10 Bringing Up DOCTOR MACCIE TMVT LST ONE -? 00O 1 - BIG INDOOR MEET ON CARD TONIGHT Four Hundred and Seven Athletes, Representing; Tifty-Three Organ ization!, Will Take Fart. RELAY RACES AT THE LAST Four hundrrd and vrn athletR, not Including the mm who will 1ak part In the mnra rirllU, will compete In the annual Indoor athlrtle and eymnntlc 1oumamnt to be held tonlnht at th Auditorium umlrr the aueplcea of the aucplcra of the Omaha Yoiinic Men' Chrlatlan wc aflon. Fifty-three criinl ration will he reprene nted. The aalo of waU haa been large and l la rxrected that the big muny building will be Jammed to the roof to aee the oent The meet will a art at 7::0 o'rlo-j' and providing there U no hltrh r deHy In the program na echeduled the lat ven chould be cetipleted by 11 o'clock. The college relay, the university relay end the mile r in which will be the nv h Inlerettlng of tle eventa from fie epectatora atandpnlnt will be atagt'd nt the last. The following table allow the n-imber who will lake part tonlvht: Niimi-er. Number of franl- of on- xatinna. tratant Turner .... tJnl verltla 4 Iflth erhoola... Hottil center fhurche ilturlneea bnuea..., Omaha V. M. f. A. ther T. M. C. A.. It i a ah . 11 fie thoot ....SO .... I 14 Total. Three of the Sioux Reach Fairbury to Begin Their Tryout FAIRBURT, Neb.. March S0.-(Bpclal Telegram.) Kalrburjr fana aaw the flrt Indication of the Floux city training aea aon opening today when three playera of Harry Gaa per' a tribe donned their uni form and took a few hour' practice. Quite a wrinkling of fana could not rrald the temptation of watching the Weatern leagiiere try out The trio conlt-d of T. T.. Connolly, who played on the Waahlngton American league team and guarded third base; U 11. rrancla, who twirled for the Movllle, 1., team lat year, and Roy French, who reglatered at the Mary Ktta hotel aa hall. Ing from Alameda, Cat, Manager Harry dapar hag not ap peared In Fairbury, although quarter have been reserved for him at the Mary Ktta hotel. The rent ef the Slou City player are expected to arrive In Falrbury tonight or Friday. April 1 la the day aaiigned for ptayera reporting In Falrbury. The Falrbury diamond I In beautiful ahape and will provide a aplendld plao 'for the Sioux City team to practice. Stecher Tangles With Ordeman at Lincoln Tonight The big wrecllnf niatc bet we n .'oe Hecher and Henry Ordcmen w ll o;cur tcnlght at 1 Hcoln. Gmpo lm am aio .nd tills teillory lar ix-en I okl r f or ward to thU maUh for some time nnd lidk-atlon point to a rec rit-brenklu house at the capltol. A apeclal tra'n will tarry Omaha fana te the event. Th!a epeal will leave ihi Burlington atatlon at 70 o'clock and 111 oilve In I Incoln at T:W o'clock, a ton ing ample tl.ne to get to the rlngslrte bfor the event la a'arted. It will returj to Umaha ap(.roilmutcly cne hour eftrr the ii a' h la o' er. T cketa are on ale at the Mrchm 1 otel. Although b-len 0 rnd MO have purchaaed eata there are tlll a n m ber of good rlnii!do reatt to be lal l.t the Omaha block. North PlatteWill Have Base Ball Fair NORTH PLATTE. Neb , March '. itpe lil.) That North Platte t to have the beat baae ball team n itv lilatcry la now an aaaured fact. A threc-iay f.ir will be held on April 17 and .S at which fine fun- will be iaied lo flnanc the team for the aeaaon. Camm tt'e have been appointed and are already at work getting things In readineaa for the base ball carnival. Manager Gettman re pirt that he ha signed a number of good men among whom are several ex-atate leaguers. He la still on the lookout for a good catcher and a hard hitting out fielder, but expects to have threu posi tions taken rare of by ApiU IS, at which t rre the team w ill re Into active tra n nt. Kitenslve linrrevement ate contemplated at the sth etln park. Including a ne f'nee and new bleachers. A gas tractor hsa been In use for several daya. i low. ng and rolllim the ojt field and when the season opens North Platte will have ct.e of the best park In western Ne tiiiil. Ilaadara) Ceta trtai. The Klmira club will give Pitcher lltr- Father -.r f the ""T Q-1 1 noNT wkja.. i IT DR.JONES Jt COMING CAMPBELL WINS SILYERJ30LF CUP Takes Splendid Trophy from His Boss on Golf Links of Florida. AND FlorldaD were o nkeDtlral of the rioweii and skill of northern devo tee of the ancient and honorahle game of Scotland, that a party of visiting golf "bug" t Ormond, Fla., who in their busier moment are prominent figures in the life Insur ance world, had to satiate their de sire ror competition by staclne a tournament of their own. Calllnar themselves the Marracouta bnnd the lire Insurance golf player "captured" the rourno of the Ormond rinlf llih and staged their tournament on March 23. and r. I.. imphell of mh.i. gonernl west em ngent of the New York. UCe Innur- snce company, won the hsndnome flf- iorn- ncn silver lo in; cup offered a a prize. The loving cup, which Mr. Campbell with the ardent cMilii!lm nr th vor. terlous condtierer on the trrrn lisa hnn exhibiting- to hi Omaha frtenda with aa much pride a If It represented Sl.OOn.fWo wortn or new policies, Is embossed with the photographs of the five contestants and has fae slmllea of the signatures of tne players engraved on It. They are: Darwin P. Klna-slev. nreal. dent of the New Tork Mr Insurance company; Thorns s A. Puck nor. vice presi dent; John McCsll. vice president; Al bert McC'ave, financier; F. 8. Campbell, general western acent of the rnmnanv All ef the men are New Yorker with the exception of Mr. r'anmhcll Mr. Campbell returned to Omaha two wees ago. , The isrty of whlrh he was a member spent five weeks In Florida Tha char tered a palatlsl houseboat for a week and Cruised tin and rtnwn Ilia VnriA. -..r Many fine strings of the huge, fighting memoer or the ocean finny tribe were caught while on the cruise. The golfers derived the name of their "band" In the tournament from the gamy barracouta fish. When photographs of some of the larg est catches were shown to Mr. Camp bell' friends a opinion wii 3cnmjiHtti that i zaak IVflllnn on many occasiona had Just provocation to turn over In his grave. Gene Melady May Now Rent the Muny - Hall for Wrestling The city council adopted a resolution, changing the Auditorium rental schndul to provide that the building may be usjiI for athletic exhibition at a flat rate of IMO a night on a contract for fire or more nighta within alx months. The last rate wa 2u per cent of receipts, with a minimum guarantee of 1400 a night. Although the resolution made no refer ence to any Individual, It was well under stood that the action of the council was to meet a proposal made by Kugene C. Melady, wrestling promoter. I omuil sloner Butler voted against the rci- I tut Ion. explaining that he had some re membrance of an apology which the cou'i ell expected from Mr. Meladv. This lift change In the rental schedule wss brought up by Mayor Dahlman. !i Invited the commissioner Into executive conference before formal action was taken on the resolution. I. on ell lias (lalm. The ltwell club of the Rastern lngue, has a claim which It will press on Short slop Ited T-rphey. sltned bv Providence. Acid in Stomach Sours the Food Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority slates thst stomach trouble and Imiljvstloii is neaily always due to artdlt acid stomach and j not, aa most folks believe, from a lack ! of digestive Juices, tie staler that an excess of hydrochlotii: acid In the stom ach retards riiKtstlon and starts food fer- mentstlon, then our meals sour like jjar tae in a con. forming acrid fluids and gases which inflalo the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lumpy feeling In the Cheat, we eructate sour food, belch gaa, or have heartburn, flatulence, waterbrash or nausea. He tell us to lay aald all digestive aide and Instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Pall and take a tabl spoonful Id a glass of water before break fast while it Is ef ferveacing. and further more, to continue this for one week. While relief follows the first dose, it is Important to neutralise the aidity, re move the ga-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidney and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive Juices. r Jsd Ralls Is Inexpensive and Is made from the si. id of grape and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and sodium phos phate. Tills harmlcsi suits la used by MIX f I f ' I I! W l I V firu IT 4 1 " I- I - ' 1 1 thousands of people for stomach trouble wiLb eci-Jtjl results. Advci ttseintsi. I Tin: r.i;i;: fopytlglit. lntcin'1 News I LJ ! ' 111 I 1 . . . , OTIIIIIHIIIIi f B Qozt? 0ou$e of Ombbenheimer BtillllillH m wmmmwmm wsiia mmmma wpxM wig Mill ( iGHj? I - j " Copyright 1916, Th Hon ot Kapptnhtimer " A comprehensive variety of every modal fabric and style for men and younc; men, whether regular t stout, slim or extra large built. One to three button coats, full, half or quarter lined garments from the House of Kuppenheimer for spring is here for your inspection. Come in and try on the clothes without a comparison. omaha, fmiuv. mahcii f'rvlce YOU can now get half-sizes in Kuppenheimer Clothes a real convenience. Better fit: Fewer alterations. Shoes, hats, gloves, collars have long been made in half- and quarter-sizes. Now clothes Kuppenheimer Clothes exclusively! What with our half-sizes, our Fore ward model for men who carry the head and shoulders in a forward position, our stouts there is scarcely a man but can be fitted to a nicety. Talk to the Kuppenheimer dealer. Prices, $20 to $40. Our new book, "Styles for Men," on request. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, CHICAGO Origin tort of Fraction! Sj'aes in Men' Clothing irio. Drawn for The TTT Bee by George McManus I II 1 v