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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1916)
THE I IKK: OMAHA. TCESOAW MAIU'II 28, lDKi. 11 FOR RENT-ROOMS Famishes) Roaai, See im fur illrM room. OMAHA KOOMHNa HOUSE ASS'N, m Hamge Rlk. (18 A- liar.) Dom, .74"- fe PARK AVE-Urn south room moi- e rn. Prly a tf family. Harne y 1-. BEAUTIFUL front room; suitable for 1 ladies or t gentlemen.19IlCnaa. NICELY furnished room. close In; all modern. 63l B, M St. l5-x--73lLA St.. 2ii. sleeping room, tits close In. modern. fin S. f H sTStrictly first-class room. Harney lfif. HiwkHll Room-a. OrOE out.-lde, 1 and l-room furnished Apt., for housekeeping. UW to $7 per week. Lincoln Apt. 2103 Chicago St. Tyler MOT. f SUITES of housekeeping room left In new epanmem io uBmmrB wulm-, electrlo light and hot water heat. Har- . r;ii ney tiv. 1,1 0 HT housekeeping rooms, single or Jsokson. mmn HniylW. 2 LIGHT housekeeping room. 2T.ll Ieav- 1 1 11 g IMP '. g""jnTH, Soi housekeeping room, partly nmiahi4 modern. Tvler w ......I., our T-ROOM apartment, neatly furnished. 4.V0 week. Walnut CHOICE front modern housekeeping roomi. N. mn. Kea. 7mu, Board anil Rwimii NICE, newly furnlshetT connecting suite of front roomi suitable for couple; will serve board. Call Webster 7172. I'ltnnlikrd Roosn a. 4 ROOMS and bath. 2115 Emmet Rooms Wnitf. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about ths FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that la helping many peopia rani meir rooms. HOTELS H6f EL SANPOPCi HOTEL HARLKT. 19th and Parnam. 20th and firnia epeclal Rates to Permsnsnt Quests. SAVOY HOTEL, lath and Jackson 6ls. Clean, modern, comfortable rooins at mode ra te price. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment mnA Houses Apartmeitt. .-ROOM and bath, furnished apt. In the Maewood. very choice, 136 and $39.60. T. . U ... a . T i rw 1T9 2810 DEW EY Ava.. 3-room furnished apt. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. 2S JACKSON ST. T room, atrictly modern, oak floors and finish, (rood, close-in location, excellent condition. A RM ST RONO-WALSH CO.. Keeline Bid it, Tyler 1638. 114 No. 36th. brick, 12-r.. WO. 2135 So. 81st, modern, 8-r., $35. 2n. Douglas, modern, rooms, $32. 3 Bo. 41at. modem, 7-r.. $. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 854. 248 DO DOE, 8-room modern house, first class condition, very cheap rent, $?7.(V0. Vacant April 1. Occupants will show house, W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Wsbeter 4875. FOR RENT A strictly modern nine-room cottage, bungalow style, at 404 North iNth street. For terms see H. Fischer, 401 City National Bank Bid-., or call Douglas 1908. $.'.20 LlNCOIJ BLVD. U-room boUM, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price 00. Douglas 181 ttdL'SEfi AKffl COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r., 1812 Urand Ave 814.00 6-r.. 6351 N. SOth Ht . U.00 6-r.. 71 Hickory St 16.00 -r., 7l Hickory St 18.00 8-r.. 4218 Center St. (S acres fTOUnd. ' all fenced); barn 86x80- chioken house and other outbuildings..,. M.OQ 8-r.. .101 S. 25th Are UM MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 1-r.. 801 Martha St flt.f 8-r.. 8 Martha St 18. M 8-r., tU N. 17th St. 10.00 8-r., SM4 Chsj-les St. M.00 8-r., 22.12 So. 6th St 1W 7- r.. 28L N. 27th St - 1&-0 STRICTLY MODERN, t-r., 4M7 Franklin Ft .830.00 8- r., 4114 No. 17th St 28.00 8-r., Kl No. JOth St 26.00 -r., ! Bo. th St 26.00 6-r., am Corby St (M)..nn...... 27.60 6-r.. 4646 No. 40th St . 20.00 6- r., tm Lake St. 86.00 7- r.. 63 So. JOth Bt 26.00 7- r. 1018 So. Mth 8t cIoss In) 87.80 8- r.. 414 N. 81st fit ft"- 15 00 t-r.. Sm Dswsy Ave. (closo In).... .M FLATS TAR tTLY MODETRW. 6-r., 218 Reese St. (2d floor) .113 09 s-r. E14 N. 24th St........;.... 11.60 STRICTLY MODERN. B-r.. m So. SOth St 23.00 7-r.. 1301 So. 28th St. 27.60 7-r.. 13ns So. 28th St ,.. 88.00 ri JLA J.B.U AfAATHN7. 8-r.; 2918 Fa mam Rt....ta.0 and ISSO THE LEONE, 24TH AND liASON. t-r. t-.NHoT0 - WT.W 24TH A MASON 6T& 2- r. Apt. No. 6 118.00 and If N 3- r. Apt., No. 12 Lo.HO and i.00 I-r., Apt. No. 2 8)7.60 i-r.. Apt, No. 1 232 60 and tn.fc THE FLORENTINE!. 25TH MASON 8T8. 3-r., Apt No. 20 S27A0 and 282.60 4-r., Apt No. 10 (furnished) IJo.OO CLYDE". 1808 Ohio. 4-r. Apt, No. 1 118.00 and tX.oo !7? havo others. Ses our complete "st before renting. PORTER & SnOTWELL, offices with AMERICAN 8ECURITY CO., 'or. 17th A Douglas Bt. Douy. BOIt.e 6-ROOM DESIRABLE COTTAGE H. E. corner 24lh and Capitol Ave. Fine neighborhood, close In. Wall kept up. part modern. 118 to desirable small family. Ready now. Inqulreflat east. THREE 6-room cottages, corner 33d and Franklin at 214 each. W. H. GATES. C47 Omaha Nst kHldg; D. 14. I ll GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, la b-R&OM modern house, 15lsN. 40th. Phone oath. FOUR-room cottage, garden and chick, en privilege. 1914 Bancroft. tU Prk Ave. 7-r. modern brick. H. 6870. i'OljORED 8 rooms. U B. 24th. rear. I1L Douglas ltlt. Ml FOR RENT. For R. R. man. 13U2 8. tth St.; new plumbing and electric light; 130 per mo. 4-noom flat, modern. 811 N. Mth St, I per month. Nice storeroom, 37th and Cuming Sts., ili per month. J. B. ROBINSON. Ml Bee Bldg. Doug. 8007. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY. 4-r.. downtown, colored; 111 Also a ' . J (llk bungalow) and ACRB i HOUND, $6 and 17. Also 6-r., Call, ornla bungalow and acre. 14. Tat . 2107. Evenings. WaL 3687. CREIGH. SONS CO 80S BEE R1.DQ. DOUG. 20. OOU1La-4 rooms, mud'-rn. TIT rQR RENT AP'TS AWD FLATS COM PUiTELlST Of Heated Apartments Flats, and Houses PAYNE & SLATER CO., OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN. 418 Omaha Nat. Bid. . .F. steam-heated apartment, either 4 in S rooms, on West r'arnim street W. ROBBING KARNAM JT. '. iiDKRN 8-ro-im xpartmeul. Iiirluding sleeping porch. Wi.ll located. Harney LAiflK j'Kht basement on N. WilKht Lasoury. D. U- 14th St. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FUTS Tor4kj. 4 LARvjE rooms, all modorn, hest.l. newly decorated; summer rste, IIS. 18th and Maple. Tel. Red 1S.H1. 614 Paxton block. FIVK-KUO.M ateam bested apartment, very dslrsblr; the Chula Vls'a. fi and Poppleton Ave., 4i. M. 81 Bran dels Theater Hlds. lot;. 1671. Soatk. 4-ROOM strictly modern flat; best neUh- bornooi. Ian p. Kith Ave. Tyler - !. MIseeMaaeoae. MONTH FREE RENT CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 2r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat; good neighborhood: fit. M). JK. BUCK. Ill Omnlii Nil- DSt!. MOIiKRN, steam-heatel npartment. near P. O.; 118 upwards. t. P. Ptebblns. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores moves, packs, shins; t-hors van and 2 men, 11.26 per hour; storage, U per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. bonylss 4.TSS snd Tyler 2S0. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate, locked rooms, for household goons and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. SM 8. lth Si. iMiuslas 41R. GORDON VAN 00. Packing, storage and mov. Inc. 21 N. 11th ft. Phone Douglas tH o. Harney 137. MOVING AND STORAGE. PACKING. 8HIPPINO AND FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A SPhX'IALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. Douglas 77 H6. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co., moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglas 1496. FIDELITY iVTAL, FREE Phone Douglas 2&8 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving lth and Jackson Sts. iTRFPH Express" Co. Moving." . j. LXEjUjU packlng ,n( storage. 1207 Farnam Bt. 1'ounlas 8144. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Parking, storage. 18 Cap. Ave. Tyler 1200. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'TY ac STOREROOM 8. Three dandy fins storerooms at 24th and Leavenworth; one of the beat loca tions la rtty; rent very reasonable. Calkins & Co., Douglas 1812. City Nat. Bank Bldg. BRAND new up-to-date storeroom on Capitol Ave., Just off 16th street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures In hardwood floors, plate glass win dows. To be ready April 1. Cackley Bros, FOR RENT First-class business room, opposite depot; fine location, Creston, is. Address Box 72. Creston. UESK RotfM cheap. ii Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1N78. STORE ROJMI3 at 1S09-1811 Farnsm rtt Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. STORE, modern, low rent, near post- offlce. G. P. Ptebblns, MS10 Chlcsgo. STORE building, living rooms In rear. 20u4 N 20th. Douglas isu. Offl ad Desk Hnent, SMALL office and apartment: low rent; FOR RENT SUBURBAN t ACRES blocks from Council Bluffs Oraaha oar line; l-room house; will rent cheap if taken at once. THOS. U M' GARRY, 43 Keeline Bldg. Red. 4344. sjssjBJaaa-c:ZsBagBUgcrgfsggXaBs WANTED TO RENT Fain la bed Houses sd Flats. r: Want to Rent ' Furnished Apartment within reasonable walking distance) to irarnatn scnool, sou ana faniam; man, wife and 11-year-old daughter. Can use for six weeks and possibly longer. Want something good. Phone Harney 2627. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wmi, $4,650 Near 42d and Dodge fks., well built strictly mod.; large living room across the front, with fireplace; big dining room, large kitchen, pantries, etc., on first floor, hardwood finish and floors; three very big bedrooms, finished in white enamel, bath, on second floor; mahogany doors: fine hardware cut glass knobs. GREAT BIG BARGAIN. D. V. SIIOLES CO., IHH-16 City Nat Bank Bldg: Doug. 4. FIELD CLUB, $3,750 Six-room, all modern home at the N. W. corner of 20th and Maroy, Just one block from the Leavenworth oar line. This is a reduced price for quick sale and very easy terms can be arranged, po not ask the tenant to show house, but see us. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 2962. 919-20 City National. $7,000 "West Farnam Home On S2d Ave., near Dodge St., lot 80x138 ft., oholos location; never offered for sals before: 8 rooms and all modern; large shade trees; can you beat It for price and location T George & Ob., Phone P. 758. 202 City Nat Bank Bldg. OWNER WANTS OFFER. This beautiful 10-room pressed brick residence, near 28th end California; strictly modern In every way; hot water heat; lot 50x180; hotise 2 years old. This property cost over 116,000 to build. Will consider any reasonable offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. P. 1781. o NEW bungalow of five beautiful rooms at 20th and Dewey Ave., at a bargain. Call Tyler 151 any day or evening. Small payment down. WILL BUILD HOMES on Easy Terms In Benson or Omaha. TEL, BENSON 22. W. L. SELBY A BONS, INSURANCE. REAL EHTATE. Firs and General Insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-11 City Na tion 1 Bank Bldg. Douglas 8V)1. North. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; large fot; fine shrubbery and fruit treea. Pries 22.330. Located 4107 North 29th St Norris & Norris, OP Pee Bldg. r!l?n''J2,u''la"J7: A BUNGALOW home of 8 rooms, oak finish, oak floors throughout; has a number of special features; furnace beat, high grade lighting fixtures; cemented basement; only a quarter block to car; one block south of Millar Park. Price. K.ltio; 14 0 cash, balance 827. M per month. RASP BROS. 10 McCagus Bldg. Douglas MM. prairie park District, ztij Ames Ave.; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; full two-siory, south front, beau tiful shade and hedge, wide street; lot 40x130; t"U0 cash and 230 monthly. In cluding interest. Keys at my residence. B. J. Jtcannell. 2702 Eowlrr A vs. Phoue Colfax fll or Douglas 8WI: BUY FROM OWNER BELOW COST Five rooms and bath, entirely modern cottage, excellent condition, sioim sash, shadt. etc. ('lose to car and school. AN 111 rent for tU f tr month. Can b bought on easy ttnns. Hce owner at 2 Corby Kt, after 8 p. in. N'KW 7-rHiiii home, Kratfe: cathedral, iiemls district. fce owner. Make commissi n. Ilai iiey 4 i -2. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED orh. GREAT BARGAIN Well eouli'ped modem cottag". full ce ment baeeiiu'nt, beautiful yard Spe cial inducements for cash, as owner Is leaving city Tel. Webwer Hp?. OS AMfcS AVE.," clone to linmanueihos pltal and Monmouth Park school; elttht rooms; almoat new; all modern; 2 lieil rooms and bath up, 6 rooms and bath downstairs. Will sacrifice for 23V. Terms Call IVmglaa M'2 today. CHOICE Improved acreage, snap. 4 acres an in iruu, nraring. 1 mile north or Florence on paved road. -room house, barn. tr.cm0. R. H. LANPERTOr, Tel.T r7e. 20.' NvllleRJooh: 8PEi'IAL BA ItUAlN. t-room cottage, toilet, gas, water, RA ft. lot. I..Vi; terms, t.0 cash or Ford car for eouitv. 8 P. ROSTWt'-.X. 300 BEE BLDG. South. Ilonscom Park Corner One block east of H&nwom park, fronting east and south. Good little cottage, now renting for 180 per year, and room to build two or three flats or a bungalow without Interfering with It. Price 12,100. J. II. Dumont & Co., 410-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doiig. OHO. CHOICEST PART FIELD CLUB Beautiful ton k finish, matt brick fire place; the decorations, electric fixtures, plumbing and in all details the very best built for s homo. Large light rooms, splendidly arranged, all built-in effects. You should see this. OSBORNE, 701 OMAHA NATL DANK. D. 1474 FIELD CLl'I) BUNO"A"LOV. Just listed a 6-room strictly modern bungalow In the Field club district. This Is an exceptionally fine place, built of slld stone, modern, on paved street. Owner leaving city; will sacrifice this place on easv terms. PAYNE I N VEHTMIEN'T COMPANY. S" h Fl. Omaha Nat. Ilk. Bldg I. 1781. A SNAP t-room house, electric lights, gas, bath and furnace; permanent side walks, nald; l.'i minutes' walk of mth and Harney Sts. No. 814 8. ?7th St.. near leavenworth St. Harney 1646. Rob- ert Robertson. FIELD CLUB! new home, 7 beautiful rooms. Nothing finer In equipment or finish. Will sell to responsible party on easy terms, or will consider ex change at actual value, for cottage or vacant lot. 2i,2fi0. Call Tyler 9)1. SIX South Omnha lots. 1150 each; 110 down, 85 month: hi pr cent; same lots originally cost 3W and worth 300 now. AVI LL1 A M COLFAX. M I scrj in m eo u a. t-KOOM HAKOAIN NEW. H-HOOM. U ETORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A RNAP AT 21.400: REASON A RLE PAYMENT. BENSON A CAR MICHAEL. POUOI.AH 17W. Ml I'AXTON RLK. SAFETY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAF FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE, SEE O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 834 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1034, MISTER (T)LOREI) MAN Why pay rent when you can buy this R-room strictly modern house, furnace heat, paved street, paving all paid for, good sized lot, on easy terms T 2?50 down, balance like rent Price 22,600, yee us at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 17S1. o 8-R. OLD HOUSE) LOT 44x133 fl.jnO; 2200 cash, balance monthly, on paved street; good location; snap. H. A. WOLF 614 Wars Block. Douglas 8088. SEVEN rooms, hot water heat, splendid shape, paved street, excellent nelKhbor hood. Best reasons for selling, 22,900, taoo down. Call evcnln gs. Colfnx 4071. fcsl4 8. UTH 6-room, nearly new, strictly modern house, lot 68x140; would divide. Berks & Musll. Douglas 6S67. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. 2,4 ACRES, close to ear; easy terms. Myrtle Deuel. Colfax 1062. after 10 a, m. North. Come Out to Minne Lusa You will find the best Iota offered In Ing on there. end see the wonderful development go Omaha at 2560 tn IsOO. Hewer mains, water mains, walks, grading and seed ing all paid for. Easy terms, CHARLES W. MARTIN St CO., Owners. loath. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. Have IS first choice lots In Leaven worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Doug. . ?91. Carl K. Bolen. 814 Paxton Bldg, FINE lots, Bancroft and 6th, walking dls tance; only tifcO; easy terms. Colfax 752. RICHARD EVERETT, ARCHITECT. .101 No. 16th Bt. Phone Douglas 1009. ' Miscellaneous. Boulevard Lot East Front $100 Down, $10 Per Month Choice lot, 40125; only two blocks to car; 20 minutes downtown; has water; 2700. Ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St (Our new telephone No. Tyler 60.) GARl)2N"LOfi ' 1100 TO 2200. 21 DOWN. 80 CENTS PER WEEK. Buy one, two, three or four of them. They are located on the South Ride, near good car line. Make your garden and start your little cottage at once. SHULER CARV. Phone Doug. 4m 4 Keeline Bldg. PHONE Patterson, Doug. 2.47. f orlist of lota, yK and up. ADVERTISE your property ss though you believed its sals or rental to be Important, by keeping It listed In the Big House. Home and BVal Estate Guide THE BEE REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS 18th and Leavenworth Northeast Corner Two brick flats and one frame house Brings In gJ.4U a year. Property Is now all rented and In first-class condi tion. This is a good Investment, has good speculative features. Reasonable cash payment snd the balance to suit ins purcnaaer. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Omh NH BankBldgjrsipoiia4(: REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Basse) a. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! 110.00 down snd IUi.uu per month: pries I:' WOO, slse, toxl.; located on Locust ht- between Clark and Burnbam; not far from school and car line. Geo. ii. Wright Bee office. Omaha. Heath gidr. THREE ACRES. GOOD HOUSE. South of South Omaha; lota of fruit, modern house, fins suburbkn piaca, no Incumbrance; will eaiubuuge for city residence. Value I4,0i. W. T. GRAHAJkl. Bco. tldg. 1 udea. NEW two-story brick and stucco home of 8 rooms and sleeping porch: with built-in buffet, flrepi&is, bookcases, kit chen cabinets and oilier features; oak floors throughout: oak finish downstair whits enamel upstairs. Owner Walnut 1141. DUNDKJC. Corner 49th snd Ixard. graded, side walk, city water, sewer, corner, ij.o: Inside lots 2X to IViO GEORGE O. WALLACE. 614 Keeline. BEAUTIFUL hrl' k mid stucco homes I elistf bu.'lt In Eianftt'iii. south of Dodge bt., in Dundee, il. 11. Harper A Co. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Danriee. F'l'NDEE bungalow of six rooms anii Sleeping porch, almost new; hot water heat; occupied by otetier; Jot toxlStk Phone Walnut 3071 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES COTTAGE ASlTcASif. Will exchange good cottage, f rooms, full lot. nice yard, value t2.2c-0, snd pay snme rash for a home of 7 rooms In gooil location W T. GRAHAM. HER BLPG. 4fltH""ANP BURT TRADE. A modern house, room, near cathe dral, t.'.Oi, and will pay cash or assume difference on a double brick bld W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. GREAT HIG BARGAIN. ISO acres farm land right close to town. Price 13. M0. or will exchange for new bouse or bungalow In Omaha. Ad dles O t. Bee What fi Ave you or do you want? fee us first. We may have Just what yoti want. We sell or trade everything js.nywb.ere. C.J. Smith. Tyler lffl. TRADES. TRADES TRADES. Farms and Omaha property for ex change. J A.RTT Pat torsonBlk . . Omnha. HAVE good cheap lots to exchange for house painting, violin or "cello. H. L. Hawver. 3JC4 Grand .Ave. Phone Col- fax 7r.;. SIX houss and farri to exchange Neb. farm. Toland Trumhnll. Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange anything you have tu offer. C. J. Canan. McCasue Bldg. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPTY 6 FEET. fth St.. 2 blks. from vla.lurt sti.wa McCague Inv. Co.. McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTEI To bur on monthly payments email en ire room, with living rooms shove, la Central school district Phone Red '.854 - FINANCIAL Real Ratals, Loans. Mnrfvsgfi, WE are ready at all ttmea to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED 8TATE8 TRUST CO.. 212 South 17th St. 5 TO t for loans on best class city residences In amounts 12.000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable rommlaalons. PETERS TRUST CO.. la Farnam St NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BE F.B LDG. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort- gages. Kloke Inv, Co., Omaha. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO,. 1016 Omaha Nat Phone Douglas 2715. MONEY TO LOAN, ror 6 years, on Improved properties. BHOPKN CO.. Doug. 4248. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. 246 Omaha Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. $100 TO tlo.000 made promptly. F. P. Wead, Wead Bldg.. lKth and Farnam Sts. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas. :H Slate Bunk Bldg. U CITY LOANS, C. G. Carrberg. 118- w 12 Brandels Theater mag, CITY and farm loans, 6. per cent J. H. Dumont 4V Co., 416 Keeline B dg. 5 Um.'IV ItlRRlnilN MORTON. O fiia ntnshsi Nnt. Rank Bids. Storks and Donne. SAFETY and 7 vn GUARANTEED 1 1 ON . HOMO BUILDERS' Praferred Shares plus Builders' FToflts snd Mortgage Security. Our No. B "New Way" tells all about . It, Ask for It. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Fiscal Agents. B. W. Cor. 17th A Douglas Sts.. Omaha. HAVE two 11,000 mortgages diawlng'f per cent Interest; secured on Tennessee land; due In 1 and 4 years; will trade tor good automobile, or what have you? Address C lf. Omaha Bee. fjO.000 MORTGAGE! bearing 8 per cent semi annual; secured ov property val ued 2182,160. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. Q. W. Bldg. Abstracts of Title. rjnornntrwi Ab"trct Co- w cn hrlng UUaraillOell)wn our abstract on Short notice. R. 7, Patterson Hldg. D. 2J47. 1)1? Title Guarantee ana Abstract lyr-iAVi Co- a modern abstract office. 808 B. 171 h Pt Tel. D. 84X7. REED ABSTRACT Co., oldest sbstract office In Nebraska. 208 Brandels Thes, REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE I ACRE, large two-room imuse, barn chicken house snd other Improvements; owner leaving city; goes st a sacrifice for 81)00. 4 1-6 acres. Improved, price, 82.000. 10 acres well improved, one mils from south city limits. t sores unimproved near oar line, 2G60. acres, three blocks from car line and good road. tl.MO. I havs a number of other acreage tracts south and west of the city to select from. J. H. Kopletg, 473 South Stth St., so. sine, oniaha. TRACKAGE Fine site on B. A M7K.X 164; can be bought at a bargain. C. A. Urlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS C'olornUo Lauds. A GOOD farm of I0 acles! located In the Platta valley, near lulesburg. Colo. This farm Is all Irrigated; a fine proposition for sugar beets and fall and spring wheat. Will sell or trade for farm In Iowa, Nebraska or rood land In South Dnkota. Address Y Hi. Bee. luwa Lands. 4HD-A. Iowa improved farm! Price U0 per acre. Will take part In Income property, and carry balance on land. W'. K. CRAIG, 1817 City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Missrists Lands. 840 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one half under cultivation, balance uss for pasture snd hay; can practically all be cutlvated: good soil, good set of buildings; this laud will produce a) bushels of corn per acre; country Is thlctly settled; complete set of ma chinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balanca 1 snd 2-year-olds; 4 good horses, 26 hogs, chickens snd everything on the farm goes at fit per acre. One-half cash. Immediate pos session can be had. SCHWAB BROS., HJifli Plymouth Bldg . Minneapolis, Minn. Mlssoart Lands. 1)-A('HK FARM In Dent Co.. Missouri, 1 mils to village. 12 miles to Salem; highly Improved: good barn and silo; good buildings; 110 acre In cultivation and meadow; win ter wheat -goes with place If sold lit once; some fine timber; good orchard. Piles 130 per acre. W. 8. FRANK, 2l Neville Block.Omaha. GRE"AT BARGAINS 8t down. 15 monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern .Missouri. Price only 2176. Address Box Hw, K.x celHlor Springs, Mo. FOR SALE 2.2n-acre stock farm; two ,ets of buildings; five never falling' wells of water; all fenced and erons fenced; good house and large frame barns. Owner prefers to sell farm stock and machinery right together. For further particulars address J. E. Pains, liindy. Ixtcan Co., Neb. BARGAIN Improved guarter sei tlon. one mile frim Teoumsoh. Not much cssli re'iulred to handle. Posataslon if de sired. W. T. SMITH CO.. CltyNstbnJ Bnnk Bldg. FOUND 30-scre unclaimed homestead; good soil: smple rainfall; artsaiart water; near free timber. 1'rlce ), filing fees and all. J. A. Tiacy, Ft. Mhiignn. Colo. A iw acre reltiiiiilshment for sale; five miles from It. R. town, ten miles from another Wilts lick Box 24.', Val entine, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS ebrs"Wa Lands. iA., sillolnliig llerhcy nil fine valTev hind. Improved. Price t-ST'in, worth .:.i Write D. C. Patterson. Prnnlm. Ft"R"SA"Lr-Pestnarge "no iy bUh grade medium rriced land In NebmsVa: very Utile money required. C, Bradley. Wol lech, Neh o CAN civo smne excellent trade on good 2.?t acre Brown Co Neb., ranch. W ill rrlce this at actual value Itilyea ft lllfford, V. Ramge Hldg., tmaha. Neb. ltso ACRES hav land, black soil. 4 miles noilh or (lverton, I'aason county. Neb., to trade for Omnha Income property. P. J Tehhens, tr, Omaha Nat l Bank Isennsln I. anile, I TPFR "WISCONSIN Best dairy an I i general crop slate In the union; settlers t wanted; Iniuls ror wile at low prices on easy tor ma Ask for booklet 24 on Is ronsln Central Land Excellent lands for stock railing. If Interested In fruit Isnls ask for booklet on apple orchard. Address Land and Industrial Dept. Sou Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. WISCONSIN tarni to trade for OmahM property, either Imnrovod or vacant. Fred C. Shields. Wal-mt 3,117 Mlsc-ellawepsjs. BUYERS WITH THE MONEY TO INVEST. Farm land ads placed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have amide fnnds with which to Invest In lends. Quality and quantity are both found In Tllr. HKE'S country circulation. The subscription rats for The Bee Is 'mneh higher than any other Omaha, newspaper. Naturally The Bee la read by a class of well-to-do farmers. Send In your ad and rem-h soma ri al buyers. "HAVE "YOU A FARM FOfl BALKT Write a good description of rour land nd send It to the Slous City, la.. Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Frl dny evening, Saturday morning snd every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or 60 wotds, 84; or 7;, words. In. largest elreuletlon of any Iowa news paper; tiO.lW readers dally in four great states. i FARMS, acreage and city property for sale and exchange. C. R. Combs. u R rn ndela Thea trTlldg D1'5J!1!.- FREE LIST fiiO "choice Minn.-Wis. -Dak. choice farms. Borer. :U Sec. Bldg., K., Minneapolis. Minn. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Foe Wale. notice to farmerS! Bargain for cash while they Inst Don't fall to come this week. Closing out tho last of my well matched mares, from 6 to 8 years old, some In foal, weighing from 2.O00 to 2.000 lbs. per span: also 6 light business horses. I have sold 148 horses and mules since the first of the year, snd ss the buyers thst have bought them sre all well pleased 1 hope to see you early snd do by you as 1 hsve by them sell them under a full guarantee or your money refunded. I also have 45 yearling and two-year-olds on the farm that 1 wilt sell and ship anywhera In Neb. or Iowa free of charge. Barn In rear, 124 S. 24th St. Ijidy owner. M UST SELL HARNESS. IJ.ToO worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price: 11,000 worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON-PAN FORTH CO., 1829-21 -S8 N. 1th St.. Near Clark St ATTENTION" 4 head of young mares In foal, f head of geldings weighing 2.0(10 per span, 4 snd 8 years. Also 4 sets of harness and a wagon. No reasonable cash offer refused. 201 S. 0lh. Call barn In rear. ONE team of good work horses, weight about 2.SO0, cheap to cash buyer. Call at 2018 Douglas, lTPAf brood mnres, farm wagon and harness, 13.00. rio n. 24th. GOOD wagon for sale cueap! 8012 Parker St. Webst.erS HAT-!. ton. X. WTWagner. Mi N. 18. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MONEY In chickens: writs fot Johnson's free catalogue. Poultry Know-How, about the psy-for-ltself Old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co Clay Cen- ' ier, Neb; CA8Tshlpment of this season: imported Japanese fantall goldfish, Wo eaoh. M a x Gel slrB lrdCo. . 1017 Fa rn am St. WHITE Orpington cockerels and whits Indian runner ducks. 4S6 S. 40th St. PhoneHouth ti. CARE OK BABY Clllclia," a new fcooW free for stamp. Geo. II. Le Co., 1116 Harney St., Omaha FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie pup. well marked. 2758 F St., Lincoln, Neh. Ft )lt SALE Good fox hound. Stinger. Deep River. la. Joseph THOROUGHBRED Whits Wyandotte eggs. Tel. Tyler 1281. BARRED Rock eggs for hatching; order now. Tel. Benson 811-J. MXnTrraVn. 100 lbs.. $L76. Wagner. 801N!i47 AUT0M0BILES-F0R SALE USED CARS 1 slightly used Msxwsll tour 1VM 1 l!li Enger "t," com. equip., e-paa..67l0 6 Good Fords from 1226 to i:s) 1 llii:i Voile 40 two 1 IK1.1 Crow oar at a bargain 1 lull Overland 6-passenger Li) 1 1913. 6-pssa. Htudebaker ') 1 Chalmers-Detroit roadster, extra equip 13.7) 11911 International, good shape ji 1-1M 2-cyl. Mnxwell roadster 810) 1 1113 Flanders 20, 6-paas jM C. Vs. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 2216 Farnam. Phons Doug. KA. AUTO CLEAHINU HOUSE 22") Farnam Douglas 8.110. Ktevens-Duryea Double A, 4 cyl. Four. Cadillac touring, x'tctrlo equipped. Krlt, electric equipped, touring. Ixicornohle, touring. Htudebaker, 8-cyilii Ier, electrlo equip. King, rondster, e.le'trle e.i.ltiped. THE AUTO 81 IOP "Service" First," lC01- Jackaon. Tyler Mf. Auto repaiiing and gin. blackxniilliliiK, auto aprlnf: mads and repaired. BIGGEST VARIETY OF FORD CARS IN THE CITY. GENERAL Motor Company truck, two ton capacity, good condition. Can be boiightr1iiht. CallDouglas2834. REGAL touring car. electrlo light and starter, splendid condition, 247b. T. G. Northwall Co., Douglas 1707. lil'V from owner large 6-passenger, fully 1 equipped, excellent condition. 8MI0. See I Kid. Is. Omaha Garage. I WHERE" can"! get a good. used carf Industrial Garage Co., 20th and Har ney His. USED car bargains nt Murphy O'Brien 1 A utot'o.P(M-l8:18J-ariiainBL Aato Ilrpulrtnar and Palatlas;. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Percl. e, arid 1 trices right, ill S llt h St. 1) 73H). j l(i reward for magneto we can't repair. I Colls repaired Bn ysdurfer 210 N. lHth. i JOE M URI'II Y A uto repairing, Hi B. 17th I Ht. Tyler mi, nig in. nea :4. Omaha RjllatorRep.J;o.2: Far. D. 2O01." Aatojrirrs and Kepellee. SEND for free sample of WOOD'S F.VERIOC, SELF Vulcanizing Fahrt; Patch for blowouts snd punctures: guaranteed to hold. Jos. liiiiikhaus, ltjll Milcago Ht., Omaha. xt TO H El'A I R9 " REBUILT -'.) TO 16 00. nuo rut e co.. mil Chicago n. F.leelrle A atoianhllee. Walter-And'iraon. exp t rep'g elstrlc A batteries. Sturage. 2230 Farnam D;431I. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Firs. Theft. Lis bill! y snd Property Damage st Lowest Rates K1LLT. ELLIS THOMPSON. 112 14 City. Nat Ban k H 1 St. Doug -1 1. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 1JA RLKY T'A VIDSON " MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos. "Ilia Motorcycle Man. ' r.wi Leavenworth NEW Y0RKST0CK MARKET rottibilitiei of International and Industrial Crises Prove Disadvantages. SESSION IS PROFESSIONAL ONE NFJW YORK. March r Fears of another iirrat International crisis result ing from the active renewal of submarine warfare In European waters, disconcert ing reports regarding the progress of events In Mexico and the possibility of a natton-widn railroad strike constituted the chief dldvsntages tinder which to div's aigi?ih and professional market Inhered. Prices of Important stocks .Melded one to three points In the fore noon and some specialties suffered greater losses. Dealings at that particular period were sufficiently broad to sugest further Ihpil datlon. especially In the war shares and affiliated Issues Recessions were grad ual, but nonet Helens effective, and sup port seemed to he lacking except at ni irked concessions. Further ground for tllrcouraiiement wss found In t:ie contin ued aloof net a of the Investment public. The list strengthened In the dull final hour, when rails, noiahlv Western Msry lnnd Usues, Rending. New York Central and other stocks roe appreciably on midernte demand. Western Maryland preferred made an extreme advance of 1 to 4D. placing that stock within easy range of Ita mnxlimim of last year. There were full recoveries, and In a number of Instances actual gains, among stocks that showed greater heaviness In the morning. Mexican Petroleum. United Ste.tes Industrial Alcohol, Baldwin lo comotive and Sugars helped to sustnln the market at Its Irregular close, likewise Steel and Mercantile Marine preferred. Total sxles cf stocks si-iounted to 6.oti0 shores. Moderate punhises of the Inter national list were reported for account of London, but the Inquiry from that source was offset by selling for Dutch Interests which may have represented tlermsn holdings. Foreign exchange on Isindon snd principal continental points showed no material change from last week's closing rates. The western section of the country con tinued to sound s note of optimism, both as to general business snd freight ton nage, although car shortage continues to curtail the movement of eastbound freight. Bonds evinced a slightly lower trend, with large sales of the Anglo-French Issue at Wi. Tots) sales of bonds, psr value, were I4.176.ono. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on siocsa were as follows Sales Hlth. Lnw. Clnss. Alss Onto Allls-Chslmsrs American Hest lsr Amertnaa Can Amarlcaa Locomotive ... American S. A R Am. f A R. r't Am Sur Haflnlng Amertoan Tel. S Tsl Amsrlran Toharee Anscitnds Coppar Atrhlann KaKtwts Lnonmotlre Iialtimors S Ohio..., nethleheta Bteel MmnNlyn Rapid Tr California Petralaam .... 'anartlan Pacific Ontrat leather rtiaaspnalta Ohio , rhiesse W Utilraso. M. a m. P OilNiia M w I'Mnaso. H I. w, nr.. tllno nsar nnlorartn Fuel 8) Iroe..,, Cnielhls Slaet Penror A R. fl. ptd Plsilllera' Bscurltlss .... Rrta Oeeeral Rlaotrlo Orest Northern pf4 Oraat No. Ore etfl nnsssnhelm Ktplarstlos.. Illinois Central Interbnrniiftn Con. Cere. , tnnptratlon Ceppar international Harvester.., Kanass fit? ftosiharn..., Ihlgh Vslley IiiIstIIIs Nsshvllle.., wtaatrsn eatmlsum Miami roppar Mlipourt K T. pfA..., Mlmmirl Paelfls ........ National nisenlt National 1aS Navaria rnppar H Naw York Ontral N. Y . N H. n Nnrfnlk S Weatani Northern rwcirte ,., Paolfln Mall Paclfle Tel. a Tat Pwnntrlvainls Ttar ivn. t'oppar Resiling Ttepiihllfl Iron S gtssl..., gnuthsrn Psclfln flmitttarn Railway Sturtahakar Company Tanneaaea Oippar ........ Tenaa fSmnan)r fnlon raelfto t'nlne Telfin nM t'nltad Mtataa Mteel V. M. atael pf4 t'tah f'opnar Wesiern ftnlne feattnsiimisa KlsetliS ,., Montana Fiywar ,. TUneral Motors .,.,.....1 Wahaeh n pM lew tn n i lew l4 is 14 tona 14 70 rtH 1.400 IIS HUH tiv, llon ti Tifi, uk I 101 MS KWW r nas ik'S I. 10s lit 11014 inn, 1,0 Ul i:s ll"S 1K- 17. SM M MS l.iou lns Ions inns II. em XfiS ions )S l.eo 8S M 11 4MI M4 iw as us i i no 1M ir,, yn 1M0 1414 tis I'S 1, 100 S3S CIS 41 S us lion US Ms 40 V 1SS 157 ro 17 its I7V4 I lino 111, MS MS Ion us 4KS 4o.CO s ITS "' IS 47S 4S 47S 4 O0 rrs IS 7S l.nno i7 kids f 7s ms it's ms I. M0 44 4IS 41S S MS t.4on 17 1u S l"0 47 S S 47 S sno 110s lis 1I0S !nn s jfS lS 700 77 T7S 71 S 121 MOA 04S 104S 107S l,MM) MS MS i 4S in I. OM ms MS H I. ins is 1S lis son inns 10S loss art) us MS S ms mn ms ms in a us ms us in sol) MS lS M 1.701) ms lS t"H ITS M MS 1 4im US M kns I foo SS M MS 11 os mv 8 io ms ms i4s lion ts M l?S I OHO IMS IMS 1"U. 1.M0 VMS 1U'4 'S ' s-s 10.700 S S (MS 4ns lit lias 1t4 t.onn us TS sns ... so lim s-s s sns 1.000 Tl 71 TS 4SX I ion s rs SS tos tis S T1S I son MS MS W Kennecott Cnpner .. Total aales for the as. V.n) aharas. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Msreh 27 MERCAN TILE PAPER M5S4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Sixty -day hills, 24 72S: demand. 4.7H: cables. 1170',. SILVER Bar, BOHc; Mexican dollars, 4M4e. TIME IOANS Steady: sixty days, JHTT I per cent; ninety days, 2V88 per cent; six months, ftdSS per cent. CALL MON EY HteaiTy; high, I per cent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per ceait; last loan, 2 per rent: closing bid, W per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today wars ss follows: V. g. raf. la, res... SL N. tint 4a ... (MS do rsu poa )S K. A T. 1st 4a.. Tl 11. g. la. res tonM. Pac ena. Ss..,.iims to coupon irasMont. Howar la MS V. K. 4a. rrg Ill N T. C. ab. Ie....1ll do enupon Hit". T. Otr 4Sa 107 Am. 8m. Hers Ss ...imsN. T . N. H. A H. A. T. a T. o. 4SS. loS ev. a ill Aral.i. French Is .... Ha. Pselfla 4s I.1S AK-hlaon S'S. 4a.,.. 94 to ts MS Hal Ohio 4a I1SO. M. L ret 4a KM, n-ath. t'teal r. a....l"';ire. T. a T. IS.....1MIS On. racltln tat S'SPaaa. eoo. 4Ss Iff.S X'tiea. O. r, 4SS S.S do sas. 4Sa Ui2S C. O. i. .... IS Meaning san. 4a tMS i' u a g F n la .1MUH. L a B F. r. 4a. 7" C. R. I. a P. r. 4a. alSHo. Pae. cv. Is 104S C. g. ref. 4SS.... 84 S o raf. 4a S D a R O. COS. 4s.. !So Rallvav is W-K no rf M " fnlon Psrine 4a.... rrs m sn 4a... IAS 4a CV. 4a Sts Hen. Klaetrte la IMWr. 8 II ubber s . . . m MH. tin. 1st 4.. ... HSf. . Stael la MU 111. on. ref. 4a..., o Waal, t'nloa 4Sa ... H Int. M. M 4Sa l7SWaat. Klao. c. Is.. Ill K. C. g. ref. Is.... IIS BI4. London Stock Market. 1 .ON DON, March 27 American se curities on the stork market opened STATE DISTRIBUTOn WANTED FOR LARGELY ADVERTISED LIGHT FARM TRACTOR Big money-making- opportunity for Individual or company with autoniobUa or tractor aelJlDg xparleaca. capable of handling atata dlstrlbutioD. Easy to sell this thoroughly triad, four-wheel. 10-12 H. P. tractor with iplsndld 6-year record. Light weight, grest strength, tremendous power, utmost economy and new oonstructlvs features revolutionise scope of traotor service and g.'ve promise of longest tractor Ufs svsr attained. For full particulars address, J. L. LEWIS. 10th Floor 223 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. FEDERAL OBL I Owns production In the Klectra Fields, Texas, and largs choirs acreage in three other important fields. , EARNINGS NOW ABOUT 20 PER CENT on present market vslue of stork. Will be many times increased upon com pletion of wells now drilling and to be drilled. Htoik actively ucult in on New YnrK Curb at around $1.00 per share (par $u (): Is one of the few oil storks on this market selling under "par," FEDURAL OIL ."SenseB unusual poSMli'llitles for speedy enhancement In market value and dividend returns, and at irevalllug prices la the most attractive purchaee of the low priced Oil Write for descriptive clrculsr, Fed. No. 21. WADE. TEMPLETON & CO. DEALERS IN BTANDARD OIL STOCKS. 43 BKOAOWAT. IW TOIC. under parity and closed rjulet after S fair business tcrtnj. 'LVFH-Rat. L'S 7-Kd per ounce. , MONEY- 4tI'4, per cent , DISCOI'NT RATE-Shnrl 'nils am; three months, Vty4 per cent. Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United States for the week roiling March as reported lo Bradstreet's Journal, New York, aggie Rflte 24.illi.7.'"io. anhlnw 4 ihs t week and In this week lis: rear. Canadian clcarlrgs ni:rrg:ite i'7 -l'm, m agnlnst 8l."d.7Mi.ntVi !ant Meek an. i tl2J.2Oi In this week Inst oar. Follow -, him are the returns lor this .veek, wlt i lercent iges of change shown hls rnw ss compared with this weew mat yenr: j t itles. Amnunt. JIne. Ds . New "Tin h iiM.-'im oo, M R Chicago 31 :2 m K.H : Philadelphia "'Jl.Tr.OH, U.' Host on 210, si. ; Ht. Louis !i4-i i'j ;i Kansas fltv :!.s;l i.imii si.o 1 Hun FranclHco 6i.tlii.i"i I' Pittsburgh fa7K.ftii 4.1' Iliil.lliinre .a.M.I ini ; flc. -eland M.'i.t 'H SS.7! Detroit :ii;4,-i.tMi 82. ('Ili.-lrtunll iip,;ooi,l i7.l Minneapolis :'.,.:ir'i.oiiii h, J Ixis Angeles 2 i.nTH.iiun .11.5 , O.M.MIA ;.1.s..(i; M.4, New Orleans 2l.:CTinM 34.4' Milwaukee 17.n;'niO 24.81 Ismlsville l7.44l.ono ss 01 Atlanta ln.wi.0uo .tool Ht. Paul iri.fV-0. 1H.51 Seattle I8.4M.0x) 47.1 Buffalo 12..,m'0 4:t.O Uorllnnd. Ore..... 1 1 .VI ." 8 1 Richmond SS .9 Denver () 43.0i...... Houston lo.aii on,, , Bi Inillanapnlla 8.8M.OIO 2.61...... Foil Worth R.tH7,0ivl u.ri Providence S.tvci.uK 39.6 Wnshlnirton. D. C. 8.757,0k) 21.9 St. Jo-eph .194.0") 22.6 Memphis I 7,4 04 1D.2 , Hartford i.W.ono 22.61 Salt Iwikc City 7,673,0.10 4?.9j 1 Columhus 8.I72.00 K.3 Toledo siS,n (W.ll Nashville T.2M. IMSi Duluth 4.577.0"1 .8 Alhanv 4.M5."M 16- Des Moines 6SI10iOI S6.I.,M. Rochester 4,R'.'.oi( Savnnnah 6,747.0on , 21.9 Galveston 4.29.nnrt 5.1l Norfolk 4.4? n.l! Wlrhltn 4 Jig 22.8 New Haven I.6-.000 H.2' Spokane 4.Sng.oooi Oakland I 2.741,nm') n.2 Grand Rapids .... S.nxo.oool i. Sioux City 4.8'iS.oro 40.O1 Hcranton 2.tV,0no( 1.0 Peoria 4.m9,of4l 61.1 Maeon .!)or.) J7.1 Hvraeuse J.n.iyv) ,1 Hpringfleld, Mass... MS.onn Ml...,. Worcester .7S1.0"0 M.1 .lacksonvllle. ria...l 8 4 rxv 20.; Austin I 8.7,0not ilk'shnma 8.2M.ono( 81.4 nirmlnghsm jw.4 Little Rock 8.6S6.0XV 21. fl Chrttsnooga 2 STS.fmol 14. i Lincoln 1804.000 41.61 Fi-emont 428.PHO 4161 tt week's. OMAHA GEltlcnjIL MARKET. n'holesnls Prleee for Pregaee t'harared ky Omaha Dealers, BUTTER No. 1 creamery, m cartons, or tubs, otic; No. 2, 23a. , POULTRY Broilers. Ilvs. undsr two lbs.. 90c; hens. 18c; special roosters anil stsgs, lie; springs, 17c; geese, 13c: ducks,-' 14c; turkeys, lhu; old toma, 16o; cspons. lsc; guineas, each, 2.-c; snuabe, $l..ri0u 5.6') ier diisen; pigeons, tl per dosen. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 44c; domes tie. 84c; block, 80c; twins, 19Vc daisies, 111 Sic; triplets, 194c: young America, ain; blus label brick, luVc; llmburger, 23c ; Im ported French Roguefort, 6Ao, OYHTEHS -Chesapeake, pi gsl ; Stand-) ards, 1.40; northern, per gal.; standards, 11.00; selects, 1.M); counts, tl.96; Blunt Points, fl.SS per 10U. Flf II Fresh, per Ib.t Catfish. ITs; hal hut, 16o: salmon. 17Soj red snapper. Do: black bass, lflSJAo; cr.ippina, Utflt"', , flounders, 12c. Frosen. per lb.: Ilsiihut,' 11c; herring, 6S; trout, 12c; white, 10c: salmon, lOttylic; pickerel, 71j8c; pike, fcjjioe , Smoked, rsr lb.: While, l4o. Kip pered, per lb.: Salmon, 17o; Finnan bad dies, lie; roe shad, too each; shad roe, 4t)u per pair BEEK CUTS Ribs, No. 1, 20HC: No. UX l9Vo: No. 2, 17Wc. Loins, No. 1. ic; No. 2. 2Jc; No. 3, Ho. Chucks, No. 1, U'c.: No. 2. Use; No. 8, UlJc. Itounds, No. . 16ci No. i, irc: No. 1, Uo. Plates, No. 1, l(k; No. 2, te; No. 8, 'c. u : Fruit snd vsgelsbls prlcss furnished by Glllnsky k Co.: FRUITS Oranges: 4s, )2.M box; Ms, 82 box; 160s, 11.60 box; os, fJ.75 box; IJXs, 8,1.26 box; 176s, 2ss, 824s, 3.78 box; s, Jlfis, 2iVis, )4 box. 1-emons: Golden Bowl. mis, Hn, 86 box; Hllver Cord. $4 60 bnxA Grspefrult: s, (2. 7!xUl.0O box: 64s, 13... box; 4 lis, X0O(i1.26 box; Ms, M 7i.tN.00 bowtf 7os. 8, 9ns, 14 box. Bananas: medium slse. 1.6o-t1 75 bunch: medium slse lum boea, 2.0j 2 28 bunch; regular else jum boes, 22,6iafi2.76 bunch; extra large juni hoes, ia.KiS26 bunch; mammoth um loes, a 50.(1 H. 76 bunch. Cranberries: Bell them. Apples: Nschtel's Ben Davis, 84. ban-el; Missouri Ben Davis, 3.26 barrel1, Idaho Ben Davis, In boxes. 81.60 box; Rome Beauties, li.76 box; W. W. Pear malnes. 21-76 box; extra fsnev Wine Ssps, 82 box; Ark Blacks, I2.&0 bo. Strs wherries: 24-pt cases, W W. CIl'ER Per keg, 23 26. VEGETABLE. potatoes: Minnesota whites, 81.16 bushel; Colorado whites tl.20 bushel: Red River Ohlos. 21. bushel. Sweet Potatoes: Delaware. 217 hamper; Kansas seed. ti.60 barrel. Onions: Red snd yellow, 8c pound; Span ish, 82.26 crate. Rhubarb: 12.36 box. Caulk-j flower: $8 crate. Lettuce: l dosen. Brtis sel Sprouts, 2oc pound. Csbbage: 2W lb.; new, So pound. New Beets, Csrrnts, Turnips, Parsley, Radishes: 60e dosen.. Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips.. Bagoes, 2c pound. Peppers: 60c basket. Tomatoes: 23. SK basket. Cucumbers, $1.2.-1 dozen. Asparagus, $4 box. Onion Bets: Yellow. 12 M bushel: red. 82 bushel, fee. ery, Florlds: -doxen crates, $.1; 8-doien crates, 82.75: adnxen crates. 12.60. , COMB HO.NKY-tl.7i case; Alrlln honey, It 80 esse. DATE'S. FUKS Dromedsry dates. t2.76,J rase; stuffed dates 11.76 box: Fard dates, 12c pound; new figs, AVi box. ' POPCORN No. 1 rice. 4c pound: 40 1, pound packages, $2.60 esse. . ,J l. lo-rrniiiut. i'. law, a'o pouiKli No. 1 roaated. So Pound: tumho. raw su.i-' ' pouna; jumuo, roasted, stc pout berts. lfic pound. Pecans: lj'c W: Dound. Fil- Pecsns: 13(c pound. Jumhoea, 17'c pound. Mixed Nuts: 13c pou nd. Kvssiorated Apples a ad Dried Fralts NEW YORK, March 27. F.VAP ORATED APPLES-Dull; fsncy, "4TJ0UC; choice, R'tH'iHc; prime, 6i4fioc. DRIED FIUITH-Prunes. firm; Csli fornlss, 4flfll'AC: Oregons. 7Uffc. Apri. cots, quiet; choice, 941 10c; extra choice;' 0i4'aloc; fancy, ll(?ilc. Peaches, quiet ; -choice, 6Hc; extra choice. 6Sc: fancy,, n'-.c. Raisins, steady: loose muscatels, flVq7c: choice to fancy seeded, 7Vu7too, seedless, D'yiMOe. ,