Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till; WV.K: OM.UIA. IKIDAV. MAKl'll -1. l!Ur,.
Dr. Henry Noble MacCracken Gives
Students Talk on Straight Tip
on Straight of Market.
Using as similitudes for the trio of
market terms gilt edge bonds, long
term mortgage bonds and industrials
Integrity, patriotism find educa
tion, Dr. Henry Noble MacCracken,
preslflent of Vassar college, told a
Urge audience of students at the
Central High school that, after all,
Jcuth, health and brains constitute
the only capital worth very much.
Dr. MacXYacken, who is one of the
roost widely known educators In the
country, called his talk "A Straight
Tip on the Straight of the Market."
In speaking In the term of the
market, the Vassar head compli
mented the high schoolers by assert
ing that from a standpoint cf worth
while capital he was addressing the
Tirhest audience in the city the
rUhest audience In the unconquer
able .' assets youth, health and
' Hlay Rank la Intenrtty.
"The one bin bank In th world, from
wht should be your standpoint, Is In
tegrity,'' Pr. MsiVracken declared.
"The way to invest It Is to make Indi
vidual email acta cm-h day; you will
find, a you grow older, that a Rood
name la better than a (treat name. There
la not a Rilt-edne bond on the market
to compare with Integrity.
'Kor a long-term mortgage bond In
vest In patriotism and put your youth,
health and brains Into It. Follow the
example of the late J. p. Morgan and
r.ever sell your country 'short.'
"Not unlike the market 'Industrials,'
there Is a trace of the speculative In
Ihla highly 'Important unit of tho trio
education. You will find that education
la the best Industrial Vrck, and to real
ise returns on this stock you mast be
willing to work and wait for the re
turn. "To my way of thinking a year of ed
ucation is worth five of rxporloiice, no
matter what vocation you follow. As is
also one year In high school worth five
outside, one year in college worth five
of experience and one year of post-graduate
work tha equal of five out in thu
"If necessary beg, borrow or steal
enough to get your education Just so
you get It. Do not sarrific your assets
youth, health and brains on any altar,
but that of education.
"Tou high achool students, perhaps,
think you are not seeing- aa much of
like as you might. But you are seeing
life at Ita best. When you get out In the
world you will see only a slice of life.
Don't try to sea life before you are
capable of doing so. All you have to do
Is to bet on yourself Invest your three
most precious assets now and wait for
the returns.
Dr. MacCracken told the students that
In this age of great expansion there Is
an , unprecedented demand for college
graduates. In all lines of endeavor, he
said, the leaders are pleading for trained
men and women, as there are not nearly
enough to supply the demand.
The 'Omaha members of tho Vassar
club are:
Mesdames Moadames
"VV. 8. Blackwell, W. c. Shannon,
Arthur Onion. Lloyd Osborne,
Mylea Standiah, C. V. Poynter.
Robert Updike, Frank Crawford,
ieorga Haverstlck, lsador Zlegler.
tSamuel Kees, Jr.; Frank H. Turner.
Mlasea Misses
Mon Cowell, Margaret Bruce,
May Copeland. Frances Dugan,
Hilda Hammer. Kthol Dietrich.
No Heirs in Sight
for This Estate, So
State May Get Coin
Unless an heir to the late Henry Miller
is found, the etate of Nebraska will be
J1.600 richer by reason of the activity of
the administrator of Miller's estate.
Miller was killed by an Omaha Trans
fer truck, three years ago, and Thomas
fMurray, his lawyer, was appointed ad
ministrator. Suit waa brought for dam
ages, and settlement of J2.700 ws made.
After expenses, and attorney fees were
deducted there still remained $1,600.
Judge Bryce Crawford of county court,
will declare the money escheat to tho
state unless a claimant puts in an ap
pea ranee.
Wifey Objects to
.Husband's Joking
Because her husband is in the habit of
calling her up on the telephone at un
seemly hours and impersonating a doctor
of the coroner, and relating wierd stories
of his trsglc desth or mortal injury,
Julia Romberg, who makes the allega
tions, asks for a divorce, In a petition
filed in district court.
She declares her nervous system has
been shocked once too often.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Straus of New
York, arrived in Omaha Wednesday, and
left last evening. Mr. Straus
one of the officials of the Amer
ican Smelting and Refining company of
Omaha, and has large smelting and min
im; interests throughout the west.
It was announced that this is merely
a tour of inspection, one of the annual
tours of this kind which Mr. Slraus
makes to the various plants in which
he Is financially interested.
T. C. Fyrne, head of the Rvme-iiain.
mer company and formerly an enthus
Isstle participant In the affaira of the
Omaha Driving club, has' secured a new
saaaie norse. Paul Coad purchased
malted saddler. Pansy," a beautiful ma
hogany bay mare, which will be shipped
10 umana at once for Mr. Brne.
SonaelhlBK Oood.
Tb' who hat nasty medicine should
trv Chamberlain's Tat. let for constipa
tion. They are pleasant to take and their
effect is so agreeable anj so natural
that you will not realist that it has
been prodjefd b a medicine, obtainable a menl.
NEW FIRE TRUCK BOUGHT BY OMAHA Eleven were purchased, five of this type
for the outlying- stations and others with pump and other attachments for the downtown
-- - . ,T
Three Feet at Deadwood. with
Snow and Rain Covering; the
Ground East of Norfolk.
While thorp Is no blizzard, sched
uled, or on the way, according to
morning reports, western Nebraska
and states to the north and west
are experiencing another little
touch of winter.
Both the Northwestern and Bur
lington report that the biiow that
commenced falling in western Ne
fciaska, South Dakota and eastern
Wyoming Wednesday afternoon,
continued during the night and that
this morning, all through the Black
Hills country and west In Wyoming,
It had attained a depth of ten to
twelve Inches. However, it Is very
wet and is not blowing or drifting.
Reports from Deadwood show three
feet of snow there, crippling rail
road traffic.
The heaviest snowfall ncems to have
covered a stretch of country from Newell,
north of the Ulack IIIIIh, south to Oler
Ichs, south of tho hills. Kast and west
the heavy snow belt is some fifty miles
All down through the sand hills coun
try along theiline of the Burlington to
about as far east as Broken How, In
Custer county, thero was two to six
Inchea of snow during the night.
Along tho Northwestern there la one
to four inches of snow across country
from Casper east to I.onc Tine. A short
distance cast of Long Pino during the
night 'the snow turned to rain and in
tho morning a heavy rain storm covered
the entire area as far east as Norfolk,
with light rain east as far as Wayne
and down the Elkhorn valley as far as
West Point.
Over the Union Pacific's branches
north of the main line there was rain
and snow durtnif tho night to points as
far east as Columbus. West of Colum
bus along the main line there was snow
or rain a greater portion of the 1 night.
with a heavy fall of snow from Kimball,
Neb., to Cheyenne, Wyo.
It Is asserted that while the area vis
ited by tho snow and rain was not suf
fering on account of any lack of mois
ture, the precipitation will be of great
benefit and if followed by warm weather
will rapidly force vegetation and cause
winter wheat to forge ahead. Besides,
It Is asserted that it will put the ground
In perfect condition for plowing for
Council Approves
Fire Truck Order
The city council approved a contract
with the American I.a Franee Fire Kn
glne company for eleven eomblnatlin
hose and chemical motor trucks for the
fire department. The amount of the con
tract is t52,OOS, as. follows: Kleven ma
chines at $4,S00 each, three Junior pumps
at $'i00 each and three turrent pipes at
$16 each. The anparatua will be c elie-ed
within ninety days.
Fifteen Suits Are
Dismissed in Bunch
Fifteen lawsuits against Insurance com
panies, brought by citizens who alleged
damages as the result of the tornado,
have been dismissed In a bunch by Judge
Willis Pears, who declared there was no
evidence to support the claims of the
"I have fully decided not to continue
the annual custom of the city gathering
up free of charge accumulations of rub
bish In connection with the spring clean
up," stated Commissioner Drexel of the
ftreet department.
This refers to heap of old material
placed In lack jards ard alleys by housv
holders. This rlcnn-up last year ex
tended thro gh a we k and ot it e s re -t
di partmcnt $3,.vm.
Rudolph Hendrlckson, son of Uendrick
son, the Jeweler, is soon to go to Keellne,
Wyo., where he Is to engage in the live
stock business. Being u cowboy looks
better to blm than being a jeweler.
Horns Miller Is asain a grandfather.
Monday night a six anil a half pound
daugiiter was bom to Ir. and Mis. II.
A. Waggener. Mrs. Waugt-ner is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Home Miller.
I.umhaao ami I'aina In Ike Hark.
At the fust lin-:c (,f in the liack
apply Sloan s l.iiiiiin lit - I llrf mines at
once, only r All druggist.-Advci-l!sciiirnt.
a f t -.vr .-.Vat; j-:
it III m L.4 I.TV 1 "
ft -TMaW-W-W
Waage Loses Faith in Mankind as
He Sees His Fresh Apple Pie Go
Alss for faith in one's fricn'ls, one's
fellow men, one's lo-workcrs! Alas!
August Waage, carrier No. S3 at the
postofflce, has lost all such faith.
And who could blame him? Not us,
by .llmlny, not we.
They stole his pie, that's what these
base scoundrels did. bis nice, fresh pic
that he had Just fetched from the b:iU
ery anil laid down for a minute, In ac
cordance with his trustful nature.
It was an apple pie, friends, a niee,
fresh, rrisp-c rusted apple pie.
Ah, yes, that's what It was, pie, beau
tiful, beautiful pie.
This Is no laughing matter. If these
bandits snd horse thieves had stolen
anything but a pie." a nice, fresh pie, nu
apple pic, we would laugh with them at
Waagc's expense.
Hut It wasn't anything else than a
pie, and we love pie, reader, yes we
do. It Is dear to our heart and our
appetite and when you steal our pic
you steal that which enriches you and
makes us poor. Indeed.
Wo like apple plea and lemon pies
with mcrangue on top, and cocoanut
Material for the
New U. P. Bridge
is Now On the Way
The long timbers to be used by the
Pnlon Pacific In the reconstruction of its
bridge over the Missouri river are due to
arrive almost any day, they having been
ordered from the Oregon and Washing
ton mills. Werd comes that the eastern
mills that are to furnish the steel for
the new superstructure have started work
on the beams and columns, and that ship
ment will start within the next few
At this time Union Taclflo officials of
the engineering department are unable
to atate when reconstruction will begin
on the brldgo, everything depending upon
the assembling of materials.
Gilbert Dolan is
Sentenced to Pen,
Brother to Kearney
Gilbert Polan, one of the "Joy-ride stick
ups" baa "Veen sentenced to from threo
to fifteen years In the state prison, nnd
his brother, Arnold, was sentenced to
serve two years In the reform school.
Gilbert l'olsn la 2t years old and Arnold
Is W.
Found Dead in Room
with His Money Gone
Joseph If. RoueI, dining car cook In the
employ of the Union Pac'flc, waa found
dead in a room at the State hotel by a
friend. ' Floyd Fuller, messenger, who
works at 315 Pouth Twelfth street, who
went to tho hotel to call on him. Itouzt
Is 25 yers of age and his homo li in
Ogden, Utah. Ttouzl came In on his run
Wednesday night and, according tj
Fuller, bad $15 rn hla persnn when be re
tired. The money waa not found whe i
hl body was discovered. The cironer
will hold a post-mortem examination.
Kugel Says He Will
Close Fake Auctions
Superintendent Kugel of the police de
partment states he will proceed against
various auction Jewelry establishment
whose methods of business sre sail ti
be irregular. It is charged hy Mr. Kutjel
that some of these places sell fa'e
Jewell y. Complaints hsve been received
ficm proprietors of regular Jewelry stores
A Fine Aid For
V are all greatly Indebted to those
who teli their egperieaces. And among
the many things which
ws read about and
ar. of Immediate im
portance to the eipec.
tant mother, Is a splen
did external remedy
ealled "Mot bar' a
friend." This i ap
plied orer the muarles
of tb. stomach. It !
deeply peoetratlnr In
Its Influence. Mot he,
everywhere tell of its
aoothlnf effect, how It
allays pains Incident to
.. ... "eirninf or corda,
UfamenU and muscles. They tell of restful
comfort of cal.-n, peaceful eihts, an ab
ac nr. of thn.8 digresses peculiar to th. p.
r ud of expectancy, relief front aiornfn,
ilrknesi. do mora of that apprehension with
which so many young- women's minds be
come burdened. It I a splendid help. Get
a bottle of "Mothers Friend" from your
nearest drufrltt. AW your huabsnd to set
It for you. I hen w rite to IlradAeld Re
iilator Co. 4ns 1 amar BIdr., Atlanta, (la,
for a very tiandmme and instructive book.
It Is tilled with aiircetlT. idea of great
lelp to ail women intrrcited in the suhjert
ef maternity. And bet of all are some ,-t.
tr from mothci thai at. teal i:ipiraliou.
V.i:ta tJday
K 3
n -m
plea and cream pics thai "iglc when
you touch 'cm, ii n, pumpkin pics and
huckleberry pics and at ru w henv P'c
and. oh, nil kind ( plc.-.
That's why our svnipiuhit'S go hik to
Waage, Wo can n'"''il" his feeling
when he returned to the pi,-ue wheie if
had deposited that pi", tliwt apple pi'
with Its i lisp crust, brow ud n litilc In
the middle, you Know. All. fie iiiiB.:is'u
he must'vo felt when he saw it koiio:
Alt, the rage that iii'isfve filled Ins
huzzum when be saw it divided up and
being eaten by half n iloxni of bit
follow employes, those fellows he hud
trusted, mid who bad betr.iNed him.
oti. them wohes In idieep's clothing;
oh, them second-stm y inch! How beau
tiful In comparison with them seems the
character of the mnii who steals a bone
from a blind dog.
The next IcjlMnt'er oughts ;iss a
law making pie stealing a fi lony the
same hs child stealing or batik robbing
We'll go liuhl down In Sixteenth .in
Farnsm streets, where they're btiildtni;
the Klrst National haul., an' see Jerry
Howard, an' pledae him to fight for
tho bill If he's elected to the legta'nt'er
Spencer is Silent
as to His Sojourn
in Turbulent Mexico
After viewing some of the Mexlca-i
atrocltlea and living In that disturbed
land, C S. Spencer has taken up nl
residence In Omaha where life Is safe
and one can sleep at night In peace.
He la a chemist for the American Pmelt
inK and Iteflnlng company and has besn
working- for that corporation at Its Mex
ican smelters. He whs Kl Paso when thej
Americana killed ny the bandits In t'bt
hiiahua were brought there and burled.
He saw Tancho Vltla, himself once In
Concerning his experiences, however, be
maintains much silence. "I may want to
go back down in that country some time,"
lie says.
Brother and Sister
Wed at Same Time
Cupid made a two-bagger when h"
came to bat In the homo where Nona
and C. Ward Uurwlck live.
The brother and sister appeared before
"Cupid" Sleubenilorf, marriage licenae
clerk, and obtained licenses to wed. The
other principals In the contracts are
Agnes Johnson and Carl Helm.
City . Commlsrlnner Hutler advise 1 the
city council that Sherman V, Peticnlss
and Kdward F. fihiirlg have applied fir
appointment as electrlcsl engineer to
furnish tno city with data In connection
I'Jhat's in a Name?
I AM PJiOUl) that others liko
my name ami use it. It is pood ad
vertisiup for me. I am getting re
sults. My efforts to relieve foot
riifferinff lias opened a larpe field.
Everybody wants service.
A name must he backed by that which
created it. That txplaina why K V K K V
Putting Their Feet in Striker's Hands
for Foot Comfort Service
Souglas S
lir North
ItayliKht edioo Store.
lUlh St
hoe Store r
Would You Trust Him?
oine tu ma fur mv sr-rviri-H. Von know my plan
now aa I hae hrrn tvllinK you for ffvn j.ilu Mv uaual Iihik la $1 HO
rmh pan), for roiisultal inn. ami 1 atv you tus tne-lii-inp from mv offns.
'riiontf rakes who jii-eil personal fXatii ina I lotia or tnaliuent in thn officii
will pay mk iniii-li lit. $-' nO No fre oiihu Ita I Ions or examinations NO
i:.Tit i HAKiii: mam; hilt jikuh'ixk.
Dr, J. C. Woodward,
rrw soib BuiLDiwa. room 301.
Offlcs Huursi S to 5. 8 r. M. Wl
Sneak Out. Hackett
To Hairy J. Hackett:
You want to be nominated for
state senator and, of course, you
want every one to know where you
Maud on all vital imiev
The rcnoit t'iat you are "s'ated"
in a combine with Teh" Smith, the
notorious frr grabber, may lead
folks ti believe you are excusing
and tl-.anrinvi.i.'T J,;, rotten rernrrl
I But we MiM r,t believe it unlcs?
i you. yoiuteir. vay so or rcf-.rc to
! speak o;t.
You e itood for eft'ice several
I times on a platform of reform, and
: in the charter convention voted
! with the editor of The Brc to stop
i the fee craft of the health commis
i sioner whirh is only "a little one "
I rs compared to the steal "Bob" has
tried to perpetrate.
Will you. Mr. Hackett. oppose fee
grafters in the district clerk's of
fice and the sheriff's office, as well
as in the city health commissioner's
office and favor laws to force these
officers to be content with the jren
erous salaries given them by lawt
Speak out. Mr. Hackett. -
with 1 pro .cd bold propoit ion for 1
muiib Ipal i bctrip light ami power plint
This was rcfernd to the i om nlttre of tic
whole meeting next .Monday morn lis-
They Took the Scaffolding
Down Too Soon and House
Caved In.
"llnim," snld the foreman to the con
tractor, as ho rushed excitedly into the
office; ' llial house oil put up for Silas
Jones fell down last tilctit ."
"How is that? What was the matter?"
ejaculated the i out I actor.
"Vhy, It was a mistake of the work
men who thoughtlessly took down the
scaffolding before they put on the wall
This old .lokc has a very serious side,
an well as a funnc one, for It goes to
show the frailness with which many
things are hulll.
The human body, that house In which
we live, when it Is attacked by disease,
Is lust as Insecure as the lionet held to
gether by wall paper.
That it Is at limes, like thesa that the
value of a great reconstructive tonic Is
most apparent was proven again, yes
terday by Mr. C. A. Woodman, cement
contractor, who lives at 2M7 Arbor avenue,
Omaha. You can't amend the human
constitution, but you ran. recall It by
taking Tanlac, the reconatrue.tlve.
"I suffered from stomach trouble," said
Mr. Weedinan. "A friend of mlna told me
about tlia virtues of Tsnlao and 1 decided
to plvo it a trial. I can now say from ex
perience (hat there Is nothing to compare
with Tanlac. It has done me a world
of good and 1 cheerfully recommend It
to everybody who suffers from stomach
"I would bloat after eating and have
severe pains. Since taking Tanlac, I am
free from theso troubles. After several
doses I noted a Change and In a few days
I wss fcellmr like a new man.
1 "Teniae Is the best medicine I ever
tried for the stomach." '
Teniae Is being specially Introduced
in Omaha -by an expert, at Sherman Ai
McConncll's Prim Store, Sixteenth ami
liodiio streets.
Tanlac may he obtained in Penson at
the Schiller-Hoaltie Plug Store; Spring
field, It. Flegenbaiim; Weeping Water,
Meyer I h ug Co.; Nebraska City, Henry
Schwake & Co.; Auburn, K. 11. lort; Ash
laud,' H. If. Cone; Malmo, p. p. Fitch;
Fremont, Drown-Fiederlckaon lirug
store; Oakland, W. O. Harding & Son;
Clarkson, Fa. J I. Knza; Columbus, Purity
Prug Store; Monroe, Hill's Pharmacy;
Madlaon, K. K. Ilurrls; Nlekerson, Young
& Murrle; Fullerton. tlrlffln Pros.;
Broken How, H. It. Ie; l'nadllla, Frank
A. Lincoln. Advertisement.
(lIOHIU t'lltoffil O.
rw' ,4
7 . V
Would you Irusl your iiinrrlunit If lio novri'
1 1 1 .- i k . . I Iiih kooiIm mii-I left It tu Iiih clerks In got
nil lit ioi.M from iiih iui i-haxei? 'Ililn is a Ixlr of what you Imvp (loriH tor fifty )rr w In-ii
you hove iio-iti'il ili. ii'ivu of a dorior. i.
on Know nny oilier IhihIiihhh on earili 1 1 im t Ke.'ps
Hip i lri fioiii voii until you have pun ham l iua
KooiIh or h'-ivupV You will H-linll iliH you have
all liei-n xIiiiii; :tl Koine tune or olliri. am) ninny
of mi many iIiii.-h. Shiip of ou ia a hioull
t-r ami otiina ay a iaiK f'-e for II, e saint. Her-vlr-.
It is a uii""!- i-ieniiuni In pul on lionniy.
Iliinuhi- 1 ilare to tell you In imlilli- pilnl win, I
am ami wlisl I w ill rliaifc) you, hi,i Imyioi t ' I .
pM iiiiiinuiilc-atfiil anil i nut However, don't
worry aliout inn hh I am lxre to ainy ami will
tiPHt Jon on a Niuat ami Imnisl Imaix if .-on
10 to a Sundays, rboas Tylsr aeo.
1 IT
15131515 VYV
Will Savo You Monoy
It Will Pay You to Get Our Prices
ALWAYS Before You Buy
A visit to our main third
floor will give you some idea
if the vaatness of our Dining
8 Yonr nroils for nnv nioofc from
ri sinple clinir to an entire
suite, in any style or any
wood, ran be easily supplied
here. Note the following
prii-rs and descriptions on a
new and beautiful line of
Huffet. exaetty like Illustration, 45
Inches In length, gen- t 1 O OC
nine quartered oak. OUt)
lluffot, Rolden or fumed. 48 inches
In lcnih, Renulne t 1 C tZf
quartered nak vlOOU
Huffet. colden or fumed, massive
construction, in gen
uine quartered oak.
Walnut and Mahogany Suites for the com
plete appointment of the
M'lTF IN r.l.r-.rT WAI.Nt'T Wll-
Ham snd Msrv stvle.
Sldrbusid. Inrhes lens... fSA M
China Cshlnet. S Ina. w lile.. MS Se
TM. M lneti (rntinri) a.VV
( hnlrs to match. In hsir rloih. tsp
iry er lonther scsts. Pcrrlng tal l
to match.
MAIIOf.ANT M ITF. IX Qt F.F.N A '' (A rrroenellon).
Md.he.rd. Tl tnehe. long ... .1S.M I J"': ',1 'rrM..-'"'! 'lli'-SI
( hlna Csblnst 1o mtli..
The elegant suites all portray ths
While the week of Wonderful Windows tn Omaha ts catching the
eye of everyone, do not fall to visit the extraordinary Mattress snd Box
Spring display shown in both our large windows all week and followed
hy the actual demonstration of making mattresses In the windows all
during the first, week of April. liook over the mattresses shown and the
prices csrded on each one. Ask to see the felt that we use In our good
felt mattress welRhlng 45 lbs., In art tick, at $6.75: an(l th T
spring at 59.75.
Show Your Love For
Clean Sport
Go to the Big Indoor Meet
Auditorium, Friday, March 31 '
53 Clubs, Schools. Y. M. C. A's., Universities
607 Athletes and Gymnasts
It's a Great
Prices 25c, 50c,
ime-lnJ ay Farres
Until April 14th
To Nevada, California, Oregon,
Washington, British Columbia
To Certain Points in Utah, '
Idaho and Montana
Comfortable Tourist Sleeping Cars
Colonist-fare tickets may be used in
through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Pacific
Coast and intermediate points, effecting
a saving in time and expense.
Union Pacific
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars are
roomy, well ventilated, electric lighted,
upholstered with rattan, and sanitary
to a high degree.
Apartments, Flats, Houses and Cottages can be rented
quickly and cheaply by a Bee 'Tor Rent,'1
-TlWeS A Reason
Huffet. golden oak, very heary, BO
Inches In length, extra silverware
and linen drawers, genuine quar
tered oak, finely
finished ,
Dining Room.
mitf. in nni. MAnooAjrr
Acism styl.
SMshoard, InrhM lonf . . .fel.W
China Cshlnst. 4t lnrh wlds tlS.
Table. 14 Inches (rionrt) (47JIS
Chairs In leather aoat. sach HH
Serving Tsbls to match.
panel, rh M ft.
refined and classic Unas of the iwrted
75c, $1
7:30 P. M.
..Ich. 31
J " .
For more information about rates and
literature describing routes, stopover
)i l ileges, etc., apply to
li. IiKIXIKmi K, c. r. T. A.,
1:121 Fai-nain 8 tree! ,
Omaha, Xehi'a&ka.
I'lione liinelas it'll.