Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1916, Image 12
Till: J1EK: OMAHA. MARCH liHli. Want -Ad Rate lc cabx wrrx ouin rr word each jnertlon peolal Rates I Farm and Ranch Land. To per line wrb insertion (Count six words to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS; tc per word one time )4 per word... three consecutive times cxAstta ratmi e per line one time Tc per line three consecutive times (Count six words to the line.) 0 AD TiXH ton Z.EBS TatAJT a tot ax or toe on un trait ioo nn DAT. CARD Of THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 10c per Una each Insertion (Minimum chars SO cents.) Monthly Rate for standing ads fno chance of copy) 11.(0 per line (Count six words to the line.) Coatrect rates 01 application. THFJ FEB will not be responsible for more thsn one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain reelpg given hy The Res In payment for Want Ads. ss no mistake can be rectified without thm. EUR TTTO TTT.rrPTTOKT) If rmi cannot conveniently brine; or send In your ada. Ask for a Want. Ad Taker, and you will receive the same rood service as when delivering your ad at the office. PTTONW TYT.FTt 1 ft , WANT-AD rnf.T'MNS CLOflF rTVFVTVa FnTTTONS lt:a V. MORNING EDITIONS t:00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answorg th anentloa "Wbera to go tonight." Detawa. EMPRESS. J6T1I ft DOUGLAS. "The Code of Honor." International Intrigue ao gripping In these days of strife makes this the drama, of the hour. "Tha Twin Trunk Mystery." "The Bubble In the Glass," fun with Punch. "Seeing America First." HB FA UN AM 1416 FARNAM" First run of Universal Program, "NIOHT RIDBRfl' Featuring Harry D. Cary A very good play. Cents Cent a. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Six reels of good pictures. Wort a). oRAK'D. The ThMatsi naantlfiil 'Jffl'llam Bhay and Clara Whitney In The Ruling Passion." PJPE UHUAN DE LUXE lOTHROP. 24Tli ft LOT1IROP. Maud Allen In "The Rugmekef a Daug h- oath. Tiai Leavenworth; IPdLLd." Five reels of good pictures. 6ULjsVard. Sid WoHnT Tonight at 7:15 and l:4fi the Bluebird Photoplay company offers Mr, llobart Woe worth In "The Yaqul." JlOilLFF, . 2561 iAVENWSRfa Paths natural color drama. Jaokle Saunders In "Tho Bhrln of Hap- plnesa." West. iiONROET "IffOSFARNAM World Film Corporation presents Oeorge '1n in inn run or rate' cartoon comedy and beautiful scenic. oath Bide. EESSFYh e ate n. 2 4:tii"XS6N7 ! H1",k"- rre" Vltagraph drama. 'The Kveless Eilen." Kalem comedy. Trllby-s love Disaster." Bellg comedy. OKPHEUM. 24TII-ft M Triangle service. "Tt v i i. featuring Jane Orey end Tllllv Mar- snau. -tansy rosi, rroteen nayer. comedy. tar Features These are Btoeclal Extra-Real 1 Featurea now appearing at the following Theaters; tMPRKSS. 16TH AND DOUGLAS, "Tha Code of Honor." tKBSE. 24TH AND N Husks." t-reel Vltagraph drama. UOULCVARD. J5D A LlA YEN WORTH" Tha Taqul." " ' " GRAND. 1TH AND B1NNEY. William Shay and Clan. Whitney In "Tne tuning rassion. Tot'IIR61, Sl'tU AND LOTHUOP, Maud Allen In "The Rurmaker's Daugh 1 ier. MONROE. 2u FARNAM. World Film Corporation preeents Oeorge Henan in 'Tne rawn or Fate OKrHKLM. "Let Katy Do It." "24TH AND it. DCaTIII AKD mERtL MOTICBS. VM;KAY Mrs. Annaii beloved wife oF James P., aged il yeare. She la sur vived, besides her huatiand. by one sla ter. Mra. Harry J. Haakell. of Omaha. and two brolhera, Andrew and Charles Anderson, or Kt. Louia. Mo. Funeral Friday morning from Gen tleman's chapel at 1:30 a. in. to St Peter s church at 0 a. m. , Interment, iioiy repuicner cemetery. COLLINS Mra. Margaret, aged (3 jearaT frjtn Denver, Colo. ; Funeral from Heafeyft Heafey rhanel .wi L riiiMni, xnuiauay morning ( tu., St. Phllomt-na'a church at o'clock! burial in bt. Mary a cemetery. South Bine. OXl'MEnTI AMD CEMBTBKIBS. UAUKDLKIIU WHY bury your dead in the cold ground In stormy weather when you ran buv a tomb ta a marble building at reasonable ynna, iw. in A I. piL.e.L M JJJJ. Mi. ttauraeuter Monument Works, tnauae leuma, all kinds markera. Uth A Charlea. PLURICT. Br.PT QUALITY CUT VLOWRR1 plants. Art Comblnatlona. shipped every where. Excellent Mrvi.a i.. tomers In past years recommends IlKdl A SWOBUDA. 14tt Farnam St. I. ti. BATH, florist. llm4 Farn am 8L p. frjuQ, Li. HkniiL kMN lkJ. rnal.. ii ia. a' Jnr Klorlata Talegrapa Ail. Ass a aV lMNAltUlC Ua staraev. IXiug. Itaa. BCILDINO regMITI. " A." i'i' Jmmtu. 21U Martha, frame'dw ell- ina. ii., yi . ix. num. tug So Mity-sei-ond, frame and brick dwelil n.'A; Haatinga A llayden. 1I&-17 Ni uth ng rtn lJ hirty-thlid. brick tenement. tj OmO; JV-rka at Muail. U13 tasflar. fra me 6.r:uni. a-. VIA'. VONInia Kaicik. Atlaa. frame daelllug. l.ZJ. lt3 RinTHI AD DF.ATHS. i.n i im--v nn r i-a miu r.iearii'r mwnir. i7 North Eighteenth, boy; Maurice end 111....... , I - I . 11 tl.uU luinn t liar K in, 2Zi I, noy; Antininn anci niwi ttrasao, 772 .xnnth rnm, irl: Antniilno and 'Knurl I n Mslfs. Ki William, boy; Palvatore end Nan- tata l-srzsro. 1127 rvnrth reventeentn. my- Joseph and Agnea ODnnneii "K 'orbv. slrl: John and Mary O liars. 2718 I. girl; .lonoph and Marv fa pa I, 4ni; .1. alrl: William and Anna Welch. South Twenty seventh avenue, boy; r ren: and Marv Toner. 4101 A, gin. I eams Mlcnse) Megi, . HIT irnutn ' I ...... a I' Y.'-Ka 44 LUt. enth and Dodge: Birdie I... Brastey! 47, t ort v-fourth avenue and Hsrney; Martha A. Starr, 70, JCTX Mason; C. A. Hosgland. 8A. S K; Herman Vlllwock. S. hospital; otto Wlllnard, 44, hospital; dwara iawry, i, ma u; Men twitter, 1. 9"7 South Tenth: Beryell Wlnar. 4. 218 Mason. MARItlAOB LICRMIIsa. Ms rrlaan licenses were Issued to the following couples: Name and Residence: Age. Walter Smith. Kearney Mildred Mahler, benlaon, la 21 Jim Prohaeka, Omaha Is Ruby Thurston, Omaha Zl C. Ward Burwlck, Omaha over 91 Agnes Johnson, Omaha over II Carl Helm, Omaha over Zl Nona Burwlck, Omaha over II Abe Rosen. Omaha t 24 rearl M. Dolgoff, Omaha 30 saac Okum. Omaha 21 Kara Kallsh, Omaha 1 Max F. Voat, Tender, Neb 21 lena Wltner, Wiener, Neb II William A. Cathro. Omaha 2 Charlotte Marquardt, Omaha Z2 LOST FOUND REWARDS V TOt; Inae anything en will aaVertlas It kere. Ill sural? racoer It If fnn4 ter aa lieaeat Raaiarfcahle raaeverlee are bfouaat abmit every day through thla oalnma. TMK LAW r-ensle whs fiaa last artloloa are tntareslod In knowlns kat tka ats'e lev ta atrirt in requiring tham to aaak tka owaar thmtifk aaartlaamant a4 otherwlaa, aal that a fallura In ae an. If aana caa be proTaa. la volaa eaarara panaltr OMAHA aV COTiNCU B I U F F8STR EET RAILWAY COMPANY. Teraona having loat some article would do well to call up the office nf the Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street care. Many articles each day are turned In and the company ta anxloua to restore t hem to the rightful owners. Call LOHT Off American Express wagon in norm pare or city, iwaron 21, one pack age, 17 pounds, net urn to 1312 Famam St. and receive reward. CoSTV-OtUe white bull pup. JfilfBlnney. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ramltarr aa Meaaekald Osaaa. "FTTRNITURE PRICES BMASHKD; Greatest price cutting bargains Omaha aver saw. Our store Is not the largest, but our bargains are the biggest. Buy now. Oooda held until desired. STATE FURNITURE CO., Corner 14th and Dodge. Douglaa 1117. FOR 8AI.E Complete furnishings of C room apartment; owner leaving city; muat sell immediately vlctrola and rec ords, mahogany bedroom suite and many other fine plecea. Apt. No. t The Page, 311 So. Slat; Harney 21a. 6MAHA PILLOW "CO. Felt and hair mattresses made ox or In new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phone 11a for sample of ticking. Mall order f .tied, 1107 Cuming St. Douglas 2WU PRIVATK SALK. K-rooms of furniture; Sat. at 10 av m.. No. 2 Shelby Court, between Leaven worth and Mason, on 12d St. FURNITUn bargains; bedsTll: tables. chairs, rugs, gas stoves, ; naxiaings 01 llklnda. lias N. 24th. Webster 107. Plaaea anal Masleal lulrasiaati. per month A. Hospe, 16)2 bouglaa. (or a ad Offlae ristares. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One M-ln. sanitary roll top desk, 1 fist top desk to match, also 4 side chairs and desk chair; this Is high-class office furniture, golden oak finish; baa been In use only 4 months and Is Just as good as new: will make price to aell quick. Phone Douglas 1439, or call 64 Brandels Theater Huuaing. 6k8KH, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha nature st tiupply Co.. 414-l-ll 8. 12th. ioilg. t724. Typewriter aal Seppltea. $KW machlnea sold the same aa rent; 13 per month. Bee us before you buy or rent. Whipped any place on ten days' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, til B. Uth, Omaha. Neb. REMINGTONS, Monarcha and Smith premiere tor rem; sent anywnere. Kero Ington Typewriter Company. P. 1284. HKI.lANCrX Ribbon and Carbon Co., typewriter ana oince supplies, wnoie ssle and retail. D. 1242. ltl Howard St. MIDLAND RIBBON A CARBON t'O" Office suppltea. uouglas in, Bee King ViFNT an Oliver typewriter 1 mo. for fa. Oliver Typewriter Agency. iwe ramara. m.llL-DU.'1'rb'Ull ulil VAnlA ... Centre! Typewriter Ese. IK Farnam. Jewelryf Dlaatnada. Watrtte. BrODEUAard'S "lucky wedding rings' at th and oougiaa Bts C lath las;. Fare, Cte. WE buy and sell tailor made autta and nvercoata. Friedman. 1211 oougiaa Bt. evelag Maealara. SEWINO MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needle and parts of all sewing msohlnes. MtCKKL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney fits. Doug, lett, Bllllardl aa Paal Taalaa. FOR HALE New andeecond-hand carom ana Doc.aet biiuara tables and bos im alleys and acoeaaorles: send for rata. , logue; eaay payments. The Brunawlck naiae-oiienaer vo., wi-4ia B. linn Bt. Maeklaary aad Kagrlaea. Vl'W tiecond-hand motors, dynamoa, 1,1" magnetos. Le Bron Eleclrlo woras. aifi-isi a. inn at. 1AS and ateam engines, machinery. tiroes Wreckln g Co., 1 Cuml n g. Prlatla aael Virtoa aapUaaT W ATKHU-H A HM1ART Ptg. Co.. auaTits printing. Tel. Doug. 1190. (34 S. Uth 81 CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS J7M. DOUOLAB Printing Co. Tel. touglas e44T Mlaeellaaeaae. BfY high atandard et quality will le mainiainea; quaria or vna rontenelle whleky, IAS; bottled IB bond. Henry riiB, man arnnr avuee, jnoug. Itejj i; i. imn V. FOR SALE A few hurdred pounds of i .a'ieai iiiianiy, uura Var. mont maple sugar, direct from tha pro- miner, i ncee rig in. juaaon Harrington Kandolph Center,Vl. ALEX JKTK8' LIQUOR H0U3B- Thirteenth and Itoualaa Bottled-ln-bond whisky, eic, 1.00, 11. M, FOR HAIJO OR TRADE Carpet weaving outfit. Addreaa Y IS. Bee. BltVLF. good as new, 13 cash or trade" WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Rd iw if.r. WANTED to buy. a barber shop. B.'if Norton. Humphrey, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TREAKCKER EMMET 0. SOLOMON BRODKUAAKIvg -Lucky Wedding - T z - iivviui ni, CA RTK H hheet Mstsr"ll0 B 14lh gt".' Mctii'iBK at r.M t'.A. Husineas men Ladles Tallarlaa. HIGH clasa ladles' tailoring. II. Fischer. r wmiir mimi aim., aw ri. inn. Tyler B7. Israaattn aal laatraetare. Iaeard A bm lr4 Capuol Ave. T. 1U1 C. W. Hokanson. 2fc0i Lvnwlh. TTTlsI-J Cementing and Plastering. Call Red TOM. C. U. Hoys, its iiiUtol. Pn. Weu.9l, ANNOUNCEMENTS Tflreesmaaiaa. Accordion. Side. Knife, Hog Pleating. lov. mittona. Ilemstlfhlng. Jen. pleat ing Buttrn f'n. 4:11-2 Tsxton B!k. R.4'M2. MADAME MICHAKIJ4 Gowns, Hulls end Wrsps. 11 . JSth ft. Call Doug. 7. CLITRE'tt Iireasmaklng school; suits, dresses, etc. 2W9 California. Doug. 7S30. L. KL'IIL changing location; temporary ddress, Imgiss KTas. freasm'k'ng afjlonie. T. IMSII fo. 17"th FfRST-CLAKH dressmsklng. Red ." kelaier s Dressmsklng' Col." WM City Nat. Yerry Tiressmak'g college, Wli i Fsrnam." Retinas aad Plalag. O. U. VAN ARNAM. Ires Pleating and Button Co. Phone Douglss ai(. J.H-7 Paxton Rlk. Northesst Corner ldth and Farnam Pts. Accordion, knife, side, space, bos and sun-ray pleating. Combination hog and side pleat skirts In all lateat designs. Hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, ruchlng and buttons made to order. Mall orders given prompt end special attention All work guaranteed. Brtrrtklsg far fVaasea. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, all alses and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work- buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., ' fougiss hiock. iiougiae isjs. Aecoaetants. E. A. DWOItAK, C. P. A. 4-4ir7Rsmge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7o, A. RTZKNSPEKUKR, Council Rluffs. la. Tel. niecK u7. Auditing, Accounting, Incorporations. Investigation. Hatha. DR. BEND A Sulphur, Steam, Modern iursian. Electric HATHH and MAB SAOP3 for tired nerves end rheumatism. 1-rtvate epartment for ladles with lad h lady D. 34:f7. stenaants. ii Kamam. Phone Castaaaea. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Llehen A Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4115. Til EATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 20 N. 17th St. John Feldman. Plsas laiteaatlna. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In ! to zo lessons, fror. llajnes ror Original System. 2Q0O Harney. Douglas M84. Ragtime piano playing positively taught In 20 leawons. 4226 Cuming. Wal. 37. hieopreetora, gplaal AdTastaaeats. TE II I ' Tl t I . 11 , i n . . M-f 111; ivi iwrni, via now XllUg. 1 TM. (. Palmer School grad. Consultation free 15r." B. Israel, mRran. The. Bldg. D. B4M." Pr7XC. Lawrence. 1 BaTrdBldg7T. sM. Bakerlea. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods. supplied to parties, looges and entertain ments. H. tteecer. lfie n. Mtn. w. txni. HaaHriMalas. ELECTRIC house cleaning, our work and mm iif!Ma you. iiL us remove fvui nmiiuni aim IUfc ID TOUt screens. Tyler 81 J. neteetlea. JAMES ALLAN, Sli Neville Block. Hfvl- d en i:e secured In all cases. Tyler 113. LANQ nat;iTbctectlve Agcy.. Inc.. Ke nne mug, xj. tsta. atnctiy contldentlal. Draaa. DRUOS at out prices, freight paid on $10 oroers; catalogues tree, bnerman at Mo- Connell Orug Co.. OraahaNeb. Jaatlcea of tha;.: IT. H. ClAIBORNE. (11 Paston Blk.; Red 7401. Notary nubile: denoaitJon atann VTV. Brl'tt, i Barker Block. " GROCERIES, fruits and vegetables and inor, juicy meat. Prompt delivery. Tom Johnson's Branch Store. 6126 N. 24th Bt. Phone Colfax 1M. CLEAN QUICKLY and THOROUOHLT min m.urB e.L.EiUJ Kiu; RUNT II AND II. M) PKR DAY. DQU6lAS 1760. Fixtarea aadWlrlaa DTJRKJNKlectr, washing maohlnea. Itmna M9 rimlna Dt Tm. t n wii-yat esa-sas w aa ess 1 1 aj K V. a-ruu. Mlf, Cleaaero aad Oyvra. STATES Dry Clng. Co. 130 N. 12th. D. imx P.Tntle, ... Paaert... PAINTING, paper hanging; new sam- piee. j-owers. wenster vm. 12 is. Zith. Coarrete Coatractere. WATJC", steps, drlvewsys, floors, high ciass worn, i-none Loug. 2381 lor esU mate. 8. A Hole. Daatlata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. ! 1 W. O. W. F. I d g. f aTt" DentaFRooma. 1517 Douglas. D. 2181 . Personal. ATE home for maternity cases, ' in ' oirag ism. 44i in. sstn wt. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TIU U. A.' Sturges. 630"'Brsndels theater Bldg. Motor Reaalra. CAHII.L ELEC. CO., Bee Bldg. D. M79. UJ Fur family llouors at Klein's Llauor house h'l N liiih rmn.i.. ia rli.l H. MARCT78, tailor and cleaner, pressing .fiairiiig. aw in. jam Bt. l. Ikitu, "rkln J'rl..i.- Work guaranteed. K Borneman, l, T2XK nr a OMAHA Towel Supply an P.'llth. P. UX HABER8TROH, 408 llamllton.Wal. JSTt Triaki aad Rait (am. FHPLINu A BTK1NIJC. IM. Farnam Bt tlMlk IbuUII..". Christiansen. 2d fL. Paxton Bk.' 11 yr. eg p. Weddla Btatloaery. Wedding announcements. Douglss Ptg. Co. saTtriiiiag naveitiea. F. Bhafer A Jo., 12th-Farnam. P. 7474. A C T Dickinson 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1H04. re as aad Iran Foaadrles. PaJtton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Bts. PB LUX ACADEMT. 1118. 18th Bt. Daaelsg laatraetlaa. OKNEVIEVB IIAUriAIREy,, e331 Dloa AUender. tU4 Bee Bldg. Red 6I. i fci--..-i r " Carrie J, Buford. t-0 Pa. Blk. Red 4617, Oateopatk Paralvlaas. Pareh aad Wlnuaw Kcreeas. FOjlfactorytoyoii.Phona Red V71. Tailors' Trlaalan. Omaha Tr'm'g Co.. 403 Karbach Blk. D2260 SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR bargains In new and second-hand care see ins rlex Auto Exchange, tine 6-paasenger Jefferlos car. electric light and self-starter; 1 Allan, 7-passenger. electric light nd self-starter; 1 Jackson 6-paasenger; t Chalmers. 6-passengcr. ror saie on easy terina. or win trade 2401 St. Mary'a Ave. Phone Douglas 4U, FINE Kdlson Home phonograph, playlni uom i anu -minuie recoras: laree mm net Home, all in first-class shape. Want meUium-slxed Ice box and 204 ft. of lawn rencing, or what 7 Address 8. C. 1136, IWf. -BILLY Sunday The Man and Ilia Mes sage, book or ate pages, over 60 lllus trations, containing history of Mr. Kun day'a lite and hla copyrighted sermons. What have you? Address a. C. 1131, Bee. uoou roil-too desk aim chair; worth ); tvnewiiter and stand, til; large h.nflnv al.n t.". bhai! blink.. .. I1U. Trade all or any article for what ave veu. Aoareaa a. i. liss. Bee. EXCHANGE gas range for oak serving table or bird a-eye maple chiffonier; aiau laaira euu ana t-nuaren e clothing end ihau for rhli.kena A H.1 mb- a J4. Baa. COMPLETE U. B. signal corps wireless senuing ana receiving outfit, with gee engine ana generator to operate set Want used motorcycle. Address 8. C lllo. Bee. ONE Eastman i-A Kodak, excellent con- aiiHjn: want pure oiooa cnickena or wnai nave you? Also one luo-exg incu bator. Kllher one or both. Addreaa B, O. 115. Bee. Cf.LlJCCTlON of old coins. Value t . "Ill trade for repeating rifle or ahot- gun. or what have you. Address J lOub, nee. HAVE eel of twenty-seven full sheep skin covered Encyclopedia Brltannica to trade for machinist a or blacksmith's toois. Anaraii n i: lis, nee. NO. I Oliver typewriter, good condition to trade ror le-gauge shotgun, either repealer or double-barreled. hatha you? Address t. C. 1U2. Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN iAB engine. Alamo, 1 H. P.; prsctlcslly new engine, complete; value 130. Will trsde for ch( kens or what have you? Address S. C. 1131. Bee. TWIN Indian. H-speed. electric light, been roue snout 1.1W miles; first -class condi tion: want to trade for diamond. Ad dress S. C. 1127. Bee. ADDING MACHINE Will excranee for rord, good pictures, office furniture, books or what have you? Address 8. C. 14. Bee. CAMERA Will swap one fU 1-mlnirte post-card camera for good plug-around norse, harness snd wsgnn; horse not too old to eat. Address R. C. 11T1. Bee. HAVE 20-horse power double eccentric Btanley steam engine; will trade for anything of equal value. Address 8. C. Bee. WILL trade Axmlnster rug, tx12. for nuggy or light wsgon; or what nave you? Ad-Ire. a 8. t:. 1141, Bee. REMINGTON typewriter No. 2. will trade for diamond or pnonograpb. Address . C , 1144. HAVE large oak sideboard to trade for roil top desk, or what nave your Ad dress 8. C. 1li. Bee. DOUBLE-BARREL breech loading shot- gun to trade; make offer. Address S. . 1 1411. Ilea. WANT tc trade a square Steinwav Plsno for horse and buggy or wagon. I 'r.ll. lltTX WHAT have you to trade for saddle, iirinit ana oiansei: Auuress o. iidi, Bee. IT la time to paint that house. What have you to trade for SO gallons bouse paint? Address 8 C. 11W, Bee. HAVE a 2- gas range, or other furni ture, to trade for chickens, geese or ducks. Address 8. C, 1129. Bee. ONE Remington typewriter. In fine condi tion, vsiue n.m ror small niamonn ot equel value. Addreaa B. C. 1130, Bee. HAVE a large grey goose and gander to swap ror small pigs, cair or seed po tatoes. Address B. C. 11?-. Bee. ONE l-ft. steel hull. 6 H. P. motorboat. want some kind of a light car, or, what am I offered? Address B C 1125.Bee. WAP, buy and seil kodaks: films developed frea. K APE STUDIO, Ne ville HIV.. IHth and Harney sta. TO SWAP for auto or residence lot, a fine 4-rep feature film with paper com plete. Phone Douglas 1191. WILL traae 2 National Cash Registers ror team, or, irnat have you. B. u. bm. ree. WANTHD TO EXCHANGE Work for rug or small furniture. Douglas SM1. EQUITY In counTry store building, watit auto, carusie. M 1st mat. hk. mag. PIANO to swap for light truck. Address H. u. 11 Z4. Bee. MEAT market for property. O 827, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES 234-ACRE farm, Washington county. KBneas, improvements good; thirty alfalfa: stock and Implements go with farm; ready to move onto; want Income property. CA RLISLE, 420 FIRST NAT. BK. BLDG. DKI t store man wanted to put drug tore In new brick building. No drug store closer than a mile. Rent reason able. Fine opportunity. Frank Koblela, 4037 L Bt.. South Hide Phono South JM0. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Ooug. . FOR SALE for Immediate turn, $2,200.00 stock groceries, doing a good cash busi ness; best of reasons for selling; good brick store and living room. Yorlck Nichols, Henry, Neb. ' FOR SALE lnfants7chlldren's snd la- fliee' furnishings store at Javid City, Neb., at a bargain: best location in town; doing an excellent business; want to retire Box No. 225, David City. Neb. A GOOI opening for a manicuring and nairdressing parlors, write v. w. Med bery. Manager, Hotel Franklin, Dead wood. 8. D. FOR SALE Well established grocery. cieen stock, rine location, wlsn tor retire. Address owner, D. D. Loomts, 2627 N. W. Boulevard. Spokane. Wash. FOR SALE Good, clean atock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for aelllng. Bo quick. Ad dress. Y 257. Bee. WILLIAMS, estabiiahed 29 years, to buy or sen Dusmess; see mm. 41 1 .Mccague Bldg., reference TJ. B. Nat. Bank. BA LOON Good paying business In a good wet town. i rue or can it, n, xeuens, Pierce. Neb. THEATERS Buy, tease or aell your the aier, macmne anot supplies tnrougn Tb eater Eg. Co.. 140 Farnam. D. Dowd Sale and Auotlnn Co., Omaha, have ciosea out more mass, stocks than any other firm in U. 8. Write for terms. OFFICE for real aetata or Insuraucej same noor aa nee ornce; uxu reeii sa The Bee Bldg., Office Room 104. WANTED-Drug or merchsjidlse stock ror desirable Omaha residence equity. Good deal. Tyler 2478: 2230 So. 10th. WILLIAMS, established 2 years. To buy or sen nusiness. see mm. 411 Mccague Bdg. Reference U. 8. Nat, bank; MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. 10 S. 14th ft. TO BELL or buy a business, call on Busch & Borghoff. Frenser Blk. D. mi (O GET In or out of business call en OANOESTAD. 4M Bee Bldg. Doug. 847T. FOR SALE Groceries snd . -ttures, 1621 N St., South Omaha. GOOD ice route and wagon at a bargain. Aoaress j nee. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 15o PER LINE, day work or business ads regular rates. t lines one week 30a S lines one week 4so each extra line 16o per week. stale. TOUNG married man with T years' ex perience In wholesale business, now employed, wishes position with more than "Just money;" wants to Join forces with some concern offering better fu ture; sober, reliable and best of ref erences and could put some money Into a suitable business. Address B 669, Omaha Bee. MAN and wife, both under 67 ears. want worn on a term; man experienced farmer and wife good housekeeper; both healthy and willing to work; pre fer to work for a bachelor or widower, but will be glad to find anv other place. Addreaa C R. Asplnwall, 1165 v aamngion nivq. r ial in, i nicerfO, III WIDOWER, S8 yeare old, with boy I jreia, noma use joo on rarm Dy montn; experienced, no booser or inorver: atata '; want good home; can give refer ences. Walter Kevner. Belvue. Kan. Want KD Job aa bookkeeper or assist ant in some country bank; I years ex perience In banka and 6 years' as deputy county treasurer; good references. An ion woirr. weal roint. Neb. TOUNG man wants position In automo- Diie Dusineaa. lias naa 4 years expeil ence n this line aa repair man and chauffevr. Can furnish the best of ref erences, uau uoug. s3z. YOUNG men or women who want good Foe u ions anouit aavurtiae in The Bee, t is the Paper big business men read bankera. brokers, retail and wholesale merchants SITUATION wanted by farm implement. venicie. pump ana wina nun salesman; 16 yeare experience. Call or write Koom 1:4. M:ili lard hotel. Omaha. Yol Nil mad with experience aa a clerk would itka rtlce work; other work con sldered; small salary to start. F 1004, nee. LICENSED chauffeur and mechanic wtsnee position anving or repairing: I years' experience. Address K 1007. Bee ANTED Position as clerk in sny line or mflse. store; nave some experience. Aaoreas T &x, nee. COLOR KD ins 11 would like any kind of hospital work and Institutional work al wor er I4S1. wenai AB watchman or guard, ex-army man. age as; temperate neons, al Ha Bee. Mleeellaaeaae. FARMERS When you want help write or call Empire Labor Agency, 20k S. win. riione loug. luur. EXI'bHIENt'ED man for aeiieral hnuaa. work, painting, waxing floors. Clifton Bora, iiarna - au SITUATipNS WANTED Mlaeellaaeoaa. HOlE CLEANING, window cleaning. nig heating, first class city ret. wto. 3613. Wented-House-cleanlng: also wall neper cleaning. C. Brunner. It. 71M; Ty. 22,6-W. HAULING ashes andruhblsh Web. MW. P-esaaia. THE BKE charge for "Situation ads" is tower tnsn any ot'.ier form of adver tising not enough to cover cost of printing. LADY, 38 years old, wishes position ss iuiieeaeeier; win appreciate a good home more thsn wages. "A," csre Bee. Council Bluffs. A middle-seed widow wishes a position a coon in sins u notei or as house keeper for respectable person. Address Box 371. Woodbine. la. YOUNG lady stenographer, 3 years' ex- i.n i.-nce. oeairea position. (Jan also keep books. Walnut 27M. CoLORKTj woman wants position as chambermaid half days by the week. ANehster 121. PRACTICAL nurse wants position. Web- RUG making and cleaning. Ty. 1433-W. WOMAN cook: boarding house. D. 1150, Issssrr mi Day WarK, MALL bundle washings by the piece or doien. by colored laundress; very rea sonable. Call Tyler In the morn ings. HAND laundry at 1S21 N. 24th St. wants small bundle washing; lace curtains none wun care, can Web. 12.i0 RELIABLE colored woman wants latin- my waaiung, uay worn inciuaea. Tyler 2300-W. COMPETENT colored laundress wishes Places ror day work. Tel. Doug. 6864. WANTED Laundry and day work. 1108 p. pin. i 'iiuj in aouiw. EXPERIENCED laundress A mens snirts. nar. zmz. I"AM1LY wasning; bundle washing. Web. 47X8, TU.A NKETB or bundle washing. D. 8741. CLEANING and laundry work. Web. 474S. .sundress, day work. A. Jackson. W. 19Ci7. Cleaning, laundry and day work. P. 746r Woman wants steady wash places. 8o.22'n. Experienced laundry or cleaning. W. 7014. BUNDLE washing wanted. Weh VLM LAUNDRY, washing, cleaning. Har. Ml. IA UN DRY and da y wo rk. Webster ?. LA I. N DRY and day work. Web. 930. HELP WANTED MALE Btarea aad Offices. TRAVELING salesman. Jobbing house. iw; traveling salesman, manufacturing, IW; bkpr. and cashier, 180; steno. and cashier, 176; steno.. 176; bkpr. and steno., $76; bkpr. and typist, 65; steno,, 150; steno. and bkpr., beginner, $40; Junior office clerk, 140; steno.. beginner, 136; clerk. 140: steno.. beginner. ! WESTERN REF. ft BOND A83'N. INC., unginators 01 in neierence nusiness. 763 Omah a National Bank Bull ding. REPORTERS S RAILROAD CLERKS STENOGRAPHER fR. R.) BOOKKEEPER (BEGINNER) ..$66.00 .. 70.00 .. 76.00 60.00 66.00 liBlSiKlt tLKKK 1. THE CANO AGHNCY-4300 BEE BLDG. F you think you will aome day be capa- oie or managing a store or market and do not smoke, chew or drink at all and are between the ages of 18 and 30, call at The Banket Storea' office, 6U Bran dels Theater Bldg. SALESMAN Auto supplies. $126; comp tometer operator and typist, $S6: Bkkpr.. $; Bkkpr., $16; ledger clerk, Vol Kteno., $76; Steno. and Bkkpr., $66. Watts Ref. Co., 840 Brand. Theater. CAN use four drug clerks, city work, salaries rrom w to CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1016-16 city Nat WANTED Soda man, A-L white: salary; rererences last position. Address Y zze. Bee. Prof easleae aad Trades. WANTED General workman at once on marble and granite air tools; eight hours. Address B. C. IStarlln, Missouri valley, iowa. WANTED At once, a flrst-olass barber wno is a good h clarinet player; good wages to the right party. Mann Muelo Co.. Crawford. Neb. WANTED One good boiler maker at once; steady employment. Addreaa Fre mont Foundry and Machine Co., Fre mont. iveD. ALL-AROUND auto repair man with turn .'.11 ...-it n...- .iw. v nil vi T. 11., v. . 1 v J m vim . a Peru. Neb. . WANTED Combination tinner and plumber; steady job for right party. M. it. iwurpny. oavm i:ity. ivep. WANTED Drug clerk; age, aaiary. sln- gle or married, rererences, last position. Address T 327. Bee. Dreg ttoro ana pa, Jobe Knet. Bee Bldg. Balearaea aad aolleltors. SALESMAN "WANTED ' Unusual opportunity for a live man with a clean record as a producer. Wo are not Interested in the ordinary travellngman. unless he is exceptionally "broad-gauged." Muat be aggressive and straightfor ward and the right man will have all the opportunity possible to assert him self. Address, with all particulars pos sible. E-6SX Bee. VfELL known manufacturer of cream separators desires to engage the serv ices on a strsight commission basis of good msn aa general agent for north ern and eastern Nebraska, to aell a high grade machine at an attractive price to dealers only. Attractive com mission proposition snd proteoted ex clusive territory wilt be given good man who tan cover the territory vigorously and Intelligently, and finance nlmself. Give full particulars age experleace. references, etc., in first letter. Address Y $30. Bee. ' EXPERIENCED lumber salesman wanted for Iowa. Nebraska, or Bout 11 uaaota territory: salary and commission. Apply in own writing, giving sge, experience and average volume for paat three vears. Splendid opening for real sales man. Apply to Y I2. Bee. SALESMEN for Nebraska and Iowa, to handle the raslest selling petem on the market; If you can earn ISO to $100 weekly, we want to hear from you. 1201 W. Q. w WANTED Salesman for a light article selling for $3; commission, xi.wj; a splen did article and one that sells. North west Supply Co., 6-3 Boutu Monroe, Spokane, waah. SOMETHING extra good, big money for the aaiesmsn wno is a Business getter. 1017 W. O. W. WANTED At once, two shoe salesmen. Pierce Shoe Co., 41 B'way. Co. Bluffs. rt A LE 8M A N WANTED Call M B. 14th. Hatela aad Hwataaraute. RELIABLE employment agency, 141 Davenport St., headquartera for hotel help: apec. attention to dlatance ordera. tie re. WANTED Bright boy. 18 to 1$ years old ss salesroom esaistant. trmtn 4k Mc Connell Drug Co.. ma and Dodge Bta. Trade Belauala. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn tha trade. Wa have originated a plan to teach it aulckly and earn back tuition while leering Tools inciuaea. upen to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. Uth at.. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL has moved from 2401 Leavenworth St. to Xtts-JB Farnam Bt. LEARN barber tirade, more than make lour tuition while learning. Bet of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write Bor catalogue. leuu oortge. TR1-CITY BARBER COI.LEGB. OOOD MEN WANTED, to learn auto work for the big aprlai rush. Fine training work oa autos an electric starting systems AMERICAN ALiTu COLLEGE. 062 Farnam Bt. Omaha. Nab. lEN wanted to leara the barber" tradaT lu'tion. g.-u. ista see at., cmiana. OMAHA BARBH.R COLUCaaV HELP WANTED MALE MlseeJIaaeaae. WANTED Touni men ss rsllwsy mell cierss. 7s month: sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 81-N. Rochester. N. T. MEN OR WOMEN. II or over, wishing government positions. 176 month and over, should apply for particulars to Y Bee HELP WANTED FEMALE tares aad Offteee. STENO. end clerk, small office. IA0; steno. and bkpr., 156; steno., Iw; comptometer operator, $40; typist, $26; steno., begin ner, $30. WESTERN" REF. A BOND ASS N. IXC, ml Oms ha National Bank Building. STENO., (Beginner) $35.00 WTK.NOORAFHER FILE CLERK 20.00 THE CANO A G BN C Y 00 BEE BLDG. STENO. and dictaphone operator $i; fieno., H; Hieno., w: steno., w; r. B. X. and file clerk, $40. Vtta Ref. Co., 840 Brsnd. Theater. COMPTOMETER opr., $40; dlctephone opr., I.O-60; steno. (Smith-Premier), 140; stenogrspher. $0. Tha Marti Co., 1827 W. O. W. Bldg. Prafeselaas and Trades. LEARN halrdresslng at The Oppenhelm. Hojsehnld aad Domestic. WANTED Swedish or any good foreign gin; must do good cook, neat in ner work and person; 8 In family; wages $ per week. 6022 Underwood Ave. Wal. 8429 WANTED A reliable white girl for gen eral nousework in small family: good wages; references required. Apply at 8019 Pacific St., or telephone Har. 3K9. GIRL for general housework; must be able to furnish refer tnces; good wages and good homo to right party. Cad Harney 1797. WANTED Competent white girl for iiiiuicwuih, 0 in lamny ; 100a wages. Mrs. Thomas W. Haxcn, 2724 Spauldlng St. Colfax Hot. rWANTFiD Girl for general housework; l'arusn gin prererrefl. Apt. 10. Old Ham ilton. 24th and Farnam. Phone D. 6224. Experienced white gin to do general nnuaework in small Apt., I In family. References. Call Walnut S24. 3828 4,'ass. COMPETENT girl for general house- wora. wnere launaress is Kepi. Mrs. A. W. Carpenter. 117 8. 811th Ave. Har. 4081. WANTED Competent girl for general nousework in small family; no washing, good wages. H. 4683, 1002 8. 8th 8t. WANTED Compel lent white girl for general housework, two In family, no laundry work, t'none Harney law. COMPETENT girl Tor general house work; no washing: good pay. 140 N. 81st Ave. Harney 3054. WANTED Girl for general housework in family or a: uermen preferred, with rererences. wal. 1740. COMPETENT girl for general house- work: no washing; good psy; 140 N. list Ave. Harney 2064. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no wasning; good wages, rars. j. L. Barker. Harney 2538. GIRL to assist, eith housework and care or two children, wu Chicago street. Walnut 8129. WANTED At once, . girl for general housework. 6011 Chicago street. Wal nut 8129. WANTED A girl for housework, one who can cook; good wages, mont Har- ney 8192. NEAT girl for light housework: no wash ing, plain cooking. Mrs. justmsn, pnone Red 707B. WANTEDCompetent white first maid; must oe first class cook, narnsy ta. WANTEDCompetent cook; city refer ences. Mre. f. H. 'Davis, szs u. win tt. "yOTTNG girl to assist with general housework. 5119 Cass St., Harney 332. GIRL for general housework, no washing. also nurse girl. Telephone walnut 70. 'YOUNG girl for general housework. HlS 80. Ktth avenue, ho. Hide, south zz4. WANTED Nice white girl, to assist with housework. Harney 810; 2301 8. 83d. WANTED Good girl for general house work; two in family. Webster 4310. "WHITE girl for general housework! 8606 Hawthorne Ave., Bemla Park. WANTED Girl for general housework, 8402 Dewey Ave., Harney imz. GIRL for general housework; small f sm- liy. Harney naa. iimi a. sag ni. - : . . ,. . 1 GIRL for general housework; no wash- COMPETENT cook; references required. T 1 . JMA 1101 urjiu. ikff I.I..11. H.I.... tCANTEP Experienced or Inexperienced. rag Mjncil. rituci mvii v 1 nviui.ii. Apply Omaha Metal A Rubber Co., lot e. stn BL ELSIE L. Please write or come home. Fred EDUCATIONAL SPRING TERM APRIL . DAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dav Is enrollment day. Book keeping, . Shorthand. Stenotype. Type writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service alt Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOTLES COLLEGE. Uth and Harney Sts. , Tel. Douglas 1646. BUSINESS COLLEQB STUDENTS SAVE MONET ON COURSE. IWor gale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caurse Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call offlos. Omaha Bee THE VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Pay School for Young Worsen. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Mraager. 08 8. 18th Bt Omaha. SCTfOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Ulass or private leesons. Lowmawi stud li. Phone Web. IVA. PAXTON Blk. School of Lettering and Art teaches paying t rages privaieiji PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials, DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma sufferers sre suc cessfully restored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite n$ Bee Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERG. Chiropractor. Tyler 19U. YOUNG women earning to Omaha as strangers are Invited ?o visit the Young Women's Christ la a aasociation building at inn at. ana at. Mary a Ave., wnere they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise sasisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Btauoa. $8.00 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The ladles' Home Journal .81 it The Saturday IBvenlng Post fl 60 The Country Gentleman $104 I subscriptions by April earns thai w,w for ihe invalids fension Ass n. Your order or renewal contributes (Oe. Phone Douglaa 7168, or address GORDON. THB MAGAZINE MAN. Oaaaaa, hea. PERSONAL TitE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your oid clothing, turniture, mag. salnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douclaa 4135 end our wsgon win call. Call and lnpect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Et. PHOTOGRAPHY tsnght In alTTrancheaT Few 60e lesson In kodsk work saves vou money. Emory School of Photog ra phy.U N. lHth. Phone Tvler 243. VITT?rP.Y 1-day dilnk and drug treat- ment Is best known cure; booklet free. THE FURLEY, 8167 Far nam. Omaha. Phone Harney 874 DR8. jOHNdTONhi, Chiroprartors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce tneir location at 2407 N St., 8. O. Consultation freeand lnylted. Phone South40181 R TT P T I T M V. Successfully treated U X 1 U 1VJ1 without surgical cpeistion. Call or write Drs. Wrny ex Matheny, 808 Bee Bldg., Omaha. llATS dved aSdrehlocked; featlier boas cleaned, curled and mane irom piunws. Iora Elsele. 1138 City Nat. Bk. I. 1W33. SuitSPressed and sponged. 6"c. We call for and deliver. Phone us 1117 press ing Club. 802 Neville. Red 417$. NU-BONB Corset Shop; surgical corsets a speclaitv. Weosler-sunnenana tuag., lth and Howard Red 4392. . MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS. chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, zi $14 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. P. 8468. PERSONA L-Mlaaes Staples and Shaffer, batn, electric treatment, opensa. m. 10 p. rr,. Douglas 718. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUOMAN. Fteam and shower baths. Massage. Bad 1727. Room 203 Karbach Blk. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 618 Paxton tJi k. u. szzi. urrice hours 10 to . RHEUMATISM treated successfully : re sults guaranfd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg., SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 37I. FOR "iEWT ROOMS Fwra tailed Roaaaa. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooais In all part of the city. If more convenient pbone The Bee Waat Ad Dept. and give your name and addreaa. and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. See ua for desirable rooms. OMAHA ROOMflNO HOUSE ASS'N. 483 Ramge Blk. (16 & Har.) Doug. 7408. TWO furnished rooms In private family; excellent location; gentlemen only. Webster 4W8. N. 23D, 220 Two nicely furnished rooms. something better than the ordinary. Red 4282. SPLENDID accommodations for two gen tlemen, south rooms; private. Har. 47m. S92 VINTON Two bright, newly fur- nisneq rooms on car line, rteq ftxas. 106 PARK AVE. Large south room, mod- cm. Private family. Harney iwa. NICELY furnished room, close in; all modern. 631 B. zz Bt. ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney, 8-room apartment. Harney M7. 603 8. 2PTH ST. Strictly first-class rooms. llftrn.v IhnA Una se keeping? Roonae. SO. 26TH, 810 Two-room suite; clean, well furnished, first floor, modern, run ning water, H block from Farnam car, walking distance. Harney 4166. LARGE outside, 1 and 2-room furnishes! Apts., ror housekeeping. .i.wi to Wt peg ( week. Lincoln Apts. 2102 Chicago St. Tyler 2697. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms with rain, aiso private entrance, jusi tne thing for summer. In private family and on car line. Douglas 258.S. 2 SUITES of housekeeping rooms left In new spartment to desirable couple; electric light and hot water heat. Har ney 6787. DOUGLAS BT. 2201 Front housekeeping rooms; everything furnished ; coeap tent: LIGHT housekeeping rooms, single or ensulte. newly papered, modern. 3721 JacKsnn. pnone Harney lbm. THREE connecting modern rooms, ?or housekeeping. Dr. Griffith, 2234 Famam. FRANKLIN ST.. 4815 Rooms, with or without housekeeping. Walnut 1704. 25TIL 214 Two-room housekeeping suite. Modem. Douglas 6462. Board s ad Hoowi, NICE, newly furnished connecting suite of front rooms, suitable for couple; will serve boa rd. Call Webster 7172. GENTLEMEN, with or without board, at 2217 Bo. 12th. Call Tyler 2370-W. Vnfnralahed Rooma. THREE rooms and kitchenette, modern; must be seen to be appreciated, zsij Ponnleton Ave. THREE modern unfurnished rooms. 1807 Lothrop. Phone Webster 2433. Raaaaa WaateA. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BBM WANT AD "BIT. and find out all about tha FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent tbelr rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments aod Houses. Apartments. I-R.. with built-in bed, i717 Dewey. NEW, 827 summer; x:w winter. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1814 Harnev St. Tyler 60. HOTELS HOTEL SANFORD, HOTEL HARLEY. lth snd Fsrnam. 20th snd Famam. r-peclal Rates to Permanent Guests. SAVOT HOTEL. Uth and Jackson Sts. Clean, modern, comfortable rooms at moderate prices. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. $620 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-room house. strictly modem, with hot water heat. Price $60. Douglaa 1818. FOR RENT May 1, all modern, T-roora house. 677 8. 28th. Phone Harney 2012, 6-ROOM house, all modern except heat, nice location. 282 Cass St. $28 N. 88TH AVE. 8 r 2 baths, modem. iw. I'oug. 47. TVart. $20 -r.. mod. ex. heat; new oak floors, new electric fixtures, newly decorated throughout, water paid. 1608 Corby Bt. P. J. Tebbens Co.. 06 Omaha Nat. Bk. 7-R. HU Lothrop, mod.; large yd.; nice home, $27.50. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. Tyler 64 f-K. choice moo. cot.; i4 r. i; new lighting fixtures: yd.: $22. HASTINGS A HEYDFW, 1814 Harney 8t. Tyler BO. t-ROOM cottage. 1013 No. 29lh St, $10 month. Phone Harney V72. SMALL house for rent. Including garden ground. Tyler 61. 1614 GRANT ST. T-r. com., modern, tU. T. F. Hall. 488 Ramge Bldg. Doug. Tau oath. 7-R. 2431 S. 21, mod. ex. ht.; nicely deo.; close to car barns; $18. HASTINGS A HETDHN. 1 81 4 Harney Ht. Tyler 60. BUNGALOW, 6-room and sun room. new. Sarage, $30 on year lease. 1637 So. loth t. Red 1S81; SfoTvEftN eight-room house. Uanscom pa rk $20. Phone Webster 1798. 1814"Park Ave. 7-r. modern brick. H. 6g70T Xfleeellaaeaae. FOR RENT. For R. R. man. 1308 S. fth Bt. I new plumbing and electric light; $20 per too. 4-room flat, modern, 81$ N. 16th fit.. $.7 per month. Nice storeroom, 27th and Cuming Bts., $1$ per month. J. B. ROBINSON. 441 Be Bldg. Doug. 808T. $21 602813 Wool worth, rooms, mod. 4000 81n7 Davenport, 7 rooms, mod. 2114 Pliirajio S rooma. tile vinL $600124 N. 241 h.. t rooms, mod. 15 40 2816 Seward, t rooms, bsrn. RING W ALT, B RAN DEIB TH EA. OK GARDENING AND POULTRY. t-r.. downtown, colored; 111. Also a f and a 8 (like bungalow) and ACRS GROUND. $4 and 17. Also e-r.. Call, farnla bungalow and acre. 114. Tel, ix HOT. Evenings. Wal. UsT.