Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
" 10 TirK BEE: OMAHA, MAT.CII l!Un. IVsnt-Ad Rates te cRzt wrr oiDtm v '' "' u.;h Insertion Si iclal Batest Farm i.imI liiimh I -a ml . Te. per Hue each insertion (Count six urn to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING XT N D E R AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS; r per word one time 1 't per word. ..three consecutive time CXAJtaa klTttl e per line one time 7c per line three consecutive times tOount six words to the line.) iro ad riKzv rom usi tsajt A TOT AIi Or BOa OB X.SU TI1V 104 rKB SAT. N CARD Of" THANKS. DEATH FUNERAL NOTICKd: AND lOo per line etch Insertion (Minimum chares SO cents.) Monthly Rats for standing ads (no change of copy) ....ft. fit per line (Count six words to the line.) Contract rates oa appUoatloa. THTC BEB will not be responsible for more thsn one Incrrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more then one time. ADVERTIPT;RR shnnld retain receipts riven by Tks Ree In payment for Went Ada. a no tnistaka can be rectified without them. UBH TtVPI TTT-TTPIIOVH If yon rsnnnt conveniently bring or send In your ad. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and yon will receive the same rood service as when delivering; your sd at the offlcs. PTTONTI TTT.FTR Inn. . WAVT-AT rOT.rMVS CLORT. FVFVTVG FniTTON" 1t:aa M. MORMNq rTDITJONg...... .1:0 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers the question "Whera to go tonight." Donatown. EMPRES3. 16TII & DOUGLAS. '"The Fifth Aoe." love triumphs In the thrilling- first mn picture of the dev. Eleventh episode "The Strange Case of Mary Page," featuring Edna Mayo and Henry H. Walthal. Mutual Weekly. No. . North. ORAND. , 16TH AND BINNSV. The Theater Beautiful. "The Heart of Tare." a 5-ree feature, featuring Margaret Gibson, and a vow comedy. i'lIeOrtnJIeLuxe. EOTHROP. 24TH tt LOTHROl'T "Fatty and Mabel Adrift," and Pain Bernard In "The Great Peerl Jangle." "snots.". " A r6 LLO 28 2 LE A V EN WO RT 1 i The Man lie Teed to lie, 3-ml Vita. Winning t he Widow, Kslem. ItOULEVAUD. 33d & Leavenworth? Tonight at 7:115 and MS. The George Kleins Co. offers Malcolm Duncan in 'VS.-arletRoBd.'' TtOHLKK," 2S61 LEAVENWORTH nOTTLrT. i'Al LHAVKWOHTI! The Iron Claw." "A Gentleman s Agreement," 1-reel comedy. - '-- est. MONROE. 2556 FXRNTmT "As a Women Bows." Mutual Master picture, featuring Oetrude Koblns and Alaxanjer Oadcn. Johnny's Birthday. Resuty .comedy. fcoatM SlSe. " " BsSETiI EATER. 2 iTHANDNT Little Mary Bunhine, Paths Hold Rooster film. In t set. A mails to or der picture for the children. OiU-HlM, iitirSTM" Five reels of good pictures. s tar Features These are Special Extra-Reel Features now appearing at ths following Theaters; APOLLO. '"1 J3A V EN WORTI I." Ths Man U Used to Bs." IS ESSE. SiTII AND N 8TS." "Utile Mary flunshlne." a Paths Gold ftojeter film Jnflve acts. boulevard." :r leavf-nvvortiiT "Ths Scarlet Road." TTuT K eS mil a b'oUoLXfl Ths Fifth Ace," lovs triumphs In ths thrilling first run picture of the 6y. f.!U,i, 16T11 AND EiNNEV. "The Heart of Tara," a s-reel feature, featuring Margaret Gibson. l-OTKROP. " ":miAND KTHROP7 Fstty and Mabe! Adrift and Ram Bernard In "The Great Pearl Tangle." MONROE. "" S3 FARNAmT "As a Women Sows," Mutual Mattsr- phturs. S k't t juF'i' Vl'r I E otj c a T VA14Jt'B John. as-d 74 yeare Kuntrl Weduewlay morning. March !". at S 30 a. in. from family rcalcince, t2l Hopileton avenue, to Bt. Iter' liui.U t 8 k. ID. lulernient, Forest . lrvn cemetery. Ci:HTli lvl 41., at Ainaworth, Neb., Saturday. March 2T. Funeral at Cronby's chspel. Kll North Twenty-fourth street. Tueeday, March ?v 1 p. m. Interment, Forest lawn cemetery. MAUHOLKUM. WHT bury your dead in the cold ground In stormy weather when you can buy a tomb in a marble building at reasonable prices. Tel. MAI'SOLEI M Co.. I . M iauoieister Monument Works, mauao ieo'ns. all kinds nsrkers. tKth A Charles, FLORISTS. ii-r UI'ALITY II f FlAJWEHi ot I ar.ta. Art Comblnatlona. skipped r. (.. ra. xoeiliit eervtc to eur cus tomers In past years recommends HI-SI r HMIhul'A. lain Frnain S1 . D. :i)l, V ATM. f)'r.t. l-4"Fan"iain fli7T. Xo7 l HkNDeTkHO.M. )! iouglaa D. It." Mentr Fiorlate Trlesraoo ! Aeeej iT ieOSAGHL'E. Ia"aroey. UougTlusC" J c " I MIRTHS tll HF.tTlt. 1 li-h - Milam end 'Ma'rguerlte Hur Pell. 4417 North Twenty-eighth avenue, girl: I.averln and I'armcla llranro. 1S1' South Twentieth, girl; Io end Hettlr Cooney. 14 South hlxteenth. oy; Herr) K and Surah Mey Cumlnga, 4711 ParKcr ?lrl; James end llertha Iavl. 4.SH. 'rown l"olft avenue, hov; George 13. 'and Ioul" Pnlhev. 421 Wirt, girl; Michael and F.lisaheth. Mich. ln Boulh FJrventh. hoy anil girl: Christ and Christina I4n rterud. Xii Uor'ton, girl; William and Merle Vneak, MC.l Ieer Park boulevard, girl; Frank and Anna Tanek, 1712 Boulh .Eleventh, boy. prat he Thomas Chrleteneen. PS years. 5! tYonrlo; Mre. Grace Heldlng, 31 years. r:i I; Anna Mellne, 25 yeara, hoepltal: Gerlend Kugene Hrlpht. months, hoe pltal; Klleen ltoee Mnrtln, 1 yeer, FAt, Capitol avenue; Kareeh M. McGinn, years, hoepltal: Maria Perry. 7 years. 13S3 Piik avenue; Nels J. Peterson. 79 yeara, Hlfi North Korty-elghth aenue. HtRRIttil. l,I(Kr.. The following marriage "licenses were granted: Name and Residence. Mark Osier, Omaha May Hod neis, Omaha Harry It. Jamek. Omaha .... Hue Wells. Omnha 1-slle J. Wright. Omaha lreno Feymen, Omaha Fred Bell, Omaha Minnie VonDousen, Omaha .. John E, Hanlnn. Dea Moines Nettla Roberta. Nevsiia, la.... James 8. Goets, Omaha IjouIho 8trnuss. tmnha Age 3 11 S2 S2 2.' ! 2 40 K 2 ..over 21 . .over 21 IM ILUI.G I'KRMITS. J. !. lib, X't-V Park avenue doubln brick dwelling. 7..'inn; Kr. J. II. Klausner. liKT, iaveiiurt. frame dwelling, ,!". P. J. Miller, M32 North Twentv-eeventk. addition. IVKi; K. H. Williams, ZHIO Ames svenue, repairs, tbiO. LOST FOUND REWARDS IF Toll hjM a.nflhlD( aa T xtrertlaa II kna. re will tnreir rernvar II II lonna lr aa ki Servoa. Hmarkabl4 eeoverles are brought abAut STerr dar thratiRk tfcla cohima. 1HI LAW Peepia who tint lost artlrl.a are tnivraatrd la knualns IImI tha atata law la eirlct In reinlrlna litem to mk tba ovaer Ihraugk averttwvmant and ctharvlae. aa that a failure to 4e a, if aaine caa be aroT.a. ia- oIiin a ra eenaity 1100 REWARD. ALTOMOUILK STOLEN. OMAHA, NEB. One Ford touring car. model year 1!1R. No. lt'4, motor No. 6s'. slate license No. 3713; equipped with Flsk Red Top Non-Hkld t'aslngs; eleitrlc liwhti In front, oil lamps st side and rear. Stolen from Joseph O. Sherry nl south side of court house In Omahs, March 13, 1911. tut CAII RKWARD will be paid for the return hers of said car within slxlv days from theft, or Information directly responsible for Its return, and source or asms will be kept strictly confidential. tM CASH REWARD will bs paid for the srrest snd conviction of ths party or parties who stole eald car. Notify any local agent of the Royal Insurance Co., or police any iilnce, or l. H. Welptori, Adjuster, Arlington block. Omaha, Nebraska, Phone Doug laa 1M. OMAHA A COCNClL IM.UFTh HTKEKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some srtlcls would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Rluffa fttreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company la anxious to reetnr them to the rightful owners. Call I ions. 44 IlHT or stolen f riini7th arid Charles shout t weeks ago, male brlndle Uig lUh bulldog. Reward for return or In fonnailon that will lead to recovery of dog. Wm. H. Byrne, Phone Doug. 4M. LOUT" Whits Angora cat." male, bisck' mark between ears. 408 N. 27th. II. SMi. FOR SALIMISCELLANEOUS Furnitare suit llauartiold Ctwwls. Fl'RNITl'RK. PRICKS HMAflllED. Greatest price cutting bargains Omaha ever saw. Our store Is not the largest, but our bargains are the biggest. Uuv now. Goods held until desired. ' STATE tXHNITIJHB CO.. Corner14ih and Jiodga. DouglaslS17. CM All A PILLOW CO Kelt' snd hair mattreeea mads over in asw ticks at Imlf the price of new onea. Phono us f r sample of ticking. Mall orders f lied. Ir Cuming Bt. Douglas 24ti7. ' M T.N III' RIO bargains; beds, $1; tsbUsT - rl'ali a, ruga, sua stoves, i; heiidlngs o( all kintls )S. N. Mth. Wslster 1.07. WKAL'TIFl'L ciilna cabinet, lit; buffet'C f 10 ; Eclipse gas stove, 16: round table snd rhelre. princess dresser. Web, 6144. Let u icll yoiTabuut our new iiivriulon which mnkii tronlntt day a pleasure. i'bone Doug. 6l!si. I' I a woe uuA Maraleal IsrstrsiiMwsits. I'lANli for (lulck ssln, Kcholler A Muni ler; plsnn rust $-4-; In fine condition; will take 1 100. Address eT01 County Line, AlbllKht. 3.!id pi-r nionth A. lfospe, 1MI Pouglas. lore aal 4ff I oe Flats) res. lj HK1, r.-a, soalns, snowcaaea, shelv ing, etc. We buy. a..l. t maha Fixture ai tii.iply Co.. 414-IA-IS H. 12lh. Doug. S7I. Cameraa' aaid Kodaks. KODAKKRM Save money and get bet ter prints by phoning Ited 5PC!. Typewriters nail Supplies. )iEW machlnoa sold the mine as rent; per month. See us before you buy or ' rent. Shipped any place on ten days' ftes trial. Rutta Typewriter Exchange. MS B. lth, Omaha, Neb. REMINGTONS. Monarcnii Iinl Smith premiers for rent; sent anywhere, Reiu- Inetoii Typewriter Company. 1. I'M. vu'iIand riumon'a caRuCnTToT Offlcs supplies. Douglas ZU7. 12t lies ' Ulug; fekl ,1ANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co. D. k-42. Typewriter and office supplies. 1MI Jlnrney St. 6Pr'CiAle--ii"iaraiiieel typewriter rib bons t for tl. Relianr Ribbon A Carbon Co., Douglaa Ksi. til NT an Oliver typewriter mo. tor W Oliver Typewriter Agency. l'iiiearnsm. JTPH-ft WIT F.KH sold, taiuei. repaired. Cen'r! Tvpewr'ter Fse Farnra. " 'jewvirti Dlaeawnela, Watckiea. 5TuiDEUAARD-8 lucky weudl:ig rings" st Pth nnl Ooiisjlaa Sis. ewloej llarklara, "SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, sell needles snd part st all sewing maohiner M1CKEI.8 NEBRASKA CiCLE CO. 1Mb ind llarnrv Kll. lou. 1(W. riothlagr, Para. Hie. Vfl buv a iv J axil tailor mada suits and nvercoata. Friedman 1211 I ougiaa jSt. Bilktarat a Hal Paoi'TaMeau JX'iR, ftAHft-New and scond hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bow. Ing alleys and accessories; send for cala logu; easy paynienie. The Hrtinaw ck-Balke-C.llendrrCo., fi-t at l'hSt Mae slasry wad llailsra, "VjITC becond-haitd uioUiis, dynamos, magneius. Le liron Eloctrio Works. 14-i H. l?th St. TjAH and steam engines, machinery . Gross Wrecking Co., 1SI CunUng. TELEPHONE Your Want-Ads to In . order to make a good service better THE BEE allows the CASH RATE of one cent per word on phone ordersall you have to do is to pay the collector when he calls. Phone Tyler 1000 --Put that Ad in Now Results are sure to come FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Aortloaj galee. Foil KALE. The entire fixtures and business of Frank's cafe, one of Hlout trity a old est restaurants and cafes, contnlried In two store rooms. Including the best and Istest Improvements In restaurant fixtures: same will be sold by the un dersigned, trustee In bankruptcy, on the premises at l 4H pierce Bt , Ploux City, Iowa, on the ?Sth day of March, at 2 ootiKk p. m. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: anyone wishing to Inspect same will please see the undersigned. KENNETH G. SILLTMAN. Trustee. SIS Trimble Block. Phone. Auto. 3t3u. edward e. Barron. Attorney for Trustee. Pristine anal llf f tea piles. W ATKHH-ilARMIAIIT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21!M). f.; . 13th St C KNT 4 1. I'rtli 1 1 Wit "o Djl' ' L A 8 J7M. Txl'ilLA.4 I'rlntlng Co. Tel. Douglas 644. okncinTT ever - bearlns strawberry plants; either progressive or superb, II 6o per hundred. Raspberry plants same price. Wlckham lierry Farm, Salem, iNeo. MTseeJIa ae.taa. MT high standard ol quality will maintained: 4 quarts of Old Fontenells whisky, t.S; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houee. Douz. 711; 1 n-lM N. t nth St. wllAT he had to sell: An sutomoblle, a motorcycle, a e'.immer cottage, a Morris chair. And he sold them through JTIIR HER WantAd columns. ALEJc JBTE8' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth end Douglas. Rottled-ln-bond whisky, Kc. II 00, 11.3. full quart. FIFTY -ONE pieces salesman's samples fancy silks, bargain. Room 231, Keen hotel. A fULOON'or house. inrsVor small tueioiflce Hoc tri. Council Bluffs, Ia. ANNOUNCEMENTS FO Ft C ) I " N t y t'rV, a S r h B r " EMMET aS0IX)M0N B r )T FGAA "it I 8 :T."u"ck v Wcddlrig Rlnga'at lttlh and Douglas Bts. CARTER Sheet Metaj 111 H. lMh St. FX KR' 'IS l": AT V M C. A i-ltt'ishieesjnen. Ladle' Tallorlasr. HIGH clsss ladles' tailoring. II. Fischer, Flomar Hotel Rids.. 2o4 N. 17th, Tyler 237. tulluiil nod Plrwtlaa. O t. VAN ARMAM Dress Pleating snd Button Co.. Paxton Blk. North- esst comer 14th and Farnam Bts. Phons Douglas Hl't nmisiaxUf. Accon'lon. "Ids. Knlfo. Hox Pleating. Cov. Hut tons, Metnatll chine. Neb. Pleat UiffAV Button Co. 431 t Paxton Blk. R.442. MADAME MICHAELS Qowns, Suits snd Wraps. S11 So. ?-,fh St. Call Doug. 7W. CI.I'RE'ti irresstneklng school'; suits, dresses, etc. 20.D Calirornla.rong.7630. L. kt'flL chsncliig location; temporary address, Ilnuglaa H7xo. COMPETENT dressmaker wants day work. Douglas 4472. Dressmrk'ng athome.'"T. llsi. Ho lTtli FIRPT-CT.Asa dresHinaTlng." l!ed MSft. Kelsler's Iressinnklng Cot.li2S City Na'C Terry tireasmak'g college. 20th A rfarnam. " MvcrriieT Wwoieo. ACrnlllHON aid, knlfa. sunburst, tiog pier ting, covered buttons, all sixes and SIJC-S, lllfllllll 11 CHIMB, I'lu ' - broidery, heading, braiding, cording, etelct cut wnrk buttonholes, pennants, IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. MO Douglas Block. Douglaa 1914. Carpenters and Contractors. Leeaard KonlSfH Capitol Ave.T. 183. C."W. liokanson, 260u Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. dementing and I'lssterlngCall Rsdjrow." p.lRoysflk Bilstol.' Ph. Vsb. S6. ieroaslaati, E. A. DWOKAK, C P. A. 4J3-7 RsniKS Wdg. Tel. Douglas JeOt. A. ETZ EN S PE It G E 1 1, Council" Bluffs, In." Tel. Black lllr7. Auditing. Accounting, Incorporations, InveetlgstJon. Baths. DR. BENDA Sulphur, Steam. ' Modern Turkish, Eleitrlo BATHS and MAS HAG12 for tired nerves and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladies with lady r attendants. Famsm. Phons D. Ml?. " t'oaiaues. THF1 largest ' stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In ths country, Theo. Llehen BonJM Howard. I)L115. THEATRICAL sowns, fuTTdress suiui for rent, tot N. 17th St. John Feldmsn. Plana Instroctlaw. Ragtime piano pleylna guaranteed In If to 30 lessons, prof, Haynes for Original 8ystem.2uSi) liarney. l'oUKlast. Ragtime piano" play Ing posllively tsuxht lu 21) leasons. 4J Cuming. Wa1.t3Ts. Cklmpractors,' Splaal' Adlnataaeats, Dlt, BUKIIOHN, 4i4 Koae BKlg. D. 6347. Palmer School grad. Consultation free hi. B. Israel, frM LIran. Thef Bldg.DW2T !: J.'C:. Lawrenoe, 1 laird Bldg. P. 4ttl." Hakertee. CAKEfl. pastry and fancy bakery goods, supplied to imrtlcs, lodges snd entertaln- in.snU. 7.H. LJbi'.riItc!iiil5t,L j-!C'J7: Sehool at Photnarraphy. PHOTCXIHAPllT taught In all branches Few 6o leasorui in kodak work saves you money. Emory School of Photog- rapny. six in. jetn. rnone i yier lloaaerlvaaiaaT FLFCTRTC house cleaning, our work snd pries will please you. us remove your storm windows and put In your screene. lyier ai J. Ikeleetlves. JAMES ALLAN. 1U Neville Block. ES-I-deme secured ln all cases. Tyler 1LM. ILag nat'l" Infective" Agoy.. ino", Kee ltne Bldg. D. 4M4. Ktriclly oonlidonttaL Palattac a4 raporkaanlaaj. PAPER hanging, painting and repair work uavuj rowers. Sll N. rtk tt. Webster Drifi. . DRl'Og at cut prices, freight paid on flO orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mc- C'onnell lrug t o , Omaha Neb; Jl.tlcra ol las I'sal't. H. II. CLAIBORNE 612 Paxton Blk.; Red 7"t. Notary public; deposition steno. C. V. Brltt. tj" Bsrker Blocic. liroeerlea, GROCERIES, fruits and vegetabica and Under, .tulcy moat. 1'rompt delivery. Tom Johnson a Branch Hlore, IAZ N. Z4tn st. Phone ixilisx K. Taeaaux Cleaners. CLEAN QriCKLY and THOIIOCOHLT WITH Ei LII SB EICTRIC; RENT 11 A N t list I'Ett DAI. IK)UUI.A17Jk Flsiarea aad vVlrlatT riTTT?Tv'l V Electric washing machines. electrto Irons snd reading lamps 123 uuinlug St. loug. t leasers aad "byrrs. STATE Dry Clng. Co. ISO N. 12th. D. 6071 foavreio I uatrartvn. VAI.L, atvpe. drlvewayaflors. high class work. Phone Doug. rl for esti mate, s. A Hole. Ilealtsta. Dr. Bradbury, f o pain, til W.O.W. Bldg. Tafl DtntHl Rooms. 1M? Douglaa D". 21S4. ' Paleate. D. O. Barnetl, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71 17. If. A. Stuiges, Cx) Biandsls Theatsr Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Motor nepslrs. CATUT.T, ELEC. CO, Bee BMg. TV StTJ. Mwvlnia Plctare Maealaea. OMAHA mm. Ex . lm So. 11th St. Mo- tlon rlcture machine and film bargains. Wlaea and l.laoore. BT'T your family liquors at Klein's l.iquor nouae. ez N. in n. oougiss u, Tallorlaa. H. MARCT'H. tailor and cleaner, pressing snd repairing, xjn N. ixtn St. it. mk hlanaev aaJ Karnaeo f leaalaar. W'ork guaranteed. F. Borneman. D. J23i. Towel SoDI-Hea. OMAHA Towel Supi ly. iJtr7 S. 11th. Tt. 623. Knrmrra and Tinware. IIARERSTHoH, 4"2S Hsmilton. Wnl. 271. Tranka and anil Cases. FRELINO fit STEIN LE. 1H06 Earnnm Bt Wstrh Sn erlallals. Christiansen. 3d fl.. I'axton rtk.. H yr. exp. Weddlaa Stationers'. Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg. C6. Advertising sjovellles. M. F. Khsfer A Co.. 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. Altorneya. C. T. Dickinson 611 Paxton Blk. D.14T4. Brass and Iron Piantrlea. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Bts. Its sriss Academies. PF7 I.tTX ACADEMY. Ill 8. ISth Bt. KleetrolysU. Ulna Allender. 824 Bee Bldg. Red .HT4. ( hlropoellsts. Carrie J. Buford. 30 1'ax. Blk. Red 4OT. Osleupath Payatrlaaa. MRS. J. R. Ml'SICK. "2 Rose Rldg. .Porch and Window Screens. FROM factory to yon. 1'hons Red 4?7. WANTED TO BUY HAVE YOU A PIANO FOIt SALE! You csn get rid of It If you write Immediately stating description and rock bottom price. Act promptly. C. B. BRICEUIt, f2-6.')3 Brandels Building-. , WANTED l.ooO old feather beds; high est prices paid. Address A. B. Mtick, general delivery, Omitha. Drop poetiil, HllSkS DESKS DEaKS" New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. WANTED to buy, a burlier shop. B.'ll, Norton. Humphrey. Neb. WANTED to buy, stenotype. Address R. E. Wick, 2210 Harney St. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FINE, large Reglna music box. with big bunch of tune sheets, all in fine shape; slso 130 rolls of 6f-note pinno player music. Went good Newcombo riy shuttle carpet loom, or what have you? 8. C. 1108, Bee. "HILLY Hunday-The Man arid His Mes sage." book of CMS pages, over 60 Illus trations, containing history or Mr. Sun day's life and hla copyrighted sermons. V hat have youT Address 8. C. lia. Bee. COMPLETE U. B. signal" corps wireless sending and receiving outfit, with Kits engine and generator to operate set. Waiit used' motorcycle. Address S. C. 1110. Bee. NO. t Oliver typewriter, good condition, to trade for 16-gauge shotgun, either repeater or double-barreled. What have you? Address 8. C. 1132, Bee. TWIN Indian, i.-peed. electric light, been rode about 1.150 miles; flrst-clsss condi tion: want to trade for diamond. Ad dress B. C. 1 1 27 tWea. 1 WANT a 2d-harld For roadster; will exchange twin cylinder Harley-Davld- son motorcycle, fully equipped and In perreel condition. Address B. C. 110, Bee. SMALL horse, good wagon and harness. Will trade for common chickens or lumber or tny thing I can make the right kind of a deal on. Address 8, V. U1. Bee. ONE Eastman t-A Kodak, excellent con dition; want pure blood chickens or what have youT Also one 160-egg Incu bator. Either one or both. Address 8. C. 1I2. Bee. ON K Letv Feed Mill. No. S, J. R., new; two sets of burrs; for sale or will trade for oid cast-off lumber; can be seen at 301S Burdette Bt. any afternoon be, tween I and 4 o'clock. OAS engine. Alamo, 1 H. P.; practically new engine, complete; value tX. Will trade for clilckena or what have youT Add reus 8. O. J HI, Bee. ADDING MACH1NK-W1I1 exchange for ord, good pictures, office furniture, broke or whst have you 7 Address 8. C. 1"M, lies. . CAMERA Will swap one .! 1-mlnute post-card camera for good plug-around horse, harness snd wagon; horse not too oldto eat. Address 8. C. 1121. Bee. I WILL swap about M)0 advertising cards, sssorted titles, with leatherette, csrry Ing esse for anything I can use at all. Address 8. C. 1113 Bee. I HAVE a $2 gas range, or other furni ture, to trad for chickens, geess or ducks. Address ft. C. 1129. Bee. ONE Remington, typewriter, In fins condl- iiui&. tiiiiq sio.i-.' iur small aiamonu ui equal value. Address 8. C. 1130, Bee. INDIAN bead work, saddle blanket, value tTiO: trade for diamond or what h ave you? Colfax 440. F1NE 12i National cash register. In per fect condition; looks like new. Want small, used car, or what have you? 8. C. 1107, Bee. HAVE 6-year-old mare, sound and with foal to jack, to swsp for Argo or Sax on roadster, or what have you? 8, C. IPC. Bee. WILL awap chicken eppllancea or furni ture for an Iron Age or Planet Junior hand garden plow; no other make con sldered. 8. C. Ills. Ilee. W ESTERN land for indae. CARLISLE. .!v,u.Binon: j:'Flrst Nst. Bk. HAVE good bed springs end sU-felt mat tress; will swap for good coal or wood range. Address 8C. 1130. Bee. HAVE a large grey goose and gander to awap for small pigs, calf or sued po tatoes. Address 8. C. 1 l."2.Bes 17" PIANO Player rolls for s-noto piano, swap for anything: would like rifle, n. ma. nee. ONElS-fl. steel hull. 4 H. P. mo tor boat? went soma kind of a light car. or, what am I offered 7Addreas SC. 1125,Bee. t SWAP, buy and sell kodaks: films developed free. KAfH STUDIO, Ns vllle filk.. lili and I In rue y Ma. KUt'lTY In 6-room house, on car line. OHl Main St., Benson, for sale or trade. su'o, or whatT Addiess O HKi. Bee. BABY go-cart and bath tub to sxchango for lawn mower, refrigerator or what have your 8, C. lee. DIAMONDS, value tl. to exchauge for automobile. Must bo in first class con dition. Address A. C. litis. Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN j Til" SWAP lor auto or residence lot, a floe 4-ree feature film with pper com plete. Phone IhuiKlae 41H. UNDER woi IT No. ." and" Smith Pre mier, No. 2. for what have you? Ad dress H.J111. Pee BIX octave Klmhsll organ, oak finish. w -Ish to trade for l'x!2 rug and a buffet. S. C. tl'4. Bee. FOR sale or exchange, a brand new pis no for lot or good Ford car. 8. C. 6H6, Pee. ' HAVE hlnh grade bicycle, best of con- dllloB. to trade ror 22 high power rifle. Address 8 C 1117. Bee FOX visible tyienrlter to trade for any- thlnglcan Jise. Address H Clll. nee. WILL trade nenrlv new piano for Fori touring car. Adilresa 8. C. 1114. Bee. ONE good trunk or 1 good oak sideboard to exchange for good rug. 8 C. Bee. WlLI. trade 2 National Cash Registers lor team, or, wnat have you. H. i. 6W, Bee. Eyl'ITY in country store building, waut auto. t'aHlsle. 4 I Nut. B k B I d g BICYCLE, good aa new, $12 cash, or trade. Colfax 17W. PIANO to swap for light truck. Address . c. 11-4. nee. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE A Pool hall outfit. 10 tables chairs snd equipment, or will sell ths business and lease. Including Barber shop of four rhslrs, doing good bust ness. O. A. Lang, JS09 Farnam St. MOVING Picture Tbearets. real bargains; me rhinos, reps Irs. supplies, accessories; new and secmd-hsn-l. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO, BslrdBldg; r)ourxi?. FOR SA, LE for Immediate turn". $2,200.00 Stork groceries, doing a good rash busi ness; best of reasons for selling; good brick store and living room. Torlck Nichols, Henry. Neb. FOR SA LE infant sTchfidren's and la dlea' furnishinKs store st David City, Neb., at a birgaln; best location In town; doing an excellent business; want to retire. Box No. 225. David C.ty, Neb. FOIt SALE Weil established grocery, clean stock, fine location, wish to retire. Address owner. D. D. Lcomls, 2517 N. W. Boulevard. Spokane. Wash. FOR 8Abu Good paying restaurant, confectionery and Ice cream parlor cheap If taken soon. Address Frank H. Conrnd, Grafton, Neb. FOR SALE Running $4,500 grocery stock snd fixtures; would take auto or vacant lots as part payment. Address S-tS, Wee. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska Good reason for selling. De quick. Ad dress. Y 2S7. Bee. WILLIAMS, established 2 "years, to buy or sell business; ace him. 41 1 MeCague Bldg., reference IT. 8. Nut. Rank. LIST your merchandise or real estate for sale or exchange with C A RL1 SI . K 4I rst Na t. RK. EA LOON Good paying business In a good wet town. White, or call N. II. Neuens, Iterce, Neb. JHEATERS Buy, leaso or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kx. Cc. 1404 Farnam. D. V.1. Tjowd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, havs closed out more mdse. stocks than any othsr firm In U. 8. Write for terms. OFFICE for real aatnte or Insurance: earns floor ss Bee office: Itx21 feet; Ol The Bee Bids., Office Room 103. WILLIAM, established 20 years. To buy or sell business, see him. 411 McCague Bhlg. Reference lT. S. Nat, bank. TO SELL or bur a business, call ea Busch A Borghoff. Frenser Blk. D. 1X o OFT in or out of business call on GANG EPTA D.tesBldg.Doiig.S477 FOR SA LE Groceries and fixtures. 2tfl N 8t..Soith Omii ha. j When all other ways fall, try a Bee Want Ad. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 15c PER LINE, day work or business ads regular rates. 2 lines one week 30a 1 lines one week 46c each extra line 16c per week. Male. TOUNG married man with T years' ex perience In wholesale business, now employed, wishes position with more than "just money;" wants to Join forces with some concern offering better fu ture; sober, rellabls and best of ref erences and could put some money Into a suitable business. Address IS , Omaha Bee, WIDOWER, 28 years old. with boy 8 yeara, would like Job on farm by month; experienced, no booxer or moper; state wuges; want good home: can give refer emi's. Walter Keyner. Belvue. Kan. YOUNG man wants position In automo blle business. Has had 4 years' expeil ence in this line as repair nun an. I chauffeir. Can furnish the best of ref erences. Call Doug. YOUNG men or women who want good Jiosltlons should advortlse In The Bee. t Is the paper big business men read, bankers, brokers, retail and wholesale merchants. FARMERS When you went help write or call Empire I.abor Agehcy, 209 . 12th. Phone Doug. 1006. EXPERIENCED man for general house work, painting, waxing floors. Clifton Boyd. Ha me - fs40. COLORED man would like any kind of hospital work and Institutional work. Webster 2431. Wanted-House-eleanlng; also wall paper clea n I ng. C. Brunner. it. 7198; Ty. 2275-W. ronsalo. THE REE charge for "Situation ads' Is lower than sny other form of adver tisingnot enough to cover cost of printing. COIjORED woman wants position as chambermaid half days by the week. W ebter12l9 C M I'ETENT colored girl wants general Ilium" work . Ph one Dou gl a s 4379. PRACTICAL nurse wants position. Web ster (108. RIUJ majitng nnd ideantng. 1. 143S-W. WOMAN cook : bearding house, p. xih). Vracilcol nurse. Ty. W. 1711 Burt 8t Iaadry an Day TV or . PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable. Harney SSI. EXPERIENCED woman wants work cleaning or laundress. TylerSa. FAMILY washing; bundle washing. Web. 47-s BI A N K ET S or b u nd l wa a h I n g. J . 874L CLEAN I Nil and lau'ndrworkJA'eb. 4T Laundress, day work. A. JcksonW. 19j7. Cleaning, laundry and day work. D. 7469. Woman wants steady wash places. So. -261. E-pertanced laundry or cleaning. W. 70?4. Email family A bundle washing. Weh,15H. B I ' N D I . Ejiasc if : nted. WVh 'S. WASHING, lace ciirial'is done Tyl-r 1147 BUNDLE washing and day work. W."2l" LA UN LRY. washing, cleaning. Har. 941. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster :. The telephone way is the easy way. Saves you time saves the bother and trouble of coming to THE BEE of f ice in fact, more convenient in every way. HELP WANTED MALE Stores nasi lllflees. saXF VSM A N.. auto supplies Rook keep r , Iedner clerk Steno. and typist Steno Office clerk . ..fT'St ... tt ... ... ... '. ... ... 2S Office bov WATTS REF. CO., MM0 Brand Thea. TR-AVELfNG enlesman, groceries." $l2ri71 retail clerks, $'5-t.,,-,; J offico clerks, $10 $; 6 Bkprs t'iO-$73. Western Reference Bond Aso'n., Inc. Originators ef the Reference Business. 7n2 Omaha National Bsnk Building. 1 RAli.RO A i f 'I,ER K9 170 no LKIHIEK CLF.RK (OCT TOWN). .$."0 Hotel clerk lelderly man). J-.".. H. and R. OFFICE CLERK "foUT ToWN)..$.V.o THE CANO AllKNTT, REB BLDG. SyUARE I'EGS IV SQUARE HOLES." We find a posltlcn thst fits vou. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1015-16 CITY NAT. BANK BLDG. Professions and Trades WANTED An experienced cutter or as sistant cutter, young man that can han dle customers and sell suits In store. Apply U 7.. Hersog Tailoring Co., 614 Fifth St . Sioux City, Ia. PRI NTE R-PRESSM A N wanted: must be food on ads, lob work and press feed ng; no intemperance allowed; $16 to right man. Address the Republican, Harlan, la. t WANTED Combination tinner and plumber; steady Job for rlifht party. M. D. M urphr. David City. Neb. ; EXPERIENCED architectural drafts ma n wan t ed. Address A ti"9. care Bee. ri'g ttoro Jhaps, Jobs Knelst. Bee Bldg. Salesmen anil Solleftoro. SALESMAN wanted to sell harvest or field hats In Nebraska to the country store trade. Experienced salesmen with established trade preferred. Good propo eltlon to the right men. Address, Hjr grade Hat WTork a, Jersey City, N. J. SALESMEN to sell sutomoblle specialty to dealers In Nebraska, Iowa. South Dakota and Kansas. 26 Bee Bldg. WANTED Stock" and bond salesman. Standard Security A Investment Co., 1017 W. O. W. Rid.. Omaha. EXPERIENCED house-to-house ' can vasser. Apnly 132S. W. O. W. fAT.F.flMAN WANTED Call 423 8. 16th. Hotels and Koataaranta. RELIABLE employment agency, 111 Davenport St., headquarters for hotel help: spec, sttentlon to distance orders. Trade Scoools. M0LER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. Ws have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while leartnif. Tools Included. Open to every one. Writs for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL bas moved from 2404 Leavenworth 8t to 202S-2S Farnam St. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writs for catalogue. t402 lodge. T R I-CITTB A R B ERCOLLEGH. IfEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition, $25. long casa St.. Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for ths big spring ruth. Fine training work on autos and electric sUrtlng systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. tORl Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. M lacella aeons. WANTED Experienced gardener, grape and small fruit man, and wife; near Omaha; permanent place; good home. Address Y 670, Bee, giving experience and references. WANTED Young men as railway mall Clvras. SID muiiin; BHiiipm eJuiiiiiuitiioii as: ucsuohs free, franklin institute, Dept. l-N, Koor.ester. n. I. MEN OR WOMEN. .18 or over, wishing government positions, $75 month and over, should spply for particulars to Y i2. Bee. WANTED Experienced advance agent for musical ooncert company. Inquire at ist Capitol Ave. Tel. Pour, iiaw. LOtOMOTlVB firemen, train brakemen; $120 monthly. Experience unnecessary. Railway, Y 286, Bee. HE?.P WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STl!NO. ind Bbk. Steno '.'.75 Steno 05 Steno. W Steno. and hlller 40 WATT8 KERJ-'O, 8;8-0 Brand Thea. Sl'T:No7riti5; Steno., $7j0; Steno. $40; offlcs clerk, 3,'; Bkpr. and Steno., $ro. Western Reference A Bond Ass n., Inc. ""2 Dmshs- National Bank Building. W E CAN place fine experienced steno graphers at once. NO FILING FKR THE JUARTI CO . 1S27 W. O. W. Bldg. Profeaaloaa and Trades. LEARN halrdresstng at The Onpenhelra. Saleswomen and golleltovs. LADY TRAVELERS TO DEMONSTRATE Good appearsnce and ref ' erences, experience not es sential, applicants will be Interviewed between 10 a. m. and t p. m. 1601 City Na tional Bank Bldg. WANTED A (ew active ladies to repre sent a large mfg. concern In Nebraska and Iowa, for one of the fastest selling patents on the market; big demand, aoasant work and good pay. Apply l.'Ol O. W. Bids. WANTED Two traveling salesladies; ex penses and sal try pa'd. Eperlene not essential, but preferable. Give telephone number. Address 1V3. Bee. Household and Oomeslle. WANTED White girl for general house work; one who ia fully experienced, also who appreciates a nice place; S In fam ily; wages I'iS per month; hss good room. Mrs. Thos. W. Haxen, 272 Spaul dlng. Colfax GIRL for general housework; must be sble to furnish references; good wages and good homo to right party. Call H arne y 17t7. W A NT ED Experienced white girl for general housework, no laundry work, lit Bo. 34th St. Telephone Harney il. WANTED Girl for general housework: must be good cook; help with washing.! 1 17 8. !oi1 hAve. Phone H arney tttl. "vTaNTED Competient white girl for general housework, two In family, no laundiy work. Phone Harney li3. WANTED tJirl for general week and cooking where second girl Is kept. S3o3 Woolworth avenue. Harney 6342. COMPETENT girl for general house- wora; no wasning: 'ioc ood pay. 140 N. Slst Ave. Harney THE EEE HELP WANTED -FEMALE It n rtehslrf nnrt Domestic COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing: good puy; 140 N. tlst jAveJtBjrney ?!!: 'W A NT El v At once, girl for general housework. 6011 Chicago street. Wal nut Sl. NEAT girl for Unlit housework; no wssli Ing. plain cooking. Mrs. Justman, phone lied 7Q7,y ' YOUNGglrl for generarTiousework. 61lt So. 3Wh avenue. So. Side. South 23. WANTED a yTiiing girl to esslst with housework. Phone Harney i. GIRL fr-general housework; no wash ing. 4M lavenport. . Mlscelleneoos. WANTED Protestant woman to act aa our representative In earii common! ; no canvassing; nleasant. profltalila work; send stump for particulars. Ths Helping Hand. South Bend. Ind. EDUCATIONAL SPRING TERM APRIL t. PAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Pools keeping, Shorthand, Stenotypo. Type writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Bts. Tel. Douglas 136a. BUSINESS COLLEGE 8TUDENTS , SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. 1 For sale, with good reasons for sett ing, a variety of course In a re)lah Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reeaonablo away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a cnurse Investigate this at once, sines Spring Term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. x THE VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOGRAPHY BOOKK EEPINQ. Pay School for Young Women. Evening School for YounaTSMen and Women. Saturday morning class in typewriting. lone C. Toffy, Owner and Mrnager. t"4 8. 14th St Omnha. KCIIOOI. OF MODERN IiANOLJAGi Clasa or private lessons, towntown studio. Phone Web IVi. PAXTON Blk. School of Lettering and Art teaches paying trades privately. R. 61 L PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R., Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boost on rectal diseases with teaUmonlaam, DR. E. R. TARRY. 20 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness snd asthma sufferers are suo cessfully restored to health by rack Examination Free. Call Suits 313 Bee Bldg." " DR. W. 11. KNOLLENBERO. ClUropractor. Tyler 13H pTTTT iWV -day drink and drug treat x uiiuuj. ment Is best known cure; booklet free. THE FURLEY, 3167 Fnf nam, Omaha. Phone Harney 8742. ' $3,0CO TO TENSION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal... tl.H The Saturday Evening Post Lhe Country uentieman lies "0 subscriptions by April earns that $3,000 for The Invalids' Pension Asa'a. Your order or renewal communes sua, Phone Douglas 7163, or address GORDON. THE MAGAZ1NK MAN. Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha ss strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise aaaieted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Unloa Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your oid clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 snd our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new boms. 1110-1112-111 Dodge Et. DRS. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 207 N St., 8. O. Coneultatloa free and Invited. Phone South 018, RTT P T TT T? V. Successfully treatat VI X V IX Hi .rfu.out a' aurglcal operation. Call or writs Drs. Wray at Malheny,J4 Bee Bldg., Omaha. NU-BONE Corset Shop; surgical corsets a specialty. Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 16t h and Howard. Red 43l2. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS. chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210- 21 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. D. SM. STRAW hats dyed; look like new. Plumes paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyed. Dora Elsele. D. 2632. 1136 City Nat Bk. LET us do your dry cleaning and press ing. Our prloes are right. City Pressing Club. 302 Neville block. Tel. Red 67. PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open t a. m. to p. rn, Douglas 713. 01 Ware Blk. MAE BRUGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room 3ti3 Karhach Blk. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 614 Paxtoa B I k. D. SZTl. Office hours 10 to I. RHEUMATISM treated successfully: re gults gosrant'd. Ir. Bowser. 31 Bee Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas (371. FOR ENT ROOMS Famished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads. call at Ths Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant roosis in all pans of the city. If more convenient pbone The . Bee Wsat Ad Dept. snd give your name and address, snd a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are issued svery week. NEwnrurnjslied room lr. new home, one block from car. private family, two blocks from where you csn play golf and tennis free. Colfax Pu. t Per Word ii i