Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Tin: bf:k: omaha. Friday, makch itns.
i :
Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Worc -:- Household Topics
Chance for English
Women to Win
New World Place
1 The editor f Pnron Megaslne writes
I from London am follo.
i "In the day of national upheaval
I ' It irrml te me Imperative that ome
lead should be gven to the women of
? England, ao that out of the chaoa they
5 may be helped to form saner Ideals.
) nobler principle, and a larger roncep-
i tlon of the place which awalta them
. when peace la once more established.
"I feel confident that women every-
i ' where are waiting for this messaae. and
that they are looking to the known
leader Vf aerial life for the Inspiration
hlch will help them to find them-
? ' "1!
of xa
pic. wh
he editor of Pearson's wants thla
ter'a suggestion, and they are given
dly and freely through the medium
the Evening Journal.
sirhere are no more charming and lov-
aUe women on earth than the Bngllsh
women when one cornea to know them.
There i only one other country which
can produce more disagreeable women,
when met oaaually. In travel and at ream-to.
than England haa produced.
If the Bngllsh woman wants now to
find heraelf let her first see herself as
others aee her. Iet her know that the
cold, distant, haughty exterior which
ahe carrlea Into the world and which
she utterly discards like a mask las it
Is) In her own home, is unbecoming, ami
that It awskena In the hearts of ami
able and kind people Impulses of resent
ment and dislike which are destructive
to both the sender and the receiver.
It does not create a Christian feeling
or promulgate that sense of brotherhood
and sisterhood which must exist before
the New Golden Age can be established
on earth.
A two weeks' stay In an English re
sort a few year ago aroused In our
hearts the hearts of two very good-natured
and amiable Americans a senna
of exasperation toward two English peo-
who sat at the table next our won,
who were often near us In the
room and elsewhere.
slight overtures toward courteous
tment were met with a cold stare,
nd titter Indifference marked their de
meanor during the entire fortnight. Sim
ilar experiences had been passed through
on ships and at other resorts In Eni(lan
and In English colonies.
On leaving one place we were, curi
ously enough, placed In the same com
partment with the haughty couple
when, lo and behold! after a few hours
the mask was thrown aside and the de
lightful, cultured and genial English na
ture shone forth. We were later Invited
to the home of thla couple, and have for
a period of several year been the best
of frlenda.
The man Is an officer at the front to
day and the wife a Red Cross nurse. It
was discovered that her distant manner
really hid a timid and shrinking nature
which lacked self-confidence and poise
In meeting strangers,
t. v. i i . , . . . l i ii - m
m i ins m irciiur-niijr ine explanation Ol
I thla English fragidlty of deportment; a
I J deportment which conceals . hearts,, as
y warm and genial as any which beat In
f human breasts. But let the English
women know that their attitude is un
necessarily and disagreeably repelling-.
ana lei mem realise mil n iney wouio
be helpers in the world and lifters of
the race they must unbend and unmask.
Then let all right thinking English
women start a erusad against the smok
ing habit which characterises the na
tion. It waa from England, not from
Russia or Turkey, or any other land,
that the American women adopted thla
ungraceful and unsanitary habit.
The "smart" women of England took
It up heaven only knows why or how,
but we first saw It In the fcngllsh plays,
and we. later aaw It In English drawing
rooms, and atlll later In hotels and on
lps, and In truth everywhere that we
saw the English woman of position.
Ho universal haa it been for some years,
that one who wss a visitor in England
i and did not smoke was obliged to ex-
J plain her 'eccentricity."
I If. aa the editor of Fearson'a says, the
English women are waiting to find their
I place of usefulness when peace Is estab-
M lmUA l-t .Via it hI&ii.I u WKI
" V ilinin UVI till UIMU ni HIUIl,
Then. perhaps, the American women,
who pattern all their vices after foreign
fashions, will throw away their cigar
ettes, and come Into the march of prog
ress toward a cleaner and saner way
of life. .
We asked a distinguished and bril
liant Englishman who was at the head of
the medical department In Ceylon. "Why
U it that English people In general
nd English women in particular, are
the most dtssgreeable human beings one
meets abroad, and the moat delightful
and lovable of souls when met In their
Jl own land and homes?"
"I don't know why it is." he replied,
"but I do know It Is a fact. I see It
. and hear It expressed wherever I go.
One thing. English women are' In truth
very retiring and timid by nature, and
very much afraid of being forced into
the limelight. They ahield themselves
In consequence behind this distant de
meanor, which is often mistaken for
If-satisfactlon and Indifference to oth-
'. But since this demeanor haa caused the
English woman to be disliked so unl--.
versslly when she is met outside of her
I home. It would be well for her now to
4 consider the adviablllty of changing her
manner to one of gracious affability and
1 kindliness; let her not be afraid to show
the transient acquaintance or the stran
ger encountered in travel a little of the
lovely nature and tender heart which
characterise her In her native heath.
) Trusting the editor of Pearson s will
v pass on these suggestions from one Amer
ican woman to all English women. I am
i hla and theirs for reform.
Do not get too chesty when soma one
compliments you on your success. The
chances are he wants to aell you ao
undeserved praise is bat a momentary
The man with a billy goat face la lust
ss liable to be pursuea by a Jealous wife
aa a tango Apollo.
There ia a large quantity of vinegar
ii, the disposition of the sarcastic sill
r'Thla work of reforming some fellowe
i aa difficult as patching together a
broken egg.
It ia difficult to indulge In the fancy
test habit without attracting thasattet.
tion of the alienist.
The smaller the neighborhood the
Kr eater the excitement when some fel
low geta too attentive to another man's
"After the Ball!
Copyright. 1M. Intern I Nes Service.
By Nell Brinkley
MmiMi F i JliSil. ill:: H
'! '
YOUTH have, or bave had all! And bo It is In the things
of the heart and mind. What do you think and have thought,
bo have I and your neighbor over there! The common ex
perience of Youth, and the same dreams and pondering.
We stand in a level, lovely sea, all with our feet upon the ooie
at the bottom, our breasts laved by the shining surface, our heads
In the sweet air above, and our eyes turned to the sky your neigh
bor as well as you.
Why, then, are we surprised to learn, when we come out of
stress and changes on the surface of the Sea of Life we stand in,
that our friend beside us, and all the hosts that stand with us, have
felt and known the same wash and heave of the waves about their
hearts that we have?
Telling of a marvelous blue and the light that fled over the
sky for you, you whisper it and look for striate on the face of the
listener. But he nods and 6miles as over a familiar treasure and
says, "I was It, too!"
The undercurrent that frightens you, your neighbor fights
against also. The foam that flies, he, too, tastes saltily upon bis
Hps as well as you. And all the cloud-shadows and rainbow hues,
rumors of light and dark, the lovelinesses, the mysteries, tbat touch
the face of the great Sea that swims around us these have touched
the hearts and spread before tae eyes of us all the Truth of Lif.
But we hug our dreams, our conjectures, our desires, our agon
ies, our secret remembrances! Sometimes for shame poor we
sometimes for jealousy. Because we fancy the friend beside us
never thought so!
Youth goes home from the dance in the thin light of the
morning. The big, low moon paints silver everywhere and peoples
even the city shadows with faery things. With the pins half out or
her hair and the silver roses still drooping in its waves tired silver
roses she leans In her window and dreams.
Her good little heart half afraid repeats every word, every
sigh, every smile, the sound of the music, the arch of his brows, and
the rhythm of his feet beside herg on the glass-smooth floor. The
froth of her dress lying across the severe black of big knee she
remembers him lifting it with a cautious band and saying, "I always
knew you were faery-relatlon." What happened that her heart
does not sing over and over again!
The rose he asked for and thrust roughly Into bis pocket
where would he keep it? Her thoughts venture, like blind things,
groping, wandering, grasping at memories, exulting at symbols, ad
vancing into the future shy things that tiptoe into unknown coun
try and fly back again to the real things of that night back and
forth back and forth like busy shuttles weaving vague cloth of
gold and blue. Gold for remote reachings, blue for the beautiful
adventures Just gone. And out of her dreams looks the straight
sml)lng man she's growing to know better!
He, too! La yes. He doesn't feel the sharp bite of the air
bis heart's so warm while he Binokes and dreams in slippers and
gown at the open window in his "diggings." What did she wearT
Silver and black and had eyes like stars he thinks. ' Did she like
him when she smiled like that or. was that Just the way she al
ways did it? And her eyes clung to her rose as though she'd kiss
It it she dared before it went Into his keeping. -
He's glad he's tall she Is so little! Over and over his brain
speaks the ride to the dance how she listened to his ambitions with
eyes that glistened and never left his face! Was she that Inter
ested? Surely she couldn't listen to another man with that look.
She had never given even him so much before.
And her hair! What hair! And shutting his eyes, Tits heart
repeats the touch of it against his cheek when ber bead drooped
coming home. His thoughts, too, venture into the same dim land
the Land of What-May-Be where hers are reaching. And before
"diving in," he stuffs her white roue into his hill-folder, man-fashion,
and firmly believes that no other chap ever carried a rose there
Didn't you know, dear Youth, that we all do that? Or did
one time? All Maids and Men dream Dreams, and pretty much the
same shy things. By NELL BWNKLET.
The Two-Fold Duty of Man
A good man died In New York last
week. Three daya later they buried blm
amidst a forest of flowers and a rain
of teara.
He waa a dentist. He did not belong
to on of what are so-called "the learned
professions;" although I anouid like to
know which of the "learned professions"
contribuales more to ease, comfort and
health of mankind than does skillful den
tistry. They have taken in the modest sign
with his name and the initials. "D. I),
8." after it. The shades are drawn and
there is a "To let' sign on the duor.
His patient have scattered aa members
of a suffering tribe to other dental of
fices and told tbelr troubles to other men
wearing snow white coata and a patient
expression and holding shining metal in
struments In their hands. And as they
have visited these offices they have all
heard the same apeech: "He took good
car of your teeth. He did hie work
The patient have gone back to their
home or office, or stores, or work
benches with thought other than of their
pain and loss. They were Inspired by
the words: "He did his work well."
A renewed ambition flamed in their
breasts. They rexolvrd it should Im
truthfully said of him: "lie haa done his
work well." What more can the man
who la leaving this world than tlist
of shadow and mystery ask?
One thing more. It may be asld of
him; "He always nmrto me more cheer
ful." I hsd known this man for cIkh
tern jesrs. Fur all those jears he ha-1
guarded iny.teclh with the csre that a
dainty womast gives to her Jewels, Hut
he did more for me than that. He .never
failed of a cheery greeting and a gay
farewell. He kept the even tenor of
good humor.
I asked him one day how he main
tained his unbreakable composure, to all
men and women, ' in all weather, mental
and otherwise. He polished carefully
the last filling while he answered:
"Sometimes when people come In at that
door they get me. They ruffit. me. Hut
I never let them know It. The aurly,
the Irritable, the Buffering, the meek, ali
received from him the same greeting,
the same careful professional treatment,
the same godnpeed.
Latterly his strength had been abating.
He confessed that hi laet vacation had
been prolonged and that he hadn't un
dertaken te new season's work with aa
much vim aa before. He told me of hla
plans for lessening hla work. There
should be less of quantity of that worn
but not less of quality. He would en.
tat.llnh a home apart from his office. It
was wearing upon Mm a little. Yea,
but there waa no change In hla fine
workmanship. None In his manner.
On the evening of a hard day ha aat
at the talle waiting for the serving of
his dinner. There waa an Inarticulate
sound, a dripping on his head upon his
breast, snd. he, waa a-nne. Rut the last
patient who had left his chair. Juat as
the light was growing too dim for work,
said what I loan of all the otbrr years
had said: "He wss moat arfnl in his
worh, snd he MiilU'ii snd Joked when he
shook hands."
He ilid M Wurk el nnd he ma
c hi l l fill. That in tl,e km. I of memory
we fha'.l nil have! .nivc in none better!
Man and
His Manners
How many of us think sbout our msn
ners? And yet Isn't It a tine ssying
that manner make the man and lack of
them the fellow!
Think If you will how often you intro
duce gracefully one friend to another.
Uo are all supposed to know that the
gentleman is introduced to the lady, no
matter what hla lank may be, never
the lady to the gentleman. For In
atance. ou would ssy. "Miss James, this
Is my friend, Mr. Swift," but not "Mk-.
Bwllt, thla is my friend. Mil James."
Hetncmber to present yound people to
their elders and single persons to mar
ried. '
Many pet sons wonder whether to shake
hands on being Introduced or simply to
bow. if the Introduction 1 formal a
bow Is sufficient. Hut if the stranger
Is to become a friend give a hearty
Ladles have the handshaking privilege.
A gentleman doesn't offer hi hand at
first. It ia assumed always that a man
is honored by an introduction to a woman.
This is why the latter never rise if she
happens to b sitting' when the Introduc
tion Is performed. But she always rise
to meet one of ber own s, and a msn
1 bound to get up for any sort of In
troduction. It Is easy to cultivate good manners
and tt Is profitable. A th world often
Judges us by th rut of our colthes. so
It Jiiitses us by our manners.
Then why not play th gam by know
inti the lull? jood manner cost noth
ing, and ctiijiietie Is easy to lesrn.
Tli" learning is a wonderful invest
, v ' p-,f- ., ' n. ...... .; 1 v--...!",vis...,- v.. -
is a food of unsurpassed purity. Every step
in its manufacture is under the watchful eye or
U. S. Government Inspectors.
Leading domestic science schools
Id America, and others who teach scientific
cookery, demand economy with excel
lence and insist upon Glendale.
Spread it on thick the price
permits it. If your dealer
doea not hava it, phone us
his name.
mobt. Badats, Kgr., 13th sad
Joaes ana. Deuf. 1065.
V W. X. WUatasoa, sCfr., SStk
I IV TV Aim i 1
j Orel LaWI Stare JT:
1 I "B ai" 1
Aay Immd pnimc tkal Wis tke
Ajsss0reJUhelsi Bet.
Star StockisMt Haaa
Star Bacon
"Simon Pur" Leaf Lard
Armour's Crap Juice
Clovwrbloons Butter
A! over 100 AZK2T
C I-
i n rLj