Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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"Tcwitiil'i fa Sporttnar eaoa."
Lighting mature nurg.aa-Granaoe-
Diamond linpmit Binge, Edholm.
e Boot Brlnt n Now Bmccd Trm a.
Oard.n Tool Jaa. Morton Son C.
Mirror a,ae a at B4Urtnt omln
Glase Con. Co., 11J Cap. At. D. 1TB.
For iU 3 4 m4 per cent city and
farm mortgage. J. H. Immont, Ke
llne Bldg.
aalatr' x.ool 10 Alt member to
attend apeclal meotlng Friday. March
31. at iv m. at Labor Templa.
"Today's atoria Frorr!,'' claaalflad
rectlon today. It appeara In The Baa
EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what tha va
rious moving picture theaters offer.
Jama Baaaa BaBtanead Jams Reaaa,
colored Janitor, formerly employed by
Albert Edholm. haa been sentenced to
ona to Hire yeara In prison for theft of
150 worth of diamond.
Contractor a laakrnpt John McTaf
art. brick contractor. 4734 North Thirty
ninth street, filed a petition In bank
ruptcy. .Liabilities, ISM. Assets, 2,M,
chiefly fire tnaurance.
To tan XUinola Oamtral Effective
April 1 Kd F. King will quit the employ
of the Illinois Ontral aa ticket clerk In
tha city office and will be succeeded by
tseorge W. Pchroeder of Dubuque, la.
Mr. ' Dart Vary Blek Mr. M. J.
Davis I very nick at the noma of her
daughter. Mr. W. T. Robinson. Forty
ninth and Davenport atreeta, and physi
cian cay aha can live only a few hours.
tao Eolotkoff Kara Monday Leon
fcolotkoff of Chicago, well known In Zion
ist circle aa a gifted orator, will speak
on "The Life Struggle of tha Jew" Mon
day evening at 8 o'clock at the Swedish
auditorium. The lecture I given under
the auspices of local Zionists.
XcXein aTeasiauarter Bar Mc-
Kelvle for governor headquarters have
been opened In the Ware block. Fifteenth
and Farnam atreeta. to provide a meeting
place for tha friends of the candidat.
Mr. McKelvIa will speak In Omaha Fri
day. April 7.
doodztoh (tardea Boaa Morton Son.
Bortlang.r Balaaaad Joseph A. Bort
langer, president of the Platte Valley
Tower company, who waa held before
Judge Leslie in district court on a con
tempt charge, was found not guilty and
haa been dismissed. It was alleged that
Mr. Bortlanger failed to comply with
the court's order regulating rates for
the lighting and power of Valley, Neb.
Vaa Tax-TUa" sttaglaa. Sunderlanda.
Miss Frances Nash
to Give an Entire
Concert at St. Joe
For the first time since appearing In
publlo Mlsa Frances Nash, the young
Omaha pianist, will give an entire recital
Monday evening at St. Joseph, under
auspices of the Fortnightly club of that
city. Miss Nash'a appearances heretofore
have been In connection with some other
artist or with an orchestra. Her program
Monday evening will consist of selections
from Schumann. Chopin. Llsat and a
group of modern composers will be In
cluded, eliss Nash will ba heard at tha
Boyd on Wednesday evening, April 19,
with the Philharmonic orchestra of New
York, Josef Stransky, conductor. This
will be the second time MLs Naah haa
been heard with an orchestra In Omaha.
Witness Prevents
Woman from Taking
Own Life by Poison
Pepondency over financial difficulties
prompted Mrs. Ida Davis. IIS2 Charles
street, to attempt suicide by taking car
bolic acid.. Mrs. Davis aummoned Joe
Brown, 250 Hamilton street, a friend
of the family, to her homo .and when
he arrived she attempted to drink the
Poison. Brown snatched the bottle away
from her, suffering burps about the
hands and arms in so doing. Due to
Brown's Interference Mr. Davis was
only able to drink enough of the acid
to burn her mouth and throat. She is
the mother of four children and her hus
oand Is 111.
H. J. Eyth, living temporarily at ttts
South Twenty-afxth atreet, state he is
motoring from New York to Portland,
Ore., thence to Kl Paso and back to New
York, to aaauaga his grief over a bereave
ment Buffered two months ago.
Ho earriea a copy of an Egyptian Bible
raid to ba 1,500 yeara old and valued at
t10,O"O. The leaves of thl atrange volume
were made of palm leavea and tne letters
were engraved.
Mr. Eyth said thl book ha been in hi
family for SSO year and he offer to give
riO.OOO for the other copy, which 1 sal 1
to he aomewhere In thelde, wide world.
Tha viaitor explained that the book, waa
owned by hi grandfather. Max von Eyth,
vlvtser to the king of Wurtemberg.
The new concrete posts for the light
ing system In the Field Club district are
now being set up by the Omaha Electlrc
Light and Power company. They are to
be fitted with transparent blue and white
glara aigns marking tha atreet by name
and number. The name and number
will be visible both during the day and
night. The posts are finished In white.
They were made In Omaha by tha Omaha
Concrete Stone company. The conduits
and post banes were laid by the Alamo
Engine and Supply company of Omaha.
The lights are expected to ba turned on
In a few days.
Hairy Allison. Kaniuel Bolian and
Frank Barry, apprehended by W. E.
Wlndle. 11. S. Oahma and C. K. I.ove
ren. 220, MI and S1J South Thlrty-aev-enth
street, for breaking and entering
P. J. Mahonry's garage, at Thirty-seventh
and Kamam atreets, were bound
over to the district court wtlh bond
'ixed at .V each.
Tha Brat Rrroatmr adattoa.
The atrongcat recommendation any ar
ticle may receive is a favorable word
from the user. It la the recommend
t on of those who have ucd It that
make Chamberialn a Cough Remedy so
liopular. Mr. Amanda C.lerhart. Waynes
field, Ohio, writes, 'Chamberlain's Cough
Kcmedy has been used In my fain I y off
and on for twenty yeara and It has
u.r failed to cure a cough or cold."
uUainabla every w here.- Advertisement.
The Week of Beautiful Windows
WtZttytS!! r-M1 3" ' Mm it-it r 1
k : : Mj
Savannah Reports Great Interest in
Highway Proposed from There
to Seattle.
Word comes from Savannah, Ga.,
of the great Interest being taken
there In the proposed Savannah to
Seattle transcontinental highway,
which it is proposed to outline and
map off at a big meeting to be held
In Omaha April 24 to 25.
Those who ara familiar with tha na
tional highway movement believe that
tits will rank In Importance wl h the I.ln
coin Highway. Tha Trans-Continental
Highway haa been attracting much at
tention slnca plana were flrat announced
and cltiea and towna along tha proposed
route have, given assurance .of their co
operation. Invitations to this organisation con
vention have been sent to commercial
club and automobile cluba of tha follow
ing ti les along the proposed route: Seat
tle and Spokane, Wash.; Livingston and
Butte, Mont.; Cody, Wyo.; Dead wood,
Mitchell and Floux Falls, S. D. ; tl.ux
City, la.'; Atchison, Kan.; Kansaa City,
St. Lo.ils and Cace Gliardeau. Mo.: Mem
phis, Term.; Decatur, Ala., and Atlanta
and Savannah, Ga. Invitations are also
being sent to tha following Nebraska
titles: Fremont, Columbus. Norfolk.
Nellgh, Long Pine, Chadron, Blair, Te
kamah. Oakland, Lyons and CraW. Ka h
city will be entitled to two deleaates and
tha votca from any one of the citlea must
be cast by a representative of that city
in order to be counted.
All delegates will be entitled to the
privileges of tha floor, and each city
sending delegatea will be entitled to two
votes. Those who attend this convention
will see that the Seattle to Savannah
Highway Is properly organized and
pushed forward on a practical business
basis. Omaha Is the natural meeting
place for tha flrat convention, inasmuch
as It is midway between tha two extreme
ends of tha propoed highway. It 1.4 note
worthy that practically the entire dis
tance along the proposed route is made
up of road already logged and well trav
eled. Much of the route la already
marked, and a considerable portion of It
la hard surface road. Motor enthusiaats
wilt look forward to an interesting con
ventloa next month.
A. N Katon has returned from a busi
ness trip to eastern cities.
C V. Warfield. meinlwr of the Board
of Education. out for a few hours
Of Little Girl. Itched and Burned.
Caused Scales to Form and Hair
to Fall Out. Entirely
"My little girl's trouble begaa with red
blotches oa bar bead aad matter came out of
than bioacbae which looked Uka persptrer
Uoo. They lu-had and
burned and when aba
acratchad them they would
bleed and It caused scab
to form. They made her
vary cranky and at nlgbl
aha would keep ma avals.
The breaking out caused
her hair to fall out and her
head aa dlsngured.
"I senator a free sample of Cutirura Soap
and Ointment aad tben bought mure, la
leaa than tare weeks her bead waa entirely
healed." .(Signed) Mrs. C. M McCraney,
BIS Falrview Ave., tt. Paul, Minn., July
13. lvlS.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With J2-p. Skin Hook on request. Ad
dress post-card "t'wtlrara. Uapl. T, Baa
law." Bold throughout the world.
Wednesday afternoon. He ys he Is
Improving steadily.
John C. Wharton, postmaster, has re
turned from a three-days' business trip
to Sidney, Neb.
When the t'nlled Master Untitle! of
A merit voted U hold their thirty-first
annual convention in Dinahs next
Atiguet they little knew of the jt'eat
things that would be done hy the local
anvialitn to mske it the most memor
able In ti e aiinnls of their ortanliatlon.
Tha entertainment committee of the
local association had barely finished
accepting the tnvitstlon of Secretary
Weaver of Ak-ar-Ben to be the gnestn
of that organisation on the evening of
August T, ahrn Secretary t'smeron of
the Omaha Retail Rutcher' sssoclstlon
received an Invttstlon from Colonel
Kveretl Hiirklngham of the Ptoek Yards
romp-any. to have all the delegates and
their families to he his guests at a
luncheon on one of the ilsys of the
convention. At s special meeting of th"
entertainment committee the Invitation
ass read snd Secretary Cameron was In
strurted to accept Colonel Buckingham a
Invitation. A most sumptuous repast
csn he tspected. for Colonel Bucking
ham Is some entertainer.
Had (oaahf feverish? (irlppyf
These ailments weaken your system,
don't wait. Cse Dr. Hell's Tlne-Tsr-
lloney. It allays Inflammation, kill
germs 2nc. All druggists Advertisement.
WORTH $5.00?
Woman Telia How Lydia E.v
Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound Restored Her
Lima. Ohio. " I was all broken down
in heal tn from a displacement. One of m v
lady friends cams t4
see me and cha ad
vised me to com
mence taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound
and to use Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative
Wash. 1 began tak
ing your remedies
and took5.00worth
j and in two months
8 was a well woman
after three doctors said I never would
stand op straight again. I was a mid
wife for seven years and I recommended
the Vegetable Compound to every wo
man to take before birth and after
wards, and they all got along so nicely
that it surely is a godsend to suffering
women. If women wish to write to
me I will be delighted to answer them."
Mrs. Jennie Moyer, 342 E.North St,
Lima, Ohio.
Women who suffer from displace
menents, weakness, irregularities, ner
vousness, backacha or bearing-down
pains, need the tonic-strengthening
properties of the roots and herbs con
tained in Lydia E.Pinkham'g Vegetable
If youwant peclaladvlowrlto
the Lydia 10. Vinkhsm Medicine
Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass.
i' " .
Wbea your tl are sad srltbi th aoi rovi thai
com of tndln sr walklna Ions hours, hea
ther bum and throb, .then they prplr aicea
telr and grow tender aa bolls and oti wish Hist
rati had noodan less, then you will remember tills
little storr of how a. clerk In a bis atora found
rwllef from hla foot woes. He waa a surtrrer.
!id mora so. Then one Uv be heard nf a aim.
pie. easy m.lhuci of rsli.vlui his aa'Hiles He
took lha hint and bouaht a tft-ewnl aackasa of
Wa-Ne-Ts at Ilia dnia srora. Two tabUu In a
basin of hot water, tlin a few minutes' Immersion
of the echlna. throbbing test, and lor (he pata
had son, the snrcncMa taiustied. the buriuna sen
sallon had l.een rT'le' -1 hy a roollna cnmr.irt
Toti can easily Irv It yourself Ilellihlful fur use
In halh. Imim akin mfi and sanitary. If oUr
drugsiat hn't Wa-Ne-Ta. fnd ua 10 tenia lor a
sample package and we will snail It t.i you pre-
raid. You'll thank ua for the auaaeatlon. I t'
-andoa Co.. Kouth Bsnd. Ind. - A4rtlsenent.
Announcing for
A Very Special
Sale of
Men's Shirts
at $1.35
Unusual Sale
Trunks, Suit
Traveling Bags j
everybody's stork'
Thursday, March 30, 1916-
TTelephone Douglas 137
Another Budget of Unusual Values for Friday in the
Every item listed here stands out as a guide-post to safe and sure economy
Silk Pieces at 10c and 25c Each
A big lot of silk pieces. to 1 yard Ion. In plain and
fancy patterns. Very desirable for trlnimlnns. fancy
work, etc. Extreme tallies. 1 f Of
Friday, at. each 1UC) 6uC
Burfaaa-Kaah Co. Baaemsnt.
Wash Goods Remnants, 15c
Short lengths of wash goods, 1 to 10 yard In a
piece. GlnnhnniB, ratine. tlHHue. aultlngg, voiles, etc.
were 2 Br to 39c yard; 2 7 to 36 Inches
wide. Yard
Barrsss-lTash Co. Basansant.
Women's 17c Vests, 10c
semens Cotton Vests, low neck and sleeveless, fine
ribbed, full taped. Splendid value at 17c.
Very special for Friday, at. each
Barfass-Maah Co. Baaamant.
Women's 25c Hose, 15c
Women's Hose, Tan Fiber ffilk Boot, full seamless;
regular 2 6c grade; very special for f
Friday, at. each IOC
Bnri-aaa-Baah Co. Baaamant.
School Hose at 2 for 25c
Boys' and Girls' School Hose, fine ribbed black cotton,
lull seamless; all sites; special for Friday
only, at single pair, 15 or 2 for
Burgaas-Baali Co. Baasmaat.
Women's 75c Union Suits, 33c
Women's Union 8ults, medium weight, with Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves, knee length. Regular OO-
price 75c, Friday, special, at OOC
Bnrfess.aTssh Co. Baaamant.
Table Padding at 25c
64-Inch Double Felt Padding, something you need
to protect the table. In the Basement, Fri- nr.
day, special, at, the yard OC
Barf tss-aTssa Co. Baaamant.
Turkish Bath Towels, 19c .
Bath Towels, full bleached,' large sire, good heavy
weight and absorbent. The regular 26c kind.
Very special, Friday, at $2.2." 1 Q.
a dozen, or, each IJt
Burress-Vash Co. Baaamant.
' $2.25 Bed Spreads at $1.69
Crochet Bed Spreads, the large double size, snowy
white, scalloped with cut corners. Regu- ! CQ
lar price, $2.26. Friday, special, at P 1 UV
Burrss-If ash Co. Baaamant.
New Spring Dresses, $6.95
Women's and Misses' New Spring Dresses, made of
all-silk poplin In the new Russian blouse effect.
Buttoned on the side with 18 fancy QC
buttons, at
Bnrrsis-ITsaB. Co. Baaamant.
Children's Spring Coats, $4.95
Children's Spring Weight Coats for ages 6 to 14 yeara,
were to $7.60. Several very desirable (tA QIC
styles, in one big lot. Friday, at P'aa70
Barrsa-Bash Co. Baaamant.
$1.98 Untrimmed Hats for 95c
I'ntrimmed Hats. In large, and small shapes. Rlack
and colors; good quality hemp. Worth QC
to $1.98. In the Basement, Friday, at.. aVijC
Burg-aaa-sTaan Co Baaamant.
Artificial Flowers at 25c
Artificial Flowers for trimming purposes, assortment
of roses, buds, etc., wide range of selection; nf"
special, in the Basement, Friday, at, bunch. . faOC
BarfssB-Vasa Co. Baaamant.
18-Inch Embroideries at 10c
Skirting Embroidery Flouncings. corset cover em
broidery. 1" inches wide, anl also fine baby edges
and insertions to match. Special, Frl- 1 A
day. at. yard 1UC
Burs; ass-Bash Co. Baaamant.
Embroideries at 5c the Yard
Embroidery Edges, Insertions and Beadings, variety of
designs very specially priced for Friday, In e
the Basement, at, yard OC
Bnrfssa-Bash Co. Baaamant.
Sample Pieces of Lace, Etc., 10c
Sample pieces of Laces, KeU, Ckiffons aud Em
broidery, from one to one And one-half -i "
yards long. Big variety, special, each.... XC
Barfsss-Vash Co. Baaamant.
Val Laces and Insertions, 2l2c
Val. Laces, Insertions, Edges, Black l.acei and Gal
loons, Linen Ibices, etc., wide variety of O 1
patterns; special at, yard N4&2C
BarfaBa.sTaah Co. Baaamant.
Seeds That Will Grow
A complete assortment of lawn and garden seeds.
Blue Grass Seed, lb., 20t- Trana-MissiMtippi lawn
mixture, lb.. H3f. White clover seed, lb., f
G5. Flower and vegetable heeds, pkg.... J C
Burrsaa-Baah Co. Baasmaat.
Patton's "Sun Proof" Paint, $2.25
Patton's "Sunproof" paint, guaranteed to be pure, good
range of colors to select from; special, for f0 OC
Friday, In the Basement, at, gallon J)a3
Barrsss.Masa Co. Baaamant.
Wired Poultry Netting, $2.25
Galvanized wire poultry netting, 2-lnch mesh, rolls
of 160 running feet. 2 feet high. roll. $2.25: 3
feet high, roll. 83.38: ten high, jq
roll, 84.50; 5 it high, roll tPUiOJ
Barraaa-Baaa Co. B as ass sat.
Screen Wire Cloth, Yard, 10c
Black Japanned screen wire cloth, best quality, 24-luch
sise, very specially priced for Friday, -a
In the Basement, at. yard 1UC
Barf aae-Baah Co. Baaamant.
Notion Specials
200-yard ma
chine thread;
spool itv
DarnlnR cot
ton, 4 spools
K m b r oldery
edgings, per
bolt JVc
Men's shirt
bands, a 1 1
sizes, en. 'i'ir
ftOO yards bant Inn cot O
ton, SMM) OC
Large needle
books . . . 10c
Inside dress
belting, per
yard Ac
Large bottle
machine o 1 1
for fVo
Bone hairpins,
box fie
Milk finish crwhet cot
tun, all colors, spool , ,
Kid curlers
all sices, doc
en for . . . IOo
Shoe string
shopping bags
acb . . . Irtu
Ladles' and
children's hose
supporters M
dressing comb
for 10c
Bara-aaa-aTaah Co. Baaamant.
High Qua H t y
Corsets at $1.95
INCLUDING an assortment of
well known makes, which we
are discontinuing. A Corset for
each figure, low or medium
bust, best boning ebony or non
rustable; sites 18 to f QC
36, were to $7, for S L aaO
Bnrgaaa-Baaai Co. Baaamant.
Men. Women's
Umbrellas. 79c
MENS and women's water
proof fast color. American
taffeta tape edge umbrellas,
made In a steel frame and 7-rlb
paragon frame: each umbrella
Is carefully built and full site.
Handles are plain mission or sil
ver or gold plated; un- 7Q,
usual values, Friday.. JC
Bnrfass-Bash Co. Baaeaaeat,
Decorated Dinner
Ware Reduced
ODDS and ends of decorated
dlnnerware, whlta and gold
and floral decorations.
Dinner plates, soup plates, cupa
and saucers. Spe- 1 n
clal, Friday 1UC
Makers, each, lAr and 19c.
Platters, each. 10c, 25c, 89c.
Covered dlshCB, each, 80c.
Large bowls, each, KM-, lAc
and --V,
Barraaa-Vaab. Co. Baaemeat,
A Sal.
is announced
for next
all healthy, sturdy plants, due
to bloom this season
HOc Each
Barraaa-Bash Co. Baasmaat.
Women's New
Pumps at $2.45
THRKK styles--I'atent
kid with Jet orna
ment and openwork, instep
Dull kid with ornament and
fancy instep strap.
Black vii'l kid with three
straps, medium weight sole.
Bnrgaaa-Vaak Co. Baaamant.
Women's Shoes
Were to $30, ai$l
A DIG lot of Women's High
rUioes, all leathers, sixes
2 4.1 and 3 '-4 . Were $3.00 and
$3.E0. Sale price AA
Friday, pair J 1 aliU
Bargaaa-Vaah Co. Baasmaat.
omen s
Were $5, at $2.19
rPAN Russia calf button and
J- lace high shoes, including
Dorothy Dodd and other good
makes. Worth fcO 1Q
$5 00. for 4&alaV
B orgs a-Bash Co. B asemeat.
Boys' Shoes
Were $2.50, at $1.98
BLACK box calf, blucher cut,
solid leather soles, good
wearing for play and school.
Sixes 1 to 54. Regular price
$2.r.u; Friday, at,
the pair
Burgaas-Masb. Co. Baaamant.
Men's Coat Shirts, 59c
Made of rine soft shirting material, coat style, cuffs
attached, neck band: the colors are absolutely f-Q
fast; good fitting and well made. All sites.. OtC
Burgaaa-Baah Co. Baeamaat.
Men's Union Suits, 48c
Long or short sleeves, ankle and Inseam. closed
crotch, long combed undyed yarns, well fin- in
lshed, all sites, slightly Imperfect; each.. rCVC
Barg.aa.Vaak Co. Baeamaat.
Men s Sample Underwear, 25c
Two-piece Summer Underwear for men, athletic and
knitted garments, a few medium weight. nf"
Special, Friday, at. garment afaOC
Bargeaajrasa Co. B assonant.
Men's Silk Hosiery, 23c
Blf lot of Men's Silk Hosiery In black and fancy
colors, stripes and checks; Imperfections of nn
ROc qualities. Real bargains, at. pair.... OC
Bnra-.aa.Vaah Oa, Baaamant.
Women's 25c to 39c Undermuslins. 15c
Special group of Muslin Drawers and Corset Corera,
made of good quality muslin, some trimmed f C
with lace or embroidery; were 2 6c to 39c, at. . IOC
BurrsBS.Baah Co. Baaamant.
Dressing Sacques, Friday, 15c
Odd lot of Women's Dressing Sacques, la light and
dark colors. Specially reduced for Frl- . f"
day, In the Basement, at IOC
Bargaaa-Baah Co. Baaamant.
Outing Dressing Sacques, 25c
Odd lot of Women's Dressing Sacques, in light and
dark colors. Specially reduced for Frl- jf"
day, In the Basement, at iSOC
Burfsaa-aTaah Co.-Baaamant.
Women's Gingham Petticoats, 50c
Olngham rettlcoata in regular and out sixes. Made
of plaid or striped cbambray. Very spe- tZf
clal Friday, In the Basement, at OUC
Banreas-Kaak Co Baaamaat.
18c to 25c Ginghams at 11c Yard
32-Inch Ginghams, a strong fabric, yet fine In texture;
llo and 26c grades; neat stripe and checks; f j
for house d Teases and children's wear, yard. . A 1 C
B org .as. Bash Oo. Baaamant.
Mercerized Poplins at 15c 1
Highly Mercerised Poplins, white, black and all tha
new popular shades. In the Basement for f .r
Friday, special, at, yard IOC
Barrass-JTssh Oo Baasmaat.
i Plisse Crepes at 12Vic Yard
Small floral designs, light and medium colored
grounds, serpentine crepes, large design that are
now; In beautiful color combinations, 1 O 1
t. Trd 1,-ZC
Barg.aa.Baaa Co. Baaamant,
Fifth Avenue Poplins at 25c
Fifth Avenue Poplins, white and colors, 36 Inches
wide, hjghly mercerised. Special fer Frl-
day, in the basement, at, the yard DC
Bargass.Kssh Co. Baaamant.
34-Inch Modette at 19c
Light and Medium Dark Grounds, beautiful floral de
signs, stripes, etc.; new. nonshrtnkable wash 4 r
fabric that will make stylish summer dresses ItC
Bargaaa-aTaah Co. Baasmaat.
Bed Sheets Friday at 59c
Site 76x90-lnch Sheets, smooth, even weave, yet
strong and heavy, will stand dally laun- f-Q
derlng, at, each . . OaC
Bargeee-Baea Co. Baaaaaaat.
40-Inch Long Cloth at WSc
You will appreciate this extra fine quality Long Cloth,
fully 40 inches wide; mad from snow- r i
white sea island cotton, yard 12'C
mrgaas-Baah Co. Baaansaat.
Friday Morning, 8:30 to 12
Standard Quality bleached and Unbleached Muslin
all one yard wide. Will be sold forenoon r-
only, at, yard
Tgaaa-Baaa Co Baaamaat.
Friday Afternoon From 1:30 to 6
Dress and waist patterns included In the odd lots and
short lengths of wash goods taken from our regular
stocks, tbat are worth regularly up to 26c; 40-inch
printed voiles, 36-ln h madras cloth, half-silk ratine,
fine tissues, crepe suiting, pllss crepes, printed'
flaxon, mercerized pongee, wash g
colors; yard ' O2C
Borgeaa-Baah Co. Baaamaat.
Kalkomo Wall Finish, 45c
Sanitary wall finish, the Kalkomo brand, put up In
5-pound packages and marked very special A f-
for Friday's selling, at, pkg 40C
Bargaaa-aTaah Oa Baaamaat.
Sapolin Enamels, Paints, Etc.
We are splendidly prepared to supply your enamel
varnish and paint wants. Sapolin enamels all colors
per ran 25. Sapolin screen paint. ' a- '
Friday, at. cHn lOC
Borgaaa.Vaah Ce. Baaamaat,
Garden and Lawn Rakes
A very timely sale of garden and lawn rakes. 24
tine wire lawn rakes, at SO, Twelve-tin hard
wood handle garden rakes, at th spe- f r
clal price or 1 5C
Bargeaa.Vnali Co. Baaamaat.
Spading Forks, Friday, 58c
A very handy article for the vegetable and flower
garden. Four-tine, "D" handle spading fork, fQ
specially priced for Friday's aelllng. at OOC
Barrs.sTnah Oa. Baaamant.
urgess-Nash Company
'everybody's store'