Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1916, Page 8, Image 8
V" 3 e Till HKK: OMAITA. WKDXKSDAY. MAIICII :. lHIT. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip' -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION MAKES ITS APPOINTMENTS E. C. Marks; Elmwood, It. Pleper end A. M. Breun; Fremont. F. Rentllngen; Ithlra. F. Oatertsg; Madison, A. Wlchrlt; M irdork. A. It. hrhwan; Norfolk. A. Wtchman: Omaha. R. F. Poescher; Ptan ton circuit. A. Ftaum, Vl Point. J. Oelerklns; Washington, F. L. Wlegert. Hastings District C. Jannen. Presiding Elder: Burr Oak, O. B. Bancroft; Colo rado mission. O. A. Rekow; Culbertson. A. Hank; tenver. Colo.. J. A. Adam: (Hand Iland. C. W. Boelter; Guide Rock and Boetartch. O. It. Hemktn: Hastings, r. av-huelxke; Huntley, It. Sin nerman: Idajla. A. Renerman; Imperial, R. "J. Zimmerman; Ioveland, Colo., H. Wegner; North Irfiup, J. J. Meyer; Mt Francl. Kan., C. F. "k-hmldt; Hterllng, Colo., A. Kersten and J. Jochen; Wood ruff, Kan., W. P. Bancroft. Uncoln District J. Mierba her. Pre siding Elder; Archer. C Fuehrer; Burn ham, J. Barret; Clay Center. F. Becker; Harvard, W. C. Frey; Uncoln (Calvary). .1. A. Mark; Uncoln fSaleml, A. E. Hahfnrd: Maaon City, R. M. Reynold; Mllford. I. Kelpphy; Ft. Michael. E. II. 8ohl; Futton, W. Nneranberg; Swanton. E. Mehl; Western and Gladstone, C. O Wlchelt. It. A. Jochen. member of Gladstone quarterly conference. A. Branchle, member of Murdoch quar terly conference. F. Bachemeyar, member of Elmwood quarterly conference. ( Afternoon Gown )!AK TO HAVE TWO DAYLIGHTPARADES Board of Governor! Alio Working with Lobeck for Naval and Military Display. ELECTRICAL PARADE AS USUAL Appointment made at the Nebraska Conference of the Kvangellcal associa tion, which held Ita thlrty-eluht annual conference and business session at Ithica, Neb-, from March 23 to 24. aa follow: Fremont District It. Fohl. Presiding Elder: Atkinson. II. R. Knosp; Bearer Creasing, It. A. lTaegermeyer; Crefton. ART EXHIBIT WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY Chariitice Paintings Showing the Creative Genius of the Artists of the JTonnweit. OMAHA WOMEN PATRONESSES Pr MF.M.IF1CIA Marrli . In th. eihlbltlon to h. opened t the public tomorrow tnomlna; at the public library are plrturea from the art lata of Montana. North anil Bouth Dakota, Mln- "GROWING WITH OROWINO OMAHA" THE NEW HOME Of HAET 8CHAFFNER & MARX. li rascmatmg spring and All Exceptionally summer mouses Underpriced IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC MODELS Wo have gathered together hundreds and hun dreds of the best styles for Wednesday's selling, and if every woman who reads this advertisement does not stock up for spring and summer it certainly will not be because of any lack of opportunity to share and save. We have made wonderful purchases in the past few weeks, and as a result arc in a position to offer now the most stylish Blouses at the smallest prices you have paid this season. 100 Hand-Made LINGERIE BLOUSES Values to $7.50, at $3.98 Hand tucked and hand-embroidered models. Advance styles, low or high neck, long or three-quarter aleeve". Imagine- hand-made blouses at these prices. The labor alone would coat' that. ''. 50 Dressy Models, Values $10 to $15, at $5.50 Radium Taffeta Blouses, Lace Blouses, Georgette Crepe Blouses. Just this limited quantity, all hand sewed. ' ! About 300 Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, QTt Lace and Linen Blouses, values to $5, at. Dainty Georgette Crepe, Crepe dc Chine flfl and Striped Silk Blouses, $G.50 values. . .PJaVU New Organdie Blouses with large collar l QC and frill edee. Rnrpiallv nrWrl 4l.iiJ and frill edge. Specially priced Also 2,500 Crepe de Chine, Tub Silk and Jap Silk Blouses. Sale price Wednesday'.' All these Blouses , are absolutely the newest models and the newest colorings. Come early,' as these Blouses will not last long one day sale only. Sizes 34 to 44. The illustrations give a fair idea of the mod els, but cannot depict their wonderful charm. Second Floor, Center We Invite You to view our window play beginningThunday night at 7:39, and contin uing each night until April 6th. The Week of Wonderful Windows Important Announcement In Wednetdiy night's and Tbuidjr morning's papers wa aha,M detail remarkable Bala of Ladies' Hand Bago. Soma of the roont charming Bass hare ver bad to sell. In the Sixteenth street window wo havo mad a special display of thorn. Caramel Day Wednesday Our Home. Made Cream Caramels, vanilla, chocolate, maple, vanilla nut, chocolate nut and cocoanut. Special, per pound 19c It Will Pay Every Woman - To Keep Close Tab Upon TI1K OFFERINGS from this Curtain and Upholstery Department. 98c Curtain Htretchem, can be adjusted to fit any curtain. Special Roman btripe Window Shades. Twenty-five dozen, each Extra Heavy Ball End Curtain Rods, each 45c 10c Matting Covered Shirt Waist Boxes, baas wood, with bamboo trimmings. d0 C Special, each... 4)OoOvl Red Cedar Chests, our new spring: line is here. Beautiful assortments f 1 O tf at $10.00, $12.50 and 3JLO.OU We are showing hundreds of pieces of new Cretonnes, Quaker Nets, Scrims, Voiles, Marquisettes, Swisses, Madras and Drapery Goods. Now is the best time to make your selection. A Big Purchase of Bags and Suit Cases From Two Well Known New York Firms. IT IS EXTREMELY FORTUNATE at this time of tho year for us to be able to an-' nounee a sale of hundreds f Traveling Bags and Suit Cases at prices that are much less than they are worth. Mo6t everyone ia willing to pay full prices when spring and summer arrive here's a bona-fide chance to make big savings. Samuel Sherman, No. 3 Desbrosses street, and Weingarten & Geberer, 90 Grand street, both of New York city, have sold to us hundreds of high-grade Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. Black, brown and rs?t colors. AU sizes. Three big lots on sale here on Wednesday Valuet as High as $10.00 At $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 .at 9k iKa.teakt v : neaota. Nehraaka, Iowa and Wleconaln, chowlna; Into what flelda the rreatlr. enlua of the palntera of the rreat north west have been Impelled by the aplrlt of their aurroiirxitnc. The exhibit la typical It breathe of tho htatory and geography of tha land of Ita aiithnra e-reat atretrhea of flelda of corn, the thraeher and reaper at thelt work, villa and town arenea, gllmpsea of the aoclal life of the country. There waa a queation Juat before the Montana exhibit waa opened what would It ftlve? Would It be the commercialism of the atate. the great belching ameltera, perhapa titanic amoke atudlea of Butte'a aky and the awful flare of the Anaconda blaet furnacea by night. . Not a commercial acene from Montana it waa the Indiana, the mountain rangea, the wlldneaa and glory of the tat. that appealed to Ita palntera. They Italat Water, Tim. On. witty member of the exhibit com mittee haa called It the "Dry Exhibit," the outcome of a little Incident In the un packing room. Mra. Hallock Koae had taken canvaa after canvaa from Ita box. all Inland acenee at laat came a marine painting; and Mm. ftoae. who la of Maine blood, exclaimed. "Oh, how glad I am to aee water I waa ao thlraty.." "But, rommber thla la the exhibit of the northwestern artlata," Mra. AVard Burgesa reminded her. During the exhibit the hoateasea for each day will be: The first day, Mra. Halleck Rose; the second day, Mra. Ward Burgess: the tht-d day or Friday, March 31. Mrs. Charles W. Ruasell; Saturday. April 1. Mrs. W. H. Oarratt; Bundsy. April 2. Miss Kdlth Tobttt; Monday, April S, Mra. George B. Prlna; Tuesday. April 4, Mra. Ward Bur geaa; Wednesday, April 5, Mra. C. w". Russell; Thursday, April 4, Mra. Z. T. Undsey; Friday, April 7, Mrs. Halleck Rom; Saturday, April I, Mra. Warren Rogers; Sunday, April , Mr. K. I Burke: Monday, April 10; Mra. W. H. Oarratt; Tueaday, April 11, Mrs. peons B. Prlnx; Wednesday. April 12. Mra. Z. T. Undsey; Thuraday, April IS. Mra. Warren Rogera; Friday, April 14, Mra. C. W. Russell; Sat urday, April 15, Misa Kdlth Tobltt; Sun day, April IS. Mra. Halleck Koae; Monday, . . M ..... i Try Jp . v ; RoMTb. wWarfui "Sunday Moraing Eatk" Soap Meadow Brook For Spring sports and street wear it would be hard to improve on the Meadow Brook, a grace ful and practical lace boot of medium height, with welted sole and covered heel. The vamp and wave top are orna mented with a perfora ted design, otherwise the boot is severely plain. Shown- in white, iti light gray and ivory. Parcel Post Paid. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Spring's Mast Beautiful WALL PAPERS hav. bean chosen by ua with a thought of artuaJly plelatng thoM accustomed to th. finer tiom. en vironment. SAH IlEVnAIl ISO. raraaaa atrMi. raoae Domgla. . .X S I If ft I " 'Ah h-:, . lit . - ; By LA BAC05TBHE. An afternoon grown developed In navy blue and whit, striped taffeta. Tb. ar rangement of these materials Is particu larly Interesting, In that the bands that run croaawlae accentuate th. fullneaa of the aklrt, while the Inserted - pleatlnga with vertical stripes over th. hips coun teract, as it were, th. width of th. other effect. . The . striped taffeta introduoed In th. cape collar and cuffs affords con trast on th. plain navy taffeta bodice. April 17, Mra. Ward Burgee, and Tuea day, April 18, Mrs. E. 'u. Burke. Assisting Mrs. Rose tor row will be. Meadamea ' J. M. Alkln, . U Baker, - H. H. Baldrtge, J. M. Baldrlge, Joseph Barker. D. A. Baum, I. F.. Baxter. A. J. Beaton. C. R. Belden. W. B. T. Belt, O. H. Blcknell, . Misses X. E, Alexander, Carolyn Barkaiow, Meadamea C. W. Axtell, B. S. Baker. J. M. Banister. S. D. Barkaiow, Milton Barlow, Daniel Baum, W. F. Baxter, C. C. Belden, A. O. Beeaon, K. A. Benson, . Ward Burgeaa. Miasee . Beset. Allen, . M. (J., Baum. Zreiiler Concert Parties. The Frits Krelsler concert thla evening at th. Auditorium, tha last of th. aeries given under th. auspice, of th. Asso ciated Retailers of Omaha, la expected to bring out one of th. largest audience, of th. seaaon. Illnaa. and the number of box holders out of townv hav. made many change. In th. previously an nounced hosts and hostesses of th. even ing. On. of th. noticeable features to night ia how many of th. parties hav. planned to hav. supper at th. Fontenelle, following th. concert. Mra. Joaeph Baldrlge'. box will b. oc cupied by the George Bernhard Prlnaaa, th. O. C. Redlcks. Mra. Daniel Stapleton and Mr. Frank Hamilton. Mra. B. B. Davis will occupy her box with a party of deaconesaea from th. lmmanu.l hos pital. Mr. and Mra. Louis Nash will b. th. gueaU of Mir. and Mra. C J. Smyth and Mr. and and Mra. E. Buckingham in their box. Mra. T. U Kimball, juat back from a winter In California, will have In her box her guest and cousin. Miss Marlon Rogera. of Ung Beach, Cat.; Mr. and Mra. Lowrie Chllda. Miss Arabella Kim ball and Dr. Paul 11. Ludington. Mir. and Mrs. Thomas Qulnlan will hav. a family party with their three aona, Oerald, John and Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hoagland will have Mr. and Mra. Wul Hoagland, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoagland and Dr. and Mra. J. E. Summers. Omaha Boy Recovering. Mr. Arden Bucholx, who was operated on In Chicago last week for appendicitis. is making a remarkable recovery, ac cording to his physician. The patient was seised on the train with a very sever. stuck of appendicitis while making southern trip with his parents. Upon be ing rushed to Chicago, the operation waa rerformel and Mra. Bucholi remained In Chicago with her aon. Mr. Bucholi leavea thla evening for Chicago and ex pects to return Thursday morning with M-s. Fuchols and ArUen. Leave-Taking- Luncheon. ! Mrs. Jsmes P. Slater entertained twelve ( tests at luncheon at her nome yeater- day for Mrs. O. B. Akerly. who, with Mr. Akerly, will soon leave Omaha to live permanently in Creston, la. Congressman Lobeck is buey around, the army and navy head quarters In Washington trying to rd a naval exhibit for AK-Sar-Ben this fall, and trying to get the loan of some federal troops for oe or mora of the big daylight parades to be held during the fall festivities. The Rovernors wrote him about the mat ter, and he said he wouia do all In his power to get theso attractions for Ak-Sar-Ben. The anvprnnra at tlielr mptlni Mon day night decided definitely thro Fhai be two daylight parades. One is the bir historical parade to harmonise with tha celebration of the fiftieth nnnlversavy of Nebraska's adinlpMon to stnt'hnori, and the second ia not yet definitely de cided upon. The governors want to mike the second a manufacturers home prod--nid!. but the committee of thi - . t... tK',- tttpr under advisement has not jet decided upon the question. They will probably meet r..UMy lv lit ll the matter over. The third parade, of course, la to be tho big electrical pageant. None of the datca of the parades have aa yet been decided upon. A committee was appointed to make a decision on the photoplay or arenario contest. Scarcely over a half dosen soenarloa were submitted In the contest. The names of the committee of Judges are not given out, as It la not desired that the constestanta know who their judge, are until after the decision is made. 1 Miss Kate Ball is Scoring Triumphs in . Her School Work Miss Katherin. M. Ball, who will be' remembered aa the flrat supervisor . of drawing In the local schools, and who now director of art In the San Francisco public schools, ia winning a great deal of attention there through her efforts to develop artistic ability In Juveniles. The San Francisco Examiner give, much prominence to Misa Ball's system of art education, one of which Bruce lVrtar, eminent authority on art. declarea a marvelous on. in developing the child's innate originality and keeping it In vital contact with a real sense of beauty. Misa Ball gave a lecture before th. San Franciaco Art association last week,' In connection with which a demonstration of drawing by flrat grade children un der ber car., wa. given. Ten llttl. boys and girl, executed Illustration, to a folk lore story told by th. lecturer and pro duced ten drawing, of wonderfully varied Interest, betokening genuine artistic abil ity of no imu order.- Th. children drew th. picture, from Imagination after J hearing th. folk-lor. story told. Mis. Ball claim, this develops great' orig inality. "Art as tt la generally scheduled In eourae. of study in our schools ia not vocational but educational. It does not claim to produce artists, but to give a training designed to develop th. facul ties of observation. Imagination and graph!, expression," say. Miss Ball. Working on thla principle, sh. haa car ried out her own system of art educa Commercial Club Committee on New Pepot is Revise Th. special committee of th. Commer cial club to Investigate th. need of a. new union depot in Omaha haa been re viaed at th. request of Randall - K. Brown, chairman of th. executive com mittee. Th. revised committee will con sist of J. A. Sunderland, H. II. Baldrlge. C. M. WUhelm, George BraBdels ani Victor Rosewater. HOW TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF This Horn Made Hair Tonic Will Quickly IWniove Dandruff and 8toia Falling Hair. The following simple recipe, which you can mix at home or have put up at any drug atore at very little coat, will remove dandruff In a few 'nights. It does not color the hair and is perfectly hsrmleas: Water One-half Pint Bay Ram One Ounce Texola Compound One-Quarter Ounce Glycerine One-quarter Ounc. A half-pint la all y.u will need. Rub It well Into the scalp at night and after a few applicationa the dandruff and scalp eruptions will disappear and the hair mill atop falling out and be soft snd glossy. Advertisement. Today'i Events. The Franco-Belgian Relief worker, met with Mra Joseph Barker thla morn ing for luncheon and an all-day session. Th. work for th. French hospltala con tinues to be th. demand upon the society. Tb. Thimble club waa entertained t Its regular fortnightly . meeting this afternoon by Mrs. Isaaa Carpenter. Mrs. Douglas B. Welpton gav. a class tea this afternoon from J to I o'clock- at her borne. Social Gossip. Mlas Virginia Robinson of Beatrice Is the guest of Misa Either Smith. After Friday Misa Robinson will be th. guest over Sunday of Misa Thede Reed. Dr. and Mra. B B. Davia leave Satur day evening for New York City, wherj they will be Joined by their aon. Her tert, wha la a student at Cornell uni versity. Dr. and Mra. Davia will spend two weeka In New York with their son. Omahani at Excelsior Springs. New arrivala at The F.lma hotel. Kx celalor Springs. Mo., from Omaha are: Messrs. and Meedames F. J. Ulrss. E. M. Morsmsn. Jr. W. J. Connell. Mrs. Arthur Mets. Misses Misses Ola-a Metx. Morsman. Edna Birss. Personal Mention. Mlaa Julia Millener. sister of Dr. Mil lener, ia in the city for a visit of a few day a. en route to her home in Buffalo. I N. T.. after apending the winter on the Pacific coast. Mr. and -Mrs. R. E. Camr-bell of Lin coln are the guests of Mr-ab4 Mrs. Jo'm Campbell for the Frits Krelsler concert. Bb. Like, rkaaaberlala'a r.gk Re seed y. "I like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy better than any other for children becau-e H glvea th. quickest relief, and is ab-n th. only on. they will take willincly " writea Mra. Jamea Kern. Manchi'.j, , N. T. "It ia equally good for ol.I i r ' croup and la deaervlng of all t' e " I . i can aay xor n. i n--r . . . the lions for it Is Hva'-iiVc W- n needed." Oh'a'nnMe evciywh re. Ad. vertiseincnt. v . rf i i i (