Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    TfTK BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAliCH '27, 1!UG.
BtudnU ' of Labor Conditio". Aik
for Explanation ai to Mean
in; of Terms.
CWICAOO. March 5.-i.pee1ai.-Wlth
only few day remaining before Hie
leaders of the railroad brothrrhned de
elare their wagr demands to the rsllroad
mntrri, much Interest center In this
sdvsnr announcement from the ef'lce
ef the Association of Western Rsllrod
Incsted here. The position of the reit
roeds, ss explained hy their representa
tive. U follow:
In th formal demand drawn up by
the unloni and now ready to he pre
sented tn the railroad, appear these
Artlrle 1, rtnn A: tn all road er
Ire loo milea or lew. eight houra or le
shall constitute a day, except In pas
senger eervlr.
tuder.ts of labor condition from
t arloua part of th country have written
ta th ofrice of th Association of Wen
era Railway asking for an explana
tion of tbla unusual term, "or leaa" In
p-npoed eight-hour controveray.
tt haa always been otir understanding
that an eight-hour day contemplate
eight houra of labor honestly and com
pletely rendered In return for an elglil
hour wage honeelly and completely pa'.l.
Why 'should th member of th railway
brotherhoods put thla Into their demand- i
femand which ar the moat far-reach-!
Int of any ever yet submitted by group
of American tradea union. It would
seem that under thla claua th brother
hnol art demanding that their membets
receive eight-hours' pay but they ar
not pledging themselves to render In re
tiirn for It. eight houra' work.
In aplta of all the aay the train end
engine service brotherhood an not aak
lng for an eight-hour day aa thoee worda
have been understood by the public up
to the preent time. The net result of
their demand la that they ahalt be paid
what they are now receiving for ten
houra' work at the end of right houra and
that for th balance of the time, ahould
It be necessary ta work more than lght
houra, they will receive overtime en th
basts of time-and-a-half. Tn dollar an-l
renta thla would mean an Increase In
wagea of 26 per rent, which would re
quire tl00,lo,o"i a year.
May Yet Become
The Buffer State
Correspondence of th Associated Press.)
I AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, March IT.
fTh conversion of A Lsao-Lorraine Into an
Independent buffer state between Franc
Jnnd Germany. possibly Joined ta th
Vmall Independent Grand Duchy of Iix
1 mburk that at now In Germ a oocupe-
ilon, la th latent suggestion put forward
r Dutch socialist circle In an attempt to
jjiflds the, deep chasm between th Franrhj
ind German socialist group and to en
M'le ' th aaeUllaU en both beIHgerant
We to work with on acoord In their
JeepecUv countrlea for th attainment
ff peac.
The Aleac-UorraJne quaatlon la th
sreat atumbllng block which haa hitherto
jiefeated all attempt of th Socialist In
ternational to reatora harmony and unity
hmong tha vrloua national group affll
fcted to tt. and th Dutch aoclaJUt organ.
Met Yolk, now put forward tha fora-otnc
the' chief point In a draft of peaca
terma upon the baaia of which. It urge,
kl socialist might undertake a campaign
In favor of ending th preteot terrlW
( Rejecting th idea of th war Indemnity
erertly referred to In th RelchaUg aa
fut of the queation, the program In quea
)lon art forth further that Germany ahall
axrrender' the territory It ha occupied In
I ho wet la th return for tha restoration
It of the fre aea. which la, aaya Het
yolk. a. hundred time more ncaary
for Ita national exlatence. while th allies
ertall give It back her loat colon! In ex-
hanxe for th non-Pollh territory Ru
fiiti territory In German occupation and
the restoration of Serbia and Montenegro.
!tMlan Poland ahould. It la propaed. b
reme aa Independent atate. which la on
tha one hand what the Ruaaian emperor
haa promised and on th other would fur
Meh German with an Important reln
lorcment of th aafety whh-h ao many
uf them regard a threatened en the Sua
lan aide.
Kenhedy Addresses
' Dawes Republicans
1 rllADRON. Neb March .'flpeclal.t
V-Th Uawe . County Republican - club
Vntned the political araan l'rtJay even
ln with a banquet at which John L.
Kennedy of Omaha, candidate for United
f latee! aenator, wae the gueet of honor.
'Mr. Kennedy aa Inlroduced by Judge F.
B. fielrd. preaident of the club. He made
an r a tended addreaa In which he dlcumd
th tsauea of lh campaign In a clear an4
intelligent manner. The large audience
that crowded the opeia houa waa de
lighted with hla talk and It vn freely
p. edi ted that h will cairy Taee count,
by. a large majority.
j 'lta Dawea County RepubiWan club haa
Uaued a general Invitation to all repun
fl'n randldatea for . national and atate
cfflcr to vUit It. .
Orleans Pioneers
Elect Officers!
'ALMA, Neb., March K.-H8pecial.-Th.!
annual meeting of the Pioneers' and Old j
Settlers assoclauon was held In Orlais
and the following officers elected: James
jMcOlaohln. president; D. J. Lldeen. vice
jl resident; J. O. Stroinberg. treasurer; It.
IV Bodren. secretary- This Is an organi
sation promoted and financed by tha buat
litese men and dtlaens of Orleans that
lias grown from year to year uatll now
the annual three days picnic held m tVep
tcBiber attracts monster crowds from all
',ver th stat. A fre barbecue and at
'1 ractlona together with agricultural es
iilblts adds U tha reproduction of pioneer
oens and happenings. Th date have
not bea decided upon for this year's
I Maar tl Dea't Kataw.
A eJigtsa liver cause aa awful lot of
mlM-ry to keep it actlv us Dr. King's
New life Pills. Only c. All druggtels.-
, Advertisement.
From dispatches it is believed that Lieutenant E. S. Gor
rll and R. H. Willis, the two U. S. army aviators who were
lost in Mexico, are reported safe.
" i "i
.iContlnued from Tag One.) '
earner are an Integral part of organlxed
aociety part of the vita la of the nation.
"In appreciation of their dignity end
value, it I the duty of the wage-earn-era
to make demand upon the world aa
aembled In the nest world congreaa that
nothing touching the Uvea of the work
er ahall be determined without taking
counael with them. Much a demand made
by tha peraonel representative of the
wage-earners aaaembled In the same place
and at the aame time a the World
Peace congreaa would have a tremendous
effect upon the spirit and tha deter
mination of that congress.
"Such a demand would aet high stand
arda of democracy and would give promi
nence to prtnclplea of human welfare that
could not be ignored.
"The labor movement la the great hu
manising, democratising force. In the
affairs of nations, and It muat have a
place wherever the welfare of th wage
earners Is concerned.
"If demands are not made they can b
Ignored with good eonactenowa. But when
Ideal of human welfare, tha rights and
Interests f th common people are pre
sented and urged In world tribunal. thy
cannot b wholly rejected. The de
mands will not be pressnted or oenald
ered vnleaa tha wage-earners send their
representative. This LAbor eongro Is
an obligation we owe to our tdeala and
to fellow-workers of tha present and the
future as well as a great opportunity.
"The problem la to have fullest and
th beat representation In th Labor
congreaa and through It a vole and In
fluence In th world congreaa.
Plan atreted sty Cewveatlea.
"Tha report of the executive council to
the thirty-fifth annual convention of th
American Federation of Labor, held In
San Frencleeo,' beginning November I.
IKS, contained a plan for the holding of
tha proposed Labor Peace congreaa. Th
plan Is necessarily flexible and broad
th purpose la to Inaur full represen
tation from the worker of all countries,
and you are urged to communicate with
me aa soon as possible, expressing the
attitude of the labor movement of your
country upon thla plan.
"Tha plan approved by the American
Federation of Labor contains ths follow.
Ins; general suggestions:
Let everv national center affiliated
to the International Federation of Trade
union send not more than two dele
gates to the conference. The labor move
ment of any country, even though not
eftlllated, could send one delegste. If
there Is no ons general labor movement
In a country, let the repreaent'atlvea
of the organisation of that country agree
to aend one delegate. Then It ahould
alee be understood that representatives
to thla congreaa mat be either officials
or duly accredited representatives of
economic nrganlsatlona of watre-earnere.
The delegates tn thla International con
ference before leaving their home coun
trlea ahould make provialona for public
ity through the labor and reform preaa
ef their countrlea for the deliberations
and the dectaiona of the labor confer
ence ao that the wage-earner of the
whole world would be In possession of th
lr'"K In regard to whet tranepirea.
"You will note these auggestlons are to
facilitate the holding: of such a congreaa.
This communication to you constitutes ths
necessary official Invitation and notifi
cation to participate In that congress.
And additional announcement through the
pra that th general 'World Peace con
gress will be convened In a certain place,
st a certain time, will constitute tha only
notification necessary for aendlng your
representatives to the labor peace con
Labor Power for Daaewrey.
'The p-o posed plan for the labor con-
I greaa Is formulated for th purpose of
I securing the representative thought and
j conviction of the organlaed labor move-
tnriit of the world. It le well known that
;the labor movementa In every country
. are a power for democracy, and In
'latently and fearlessly urge In every
j telation the paramount Importance of the
! human element. There are no other
, crganiaatloa that are concerned wholly
land purely with human welfare the pro
rm JL
Bandits Ride Alongside of Train
Bearing Refugees from Mexico
MONTEREY. Mexico, Mnrvh M.-A spe
cial train from Torreon, bringing women
and children of the American colony'
there, passed through here last night. Ths
wojuea were seated on ths floor of a
box oar, protected by a barrier of trunks.
The guard on the train engaged In a
running fight with a large number of
baadila, who rod alongside lh train
for several miles from Prevencl to IWnto
Nino. Wires were out oa both aide and
attempts mads to burn the bridges.
(By Aeroplane to Columbua, N. M
The aeroplane squadron, which accom
panied Brigadier Oeneral J. J. Persh
ing's expedition, haa mads good thus far
la tha dangerous ork assigned to It.
Flying condltiona among the Mexican
. .... '
tection and th coneervntlon of human
life. The labor movement everywhere lit
a movement of the people. In the Inter
est of the people and for the rlRht of
the people. In all other world rniiKresao
and general conferrncea for considering
national affairs. It has not been the ciia
tom to hsve representatives who stood
for human rights and for human Inter
ata. Political, commercial, Industrial,
legal Intereeta have always been repre
aentcd, but despite the fact thru nations
and clvlllantlon exist for htimnn beings,
human beings as human beings, and prin
ciples of human welfare, have never been
represented In these council. It Is thla
wider and broader concept that we wish
to bring Into the next world congress
and so to humanise and elevate the
thought and the decisions.
Km Prssraat is Offered.
"The plan of the American labor move
ment for this labor's pence congress has)
to do solely with th organisation of that
congreaa. do not offer any program
or any theory as to what tho member
of that labor's peace congress shall do.
It seems beat to leave 1 representatives
free and unhampered to use whatever
oiportunlty ahall be 'available and to tako
advantage of any opportunity to promote
the Interests of the workers In accord
with their best judgment. W recognise
full well that no conventional agencies
or plans or davlcea for tha maintenance
of can be of any uae If there doe
not exist In each nation the will and the
understanding to maintain Justice, which
Is the basis of alt real peace. It 1 this
thought that wai th ultimata purpose
of the proposed labor's peace congreaa 1
that by securing for th wage-earner of
th world consideration and heating of
their demand, of their grievances, thero
would be brought about a better under
standing of true national welfare and
progress and that the principles that
must underlie relations between nations
should be In accord with justice.
"By order of tho executive council of
th American Federation of Labor: Fra
ternally your.
"SAMl'EL GOMPKRS, Preaident.
"American Federation of Labor."
ALLIANCE. Nb. March M.t Special
Telegram The auction sale of Box
Butte county land here ystiily
resulted In the. purchase of eleven hun
dred acres In small tracts In different
parts of the county. The price paid
averaged tM per acre, no pie cn sold
being th last th aeller had.
The object of thla aale la rather to
divide up waer poaaihle, aome of th
larger ranches Into small farm as It
has been proven In the last flvs seasons
that money can be made on a single
tract of 104 acres of Bos Butte county
The Box Butte County Farmers as
sociation with the aid of an experienced
farm demonstrator la giving every at
tention to the scientific farm and tha
day Is not far distant when the land
on this table will be as thickly popu
ated with prosperous farfners aa la
that of the eastern part of the alate.
Th "Welcome" algn suspended across
Main atreet waa awung Into place today
and thla evening the formal turning tn
of the electricity was the occasion for
public demonstration ' accompanied by
band and f ireworke. . The algn. the larg
est of lis kind between Omaha and
Heattle, was bought by popular subscrip
tion, headed by tha Traveling Men'a aa-
social ion. The different fraternal orders
of Alliance were among the principal
new to Prevent trwasi.
When the child Is subject to attacks or
croup, ee tt that he eats a light even
ing meal, aa an overloaded atomach may
bring on an attack, also watch for the
first symptom hoarseness, snd give
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as
the rhlld become hoarse. Obtainable
everywhere Advertisement.
mountains have presented unusual diffi
culties, and In surmounting them some
of ths men have had thrilling erper
teroe. On aviator finding it advisable to
leave hia machine to make aome topo
graphical Inveatigatlona, walked thirty
alx mile, part, of It at night. II fol
lowed a railroad part of the way. lie
did not care to atrtke a light, but waa
able to make soma map observations by
walking close to a burning railroad He.
From the hills he watched many miles
of valleys. Once, when looking for aome
troops, he saw the dust which they
raised many milea away, without the aid
of glasses, but even with hia glaaaea
he could not penetrate the dust clouds
to learn hat aort of troops they were
until he sa aeveral milea closer to them.
Omaha i Surrounded with Beauty
Spots to Attract the Eye.
Art fiallerlee and IIiimi ('ollertloa
Will He Open to the Vlsltora
Dtoek larda Will Also Keep
Open lloeae.
Omaha Is well termed the ronven'hm
city, both het-aiiae it Is tha city where
many conventions are held and lwiu
find a
convention Vr llrnahi la a cltv that 1
utiJo many places to go either for
amusement, sightseeing or to learn, and
the convention visitor finds much to In
terest him during his stay.
Parka In ths summer, spring and fall
are the best possible plnree to tvh"e j
away the houra In a p'e&sant manner.
limiDi haa a nsrk In averv dlre-tion from
th. .tet .m street car
linea run direct to their entrances, in j
the summer the narks aonear a one vast ;
block of green, in the autumn and fall j
the parka are more beautiful than ever,
The beautiful green foliage changes color j
until th perk 1 creen. yellow, red sndj"nv n," rnof" a r""rT1
brown. Th tall treea protect the sloping ,
greens and the lawna re-naln aoft and
firm until late In the winter when the
froet eventually kills the last llngerlrv-
blt of life. Squirrels roam at random ""' '"""
around Omaha a parka and are never I Ihterestlng placea to vl.1t and ahould
molested, not even by email boya that;"01 b' uh-d lf ,h vlaltar haa the
have a propensity toward throwing : ,lme to nlak the """'oh" Orraha has.
.1 tv.. H.iu. it-, i ik. ..-'many other Interesting place, but It
carefully macadamized and are kept In
repair constantly, so thst for the vlaltot j
two a motor ride through the parks la"""' '""u,a ""
an enjoyable treat. The driveways con- j
necl at all sides or the parx ana tnresa
through at every place, allowing a com
plete vletr of all the beautiful shrubbery
and foliage while passing.
Miles of noaleTsrila. I
Connecting with and running through j
the parka of Omaha are the boulevards. 1
The boulevard, are still mure or less In I
an uncompleted atate and Omaha csn
hardly boast of boulevards until the
completion of the central boulevard
around and through the city and around
Carter lake, but that part of the Central
boulevard that la completed and Flor
ence boulevard are beautiful driveways.
They afe excellent roads and riding over
them after they have been recently oiled
la very much like riding on a trans
continental railroad. The homes that
have been built on tho boulevarJ have
been erected by discriminating home
builders and were all planned to eecure
the largrat amount of architectural
beauty. Parking along the way adds ef
fectiveness to the contrast between boule
vard and sldewslk, while along all va
cant lots, shrubbery, trees, hedges, vines
snd other kinds of follaa-e have been al
lowed to grow so that In many placea
dinging branches extend overhead and
shut out the sunlight completely.
Miss Station.
For tha convention vialtor and espe
cially the visitor from th smaller local
ity, tho water works pumping station Is
a good place to visit. It Is not often that
a cltlxen takes the time or trouble to
vlw the water works In his own town
snd as the Omaha station Is a very large
one, many take the advantage offered
and. examine the on In Florence. The
huge pumps, tho Immense reservoirs, the
rlp-rapplhg on the river, th mechanical
system, the chemical system, all Interest
and thrill tha visitor.
Two very Interesting plsces for teach
ers to visit whlls the convention Is be
ing held here are the public library and
the city mission. . The public library la
on of the beat equipped In the tnlddl
west and I purely Omaha's library and
Is supported by the city and not by any
endowments. At ths library, convention
Tlaitors will find several thousand ref
erence books and Innumerable curios and
collections. Th Byron-Reed collection
of old coins and the Manderson collection
of Indian curiosities are' especially Inter
esting to teachers. During the conven
tion of teachers the Art Qulld will hold
an exhibit in th library. Th exhibit
of th art guild are held tn the library at
various Intervale during the year and are
always very Interesting- and pretty.
Blgt Charity lastltatlon.
Tho City Mission I Omaha's biggest
charity. Visitors to this city can ascer
tain the methods of a large charitable
organisation by merely making a ahort
visit on morning becauae their work Is
so extensive that hardly a minute passes
but what something new comes up. Even
to th uninterested person ths systems
Used work of a charitable organisation
becomes attractive because of th pe
culiar working method.
While soms visitors look for amuse
ment or entertainment In a city other
look for eomethlng different. That Is
why the stock ysrds In South Omaha are
attractive. They would hardly be enter
taining to the person who saw them sev
eral times a month or even a year, but
to the person who never saw them are
fascinating affaire.
At the Parking; Plaat.
Th killing of the rattle, the cleaning
and dressing, the packing and shipping
are all new and unknown. The systems
employed are very different from the
systems employed In other lines of bual
nee. Few people oome to Omaha and
fall to witness the packing Industry In
South Omaha.
Another Interesting sight to visitors
from smaller places Is th grain ex
change when the members are on the
floor buying and selling. It will be
difficult to understand Just what tha
niemhera of th board of trade are try
ing to do, but the way they do It will
be a eight that la very seldom seen.
The conatant yelling, the commotion,
th hurrying messenger and clerks ar
all fascinating to watch.
aaarltlasT Plaat.
Down by the river ia the largest smelt
ing pUnt of gold and silver ore In the
world. Huge furnaces, the engines,
everything Is wonderful within the
smelter snd the msnner In which they
bring clear metal front apparently dark,
black or light white rock la a sight
that will never be forgotten. Tha smel
ter la one of th points that no visitor
Should overlook.
For amuaement. alx theaters furnish
an ample aupply. Musical comely,
drama, farce, comic opera, vaudeville.
Stock and burlesque sr played at tho
vartoiM theaters, eo that no patron wtll
be disappointed. H ran have whatever
he wants.
Otnaha'a new million-dollar court
house Is a beautiful place. It Is one f
th largest, neatest and best court
houses In the country. It la aa Impos
ing sight from without and) tha Interior
decorations are nothing short of ex
qnlslt. While marbls and light wood
work constitute the decorating and blend
The high school on th hill la an ad
visable place to visit and of course all
Over Thirteen Hundred Men Join
American Army in Last Ten Days
WASHING-TOM. March .-A total of
l.jrtg recruits have been added to the
army In tha last ten days, the War de
partment announced last night. The cam
paign to add some :4,w men to the flh'.- .
Ing 'oires. h'lnglne them up to maximum
ttrength. b' Xen Mrch l.'i, ten days after
American troops had hern onl-rocl into !
!Me''"0 I" pursuit of Vil!s. A totsl of t,87i
wete examined t oul.iin
ill men. I
The White Houfo, War department and 1
members of congress have been de'.ugel
with offers of services from itate troop ,
and prospective volunteers for days. All
pressure for largely Increased border
forces. It Is ssld, hs come from con
cnooi teacnera win an eo. it
la the
largest high school In the country with
one exception. A huge three-story af-
f,r ,h8t t-ov'r fur square blocks of
: more than ordinary alia with a court In
middle. It Is aa well .quipped as
nd comfortable
t.'relghton col'ese. the t'nlvcrelly of
'Omaha, the Presbyterian seminary, Bel
: levue college, the Nebraska State Med-
1 would be almoat Impossible for a visitor
mho la to be here only a day or two
attending a convention to see everything
. 1 1 . 1 ..11 w
I Many British
I Actors Respond
To Country's Call
. "
J?m: of. th A"' '"' Pr'"
liOrxLMj.N, March ac. There are no
1.5no actors serving with the British
forces. It waa announced at a recent din
ner In their honor given by membera of
the theatrical profession. Ixrd Derby,
who raised England's big volunteer army,
paid the members of the profession a
compliment for the assistance they had
given In his recruiting campaign when
he ssld: "Nobody knows better than I
do how much recruiting owes to the dra
matlo and variety professions. One had
never to appeal to them In vain. They
always have been ready Jo. give their
services, snd much Is due to them for
the success thst hss attended the volun
tary recruiting."
War Causes Dearth
Of Paris Lawyers
(Correspondence of th Associated Press.)
PARIS, March 80. The Parisian bar has
bsen reduced to Its lowest terms by
drafts upon It for military service. There
are no longer any of the younger mem
bers left. It was a young lawyer, or
"stagta. re," as hs is called, who was gen
erally assigned to th defense of accused
persons who had no counsel. Monsieur
Henri Robert, hesd of the Order of Ad
vocates of Paris, who chooses thasa offi
cially designated counsel, waa obliged
the other day to call upon Monsieur Ern
est Csrtler. 86 yeara old, formerly at tha
head of the Order of Advocates himself,
to defend a man accused of a trivial of
(Correspondence of th Associated Press.)
BERNE, Swltierland. March 30. Prof.
R. Junker, the well known German
painter, has just arrived at the head
quarters of the Oerman crown prince,
where he is going to hav a series of
sittings from th prince, accord' ng to dis
patches received her.
Swiss newspapers state that . the pro
fessor's visit forms part of a great pub
licity campaign In favor of tha crown
prince In progress in Germany. Photo
graphs depicting the princ performing
acta of kindness to French peaaant chil
dren ar now on ssle tn Berlin.
It takes but a minute of time to aave
dollars when you read Th Bee Want Ad
Washington Affairs
Officials of national and state proba
tion organlaatlona asked a subcommittee
of the senate Judiciary committee to
recommend the paaaage of Senator Owens'
bill for a probation system in the United
Ktatea courta it would authorise appoint
ment by federal Judgea of probation of
ficers and would permit probation of all
offenders except those convioted of trea
son, murder, assault and kidnaptHng.
The' senats public health committee
recommended passage of a hill creating
a national home for lepera. Varloua esti
mates placed the number of lepera at
larae In the I'nlted States aa high aa
l.ouo. The report of the committee baaed
011 expert testimony declarea leproay la
present in every atate and that tta vio
tima are rapidly Increasing in numbers.
The senate military committee has de
cided not to attempt to reconcile its army
bill with th bill which already has
passed ths house, but will report the
senate bill aa a substitute.
Iron Is Greatest of All Strength
Builders, Says Doctor
A Secret of the Great Endurance and Power of Athletes
Ordinary sTasated Iroa Will stake Bell,
cat, Itervoaa, Bnadowa Teopie too
Tar Cent. Btroager ta Two
Weeks' Tims la BCaay Case.
NEW YORK. 'N. Y. Mast people fool
ishly seem to think they are going to
get renewed health and strength from
aome atlmutating medicine, eecret noe
trura or narocoiio dru aald Lr. atauer.
la m i w. - Im 1 1 m I uf this ltv k ii.n u mkl-
trr of fart, real and true atrength can
only come from the food you eat. But
people often fail to get the strength out
of thrli food because they haven't
enough lion In thir hlood to enable tt
to ihange food Into living matter. From
their weakened, nervous condition they
know soiiicth.HK is wrong, but tlieV can t
tell what, so they -iitrlly commence
doctoring fr atomach. liver or kidney
trouble or symptom of some other ail
ment caused by the lack of iron In the
blood. Thla thing may go on for yeara.
while the patient suffer untold agony.
If you are not atrong or well you owe
it to you reel r to run tne lonowing test
bee how long ou can woik or how far
nu ran walk without becoming tired.
Next take two five grain tablets of or
dinal y iiuxated iron three times per day
after nit I for two weeks. Tnan test
your strength again and see for yourself
how much you have gained. 1 have aeea
duaeae of nervous, rundown people who
were ailing all tbe while, double their
strength and endurance and entirely set
nd of all symptoms of dyspepsia. Ilvtr
gress. There Is nothing to Indicate that
General Funaton had asked for additional
men or that he feels alarm over the allu
atlon confronting him.
Another proposal for a call for volun
teers found Its way Into congress tcday.
A Joint resolution directing the president
to immediately call lOO.OfO volunteera for
a term of service to last until peace ia !
sufficiently restored In Mexico to guaran- j
tec protection to American life and prop
erty was Introduced by Representative ,
Oyer of Missouri. Mr. Dyer Is the head
of the Spsnlsli War Veterans' national
organization and the reaolutlon provides
that preference ahall be given In this
volunteer enlistment to the militia and
the fnlted State Spanish War Veterana.
At Lait Eng-land it Forced to Recog
nize Volunteer Training Corps as ;
Part of Military System.
(Correspondence o'f The Aasoclated Press.! !
IXJXDON. March 17.-The decision of .
the government to recognise the militia 1
organization known as th Volunteer
Training corps as psrt of ths military
forces of the country solves a difficulty;
that for many months threatened to j
wreck the whole volunteer home-defense !
movement. j
The trouble arose tn connection with !
Ireland, and shows how the old home j
rule quarrel persists even In the face of j
war. The Irish nationalists, or home,
rulers, saw that a bill giving official rec- j
nenttlon to the volunteer forces would !
strengthen the power of the Nationalist
volunteer force, which Is a considerable!
body of men, all united with the Inten-j
tlon of barking the demand for home rule;
with force. If necessity should arise. I
To prevent this strengthening of the'
home rule element, the government pre
pared, a bill at the last aeaslon which
waa carefully worded ao as not to apply
to Ireland at all, but the nationalists
saw through the ruse promptly snd I
threatened to put up a big fight. The!
government then Included Ireland, and
proposed to Include both th national
ists and the Ulster Anti-Home rule mili
tia. But the flsterltea rose In force
against thla compromise, pointing out
that practically all the young men of the
Ulster volunteers had forsaken It for the
front, whereas there were still large
numbers of men of military age In the
nationalist militia.
So, while Ireland was quarreling, the
bill waa allowed to die, and accordingly
no official recognition could be given to
the home-defense organizations through
act of partlamerft.
The ministry hss now got around this
hy merely recognising th volunteer
under an old military act of 1863. whereby
Ireland is excluded. Inasmuch aa the act
In question never applied to Ireland.
Tha Volunteer Training corps thus en
rolled as a part of the nation' fighting
force ar believed to aggregate nearly
00,000 men. Th corps waa organised spe
cifically for home defense, and includes
mostly men past military age or other
wise exempt from military duty. Th
organisation led a thankless and unhon
ored existence during It first year. The
papers poked a good deal of fun at It,
and the war office Ignored It. But de
spite rebuffs, the movement spread with
remarkable rapidity. It adopted a gray
green uniform with red brassard, with
th Initials "O. R." standing presumably
for Oeorr Rex. and drilled faithfully in
th highways and byways.
Punatera explained th "O. R." as
standing for ."George s Wrecks," "Going
Rotten,' or 'Government' Rejects." but
no amount of rldloule availed to hinder
tha growth of th movement.
At on time it was suggested that the
Volunteers should go to Flanders to dig
trenches, but the scheme fell through.
Whn th Derby canvass began they
proved of th greatest assistance. They
helped In th canvass, and as soon as the
canvas waa completed they threw open
their ranks to th Derby recruits, offer
ing them fre preliminary training, so
that when they were called up tney
would not have to begin absolutely at
th beginning.
EL. SO, Tex., March St. Word that
two box car or coaches had toppled from
tha track of tha Mexican Northwestern
railway, and that several American sol
diers wer injured, was brought hr to
day by iruc McKellar and hla wife, who
came in on a belated train, that left
Pearson. Msx.. last Thursday. McKellar
aald that a defective rati was th cause
of th accident. Tha train was said to
b carrying; American troops to Madera.
. "Mm f forfait."
AifTiiiin iv m inn y jor ain, an oiq
darky told her that through the Dayton
flood he had lost everything he had In
the world. Including hia wife and six
"Why, said the lady, "I have seen you
before and I have helped you. Were you
not the colored man who told me you
- -iiu 1 viniurvn DT
the sinking of the TItanlcT"
I fin. ma am, oat wua me. Hoi' un
for'nlt man dat eher wus. Kalnt keep a
fam'ly nohow." San Kranelaco Argonaut.
and other troubles In from ten to four
teen days' time simply by taking Iron in
the proper form. And this after they
had In some raaes been doctoring for
months without obtaining any benefit.
Hut don't take the old forms of reduced
iron, iron aretate or tl.ture or Iron
simply to save a few centa. You muat
take Iron In a form that can be easily
abaorbad and assimilated like nuxated
Iron If you want It to do you any good,
otherwise it may prove worse than use
less, at any an athlete or prise fighter
baa won the day simply berauae he
knew the secret of great strength snd
endurance and filled hla blood with Iron
before he went Into the affray, while
many another has gone down to Inglor
ious defeat almply fur the lack of iron.
NOTsV-Nuaats Iroa rvonnMd sbeve br Dr.
Ksusr I aot a twwut -aic!i.s sue srerst rrsiolr,
but so wklck M Ml kss to runiats ai
whoa Itoa eoaslltueals Is wlaslr trM:rlbe4 r
ml msi phrsleuui ryw br. I'sllSs lbs sliUr
I nor (mats lra rraesoas. It Is eawlr sasl-sllsleS.
Iom sot injur ids iswis, nwh lUsss s-l-u;, ae
UMt the tuMu-B. oa tss eoalrarjr It Is s wnit
uMt rssiity. la Mrl- all kns ef IMIsbiim.
aa well as fur sruws raa-sova coasittsos. T
MBuraturrs kavs suel) s-U iatum- la
NAle4 Iroa thst Ikes tfsr t fsrtalt USD s to
sar casmabis isaiiuiiioa if tksr reaaot uiss aay
bus ar womb usese e ehe lacks uva an ta
erae their strensta tee ar seat ar arer la four
wsaBa ttm arvlW4 Iter hav as aerloas orBsi
irouaia. Thar atea attar ta your moaer
If n aa sot at le daukl yor straatk aa
MJuaaaos is tas ' l.aia. It Is Stscwaaia la
tkt cttr SIf-mu-BXDaaall Drag Blac-M ta
all elser rvaSieJ.---A-vniaat,
Cascarets Sell
Twenty Million
Boxes Per Year
Best, safest cathartic for liver
and bowels, and people
know it.
They're fine! Don't stap bil
ious, sick, headachy or
Knjo" life! Keep clean Inside with
Caacareta. Take one or two at night
and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and
bowel cleansing you ever experienced.
Wake up feeling grand. Tour head will
be clear, your tongue clean, breath right,
etomsch sweet and your liver and thirty
feet of bowels actlce. Get a box at any
drug store and straighten up. Stop the
headaches, bilious spells, hsd colds and
bsd days Brighten uip. Cheer up. Clean
up! Mothers should give a whole Cas
caret to children when cross, bilious,
feverish or lf tongue Is coated they are
harmless never gripe or sicken. Ad
vertlacment. hm Celebration 1
of Vonrkr Interest
Th arrival f a baby la tha ricnifiolrl
completely changed the entire aspect of
the rutura. But In ths
meantime, during th
anzlons period of ex
pectancr, there is
iplenrlld remedy known
as "Mother's Friend"
thst does wonder. II
Is for external tine, re
lieves tha pains of
muacla expansion,
soothes and quiets th
nerves, extends its in
fluence to the Internal
organs and removes to
great extent the ten
dency to worn and an-
preheneJon. It Is a natural treatment, safe
for tb mother, has no drag effect whatso
ever and for this reason must exert a most
Beneficial influence) upon those functions di
rectly connected with motherhood. In - a
very Interesting book th subject Is freely
discussed and a copy will be mailed free to
all expectant mothers by Brsdfteld Regulator
Co., 40 Lamar Bdg., Atlanta, Oa, Get a
bottle of "Mother's Friend" today of - any
druggist, Use ss directed and you will then
know why mothers for nearly half a century
bar nsed and recommended this splendid aid
to mother hood. Their letters ar ntaaaases
9t dicer, that braU comfort la very word.
Gray Hair Restored
to its Natural Color
In a few application to Its original dark, glossy
shade, no matter bow long It ha been gray or
faded, and dandrufl removed oy
j Kmwm
tlUmttm V bo one wTfl know too ar Bring
It, Sfte, too, II. ll dealer or direct upon receipt
of price. Bend tor booklet "Besutltul Hair."
Pbilo Hay Specialties Oompsnr. Newark, N. i.
WKmamaammBmmmummuHmmMmm i
So Do hzzXm Boards
First Thing-Each Morning -Bafora
Breakfast ,
at WTfOuTIIT from physic, pills, mineral water, oils
and enemas, aa day is from night OiFFIHISTIn
taste, action, result OlfFUUNT bees use with tta
us constipation and kindred ailment pass sway
Ilk mist before th sun. aiFFKMNT because It
invigorate and upbuilds, andSIIMusi it Is a natu
ral way to better health, a stronger atomach, mora
regular bowels, clearer akin, greater nwgy.
MY ant class druggist or grocer can get Fruit
Vigor for you 91 per iar. Or by parcel post from
us One jar Si-Four lars 3.5& Six iars 95.00.
STEWART rOOO CtXtW I law ll Ka.CHml
4 fo pud on Tint Certificate
l All deposits In th
State "Rank tf Omaha
lath CB, JLM Harney Vf Streets
ar protected by th Depositor' Guar
antee Fund of th But of Nebraska.
. CewiaserctaJ Accoaaf Imitmd
3 gaiety Deposit Bosaa, S-VOO a year and up
paid on Saving Aceoantt
Good Hsdicina
2B WEEKS AJDrutfaytg;
romp Malta lb
Csti aviMl iinpews
rlly Mtm, 1 li-tin NiBt. It.
I Khar Acts This
hltilKJOi, kUro
a lallj. 1 I m
Tonar a A a a
Nersjaa. bill IIuuikm, Kjrii' rVlu.slad Rooat
are. Orpheuia Traval H'reAljr. PKUiUis Matlnaa.
SBllarr. 10c. Bast tests luf(l rlaiunW; aa etaa
Wv. -. la.-, fcc. 60c and lir.
8:20 istLRU
Turpin's Softool of Dancing
Twenty-eighth ft Farnam. BTrw COaases.
List your name now. Private iesaone aay
time. BVAavsraT 14a.
7 r i