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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1916)
thk nr:i:: omaiia, fimday, makcii :u. ioig. 13 V 7 46 4 TC 1 FOR REN1 -HOUSES 1 irllftnrn. ilUl'SI'S ANP I'lirrAiiES, PARTLY MOUKR.N. 4- R. 1U Carter Lake Ulvi -K. Ma N. 1h St 5- R. 714 Hickory St 4-K. 714 Hickory St 4- R. ll P. 2Mh Pt. (close In).... MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. -n. Ml Martha St $-R &" Martha St HI. 414 M. 17th St. (close In).... 5- R. 8.1 14 Charles St S-R. liStf H. tith St J.R. ai N. 27h 8t STRICTLY MODERN. ..$14 .. i.oo . . 1.C1 .. u oo .. 12 .. IS. no .. 20.00 .. 1(.."0 .. i no . 15.00 .. y S-R. l N. rwth Pt.. infwi. R. J3 S. th U. (good condition! -R 3131 Corhv St. (new bunga ingaiow; .i -R. 4S4T. N. 40th St.... $-R. 4114 N. ITth St ... 4-R. 4.vT Franklin Pt.. ?i to IS no 50 0 Sj.00 4-R. 43?4 lAke St.. 4-H. 714 N. 4mh Pt. rteo bungalow I (choice Dun- 46.00 Z 'o no (close In).... 37. aO (cholre loca 7-R. 6LH S. .Vth 7-R. 1014 P. 2th $. R. 4U N. Slst St.. St. St. tionl Dcwer Ave ls. oo (close In) 12. W TARTLY MODERN. v l-R. 213 Reese St 12.00 -it. 311R N. Wh 8 13 60 STRICTLY' MODERN. 4- R. 20W Howard Pt. (done In).... 26.60 5- R. 2"3 S. 8"th Pt T-R. 11 S. ?Mh St 27.50 tsna s. Nth St 2fi 00 il -R. 4012 Harney St.. choice 8&.U0 jikatf.d apartmknts. -R. 211 Ksrnam 6t t.'.VOO and $33.00 THE I.FONB Ulh Mnson. -R. Apt- No 4 X! M and $17.50 CARPATH1A 34th Mason. I-R. Apt. N. fi l0il and $23.00 THtj CI.TDB-1W Ohio Pt. 4-R. Apt. No. 1 $13.00 and $30.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. iF;R OCR COMPLETE LIST BKFORE RENTING. AS WE IT AVE WHAT VOC WANT. PORTER & SIIOTWELL, Offices With American Security Co., Cor. 17th and Douglas Sts. r. fcoi3. HAT he had to. sell: An automobile, a .motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morris chair. And he sold them through TJIK BKK Want Adeoltimns. HOI'SKS FOR RENT. CPKIGH. SON 8 CO. f pee noco. 200. 1M 8. 27fh, modern, 7 rooms. $.'.". 116 Popplcton Ave ; 5 rs. nnd ra'h. $1T. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas hM. 2586 DOUGLAS 8 rooms, modern. $31 FOR RENT AP'TS AflD FLATS wet. t-R. Beautiful terraces, mod.. Just com pleted, Paxton Court, close In, walking list.; curtain rods, window shades; gaa large. rcrrigerHtor furnished; $35. IIASTINUB & HEYDKN, 1114 Harney St.- Tyler flft. ' "INK steam-heated ni'artment, either 4 or f rooms, on A esl l-'arnam Ftreet. OHN W. PORRT NS, ISO'J EARN AM ST. ROOMS, a7 S. Jfi Ave.; close in; walk ing dlst.; beautiful apt.; built-in buf fni'. $S y. round. i HASTINGS & IIICYDWN. 111 4 Harney St. Tyler 50. 4-ROOM snd bath apartment In Llnwood. Ball Harney; vrrv choice; east front; 2d floor. Call P. 1 472. t-R. i'717 Pewey, with built-in bed; closa In; NEW: JL'4 .0 sum.: $-'7.5o win. HASTINGS & HEVPRN. H14 Harney St. Tyler .V. ' W orf J FIVEROOM steam heatea soartmenl, wry desirable; tba Chula Vlsia, loth and Poppleton Ave., 142. Ml. iki Bran dela Theater Bldir. Poua. 1B71. -R. "9' N. 21, cluse in; mod. ex. ht.; . walklna diet.; 320.M). HARTIN'iS HEYPEN. i ltl4 Harney St. Tyler 50 -4y NICHOLAS 4-r., mod. flat steel ( ran jo, gas stove, water paid, $16. . RAPP RROS.. I)ouB. la. ' ' I Hoalh. il. 1317 Park Avc.; Rood location; ,-holce apt.; $t0 yr. round. ' HASTINGS & HKYDF1N. ISM Harney .St. Tyler 50. CTRJOM" flat, nice wooifwork. iii .U2i Leavenworth St. Miscellaneous. month .free rent. . . Close-in apartment. $-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. xcept heat; rood neighborhood; $12.60. n. K. BUCK. 912 Omaha Nat. P. 4M. ,'JERN. steam-heated apartment, near O.; $1$ upwards. G. P. Stebbins. ' .MOVING AND STORAGE BE VAN & STORAGE rore, moves, packs, ships; 3-horaa I ana 2 men. $1.25 per hour storaga, , per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. ug laa 433$ nd Tyler 230. V FIREPROOF WAREHOUSa. . 1 ;; Separate, locked rooms, for household 1 iroods and plunoa; moving, packing and I ; ahlpping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. tog B.f ifith st. LliMt163L GORDON VAN. CO. Packing, stniag. and mov tnc. 219 N. 11th Pt. Tliona Douglaa $1 o. Harney Wi. MOVING ANP STORAGE, PACKING, SHIPPING AND FURNITURE TtEPAlRINQ PIANO MOVING A SPWCIALTT. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. Douglas ?;&. . OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co., moving, pacHing. storage ana snipping. Phone Douglaa 143i. FIDELITY FREE Phone Poaglaa 2i for complete list of vacant houses and apartment; also for storage, mnvlng l'th and Jackson Sta. T C Lxprusa Co.' Moving. Uljril' packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Pouslas 14. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Packlnp. storage. 15 Cap. Ave. Tyler 1200. FOR RENl'-BUSINtSS PR'PTY lores. iT01tt,HOO.MS. Three dandy fine storerooms at 24th - and Leavenwurih; one of the best luca- tlMis iu city; luul t:ry reasonabla. . Calkins & Co., DouglasJklX Citv Nat. Bank Bldg. BRAND new up-to-aate storeroom on C.llol Ave.. Just off loth street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures in hardwood tloora, plate glass win dows. To be ready April 1. Cacklsy tiros. ...' DKSlhAHl.K small store room 15 Cass St., to rent. Conrad Young, 322 Uran- dels Theater Hide. J ouglas 1571. STORE ItCKttia at li0-lll Farnauf'si. Thoa. r . Hall. iM Ranixe Bldg. U. 74i. elURL, modfiii. low tent, near post- ornce. i. i. stehblns. 110 Chicago. bTOKHl building, lllng rooms In rtar, MOt Aim. Douglas 13. Offteea aad. Desk Bdsui. SMALL tf fl and ai ui tn,. nt , low rent; hear pstof fl-e. (1. P. Piebblns. feAST front suite of rooiiis. Wead "BldgT t'-J?v2:A il- s- J"th Jt LARGE light basement ' on So. Hth 8t7 Wright Ml Lasbury. 13. ihJ.. WANTED TO RENT lsrimlkr4 Houses asid Pl.t.. WANT apartment In good location; 4 or s rooms prt rerren. 1 nuld use 4 rooms. Address L W1, care He. WANTED TO RKNT-S-rJom nlodeTu" roltaffe. t , iak rtniiu utlnn Xlau 1 Harney 4lsa. f NVANT to rent, ( or room house. In at jood neighborhood. Addrrss O care Faraisaed Hasan aad flats. Want to Kent I'urmxhed Apsrtment with n reasonable1 walking distance to ra mam senooi, :!oth and Farnam: man wife and li-eai-old duiiKhtrr. Can use lor six weeks and possibly loiiser "sni soiiiriiiing good. I'uone llarncy REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wet. We Want An Offer 3402 California Strict This Is a ell built home, corner lot. Just one block from car line; pav ing all paid; has living room, den, dining room aJid kitchen on the first floor; S very nice bedrooms and in closed sleeping porch second floor; oak floors throughout and birch finish; built-in buffet, beam ceilings. Asking $.',niiO. but we want an offer. Glover & Spain, Douglas $942. !- City National. California Street Bargain Near SNh St. Dandy -rooin house, oak finish and oak floors; well ar ranged and practically new. Iot 44- 1M ft. Party leaving town want an of- D. V. SII0LES CO., . HU-lfi City Nat. Bank Rldg. Poug. 4t. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT- New 7-r. modern, oak and blroh finish throughout, beam celling and all built in features; pressed brick foundation: south front, close to car; first-class ma terial and workmanship. A complete home In every detail. Best buy In Pins ha. Owner. Pouglr 1 M OWN KR WANTS OFFER. This beautiful 10-room pressed brick , residence, nesr th and California; strictly modern In every way: hot water heat; lot 60x180: house 8 years old. This property cost over $16,000 to build. Will consider any reasonable offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Rth Fl. Oman a Nat. Pk. PI dg. p. 17B1. o BUT don't expect too much from a house when you don't know what Is between the walls. I don't build all the well built homes, but all I do build are well built. Phone Benson 132, F. 8. Trul llnger. NKW 7-room home, garage: cathedral. Bemls park district. See owner. Make rommlssionIlarney 4482. RKAL EST AT K. Klr7nd General Insur ance. Art Thatcher, 1217-18 City Na tlonal Rank Bldg. Pouglas 801. Nvrtk. FORCED SAX.E TO 8ETTLE ESTATE Military Ave., Clifton Hill, a busi ness lot with a-room cottage; gas and cltv water; must be sold to settle an estate. At $1,500 It is chesp. but make an offer and we will submit It. OKORUK F.. WALLACE. 614 Keellne. BUY FROM OWNER BELOW COST Five rooms and bath, entirely modem cottage, excellent condition, storm sash, shades, etc. Close to car and school. Will rent for $25 per month. Can bs bought on easy terms. See owner at sarfl Vorby St. after 8 p. m. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; large lot; fine shrubbery and fruit treea. Price $2.3S0. Located 4107 North 29th SL - Norris & Norris, 400 Pee Bldg. Phone Pouirlaa 47 FRAIRfE PARK STUOt:0. beautifTir souin iront. s Dearooms, sleeping porch and tile bathroom, vestlhul lnt-c itv . Ing room across entire width of house. wmi Diiiii-in oooKcaee, large dining room wij.ii beamed ceiling, brick foun daUon, cemented basement, splendid hade, shrubbery and hedge, paving taxes all paid: Vm cash, balance $40 monthly. B. J. Soannell. 609 Ware Block. Poug. gg orCo!fax SMI. BKMIS PAR, if BARGAIN. Seven rooms, strictly modern, located In the center of Bemls Park; oak and pine finish, furnace heat; 2 blocks from car line; extra large lot; must be seen to be appreciated.. See ua for appoint ment. PAYNE 1NVESTMIBNT COMPANY. Kth Fl. - .maha Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 1781. o 1 1 TnWV"' TfurVri v The first party o my office gets It. 10-room. modern, northeast corner 22d and Blnney. Size of lot 74x124. Across the street from, Sacred Heart church, $2.1&KH. Don't all come at once. R. W. Barrett. 435 First National Bank. Doug-las-3100. A CRACKERJACK of a brand new, all modern bungalow west In Montclalr addition.' .lust completed; 6 rooms, all on onn floor, but three large rooms can be finished off upstairs if desired: oak finish, built-in features. Call Poug las R.192. Monday. 4-ROOM house, lot 54x1.12, big barn, hold ing 4 norses and 7 tons of hay and brand new 2-auto garage: must leave on account of sickness and will sell for $2.7M cash. U J. Parmlee. 2108 Miami St. Webster 821 GREAT BARGAIN Well equipped modern cottage, full ce ment baaement, beautiful yard. Spe cial inducements for rash, as owner is leaving .city. Tel. Webater 8S2. CHOICE Improved acreage, snap, 4 acres. mi in iruu, uearing. 1 mue norm or Florence on paved road, t-room house, barn, $0,000. R. II. LANPKRYOU. Tel. P. 6785. 202 Neville Rlock. SPKCIAL BARGAIN. 4-room cottage, toilet, gaa. water, to ft, lot, $1,350; terms, $00 cash or Ford car for equity. 1 8. P. BOSTWTC C, 100 BEE BI-PQ. WILL sacrifice my 8-room modern houas, with sleeping porch and sun room; ' nicely dncorated. Webster 1127. Won 8AL1O Modern 6-rooliThouse, oak finish; 2226 Sherman Ave.; will sell cheap. Call Web. 72"6 after 5;3u. Sooth. Happy Hollow Blvd. New Brick Residence $8,500 Brand new, and one of the best built, most artistic homes in the district. It wss Just completed when the owner was transferred away from Omaha. Eight good-sized rooms, oak floors in every room in the house; beautiful brick fire placein fact, all the little details that go to make an Ideal home. Fine lot and brick garage which corresponds in architecture with the house. The price Ik way less than the actual cost to the owner. BUT IT MUST BE FOLD. See us at once. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler liTS. Keellne Bldg. STOP PAVING RENT BE A HOME OWNER Living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom on first floor fin ished in oak- nice bedroom, bath and siinrooin on 2d floor; entirely modern, brand new, full cement basement; eaat front lot. 40XI4J; close to school. Price only $3,000; $.tu down, balance monthly. Located near llans'om nark. C. G, CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Ttieater Bid;. ONE ACRE IMPROVED NEAR BEI.LEVUE BOULK YARD; ONLY 'i BIjOCK TO CAR; NKW -ROOM BL'N'lAlJtW; ELECTRIC I.liiHT. HOT AIR FURNACE. PRICE ONLY $3if; EAY TERMS. pIIuNE sonii 2i. A SNAP 9-room huusa, electric lights, gas, bath and furnace; permanent aide walks, paid; 15 minutes walk of bitb and Harney Sta. No. 814 8. 27th Hi.. near 1eavenworth St. Harney 14)46. Rob ert Robertson. SIX South Omaha lots, $15o each: $10 down, $6 month: 54j per cent: same lots originally cost l&o and worth $3fc) now. WILLIAM COLFAX. 14 8. UTh Nearly new. 6-room mod. house, lot 60xlM, malking distance. Berka t Musll, Pouglaa 6M7. Sf Iseellnaeoas. MISTER CoLOKEP MAN. Why pay rent when ou can buy this 5-room strictly modern bouse, furnace heat, paved street, paving all paid for. good sied lot, 011 easy tfrms? $i"0 down, balance likt rent. 1'rt' i.)0. See ua st om-e PAYNE NV EST MIEN T COMPANY. 5lh El. Omaha Nat. Bk Bid.-. l. KM.-o REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED MlseeJIaneoas. ALL BARGAINS. Hsnsrom pstk, 8-r., modern, hot water nest, oak finish; cheap for cash, or exchange for smsller house. Six-r., niodern, good condition, raved street: close In. 2 blocks to car. Small cash payment; balance like rent. Cedar St.. three small cottages on one lot, three blocks to car; only $l.K-o. Slx-r., modern but heal, Van Camp Ave ; hsrgsln WRIUHT LASBURY. 808 B lth St. Poiiglss l.$. For rent. Pont I misled, get a home We have a danrtv. new place for ssle on terms like rent: $ blocks from school. THOS. L. M OARRY. Keellne Rldg. Red 4M4 $-ROOM HAROAIN-NEW. 4-BOOM, U BTORY HOU8K, NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT $.40. REASONABLE PAYMENT BENSON 4 CARMICHAEL DOUGLAS 1722. 442 PAXTON BLK. SAFETT TIRST. FOR RELIABLE ANP S.4FII1 FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEE O NEIIR R E. A INS. AOFNCT. Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 14)t4, CM SEVEN rooms, hot water heat, splendid shape, raved street, excellent neighbor hood. Best reasons for selling. $'-o0. $ down. Cgll evenings. Colfax 4TI. NEW bungalow of i beautiful rooms at a very low price, when location is considered. Terms. Simpson Bros., $4$ Rose Bldg. Tyler 111. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. YOUR CHOICE OF THREE WEST FARNAM LOTS $695 EACH These lots are on grade and all street improvements are In and paid for. excepting paving, which will be done this year. One block from car line. .Moderate restrictions. Easy terms, t'huler Cary, Keellne Bldg. Phone P. 42;. 9Rx100 corner 011 West fTarney. 5oo3 buy for some one. W. II. GATES, 447 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Poug 1tS4. ACRES, close to ear: easy terms. lyrlle Deuel. Colfax 1061. after 10 a. m. North. Bif? Jxit Bargain 16th and Burdette Walking distance Ford factory: city water, sewer, gas, sidewalks, SOxlSO; quarter blk. to car. Only $0. Terms. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 61$ Omaha Nat. Bank. Come Out to Minne Lusa and see the wonderful development go ing on there. Yon will find the beat lots offered In Omaha at $o.0 to $S00. Sewer mains, water mains, walks, grsdlng and seed ing al' paid for. Easy terms. CHARLES W. MARTIN A CO.. Owrjora WILL BL'ILIP TO SUIT. Have In first choice lots In I-eaven-worth Heights Add.; essy terms. Doug. 29M. Carl E. Bolen. 414 Paxton Bldg. FINB lots, Bancroft and 4th streets; Walking distance; only $A easy terras. Mrs. Hawver 3W4 (Jrand Ave. Colfax 7n2 Mlseella neons. VACANT LOTS." Comer. 100x12s ft., paved St., sewer and water, located in Boulevard Park. Price $1,010. Inside lot, 40x115. street to be paved In spring. Located in Boulevard Park. Inside lot, 60x1 . on 40th, Just north of Ames Ave. Price $m RASP BROS . DOUO. 1S. AN acre or two bought now In Benson Oardens will make you more money than any other kind of investment. Call, write or phona is. Tyler 60, for reading matter, telling more about Ben son Oardens. HASTINOS HEYPEN, 1414 Hamey St. VACANT lots at acreage price. Trustees- will sscrlflca U lots, south of Fort St.. and west of $4th. All or separately, SIMPSON BROS.. Tyler 911. 24 Rose Rldg. PHONE Pstterson. Doug. 2917. for list of lots. $300 and up. REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Double brick terrace. $ rooms and hall each side: oak finish downstairs: white enamel with mahogany doors upxtalrs; oak floors throughout; tiled bathrooms; remented basement snd ceinrnted porch floors. Price $12,500. This house is ideally located and Is only two years old. It Is leased to good tenants at $1,3"0 per year. J. II. DUMONT& CO., 4W--1 Keellne Bldg. Phone poug. 460. Flat or Apartment Site We have 110 feet eolith front on Cali fornia, between 8'ld and 24th. This is an exceptionally good location for either flats or a small apartment house. Trice only $ Terms if desired. A. P. Tukey & Son, Phone Poug. 602. 1507-$ W. O. W. Bldg. FOUR houses, renting for $1,080 per year, besides a Isrge vacant corner, suitable for apartment or brick flats. In a very choice location, paved atreets, south and east front, one block to Bemls Park. Price $1R.0O0. Want Nebraska or Iowa farm land or acreage near Omaha. HASTINGS II KYPKN. I14 Harney St. WANTED Ijind syndicate to mske a inarvrioiis profit uuying a large traot. subdividing and selling; insignificant in vestment and risk; 1 know hundreds of low-priced, easily sold tracts for I have located colonies In ten states snd trav eled over 40 since 1MI. Information free. Address L long, Omaha J tee. $6,000 RENTS $100 PER MONTH. A close-In corner lot. 80x46 5 blocks from post office. Terms. H. A. WOLF. M4 Ware Blk Poug. SOW REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Baam. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! $10 00 down snd $10 00 per month; prloe IJjO.00; slse. 6"128; located on Locust bt. between Clark and Burnham; uot far from school and car line. Geo. R. Wright, Bee office. Otnaha. Daadee. One Sold Two Good Buys Left At the top of the hill. 48th Ave. and Cuming, beautiful view, two blocks of West farnam car, we have two mighty fine bungalows, five and six-room each, oak throughout, very tastily decorated ami finialird with beamed ceilings, built-in buffets, kitchen cabinet, window hades and window screens: very artis tic light fixtures; textile shingle roofs with long time guarantee; paving paid. Thfae are beautiful homes and will merit your earliest inspection. us hear from you at once before they are gone. Hiatt-Fairfield Co., : Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 43. BEAUTIFUL brick and stuouo homes being built in Evanston, south of Podge Ht . in P u 11 dee. H. H. Harper A Oo. Mlsoellaaeans. ACREA11E CLOiE TO CAI I Block to car, good 4-room house. electric light, fine well water, cistern, pump. baJ n, large chicken houae, jo bearing fruit trees, lots of grapes, cur rants, etc , alfalfa and fine shade around the place Reasonable price ana terms. Ask Tebbens. Mk Omaha Nat. Hk. A riVEKTI."E our nroperty as though you beiteved Its sale or rental to be iniporixiit. pi keepm 11 li,it'i in the I'll; IjouKc. II and Ki-i.i I joints Liiiidu-THE I REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES H.VRPWaP.K or lumber yard VaniM for good so-aere farm, well improved. miles from Ieer Park. Wis.; 4." mllrs from St. Paul, nice (oration, good soil, to trade for hardware or lumber yard of a boot same value, $!n per sere: deul with owneis onlv; give full particulars In first letter W. E. PliiKnitin. Owner, Peer Park. Wis FOR SALE or trade.' & acres Improved isrm in t ottonwooo. Co.. Minn, lor chesp South or North Pskota land and other bargains write Christ Lefflei. v Indom. Nllnn WHAT HAVE YOU OR Prt YOU WANT See us first We mav have lust what you asnl. We sell or trsde eirrvthing anywhere C. J. Smith. Tyler 1W1. Tit 4 PES-" TRAPES " TKAP1-3S Farms and Omaha propyl ty for ex change. .!. A. 4RPOTT. Patterson Plk.. Omaha SIX houses and farc.i to exchange Neb. farm. Toland Trumbull. Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange anything you have 10 our. u. j. canan. jHccague Ming REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy from 6 to 10 acres of land suitable for subdivision In any live, growing town In Nebraska or Iowa. If you answer this ad, please stste In your FIRST letter lust what oil have and thereby save time. Also please state If there are manv vacant houaea there. In esse you should prefer to aub Jlli'lda vour land ind aill lots vonrslf. won t ion please write me ami let me PROVE to you that 1 can sell your lota quicker than you thought possible, and get higher prices than you ever dreamed of. Address 8. T. Mosaev Llnevllle, la. Temporary address. Hotel letorla. ijlncoin. isen. wfl have buyers and renters for homes of all sixes. We show witji 3 autos. W e get results. an us up. YOUNOMAN. 301 Out. Nat. Bk. P 147. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROP'TY 110,500 RENTS $100 PEIt MONTH V h St., near Farnitm, new property, a snap. H. A. WOLF, K14 Ware R!ock: Poug. sflftj 96 FEET, lth St . 1 blka. trrira viaduct. $4,600. McCague Inv. Co.. McCagAie Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, M wrt as sres. WE are ready at all times to make loans on ftrgt-claas city property and eastern Nebraska farmi. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 112 South 17th St. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apsrtment houses, double brick houses, single houses, business proerty and farm lands at 6. 64 and Co. W. H. THOMAS). ( aWJKllTveiRllK: Pouglas .!$. 6 TO 6 for loans on best class city residences in amounts -.'" up; aiao farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 12 Farnam Ht. NO PKLAT. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLPO. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. OMAHA homes. Kast Nebraaka farms. OKHtu HbAii I'.oiAir. 101$ Omaha NaL Phone Douglas 2716. MONEY TO LOAN, tor 6 years, on Improved properties. SHOPEN k CO., Poug. 4:u. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg ri A TrTT TJTrn Omaha Uini Nat l Bk. Bldg. $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F". P. Wead, VI pin rilua-. inn IIU r iiiain . . 67o city I1AN8. C. O. Cantera. lit- 0 12 Brandela Theater Bldg. ClT?Bnd "farm loans. 5. 5H. 4 per cent. J.H. Dumont ft Co.. 414 Keellne Bldg. cT MONEY. IIARrilSON MORTON. OO s,e Omaha KaU Bank Bldg. Two First Mortgages For Sale $1,410 due in five years. Interest 7 per cent, psyable semi-annually, on 0 acrea of good, level farm land In Weld county, Colorado; value $4H. X'siO due in five years; 7 per cent; pay able semi-annually, on 160 acres of good level farm land in Weld county, Colo rado; value. $2,4110. E. T. Heyden, 1414 HarneySC, Omaha Nehrssks. HAVE two $i.0ti0 mortgages drawing per cent Interest; secured on Tennessee land; due in $ and 4 years; will trade for good automobile, or what have you? Address C 416. Omslie. Bee $1,000 FARM mortgaae bearing 7 per cent secured by 440 acres of land. Talmage Loomls in v. co. w. u. . yv n 1 (i g . Abstracts of TI4I. flrmrnntoo Abstract Co. We ran bring uuaranicedown vOUr abstram on short notice. R. 7. Patterson Bldg. D. toil. VlHlfl Title Guarantee and Abstract rUjluv t modern abstract office. $08 S. 17th St. Tel. P. MW. RBKD ABSTRACT Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. S04 Brandela Thea REAL ESTATE-TRACK. GE TRACKAGE LOT On Nichols St.. near 17th J?t., a full lot, tihxl.V, with trackage In rear and two old houses, bringing $36 per month. 11. A. WOLF, Bit Ware B'k. Poug MM. TIIACKAOE-Ylna site on B. A M, T, 184; can be bought at a bargain. C, A. Orlmmcl. $4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. FREE FARMS IN ARKANSAS. 18o,l Ml acres of government land open for homestead April 20; located alon and near the Mlasourl and North Ar kansas railroad: Ideal for fruit, poultry, stook or general farming: some timber Write for particulars. J. C. Murray, O. P. A.. Pesk L. Harrison. Arkansas Colorano Lands. A OOOD farm of 18t acies. located In the Platte valley, near lulesburg, Colo. This farm is all Irrigated; a fine proposition for sugar beets and fall and spring wheat. Will sell or trade for farm In Iowa, Nebraska or ( uod land in Houih Dakota. Address Y Bee. lost Lands. 4aO-A. Iowa Improved farm. Price $3a per acre. Will take part in Income proiierty and carry ba mice on land. W. K. CRAIU. l$J7f'ity?;t.xlnk B dg.. Omsha. Neb. HissNsls Laiaas. $0 ACKtB, 44 iuIUs from sf InneapollsT near two good railroad towns; one half under cultivation, balance use for paature and hay; can practically all be cutlvated: good soil, good set of buildings, this land will produce 40 buahels of corn per acre; country la IblcUy settled; complete set of ma chinery; 17 head of stock, consisting of 11 co as. balance 1 and 1-year-olds, 4 good burses, lit hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at per acre. One-half cash. Immrdlate pos session can be had. SCHWAB bROa.. 102s p!mouth Blng Minneapolis, Minn, Mlssoarl Laaits. Wi-AI'HK FARM In Pent Co.. Missouil, 1 mile to village. 1$ miles to halrtn; highly improved, good hem and silo; good buildings; HO acres in cultivation and meadow, win ter wheat goes with place If sold st once; some fine timber; good orchard. Price $.'a) per acre. W. S FRANK. 'l Neville Block, Omaha. OREAT BAfti TAINS-95 down, $6 monthly buys 40 acrea. good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $176. Address Bog tug, lui celHlor Springs, Mo. 'inftaif Lands. IRRIGATED fsrin. 10 ears. $; larr" II l:.r 1 1 I. is, wri'e Msr Ian li, Ian tier, U o. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlsalaalppl laadi, tk'KAN Sl'ltlNtiS. on the guTf cosst. a tanu or pure neugtit, wnere you can have a self supporting home on an Income-producing acreage on easy terms. Coats nothing to look it over. Free literature. W. T. SMITH CO . Cltv National Hank Hldg. Nebraska Lands. IlillH "CLASS FA KM. I'entalnlns 213 srrea; ; miles from Omshs. well Improved and in good stnte of riilth Rtlon: exceptionally rich soil, good alfalfa snd corn land, any one wishing rirst-clsas grain and stock farm would do well to Investigate this. Ptice. I-'.'.OO". terms Reives Ullford, Sltl lianise Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Foil SALE-'' .2Mkaci stock fsrin; "two sets oT buildings; five never felling wells of aster; all fenced and cross fenced; good houae snd large frame barns Owner prefers to sell fsrm stock and machinery right together. For further particulars address J. E. Paine, Osndy, tonan Co , Neb. A NO 1 quarter. ili miles from "Madrid, Neb.. Perkins countv, southwest quar ter 17-1H-S7; ISS acres broken, balance hay land, must leave 011 account of sicsnesa snd will sell for $." per acre cash. Address l J. Tamilee, 1104 Mlnml St Welmter $23. FOl'NP SJO-acre uncislmed noirTeatead, good soil; ample rainfall, artesian water; near free timber. Price $m filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy, Ft." Mtgan. Colo. A f40 acre reilnoiilsnmentfor saleflva miles from R R. town, ten miles from another. Write Lock Box $42 Val entine. Neb. $;0 A., adiolnlng Hershey, sllflne valley" land. Improved. Price $a.WV, worth $.15.0011. Write P C. Patterson. Omaha k) ACRE'S near good" "town In Johnson countv. Will tske Omaha property part Payment. Thoa. Campbell, fc Keellne Bldg. Pouglaa 4C"V Wisconsin l.anm VPPFR WISOONSIN-Rest dairy snd general crop state In the union; nsttlers wsnted; lands for ssle at low prices on easy tcrma Ask for booklet $4 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lan is ssk for booklet on apote orchards. Address Land and Industrial Pent., boo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlsernssesaa. BUYERS WITH THE MONET TO INVEST. Farm land ads plsoed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lends. Quality and quantity are both found In THE BEE'S country circulation. The subscription rate for The Bee la much higher than any other Omaha newspaper. Naturally The Be la read by a class of well-to-do farmers. Send In your ad and reach soma real buyers. HAVE YOU A FARM Frn BALEf Write a good description of your land snd vend It to the Sioux City, la.. Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different risys for Z; or 60 words, $4. or 76 words, $K. Lsrgcat circulation of any Iowa news paper; XiO.OOo readers dally In four great at a tea. RICH upland Imp. farms, $10 acre up wsrds. Corn, cotton, alfalfa, rattle, hogs: large and stnsll tracts; easy terms, li. P. Stehblns. 1410 Chios go o FARMS, acreage and city property for sale and exchange. C. R. Combs, $un Brandels Theater Bldg Poug. $414. FREE LI ST 560 choice Mlnn.WlsTPak. choice farms. Borer. 94$ Sec. Bldg., K.. Minneapolis. Minn. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Male. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Psrgsln for cash while they Isst. Pon t fall to come this week. Closing nut the last of my well matched mares, from 6 to 1 years old, some in foal. weighing from 2.600 to $.000 lbs. per spsn; also 4 light business horses. I hsve sold 144 horses and mules since the first of the yesr, and as the buyers that have bought them are all well pleaaed 1 hope to see you early and do by you as 1 nave ny mem sen tnem under a full guarantee or your money refunded. I also have 44 yearling and two-year-olds on the farm that 1 will sell and ship anywhere In Neb. or Iowa free of charge. Hsru in rear, 114 H. Z4th BL Ijidy owner. MUST SELL HARNESS. $2,700 worth of double harness to eloae out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price; $l,0n0 worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Iiarruiaa shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNHON -DANFORTH CO.. 1629-21-113 N. 16th St.. Near Clark SL ATTENTION 4 head of young mares In foal, 1 head of geldings weighing $.000 per span, 4 and 6 yesrs. Also 4 sets of harness and a wagon. No res sons hla rash offer refused. 20$ 8. 2th. Call barn In resr. ONE hand-made grocery delivery wagon, cheap; good condition. Christ Jensen, 24th and A Sta., South Side. FIVE brood aows, one full blood, Chester White, and one Poland China for sale. Must l sold st once. CallWalnut 14. BLACK boras" for sale chea p ; m uat "he sold st once. Lady owner. Call Coi fs X $034. 6NH5 pair-dTift horses. 1.200 lbs. tV N. 24th; ICR wagon, good condition, cheap 7 taxen at once, rnone coirax zot. HAY-$ti.6Q ton. A. W. Wagner. $01 tfTK W sat ed. WANTED A single sound horse not over I years old; weight about l.isiO lbs.; must stand a few days' trial. Tyler lUri. 1414 So. 12th. POULTRY AND PET STOCK TWELVE" nullet matejr 8. C. Brown leghorn hens and pullets, and one 000k bird, extra fine stock, $Jt, or will ex change for Jersey heifer. Olark Port, Auburn. Neb. MONEY In chickens : w Tile lot Johnson's free catalogue. Poultry Know-How, about the pay-for-itself Old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter. Neb. PBJE0N8 pay far batter than chlrkasia; always penned up; little space needed to stsrt; free book explains all. Majestic Squab Co.. Kept. W. Adel. la. jl'KT received, small turtles, 5o each? (Set one for your fish globe; they are unite interesting. Max ijelsler Bird i'ii., 1617 Fsrnain St. "CAHE OF" BABY C H FCkelVa new booli free for stamp, (leo. H. Lee Co., 1116 Harney HI., timnni. FOR S A i. E T h o ro ilg h b reaHg'rotoh collie pup, well marked t:i3 F St., Llnooln, Neb. ; E 1S Barred Hocks, ind'an Runner ducks. 6 cents each.Tn. J.louglas 2X10. MXP. grain. 100 lbs., $1 7a. Wagner. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE USED CARS 1 slightly used Maxm-ell tour $Vx) 1 mo Euger "4." com. equip., $-pas..illO 6 Hood Fords from $22, to $ 1 1H13 Velie 40 lao 1 lnu Crow car st a bsrgaln Iz6 1 lu'.l Overland 4- paaeenger MO 1 1HI3. o-paas. Studebaker (juo 1 c'lialmera Pelroll roadster, extra eouip 2fiO 1-1911 International, good shape ijx) 1 r. 2 cyl. Maxwell roadster $i0 1-1H12 Flanders 30, & pass W. FItANCIS AUTO CO., .'14 Farnam. Phone Poug. $6$. AUTO CTJSARINO HOUSB" Farnam St. Tel. Poug. $110. 1414 Chalmers roadster, run 4ou miles; sacrif ic. 1 fl S Csdlllae touring, elec. equip $476 19 1 1 Stevena-Puryea touring, six cyl.. bu Bt'T from owner large a-pansenuer, eiuipM'd. excellent ondition, I II' S e liobb-, Omaha Uaia.e. AJJT0JV10BILES-F0R SALE THE AITTO SHOP-"Serrlce First." 1601$ Jsckaon. Tyler KW. Auto repairing and gen. blacksmltblng, auto springs made and repelred. BIOHEST VARIETY OF FtiKP CARS IN THE C1TT. GENERAL" Motor "Company truck. ' two ton capacity, good condition. 1 an be bought rlsht. Call Pouglas 2.V4. RBOAL touring car. electric light and starter, splendid condition, 4.. T. O. Northwsll Co.. Pouafas 1707. VSKP CAR B K R'l AINS AT Ml'RI'HT O BRIKN AITO CO.. 114 l IX Farnam St WHERE ran I get a good used car? Industrial Oarage Co., 20th and Har nv Sta tetotnnMles M anted. N a"NTEI to buy. liHS or '! Ford. IVuig- las So7 Aato Neaalrlns and Palatine. KFR. Auto Radiator Repair swrvW, and pri-s right. 11a S. Isth St. 1. T.w. $tf rewsrd for magneto we can't repair. ol!a repaired. Baysdnrfer, 210 N. IHth. Onisha Radiator Rep. Co 3024 Far. D. 2001. $1000.00 to be WON in Dundee The Community Beautiful Watch This Ad NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Se$$ion Much the Same $ Thoie of Earlier Day$ of Pre$ent Week. QUOTATIONS LOW AT LAST NEW YORK March 10,-In Us salient featurea today s market traversed the ground made more or less fsmlllar by preceding sessions of the week. Prices were Irregularly higher or lower In the dull forenoon, but the movement devel oped a definite downward trend later. Quotations were mostly at lower levels In the final hour, the heaviness of that period being ascribed to the publication of a statement by the railway executives thst offered little hope of en immediate adjustment of existing differences with the trainmen. Coppers were almost the only stocks to display consistent strength, their Im provement betiSg baaed on additional re ports of large sales of the met si for do mestic and foreign consumption. While these reports lacked official confirma tion it la known that the home demsnd for copper is the greatest in the history of that Industry. Industrials and equipments, Including the munitions group, moved unevenly with a preponderance of declines. Cir cumstantial statements Indicating a re newal of Inquiry for war supplies failed to enlist Interest In stocks of that class, most of which closed the dsy with net losses. The Mexican group, embracing ptro laums. was firm st times, but fell sbrutply later, Texas company leading the decline, with a loss of 6 points at 180. Federal Mining and Smelting preferred was espe cially heavy losing $' at 80. United States Steel recorded a maximum loaa of at R3'4, but eBthlehem Steel made slight recovery from Its steady decline of recent days by gain of 4 to 456. Ralls were less susceptible to pressure, hut thst division again denoted foreign liquidation. Resdlng, New York IVnlrsI and some of the Pacifies and grangers were lower by fractions to more I ban a point, hut dealings in these stocks were relatively light. Total sales of stocks amounted to 610,000 shares. Trading In the new Canadian govern ment b per cent bonds gave fresh Impetus to that nrancn or ins aecuntiea usi. 1 no lQi lasiia aold no to MS. the lv24a at 7H and the 1911a at $7. Anglo-French 6a repeated tneir recenr maximum 01 ri. Total sales of bonds, par value, were $4,2&.000. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. . . . Number of sales and leaning quotations on stocks were ss follows: Sales High. Low. Clms. Alaska Oo14 1 t'4 Alli.-' l.i at, AmrrtiM H.l Sugar a Kl 11 714 71 Can 4w (IS "H American Iomolls ... Mane t 141 T7 Amsrlcan g. II U.IW IN I, 1 Am. a. a a. 4 Am. Huaar Refining t w 1W in' HW Amsrtraa Tel. 4 Tel I . tv I" 1" AnM-rliaa Tol.a M lMk lK An..nd daw I T SM, SS AOhlaoo 1. 10l lAt 101 1M Haldwin Icomotle .... 1,) U'4 i"i M Haltlninra Ohio !." ra, r ri Haablehasi nteel 4U nraoalys Baplil Tr California Hetrolaum .... Too " f K tanadlsn partfle eo 1H 1'4 nlral leather Too ' 44 rriswwwb Ohio I KM i, us 414 ( V W 14 l'S 13 Chicago, st. a St. p Vio n i aa lms as N W 40ft 1 U4' 114 riihaso M. 1. r. nr.. 1 1 "'a i" Oilnn l'nper 4 T i MS f,' fnlurailit Kuel 4V true.... I re a It M lMrr a it n sf4 '' Piailllara' Hecsrlllss .... 1 W" 47S Kria 4 l at M M (l.netal K.lwtrlc au IM14 ISO 14f. Ilmt Norlharo pM "I UUt I'.'IS 121 Oreat No "fa i.'nil 411, 4S 41 Ouasenhrlm Knvloratlun.. el VIS 'V Illinois Central l"'a 1 Inlarhorfiuah Cos. Cer . MS IT 14S t Inaplratlon Coppar 10 1"0 47S 47 47S Inlarnatlnnal Harlar... lll'i lie's Kanaaa Cltv koutham .... Inn !f l"'4 H Uahtsh Valley t.Stal 77S 744, TH tswlsvllls Naahrllls . I r.troleum . HIS W Ht Miami Cop par II. Toil J7' as Misauurl. K. T pf4 li Mliamirl r..'lflc SW 4', 4 4S National HIeaiH H'Vt National lii) ado 47 4'i M N.ala, ,H'r 1'S "'4 ". New York Central IM 1tS 1"S IMS N T.. N. H H SOS 40S S S Nnrfolk 4 Waaiern l.aoo UH4 1S '"S Pacific 400 1111 11.1 ll pacific Mall MS Paririp Tal. Tsl f P.nnartvanla I.fc MS , f.4S Pallmaa lslses Car HIS .liar tvon. tSppar 1 Va ' MS WS Its4tna 14 MS 44 S MS 4S Jlnelbllo Iran Htwl 4 JK iiS 4" gnulrisrn I'solfic "S en, ftoulhsrn RallwaT 1 10 S S Stunalalier mpanr .... 10. P HI 1 S 1S l.nnr.M Cnopar oa ia, ?S M Ton ompanr 4 i(n 11 IW t'nioa Pa.-lfia K in 1IS 1S I n Ion TaHfle M i' M JS S Cnl'4 Stataa Stael 41 V MS 43S MS -. S. ' Ml pf4 law 1I4S 114S 'S I tan Caxwr lam ais at ats Wratarn Cnloa IM il '4 S S Waallngtimiaa glsrtrta ... I'lM .S 44 ' Montana Powar 0 7S 74S 74 rieneral Molers 44 . Wahaah H pfd 41 14 KS Inlemattnnal Marias f4 f a.m T.1S "V S Kenneecst Orwr 14 lo 571, 14 47 Total salas for tse 4ay. 410.094 shsrsa. Jeer York Money Market. NF.W YORK. March M-MERCAN-TII.K PAPKR Wa per cent. STKBI.l Ni riXClIA NOK Slxty-dav bills. 14 77V demsnd. $4.7tt; c1''". f 77. SILA'FK-Bar, Mexicsn dollsra. 4Sc BONPS Oovernmenl, steady; railroad. irreaulsr TIM K l.OANS-Flnn. sixty dsys, $iU I AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE iOV. M 1' RPH Y4 uto repairing. 112 fl. 17tn" St. Tyler 207. Bight, Red ST-. Aato 1 leea and Haaplin. TIRES at cut prices. We carry the largest stock of standard makes, at ent prices, In the weal. Modern tire repair plant. Skilled labor employed. Repair all makes. P1P1.KX TIRE CO., Jf.1Fsrnsm St. p. 4T.. "" ' A I TO TI R ES RF.BCILT $21 TO KOO. PITO TIRE CO. 1611 Chicago "t; f:1ertrle AntnmoVlles. Walter Anderaon. exp't rep'g electric aV batteries. Storage. 22.10 Farnam. D. 4217. AVTOMonil.K INSURANCE. rra. Theft. Liability and Property Pairing.' at lowest Ratoa KILLT. ELLIS THOMPSON. fl$14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 241$. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES ll A R 1 .1 : Y I A V 1 1 SO N M OTO RCY(? I ,E8." Bargain In used machlnea. Victor Rooa, Tito Motorcycle Man. " $.01 Leavenworth 3 per cent: ninety days, $ per cent; six montns, jca;i' per cent. CAIJ, MdNKV-i Inn; high, $ per cent; low. 1 per cent; ruling rate, $ per rent: last losn, $ Per cent: closing bid, IV per cent; offered at $ per cent. 4RW YOBK "TjKSEHAI, MARKET annotations of the Day aa Varlnns ooamndltles. NKW YORK, March .-FIX)UR-f Inner; spring patents, $f.fvti.10, W HEAT Spot, strong; No. 1 durum. $1S1; No. hard. $l.$Ms; No. 1 northern. Imluth. $1.34, and No, 1 northern. Mani toba. $1 41 f. o. b. New York. Futures strong; May, $I.$?H. CORN i pot firm; No. t jrellow, $.1S)C, c. I. f. New York. OATB-Bpot firm; standard, 61Ho:c. IIAY-Uulet; No. I. $!.SMnl.40: No. I, $1 rM 30; No. S, $1.0091.c6; shipping. l0j'.f. HOP.4 Steady; slate, common to cholr e. It IS. I4flc; 114, &tl9c; Pacific coast, l"l."i, Wlfic; 1HI4, StTlOc. HIDF.8 Firm; Bogota, aa&4c; Centr4l America. fHc. L HA THE II Firm; hemlock firsts, 33tf tic. aeconds. $3c. PROVISIONS' Pork, firm; mess, SI.'iO'V UbO. fsmlly. $230uua6.00; short clears, $:M.tKa-i6. Beef, firm; mesa. $17.lV(tM Oil; family, $1 Oivp.20.00. Lri, steady; middle west, $ll.Mrll.7B. TAUjO W Steady; city, so; country, $44tSlc; special, 10c. TAIAaOW Steady; olty, o; eountry, $4'c, special, iOe. Fit m; receipts, .4o$ tubs: rresmery extrss, 31aXie; firsts, atW atlWo; seconds, 344i:i61c. KdOS Firm; receipts, $1,417 rases; firsts, regular packed. $0Hfr-IMK'. Cll KKSK Firm; receipts, 2."t7 boxes; current make specials, KVfctfjiTSc. PtHL,THY Dressed, quiet; chickens. i:.ic; fowls. wmi'JOc: turkeys. F'aMc, alive, firm: chickens. 17c; average fowls, Ilk?; fancy fowls, lsS4l21c; turkeys, Sic, reffee Market. NKW YORK. March SO. COFFEF There was a little selling by houses with Buropean connections In the mar ket for coffee futures at the opening this morning snd there also may have been some scattering llqrldatlons owing to talk of easier freight rates. Offerings were light, hnwevcr. and after opening at a decline of 4 to 8 points, prices firmed up on moderste support from recent permanent buyers ana coveting which wsa probably Inspired by continued rteadlness In Bread and reports of a more active apot demand. July con tracts advanced from g.aotoi Sin and Sep tember from $.aW.4ec, with the market closing at a net advance of $ to points for the day. Sales, a,7ta) bars; April. $.Mc; May, $.$0c; June, $.24o July, 4c; August, .8$o: 44eptembsr, I Me: October, $4 42c; November. 4 44c; December, $.4o; January. 8.54c; February, l.bro. iHpot coffee steady, steady; Kid 7s, $4,0; Ssntos 4s, 10,r. It was reported that there had been sales of 36.0iiO bags In the spot market here late yesterday an the basis of IflSc for Santos 4a. and It la estimated that between 40.000 and 40.400 bags of "of fee had been sold from the stock here during the last two or three dava by Importers to Jobbers. Cost snd freight offers ware reported unchanged. The official cables reported an sdvance of 12T. rela In the Hio market with Santos unchanged and Kin exchange $-$d lower. Rraporatrd Apples and Drta4l Pnlta NKW YORK, March S0.-EVAP-ORATF.n APPI.KS-Dull; fancyt T4 ',: choice. 6',4Uc; prime, $'HtiHo. KRIFTn FRl'lT-Prunes. firm; Callfor nlas. 4wll'c; Oregona, Vi'uWuc Apricots, firm; choice. $VdlOc; extra choice, 10Sf Hl'4c, fancy, Hfi12c. Peaches, quiet; choice ⪼ extra choice. 6S': fancy. Wc. Halstna. steady: loose muscatels.' 4'7c: choice to fsncy seeded, lWic seed- . less, HHfinOc. t Cotton Market. SKW YORK, March SO COTTON Spot, quint' middling uplands, l$.10c. sales. 2.04; bales. Cotton futures onened steady; May'.c; July, i;l,e; October. 12.18c; Decem ber. 1? Mc: January. 13.3c. I.IVKRPOOU March SO COTTON Spot, steady; good middling 4 lod; mid dling. 7 kid. low middling. t.&Td. Sales. ti.ui balrs. London Stock Market. IjONDON. March 30 Amerk-an secur ities on the atock markut barely moved after a lower owning. HIIA'FR Bar. 2H 15-I6d per ounoa. MONKY 4'&4'4 per cent. KISCOl'NT RATES ethort bills and three months. 4SU per cent. Mlnaeapolls Grata v.mwUrt. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. March WHEAT-No. 1 hard. $1 71 ; No. 1 north ern. $1 lUVnl.lH: to arrtve, ll.14Sytfl.leVk; No. 2 northern, H Utjll CORN No. $ yellow, 7S(iy74a. OAT-No $ white. 4W4JSj. FL.A X S EE IV-$2.IHSyU 2 21V4- Liverpool nrala Market. IJVFRPOtH.. JIarch Sn-WHEAT-. Snot. No. 1 Manitoba. 13s 7d; No. $, ISs 5d, No. t red. western winter. Us id; No. ? hard winter gulf, lis 4d. onv .Spot, American mixed aenr. 10s 6d. Hank Clearlaate, OMAIIA. Marh SO Bank clearings for Omaha today were $3,4tt.ia2.2 and for tha cor respond leg day laal year RllT.avUa. 4 allahaa laraa TJgs The Sehanton club has reoetvnd, fha signed enntraot of outfielder Dara Cal lahan, secured a muma ago Xraia tha LoulnvlUe clua.