Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1916, Image 1

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Call Tylor 1000
If Von Want in Tola, to The lc9
or to Anyone (Yinnectel
With The Uee.
Cloudy; Colder
VOL. XLV NO. 240.
On Trains, at Hotel
Rswo Stands, eto. Bo
ffaconfinned Report Tells of Out
law Wounded, While Another
it Hit Narrow Escape
Reaches Columbus.
Bandit Kills Five Mexicans After
Putting Them to Torment as
Gringo Lovers.
EL PASO, Tex., March 30.
General Gabriel Gavira, Carranza
commander at Juarez, said tonight
that he had received a message
from Madera, Mexico, which stated
that Villa had been shot In the leg.
General Gavira said the message
came from what he considered a re
liable source, but that he had wired
General Bertanl at Madera for con
firmation. rron F.seupe for ltandlt.
Chihuahua, March 26. (By Motor
Truck to Columbus, N. M., March
30.) It has been learned here that
Francisco Villa nearly lost his life
a few days ago on the Corralitos
ranch, a short distance from this
place. Where he tortured and put to i
. .. mi i . . T
rlflfl i Y f IvA f ay (nana Hna V a !,
tims leaped upon him and was
strangling him when the Villista
officers beat him senseless with the
butts of their guns.
Muclo Polanco was the name of the
Mexican who almost succeeded In endins
Villa's career.
Meant nu Marslnii.
The murder of five members of the
Polanco family was said to have been In
tended as a warnlnK lo other Mexican
against having dealings with Americans,
investigation showed that the Polanco
family was Involved with no political
faction In Mexico, but .that they had a
record of uniform honesty and relia
bility In dealing with the American man
agers of the Corralitos ranch, where they
were born and reared.
When Villa, retreating from Columbus,
arrived at Corralitos ranch, lie had a
list of all the Polancos, six men, the
mother and two daughters. lie seized
the men and hunted for the daughters,
but the young women had been hidden
so H aUntaafc l never found ihem.
To fiva of the men, Gregorio and hia
two aons, and Mucin and his one son.
Villa said: "I am going to kill you be
cause you are too Amertcanixcd. You are
Qrlngo lovers."
Has Them Tortured.
But Instead of killing them outright.
Villa had them partly stripped and then
beaten with the flats of heavy swords.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three. 1
Munitions Graft
May Cause Cabinet
Crisis in Canada
OTTAWA, Ont.. March 30. -The gov
ernment was waiting today to hear from
General Sir Sam Hughes, minister of
mtlltta, now in Kngland, regarding
charges of favoritism recently made In
Parliament In connection with the award
ing of munitions contracts. A message
advising him of the charges has been
sent General Huges. it was declared
Member of Parliament stated today
tha as an outcome of the allegations. 'an
Insurgent element has been created In
th ranks of th conservatives, the gov
ernment party, and something resembling
a political crisis has arisen.
Middlemen's profits, aggregating more
than $1,600,000, are alleged to have been
obtained through the awarding of con
tracts by the Canadian shell committee,
O. W. Kyta, member of Richmond
county. Nova Scotia, declared In a speech
in Parliament. He said that the profits
were divided between C6lonel J. Wesley
Allison, who waa connected with the
militia department; B. F. Yoa'kum, Amer
ican railway magnate, and Eugene I.ig
nantl, formerly leader of a hotel orches
tra In Montreal.
The Weather
Temperatures at Omaha Tratrrdajy.
11 Hours. Deg.
P. 6 a. in V
5 S a.' m'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. in
Li a. m '
rp 10 a. m 44
T 12 m... 4i
I, I p. m
V 2 p. m s
3 P n 50
C i p. m 1
6 p. m "2
p. m S2
7 p. m ft .'
S n. m M
Comparative ...-: Hreura.
1916. 1915. 1914. 1911.
Highest yesterday 52 J4 .'
J,n went yesterday 43 . ' 40 4.1
Mean temperature 4S 4J n;
Prccpltation T .09 T .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
. r in ;. I leir rer 4't
Tlxcesi for the diy 5
Total exo-HS tin e March 1 16
Normal precipitation "xilnch
Ixficl-my for 'he lav Oiluh
Total rainfall since March 1 .Sin h
IVfl toncy since March I Inc't
KicMt for ci r. period, 1115 XI in h
I fl loncy for cor. eriod, 1M4 . .0 indi,
Itepoi'tn Iruui Stations at T 1. M.
8tatlon and State Temp. HUh- Italn
of Weather. T p. m. est. fa!1.
Cheyenne part cloudy "S ' .Oi
Pavenport. clouay .--"i 4 ."
iKnver. cloudy ."51 W T
Jea Moines, rain '
olh Jia ie. cloudy 3- .
'iiiha char T
Rapid City, know Z T .la
nita Ke. snow 2 .1'
r-he'-Man. i liar II ' HI
Houx Hy. clo idy f0 (X T
Valei ti' e c lo dy 34 ' .01
T In I atct. tiare of predpitatl'in.
L. . A. Wcl-HH. L.ucu, ureiiulf r.
inn ) "
War Department Hints to American
Commander at Border He Is
Too Communicative.
EL PASO. Tex., March 30. Gen
eraj Bell, General Gavira and Mexi
can Consul Garia held a conference
relative to the movement of supplies
over the Mexican Northwestern rail
way. Afterward General Bell re-
fused to discuss the conference.
aaylng he was under orders to main
tain secrecy.
Major Elliott said today he has CLEVELAND, March .10. With
already shipped from El Paso sup- j twenty-seven bodies recovered from
piles sufficient to eed the expedl- yesterday's wreck of three New York
tlonary forces In Mexico for thirty Central trains at Amherst. O., at
days. Part of these supplies already j U nl Ion was focused upon the sev
Is at Casas Orandes, part Is nearlng eral Investigations that were put
the field base and the remainder I under way by federal, state and
would be there before long, the railway authorities to determine re
major said. i spnnsibility for the wreck. Kepro
Merchsnts of Kl Psso and Us vicinity i sentatlves of the Interstate Com
are besieging tho army for contrsc... merfe commisBion ,h um,M
They offer to ship unlimited supplies i
south, the government to assume tm, ccmmlt tee of Ohio and various de
risk. To nil of them Major Klllott re-j partment heads of the New York
Plies that thor are free, to transport i Central wire conducting Investlcn
stuff to Cssas llrnnrles. but must do so ! .
at their own risk. They are told, how- MonB ,n (Iceland and at other
ever, that the field quartermaster will ! points in the Vicinity of the wreck,
prohahly purchase snrh goods if they i Coroner Charles Carver of Lorain
reach their destination, 'county planned to beg.n an inquest
M ill Keen Motor l ine open. , at Klyrla Into the death of the
PAN ANTONIO. Tex.. March 30.-AI- j wreck victims and the causes lead
though military supplies will be offered i ng thereto
the management of the Northwestern rail- i
way at Juarca today for shipment to the I Th" question of whether the so-culled
American troops In Mexico, officers at I
rmy headquarters here regard the con-
dltlonal use of the railroad as so ex- !
Columhus. N. M., will be maintained. ; ,0 he an Important feature of the lnvesti-
1 supplies shipped aa commercial gallon,
freight and unguarded en route by Amer- I Railroad officials today were Mill
lean troops arrive, at destination with divided In opinion as to whether the
reasonable regularity and without serious nlme should be placed upon the tower
delay, the base at Columbus will be j man, who, It Is alleged by some officials,
moved to CI Paso and the line of com- j wa asleep and failed to give the proper
munlcatlon from the New Mexican hor- j 'U8'. r upon the engineer, who, they
dcr to Casas Grandcs will be shifted east- soy It niay he shown, either fulled to
ward. '. see tho signal or exceeded hia orders.
It was Indicated at General Kunston's ' Of the more than forty persons Injured
headquarters that the use of the Juarea- i
Chihuahua line of the National railways
would be asked for If the bad condition
of the Northwestern made It Impossible
to handle supplies properly or if the j
altered positions of the cavalry and sup- I
porting line engaged In the pursuit of !
Francisco Villa made advisable the use
of a shorter and more direct route for
aupplies. It was suggested that If Car
ranxa did not object to the use of Uie
Northwestern, he probably would not ob
ject to the use of the other line.
If demonstrated that supplies are being
held up or Interfered with on their way
to j."-?.1?.",!. General Funston, it Is ex
pecfcVlTfig'R'm" will Urge" "that permission
be secured to place escorts on trains
carrying them.'
Tells Fwnalon to Talk Leas.
Whether specific orders had been sent
to General. Bell to begin Shipping sup
piles under the terms of Carranza's per
mission waa not atated at headquarters,
where It was Indicated that the War de-
! partment had Intimated to General Kun-
aton that he preserve greater silence
on subjects connected with the opera
tions In Mexico.
No report from General Penning Indi
cating any change in the rltuatiou "south
of Casas Orandes was received.
Mieilol R. DmvIIa. nn siaent ,if tbe He.
partment of the Interior In Mexico, who
Inrrlved her. tmlnv from ..Irf
ho saw General I, tils Herrera there three
days ago. General Herrera, who re
cently was reported to have rebelled
Bgalnnt Carranza. went from Chihuahua
to Queretaro on a special train to talk j
to Oarranza about securing more sup
plies for his forces In Chihuahua.
The only dispatchea received at head
quarters from General Perahing Ipday
deal with routine matters and contain
no mention of a fight with Villa or In
timation that he has been trapped.
Husband of Gadski
Charged with Plot
To Blow Up Canal
NKW YORK, March :I0. -Captain Han
Tauacher, husband of Johanna GadsM,
the opera alnger. and said to be an offl
er In the tiernian navy, was srreated
today by special agents of the 1 part
ment of Justice on a warrant charging
him with Ixing concerned In alleged con
spiracy to blow up the Wrlland canal In
Tauscher, the federal authorities said,
la head of the Tauscher Arms company
of this city and representative of Iht
Krupp Gun works In thia country. 1 1 it
arrest was brought about, It wns staled,
through disclosures mado by llorst von
Per Goltz, alias Rrldgman Taylor, whe
was brought to this country a day oi
two ago to be examined as tn ht lie
knew concerning alleged German ploti
Tauscher was arraigned before a I'nitf-d
States commissioner, denied the charg'
and was held In $35,000 l.l.
German Stowaway Holds Up Briton
Steamship Loaded with Munitions
T.EVVKS, Del.. March 30.-Krnet Pchil
ler, German, held up the captain of the
British steamer Matoppo shortly after
the vessel passed Bandy Hook last night,
bound from New Tork for Vladivostok
with a cargo of munitions and war ma-
tetlal. Sculer, who was a stowaway, put
of commission, locked
the wireless out
the captain In his room all night and
searched his papers and the ship's sate
Tl. - I. I - a ft,..A V. . I . r
, . ..... '
ceen .nue .,. anc,,.,,.
The Matoppo pa.s.d out of Sandy Hook
st i o clock last night and the attack on,
me captain was maae iwo nours ixier.
Schuler. It is said, had been a stowaway
cm the Matoppo five days. When well
out to sea he made his appearance armed
with two revolvers, it is alleged, and
fnrcid the captain Into his cabin.
Thu man told the captain that ho had
Towerman Says He Was
and that Signal P '
Second Train 1
They Do Not Agree as to Whether
Blame Should Be Put on Tower
Men or Engineer.
"death coach'1 on train No. Si! was of
modern steel construction, as claimed
N"W Yolk Central officials, or whs
In the wreck, several were said to he
In a precarious condition CHrly today and
more fxtalitles were feared. Itnllroad of-
ficlals say thnt only twenty-seven bodies
have been recovered and that they regard
It as Impossible that more bodlea are tn
the ruin.
I'nofficlal, but what was regarded hi
reliable reports, placed the number of
dead at thirty.
Knarlnrmen nnd Tiinrrmaa,
The two men at whom most of the
questlona were to be directed at today's
(Continued on Paga Two, Column Two.)
. ' r '"
Russia Given
Permit to Build
Eoad in Manchuria
PKKIX, China, March S0.The Chinese
government has signed an agreement
permitting Russia to construct a mll
roud which will give Kussla control In
northern MUnehuiia, in compensation
for the railway lights granted to Japan
In southern Manchuria. Japan has con
curred in this arrangement.
The new line will run from Hnrbln,
th s","rl'' railroad. In a northerly
-'-""n ii .'m.i.niuiH 10 .Maun.
near tho Russian frontier. A branch line
will he built from Mermen southward to
Txltnikhar, near the Mongolian border,
where it. will form a Junction with the
trans-Siberian road. Tho new railroad
will be (fca miles long. The route Is part
of that formerly negotiated for by
Uussln will raise funds for construe! Ion
if the road by floating a loan of JC.'.OTO.OOO.
Clyde Shops Strike
Declared Irregular
IXNDON. March HO.-After an Investi
gation of the grievances of the men
who have milt work in the Glasgow dis
trict, the council of the Amalgamated
Society of Knglneers decided t idny that
the strike In six Clyde chops waa un
stltullonal and railed on the men to re
turn to work.
The council points out that the strike
is in contravention of the munitions of
war art.
Two socialist speakers were arrested
this morning for inciting munitions work
ers on the Clyde to strike.
New Order-in- Council
Is Issued by England
LONDON. March 30 An order- n rnun
rll was i-suei tonight "where neither a
sel nor Its ca-rn s iall le imuuine from
capture for a brea h of blockade ti.on
the sole ground thnt It at the moment 'a
on its way to a nonhlockade port."
placed bombs in different parts of the
The crew of the Matnppo feared the
man, and when the kteamer hove in
sight of the Delaware capes i's course
waa changed and it sent up a signal for
immediate assistance, and at I lie same
time a boatload of Its crew went over
h? "idT to enme B"hor' ,r"1 '""'"n
neip. a tugnoat ami the steam pilot
boat Philadelphia responded to the tall,
as did also the coast guard crew sta-
i t Cape HenUipen. Del a wr re.
pilft nKt u .
j told ln- , ,,..,,,,,
pilot boat picked up the slip crew, who
Tn , wlll bl.ollplll ,,,,. ,,,
now .,, )ron, , th- , nolll.
Lewes. He has In hla possession money
and papers belonging Lo the captain and
the mate of the Matoppo.
IVdeial authoritiea In Irf-wc have
communicated with the liiiied Status
i dlntrlct attorney at Wilmington, Del.
at Amherst, Ohio, where thirty people were killed on Wednesday morning. How the cars
looked when daylight came.
; J t,C V
Jhr- H :Jtx
House Votes for Alien Measure
with Literacy Test Clause
WASHINGTON, March 30. The
IJurnclt immigration hill with its
literacy tost and Asiatic exclusion
provisions unchanged, passed the
hoiiac late today, by a vote of 308
to S7. It now goes to the senate,
where favorable action 1 regarded
as n sail red.
The literacy test was finally re
tained In tho bill, when the house,
y a tototf 284 To 17, rejected tho
motion of Representative- Babath
of Illinois to recommit the bill with
Instructions to eliminate the test
Nebraska voted as follows:
l.oheck and Sloan vtcd to recommit,
while Res vis, Stephens, Shallcnborger
and Klnkali voted agHtnst recommitment.
On the passngo of the bill every mem
ber of the Ncbrahka delegation with the
single exception of lAibeck, voted In lts
Green of lowa voted against tho mo
tion to recommit with Instructions, as did
Mondell of Wyoming, ami both voted
for the bill on Its final passage.
As In former years It la believed that If
the president vetoes the bill, ho will
he sustained.
Villa and Carranza
Troops Reported in
Fight Near Guerrero
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 30.-Flght-Ing,
thrve days ago, between Villa troops
and a detachment of Can-an la's forces,
was reported today by General Persh
ing to General Kunston. No details of
tho engagement waa given, but General
Pershing said Villa's men were moving
south. H m believed Villa was with
COM MI51 S. N. M., March 30,Amerl
can trocps have been using the Mexico
Northwestern railway for a distance of
about I4" miles between Casas Grandes
and Madeira daily for about ten days
to transport troops and supplies, ac
cording to Walter Warren, a negro
trooper In Troop A, Tenth cavalry, who
reached h' re today.
Warren, who baa been Invalided at Fort
Hliss, asserted thaj twelve men were In
jured In the wreck on the road near
Muslca station, March 21, which rcsul'eil
in the death of Trooper Hudmil. Warren
siirfeiid crushed hips and Internal in
Juries. The t r,i in lie said, was ranging
cars loaded with lio;ses and troops, and
was w rei ked on a "shoo fly." vVarren
said that ti.e other ten Injured men are
being cared for at the field hospital at
Cssaa Gtaidea.
DOfGI.AN. Ariz.. March :.-A nw
distrlliui Ion of Mexican troops was an
nounced today by Ives G. Ielevier, Mex
ican consul In Douglas. eGneral Calles
expressed tho belief that Villa la ef
fects ely rut off by the American troops
on the north and the de facto troops on
the east and south. In Chihuahua. That
leaves SonorH. to the west, aa his possible
According to the new orders l,2ou of
General Gomes' cavalry have concen
trated In Colonia Morelna, sixty -five iiil'es
southeast of Agua Prlta. From there
they ran move rapidly either north or
south along the adjacent Chlhuahia
border, guarding OJItoa and Cariela
Violent Battle on
Along Italian Line
HKKI.IV. March 30 i Ky Wireless to
Tuckeiton, N. J.) A violent battle in in
progress at the lioiizia brldxehead on
Hie Italian front, larije lohn ticmg en
gaged on both sides. The offl ial re
port uf today announces the capture
of .":,'( Italians.
In the DoIk r lo sector there is spirited
aitlUci) fighting.
I it m .
r ' Kit . ?
J " T w
Daniels Says Wages Ashore Are
Higher and Physical Standard
is Exceedingly Rigid.
WASHINGTON. March 30. Sec
retary Daniels.' views regarding the
navy's part ln the national prepar
edness plans were Riven today be
fere the house naval committee.
Secretary Daniels began his state
ment to the committee with a dis
cission of personnel. The annual
Ions from terminating enlistments
was 12,875 men, he said, and
wasitugo from other counts was
8,250. To add a dingle man .to tho
full quota, ho added, meant that the
8,250 must be first restored by new
enlistments. Requirements are so
rigid that only one ln six applicants
Is accepted.
Conflicting views as to the proper n
liided strength 'io aald. Were based on
different Ideas an to how many ships
should bo kept In reserve and how many
men should constitute reserve crews. Ill
own recommendations, based on tho ex
perience of the department and advlco
of many officers, looked to a total en
listed Htrcng'h of ST,!."i2 men.
"In time of peae," he said, "f do net
lelleve we can add 20,000 men to the nsvy
In one year ss has been suggested. H
now have difficulty In keeping the pres
ent quota full because of hlh wages
Omaha Preacher
Declines Call from
Eastern Church
Omaha Is good enough for Itcv. J, A.
Maxwell, pastor of the Calvary Baptist
He has declined the call which was re
cently extended him by the First Haptlst
church at IJoxbury, Pa., a suburb of Phil
adelphia. At the request of members of
(he local church rtev. Mr. Maxwell de
cided to remain In Omaha.
Since llev. Mr. Maxwell came to Omaha
two and one-half esrs ago, new mem
bers have been added to the congrega
tion of the ( ahary Haptlst church.
WASHINGTON. March SO. Proposed
Increase,, f ii ecu, a per pi pounds on rl'-e
from California points to points In Iowa,
Missouri. Kansas. Nrbraaka, Oklahoma,
Texas, Wyoming and New Mexico. wlibV
would have been effective tomorrow, were
susiended lodHy by tl.e Interstate Com
merce commission until July 1"J pending
ill fcetlgHt Ion.
Four U-Boat Bases
Among Greek Isles
LONDON. Mar h 30 The discovery by
entente allied patrol ships of four hostile
s dm a Ino I ases among the Greek I land
Is announced In a wireless illipauh from
Koine this afternoon.
-!;Ti PI
-hf ' iff.
Conscription of Wealth Advocated
by the London Daily Chronicle
I.ONION, March no.-Thn Dally Chron
icle gives a prominent poaitia to an
article i. rg lug the i oiihci Iption of
wealth. The wii'.er, who la aald to be
a well known economist, aug-vests that
the chancellor of the exchequer should
make a levy on alt the wealth in hu
kiiiKdom anil thinks that a at over LlM,tK. pensions and other
could be raised in this wav. Ilu pre- war i:C.i. making llio
senls a calculation to show how, on a probable annual total of the budgets as
grad ialcd percentage s 'ule, Hi,o',iioO ( IhkIi as i:,i,'Mi.'mu.
could he proilu 1 by mi initial levy f "Su, h budueta can be nu t. but only
I per cent on all ioitv valued up to i with li;ui..i iiik a national development
t."..'M. tl.e pe,.,iMl!e gradually iliclea -- , ,.IH 1 fie llMlion'' position in
lug to 0 i n n p-i ty v ill rd ov er Ii o, 1 0. i the world "
General Per shin"; is Convinced that
Chase for Villa Will Last
Several Weeks.
Kl. PAflO, Tex., March 30. Briga
dier (leneral John J. Pershing has
projected a long and relentless cam
paign ln the hunt for Francisco Villa
a chase that may last for many
weeks before the fleeing bandit la run
to earth. This Information was
gleaned here today from military
men who made no secret of their be
lief that Villa has slipped through the
ecrdon of CarranzlMa and American
Hoops. -
Mexican officials said today they had
no news as to the whereabouts of Villa,
but that the troops of the de facto gov
ernment were aiding th American sol
diers tn trying to round up tha brigand.
The last of the Information waa that
Vila was moving through the Fsnta
Maria valley. Unco among his peon
friends, who would glvn tho American
troops misleading Information regarding
his whereabouts, VII is might escape do- i
teetlon for a long time.
ltanehers from the region west of the
Chihuahua district said that when It be
came known that there was a price upon
Villa's head, dead or alive, tho bandit
would be In constant danger of betrayal. 1
Whether the American troops have madn
It known that there la a reward for
Villa has not been learned here, but it
Is assumed thnt the word has been
spread about among the peon population
ss tho American soldiers move from
place to place.
llovlng bands of VHllstss are reported
evers where In the region of tha Banta
Maria valley, but apparently tha Ameri
can flying columns have not coma In
contact with them.
Supplies Heady to ship.
brigadier General George Ball, com
mander of the base at Fort Bliss,
awaited official orders today to ahlp
supplies to the army over tha Mexico
Northwestern railroad. Buppllea, con
sisting of gasoline, forage, canned goods
and flour, will go forward aa soon as tha
orders are received.
Meanwhile Major Klllott, department
miartermaster, Is moving supplies In
great bulk to Columbus, N. M., where
they are carried 111 truck trains over the
Mexican desert to the army baso below
Casas Grandes Ten carloads were
i shipped to Columbus early today, while
ten motor trucks were also sent to the
base there. Twenty-seven more motor
trucks will go forward late today to Co
lumbus. Army officers here believe that Colum
bine will be continued ss an auxiliary
base for tho American army In Mexico.
They point out that no greet reliance
can te placed on the Mexico Northwest
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column One.)
Taggart Will Not Be
Candidate for Senate
Taggert, recently appointed t'nlted States
senator ad Interim from Indiana to suc
ceed the late Henalor Uhlvely. today Is
sued an announcement saying he would
not be a cundldate for the senatorial nom
ination to succeed himself.
ll says:
"Wealth csn be taken in any form -rush,
st'x'ka or real estate. Unless
something like this la ilmin our peace
oudKcti will become i'r..,ii!n( In their
weight. With a debt of X O,fto,0O0,O00,
interest and sinking fund payments will
Some Officials Credit Report 0er
man Subseas Ordered to At
tack All Ships Bound
for Great Britain.
Several Unarmed Merchant Ships
Carrying Americans Attaoked
Without Warning.
WASHINGTON. March 30. Tha
I'nited Ptatea government today la
using every means at its command
t secure conclusive proof regarding
the disasters which hare overtake '
tte Sussex and othe- unarmed mer
chant ships, all carrying: American
All circumstantial evidence Indi
cates that these ships wer tor
prdoed without warning and that
German submarines have begun an
underwater campaign in violation of
Germany's recent assurances to tn
United States.
Some officials credit the sugges
tion that German submarine com-
mandera are acting under secret in
structions such as were advocated
by Admiral Von Tlrplts, to torpedo
every vessel approaching the British
Isles. Although official confirma
tion Is lacking, some officials believe
that the commanders of German sub
merslblea have orders other than
those of which this country Is ad
vised. Th ex Step.
The next step of tha United "tales la
said authoritatively to have been deter
mined upon. Unless Germany, In rsply
to (he Inquiries made by tha CnlteiJ
Slates through Ambassador Gerard,
makes some statement to causa taa Stat
department to change Its present Inten
tions. It Is understood that all tha recently
aggravating Incidents will be combined
In one general formidable Indictment
which will bring the entire subject to a
clesr cut issue.
Phould Germany admit responsibility for
any of tha attacks and attempt to satisfy
tho I'nited Statesby saying that a mis
take had been made, offer to make repara
tion and to punish, tha submarine oonv
mander, the issue would not by any
means be disposed of. It is regarded aa
certain that tha United States will not aa
ccpt such an explanation as satisfactory,
at Wast until time had shown what pun- ''
Ishment actually was mated out to tho
offending submarine eommandora aad
whether any value longer could be as-
(ached to Germany' promises.
Will Fraeroa with Prwto.
In tho event of Germany disclaiming?
responsibility for the disasters, tha
United States will proceed with its In
vestigation to determine to Its own satis
faction whether the evidence which now
strongly Indicates that the Sussex and
other st-1 ps were torpedoed without
warning can bo regarded aa conclusive '
proof. With such proof bofora it tho
government probably would aot prosnptln
Officials refrain from discussing what
tha nature of tho action would be.
Tha very number of apparently unwar
ranted attacks which bavo occurred re
cently la regarded by tho administration
ss particularly significant. Tho number
Is ssld by officials to bavo disposed of
the theory that the explosions might
have been caused by mines. Some of the
cases. It was pointed out. have occurred
In localities where there Is no possibility
of mlno fields having been laid booaase
of the depth of the water and the dis
tance from shore.
It became known during the day that
tho State department had hoard unoffi
cially the suggestion that German subma
rine commanders were acting under se
cret instructions such as were advocated
by Grand Admiral von Tlrpita to torpedo
every neutral veaset as well as belligerent-owned
approaching the British Isles.
Tha Secret Order. .
Tha United States was advised the new
orders to submarine commanders, which
went Into effect March 1, provided for tho
attack without warning of all armed
merchantmen of tha entento allies. There
had been no official confirmation what
ever of tho secret order report. However,
the number of disasters which have over
taken unarmed merchantmen recently. In
cluding thoae under neutral flags, caused
soma officials to credit the suggestion
thst orders of some kind other than those
of w hlch the United States la advised, are
ln effect.
What la described In high administra
tion circles aa tho extreme gravity of tho
sltuutlon makes it necessary for tha
United States to proceed with tho utmost
rare in preparing for tho next step. Ea
peclal effort Is being made to have all
the essential facta In each casa developed
from the best testimony and evidence
Will Collect Data.
Information is being, cr will fce, col.
lected through American embassies and
consulates, naval experts, officers, crews
and passengers of ships reported to have
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Four.)
They Get
Full Value
Thrifty people don't
throw things away.
They sell or ex
change them by the
timely use of a Bee