Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1916, Page 14, Image 16
14 Till: l.KK: OMAHA, TlintSPAY, MARCH .TO, 191G. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat i Very Strong and Sell One and a Half to Three Centi Higher. 1 hard: t'l it s-nd 11 A HI It V fl int A V ( M N OATH r liA) COEN IS ALSO GOOD SELLER OMAHA, March S. 191.. "nth whrst was very strona today, ad vancing lVfrnSo hlgnor. There was a Very good demand for this ocrenl. al though there were only a few car of fered for Bale. Corn was also a pood seller, selling Unchanged to a cent hliiher. Moat of the kales wore made at the lilgher prices. Oata were quoted sc up. Ther were only a few rara of oata reported In and they were well taken care of. Clearance of wheat and flour were Hual to Ml.OOO bu. ; corn, 6!(,0CM bu.; oata, t,i.0 bu. , At Liverpool wheat closed Id lower; torn unchanged. . I'rlmary wheat receipts were ru. and shipments 8.ri.0i) hu., against re relpts of 4i,iku hu. and shipments of N7, P bu. last year. i Primary corn receipts were RWi.odO hu. and shipments SM.O'iO hu., against receipts f 431.a bu. and shipments of MT,x) tiu. last year. Primary oata receipts were 7l7,Ono bu. and shipments () hu., svalnst receipts Lf LKfiMa bu. and ahtpments of Ja4,t"j bu. ist year. CAULOT RECF.IPTR Wheat, Corn, uats Chicago plinneapolls Jiuluth Imaha Kansas City 13 t. I iuls . Innl 4.i 32 4 231 Zi M 13 nines: 4& Theae sslea were renorted today: Wheat No. t hard winter. 1 car, Sl.Wt; cara, tl.04; 2 cars, 1I.IM1; 1 mr, tl . No. 4 hard winter. 1 car. I1.AT: 3 cara. f 1 OS; 4 cars. 11.024; Cars. 1."2. Sample Tiard winter, 1 car IweevlH. 11.00; 1 car, He; 1 car, S3c; 1 car, Hoc. No. t durum, 1 car. tl Barley No. 4, l-i car, 5c. No. 1 feed, I-t car, KM Corn No. 1 white. 3 cara, fiBVie; 1 ear, af. No. 4 white 1 car. 4c: 1 cars. Ki'c. No. 5 white. 1 car. Kfp. No. white, 1 car. (Be. No. I yellow. 2 cars, mr. So. 4 yellow, J cara, 834c. No. b yellow, 1 car, Wc: 1 car. lc: 2 cars. (Ihe. No. mixed, 1 car. ftVtc; & cars. Sic. No. 4 mixed, 3 cara, 64c: 3 cars. HV: 1 car. 63c. No. 6 mixed, 1 car (dry). lc; I car. Blc; 3 cars, ,lc: 1 car. 1 csr. Wo. No. 6 mixed. 1 ear. envs; 1 car, 5ivc; 2 cars, Mc. Hample mixed, 1 car. 82c. Oata Standard. S cara. 42Uc: 2 cars. 42c INo. I white, 2 cara, 414c. No. 4 white, 1 car. 41e; 1 car, 4i'r; 1 car, 4"e. Hample hlte. 1 car. 37c: 1 car. 3rt ': 1 car. 3o4c Omaha Cash prices Wheat : No. 2 liard, liavfrurru; No. t hard. 11 Wfi 1'H o. 4 hard, $1.01 1 1 if. ; No. 2 spring. II. W 41.12; Jn. 3 spring. ll.aviiKW; No. 3 durum, Wcffll.fXHa; No. 3 durum, SRIWc. - orn: jvo. white, fciif'c: No. 4 white, ii4c; No. i white, 2tii;iSc; No. whit j3o; No. 3 yellow, Wii;4c; No. 4 ycl- ow, KMih-: No. 6 yellow, 61iii44c; No. ( yellow, Axil-: No. 3 mixed. 6ii&Ho ; No. 4 mixed, 2(4e; No. t mixed, bt( 1'r No. mixed, dMi'iOV. Oats: No. 3 whlt. 42Ufr43: standard. 4242i: No. . white, 41j414jc; o. 4 white, yav. Mar. jey: dialling, i'(ni; No. 1 feed, MiMO. ye: iso, t, imiw; .no. I, m'ansc. t hlcago closing prices, furnished The ee by Ixisan Hryan, stock and grain srosers, am noil in Mixteentn, Oinana: Article! Oieii. 1 Huh. I 1,0 sr. 1 Close. Tea'y. jVVheat May. 1 1!4V July. 1 "-sV SeoL Corn. May. July. Sept. 0ats. Mav. July. 8ept. Tork. Mav. . Jiy. Lrd. May. July 10g-07 73ita 4 4rtSfrU 40 23 67H 11 50 BDt.l 11 to Ulna. May. July 13 20 1 14 1 11 I 11S l ' I 00', 1 07 74 724 7BHW 74S 7'i 74W. 44r4 43I7S hl 4'.'S 4 40 23 07H 25 r4, 23 87'i 22 6i II 6? 11 7H 11 77V 11 fc7V II 86 11 30 12 oR 11 13 22-15 12 074 1 1? 1 1"'4 1 00', I 13 1 l""I 1 C4T, TS'I 7S 74 75ffi 74SI 754 44 42V4:A- 4041 22 KH 23 S74 it r 11 B74 11 tw 11 74 13 10 23 12H 11 t74 11 24 I t uu 12 10 12 30 CHICAGO GR AIM AND mOVISIONB Feat area of the Tradlas aad Closl Prleea ok tloard ml Traar, CHICAGO. March 29 lie porta that I.Omi cara of Canadian wheat were headed to Pululh for storage had a good deal to do today with wiping out price gains which had been scored In the market here. The result waa an unsettled close at the same aa yesterday to fl.fx4o lower. Corn finished Vu4c to 4to down. oats o off to Viu4o up, and provisions at a ueenno or 1J4 to ii4'(Muc. News of the big shipments of wheat from Canada to be tilled up In ware houaea In the 1'nltnl States came before the end of the first hour of trailing when bull leaders here were questioning wnetner an advance ot S40 a buanei since Monday had not been too rapid, despite severe Injury to the domestic winter crop. Knowlcdxe of wholesale Imports from Canada aeemed to decide many holdera to realise, and also brouaht about akgresslve selling pressure from the beaiM. At the same time, tired I c turns were current that Kansas would yield i.mio.ii bushels and there were optlmlrtlc crop advices from Nebraska contradicting earlier reports of dam aae. Throughout (.lie remainder of the day. except Junt before the close, the market waa on tho down grade, with losses not entirely overcome by a spas modic upturn at the finish. Lower quotations from Uverpool. where ui piles were Bald to be Increnalng re- natiilesa of Uermany s submarine cam Iwlun had a bearish effect on the wheat market here, especial y at the outset. Corn lacked uport. The big stocks en nana, together with the prospect or liberal Inrreaae formed the chief Incen live for selling. Oats develniied relatlv llrmnesa owing to piirchaHlng on th part of recent snecu atlve short m l Lxdavs to aeedlnx furnished the motive. Provisions fill on account of the break In the hog market and because of the necllnes III wheat snd corn. lV.Ule or 110 power 10 rmy whh shown. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. led and No. 3 11 d. nominal: No. 3 hard 11.144: No. 3 hard. l.val.l. Corn: No 2 yellow, nominal: No. 4 yellow, tWsi'ii'Tlc' No. 4 white, -ii4. data: No. 3 white 424i 4.V; stanilard. 44c. ltye: No. 2 nomlnaP No. 3. Mc. Parley, (n74c Reeds: timothy St Jntai .: clover. S10.(Oji in f-i. Provisions pork, S21.0022.7&; lard, 111.22; ribs. SU aO (y 1 1 K-i. Kt;a8-l"nsettled: receipts. 8J.231 cases: firsts, lMwilyc: ordinary firsts, lc; at mark, cswa liii'luded. 1S(& H140. ltlTATOKS HUher; receipts, cars; Michigan. Wlmonsln, Minnesota and la kota hlte, ."ull (W; Minnesota and la kota Ohlos, Pori.TKY Alive, higher, fowla. 17c; springs, 174c MtW YORK UEHKRAl MARKKT northern. S1.14V) tl IIVi I 1 I L tl tfkv.. V t No. 2 northern. II 11 Villi IV. Il Ksncy, patents. SS;io; first and lesrx unchanged, k V T.ii;,,. !ffd0c. i-No, 3 yellow, 7:K74 .-so. 3 wmte 411I414C. h K VA J, 1 7 Vu 2. 2u 4. OMAHA liElr.IttL MARKKT. Fat Cattle Ten to Fifteen Lower and Feeder Break Sharply Sheep Fully Fifteen Lower. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN OFF CVboteaale Prtcee for Proaaeo Charged fcy Osnaksi Dealer. BUTTKR No. 1 creamery, In cartons. or tuh :.c: No. 2. :t4c. POt'I.TRT Broilers, live, under two lbs., 30c; hens, 16c; special rooeters and Stags, lie; springs, 17o; greae. 1 :4c; ducks, 14c; turkeys, lftc; old toms. 15c: caiKms. IHc; iiulni'Hx. each, 2.c; suuabs, I1.5uttj3.5: per doxen; pigeons, SI per dox-n. CH r-r.or. linixiried 44: domes tic. 34c; block, ic; twins. 1!V; daisies. l4c. triplets. lDMrc: youna America Vic; blue latiel brick, in'ic; limburger. 22c: Ira- ported Krench Uoiiuefort, fiHc. OTTEHB-Cl esapeake. p rgiil.: Ktand- rde, SI 40, northern, per gal.; Htandards, 1.11; selects.; counts, 11 95. KISH KreFh. per lb. : Catflan. 17c: hl- Ibut, irc; salmon, 17c; black baaa, lti2.c: rapplea, 1241 lac; flounders. I2c. Froxen, ier lb.: Hallntit. 11c; herring, 4c; trout. 1c; white, loc; salmon, puijiic; pickerel. 'uc; pike, ifoliK-. Smoked, per lb.: White. 14c. Klptiered. per Hi.: Kalmon, 17c; Kln- ibii hadilics, 12c; roe shad. 9oc each: hail roe. 4iic per pair. CKI.KKY Mammoth. to per dot medium. c per dox.; small, 4c; Florida, per crate. f2 HO. HKKr I'l Ts-Kiim, o. 1, 204c; NO. I, 194'-; No. 3, Wy. Ixilna. No. 1, 24c; No. 2.1c: o. .1. iyc. 1 nuc-Ks. .o. 1. nitc: No. 2. ll'c; No. 3. lnc. Hounds, No. 1, lB4c; No. 2. ISc; No. 3, 14c. Plates, No. 1, TH-: No. 2. c; No. 3. 4c rruit ana vegetable Mites furnished bv Oillnaky & Co.: r tine iiranges: i4S. sz no pox yw, sj box; IIKis, SSfiO box; sis, j;.7:i Iwi; I2a, 12.1 box: 17Ks. ZSKs. .124S, .I75 box: 2oos. Ii'.k, 2"os, 14 box. Lemons: Oolden Bowl. 3ls. art's. $5 box; llver Cord, 14 W box. iraoefrult: s. I3.7iva3.00 box; Ms. I3.n0 box; 4Hh. SOyi:i.25 box; Mn. i:.7.tl4.0ll box; 7iiM, (Km. !;s. It box. Pananas: medium sir.e. ii.WKni.ia buncn: medium sue lum boes, i2 2fi bunch;' regular slxe j'un- Kes. S.'.nmii 2.1R bunch; extra large Jum- hoes, S.I '"(i3.2.ri bunch; mainiiiotli Jutn- lioes, Sfi"f'i3.7& bunch. Cra nlierrlee: Hell hem. Apples: Nechters Hen Davis. 14 banel; Missouri Hen I'M vis, S.i.2!) barrel; Idaho Hen I 'avis. In boxes, $1.50 box; Koine Hemitlcs, SI. 75 box; W. W. Pear malues SI. 75 box: extra fancy Wine Saps. 12 box: Ark Hlacka, $2.60 box. tit ra wherries: 24-pt cases, $3 50. VKliKTAHLM Cot toes: Minnesota whites. bushel: Colorado whites. $1.20 bushel: Hed River Ohlos. SI. 20 bushel. Hweet Potatoes: Delaware, S1.75 hamper; Kansas seed, 12.50 barrel. (nlons: Hen and yellow. 3c pound: Span ish. $2 25 crate. Rhubarb: $2. 2ft box. 1 'Bull flower: S3 crate. Iyttuce; $1 doxen. Hrus se Hprouts, 20c pound. Cabbage; 24c lb.; new, 3c pound. New fleets, Carrota, Turnlpa. Porsley, ItHdlshes: 00c doren. Mil Heels, carrots. Turnips. I'arsiilns. Hhuocs. 2c pound. Peppers: 60c basket ruinators: 1.1.25 basket, t uctimbers. 11.25 doxen. Asparagus, $4 box. Onion Bets; Yellow, $2.50 bushel; red. $3 bushel. t. ery. Florida: 4-loxen crates, : t-dosen crates. $2.7.".: a-doxen crates, S2.D0. CIMKIl Per keg. $3.25. roMH HONKV-S3.7a case: Airline lionev. SI. 80 case. HATKim. iciij.h- iiromedary dates. 127K caae; stuffed dales SI. 75 box: Fard dates, 12c pound; new figs. 7c box. POF'lonNNo. 1 rice. 4c pound. 40 1- pound packages. f2.!t0 rase. Nl i r-l'eanuts: jo. 1 raw. a' je pound; jmo. 1 roasted. e pound; jumbo, raw, (140 mund; jumbo, roasted. 4c pound. Fil berts, 15c pound. Pecans: 13c pound: jumboes, 174c pound. Mixed Nuts: 15a pound. Olflrla! Monday 7.W) fflclsi Tuesdnv 9:a Estimate Wednesday.. R,i Kansas C'ltr tlralsi siaid Proylalnna KANSAS CITY. March 59Ulll-T.. No. 3 hard. $1 o:1.12. No. 2 red 11 1 .': finy. i.i'; juiy, i.iukw.uh, (DKN-5o. 2 mixed. 67'cniHr: No. X white xfji4c: No. 1 yellow, 7uc; May, 884iis4c; Jlll. IW'C, OATH No. 3 white. 4(MI(7t: No. S mixed Vu3e. nt. I.onls c;rala) Market. 8T. Tiri8. March 29. WHEAT No. red, nominal; No. 2 hard, nominal: Mar. ii.iw": July. 11.064. COKN-No. 2, 72c; No. 2 white, 72e; may. i-c; juiy. 734c. OATH No. 2. 434l434c: No. 1 white. nominal. Liverpool Grain Market. I.IVKRPOOI March .-WIIRT- Bpot, .-so. 1 Manitoba. 3a 7d; No. t red western winter lis Kd; No. 2 hard, win ter, gulf, lis Kd: No. 1 durum, no stock CORN American, mixed, new, loa frd KlAJl'K Winter patents, 4rt 6d. Coffeo Market. NKW TORK. March 29. OFFKK An early advance In the market for futures waa encouraged by tho continued steadi ness of Praxll. but prices rased off under remixing in tne inter tradlnir and the market was somewhat Irregular at the clone. Alter opening at an advance of 2 to 4 points, active months sold about 4WU points net higher, during the middle or tne nay, witn late deliveries making new mull ground lor tne season on scat tered covering and a little buying by houses with F.uropean connections. There appeared to he comparatively little coffeo for sale after the liuuldatlon of yester day, but offerings Increased around H.tic for wptcmoer anu s.rao for Uec inner, with pi Ices easing off to s..15c and tt.iia for th-ise poHltlona late In the afternoon. The close was 7 points higher on March, hut generally unchanged to 3 points lower. Bales. 33.2.iO bags; March, tunc; April, SOUo; May. (UtJc; June, X.Zlc: July. S.ic; August. ..; (September, M..12C; October, Ui.. VnvMntlu-r ft .tM,-! tleirilier. ft 4'-! January. .4ihv February. k.5v. Hpot steady; Rio 7a. Bc; Santos 4a, l4c. Cost and frelirht market was steady with prices about uncharged or around lfl .25f i'.:.'io for Hantos 4s, baala lxindon credits The official cablra reuorted an advunc of 75 rets In the ltlo market luerkcj an 1 of 1-rd In the rato of Klo exchange on Unilnn. while Hantos was unchuuged. Victoria reported clearances of 3.0iM bags for New York and 83.000 for New Or leans. Hi. I.onla I.lre Btork Market. FT. I.OCIfl. Mo., March CATTL.K-" Ilecelpta. 3,4 W head; m-rket. lower; nv live berf steers. S7 60ft.8i; year! ill 'eers and I rlfcis. S.rih t.60: owa, SS WHiS. mno'ivri and fee 'e . 't.'iV' 8 0: IP I lniil in a era. 3Jrii 00; nd he fo i.u w miii miri. ri.wu i.w. HtHIS- Uece.pts. k.0 head: ina'ke lower: nlaa and lights. ST.Omrri.'O; mired land butchers, .7Cua.,.0; good heavy. 9. jn Wi KHKKP Anil L.Allin tteceiuie. i n l: market, ateadv: yearling wethers t9lki.0.40; lambs, S900&11..5; ewes. 6. yi 50. Qaotatloas of tho Day oa Varleaa ( oaatnudittea. NEW YORK. March 2.-FIX)l'R- Hteady. V H KAT Knot barely stead v. No. 1 dur.mi. $1 2H ; No. 2 hard. $1 No. 1 northern lmlutli, $1 Jt, and No. 1 north ern Manitoba, $l.S4 f. o. b. New York. Futures easy; May, $1 SV CORN Hoot, easy; No. 2 yellow, Slv c. I. f New York. OATS Biot, steady; standard. &i4tl" HAY Firm; No. 1, 1 SSrl 40; No. 2 Il2il3: No. 3.; shipping tMt; 6 -. I OP- Steady; sta'e, romm n to choice. 1H1. Wf!?.-. 1914. fcuSe; 1'aclflo coast, liilS, I2i 5-: 1K14. evjlOr. Hlt'KS Finn; Bogota. 33i34c; Central Au-ricH 3"c. LKATH Kit Firm; hemlock f.rsts, S3ff tic: reconda. S3.:. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mesa, 24 j m. rami:y, -J imuki.uu; snort clears 2. 0ji2s.w. Reef, tlrm: meaa. ii hi, lainiiy. ii .dtrtfis.M. Lrd, easy; iin-iu i em, sns.ivil.i-i. TAIXJW e-teaJy; city, c; country. a-c; special, iub. liL'TTEU Firmer: receipts. T.n tubs; creamery extras, 4t4Vc; Ilrsls, Ki'yylu. aeconds. 34u3&c. POL'LTKY Alive, firm; no prices set tled; dressed, steady; chickens, 1h3uu; lomls, 144a2uc; ttilkeys, 2lu Juo. C H EE Bfc Steady; receipts. M boxes; stale iifia M-kMts, isuiac ao aver age fancy. lvjuWc: current make aver- no run, 17t(li c; Wisconsin twins, held MilkV. F.J Firm: receipts, 8B70 cases; fr;li gsthered extras. 224a'ilc; extra firsts. 2lur:c; first, 2ia 21 4c ; seconds, 2tJ 2U'C. ! City Live Stock Market Rt ITX CITT. Ta. Mar h tS.-C TTLB-- Ttei e itta. 1.610 hea t: market. WW ic iowo native steers. i.Mr.sw: d ir ers. n. m ,.0i nl feeders. S7.U..h6; bulls, stags. tl S;.7ni7.-5. . HOU-sv llecelpia, a.rnw: maraei, i'hii c lower: heavy. k.3T4f'J.eii: mixed. SS .151. 35; ltgl.t. SlaXiiS .15; bulk of sales. S.i;i.4l B1IEEP ANU UAMtia KO'etpia, aw ead. MlsstssslU tirala Market. MIXNFAPOI.18. Maixh 2 WH EAT i.i44ii.t; July, l.l4i; casa No, OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET OMAHA. March 29. YM. Kecelpts were: Cattle, llors. Sheep. ie.4 12. W 27 I f4 I 571 59 9 10 4J 9 2K4I fill a 44 5l 73; 10 3i M SHI 8 70 7,10 i 24 S3 1 45 S 741 tW t 52,10 54 I f.4i S 11 t 7rt . !lf.l f 30 6i 5! t Vi S 3B ' 24 I S 54f S 7 7 10 4VI0 nl NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Special Issues Pushed Back and Forth During; Most of Session. RAILWAY SHARE3 RESTRAINED Three ditla this week .2K 3."..044 Same days last week..l6.WI 4".f7 2". Same days 2 w ks ago.24,4T1 41. IW 19.s.4 name days 3 w ks ago.24.1l 3.1S7 z.i.t..t Hume das 4 Wks 43.114 2K 4M2 time diia last )'car..l,& i.:.Ji6 The follnwlna: table ahows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for tbo year to aaie as compared with .ast year: i:ili 1915 Inc. Dec. Cattle XI.W.9 242.940 109.0I9 Hoga I.iku K70.H75 230.190 Hheep 071.1.6 697.WJ 121.5111 The following table shows the average Prices of boss at the Omaha Live Stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Iiate. 1915. 1914 193. 1 19l2. 1 191 1 . 1910. Mar. Li. Mar. . Mar. 17. Mar. 1H. Mar. 14. Mar. 30 ar. 2L. 24 1 e I u 7H 7 10 I 4i 10 - Xt.-li v. ' a yd I e . M ., 7 lk.1 g 47 10 4 .Mar. 21 (ISO ( 611 157 91 1 mar. .4., v i t.Ui a t s !ij - o tu Mar. i.-.i 9 aTfci 441 X 54 I K7I 7 Oil 6 35,10 Mar. 2ti. I 47i S 45 S s4 7 Hu W 83 .Mar. 27.1 7 42 I I bo 3 8 8 7I ? Mar. 2X. 9 3'il 411 I 8 M, 7 4S 42 10 .0 Mar. 9 22i Ml I S Ml 7 6l - 10i Sunday. CATTI.i: Receipts were liberal again this morning at all points, the supply here for the three days amounting n 22,ti2ii hesd, which la larger than a week ago. but a little smaller than most pre vious weeks. Killers of all kinds were very siow. with prices around lofilix- lower than yesterdsy. It was late in the day before enough biislnesM had been transacted to reslly establish quotations. Mockers and feeders nroae naoiy on the close yesterday and were lower again this morning The plain kinds of stock rattle are nil of 2Va4c lower than ast week, with a good many accumu lating n tho yards. Quotations on cattle: uooa to cnoice eeves. S8.Kifl9.30; fair to good beeves, $K.4oiH.K5; common to fair beeves, Si.tou1 1.40; good to choice heifers, S7.2flj4.i!; good to choice cows. W.7uWi.7.i lair to good cows. $ OOoue.75; common to fair cows. $4.50f(.2S; good to choice reeoers, $7. So-ill. i.0; fair to good feeders.'7 ); common to fair feeders. Sfi.5W7.80; good to choice glockrrs. $7.v58.25; stock heif ers, Ki.7iVij7.7i: stock cows. h.wjii.h; stock calves. S7.0tru.ii0; veal enlves. Si. 00 010.25; bulls, stags, it.;.. $...WU.7.5U. HOUI4 The hog supply waa larger even than Tuesday's, estimated receipts be ing 239 cars, or l."0 head. For the first half of the week receipts foot up 40.220 head, being a few hundred smaller than for the ssme dsys last year by 7.0U0 head. Added lo liberal rresn supplies were some fifteen or twenty loans carrieu over from yesterday, making total offer ings very generous, other points were porting sharp oecunea an aioug inn line, and while all buyers were very bearish, the market opened out In pretty decent season, with shippers and somo of the packers buying fairly freely on HKd loc lower basis. Two of the peckers demanded 15c eon- cessions right from the start, and as they refused to raise their hands they failed to get any hoga during the ear lier part of .the forenoon. i.lttht and common mixea nogs, wnicn were hard to gel action on at any time of the day. naturally suffered moat, and at the time of closing this report many of them, aa well as some of the better kinds, were still unsold. Huyers can practically all left the yards and it looked as though there waa bound to be a liberal holdover for tomorrow' market. Hulk of the hoga sold landed at 19.10 479.36, with some of the beat heavies on up to $9.45. There wero some sales below the bulk, but moat of the hogs that would be expected to sell there either moved late or failed to sell at all. ao the sales quoted In thla column could hardly be taken as a fair representation of thla market. HHKKP Another heavy sheep and lamb run waa on hand today, the day's re ceipts of fifty-four cars, or 13.0 h) head, be ing the largest or any one day for soma time. Three days' tots! Is 83,044, being J3.0UO larger than last week, and 13. .'km) heavier than two weeks ago, but S.UW smaller than a year ago. Buyer were still In a very bearish mood today. Clearance yesterday was rather poor, and with a heavy run today, and discouraging advices from all other markets the outlook was anything but good for the selling Interests. A few hunches of light and handy weight stuff that were sold right on first round did not look over 10tf t5o lower, but as a gen eral thing buyers talked a full quarter lower fiom the start, and during the early part of the forenoon at least, actual bids were few and far between. The trade continued extremely alow and dull, the best light lambs generally being 15c lower, with heavy lamha and sheep neglected and showing even more drellne than thst. Quotations on sheep and lamha: Ixmbs, good to choice handy, $11 .3Mf11 .50; lambs, fair to good handy, $10. 9H 11.25; lambs, fair to choice heavy, SlO.boe II .00; lambs, fall clipped. $9.n9 K6; lambs, fresh clipped. $tt.5mi9.3i; yearlings, fair to choice light. $9 .(tow 10.35: yearlings, fair to choice heavy SX.tiWn J. 50; wethers, fair to choice, $ 0tiU8.S."i; ewea, good to choice, $8,159 8.50; ewes, fair to good, S7.bOrd.15. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Skeep Weak llogra Weak. CHICAOO, March W.-CATTL.E Re ceipts, 19,fli)i) head; market weak; native beef steers. $7. Solid. 9"; western steers. $7 HO itrH.ftl; stockrrs and feeders, M.lnVflsC;,; cows and heifers, $4 2H1-V85; calves, $7.50 4(9 50. Ht MiS -Receipts, 39.0H0 head: market, weak: I51I2UC lower; bulk. $S.aii9.70, lUht. (I'SlS W; mixed. $!).4Kiiy.75; heavy. t.i.t 9.75: roiiKh, S9.S0ii9.4:, plus, $7.3iKiiS ). HHEEP AND I.AMIW-Uecelpts. 18.000 head; market weak; wethers. SJi.tOro'-l.; ewes, $ti...T5; lambs. $.504ll.M. Kansas City I. We Stork Market. KANSAS CITT Mo.. March CAT TLE e rip s. 6,000 hei d; mniket, stea !y, but lower; prime fed s:ern. 9. &4i9 :. dressed beef steers. $".wti9.l." ; we-ter; a e-rs. $7.7; sto--kers and le oer were unchanged NEW YORK. March 29. Special stocks were pushed back and forth during most, of today s profi-s-oonal market, while Wall street, thst Is the trading clement, engaged In further aimless discussion re garding European and Mexican affairs. Superficially, at h-nst, there were no new developments In these ouarters, but the lack of definite advices and the studious sbstentlon of public Interest were In themselves deterrent factors. Hallway shares were under obvious re straint, especially In the latter part of the dav. when Rending. I nlon Pacific Southern Pacific and New York Central recorded declines of 1 to almost 2 points. Heaviness of this group was attrlhuieil to two distinct reasons signs of Increas ing tension lietween executives and em ployes over pending differences and strong Indications of further foreign llquldat ion. Almoat one-third of the day's turnover was contributed by such specu lative Issues a Crucible Steel, Mercan tile Marine. Mexican Petroleum and Anaconda Copper, of this mixed assort ment some were higher, but most wi re inclined to shade. Coppera were Irregular, being higher In the forenoon, their strength and elasticity being aaaoclated with unconfirmed re ports of the placing or ananioimi im Re orders for export. Other metal were nominally higher, hut Ieldcd to mod erate pressure. I'nlted States Steel was a?aln shunted to a subordinate position in the lint of prominent stocks, and a weekly trade review referred significantly to the "more conservative spirit" In the steel trade, to gether with signs that the "crest of the wave of price advances has been reached or Is near at hand." Steel was offered In large bloc ka down to hi toward the rloae and Hcthlehem Steel lost 19 M til. Little remained of early Ruins In the final 'Total'sa'es amounted to 4V.0 shares. Canadian Pacific reported a n-t gum or t1l."ftnii for February, with an Increase or $l2o'oir for Illinois Central. K.-veral minor lines showed substantial gross gains. The bond market was steady on con tracted deallnt's. Anglo-French is wer extensively trsded In at the maximum of Si-,i' Totai sales, par value, aggregated $3 375.(i"0. . J I'nited states bonds nNurribcr of sales and leading quotations on stocks were aa follows: niw tii-ii. Alaska flnlil AIH-'tialmer Amerlrsn B-t Sugar Anierlrsn sn American lK-otnotlre ... American . H Am. H. R. rM Am. ffixar tteflnlng American Tel. Tel American Toblcco Anvnnita Copper A I, hi. on Pulnwln TiOomntlTe Baltimore Ohio iwihlehem Sn-el Hrorln Hapil Tr California Petroleum Canadian Parlflo Central leather Oiesapeaks Ohio Chicago O. W lt.lcao. M St. r.... hlrao N. W ChlcsKO R. I. A P nr.. China (."noper Colorado rnel a Iron.... Crucible Ple Penrr A R. O. pfd ni.llllelV Securities Krle nneral FTleHrte Oreat Northern pM flreat No. Or rtfa C.nnenhelm Phploritlon.. Itllnnla Ontral lnterborolich Con. torp.. tnaplrstlon 0opr Internatlonst Harvester... Kinau Cllv Ponthern.... Lehlah Vslley Ialarllle Naabvtlle... Mexican Petrolaum Miami CVppsr Mlnonrl, K. T. pM.... Mlsaonrl PaHfln National nisrutt National Iaa t Kerala Copper Naw York Ceslral N. T. , N H. H Norfolk Weatern Northern Pacific Pacini- Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel rennaylranla Pullman Pilar Car lur Con. peer Reading- Itepublle Imn Hteel.... foiithrn Paclflo Houlbam Ratlwa.T munatnkar Company .... Tenneasea Copper Texas Company t'nloa Pacific t'nloa Pacific- pfel foiled Rlatee Ktael V. 8. Bteel pfd ft 'tan )pner w eatern Vnlon W'eatlnchoiiac Rlactrto ... Vontmia Power illaneral Motors Wahaah pfd cow s and heifers'. SS.5tf7.75; stoc en Sv7'm.8ti; bulls, 6.75'ti 7.75; calves. $. Hi'iGSaflecelpts. 13.7 bead; market lower: bulk of eaten. $7.36-i9 6'-: hcai y S'.5"i'9.724; packers and tutch-rs. fci.t'x B iill: I sht. S9.25iJ.56: pigs. S7 50lcliS.75. SHKi.. AND LAM HS Receipts. 10,0 0 had: market, lower: lambs, $n.7ifill. yearllno. S9.&t10.r; wethers, Vi.iUiM. fit. Josepk LIT Stwk Mmrket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March 29. CATTLE Receipts, 1.30O head; market lower: steers $9.7oti9.75: cows and heifers, U Mil .(; calves. $d.0ivu.u0. HOOJ Receipts, S.5P0 head; market lower: top. $9ri6; bulk of sales, $9 25'"9 8HBBP ANU LAMBS Receipts. 2.000 head; market lower; lambs, U.0uu UM. till and Koala. PAVAVNAH. Oa.. March PKNTINL' Nothing doing. Mich 27 at 5 e; rocelpta, 91 men is. non: stock. 7.971 bins. ROIN Firm: sales, 643 bbls.: receipts, 11 bbls.; shipments, none; t-fck, 71.07 lbs. CJ'iot: A H, 't o: C v (4. 0, . '.8.; II $ 8 ; I .; M. SU.20. N, 15.30; WU 5.62. ja.-Tnt-Lat sal bbls.: aiilp- K. 14 7 : F I S . : K. S5. 0; WV, Ctsiiaratrd Apples aad Dried Fralts NKW YORK. March 29.-EVAP- ORATKO APPI.KS Dull; fancy. 1W0 4c: choice. 54HiiWc; prime. -uc. lilllKli F It C ITS Prunes oulet but steady; Callforntas, 4ki1.4c. OreKons. 74t' Sc. Apricots, firm; choice. 9i 10c; extra choice. loW'ioNc: xancy. iiiii.-. ram uulet; choice 64c; extra choice, 64c; rancy, t4C. ttaisins. sieauy, iwiwa m" catela. tiVfllc; choice to fancy seeded, 74tJ.4c; eedleas. 94410c. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. March 29. Ootton goods markets were firm but more quiet to day. Worsteds yarn aale were re stricted by the Inability of spinner to supply colors. Laces wer In fair de mand. The cotton market closed steady at a net advance of S to I point a I2,(rt ?i4 Jl4 w 2i 2fi 29 f I amy 734 Tl 72H ( inn .'4 at 4 l'a JJ.wn 7 74 774 J. 700 101 1004 left1. nts ";' icws 'l 1Ki' 14 l'O'n. 4nn is 1'.4 1W'4 II 5iK) X74 SB 4 4 1 iivi 1014 UU 1"' 14 :ai ins 1044 11 fie 1 t'14 7H, iS oryi 4h 4r.l 4'-14 ?tift SH a,,i4 ft", 4111 13 14 53, l.ano Hi" 17 is; IIS 54 M'l ftol 4'o afS jnn 13 u ir 1 .-ail M4 3 H4 !CI )2S K Ii 1.1IO 17 is 4 17 1 9CVI F..1S "4 f''4 ton 4:.S 4'''i 44', 4(1, MiO 14 S 14 i.jft! 4IH 474 47. 7.1100 .ti, 3f4 37 4' a im'.ij is 1. ana n-214 l-MH 1214 1,700 44 434 434 2H4 2nd 1(13 103 lMH JOfl 17 IT 14 4,l(l 47i 47H 474 1104 2ia ! 2'.44 2'-4 709 774 774 774 1234 4J.n 110 104 in4 2. !oo 34 MS 34 10 44 1224 70S 74 444 4 T.4fO 174 17 17 S.700 104 1044 105 4 l.fc-0 IV. 4 44 44 l.r.nn yt 1214 m sue 114 1134 li'4 1,000 24 24 234 St t.tnn MtTj Mts MS y is.- lais 114 1 400 !JH M4 B4 2. run H4 44 H 7VI MS M M .m a4 tu4 1174 ton 21 21 M i l.nnn i4 141 141 X.AOO MS 3S 40 1f. 1U4 1V4 S.400 1314 1324 132U K U.VXt !!. 4 4 IS MO 114 1144 114 tin ftis ftt l 1.0CM acis. 04 M4 4.9011 aits t4 "4 (00 784 74 74 4.'.S SsnA t 274 2I4 ill. am s 4174 si Slum SS M 5t4 Total sales for the lar. 4. 000 aharsa. Metal Market. NFTW-TORK. March 29. MTTTALR Iad. BOO asked. Pnelter. not auoted. Copper stesdy; electrolytic, nesrhv, $27.73 rra.X; June and later, S2o.7aa 27.50. Iron, firm and unchanged. Tin. quiet; spot. $4.n0ififi0.fl0. At Ixindon: Hpot copner, 112 10h; futures, 100; eleotrolvtie 13. Hpot tin. two- futures. 196. Lead. S. Hpelter, 95. I.ondoa gtoek Market. LONPON. March 29. American securi ties on the stock market were moderately active and steady. BILVF.R Rar. 21 13-1M per ounce. MONTCY 4?W4 per cent. piaCOCNT RATKS Short blll and three montha, tSfi per cent. OMAHA. March 29. Rank clearings for Omaha today were $3,817.429. H, and for the corresponding day last year $2,967, 728.68. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. March IH-COTTON Ppot. steady: middling uplands, 12.15c; sales. l.bH) hales. Chic aro Kansas City Ft. Louis .... timaha tuux Oily .. Total .. Isiar Market. NHff TORK, March 29.-8COAR Pa w. Steady: centrifugal, i.ttic; iiiolaiMes. 6 Refilled firm. Kugar futui-es opened steady, but later eaaod olf under realis ing prompted by reports of liberal of feimgs In the spot market. At poor pricra were I lo 4 points net lower. Stock 1st slckt. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 19.' OS !v 1 S.ofli n.KO 18 709 10 00 ..... S.4I0 ka) 2.30 .0i lii.ta'i 13, 4 0 2.' aftx) ia ..3M) S.0 0 OIL Limited SUPPLY t'nprec-dented DEMAND Resulting In ateaullly Increasing prices, make securities of produc ing; oil companies moat dealrabl Investments. FEDERAL OIL Owning production and large eholco acreage In three Important fields, earning about Z0 on present mar ket value of stock. Present excep tional possibilities for quick en hancement In market value and div idend returns. AoUvaly dealt la oa 2ftw York Curb Write for circular Fed. No. 24; Free. Wade, eton & Co., Sealer la Standard Oil SHocka. 42 Broadway. N. Y. STATE DISTRIBUTOR WANTED FOR LARGELY . ADVERTISED LIGHT FARM TRACTOR Big moaey-maklng opportunity (or Individual or company with automobile or tractor selling experience, capable of handling state distribution. Kasy to ell this thoroughly tried, four-wheel. l-ll H. P. tractor with splendid 6-year record. Light weight, great atrength, tremendous power, utmost economy and new constructive featurea revolutionise scope of tractor service and n've promts of longest tractor life ever attained. For full particular address, J. L LEWIS. 10th Floor 223 V. J ark so a Blvd., Chicago. J 'Don't Miss the Window Displays Thursday Eve.' No Newer Styles, No Better Merchandise, No Broader Assort ments Offered for your Selection in Any City in the Land. Sale Events of Keenest, Economical Interest Thursday BETTER QUALITIES AT EQUAL PRICE. TUT n a n AYOEN 16 If DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS EQUAL QUALITIES AT LESS PRICE. Surprising Tailored $ SUIT BARGAINS A choico lot of spring stylos in ropiilat $20 and $l2L5fr quality Tailored Suits sent us ly our Xew York buyer for Thursday's lug sale. Mighty attractive new designs in good .quality Foplins, Gabardines, Men's Wear Serges, and a lot of nobby check suit ings: ' All sizes. Values we are confident will surprise even those expecting most. 4 New Aft'noon Dresses $0f 50 Surprisingly Underpriced, at urZ" "While the materials include a wonder fully broad assortment of the popular weaves and colorings, fine Taffetas, Gros de Londres, Stripe and Plaid Silks, Beautiful Combinations, etc., the variety of style and quality are vastly spenor, All sizes, 16 to 4b. Matchless $Oj50 values, at Bale rjrice Beautiful New Blouses $098 Made to Sell to $6.00, at Nearly all makers' samples, in almost endless variety of popular colors and materials. Soft Crepe de Chines, Rich Radium Silks, Pretty Laces, etc. We consider them one of, if not the one choicest lot ever shown, at Thursday's sale Sq98 price By Every Test You'll Find Them Best--- Crown Jewel Suits $25.00 rday a won- $25.00 The queen of all suit values at the price we include with these suits. Saturday a won derfully choice line, in Silk Failles, Combinations, etc., just received from our New York buyer. Ask to see these bargains at Silk Suits Made to Measure In Our Dressmaking Dept. EVERYTHING COMPLETE $27.50 Your choice of broad as sortment of rich Chiffon 'Taffetas in the newest color ings, also a fine line of the latest check and striped nov elty silks for spring wear, made up in the season's new est styles TO YOUR MEASURE First class workmanship and sat isfaction always guaranteed. Inquire about them at Daylight Silk 1 K'psvrt mnit. 150 Trimmed Hats Specially -Priced- Tomorrow $10.00 and $12.00 Values $750 We Put on Sale Thursday 150 Trimmed Hats Copies of Imported Pattern Hats. Every Hat a beauty and would be a big value at $10 or $12. A big range of styles and colors to select from. Re member there are no two hats alike. Read the Big Month End Special Grocery Sale Thursday Haj'den'ia for Quality and a Having of 23 to 50 on the Cost of Living. 14 lbs. best Pure Granulated Su gar for fl.oo 4S-lb. sack Best High Grade Dia mond H Flour, made from the best selected No. 1 wheat, noth ing finer for bread, plea or cakes, every sack guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. . Thursdays 4H-lb. sack for $1.33 7 lbs. pure New York Buckwheat Hour for 8 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal for "c 8 lbs. best Rolled White Break fast Oatmeal for SMc 7 lba. best Bulk Laundry Starch for 'J3- Yeast Foam, pkg K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg He W. O. C. or Krumblea. pkg. . . .c Advo Jell, for dessert, pkg..7Kc Skinner's Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti, pkg 7 He Utose-WUes. Omaha made. Fancy Cookies and Crackers. 10c, J2tc nd 3 large cans Condensed Milk. .21c 3 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, Wax. String or Green Beans, 21c 3 large cans Goden Pumpkin, Hominy or Sauer Kraut 21c 3 large cans Pork and Beans, ,23c MacLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb., at 12 c Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, as sorted kinds, or Mustard, per bottle, at 8Hc Tall cans Alaska 8almon. . . .8c 6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines for lc 5 lbs. Choice Japan hice 23c 10 bars Beat-'Um-AU or Diamond C Soap for 23c The Best Tea Siftlngs, lb. . .12Hc Choice Basket Fired, Sun Dried, Gunpowder, Kngllsh Breakfast or Ceylon Tea. lb 3c Hershey't Breakfast Cocoa, lb. SOo Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb., at 2c The Best fitriclly Fresh Kggs, per doxen, at 20c The Best Table Butterine, equal to l creamery butter, lb 23c 2 lbs. Good Butterine 25c 3fl Bias rancy riorlda Orsp rrnlt Thursday, aca l,o This size retails regularly for 12 He and 15c each. Xst Xlrblaad Havel Orang. th Most Hsaltfcy Irult Grown, Thurs day, dossa BOo, S6o, 30 Th Bast Xsd KlTtr rotato, Ml rick, at .So Ins. to peck, watch your weights. Krelt Caliliage, lb IVs Kresh l'rnil, Turnips, Shallots or Kaillshes. bunch o Fresh AsparaKus. lb loo 1-ancy ltlpe Tomato?, lb lo Fancy Lrge Cucumbers, each at, 18V4 an is. Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips or Par- snips, per lb JV40 8 large tSoup Hunches lie Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, ver quart, at io Fancy Htad Lettuce, per head, at So and Fancy Kliuharb. lt Jo S heads resh Hothous Iaf Iettucs . loo a 1. 1. strsros of Oaioiw aavos). but toui oar ion rs now. The price will iloubls in two Mti. Thursday only, quart 'i .It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-It Pays,