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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1916)
i THE HKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916. GBNERAL PERSHING ADYMCESHIS BASE Headquarter of Expedition ii Bow at Front Tar to South of Cataa Grandei. Photographs Showing 'Activities of Troops W ith Pershing Hunting Mexican Bandits rr.ii 1 1 1 u i "i i inn am tne Deliet. ttur uou IP ill find the occasion most delightful, ice cordially invile you b this VILLA MAY STAXD AND FIQHT FIELD HEADQUARTEKB, AMERI ( AN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. j COLONIA DUB LAN, March t. (Dy Aeroplane to Columbus, N. M., I March 27.) General J. J. Pershing S ! mnoanced last night the wtabllah ! n.ont of a new bate In the nurault of Villa. The second bae la much marer the location where the ban dit la reported In precipitate retreat than the old bate at field headquarters. The hrarinuaiier. II In pre umed. will i be maintained an Important . link In the supply station sratein, the chain " of baa forming a strong military Una, readily defensible. resetting a dllence Into the Interior of Mexico, which considered remarkable, considering tha fart that the srmjr ha had la than two weeks to bridge deaena,. mountain and many tptlee of barren landa, wlth . out the benefit of any railroad com munication. 1 1 or iiea. mule and automobile hava dona the work and mcwn thua far ha been attained by the, ability Of the Amer ican ravalry to travel faat and far on llsht ration. accustoming themselves a they travel, not only to a eml-natlv diet, but also to difficult climatic con dition. Several cavalry organisation hv been out for oonalderably mora than a week after a s'art made on a little, beef. salt, coffee and rice or bean. Not a word of complaint h come back from the trooper. Tnwarn Make Weaderfel March. Not a sign ha been received at head quarter that they have anywhere fal tered. Report her give food raua for belief that thua far the American troop er have proven themselves the superiors In speed and endurance over tha famous Villa bandlta. Thar la, moreover, con fidence here that tha cnvslnr will con tinue It good work for at least two or three weeks, by which time It la poaal bt that new organisations can be thrown Into tb ease. Tha headquarter offloers are all the more proud of the cavalry's record because they besan the j most recent phase of the chase after one or the longest and hardest rides an Amer ican ravalry division has ever made. The men still In camp here express growing Impatience to mount and start southward Into the altitudes where they know the cold Is bitter and the ahelter on rampaicn duty la anything but com fortable. Kvldrnce that Psncho Villa Is pre par Inn to resist the American pursuing col umns and that the Meslcsn people are not as yet rallying to him, has been collected by officers and the scouts of ths American troop. The officers who vh'svs ridden over the various fronts now maintained In lh state of Guerrero, where Villa fled when the I'nited Bute expedition c roamed tha ttordcr, ' heve discovered numerous all nif cant Indication that Villa mtecal oulated completely when he forecast thst his Columbus raid, by drawing an army Into Mexico would cause a general up ruling as a I net Americans and especially one In hi favor. Villa Mevlagr thwart. The status of the ehaae today la that Villa la retiring continually southward trying hard to force recruits Into his ranks, hi men feeling the pinch of hun ger occasionally and hoping for an eerly arrival of summer to shield them against the cotd of the mountains, where they have retreated, somewhere south of Xemlqulpa, In central western Chi huahua, probably In the Guerrero die trict. The one question of overshadowing Im portance now being asked by the officers In the field Is: "Will Villa continue to prepare for realatanceT" It Is frank ly hoped that he will, for thst Is con sidered the best chance, barring a lucky capture through treachery of Villa's own men, of bringing the American ex pedition to an early successful conclusion. It VUla refuses to make any resistance at ell the men who have been ever the ground here, believe ' It may require months at the least to crush hlnv An officer who has been through many villages where Villa has passed within a week found that to ail appearance the bandit had failed to Inflame senti ment against the Americans. Eepeal of Iowa's Mulct Law Valid DAVENPORT, la,, March 17. -Judge M. F. Donegan. In the Boott county dis trict court, handed down today a de ( talon upholding the validity of the re peal of the lows, mulct law. The liquor Interests will now carry the case te the eupreme court of Iowa. Th law was attacked by three Dav enport saloon keepers, representing the Iowa Liquor Dealers' association. The decision of Judge Donegan grants a permanent Injunction against the men. TWO BABIES BURNED TO DEATH AT LAWTON, OKL I.AWTON. Okl.. March fi.-Mri. John iallow returned from the home of a rx'UIlor today to find her house la eshee and her two daughters, one an Infant, ased months, ana the other I years old. burned to death. Hew the fire started la not known. i i oiej vsi vsio Dee. Take laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets I'rugKlsts rehnd money If It fella te cur. C W. Urovs's signature ea each box. Sc. Advertisement. The National Capital Meati), Marrh ST, The Seaale. Met at noon. H. publluen conferred en Mexican alt trtate on Indian aDDroDrlatlon 1,111 a resumed. iirnHta army bill was reported a a suimiitute tur the houae bill. Kiuance coinintuee cuiitinued consider si iuu ut the tree sugar repeal. Tbe lleeae. M't at noon. 'iluary ami naval affairs ronimittees I '-' l.i ii on Mtionl defense. I ) oit the Imiiiia-raUon bill was finiiuuwl and a moitoii to strike out ths I !. Ira( aa 1fwt-4. i..irninll 4'oplry Ititrodueed a res- -. i.,r. for ail Invceiig-aUoa of tbe Ml j'.u.i pfc.r i:usiioa. . bi i VfofoJixJ supplies fk : N E 2b the front f t V sfr'ST' jyj" .... :":imculties cf artillery in 1 -u vv ''r.vy an c? deserts i ; ' .f " . .. -, . . . ! . .. ... . , ;. , ..y ' a. j'. rfiv; ,,. k4 ' , - -ti Q The IQ1- Infinity TTuchtnc BRITISH AIR RAID IS CALLED FAILURE Berlin Eeport Sayi Attempt to De troy Aviation Shedi Prao tically FmiUeii. ONE GE&MAN WAHSEIP MISSINQ LONDON, March S7. A German torpedo boat li mlastng since tha aea fighting which followed the British air raid on Saturday morning on German aviation shed, In northern Brhleiwlg-Holgtetn, according to an official German statement received her by wireless. The statement follow: ' "The English naval aeroplanes attack on tha north Frleaian coast failed com pletely. Two armed fishing steamers on outpost service fell victims to English vessels. Our navel aeroplanes attacked the tngllah naval fighting forces and auoceded in scoring a number of hits and In seriously damaging a torpedo boat destroyer. Of the naval fighting rorc which we sent Immediately, a new tor pedo boat came la touch with the retreat ing enemy during the night of March 31 and M. One of the torpedo boat baa not yet ' returned " Artillery right at Yereee. PARIS, starch TT There were no In fantry actions In the Verdun region laet night, thta afternoon official statement y- East of the Mouse the artillery action was violent along the Douamont- Vaux line. Te the weal of the river the night was relatively calm. The text of tbe statement follows: "In the Argonne there has been fight ing wiia minea which resulted to cir advantage at La rule Morte. There have also been engagements with bombs la the sector of Court Chauaeeea. 'West of the Mouse the night was relatively calm. East of the river there has been uninterrupted artillery firing along the Douaumont-Vaux front. "In the Woevre there ha been a fairly spirited bombardment, particularly In tha region of Mouisinvllle and Chatlllon, but no Infantry actlona "On the remainder of the front tha night wa quiet. Friends Booming Bartinofor Congress OA.COM A. g. V.. March t7.- Special. V Tbe Third congresloael district of South Dakota will wltneee a spirited race for the republican nomination for eongree this spring. A committee of fifteen of John Q. Bartlne's fellow town roan have Inaugurated a campaign for tbe purpose of boosting Bartlne Into the next con grees of the United State. Two years ago. whea running against a worthy op ponent like Judge Rice, be carried his home county by a vote of seven to one and some seven or eight neighboring oountle by es much as three to one. Pee Went Ads serve hundreds dally Goir sfiia3 tJirivrinf up VILLA IS FLEEING AT HIGH SPEED TO THE SIERRAS (Continued from Tags One.) quarters more closely advised of devel- opments. j Oeehoat Ordered e Taaaplee. WASHINGTON. March -..-The gun. boat Marietta has been ordered from Vera Cms to Tamploo to aid In pro tecting American Interests. Today's re port from Tampion ssld conditions were unchanged - with quiet prevailing, but that It was desired to have light draft navy vessels at that point which can go tip the river to the town. The bat tleshlp Kentucky, now off Tamploo. will proceed to Vera Crua. Americana In the Tamplco oil region are still apprehensive xnd the Mfcu-letta and Machlas will ro main at that port as long as there Is any alarm. There are some 2,000 Ameri cans In the vicinity. Navy advices from other points on both Msxlcan coasts reported quiet. At the War department the only an nouncement today was that fifty-four additional motor trucka asked for by Ueneral Funston had been ordered last night, as tbe factory which received the order waa able to ship Immediately, The proposal to pure ha eight addttonal aeroplane for use In Mexico and on the border still la under advisement. Oeneral Funston s message reporting American troope were prcsalng farther to the south In pursuit of Villa, reached the department today but no summary of Its contents was given out The m gives the exact location of tha troops now In Mexico, which the government does not wish to disclose. Published reports that atx American troopers had been wounded bad no verification In official dispatches, Bo far as the War department knows, not a shot ha been fired. Ten Trolley Cars Wrecked by Eioters WILKE8BARRB. Pa.. March I7.-Ten trolley cars Were wrecked, many heads were battered In fights with the police, six strike breakers were seriously Injured and a succession of participants and onlookers received minor Injuries in a series of riots yesterday In Wilkesbsrrw and the Wyoming valley on the lines of the Wllkeabarre company. Several ar rests were made. The strike has been In progress five months. British Camp is Hit by Lightning BEKUM, March 17 (Wireless to Say ville Conatentlnope has received re ports from the Irak front (Mesopotamia te the effect that during a heavy storm the principal British camp at Bedreah was struck by lightning, ssys an Over- eas New Agency dispatch given out to day. Kxtsnslva damage was dona to the camp according te the advices. The num ber of victims is not yet known. entrenchments Entente Allies Hold an Important Conference at Paris PARIS, March ST. Tha conference of the entente allies the moat important since the outbreak of the war-began this morning In ths great salon of ths ministry of foreign affaire, where many other hlatorlo meetings of diplomatists have taken place. No previous meeting there, however, has been of such grave Impart or has been attended by such a representation of world figure In war and diplomacy. The subject of the first sitting Is the military situation. That is all which may be aald definitely, but it I probable that Oeneral Joffre, Earl Kitchener, Oeneral Sir Douglas Ilalg, Lieutenant Oenerai Count Cadorna. Oeneral Caetelnau and Oeneral Roques, the new Trench war minister, addressed the conference. The entire company took lunch at the ministry at noon. Ths afternoon session will be devoted to consideration of the economic reeourcea of tha alliea. CONSTANT PAIN IN BACK FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE I wish to tell you of my condition of about four yeara ago. I waa afflicted with kidney and bladder troubles and had a constant pain In my back all the time for about two or three months. I did not have any appetite and oould not rest at night and I was hardly able to do my house work. I saw Dr. Kilmer's ad vertisement and decided to give Swamp Root a trial; after taking four bottles of Swamp-Root I was restored to health and have not been afflicted since. I will cheerfully recommend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to others afflicted with kid ney and bladder troubles. Tours truly, SARAH PRATER. K E. th St. CoffeyvtU. Kens. Dtate of Kansas. J- Montgomery County, Be it remembered, that on this lTth day of April. Ult. before me, W. a. Bowman, a Notary Publlo, in and for aald County and State, came Sarah Prayer, who is anown te me to be the same person who executed the within statement, and such person duly acknowledged the execution of tbe a me to be her free and voluntary act and deed. In testimony whereof. I have hereun to set my hand and affixed xny Notarial Seal the day and year ft ret above writ- ten. W. a. BOWMAN Notary Public. Xte te tr. atUaae ft Co-. sMagbaamtoa. ST. If. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Dt for Tea Send ten cents te Dr. Kilmer Ce, Blnghamton. N. T., for a sample else bottle. It will ceavtnoe anyone. Tee will ale receive a booklet ef valuable In formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men Uon the Omaha Dally Bee, Raguaxr fifty-cent and one-dollar also bottle tor ale at all drug store. Lenten Restrictions Do Not Include Dairy Products During Ient you mar use freely of MILK and MTLK PRODUCTS. Milk constitute one of the most lni portsnt food articles, both from a .nutrive and pe cuniary standpoint. The cost of various other food" eqiiaJIn nutrive value to one quart of laTXiK AT S OUTI are as follows: Pork loin Beef Chuck Mutton Leg Catfish . I. la ,.14.c ..1S.4J. , .ll.4o We are prepsrsd to supply you with all the wholesome, absolutely safe, psnteurlxed Milk. Butter. Pimento Cheess, Ker-Mil-Lac and Buttermilk you may want. , ASK YOUR DOCTOR-HE KNOWS ' . Order from the drivere or phone. ALAMITO r --j.- -T"-- : -z r" i! m i la i was1-, c 1 5 li23a ' " i ; J, : I Don't Imitate Be individualistic and hew out a way for your self regardless of what others have done. Of course this means work, but then, you don't mind work when it makes you coin. Want-ads will help you get to the front quickly, making you independent and satisfied. You get quick and certain results from Bee want-ads whether buyer or seller, renter or owner, borrower or lender, producer or consumer, employer or employe. imiEMEXTI. "Don't Lie to Yonr Wife" MIXIATURE MUSICAL COMEDY. J. Helphanj Clothing Co. Will KELP Yea SaveMsnsy 314-316 North 16th St. Tcrpln's! of Danclni Twenty-eighth Farnam. sTew CI assies. List your nam now. Frtvat leeaons any lima MAavaraT six I TODAY 11 TO 111 Sprincf Opening iqib lime ire shall offer the seasons new styles in millinery suits, frocks, goums, blouses, coats, sports coats and sports suits, as iDelt as the accessories of dress, inter preting the nen? jnions in a urn) which tue arc quite sure xdtII receiue the approval of our discriminating clientele ,...23.7o A 28.0U T ....8.c , I .-..-0 V ' I Sirloin Steak ... Htaltbut tat 20c) Dried Beef Oysters "The Milk-White' Dairy Douglas 409 i -e. r 1 ?i1 . ; wjl-ei- AUl'lKMENTI, mm Tauaiy, WirfaMdiy, Thursday WH. m. KAJtT, la HELL'S HINGES TK fet.T.rae, la WIFE AND AUTO TROUBLE Opem 11 te 11. scaaamoth Pipe Orgs. PJIOD TODAY AND ttlrir WEDNESDAY BAJTXXI. rmOKXAJT Preeeat John Darrymore In "The Lost Dridegroom " IJSSSE.VINQ THE 008T. Complaint I often made that life In surance costs too much. Many time tha one who raise the queMion are very, very slow In signing sn appllestlon. They put the agent off from time to time and do not treat with any degree of serious ness his attempt to ezplsin a policy or to discuss ths present need of Insurance. One way to lessen the cost of Insurance would be to save this reckless waste of the time of the prospect and the agent. Why force an agent to call from three to five, or a doxen times, before granting him a genuine interview Why delay fac ing and deciding a question the wife end children are no vitally Interested In? Why neglect providing for your own old age until some forceful agent has Induced you against your protest, silent or expressed, to sign the application? TheMidwestLife N.Z.BNELL, PtIBlT A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY sninw hoi-r una? Arms un nrsuxuci om mtt NATlOHAt BANK BLUEING, LINCOLN. OMAHA AgffNCV CITV NATIONAL BAN K BlUILDINgi CIKIRal sCKNTSl GIORei OROOKIIU A.riUNiy AND .AKIMCIalllH AMURMKltTI, BRAriDEIS Tow and Wed., Wed. Matinee, Omaha's Favorite Play, "The Bird of Paradise" HEAR Th-g1Mn"tIA"- SEE The Vofcne scene Evenings, 8 So to tl.60; Mat., B8o to fl. Teat Prldsy and Saturday, Bat. Matinee CUILZI rmOXKAsT Pressnts S K lN N fa aus latest CAeL ' TU. i Comedy nooesa lldin. vags Boo to aa.OOi scat S6o to 1.M. aoaa Dong. TUB BEST Or VAUDBVIIJ-g. rlly Matliwt. IS Wrenr Klsht. t It. Other Ana Thla Werk WATSON BlelTKKa. auyo T.lljt. j m Ton a Abb HELEN E LACK AYE ROCK A WHITE Nenuu. Billf Bouncer, KurUa' Bdur&ted Roaet era, Orphwjm TrTBl Weekly. PRH'Ek-,MallnM CIlBrr, UM. Beat aaata (ricept 8aturU)r ml Bua yl, 5a. Nllhla. lSn. tor and 70. OflVn TONIGHT-AII Week. VafW I law Mats, Temerrew and let. EVA LANG supported by COWARD LYNCH In "Jerry" Tha riak lajama OirL Irios, tScSOo. arsxt Week i "OUTOa tt.n "okahai nrar oanaa. tCri t tTTJt aUy acata, i-aawacr---fir aivea'gs, lOwao-o.70e THOFB TWO DANCINQ DEMONS. GEORGE STONE & ETTA PILLARD SOCIAL MAIDS BrtllUnt. Tanefal Meniaieat of tke Mla1eat OraSe hmme Caat Tb ( New York a Chlcaao IVadiea' Dime Matinee Week Days. TONITE 80 NORTH BROS. DAVID HARUM" Where The Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FARNAM THEATER CAMERAPnOXE CEM LOVAL PASTIME LYIUO MAQIC HANSOOM IVY PALACE DI.AMOXD BIRT ALIO OMAHA BEXSOX FIX)nEXCT ew - 'w ..MA M J j