THE OMAHA SUXDAY RKK: MAJ1CTI 26. ' 1MB. nr-v HASHES FROM FILMLAND PHOTO PLAYS FOR-OMAHA- -DEVOTEES- Lois l DISCUSSES future OF PICTURE PLAYS ! Robert Ed e ton, Star of "The Cave Man." Thinki Next Ten Yean Will Eitabliih Status. ! nCTUEES AH) THE actor s art "Th future of motion picture," says Robert Edeson. star of 'The Cav Man." "la too stupendous to bo realized by any of us at tha present tim. I don't think that one-half tha things that pictures are capable of dolnf nave been achieved The net ten year -IU bo required to demonatrate tha status cf thl Industry. "Motion pteturea have had murh to do with aiding the actor Improve hla art, and have alio had a lenefirial effect on tha audience. A el ore on the speaking atate have to deal with Inconsiderate applause. Thl happen frequently where the habit of applaudlivr a aituation rather I than the actinic ta the rule. Thla la es ! pecially true in America. I "In England it la the itile to wait until ' tha end of an act before the applauae start. Thla doesn't Irterfere with the progress of tha etorjr and It doean't break up the artora. Aadlearea l.earnlasj Heprelnn. I "Moving plcturea have practically dona I away with thla. Audiences are learning repreaalon to a great t'ef ree. Of eourae there are tlmea when a aituation, either dramatic or comic, will bring apontaneoua applauae, but audience are beginning to e that it breaks th continuity of tha ploturea and are beginning to real lie that 1 they can show their appreciation just as I well at the end of th reel. "I noticed thla particularly quite re 1 cently when member of an audience j hushed up tha applauae of over-enthusl-I aatlo persona during tbt, progreaa of the picture and then lead Ir. the applause at j tha end of the picture. , "Bom aotor have expressed a fear that the motion plcturea have caused audiences to repreaa themselvea ao that I they would not applaud at all, but X ba j Here their fears art unfounded. Of j course an actor baa to work harder to get hi point acrosa In plcturea. Haw Camera. Aids. " ) "Points that for years have been ne , leeted by the legitimate atage have come t Into their own in tha rhotopUy. Greater I care la shown In tha ae'.tlng for the scene, f Tha Hat of properties furnished most companies for tha production of a play I by the theaters In no way eomparea with tha careful selection of natural setting's . and rich furnishing taed in the photo- I play. "I do not believe) that the motion plo- ture will ever aupplnnt the legitimate i atage productions, but I do believe that ! photoplays will bring out a higher aland ' ard in the production of the speaking . atage." i EMPRESS PHOTOPLAY BILL OFFERS NUMEROUS STARS j Appearing at the Rmprea for the flrt ' 'our day of the week, commencing today, J will be Wayne Arey, J. H. Ollmpur and Hector Dion, In a drama entitled "The S I Fifth Ace." In order to win tha rich l heiress the gambler, through trickery, i throws suspicion upon tha young lover I of the girl of concealing a fifth aoe I j about him during a card game. The lover and the gambler come together at the station house. Itecognislng hla rival the vouth phones for the girl and father ! and h la cleared of ausplrlon and re- stored to favor. i l or the last three daa of the week. ! beginning Thursday, the Kmpreas will J offer a thrilling, firet-run drama of In ternational Intrigue. "The Code of I Honor." Plenty of action and many . thrilling altuatlona make the drama one j of the most Interesting releasea In aunt time. ! SPECIAL PICTURE PLAY ' SHOWS FOR THE CHILDREN In a number of citlea of the east quite I an agitation I cxlng on In an effort to , determine th effect of the photo play on j children. Thla li particularly trie In i Rochester. N. Y.. and Waterbury. I'onn., ' where the matter Is being taken up n1 ' some teats made. It la planned to hv? , speriel days In some of the theatera w'.n.i selected motion picture of an education j and entertaining nature will be for tlte benefit of children. Thia ume ;uesil3n may be aal'.it.d , In Omaha. Already It la getting ami- ' attention. The Hippodrome at Twenty ftftli and Cuming atreeta Is taking tin 1 matter up "and haa arranged to show s- looted film to th children on Saturday I afternoons. On this day the management I will provide a free matinee to which chil ' dren will be admitted free. ' MOLL IE KINGBEGAN HER ACTING CAREER AS A BABY Mollke King, who appears In th crn play, "A Woman's Power," began her j carr of acting when atlll a baby. Even now ahe 1 th youngest of th World i Film company stars, speaking, of i course, of those who are no longer In the kindergarten class. Mollis Kl.ig'a first actual atage experience after aba had pasMd the infant atage waa alien ah pia4 an Important part with Maxtnt Elliott in "Her Own Way." Elie was I then T yeara old and made a decided hit totb In New York and London, rhe will ) ea at the faruim today In ' A WomoA s I'owrt " Journey with the Photographers It is not safe to go Into flrace fuiiard dressing room these days. Hung from the erilir.g are sevrral dainty anil very filmy klrfa, tha ones she wears a the circus rider In the serial. "Peg ry the Circus." They fill the room and how ahe manages to get around In It Is a marvel. They look mlshty pretty, too. Orac has added the th'Meenth member to her dog family and this time It Is A pedigreed white Scotch collie, a beauty. Hhe haa named It "Peg," In honor of the aerial. Henry Kin, tha Ralhoa actor-director, whm production of "Utile Mary Bun shine ", as almost a sensation, haa Just completed a western flve-reeler entitle,), "The KtriiRdlers." In which he took the lead lie ! row starting on another five reeler. "A Menage from the Dead." In which he wl'l take the leading part aa well m dlre't. In this there are aomo In teret:rig theatrical scenes for which big rets are being built. It Is remarkable what a Isrre amount of work thla en ergetic young man can get through. All l.os Angeles and lta wife has been to see Pestle Karrlscale In "Bullet and Hrown E." In thla mightily attractive photoplay there la a scene In which dash ing William Tietmond literally throws Miss Barriscpls Into a horse'a saddle. The scene Is "cut'' aa ahe reaches said saddle. Wnen the occurrence was filmed Mies rtefls e did not stop at the saddle Rt all a1!" went clean over tha other aldo, but fortunately was not badly hurt. Khe will not forget tli Incident In a hurry. William Garwood was re -reached by a young actor recently because Billy made him act a scene with hla back to tho camera. Garwood told him thla: "When you ran act with your back to the cam era you may feel you are making good. Pome of the mont telling work artiste do is accomplished without ever their face being seen. Pent-up emotion and despair can b registered to an astonish ing degree by meana of 'back eloquence,' J and unless you can do thla successfully you will never rise In you profession." Two of the moat attractive figures oh the Lioa Angeles Broadway are Oretohen Hartman, the Uiograph actress, and her sister-in-law, Mlsa Hale. The latter la a blonde and Mlsi Gretchen la a brunette, and they are of a also, and both know j how to dress to perfection. Both are I vlvacloua and are fond of shopping. Their many frlenda call them "Hale and Harty." Two comedies are in course of prepa ration at the Weatarn Vitagraph atudloa, on under the direction of Dave Smith with Anne Hcheefer, Mary Andaraon, Ueorge Xunket and Lawrence Welngar ten, and the other ia being produced by' William Wolbert. with William Duncan. Oorlnne Griffith. Carmen Phlltlp and Otto Iaderer. Beat thoa casta, if possible-It can't be did. Anna l.lttle, whom Miss Constance Crawley describe, a "the loveliest thing up here" meaning Santa Barbara is much interested in the little son of Pete Morrison, corral bosa of tha American company. Anna says that It 1 tha flneat baby she ever aaw, such delicate and perfectly formed featurea. Pet Morri son, who, aa a general rule, 1 rather an argumentative cue, entirely agree with Anna and says that her Judgment I excellent. Chartea Ray. tha atar who roe to the top of the ladder by hla own effort and the Interest taken in hlrn by Thomas Inee. I glad to playing another part with Frank Keenan. It I curiou that they ahould be father and son again, and yet It seem natural, and the world of pathos thea two can get Into a seen would make any photoplay even, with poor story, but they ar working together again in a very good atory. ono which ylves both the artiste avery opportunity. tie one aa a kindly father torn by conflict ing emotion, one who understands and grieves, and the other aa the wllfull. yet affectionate boy, whoa Judgment la poor. Everyone who aaw "Th Coward" will look forward to the photoplay now be lna produced under the direction of Charlea Glblyn. Kdward Bloman, who la producing at the American atudloa with Franklin Kitchie and Winifred Greenwood aa hla leading artists, haa Just completed a high rlasa feature and la starting on hi sec ond atory, a flve-reeler. A Mr. Ritchie seems to think he ha a splendid director and Mr. Eloman ia aura he ha a fin artist In Mr. Ritchie, it would look a though th combination, coupled with Mlra Crrciiwood, would give some attrac tlv pictures. One of the Features on the Bill at the mm Filmland Stars to J " if.'.'" f 9 iiy V - - - S Pl. "V T m aww , ga m .. .- ;-y... K M m war"WAWs, fcw ..Jv , ji . ,1 M W '... :: i -'"r .;. w Talks with Screen-Struck Girls By Beatriz Michtlena No. 3. (Copyrighted January. lBld, by Beatrii ' Mlchelena.) OiLOWINO m y warning tn the last talk" about hav ing too receptive an ear for your friend' well n tended proheele. I may add th sug gestion that you tak all cheap ad vice on motion plo tura affaire "with a pinch of salt." It la astonish ing to not th number of people who would seem to known more about motion plturep than about th particular lln of business (or which they are supposed to be qualified. It would almoat appear that th more real experience one ha tn picture, th less he or h know about thorn. I ain acquainted with one girl ahe occasionally dresse my hairwho would willingly tell you more In fifteen minute about mo tion picture than I ahall be able to Im part in thl entire eerie of "talka" And THREE FEATURES OFFERED ON STRAND SCREEN BILL Three corking good feature ar offrd by the Strand management this week. Today Lillian Glah appear in "Daphn and the Pirate," a thrilling atory of th early day in Louisiana, whn wive were purchased and romance reigned su preme. As the accompanying Keystone, Charley Murray in "Th Judge" 1 of fered. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday comes the greatest of western picture, "Hell Hinge," with William S. Hart In th leading part. William Collier tn "Wife and Auto Trouble" la the Key atone feature. Friday and Saturday Nance O Nell, one of America' foremost actresses. Is aeen In "The Witch," a story of Mexico, while the interesting Path weekly Is lao part of th program. The Ptrand 1 now open from 11 to 11 with musical program at every perform ance. I s-iusm- Be Shown on Screens in Omaha r th uprising part of it I that ah can dispense her Information with so amall an expenditure of thought, t have mot a great many other exactly like her. It 1 well that th "screen struck girl" realise that there I a frlghtfur amount of misconception concerning motion pic ture acting, and that It I trying hard to pa muster a real Information. It may be had for the asking yes, too often without th asking. . There ar people who will assure yon a they have eaaured me that motion picture directors everywhere spend a good part of their time tearing hair be cause they cannot find enough actresses to fill their casts. Thla I altogether rldlc- uloua. True, there Is. and always will b room at th top for real ability couplod with ambition and a wllllnlgnesa to work and learn; but never for a minute, you girl who would suoceed, flgur on find ing a place In ploturea through th sup poaltlon that a dearth of talent In the profession will allow you to "aqueeza" In. At th studio' where I work there ar two big drawer filled with application on fit, and a great many of th glrli who name ar listed there will never "squeexe" in. NATION'S CELEBRITIES ARE DEVOTED TO THE MOVIES A matter of considerable speculation In the mind of tha constituent Is th form of recreation their congressmen and senator follow. It will prove aurprUlng to many, who hav pictured tbem deep In the midst of plot and Intrigue until the 'wee ama' houra to learn that the photoplay theatera attract many of them even In the day' time. During one session th past summer lesa than forty of th 400 and odd mem' bera were in attendance. It became necessary to have a quorum present and the eergeant-et-arma waa successful in routing the desired number from the baa ball park and the near-by motion- picture houses. President Wilson has always been more or lea of a devotee of the photoplay. hav a great many of hla cabinet. Fana from the middle west are Decker and Uoyd of Missouri, Mlinn of Illinois, Mur dock of Kansas, from the house of repre Empre ss for the Last at During the Week SMODCrC sentatlves. Suoh well known senators IjnFollette, Bankhead, . Stone, Reed, Ashurst, Hughe and Lewi are all fa miliar to Washington ticket seller. MONROE PHOTOPLAY BILL FOR THE COMING WEEK The following photoplay bill is offered by th Monroe for the coming week: To day, Robert Edeaon, in "The Cave Man;" Monday, "As a Woman Bow;'' Tuesday, The Labyrinth;" Wednesday, "The Cir cular Btalrcase;"- Thursday, "The Pawn of Fate;" Friday. "The Girl From HI Town;" Saturday, "A Matter of ec onda." GRAIN PRICES ARE HIGHER, WITH GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Grain receipts were fairly heavy for a Saturday, there being fifty-one car of wheat. 131 of corn and twenty-one of oat on the market. There was a tendency to higher piioes, following the alump of th last several day. Wheat sold at M cent to SLOW per bushel, on cent lower to on higher than Friday. ' Corn wa . a full cent up, selling at 67 to M cent per bushel. Oata were H cent up to Vfc cent lower. selling at ilM to 424 cents per bushel. MOTORIST PLEADS GUILTY TO SPEEDING ON BOULEVARD Contrary to the aooepted rule, an auto- mobll speeder pleaded guilty in police court. It wa ruch a shock to th Judge and court attendant that E. H. Frani, swi North Twentieth street, the self-con-fesaed speeder, wss let off with a fine of tl.GO and costs. Special Agent B. Montgomery, who arrested Krans. told the court that the motorlat was making thirty miles an hour on Florence boulevard. MANUFACTURERS PLAN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Another co-oprame advertising cam paign Is being conaldered by tha Omaha Manufacturers' association. A joint meeting of the advertlaing committee and th director wa held and thla matter wa taken up. Th plan la to make thla campaign cover the entire membership of the association. A plan ta to be sub mitted shortly by a social committee con sisting of Messrs. Duffle and Borglum. It takes but a minute or time to save dollar when you read Th Bee Want Ad columns. Half of Week i Jlti THEDA BARA ON AT THE ROHLFF THEATER TODAY Th program at th Rohlff lncludi Starting tody Theda Hara appears In "Destruction." Monday. "The Iron t',a;" Tuesrtsy, '.ons of Satan;' i Wednesday. Wlllard Mack in "Th Cor ner;" Thursdsy. "The Shrine of Hsp- plness;" Friday, "ll Saturday. "Fatty and nlsa Csm Bernard In Knty l0 If," Mabel Adrift." The Great Pearl Tangle 41 CROSS CURRENTS" TODAY'S OFFERING AT THE LOTHROP Todays offering at the l.othrop Is Helen Ware in "X'roes Currents;" Mon day. "Fatty and Mabel' Adrift" and Sim Bernard in "The Great Pearl Tanxl?;" "Tuesday. "Chlminy Fadden;" Wcilne- day. Mary PLUfoiil In "Mttle Pal; " Thursday, Maud Allen In "The Rug maker'g liaccM.r:" Frltlsr, Wl'lsrd Mack and George Fawcett In "The Cor ner:" tur1y, ll! Kane In "Her Great Match." At the Theaters (Continued (mm Pajte Fl will entertain. Six girl will d'.ve Into a glass tank and do many daring stunts. Tho Musical Roberts will entertain on a variety of musical Instrument Th New Ider la a comedy sketch of the novelty kind. Klsle Cole will entertain tn singing and on the piano. Tho eleventh episode cf. "Mary Tago" will be shown during the first half, to telher with "The Fifth Ace." For the Inst half "The Twin Trunk Mystery." "The Code of Honor." and "THe Bubhlo In the Glass" will be the movie plays of fered. . , The attraction at the Brandels theater for three ifsys beginning Friday. April 7, will h "Twin Beds'! the cleanest ond funniest farce the American stage has known in a long time. "F.verywoman" will be the near future with Mr. c6mpany and It contains creators of the leading scen here In tiavage' only several of the rolea. Besides there is a symphony orchestra and a amall army of upcrnumerarles. After a phenomenally successful en gagement of six months st the Cort theater, Chicago, Tsylor Holmes and the orlalnal caat will be seen at the-Boyd theater soon. "What a man believes him self to be. he Is." is the keynote of "His Majeaty . Bunker Bean." The title roll will be portrayed by Taylor Holmes, the young comedian, who Is being starred by Joseph Brook. In his support will be Charles Abbe, Florence Shirley, Rob- If you hid been suodenlr llft4 to power from th position et sol nrer to that of socltl Hon. what would rou not If a hartles coquette ahoule spurn ytr , affection, would yon wrrk your mta ntfleeni hom. glv up your .!! post - Uw and wealth and start an? Would you let fat tak It eoura or would that Inatlnet whloh promo a a man to tak hu mat aart Itaelf? "THE, CAVE MAN" WrMtn br OEZ.ZTT imzis, contain mor birt tntrat pr foot than an picture you ha irHu la a long tim. ROBERT EDESON Vly th port of tho - kUn and U up-port d by aa eminent caot of VltaTpb taro. bvm this Txarnm at THEATER MOHROE TODAY First Kpisode of the ITBAirOB CABS Of XtlT PAGrS' will be shown at the VPODgOHE THBATZB. !Mh and Cuming Hta., Sunday, March lth. "LET KATYDO 11" With Jane Grey w hav a treat. The Story it 1 most complete. The acting- also extra neat, And Trlonr'e Kiddie can't be beat. See It at the ROHLFF Friday, March 31 " LOTHROP Sunday, April 2 Refined Vaudeville-Week FIRST HALF. &t HALF. "THE FIFTH ACE" "The Code of Honor" , .,,. JntenuitloiLaJ Intrigue, so (frlp- Uve Triuruphj in th ThrUllne , u ,hftMl d- of Htrlf Urst Run llrtur of the lay. make this the drama of the hour. Eleventh Kpiaode, "The Strange Case "ThaTwInTrunk Mystery" ff IXex-ting Cione Wrong. 11. Wait ha 1. Fun with n Iuuch. MUTUAL WEEKLY X. 10c-Admission20c iKtuaT. 9tV. "LiTest Place in Omaha." Doug. IXHr. ert Kelly. Jack Devereaux. Lillian Law rence, Walter M. Sherwin, Marlon Kerby. Clara Louise 'Moore. Harry C. Power, Horaro Mitchell, Grae Teters, John Hogan, Bclford Forrest. Annett West bay and George C. Lyman. The North Bros.' stock company offer for the week beginning with today' mat inee at the Krug, by i.ptclal arrangement With . P. Appletcn tc Co.. William H. Crane' greatest play, "David llarum." The entire company an permitted In thl play to ahow their Individual versatility, for every character In the play is taken from life, and all of Ciem are character studies. The scene of the ply ar laid down In New York atate, being strictly a "folk play" of rural rurroundlngs, with lota of interesting situation and atrong climaxes, with an abundance of hlgh efss comedy. It Is a rciognlr.ed fact that David Harum proved Mr. Cran best starring vehicle and trought to him his best financial results. It la a play that van be approved by all theatergoers. Jtfaga Director Hillla?d promise a pro duction In perfect detail ond Rcenlcally proflclrnt. The Chlcaso ladles' orche.i fr have a specially arranged pagram for this performance. There will be no advance in prices. Matinee Thursday and Saturday. ..imi Program Week of March 26th j . Sunday and Monday jy LILLIAN GISH in Daphne and the Pirate CHARLES MURRAY in Tho Judge 65 - j H Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday WM. S. HART in Heirs Hinges fa f. rar nrT T Tun W1YJL. jUAjJjAXA In li Wife and Auto Trouble Friday and Saturday NANCE O'NEIL The Witch PATHE WEEKLY -3 '3 Open 11 to 11. Mammoth Pipe Organ. ta is ,-.--..rfl!;wiinir''ir'W''Hl" EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO HEL.P THE MAN SHE IXVES. BUT HOW MANY KNOW HOW? " IY10LLIE KING IN "A Woman's Power" Will Help Them. FARIIAM THEATER SUNDAY ONLY. ROHLFF TODAY THEDA BARA I si DESTRUCTION LOTHROP-TODAY HELEN WARE CROSS CURRENTS ' . A TBIAXQXiB OffltllO. or March 26 Photo Plays 'SI:eIMJ AMERICA HKW." a J V 1 i