Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1916, Page 2, Image 2
Tirn BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAUHI 30, lDlfi. Welcome the New Recruit Still Room for More THOf IP50N-BEIDZN Tho fasKion Cenler of llw MkWJeWei i uo EshU'rshcd I886lT r NOW THEN-ALL TOGETHER J BUILDERS RIAL STATE CXCHAM6E If COMAiferlAI KCTAILtK V excHAvae. DR. WAITE BLAMES "LITTLEBAD MAN" Dcntiit Says He Has Dual Person ality, Wicked One of Which Impelled Him to Murder. JUST W0U1DNT LET HIM BE NEW YOItK. March 28. State ments Indicating that he believed he was possessed of a dual personality, the wicked one of which impelled him to murder John E. Teck of Grand Kaplds. his wealthy father-in-law, and Mrs. Peck were made by Dr. Arthur Warren Walte to District Attorney Edward 8wann and a de tective tonight. Walte. still in bed at Bellevue hospital, where he ia un der arrest charged with the murder of Teck, when asked by Mr. 8wann If he wished to make any statement, passed one hand oyer bis eyes and answered vaguely: "Oh, it Is all over. He did it. This little bad man whom I haven't been able to get rid of until now he did all. Clara (Mrs. Waite) knows how I have tried to get rid of him. I don't know who h was he told me he came from Kgpyt." Trie Tkrasr Him off. Ttoy W. Bchlndlrr. a detective, ho vlaited Wait Juat before Mr. Swann ar rived, declared the young dentist (old htm about the dual personality, asserting tliat ha aometltne n ao obessed by th "had man" that ha would run around l'i Iha park to throw off I ha Inclination . , evil. Arcordln to "chlodler, Walte told him lie admtnlatered live bacilli of varloua diseaao to Mr. Peck, but they did not a-t a quickly aa ha expected. H aaid alao. the detactiv averred, that h fad Iterma to Teck. but when the reaulla ( I' a red to ba "unaatlafactory" h lav arsenic to hla father-ln-law. Both Pck and lira. Peck dlrd at IValte a apart ment here, Mra. Pei k en January 30 and her husband on March 13. Autopsies on Ih body of Peck disclosed quantltlea of arsenic Mra. Peck'a body wa era mated. Jnsi laasrral Fllrlatloa. Mra. Marcaret Weaver J tort on, who shared a "studio'' with Walta at a hotel her, wat questioned at the district at torney fflr the stealer part of th dsy. Mr. Morion declared her acquaint ance with Walt wu -Just an Innocent flirtation." Mr. Rwann amplified toniaht what he aald Walte had told him In regard to hla alter ego." which h called "the other fellow. have nvr seen him," Walta is said to have declared, "but I have hard of htm. lie waa bom in Esypt In the preav ent life, but livad In other ags. All my evil Inclination earn from him. Be cause ef htra I oft told Clara I wanted to be alone. Until new I have, always felt the Influence ef my alter ego, but feel free now. I feel that for th ftret time I have cast him off and my mind I at rest." DROWSY LOOKOUT AND FOG BLAMED FOR TRAIN WRECK ' (Continued from Pace Ce.) tli railroad official aa th " of lh disaster., Th towcrmaa. It waa said, had ba without Bleep most of th time tno Sun day night, hla wlf being 111 and requir ing his atention when he was not on duty. When the half dosen tnveatlgatlona al ready under way are concluded, th blame will ba fixed. W. r. Rchaff. district superintendent of th New Tortt Central line aald to day: "Tit towarman can have nothing to do with the rauaa of thla wreck. The ex planation lie between th engineer and th block alanal system. "W tested out th block slcnal aya tciu thla morning aftar th wreck and found It tu working- perfectly. After the wreck. Engineer Hess and hi braJta roan. A.. II. Gate, wit Brakenaa Will iam Blakeoey of th Twentieth Century LJiniied walked back te th signal which tliess drov by. They all aald they found .he signs! wa red. or blocked then." esaes ( Cosif !. 8in of confusion followed the colli sion. Many of the Injured, pinioned la the wrecks a, called for help aa tinln Jured paaaensor half clad, emerged from th sleeper and Joined with th trainmen In th re'ue work. Fireman from Aro- hemt mere the first arrtarta and auc i,l-d in puttiiig out a fir which alerted in the one wouden coach on train No. K. now knoan aa th "duath eoach," be ta iu vt th fact that most of th fatali ties occurred In it. fn wreck ocurr54 shortly after 1 L in. and it a a near o'clock heu WAITE HAS CONFESSED TO POISON CHARGE A new picture of Mrs. Arthur Warren Waite and the accused dentist. Dr. Arthur Warren Waite, as he looked upon his graduation from the university, and his brother-in-law, Percy Peck, who started the investigation leading to the arrest of Dr. Waite. i" 'TT ii i , , rQ .e - -m ..IP ( . ij '1 V ' X ' kVSZTUx . i V VV something like organised relief work waa beetin. Hospital In I-oraln and Klyria tonight wr filled with Injured from the wreck and It wa believed generally the death list would exceed above thirty, the first figure announced. ! Herat Werk. Hospital train were run from land, Klyri and Imrain to th seen of th wreck and physicians and ambulances were rushed from all of these points. Hundreds of vlllasera and firemen from Amherst and vicinity did heroic work In raring for the dead, dying and Injured. Moat of the dead were mangled beyond recognition. Manr of the dead nrnhaMv it III their graves unidentified. Moat of thoa killed were, aalenp In the rear coacli of the flret section of No. M at th time of the crash. -iad Bediea I.vrrtbty Maaaled. The bodle Of manv of these Brant Iv- elad victim are so horribly mangled tUt Identification without the their clothing will be Impossible. Bom of th v-lctlma were decapitated. Arm. len and nortlnn of hunixn hud were scattered thickly throuili the wreck!. Relief parties collected the reineins o' three bodle those of a woman and two men-and plied them. Indiscriminately, In one basket. Alfred Fritxele of Cleveland was In the Toledo sleeper of the flret section and escaped Injury. lie helped In the rearue work. Aaron Ie Ray, Pittsburgh, aald he was catapulted from hla berth Into one occu pied by a woman acrosa th stale whan th rraah came. le Ray wa uninjured. A. Comenaky,. Pittsburan, coming from t'htcaco. aaid he saw a woman die In the wreckage before he cond extricate her. H alao saw a man whoa arms were torn from their aorketa. When the laat named three left only thirteen of the forty occupanta of the day coach were accounted for. They placed th number of dead at between twenty-five and thirty. According to Frit sole and Pe Ray, th flret section stopped five minute after it left Amherat, and waa Juat picking up speed again when th first crash cam. Two minute later, they aaid. the second occurred. OeJy Oae BROttO QI IMR. To et th genuine, cI for full name. lAXATlVF FROMO QflVINK. Look for signature of E. W. Grove. Cure a Cold In lne Day. ?: -Advertisement. Administration T c !)?ir$ s(uon who dies withou a will, this Com pany offers a psudent, experienced and unbiased settlement of the estate. Much time, annoyance and possible loss may be saved in such an emergency, by a con ference with us. j 1622 PAR NAM STRttT CARRANZA GRANTS USE OFJAILROADS Supplies May Be Shipped to Mexi can Firms with Which Amy Has Contract!. WILL FACILITATE THE PURSUIT WASHINGTON. March 29. Gen eral Carranza has agreed to permit the movement of supplies to the punitive expedition in Mexico over tie Mexico-Northwestern railroad. The supplies will go as commercial freight to concerns In Mexico with which the army has contracts. The permission for use of the rail read is not granted In a military sense and does not cover the move ment of troops, for which the Ameri can army has not asked. It will, however, enable General Pershing's force to get supplies In abundance In a country where motor truck trains cannot carry them and will tl us aid immeasurably in the pursuit of the Villa bandits. mmm in era Kidney TrooDle Overcome In April, 1!U, I was attacked with Kid ney and Bladder trouble and suffered ureal pain and was confined to my bed for two months. I waa attended by phy sician and waa patched up and went back to work, but continued to suffer more or leas, until about the 15th of De cember, 19H, when I called In two prom inent physKlan, who held consultation over my case and announced that an cperatlon was necessary, that my right kidney would have to be removed. At thla point my Brother-in-Law, who Uvea at Texarkana, Inalated that I try Bwamp Root. which gave him relief. I began takln; 8wmp-Root at once, and from th first buttle I have steadily gained in weight from lut) pounds to 170 pound In six week' Ume. I feel good, have a aood appetite, aleep well; In faot. I feel like myself again. In th consultation of my physicians they used an X-Ray, and gave me a moat rigid examination. I most cheerfully recommend Dr. Kilmer- Swamp-Root to ufferer from Kidney trouble, W. W. ROSSON. Pol reman No. 1. 3(0 W. taller 8t. Tyler. Texas. We hereby certify to th above faota. and that we sold th Swamp-Root to Mr. Roason, a testified to therein. ODOM DRUO X.. T. I Odoin. Personally appeared before me thla 12th, day of February. IMa, W. W. Roason and T. L Odom, who subscribed to th abov statement and mad oath that th m I tru In aubatanc and In fact. H. H. HODOES, Notary Public. Smith County, Texaa. UtUt to Br. Kilmer a Oo Blaft-bajntOB, W. T. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You Send 1n cent to Dr. Kilmer Co, rilnghamton. N. T., for a aampt els bottle, it will convince anyone. You will alao receive a booklet of valuable In formation, tailing about the kidney and blddr. Whan writing, be ur and men Uon the Omaha Dally Bee. Rasular fifty-cent and one-dollar aUa bottle for sale at all drug storsa PURCHASES CHARGED Thursday and Friday Will Appear on Your Statement of May 1st The Store For Shirtwaists The Waist Store of Originality Dainty New Blouses, Attractively Displayed and Sensibly Priced. Newly Arrived Dresses Received on Today's Express Murmurings of new fashion ideas are wafted springlike into these Delightful New Dresses Individual preference in color effects in the dainty hand work in the careful details of collar and cuffs in the practical arm holes in the novel yokes in the loose, flowing, ar tistic lines are expressed in Thompson-Belden Quality Dresses These newest ones are priced at $25 to 150 Other Silk Dresses start at $16.50 Private Display Rooms at Your Disposal. Millinery Specials Thursday Extraordinary Values in Trimmed Hats Youthful and different typifying a style and sim plicity not to be had elsewhere. A selection of Dress, Semi-Dress and Tailored designs effectively trimmed with Birds, Wings, Imported Feathers, French Flowers and lovely Ribbons. Special for Thursday's Selling $95 $750 $g75 and $Q00 Millinery Section Second Floor. '3.00 '3.50 M.00 '4.50 & '5.00 SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 17 va .7 M.i.- .X' lk sT AU"f,. V " . . .3-KSw YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 33 years W. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. His name and the retail - price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices for inferior shoes. They are the best known shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas shoes are made of the most carefully selected leathers, after the latest models, in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mas under the direction and personal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes in the world. W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 oHUto are just as good for style, fit and wear a other makes costing $6.00 to $5.00, the only perceptible difference is the price. W. U DOUGLAS $3.00 and $3.50 5HOES hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes for the price. None genuine unless W. L. Douglas name and the retau price is stamped on the bottom. V BEWATtE SUBSTITUTES'- DOUGLAS SHOE STORE, I 17 North Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb, W. L. BOUOIAS Wat PUT TO WORK taV INSSHOC ATSEVIN VtAR OF OC. Ml CO AN MANUPAC . TURtNaiN1T.AN ' l NOW THK lARtt (TMAfCROFtS.OO BO kND 4-0 MOtS IN TNI WORLD. BOYS' SHOES t lath World &3.00 tUt $2.00 Citslei frsa. W. Iu Doocla BwkMa TODAY'S BEAUTY TALK Tou can mak a delightful ahampoo with very llttl effort JiJ for a very trifling coat If you ret from your druggist a packa ' canthrox and dissolve a tcaepoonful In a cup of hot water. Your ahampoo Is now ready. Just prur a little at a time on th scalp and rub briskly. Thla create an abundance of thick, white lather that thoroughly dissolves an removea all dandruff, excesa oil and dirt. After rinsing, the hair dries quickly, with a fluffiness that inakea It seem heavier than It is. and tskes on a rich luster and a aoftneaa that makea arrang Inf It a pleaaur. Advertisement. POLITICAL roLITIOAt. ADVRRTItEMENT. 2 f . , ' ; ' .v" " 7 - ; y- r ' v y - v dL 'K:,' V TOTX TOM JAMES II. MACGMDER CAVDIOATB TOM DISTRICT JUDGE rearta Judtolil Dlattlct MOST PAriAT ULaOT Xi-.l.Bi a District Jud( WIM.l.tM MilMiKTT. "Tit II1WIBOT MATOB" aspabiicaa Caadlat for Oovaraor at to FrtmArws. uroeayf til liusiiM-as mtn and one tf Malinas' lsral tHipsra. Will ttrk sni vol tr siaie-wldn prulilli(ioii. Tit first inntiLlai to oiiim out suur vii lit li.juur Qua- U'm. PHONE TYLER 1000 1U wan. will MStits tk oattaon aiTioa aa thaark you UTatBT yaws wukU to 111 oillo la panes. $2.C0, $2.50 Hats . . $1.50 Caps . . . . 25c and 50c J. Helpiiand Clothing Co. 314-316 N. 16th St. AMl'IGVEITI. -OHAJLa.'a rxrm cmtxb." Sally atats., la-aLM ST'I, 16.8&-60.76 THOSB TWO DANCING DEMONS. GEORGE STONE & ETTA PILLARD "ss social maids r. BrtllUval. Tun.ful M.rrlmesl o th. Hlahest Qnim. Sums lut Thai C.ptlv.i.d N.w Tor Chic.. ladlM' Dim Matta Wk Day. Sa.1. Ml. as WiMk: "Th Sporllns Wldass." no) Z.naT. THE BET or VAl'DEVlI.l (Mh.r Art. This Weak WATSON BISTKK8. M.fO T.llj. ) m Tvnmy a A a a aMuratM Boost- PHIl'E VulDM. HELEN E LACKAYE ROCK & WHITE Nnrtueu. liilli Housicrr. Kurtii rns. trphuM Travel Wklv. Mvrv. 1V. B4M swats 4icpt SsUiardajr 4 uv. xc. Vdaau. loc. Wx Wc t4 Tbc. DRAtiDEIS J"15;?SA?m..s,L S EHNN E R Coasdy Bnoo "Cock o'Th Walk." E va-., BOO t S3.00) MaU, S6o to S1JO. , rOsTiaaTT aa. Wd. PrtoM tft Sa. aaa bo DU I ftaf aLAMG "JERRY" Support! by ISWltO IiTaTCX. iTi was TiuTmiT, Toda Wff NEW OTortlte 2:30 liRUHJla:20 JTOBTK OI., "BATH) IlIVK." ABf UIEMGNTS. TOD AT 11 to 11 SIX DIVING NYMPHS AJTD Miniature Musical Comedy AJn o TODAY J,?fZZk last rrexwntj. VJrT " ii 11 tion. VVM. S. HART la UWI xTXaTOBS" VVM. COLLIER la Wiri AJTD AVTO TBOVBIS" Op 11 to 11. Turpln's Scnooi of Dancing Twnty-lrhth Tarnam. sTrw Class. List your nam now. Private leaaona any time. KABilT S143. Where The Omaha Bee Universal Animated ' Weekly May Be Seen FAIWAM THEATER CAlEILPHOXE GEM LOVAL PASTIME LVIUO MAGIC HANSOOM IVY r ALACK DIAMOND BIRT AliMO OMAHA BENSON KliOKKNCi: .J