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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1916)
TIIK BKE: OMAHA, FHIDAV, MAhVH 31, 101,0. 14 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET BpB, hot. lymnn; toln Bowl, bos; ellvr Core. HM boa. pefrult : W. I2.7!j3.i nn: mb. w.w box; 4'.s. (JiWqJ.M box. K. IS.isa.fln ns; Hn. . u hox Knnna: menium KCeiptl Of All Grfcini Good wild sue, ll.'Sfttil.Tn bunrh; mmum sla jum . '.. . . boea. 20"ii736 bunrh; rular alio Jum- acmtb iCTnmn .me ari au- Ttnce ia Prioei. WHEAT PKICES MAKE INCREASE OMAHA. Manrh 11 . Reelpte cf all grains were g'od today n1 there was an active demand for all cereals on the Hat. The rajih whaat mar 5tt wu eepaclaltr act I re and ranged from lo to J'io higher. The demand inr nt u excellent ana in bum ot tne c-fffrtnge were readily sold on tha ad vance. Com ranged generally from unchanged to 1V0 higher. Tallow corn aold at a pre mium, but the demand for tha whit11 and mixed corn waa also varjr good. Tha de mand for oat a waa qulla active, the mar ket selling from unchanged to So higher. Rye and barter ware In food demand nf both of thee market war ate arty, eel ling at unchanged prlree. Clearances were: Wheat an flour equal to bushels; corn, a, buahels; eats, BO.000 buahela. Ilverpoo Cloae Wheat, Id lower to Id higher; rom, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts, were l.uM.lW buahela and ehlpment I.RM.ftuO buahela, a rain at receipts of CMOO buahela and ahlpmenta of SU.OuO buahela laat year. Primary corn receipts wera Ml .000 tfuahela and ahlpmenta, Mt.ODO buahela, agalnat receipt of XX. buahela ana shipments of Vt.000 buahela laat year. Primary oats receipts wera arUOtW buahela and ahlpmenta. KIILflno buahela. agalnat receipts of 77 0or buahela and ablpmants of 141 AO buahela laat year. CARIjOT RECKPIT. Wheat. Corn. oats. Pate. Chicago Minneapolis Tmluth Omaha , Kanaaa City ft. I,nule ... 'Winnipeg m !t It 4! M Tit 1 M K 82 ft 10 4 Theaa aalea wera reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car. $1.07; X cars. 1. ; I care. 11.06. No. 4 hard winter: t car, H.M; 4 care. tl.OJM.; 3-6 car, II. 1 car, II W. No. I mixed: 1 car. I1.07H. No. I mixed: H car. 11.06. Jj'iv 4 mixed: 1 car, hard, 11.04; 1 car. Rye-No. f : H car. tmc. No. I: t ears. He. No. 4: M car, Mc; 1-6 car, Hie. Barley No. I: 1 car. ViC Corn So. t white: 1 ear, CHc. No. t whlta: I oare. ee. No. 4 white: 1 car, 4Ve; 1 car. 16c; T care. ; a cars. 4c; 3 cars. V. Sample whlta: 1 car. 63' e. No. I yellow: 1 car, 7'e; I cars, 7c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. V; I car. OSc; I cars, VHc; 1 ear, e. No. I yellow: care, UHc. No. yellow: 1 car, 64c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car,- 4Vc. No. 1 mixed: II cars, e; 1 car, efve. No. 4 mixed: t cars, &: 1 oar, 5o; cars 4Sc; l car tpoor), THc. No. 6 mixed: l car. 2Hc; l car. tic; 4 cars. 41 '4c. No. mixed: I cars, 4; 1 car, 4Wc; 1 car, 6Hc; 1 car. fee. Sample mixed: 1 car, c; l car, aHe: 1 car. Me. Oate-No. t while: 1 car. 4Sc. No. I white: 1 car. 4 Jo; I cara. 41ie: 6 l-l cars, 4l'e. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 41c. Sample white: I cars, l7Vkc; I can, ITc; 1 car. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. f hard. I1.04VM.09; No. I hard, ll.04VMn.07: No. 4 hard, tl.01fll.0t; No. t spring, tl.ftvn VII: No. I spring. fTrfftl.lO: No. durum. S1 .0101.08; No. I durum, c8ll.01. Corn: No. I white, r.VWr; No. 4 whlta. 431 s-: No I white. qa.V; No. whlta. RWt He; No. I yellow, iill7c; No. 4 yel low, MViJfnwe: No. I yellow, 1fiUc; no. yellow, ant(j4c; No. I mixed. MffWc: No. 4 mixed. OHvc: No. i mixed, lff4c; No. mixed, t4o: sample, Vtj',.",o. Oats: No. 1 whlta, .Vir; standard, itlf , 4:Hc; No. I White, 41Hfl4?ci No. 4 while, 4"'4Ic. Barley: Ualtlna. taW: No. 1 Teed. KC66C. IXyf. No. 2, Iu4c; No. J, I7rac. Chlcato closing prices, furnished The by Lna-an Bryan, stock and (rain brokers, lift fotith Sixteenth. Omaha: Artlrlel Open. I Mlah Wheat hoe a, U(i2.75 hunrh; extra larxa tutn boea, IS .f ?! X Z' bjnrh; mammoth Jurrt Ym. Mn7 bunrh. Crarnerrtes: Hell them. Applea; Nerhtrla Hen lavla. 14 barrel; Mlaaoiirl Hen levla. 13 M barrel; Idaho Ben I'avla, In boxes, fi.W box; Rome Heautlea. Sl.TK box; W. W. IVar malncs. 11.76 box: extra fan'-y Wlna iapa. II box: Ark Bla ka, IJ 60 box. Strawberries: 24-pt caaes, WW. VK(ETAHIKJ Potatoes'. Mlnneanta whites. 11.16 buahel; Colorado whites. 11.20 bushel; Bed River Ohloa. (1 ? buahel. Hweet Potatoes: Delaware, 11.76 hamper: Kansas seed, 12 in barrel. Onion: Rm and yellow, lc pound; Hn lh. 12 26 crate. Rhubarb: 2.2o box. Cauli flower: W crate. Ietture: 1 dosen. Hrua s Pprout. 20c pound. Cabbae; I'V! lb.; new. lo pound. New Beeta, Carrota. Turnips. Pareley, Radlahea: 60c doxen. Old Beeta, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Baanea, Ic poind. Peppera: R"c basket. Jomatoes: 1126 basket. Cucumbers. 11.25 oren. Aaparaaua. 4 box. onion Sets: Tellow. 12 Co buahel; red. I bushel. Cel ery. Florida: -doien cratea, J, a-doien cratea, tl.TS: -doaen crates, 12.60. CI I 'kR Per ke U 26. COMB HONEY-I3 7& case; Airline boner. 11.10 case. IATF, Fit I'' Dromedary dates. it.Tt esse: stuffed datea, 11.76 box: Fard dates, 12c pound; new fla, Kc box. POPCORNNo. 1 rtre, 4c pound: 40 I pnund park axes. 2 y rase. Vl'TR- Peanuts: No. 1 raw. siyi pound; No. I rosated, 6c pound; lumbo, raw, inya pound; lumbo. roasted. RVfro pmind. Ffl- nerts, 15c pound, cecan: pound; Jumhnes, KViC pound. Mixed Nuts: lie pound. Oil 4 Rosin. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Marrh (10-TURPF.N. TINB Firm; fA-; salea. IK bbls.; receipts II bbls.; ahlpmenta. 13 bbla.; atork, 7.M bbla. noSIN-FIrm: sales. 41 bbls.; recelnta, S04 bbls: shipments, 624 bbls: stork. 72.K76 bbla. Quotation: A, B, 14.70; ", D. K, 14 .76; F. 14 0; ft, 14 04r4 66; II, It.U; I, 14 W; K. Io.'iO. M. 16.15; N. 6.30; WO, 3.4.; WW. H.2'i. Metal Market. NEW TORK. March .-MF.TAI.H-Tho Metal exchance quotea lead, 17.71 bid. ctelfar not quoted. Copper, firm: electrolytic nearby, 127.7:1 ?.25; June and later, ji.7i''7.;iO. Iron firm and un changed. Metal exchange quotes tin steady; spot. 4 0054.(i0. At Iondon. apot copier. 114: futures. 1.112. electrolytic. CIW; apot. tin; 200; futures. CVJi. lead. 341 7s 6d. Ilry (Isodi Market. NEW YORK. March .-tRV OOr8 Cotton aooda were firm today with a further advancing- tendency ahown In cambrics, nainsooks and other fine bleached cottons. Carpet and rug prices were advanced sharply by leading manu facturers on all rood a. Maarar Market, NEW TORK. March M.-vM'OAR-R w, steady; centrifugal, 6.94c; molasses, 6.1c; refined, firm. T. R. Stands Pat by Secretary Ordered To Jail for Fighting 4 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindi Sharply Lower Than Week Afo Sheep and Lambs Slow and Lower. HOGS FULLY TEN FIFTEEN OFF OMAHA. March 0. ll. Receipts were: Cattle, lloss. Sheep Official Monday 7.8.7) Official Tueaday .: Official Wednesday .. 4.114 KstlmaU Thursday... I,0U0 7.974 16.444 1.7f. li,X 7.UH4 12.SW0 14.471 6.MO Four days this week. 25.140 6rt.47 40,015 Same days lset week. .21 .7:9 M.OM S3.M1 Same davs 2 wks. as;o.29.0) K.747 5.24o Same days I wit. aa.2 12 44. 44 2. .214 Same daya 4 wks. ao.23.40 M.7: 2SA"4 Kama daya last year. .I9.7M 47,041 .4' The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to naie aa Com ne rmA wtth . m .,r: 114. 116. Inc. Dec cattla IM.47J 24.H4 1,4?9 Hogs 1.111. 121 lS,22 227.641 Sheep 6S1.IOI 796.237 13.1J1 The following table showa tha average prlcea of hoga at the Omaha IJve Stock market for the laat few daya. with coro-barlaona: I 11. ilftlS. I14 llil.il12.!1vll.'1lIO. Mar. n Mar. 14. 9 4 War. IT. 9 2 Mar. II 20 Mar. 19 Mar. t 20 Mar. 2L I4 Men. -u 9 a Mar. St. 10 6iar. U Mar. 26. I7T Mar. 24. Mar. 27. 7 42 Mar. 2. I 2S Msr. 29. 22 Mar. SO. 09 Ml I I 171 4 fill Ml Ml Tl,)0 3 70 If turn 4 I 4S I 741 61 62110 64 f4 4I I f4! I 70 "nl HO M i t ui I 4 Ml I M )I64(I7I7 10I 45 10 l 61 I I 111 7 Oftl 47 10 49 161(1671 94IOl 60 I 63 90; " " T 44 I 641 I 971 7 01 16,10 k 471 46; I 641 7 HI II 661 I IX I Mi I r M 41! I I Ml 7 4a! 6 42 10 70 M I X Ml 7 Ml 32 10 71 60' I 4! I 7 71 1 4 24110 ii Sunday Recelnta and dlanoaltlon of live Stock at the I'nlon Klock yarda. Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four houra ending at I o clock yesterday: Cattle.Hoga.Sheep H'r's. C. M. It St. P 2 Wabash 2 I Missouri Pacific 4 Cnlon Pacific 24 41 C. aV N. W., east H 3 C. N W., west... Ii 41 C. St. P., M. O.. 4 7 ('., II. A Q.. east.... 6 2 C, B. & J.. west... 34 23 C., R. 1. A P., east.. 4 2 C, R. 1. aV P., west. 3 3 Illinois Central I Chicago Ot. Weat... 1 1 Total receipts.... 115 141 is i ."3,011 laat week. 24.J4S two weeka sico and i,4 41 laat year. Hy cioelna time yeaterday aellors had managed to move the hulk of their hold ing. alihoiiKli, as waa predicted earlier In the day. they bad to make conreaelons of sa mu. h aa 2-V to lo It. Parkers bought prs' tl'ally none of the big heaty Ir.mlw. but bujera of ahearlng eto. k came to the reaciie, and In the end all but five or alx loans or lainii were cleaned up ljater sales Included wlnhty lambs st )0 4ei0.l. while some of the good handy lambs sold after midday at prires nearly as good a those paid earlier In the day. Today buyer hd a much smaller showing to plrk from, and eer felt that valuea should firm up a little. Park rr. however, repeated their yesterdays performance of putting out very few bids during the early part of the forenoon, and what few offers they did make were at. reduced figures. About the only sales msde at nil early wero two cars of the lambs held from yesterday, which aold for ahearlng purpose, a bunrh of weighty stuff going st 10 .76, snd some of lighter weight bringing til .00. Not mny old sheep were offered, and while nothing sold very early bulk of the supply wss cleaned up before noon on a steady baai Mates of the fwes that brought M.46 Tuesday took a nickel leas late yesterday, bringing x., snd snother cut of them here today made the ssma figure. Choice yearlings from the same feed lot as those that sold st jlfl.JO yesterday snd 110.50 Tuesday, sold steady today, landing at tlO.f). L'p to noon the lamb market was Rtltl an uncertain proportion. After having put nut a lew bids mat ra eject any where from 106M6o to as much s a nusrter lower man veweraay, packers contented themselves with playing a waiting game, and as seller had up to noon reruecj to tax leas insn steady money, prartlrally nothing had aold, the only aale reported being that of two loads of rood 60-nound Mexican lambs at 111 .V) Oiiotatlons on sheep and lam tin: ijiml'H AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Onlj One More Day for Open Regis tration on the South Side. SUBSTANTIAL GAIN OF VOTERS ThcasSeo?gc Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of :: Pictures by "What Happened to Mary" :: Essanay Between V and 300 voters registered at the city hall last evening between and :) o'rlock. Contrary to previous snnouncemcnt registration clerks were at their desks only during these hours. It was expected that the office would be open from 12 o'clock noon to I o'clock but the plan was changed. Friday even ing will be the last day the hours being the same, from to 9 o'clock In the even ing. It Is estimated that a gain of n0 or 700 young voters a, 111 be recorded. A large per cent of those who have registered are removals from one house or precinct to snother. The gain will ba one of the largest ever recorded here, notwltustsnd Ing. and the South Side will take an Im portant part In the coming city and county elections. A meeting of the South Side Republican club was held at the State Bank building Immediately after the close of the regis tration at the city hall. A couple of hundred of the oldtlmers met to discuss holding a rousing meeting right after the close of the primaries. President P. J. Msry Tsge. actress I accused of the murder of Oavld Pollock snd is defended iter lover Philip l.angdon. Pollo.-k intoxicated At Marv'a tvial ahe au- mit ahe hHd the revolver. Her maid estifie that Mary threatened Pollock Ith It previously, and Marv'a leading man Implicates l.angdon. How Mary dla- t'peared rrnm the scene of the crime la a mystery. Hrandnn tells of a Strang hand print he saw on Mary s shoulder, lurther i'ienra snows that horror of drink pro- uce temporary Insanity in Mary. 1 ne efense Is "repreed nvchol. Wlt- lescrlbe Marv'a flisht from her In- oxicateri father mnA h.r futber'a aulclde. Nurse Walton describes the kidnaping of Mary by Pollock and Amv Barton telle Mirv' truEB-lea to become an actress nd Pollock's nursuit of her. There Is vldence that nanlela Marv'a manager. hreatened Pollock. Mnrv faint on the stand and again goea Insane when a po liceman offers her whlakv. Oanlels testi fies thst Pollock threatened to kill Mary na itngrinn and actually attempted 10 ill the latter. of f.7r lo good ItandlToVli".? lamb".: I Martin presided and asked that all de- tan or tno proposed meeting oe aiienaea fair to cholre heavy. ll0.2Tfr 10.90: lambs, fall cllnned xU.uuWO.: lambs. fresh clipped, ts.sotfo )o; yearlings, fair to choice light, 3.oHU I0.SS; vearllngs, fair to choice heavy, U.wxfiA 60; wethera, fair to choice. I" CS M; ewes, good to choice. IH.1M? ItiO; ewes, fslr to good. 7.MKuH.Id. Kepreeentatlve sales: No. .114 Colorado feeder Ijmhs Mexican Ismbs DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. ltogs.Hheen. . 2. '4 :2' ill 1J0 Mexican lamb S) Mexican lar") fed yearllnga ... 113 fed wethers .... Mi fed ewes l shearing lambs culls :t) shesrlng lambs ft) shearing lambs 2"i shearing lambs M Mexican lamba 179 fed ewea 2T.9 fed lambs 640 fed lambs 4W1 fed Ismbs 170 shearing lambs 601 shearing lambs in cull ewes Of. fed ewes 261 clipped lambs .. Av. . M . 75 . M . 7 . W . 94 . lir, . "74 . o . 94 . 94 . ' . 75 . 121 . M . 7 . 94 .. tl .. 7 .. 92 .. .. 91 Pr. 10 91 11 40 11 30 11 ro 10 so 9 ii 9 m 11 10 in 26 10 40 10 46 11 00 11 2.1 I 40 11 16 II 45 11 10 10 11 no 4 60 7 40 9 0) T U. 1 Clo I Tea y. 1 15H1 1W1 14H; II lZSfc 1 W'i 1 AJU I 1 124. 7S 74 Hi 74HI I 43V4446I S 404.1 7'i 745 44 42V 40', May.ll July. 1 OB'.ti 1 10-4 Saptl IWJI Corn. I I May.iT3fl;v4l Julv. 74WIV Hept.l , 74Si Data. I May.l W, ..luly.l , 4JI Sept.l 40-41 Fork. I May.l It 76 I jMir.l 21 66 1 Ird. I I .Inly. Ill H-604 li K Sent. 'It 7D-1I It 63 lh. I I I I I May.l 11 924! 11 I 11 r' 11 96 11 97H luly'j 11 03U1 U 10 I 11 osy 12 10 I II 12'9 CHICAGO GRA1X AKD PROVIIOa 1 1Si 1 10HI 74S! 76' 4. 4V, 40, NKW1 TORK, March S0.-A stay of sentence waa granted today to John W. McQrath, secretary to Theodora Roosevelt, and later acting secretary of tha progressive national committee, who waa yesterday committed to the work house for thirty daya on a charge of disorderly conduct and assault. The com plainant waa Charles L Light ot Brook lyn, who charged that McQrath and Will iam Powera assaulted him In a restau rant In Brooklyn last June. Colonel Roosevelt has announced that Morris Co Swift A Company... Cudahy Packing Co Armour a. Co Hchwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Mncnln Packing Co Ho. Omaha Pack. Co.. Kohr Packing Co W. B. Vansant Oo Benton, Vansant A L.. Uewia ton A Co Root CO J. H. Bulla U F. lluax Werthelmer A Degen... H. P. Hamilton Hulllvan Broa Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... lllgKlns Huffman Roth Meyers (ilsssberg Banner Broa John Harvey 1 tenuis A Francis........ Jensen A Lrfingrea Other buyers 7W 14 a, ? 21 1 "ii i 72 4S 1M li 12 81 I 144 4 19 W I 4 13 112 24 19 44 2 412 mi 2.9 194 1.097 2,4(.:i AM CHICAGO MVK BTOCK MARKKT -Weak Sheep tattle Weak Hoara Weak. CHICAflO. March 90. CATTLE R celpts, 6.0H0 hesd; market weak; native i.r at,M.r 17 MH9.M: western steers. I7.60ai.60: Blockers and feeders, l&.8niM 1.26: cows and heifers, 4.0iXu8.76; calves, 7 ?MilO HlRjtf Receipts, 11,0.10 head: market weak, 26c to So lower: bulk of sales. 9.:5 fj9.4i; light, l!0Mi!t.4ft; mixed, 9.Uitj9.46; heavv. i'..i'a.; rougn, .un'o""i ? 40 1IKKI' AND I.AMrVS Receipt. 12,000 head: market weak: wethers,; ewes, 6.a'rf8.7S: lambs, 9.2otill.t. to. This was voted as proper. The meet ing was buoyant with republican spirit. Ilepaty Here After Man. Deputy Bherlff William McCold of Grand Island came to the South Side yes terday afternoon to take charge of a prisoner, Joe Pollnskl. arrested by De tectives Fleming and Sullivan on a de scription given by Grand Island police. Pollnskl was discovered by local officers In possession of a quantity ot merchan dise that waa stolen some time ago from a Grand Island store. A. Cohn also ot the South Side who formerly lived In Grand Island, appeared as complaining witness against the man. McCold took him over the Union Pa clfic at 12 o'clock. Taker Plot Bayer. Ah want to buy a pair of pants, a slim negro about six feet tall and looking to be about M years of age, asked a clerk at the Glasgow tailor shop at Twenty- fourth and Li streets yesterday afternoon, The clerk turned to direct another cus tomer to a section of the store and when he returned found his new purchaser gone. A glance about showed that the new visitor had taken not one but two pairs of trousers. Detectives allien and Allen Investigated the case. Old-Tlrae Stockman Here, Superintendent Jack Walters of the local I'nlon Stock Yards company la en tertaining his brother, W. B. Walters of the Chicago Yard company, at his home at Twenty-second and J streets. The brother has been connected with Chicago stock business for mora than forty-five years and Is surprised at the remarkable growth of the local yards, 1 K'i! 1 loc I colonel Roosevelt h 1 10SI 1 MU I ha will stand by his secretary. Ha Is- l, 744k ' 7.-.I 74-,! I Totals. .1,175 14,304 1,601 it S I 2 T2H 92-4J21 -6 22 721 n U I 23 70 I 21 47 V, May.lll 20-17I 11 7H II 274111 S74! 11 I7H .(11 12-otk 1J o I II IpO 11 m-f2 11 Dift sued a statement expressing indignation at tha sentence and asserting that Mc Qrath would continue to remain In his service. The sentence was stayed by the court pending an examination of tha testi mony. . 11 79 I 11 KM. reataree af e Trad! a ad llaetaaj Prices Sosral ef Tra4e. CHICAGO. March 90 Assertions that the crop promt in Kanaaa was not up to tha average of the laat ten years and chall of the schooner Panama, which ar- Peons at Mazatlan Tear Up U.S. Banners CAN DIEGO, Cala., March M. Mexican peons thronged the streets of Msxatlln, tor up American flags and threatened to , do bodily harm to American resi dents there, when they learned of the punitive expedition sent after Francisco Villa, according to Captain Frank Paa- rould not be relied on to offset the loasee in Mhr states cu a decided figure today In forcing the wheat market sharply lilghar. Prices closed nervous, 14140 to IVdiHa up, with May at Il.l4r1.u and July at ll.l'.'.l.l-'Hi. Corn gained ,Wm end oata Sl'c to V81. In provisions the outcome varied from t4jc decline to a rise of itPlOp. Except at the Immediate opening; wheat showed an upward alant almost the en tire . session. Tnwrr price at IJverpool causd the Initial weakness, but then the barket began to respond to a renewal of tmage reports from Indiana and other winter crop atalea ana to eavicea oc un- rived from the Blnaloa port today. Mexicans of the better class as well as officials of tha port co-operated In stopping tha rioting. Captain Paachall said. He said there wSs no apparent anti-American feeling among tha mare educated natives. CATTLR Receipts of cattle were mod erate, aa was to be expected on a Thurs day, but the total or tna lour nays is very liberal, amounting to 26,140 head. This la a gain of about 1.000 head over last week, and of 6,600 head over a year ago. ,, The trade was again slow and dull on all kinds, with prices anywhere from weak to aa much aa loc lower. Bee I ateera are now 26040c lower than last week, with cows and hvlfera around 'Jbc lower. Fair to good atockers and feed era are !6j40c lower, with common stock cattle aa much aa 60c lower. Uuotattona on cattle: Good to choice beeves. !l.?6tjr.9; fair to good beeves. 14 30 076; common to fair beeves, 7.z.Hi.9V; good to choice heifers, tf.264il.aV good to rholoa cows. M.7fd?.7!', fair to good cows. tl.0ott4.TI:. common to fslr cows, M.60tf J 00; good to chnlc feeders, 17.76411.40; air to good feeders, t7.Kxjf1.76; common to fair feeders. 4.60b7.aG; good to choice stoekere, f7.76fel.26; stock heifers, 14.764 1.76; stock, cows, 4.2hy7.9fi: stock calve, I7.00tl8.60; veal cslvea, fi.OOti 10.2; bulla, Stasa. etc., 96 6047.60. Representative aales: BEKF 8TKRRS. K. at. Lea la I.Ira Mock Market. ST. I.OI IS, Mo.. March 20. CATTLK Recelnta. 1.3(10 head: market ateady: na tlva beef ateera. I7.6ntu0.86; yearling steers and heifers. IS.6iVa9.60; cows, 15.50 tn.ju; stockers and feeders, i.5t1rt.0; T-w - . mnH InAlmn .(MM Xi :KfVi Ofl ' rOm'M 1,240 land hellers. 4.W6.00; native calves, 14.00 both In expansion of business and build- fa iv. v. HHl!4 Receipts, 7..1O0 head; market lower! nls. and lishts. t7.tJOfi9.00: mixed and butciiera, I9.45friy.7a; good heavy, 9.tiS ttlr.rJt' A.M' l.vai no rei:eipi, ,ov head: market lower; yearling wethers, 6.ttKi10.4O; lambs, t9.00fjjill.75, ewes, 96.50 FALLS DOWN AND RINGS BELL AND ROBBERS, FLEE SEATTLE. Wash., March 90. Two man favorable weather In the spring crop with an automobile attempted lata today talt. -,It w'as not. however, by any means ... v ,K . . . ,. ' , a one-stded market unUl a leading expert . "'a" nrr here. Issued a statement that Jolted the L nlveralty of Washington. .eplmialtT opinion of tiears regarding When one of them puahed a revolver $J!xiks&7 wmu Nuut- ""tnt of many reasons which ha specified aa '' n dropped ta tha floor and puahed conu-tDuung to tna itkeimooa or a sub-1 a busser which sounded in a hardware "f"i :top inar ina saaon inmna or gtora next door. isawhara. I Tha men fled. Increasing rredlctfona of a ahortaaa of r:rn.r.h!tLr::,"mrr.? .i house caucus favors : lr.r'"' vis '": . s. munitions plant tft'.H Iflnuri we Tke4 . v n imA.. the best possible conditions from now on. I WASIIINGTO.V. March 30.-Advocatea Com rwponded to the strength of wheat I of government manufacture of ammuni- w " o"oiew impiwfiwai in tlon and armament won their fight In tha outlook waa for decreasing stocks at ""'"" caucus lomgnt it tt... I t4... to.., .. II.. II.. V.. 11 . .. It.. 14.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 4.. 11.. II.. At. Pr. tew r; I. 1W 7 4fv 1041 M lie) I M ltT I M 111. S T laW 14 Itn I ti SThiKHH AND 4i 1 M 41 I at ...... Mi I w let i it COWS. 1014 4 Tl I N. 4.. 7. . II.. ? . it.. St.. .. A. Pr. . . HT 17 ..771 . M .10.1 It ..IKt I 4 ,.IM 9) . ,1441 75 ..t4t I M IIKIFERS. ii II 14 II.-. 41 7 71 Vl IS 1 I M 971 I IV rre 4 as .tl 4 V . ut in , m 1 it .ISM T M I . 9.. 4.. 1.. 1.. ...tail k ...1W 4 41 ... rr 4 e ....4 1 ... M 111 ... 14 I 14 Kaawaa City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March SO. CAT TLK Receipt a, 2,500 head; market lower; nrime f 'rl steers. IH.l.nuw.M): (lreaaea Deei steers. t7Va9.0O; western steers. I7.t9 9.00: stockers and feeders. SK 7tt.6&; buns, so.7n7.7!: ca ves. w.txmiu.w. IIUUS Keceipta. s.zuw neaa; maraet lower: bulk of aalea. !9.nufrr9.X: heavy. I9.20i. 46; packera and butchers. $9.164j srht. x."(.ao: nigs, u.vxunw. SllttP AM' l-AMMrt iteoeipts. s.orn head: market lower; lambs, !0.(&ffiu.3.i; yearlings, llt.60 10 ; wctneis, H.t(fif.u; ewes, 7.7tn8.40. gloax City Live Stock Market. SIOCX CITY. la.. March 30.-CATTLE Reeciots. 1.400 hesd: market steady: na tive ateers. Dutcnera. a. itxr l.2."i; canners. H.76'o6.iO; stov'kera and leeders. IH.iftffti.3ti. lit J Keceipta. 7,SXI head; market 10c to sue lower; heavy. iH.ztiwu.): mixed. t9.ou4i0.30; light. tn.iO'tiS.OO; bulk ot aales. 19 tia."o. illKt.1' AMU lAMO."-KeceipiS. &iJ hesd. . Joaeph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSF.PH. March SO. CATTLK Re- ceil ts. I.MJ head; market lower: steers. I7.6tty9.60; cows and heifers. H.boni.uv; calves, sti HtXSS KecelDts. 7.600 head: market lower: top, 19 46: bulk of sales, I9.20U3.40. fcrtKiCr" a.nij i.AMrtrj Keceipts, ,vim head; market steady; lambs, 10. 7691140. lng.i. Co an I a a Shaw Heralded Local stockmen are becoming highly enthusiastic ovt- tha coming meeting of tha National Swine association at tha local yards here during the next Ak-Sar- Ben period In October. A conference with General Manager Buckingham of tha yards company, participated in by Pres ident W. M. McFadden and Secretary James J. Doty of the association last Tuesday in the office of tha general manager, brought some surprising pre dictions to publlo view. The enthusiastic president predicted that hogs valued at an aggregate of more than a quarter million dollars would be brought to the National show to .be held here In tha horse barns at the north end of the ards. There will probably be more than 2,000 hogs at the show," President Mc Fadden told Buckingham. "The first prise will probably be given to swine valued at between 13.009 and 14,000." These enormous figures startled local stock men. but as mucii success nas already been experienced In other shows. It hoped that the predictions will also apply to the coming show. Bowling" ftjates. CF.NTLRIOXH. 1M. Id. 1W 220 144 131 , 140 w: Stock la. Klgkt. Na me. Tanner . Sullivan llannon Ilea fey Mangan 2d. Tot. 213 609 SI .0 P IS. (Continued from Yesterday.) CHAPTER XI. 'Not as I seen, sir," he admitted. 'Would you have seen him had he come from the corner beyond the Hotel Re public?" Langdon's voice was vibrant Ith eager excitement and-the spirit of It swept through the court room in a shivering whisper. "Yes, I'd a seen anybody comln' from Ither end of the street. I alius could when I stood at. the gate with Katie, for there's a'blg arc light they have to pass under and you can see them plain as plain." One moment," Langdon swung about to the court clerk. "Read out the testi mony of Kate O'Neill beginning with the question, 'Did he seem to be watching for someone?'" "'Question: Did he seem to he watch ing for someone?' Answer: 'Tes, sir. He was staring up at the Hotel Repub lic, and I thought he was watching a man who was on the fire escape. Then I de cided that It wasn't a man that I saw. tout just a shadow, and suddenly a young lady all dressed up' " "That will do, thank you," Interrupted Iangdon. "Now. Mr. Gallagher, If that was a man whom Miss O'Neill saw on ine fire escape, would you have seen him come down?" "No, sor. I wasn't lookln' at the hotel." "But that Is the one place he could have come down when he joined you. Isn't it?" "No, sor. There's a servants' entrance to the hotel, Just under the fire escape. He might have been someone from the hotel." 'Did he look like a waiter? What sort of a suit did he have on?" "A check one and a red tie !" "Did you seen anyone else while you were standing there?" 'Yes. sor. Me and Katie saw some peo ple put their heads out of a windy In the hotel, then presently a policeman starts down the fire escape and Katie says says she, 'Let's get in the kitchen; t don't wsnt to be mixed up In this.' And I says, 'Me neither. Besides a sup of hot oof fee will set ma up after the excite ment;' so we went in." "That is all. thank you, Mr. Gallagher.' But now the prosecutor was on his feet. "Mr. Gallagher," ha aald sharply, "hav ing seen all this, didn't you realise that you should have testified to it before tht police?" "I didn't connect It with tha murder of this man. Pollock," said Gallagher 10 some Indignation. "And 1 took It for granted the police had got all the evi dence they wanted on Barker's place." "And may one ask," said the prose cutor with honied sweetness. "Jtst what Influence was brought to bear to maka you tell this story today T' "Well, you see," said Gallagher, scent ing no sarcasm or coercion, "It was like this. When the police come to the house Katie gtts mad at their questions and she says she was abed and asleep. Then a few days ago along comes a young feller selling a thing to lift tha covere) off of bllln" pots. He came to the back gate and he talks to Kate, till ahe says she don't bo wantln' one, because she's leavln' of a Saturday to git married. Then he kids her a bit about ho bets she's marryln' a policeman, bo she tellg him who I am. Then he gits talkln' about this affair, and lie has the night's doln s so mixed up Kate she corrects him. Ha bets her a hat she's wrong; she says she Irtn nA.-A If all V .. . A . . I. ... . , v . u ... o 1 1 j inc. llu PI. DIIO UURH. but then another young feller comes around and says aa how we can help a young woman and clear up a lot of trouble if we tell it In court. And, be srorra. Kate got her hat at that!" A shout of laughter rang through tha court, and the prosecutor sat down, far more discomfited than he would admit. Jt waa such a simple subterfuge. Tha back-gate peddler with his packet of gos sipand the police, of course, blundering In and bullying. His respect for Langdon not only as a man, but as a lawyer, waa growing, and in the back of his mind there hovered a black phantom tha mys terious man in the checked suit who had been In the alley. Had Langdon thla man up his sleeve? lie frowned and shifted the papers on tils desk uneasily, then looked up with a start of surprise as the door of the witness room opened to admit tha flamboyantly gowned woman, with tha hard and tired ayes. She gave her name as Agnes Keenaxu but when tha question cama as to her occupation, aha atared straight ahead of her with a sort of grim humor, then shrugged her thin shoulders. "None." ahe said with tha Imitation of an English accent. "I live on my In come." Tha crowd grinned, trat Langdon flushed and his voice wag a llttla hard aa ha said, quietlyt "I am sorry. Miss Keenaa, to haT ta ask you such, a question, but wera you not an occupant of a cell In tha Fiftieth street police station on tha night of tha raid of Barker's gambling rooms?" T was." Her tone was mora quiet now. "I had failed to coma across, and having had a drop too muoh I sassed tha ser vant, and ha locked ma up to 'cool off.' " "Had you a call to yourself P "Weil, at first X thought It waa; a prV vt room, hut a llrtla Intel- thav ahovad a girl In." - ( yy aa mat gin in ocicnuauv-J7 Pager (To Ba Oontlnned Tomorrow.) l 174 191 m 222 i2 181 141 4 I 1 t '."'.. 4 M I T4 4. 4 at l .! at .U94 t a ,41. T 9V . .M I t mil The (Kansas City Outs worked higher with other grain. Baatdaa waaihar conditions wera against wading. Provlslona developer aoroe firmnesa on account af the bulge in grain. At first, however, declines In the value of hogs acted aa a drag on the market. EOOJI Mtirher; receipts, U.6M easea; :lrts. 19Viioc; ordinary first. UV4Ju)c: t mark, raaea Included. Itfl9c. nrATUK(t-MiHri recaipta. 26 cars; for a floor vote on their proposal. A resolu tion Instructing the rules committee to I lh offerings were report a rule making in order proposed government manufacture amendments to all preparedness bills waa unanimously adopted. Ilgher rece nin, Minnesota and Da- Pol'LTHY-Allve, itrhlgn, Wisconsin. M Wa- white. - 41 ul; M ' roia rihloe. tWMS. 'DADDY DICK" IS DEAD: FRIEND OF SHOW PEOPLE Iprtngs, lac. OHIHt Inneeota and Da- higher; fowls, lie; far sr4laa Daatfaa. in cartons, . rkarg.4 ray BUTTER No. I craamarr, ar tub, ssc- No. t. 4c. POCLTRT Broiler, live, under two Iba.. Jc; bans, ltc; special roosters and ftaga. 11c; sprints. 17c; gesss. lie; ducka, 4c; turkeya, lc. old toma. 16c: eaoona. 16c; aulnoaa, wen, 2c; asuaba. Il.4i4.0; ptr dozan; pit una. tl par dosen. dtua-i input led Bmia. 44c; domes- Vc, Mc: block, ; twin. lo; daisies. c. triplets. lHc: young America, tic; bin label brick, itc; hiuburgar, Uc; Uo-portf-d French Vouuef ort. 66c. Ol8TEh-0eMp.e, xrgl : Stand ards. 61 u, northern, per gal.; Maadarda, !;.. selects, lieu; counta. 1196. K1BM Th. per lo.: Catflaa. 17c; hal ibut. 16c; sslmou. 17c; black base. 143 iio; V ' . 1 . 1 .1 1 u., 1 ...... .1 ... w Halibut. 11c; herring, Vibe; trout. iun. Auwiev; pi rei. SIOUX FALLS. B. D.. March SO.-R W. Dickenson, known nationally among I Pr market yaeierday, meatncai people and travelera. aa "Daddy Dk-k." died lata tonight at his home here. For many years he kept a unique restaurant here, which was frequented by show people and many famous actors and actreeeea were among his Intimate friend, lie was at one time a member of the board of city eommlaatonera. FLOOD CONDITIONS ARE GENERALLY IMPROVING CHICAGO, March SO.-Flood eondlUona in Michigan and Ohio though atlll Inter fering with railway trafflo In soma seo- tlons are generally Improving. The prin cipal street of Flint, Mich-, is Hooded. A small boy was drowned In tha flooded Kalamaaoa river at Battle Creek. HKIFERS. tw im. t , t a. M 1 69 " I. , BULLS. ....... 91 4 I la w l.X.. in 4 1 l 404 T 71 CALVES. 79 4 M 19 4M 1 W 14 . M 1 STOCK KRS AND FEEDERS 4 4 f 40 . t 14 4 is in it :t f m ' I II ID II T 4 HI i M 1 914 I l M HJB RecelDta moderated nulla hi. freah supplies being only 146 cara, or 10.600 head. The holdover from yesterday waa nearly I.uw head. Hon ever, and ail told the offt-rtnga were better than II, won head, a very reepectable supply for this time in the week. Four days receipts foot up 60.471 head, being i.noo smaller than a week ago, and 7.(00 lighter than two weeka ago, but nearly l.iAJ0 heavier man last rear. As haa been the caae all week, ahlp- ping aemana waa largely ror the good. light and butcher weight hojs. although shtDvere ware not averse la lakina bat heavtea when they could get them right. They mad their purchase at nrloe thai louaea senerauy 100 tower man tne ani per market yaeierday. They paid a top or w w. out tne numoer or aalea above t 90 waa small. Packera Marled out talking aa much aa 164TJ6o lower, but later modified their vlewa Bomewhet and the flrat killer aalen were around 160 lower than yeaterdav a everaa market, it waa another buyers market in every way. In that supplies were fairly large, slumps were reported (rom II points and the provisiona trad again hlttuia tha downtrack. and about ail sellers could do waa maka concession and cut looae. After movement once started prices Improved a ahada and bi lk of the hoga aold at a Mi 16c decline. The market bacama falrlv active Ann a trail ing bale waa eatebliahad. and consider ing everything. It rould be aald that the bulk of the hage moved In good aeaeon Trade continued lively all the way through, and cloeed up fully aa good If nt a little better than any other time Clearenre waa practically complete by cipal western markets. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ft. Ixvuls 1..KI0 7,) 2,700 Chicago 3MH0 Sioux Citr 1.400 7.600 600 Kanaaa City X 6u0 ,0(0 Omaha 2."0 10.300 6.6o0 Totals 12.900 36.300 14.700 Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. March 30. II A VPrslri! Choice unlsnd. I9.00iiM.oii; No. 1. 8.0ili9 ): No. 3, XS.0H4IX on; NO. 1, 4.t,'n'0". chnlie midland. lx.0iffi9.0O; No. 1. Ii.6fiii.6i; No. I, 66.61117 M: No. S, I4.OWV00; choice low land. K.WlttT.nO: No. 1. ta.0tad7.60: No. 2. 6.uib.0O: No. I. 3.(Nifua.00. Htraw: One car on the market: choice wheat quota ble at 96 Ofa.bO; choice, oat or rye. t.0 4ie'.60. Alfalfa: molce. fl3.nitriZ.6n; No. I. 11.00S100; NO. 2, fli.00fU8.U0. American Business Men Send Goods to Pershing Before U. S. El. PASO, Tex., March . American bualnets men have W!en the American government In the attempt to get sup plies to Oeneral Perahlng's expedltionsry forces at Caaaa Orandes, by way ot the Northweatern railway. It developed here tonight. Major William Elliott, in speaking ot the t'nlted Btates tjuartermaater's de partment, saya he has been Informed that American merchanta at the field base had succeeded in getting several car loads of supplies shipped south from El Paso. Two weeks ago. Major Elliott aald, aa American came up from Caaaa Urandea and made inquiries regarding getting two care of foodstuffs and other sup- Totals. .. Handicap . Totals... Name, Regan ... Marx .... Vance ... Baker ... pederson Totals. 7M 90 9T9 1049 20 20 S771 60 103 969 1069 2931 MURPHT B COLTS. 1st. Sd. Id. Tot. 199 14 641 170 182 1.13 46 211 133 12 6?4 17J 174 224 672 200 218 194 612 2716 952 643 J?1 Maarle 4 Ity Geael. Routh Side flahermen will open liot Ill- tic on the fish of the Mlxxo and sur rounding favorable lakea the coming Saturday. (.file apace for rent In Bee office, 1318 N street. Terme reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Announcement waa made yeaterday that P. J. O'Connor, well known former mem ber of the city council of South Omaha, has been appointed to a poaltlnn aa dep uty aheriff by Sheriff Felix McShane. The funeral of the little daughter of Mr. and Mra. John O'Hara. 27i I etreet, who died Tueaday afternoon, waa held veaterdav afternoon at the home. Inter ment waa made In St. Mary'a cemetery. Beryl A. Winn, aged 4 year, died at the home of her parent. Mr. and Mra. J. P. Winn. 216 Maaon street, yesterday. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'rlock from the residence to Proa- pect lull cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Julia Hoctor aged pioneer, who died yesterday morning at her home at Twenty-seventh and Harrl ann atreeta. will be held tomorrow morn ing at I at o dock from the residence to at. Agne t nun n at o i-ioch. inier. ment -.ill be made in Jt. Mary a cemetery. El I LX.IM6 L DODGE POUQLASSIBEETS Read the Big Month End Special Grocery Sale Friday In. I Hayden's for ?uality and a Savins; of 25 to 60 on the Cost of IdTlng 6 lbs. Choice Japan Rice .....S5o 10 bars Beat-'Km-All or Diamond Two British Vessels Sunk; Third Attacked tONDON, March SO. The British steamer Lavlnla. 1.131 tons. Weatoll, b 11 o'elo-k. The general market waa quoted I P"s deapatched to Caaaa Urandea. This I n ,unk. its crew waa aaved Per b.: Halibut 1 If, w hit. Hw, ga I uc: J.'ike. 9-niOe. tl , . 1 . wi.tLw. DHIU..J uar u r niia. tie. Kippered, per lb.: balmon. 17c: Ftn- an haddlrs. lie; roe ahad. Sua each: suiad rv. auc Per pair. t f-l.r.ft Y-MVmmoth. aso per doa; wwdium. av per doa.; small. Ifcoi Florida, sr cr:. 11 ai. hEEK Cl'T-Rlba. No. t, IDVe; No. t. V-c; No. t l.'. llns. No. 1. 4c; Na. . lie; No. g. l.c. Chucks, No. 1, llVo; No. I. 11lc: No. I, luc Rounde, No. 1. Jv,c; No. 2. ltc; No I, lSo. Iiatea, No. 1, Na. I. r; No. I. 9-o. f mit and Ub.a trtevs (arnlahad by .!iiky Co.: FKL IT Orange: 44a. U 60 boxi Ma. tt ffm; ie. tt M l. .i; ft 76 box; , ftUA boa; !., lofc. Lts. U?l bos; tww. tSfelaklUkiaa New Reeard. PKNACOIA. Fla.. March 10 Ueu tenant H. C. rtaufley of tha navv aam. nautlo cortie late today ealabllahed what ni aiauou aumoriiiea aclr1 to be a new world a altitude record for a hydro aeroplane wnen ne aanaa l.o,l Jeet. Will Meel a Caaper. CHFTENNK Wyo.. March 10. -The democratic stale convention ta aa!a.-t drUrsate to tha national convention at I r-i. liuu win am ncio at v.aspar, Wyo., Frtark Liavv Waa'l 4.eave. PARI. March to. Ktienna Clementel. the mltilster of commerce, announced to day that ne French liner would leave Hurdeaux for Nuw I org on Baturuay. at Url6c lower than yeaterday. bulk aelllng at tt.OUtfy.U. with a aprlnkllng on up to s a. and a top or t mj. There was a big showing at tl 99 OA the proportion of the aalea below the bulk being If any thing larger tnan usual owing to the fact that ao many of the light and tm mixed hoga were held over from yester- Oay. Raoreaentatlve aales: Na. St. S Tr. X. h i i H av 94 1M I 14 Tl 114 IM 9 at 44. M.. Ill MSI 4 It T4 44 r. ... 4U I Pioa. 6.. .....Ill ... TM t. 1 17 ... 194 SHEEP The aheep and lamb eupply was much smaller than either yesterday lor tne day before. limatd receipt of iwtniy-inree cara. or i.M ni. being the smallest ao far thl wk. Total for in week to date la head, as asainst man. It U aald, was ready for the ap proach of the expeditionary force and reaped a harveat because of hia fore- eUM. Three loaded freight rare consigned to Casas Grandee went over the river to day, despatched by a local wholesale firm. The British ateamer Kllbiidge. 1.711 tona. waa sunk by an enemy submarine on March 13, aaya an announcement by IJoyds. The Brltlah steamer Krwlndvale, 1.232 tons, waa attarked today, but not aunk. Ar ..IM . Ill .14 .14 .ia h. ... M 4 ... t IM III ... s a ... 4 e Wilsons Guests at A Red Cross Ball WABIIINGTOX. March 60. -President and Mra. Wilson were the guests of honor tonight at g ball given here for the benefit of the American Red Croaa. VIRGINIA REPUBLICAN DELEGATES UNINSTRUCTED IKIANOKK, March 10. Virginia dele- Kate at large to the republican con vent Ion ,111 go to Chicago unlnstiucted The atate convention tonight carried through the organisation alata without change. There were criea of ''Hughes snd ' Roosevelt" among the delrgales. 14 lbs. best Pure Granulated Su gar for $1.00 4 8-lb. sack Best High Grade Dia mond H Flour, made from the best selected No. 1 wheat, noth ing finer for bread, pies or cakes, every sack guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Friday, per 4H-lb. sack for 91.85 7 lbs. pure New York Buckwheat Flour for 25c 8 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal for l'c 8 lbs. best Rolled White Break fast Oatmeal for 25e 7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch for Sc Yeast Foam, pkg He E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 5c W. O. C. or Krumbles, pkg. . . .Oc Advo Jell, for dessert. pkg..7Hc Skinner's Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti, pkg 7 He Looae-Wiles. Omaha made. Fancy Cookies and Crackers, 10c, 12l,c nd IRc 3 large cans Condensed Milk. .21c 3 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, Wax, String; or Green Beans, 21 c 3 large canH Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or Bauer Kraut 21c 3 large cans Pork and Beans. .2.1c Maclatren's Peanut Butter, per lb., at 12Hc Iarge bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, as sorted kinds, or Mustard, per bottle, at Atsc Tall cans Alaska Salmon. . . ,H)ic 6 cans OH or Mustard Sardines for 10c C Soap for .Sdc The Best Tea Sif tings, lb. ..13 He Choice Basket Fired, Sun Dried, Gunpowder, English Breakfast or Ceylon Tea, lb .80c Herehey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb, SOc Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb., at 20c The Best etrictly Freeh, Eggs, per dozen, at .....20c The Best Table Butterlne, equal to creamery butter, lb. ....... 28o 2 lbs. Good Butterlne 25c SC Bias Taney riorlda drape Trult 1-riaay, each Sfte This size retails regularly tor 13Ho and IBe each. Eat Xlghland sTaral Oranges, the Moat Healthy Trait Grows, Friday, per doseav SOo, aso, aoe Tha Best Bed Birer Fotatoee, ve peck, at .....So IS lha. to peck, watch your welghta. Krexh Cabbage, lb 1V.0 Freah Carrota. Turnips, 8 hallo ta or Radlahea. bunch .ao Freah Aaparagus, lb .100 1-a.ncy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 10a Fancy I&rge CAicumbera, each at. ltWo and loo Old Beets. Carrots. Turnips or Par snips, per lb ...114,0 t large rioup Runchea ...lOo Fancy Cod Cranberries, per quart, at .00 Fancy Head lettuce, per head, at So and THo Fancy Rhubarb, lb 6o t beads Fresh Hnthouae Leaf Lettuce for 10 ALL XraTDSJ OI OADl!W . BUT TOUm OsTIOsT BXTS BOW. The price will double in two weeka Thursday only, quart tVia It Pays-TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-lt Pays- Vis aaata. . "In m Class By ltU Brewed and Bottled by J Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd. OMAHA, NEB. raauly Trade luppUed y Was. fetter. raoae Dottglea 4Z31. V r