. Miscellaneous. FARMKRS When you want help write or call Empire I-abor Agency, 209 S. 12th. Phone Doug. 10t KXPKRIKNCED man for general house work, painting, waxing floors. Clirton BoydHarne- WiO; lini'sF: ci.'FANiNn. window cleaning. rug beating, first class city ret. Web. :tM3. Wanted-House-cleanlng; also wall paper cleaning, c. Brunner. o. iiw; ly. tuo-yy. HAUI.INO ashes and rubbish Web. b03. Female. YOUNG lady wants position as house keeper, state wages when answering. Will come any time. Can furnish best of references. Address Miss Coral Bushy. 1202 S. Sycamore St.. Coffey- vllle, Kan. TKK BEE charge for "Situation ads'1 Is lower than any other form of adver tising not enough to cover cost of Ju inting. A middle-aged widow wishes a position as cook In small hotel or as house keeper for respectable person. Address Box 374, Woodbine. Ia. LADY. X years old, wishes position as housekeeper; will appreciate a good home more than wages. "A, care Bee. Council Hluffs. YOUNG ladv stenom.. jher. 3 years ex perience, oesires position, an aiso Keep hooks. Walnut 27 NEAT colored girl wants position as chambermaid, dsy work. or aa wait ress. Harney 3736. COLORED woman wants position as chambermaid half days by the week. Webster 121. ColyORKD woman wants work In kitchen hotel or bonrdlng house. Douglas 6673. GIRL employed In doctor's office wishes extra work Call Douglas 32UJ. PRACTICAL nurse wants position. Web ster 6108. RUG making and cleaning. Ty. 143.1-W. WOMAN cook: boarding house. D. 8150. Lssssry ana Oar W (. SMALL bundle washings by the piece or doxen, by colored laundress; very rea sonable. Call Tyler 13-J In the morn Ings. " - .u .' iV- ...r.:i. small bundle washing: lace curtains I done with care. Call Web. 12."fl. RELIABLE colored woman wants laun dry wsshing, day work, cleaning. Tyler 2100-W. EXPERIENCED laundress shirts. Har. 2542. men s FAMILY wasnlng; buodle washing. Web. 47S8. BLANKETS or bundle washing. D. 8741. Cleaning, laundry and day work. D. 7469. Laundress, day work. A. Jackson, w. 19j7. Cleaning, laundry snd day work. D.749. Woman wants steady wash places 8o.22U BUNDLE washing wanted. Web. 1M2. IjAI'NJ R Y" and day work. Webster 92H. "LAUNDRY and day work. Web." 930. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SALESMAN, specialty, salary and com mission; typist and comptometer oper ator, 5: bkkpr., xiS' ledger cierg. stx; steno., $76; shipping clerk, $70 to p'; of fice hov. I2.V WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brandels Thea. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. e lino a position uiai ins juu, CO-OPERATIVE RKF. CO., 1015-16 CITY NAT. BANK BLDG. RKJORTEHS 170.00 4 RAILROAD clerks $70.00 4 STKNOGRAPHK.RS ISO $75.00 THE t'ANll AGENCY. 600 HrJf. MLLHi. BOOKKEEPER and cashier for small wholesale firm; complete charge. want man to take Salary $S5. E 656, Omaha nee. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, good penman, good at figures; must operate lype wiiter; state experience and Salary wanted. C 6oj Omaha Bee. THE MARTI COMPANY. Employment Specialists, 1327 W. o. W. Hldg. stitvi m ill A Pll ER A voting man grad uate will be satisfactory ; salary sw. r t7, Omaha Bee Professions and Trade. V ANTED -Foreman for machine shop, one familiar with general lob work. Write at once. Fremont Foundry and Machine Co.. Fremont. Netj. WANTED General workman at once 011 marble and granite air 1001s; eigni hours. Address B. C. Starlln, Missouri Valley. Iowa. WANTED At oive, a first-class barber Who IS a gooa it ciarioei piaer, mww waxes to the right party. Mann Music Co., Crawford. Neb. WANTED One good boiler maker at once; steady employment. Address r re mont Foundry and Machine Co., Fre- mont. Neb. AI.I-AROCND auto repair man with in. 'all or write, Carey s oarage. Peru. Neb. WANTKD Combination tinner and plumber; steady joo lor rigni pariy. ni. D. Murpny. iavia v tty. .ru. Drvg Horn -maps, loha Knlst. Bee Bldg. Salesmen nnd ollpltora. SALESMAN' WANTED Unusual opivrtunlly for a live man with a clean lecord as a producer. v. . r ittiei-ested In the ordinary travellngman. unless he la exceptionally V...n..w.lll'.f1 " Must be aggressive and straightfor ward and the tight man will have all ii. onnortunitv uosaihle to assert hlm- aelf. Addreaa. with all particulars pos sible. Bee. INDUSTRIAL INSUR ANCE. If Interested you should ses our new line of Ufe, Health and Accident poli cies. We need a few good men to train for superin tendents and asslstanta. Sal ary and commission con tract. Reference required. PloNEKR 1 N SC RANCH CO., US KARBACH BLDG. tTX PKRIENCUD lumber salesman wanted for Iowa. Nebraska, or Bouth Dakota territory; salary and commission. Apply in own writing, ilvlita aae. experience and average volume for paat threa years. Splendid opening ror real sales man. Apply to Y vs. wee. . HELP WANTED-MALE Saleswomen and siiltors, SALKSMKN for Nebraska and loaa, to handle the fastest selling patent on the market; If you ran earn M to lion weekly, ae want to hear from you. w w. o. w. WANTKD Kxperienced saleaman, plumb ing, heating and pump lines, Nebraska territory; give experience. Address O lOI'i. Hee. SOMKTHINO extra good, big money for the salesman who Is a business getter. 117 W. O V. WANTF.IWKxperlenced furniture sales man. Continental Furniture Co., Coun cil Hluffs. Is. 1A LFSM A N WANT K I Call K3 B. 1Mb. Hotels anal htrilssrsftla. RfiLIAHLF. employment agency. mio Davenport St.. headquarters for hotel help; spec, atentlon to distance orders. Bae. WANTKD Bright hoy. H to Is years old as sslesroom assistant. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Bts. Trade e,cnle. MOLER'H HARHEH COLLEGE Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It ciulrklv snd earn back tuition while learning. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 lo. I4tn St., Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL has moved from 2406 Leavenworth St. to 2026-M Farnam St. GOOD MEN WANTED. to learn auto work for the big sprlm rush. Fine tralnlna work on sutos an electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COM. EOF. 2053 Farnam St. Omaha Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Set or tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write lor catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARRER COLLEGE. M F.N wanted to learn the barber trade Tuition 125. ISOR Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBKR COLL FOR. M Iscejlaneons. WHEV TOU PLAN TO SELL THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT? List your property In THR BEE'S Big House. Home and Real Estate Oulde. Buyers of real es tate are exacting usually. Value must be there, and apparent. Price should be an Inducement, but make the Information definite and you will get resporses from persons really Interested In your offer, If you run It In TIIH PEE. WANTED Youna Men as railway mall clerks, o month; sample examination questions rree. franklin institute. Dept. 771-N. Rochester. N. Y. MEN OR WOMEN. 18 or over, wishing government positions. 1,6 month and over, should apply for particulars to Y iv, uee. HELP WANTED FEMALE lorea and Offices. STBNO. ahd dictaphone operator, fi5; steno., hj eteno., 110; typist, 3o; orrice clerk. I: steno:. IB. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Branded Thea. Professions and Trades. WANTED Thoroughly experienced fitter. Alteration department. Address c tsu, Bee . LEARN hslrdregslnr at The Oppenheira, lie isehold and Domestic. WANTED A reliable white girl for gen eral housework in small family; good wages; references required. Apply at J014 Pacific St., or telephone Har. 3539. WANTKD at once, an experienced white nurse maid ror several children; good wages. 4:6 N. S8th St. Phone liar nev W. GIRL for general housework; must be I able to furnish references; good wages and good home to right party. Call Hsrnev 1797. as WANTED-Competent white girl for houeework: 3 in family; good wages. Mrs. Thomas W. llazen. 27.1 Spaulding s Colfax 3"K0. WANTED Girl for general housework; Danish girl preferred. Apt. 10. Old Ham ilton, 24th and f arnam. Phone D. 6224. COMPETENT girl for general house work, where laundress is kept. Sirs. A. W. Carpenter. 117 S, 38th Ave. Har. 4031. WANTKD Competent girl for general I housework In small family; no wsshing, good wages. H. 4582. 1002 8. 3th St. C6MPETKNT girl for general house work: no washing good pay. mu is. 31st Ave. Harney 2054. WANTED Girl for general housework in family of 3: German preferred, with references. Wal. 1740. A thorouahlv competent cook: middle- aged woman preferred. Apply 113 N. 18th. Douglas 3iiH. GIRL to assist with housework and rare of two children, toil Chicago street. Walnut 3129; WANTED At once, girl for general housework. 5011 Chicago street. Wal nut 3129. WANTED Competent cook, good wages. iivty to jis. v. .-1 u, . iiiv. a ni ne m St. WANTED Competent white first maid: must be first class cook. Harney Uil. KXPERIENCED second maid; record- jyj par K AVE. Large south room, rnod mendatlons required. Telephone H. 3436. I fTn. l'rlvatcfainily. Harney 1828. "WANTED Competent cook; city refer- ences. Mrs. r. 11. 1 is vis. 52 h. ztitn St. ToUNG girl to assist with general housework. 1119 Cass St., Harney 3326. GIRL for general housework, no washing. also nurse girl. Telephone Walnut 18O. WANTED Competent cook: references required. Telephone llarney ;ii92. WANTED Good girl for general house work: two in family. Webster 4310. WANTED A competent nurse for chil dren. Harney6w9. 36-3 Jackson St WHITE girl for general housework. 3506 H aw t home Ave.. Hemls Park. WANTED Girl for general housework 3402 Dewey Ave., Harney li2. GIRL for general housework; amall fam ily. Harney 358. 10.T7 st GIRL for general housework; no wash Ing 4S2K Davenport. COMPETENT cook; references required. Harney 421u. Mlseellaneons. WANTED Experienced or Inexperienced rag s'.rters. either men or woman. AppIv Omaha Metal at Rubber Co., 101 8. Ith St. ELSIE 1 Please write or come home. Fred. EDUCATIONAL SPRING TERM APRIL 1 DAT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL, Everv dav Is enrollment day. Book- lirln. Shorthand. Stenotype. Type' writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLFS COLLEGE. 16th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1565. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON CODRSB. For sale with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, sine Spring Term begins soon, call office. Omaha Bee. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y-BOOK KEEPING. Da School for Young Woman. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Tone C Duffy, a. lath Bt. Owner snd Manager. Omaha. EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL OK MODKHN Ll.Mil AUhB. l AOr.S. .wnlosvu 4. and" art 1 Is ss or nrlxale lessons I "t studio. I'lione Webster "&4. PAXTON R!k. School of lettering an tesches raving trsii.s: prtvaieiy. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Pr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed gad no money paid until cured. Writs for bosk on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY, 240 Bes Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma sufferers sre suc cessfully restored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 312 Bee Bldg. DR. W. Chiropractor. II. KNOLLKNBERG, Tyler 19H 13,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The ladles' Home Journal II. 1 The Saturday evening Post $1 60 The Country Gentleman 11.00 ftm subscriptions by April earns that 13,000 for The Invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or renewal contributes Wc. Phone Douglaa. 7163, or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Youns Women's Christian sssociatlon building at 17th St. and St. Mary s Are., whers they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your oid clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodgo Et. PHOTOGRAPHY taught In all branches.' Few 60c lesson In kodak work saves you money. Kmory School of Photog. ra phy, 6U N. lth. Phone Tvler 241. Fill? LEY dl,nk nd dru treat- i uivuiii nwnt ,s best known cure. booklet free. THE FURLEY. 3157 Far- nam. Omaha. Phone Harney 3742. DRS. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St., S. O. Consultation free and Invited. PhoneJSouth 4018. R I f P T I f T? F. Successfully treated x u AV - without a surgical operation. Call or write Dra. Wray fc Uatheny, 3 Bee Bldg., Oinaha. HATS dyed and reblocked; feather boas cleaned, curled and made from plumes. Dora Elselej 113tJ.'ity Nat. Bk. D. 332. SUITS pressed and spoaiged. 60c. We call for and deliver. Phone ua. City Press ing Liui), auz ieviiie. tteq ao.a. NU-BONE Corset Shop; surgical corsets a specialty, weostcr-sunneriana oiag., andHoward. Red4392. VAS8AGE AND KLECTR1C BATHS. chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 2iu 214 Balrd Blk.. 17h and Douglas. D. 3458. PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer. bath, electric treatment, opens a. m. to p. m. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. MA K BRUGMAN. Fteam and shower bsths. Massage. Red 2727. Room 203 Karbach Blk. SHAMPOOING at your home by colored nalrd resser; references. Webster 21 23 MAFSAGE Miss Webster, 618 Paxton Blk D. 3227. Office hours 10 to 8. RHEUMATISM treated successfully: re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg. ELECTRIC treatments. Swedish grad uate. 1715 Dodg 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. PRIVATE home for maternity cases. Call Colfax 2042. 4416 N. 88th Bt. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. FOR ENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTER: If vou fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vscant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Ree Want Ad Dept. and sive your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued everr week. See us for desirable rooms. OMAHA ROOMING HOUSE ASS'N. 433 Ramge Blk. 115 & Hsr.) Doug. 7406. TWO furnished rooms In private family: excellent location; gentlemen only. Webster 4938; Fl'RNISHED rooms In private familv for one or two gentlemen. vi .im. Tyler liSl-J. N. 23D. 220 Two nicely furnished rooms. Something better man me orainary. Red 4232. SPLENDID accommodations for two gen- tlemen, south rooms; private, riar. i.u. NICE room In modern home; private family: a snap, can vt eusier asio. 2192 VINTON Two blight, newly fur nished rooms on car line, rteu onaa. I NICELY furnlsned room. close in; au modern, rji n. " I ikTJ S. 29TII ST. Strictly first-class rooms. I Harney 1666. Ilnnsekeeplnsr Rosas. LARGE outsldl and S-room furnished A pts., for housekeeping. 3..n 10 . per week. Lincoln A pts. Z192 cnicago M. Tyler 2607. t u 'it s or nouaeaeeitinK rooms left in new apartment 10 uemraoio t-uuire, electric light and hot water heat. llar ney 57r7. DOUGLAS ST. 2201 Front housekeeping rooms; everything lurnisneu, cuesi rent. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, single or ensulte. newly papereo. nioacni. aiii - Jackson. Phone Harney in. THREE eonnectlng modern rooms, for housekeeping. lr. urliuin, rarnam. Snard nnd Rooms. NICE, newly furnished connecting euitv of front rooms, suitable for couple; will serve board. call vt enater tin. ROO.M and board for couple ladles or glints. If, each; rine location ana sen Ice. 2V.2 St.MhryJs Ave. 1910 BINNEY STREET Room and board for I wo men or man and wire, vveo- ster 1541 . 1 . 2106 FARNAM Board and room, ana up. Douglas 5:40. I nfnralahed Rooms. THREE rooms and kitchenette, modern: must he seen to be appreciates mil j'npiileton A v 2601 ST. M A R V S Three unfurnished rooms; wl'l furnlsn II aestrea. TI'REF. modern" unfurnished rooms. io7 l)throp. Phone eusier 4-ROo.M " flat, nice woodwork. $16. 2424 leavenworth St. Hoosna Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE nr..t. y rs r ad DtM-r. and find out all about the FURNISHED K00M GUIDE. It's s plan that Is helping many people rent their homes. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. '-R . with built-in bed. 1717 Dewey, NEW. 82, summer; .iti winter. HASTINGS at HEYf'KN. 1614 Harney St. Tyler 50. HOTELS MOTEL SAN FORD, HOTEL TTARLET. Wth and Farnam. 2oth and Farnam. Special Rales to Permanent Quests BAVOT HOTEL, 15tn and JaVksona. Clean, modern, comfortable rooms al moderate prices.