Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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mi: ni:i:: omaha. N.virmuv. ai'I.mi- i. i:n;.
Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Visiting Shoppers
Flock to Omaha
Thursday the Burlington Hty tlcet of
fices at Sixteenth and Farnsm streets
were headquarter for a party cf fight
recr-le. who came from out in the state
to do their spring shopping. The poop!"
came early In the morning mil ftcpnslted
their lunch baskets with City Passenger
Agent Reynold. At noon they returneii,
loaded with parcels, unwrapped and nt .
their lunches and then visited f.,r a. time.
Afterward they left their pin rhnjos w th
Mr. Reynold and went out to do ome
more shopping, returning shortly before
train time.
First gnde fhil.iren nt Franklin hool
Imve planted tin assortment of flower and
vegetable seeds In a plot within the
hool ground. The Janitor cultivated
the trai t and Carrie Medcrmc) rr, flit
grade teneher. led the youngsters In their
agricultural put suits.
W. E. Bradley of iv.7 St. Mnry's ave
nue bought a dog tag for "Jiin Iahl
man," hi ft ranlne.
roundinatrr Waagomr announces lie
will start next Monday morning on hi
annual quest for unlicensed dog.
For the women wo nro showing the very newest
shades in colored kid boots, and for the men the
newer English lasts, which hnv
bucIi great popularity "Style al
the while in Walk-Overs."
For Men For Women
$3.50 to $7.50
317 South 16th St.
v. tt I
WVWMI T fPOtun; 111 I II I IiiiMiiim i ft 1 1 ft
Otis Skinner Makes Strange "Box
Fellows"' with the Parquet
Scats All Gone.
n M I: I.I. IKK I S Marcll .11.
One mlsht say that It s Otis SMnn.
day In Omaha. The distinguished at
a as entertained at luncheon tills after
noon nt the Inherslty club and giv
H short talk afterward.
Hnr (t the theater were nil rms
It I n word about these loxe. thrt
want to sav don't Jump nt the rash rm
liifioii thin evening a. jo 1 s rvey th I
that the nelei-t little croups, hnl -ont.
off from the reft of the house, are bo.
They nre not.
A impulse nctor, like polities, ma
mnke strange, lets say, "box fellows'
Scats have been sold In boxes fo
I 111 evening's perforniHiire because tl
buyers rnUld not net reser allons, 01
the floor. Mr. Erank T. Hamilton see n
to be the only bona, fide host at t"
show. II" will ho sitting In a box w Hi
five guests that he really (hose a- I
invited to sit with' him to aee "Oi'-l.
o' thn Walk."
Sunshine Club.
TI10 HunMilne club met at Hid home of
Mrs. R. .1. Kills) on Thursday. Thosi
present were:
.1. Nelson.
J. Uradchoft.
Visitor Returns Home Soon
It. J. Mils.
W. Ilofiimn.
J. P. Klesser.
I". W. Kills.
Mies f. Arndt.
Social Gossip.
Mrs. Lyman O. Perley went to Lincoln
Friday morning ti make a ahort visit
to her son, Edward, who Is a student at
the I'nlverslty of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mra. W. II. Mct'ord and son.
James, who are. at present In New Tork
t'lty, are expected home next wrk. Mr.
Mct'ord la much Improved In health by
her southern sojourn.
Mr. Samuel M. IjuiMmm of Haverhill,
Mass., Is thn guest of the week of Mrs.
Hen Warren.
Mra. Frank T. Hamilton, who Is In Hol
lywood, part of Los Angeles, will not be
home for three weeks jet.
Mr. George L. Hammer and Mies
Hilda Hammer, who have been In Florida
for the last six weeks, will be home
feturday morning. Mlsa Hammet has
written to frlenda In Omaha that her
father la much Improved In health.
Mlsa Catherine Thummel will sail from
Honolulu for homo on April R. M.m.
IMckey will accompany Mian Thummel
on the Journey. Mra. Dickey, who has
Friday, March 81, 10 BMUiKSH. NASI! STOKK NKWS FOK RATl'HDAV. Telephone Dour. 137.
Trimmed Hats
QMARTNESS, style indi-
viduahty and moderate
price are the outstanding fea- 7
tures of this superb selection
of newly trimmed Spring hats
specially arranged for Saturday. There are small hats for the par
ticular type who can wear them so well also medium and large
shapes. Hats for every occasion dress, semi-dress and street wear.
Buds, wings, imitation goura, flowers and ultra smart pins artistic
ally arranged as trimmings. You cannot help but find the very hat
that is becoming to your type.
-. ;v,:
Maud . M
IL X .tr 'ssjsssuiiiii ,, 'l
Painting; by Ada Walter Shuiz
Forges Ahead in Popularity Con
test at Artists Exhibit.
War is Blamed for Increase in Pric&
of About Twenty-Five
Per Cent.
MIhs Maud Ttyan of Tortlnnd, Ore.,
who has been the guest of her eller, Mrs.
Cornelius niley, for the winter, is spend
ing a few days with Ml. Msiie Riley,
prior to her return home. .Mrs. Riley left
today for Dalian. Tex., to Join Mr. Riley
until the summer.
Ieen visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harold
Hlonfleld-Brown, for the' last year, will
visit In Omaha with Mr. and Mra. Harry
O. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs, J. t.
For Miss Vaill.
Mrs. Howard H. Raldiige gave a lunch
eon at her home this afternoon for Mlsa
Heth Vaill of Hancock, Mich., who la
the guest of her. grandmother, Mra.
Martha Field Heth. Spring flowers were
the decorations on the table and In the
dining room. Those present were:
Mesdnmes Mfsdiimei
.lack 'chf4er, Inniel Webster Fer
Howard II. Haldrig gusmi of Chicago,
Misses Misses
Heth Vaill, Mildred Rogers,
KIlKHhctli Pa via, Mellora Da via.
Liuilo Kacon,
Past Festivities.
Miss Margaret U'Toole, principal of the
Jungniann school of the South tide, en
tertained the teachers of her school
falurdny evening.
A curpiise party was given Tuesday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. it Johnson's
birthday anniversary. Tho gueata were:
A. Andieeson,
A. Anderson.
V. A. atarnett,
F. I. Cooper,
tl. Nelson,
M. Nelson,
A. Iingliorn,
N. hear.
'. Johnson,
l. J. arson,
I". Vlerwon,
1". K. l't-tcraoiw
Burgtis-MasQ Co. Sacoad Ftoor.'
Three Prices $2.75, $3.75 and $4.75
Wedding Announcement.
The wedding of Miaa Fannie Kohn,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Pavld Kohn,
and Mr. Cicorge Rofrman. was celebrated
Sunday evening at the Metropolitan club
rooms. Rabbi 11. Ciodinnky officiating.
Mlsa Nettle Uarellck Hiig "'Oh, rromise
Me!" accompanied by .Mlsa Hanson.
Miss lieatrice Schall wns the maid of
honor, and Mrs. Samuel Newman tho
matron of honor, while Adolph Kohn,
brother of the bride, served aa best man.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. J. A. Russell, Mr. H. K. Adams
and Mr. H. N. Hurkley of Omaha are
amoni; the new arrivals at the Kims ho
tel. Kxcelriior prlnss.
Mis. T. J. Foley and daughters, Marie
ami Vivian, leave Vls evening for Chi-
Children's Hats
AbPKKM)Il uFRortment of
children's hats. Id hempa
or milan braids and dainty
hand made lace and satin braid
bata, trimmed with roae buda.
wreaths, ribbon aud lc. Prices
$1.00 to $2.50
IiAIKil'i collection of entirely new trimmetl hats will
le a feature of interest in the I'a.M'ineiit Millinerv
M'ttion Saturtlay. Iirpe, heautiful Use re- Miilors with all
the chic style giving tiialities. Also milan hemp shapes,
smartly tnmmetl with rihhoii hows, French floweii ami
noveltv feathers. Stune have dainty facings of Georg
ette creiH Price raiiRe, 2.75, ?3.75 and $-1.75.
Saturday Morning, 8 to 10
A LIMITED number of trim
med hats, including satin and
satin and braid combinations. Very
stylish and were formerly priced
to $5.00. Very special Saturday
from k to 10 t. in. choice
UiUrimmed Shapes
AN assemblage of untrinimed
shapes, including every
shapo and color most favored
this Hfaoon. All extra quality
milan hemp, also hemp. Prices,
$1.00, $1.50, $2.50 Co. && at-
Burgess-Nash Gompawy
Buy the
When You kit Buying
Shoes for Boys
It is false economy
to hny CIIKAI shoes
for the Bovs. It takes
shoes of' DIvHXKI,
grAMTV to stniul
tlie kmcks.
are the host hoys'
shoes ramie. They
will outwear two
pairs of ordinary
1 Joys' Shoes.
Hoys', 1 to $2.60.
Little (J cuts', 1) to
13 i, $2.25.
Parcel Post Paid.
Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam.
co to make a two weeks' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert llobart of Duluth,
formerly of Omaha, who have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Alex
ander for two weeks, return home tomor
row. Yesterday Mrs. llobart waa honor
guest at an afternoon bridge, given by
Mra. Karl Fherman.
Friday Bridge Luncheon Club.
Mlsa Daphne Peters entertained the
Friday HrldKC-I-Ainchcon club at her
home Thursday afternoon. The meet
ing had been act for this afternoon,
but was advanced a day on account of
Mra. Howard H. Baldrtfre's luncheon In
honor of Miss Heth Vaill, also on the
calendar for the same hours.
Whist Club Meets.
Mrs. H. C. Barton entortained the mem
bers of one of the Informal whist clubs
Wednesday afternoon. The members trc:
Mesdames Mesdames
W. W. Kerr, I,. Hhruin.
Willis f. Crosby, Jr. Howard Kilter,
K. t'. Oonley, II. J. Hlrkler.
Charles Grandcn, - Joseph Langfellner.
"The Cabin Mother," a finely exe
cuted painting in oil from the brush
of Ada Walter Shulz of Delevan,
Wis., forged ahead to first place In
the popularity contest at the north
western artists exhibit, which is be
ing held in the museum at the pub
lic library under the auspices of the
Omaha Fine Arts society.
Second place is held by "Peon
ies," the work of Gertrude J.
Barnes, the painting that was In the
lead Thursday.
Katherlne Farrington's painting,
"The Little Model," is safely en
trenched In third place.
Many vlsitois who have purchased
votes at the exhibit are holding them,
with the Idea of casting them for their
favorite painting on the closing days of
the exhibit.
The standing of the paintings In the
popularity contest at the present time
Is not a criterion as to which artist will
win the honor. In the opinion of tho
hostesses In charge of the display ff
Visitors at the exhibit are evlnclnn
more than ordinary Interest In the woiX
yhurch of the Visitation," from the
brush of Harriet Macy of Des Molnrs.
This painting won a prlre at an exhibit
in the Iowa capital.
Three by Nebraska f;irl.
Another paintli.g that has been tho
subject of considerable comment on tho
the opening days of the exhibit is Para
S. I lay don's "in Harbor." The artist has
been an Instructor In the art department
at Nehraskn State university for the
last fifteen yeara and is represented In
the state collection.
She has done much of her painting
while on summer vacations spent on the
coast of England. Her canvases, of
which she haa three In the local exhibit,
portray strikingly the sea life along the
Knglish coast.
Mrs. Charles W. Russell was chairman
of the committee of hostesses today.
The exhibit, open from 10 a. m. till 10
p. m.. Is free to the public. A charge
of 10 cents a vote Is made to , visitors
who wish to cast ballots In the popu
larity contest.
For Juvenile Court Officers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R Kellcy entertained
Juvenile court officers and their wives
at their home in Florence, Wednesday
evening. Among those . present were:
Judge and Mrs. Charles Leslie.
Messrs. and Mesdames
A V. Miller, A. H. Voaburgh.
M. H. Thomson, J. B. Carver,
P. S. MacAuley, C. A. Roden.
Misses Misses
Esther Johnson, Emily Clevc.
Elolse Virtue,
Mr. Arthur Lyons.
On the Calendar.
George A. Custer post of Woman's
Relief corps will be entertained Saturday
evening at the residence of Mrs. W. N.
Johnson, 1316 North Twenty-eighth street.
This la one of a series of monthly parties
given for the post and corps.
Mies Edith 1-ease will be hostess Tues
day afternoon at her home to the Kensington-Luncheon
Prospective June grooms will pay
larger sums for diamonds, or pros
pective June brides will wear
ifinaller diamonds this year than
There are now two ways about
that. Diamonds have gone up.
Some of the most conservative es
timates of local Jewelers are that
diamonds have gone up fully 10 per
cent since the first of the year.
Others estimate that In the last flvs
years diamonds have risen In prlee any
where from 10 to 25 per rent. Thus a
diamond that cost $1"0 five years ago
would bring from J120 to J12".
Here again tlie war is blamed for th
rise in price, especially In the last six
months or a year.
Beginning April 1, England Imposes an
export duty on diamonds. Tills, coupled
with the fact that at tho present mo
ment England controls the diamond mar
ket of tho world. Is looked upon by jew
elers as significant, and as explanatory
of the high price of diamonds and the
prospect of higher prices still.
England has long controlled the Aus
tralian and the African dlnmon.i mines.
In tlie main. But the conquest of tier
man territory in Snnth Africa by Eng
land has given England much, more
nearly a complete control of the situa
tion than it ever enjoyed before.
Holland Cats Diamonds.
Holland does most of the cutting of
the real small stones, as labor Is cheap
there, and with the cost 'if labor In this
country the cutting of the real small
stones could not be made to pay. It Is
said. The shipping of even this, known
to Jewelers as the "small stuff," is con
trolled now by England and must he
taken through England before it la ex
ported. There the export duty Is placed
on It, with the result that even the small
stuff has risen in price, and Is esti
mated to be fully 2i per cent higher
than it was last fall.
By "small stuff" Is meant the stones
of less than one-third of a carat.
Another reason assigned for tho high
cost of diamonds is that even when the
export duty Is paid in England the In
surance on the cargo is so heavy In
these days of random floating mines
and wayward torpedoes that the insur
ance premium adds another large Item
to the cost before the finished stones
reach America.
Gloves and Hats Important
II y l.A Htf tlMiilSi'..
if J , W
I Lr ."If JV .4 -'
" J J
Sm li accessories as
gloves, hats and
neckwear, nre Impor
tant details to bo con
sidered if a woman
desires to be cor
rectly attired. White
silk gloves with
striped borders are
new and very attrac
tive. The collar of
white voile with
dainty filet lace edge,
la a late creation. A
charming turban of
I a c q u e r ed straw
trimmed with a dash
ing moire bow
both youthful and
Aarnrai Aaraln Heard From.
WELLINGTON. N. Z. (Via London),
March 3". A wireless dlnpatch received
today from tbe Phackleton Antarctic ex
pedition's auxiliary hlp Aurora reported
the vessel at the time as 250 miles south
west of Tort Chalmers. New Zealand.
The Manicure Lady
ha Slaooorsss on Cleopatra and
th Ksal Bomanes.
A distinct 1 v e 1 '
smart turban Is illus
trated in a combina
tion of navy straw
and crepe de chine.
Tbe manner In which
the crepe de cliine Is
arranged in wheel
like folds 1.4 particu
larly Interesting. A
dashing bird-like
wing la perching atop
the crown and out
lined with coral bead.
"Who was Mister Hannibal?" asked
the Manicure I.ady.
"I don't know him," said the Head
Barber. "I used to know a Hannibal out
in Missouri, but It can't be him."
"No, the Mister Hannibal 1 mean has
been dead thousands of years," said tho
Manicure Lady. "The old gink that was
Just In here having his nails did was
telling me about him. He was a general
or a corporal or something."
"He couldn't have been much," said tho
Head Barber, "or I would have heard of
"Of course you would." said the Mani
cure Lady. "You and all the rest uf them
great mii Is such thick pals. This Is tlie
first time I ever asked you anylhins,
tieorge. and seen you fall down oil' the
i answer.
"The Mister Hannibal I mean crossed
them Alp mountains and scared the Ufa
out of h lot of them old Romans, thn
old gink told me. He said Hannibal wa.i
a jreat leader of men.
"I don't know," said ihy Head Ba'ber.
"Tell me more about Hannibal. He must
have been some guy If he could pcaro
them old Iton.ans. The Missus has got
a pretty good education, mid s-hc told
nie once the old Romans nearly con
quered the world."
"That's what thry done, George," said
the Manicure I.ady. "They went h1oii
licking their foes and making them UUo
It. They would have captured Egypt If
Mister Antony hadn't went and fell in
love with Queen I'lcopatrH. I remember
that much from my school books.
"I'leopatra was a peach, and she was
a fine dresser, too, being a queen and
haiiiK a lot of them modules to bona
around, and when poor Mark Antony
first set his lamps on her It was all
"He fell In love so he forgot all his
business dates, and when the other
Romans came to fight, her and him dono
tho Hutch, as they say at Harvard and
Yale. It a awful had. but I think It
was kind of romantic, though, (loodncm
knows. George, if I had a sweetheart that
w going to kill himself, I would b
qamn to so along."
"I'on't talk foolish!" aid the Head
Barber. "As the old poet once ald, Ufa
is real and the graveyard is not tlie
v.metery, or something like that. I don't
like tho undertakers well enough to give
tlicm any of my dough."
"But It must been kind of romantic to
say farewell to the cruel world together."
Insisted the Manicure Lady. "Men nas
real men In them days, and love meant
joiiuthing more than scrambled eggs for
breakfast and a delicatessen dinner at
nU'ut. On th? square, tiroige. there ain't
enough real romance in this whole big
city of New York to make one short
"Folks it. k'nd of getting onto romanc",
said the Head :ar-r. fltomancc la
a beautiful thing, bn. ' ain t a sticker
like true friendship. A crue friend will
lend you money. Roinn e will come
along and borrow It from you so qui -k
you'll forget how you got hold of It."
"Thank goodness, I ain't that arp. J
In my nature"- exclaimed the Mann-urt
Lrdy. "I'm strong for romance."
"1 know,'' sd,d the Iliad IUi rr. I.iit
you ain't married, and I am."
"That when ! am m ini; i,, i. ,
most lomanti' . ' s-n. ihe M hii iii" l ol.'
"Romance fer icr. ;,i :ic,i mj