Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 14-A, Image 14

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    i- T3 EST
. m re?ri w 11.
j.eTBiiera rear i npT win m unanie
fltKiuj to uuaiauico ct
i 1 i a ones.
Despite the best efforts of th Amer
ican dyestuffs Industry, persona generally
will have to get along with less color In
wearing apparel effects, while an addi
tional deprivation to be encountered prob
ably within a few week will bo the clr
rt.mstance that retail store will no
longer be In a position to warrant many
labrk-s a dyed with Inn tin colora. In
abort, the embargo on German flyestuffa
as a result of the European war haa at
last reached the point wher th ulti
mate consumer will be called upon to
exercise patience and an unusual degree
-f lorcbcarance with Ms tradesman when
It tomes to purchasing all aorta of wear
ing apparel, housa furnishings and all
art tries of everyday use Into which col
oring enters.
iSecrctary of State Tensing has been
unable to find a working arrangement
acceptable alike to the British and Oer
irntn government. While It was an
nounced rem Washington tha other day
that Great Britain was willing to per
mit two cargoes from Oermany worth
JJ.OiXi.ntO to coma to this country, Ger
many maintained tha attltuda adhered
to consistently, that no colors would be
exported until Great Britain agreed to
let the dyestuffs be paid for In Amer
ican cotton. .
The present deadlock thus Is Identical j
with tha situation prevailing when tha
last shipload of dyes rcaehced New Tork
mora than a year ago. In the mean
time, however, American dyestuffs manu
facturers already In the business of mak
ing colors before the war began enllsteo
the aid of financial Interests, and added
greatly to their former facilities In the
shapa of new and enlarged plants.
Ptrenuous efforts were also made by
Thomas A. Bdlson, and large Induatrlal
corporations such as tha United Rates
Kteel corporation, th Du Pont Powder
company and other Interests to get out
th chief Intermediates used In produs
ing coal tar colors.
lseesTeslesr Pablle.
It seemed to be agreed that notwith
standing th splendid demonstration made
by American enterprise to build up al
most Immediately a new Industry in this
country Intended to b free and Indepen
dent of European color products. It will
be Impossible to carry th project to ul
timate complete success without at least
a temporary period of Inconvenience to
the buying public. This period. It wss
asserted yesterday. Is now at hand, with
the prospect ' that It will be extended
over the rest of th year.
Vr. Thomas II, Norton, th govern
ment's dyeatuff expert, said that In view
of the burdens under which American
manufacturers of all kinds of wearing
apparel, and other goods, were laboring,
ultimate consumers must adopt a sym
pathetic attitude.
"Manufacturers, for example," he said,
"are practicing a most rigid economy In
tho use of color compounds. This Is ex
emplified In the usa f pencil linos for
heavy stripes. In th substitution of out
line designs for conventional pattern re
quiring extravagant quantities of color,
and In analogous directions. Titer , Is
also a decided tendency to urge th wear
ing of white articles of apparel. ' Unless
the American publlo Is willing to sea our
textile Interests thrown completely out of
gear, ther must be a most pronounced
spirit of compromise and adaptation on
tho part of th ultimata consumer.
"Whims, fanclea and fads of tho past
must disappear. This will tak a vast
burdn of anxiety from th shoulders of
laiiors, milliners, ana aresmanere. Tney,
In turn, can make more easily their con
tracts with th retailer. II an deal
with th greater certainty and assurance
with the jobber. Tha relation of tho
latter with th manufacturer will bo
vastly simplified, and he can with In-
cieased confidence order supplies to b
handled sis months or a year henoe.
I' rare Simple Colora.
As Indicative of what can be don In
this direction, th Woman's National
Made In 1. P. A. league, with headquar
ters In Washington, was cited. Mrs.
James M. Thompson, daughter of Bpeaker
('lark, who la chairman of th executive
committee of th league, haa Just sent
out an appeal to its 100,000 members to
"wear simple colors during th coining
spring and summer as a solution for the
uncertainties of th dyestuffs situation.
Hats now being shown for th coming
season are reflecting th color Bcarojty
and ar made In light shades, partlou
. latly grays and natural mixtures of furs
I requiring no dyes. Soft hats which can
b mado In th lighter and natural col
orings will, i It was predicted, supplant
very largely the derby hat for which
black dyes are necessary.
The ramifications of the dyestuffs
short sire will probably be felt In the
laundries, as the Laundrymen's Nstlonal
Association of America haa aent out a
warning to Its members urging them to
exert pressure on customers to mak as
wldo use as possible of white goods the
next few months. New York Times.
Sales Force of the Murphy-0Brien
Auto Co. Group of Real Hustlers
( fX
reunited over the tomb of a fallen hero.
Tonng people are now being brought
together not by contact nor by the at
traction of wealth, hut simply by the
greater force now asserting Itself of
young hearts and common wills. It Js
asked whether it will continue after the
wsr and what effect it will have upon
the future of France; an Idealistic peo
ple, after hehi'f held In materialistic
bondage so fur ss concerns so vital a
qucftlon to the rar-e, is coming out so
stronir In the present Irresistible appeal
to romantic I "in that ninny believe It 111
result In a transformation, If not In a
revolution, of the mnrrlare system. Home
contend that men !11 marry younger
snd msrry for love Instead of for money,
will msrry more In reapnn ami sincerity,
snd that with the stronger tie of affec
tion taking the p'ai-e ' Interest, divorces
will become Ices while the population
will grow correspondingly more numerous.
Allen Company
Increases Stock
To meet the Increased demand for
Allen enrs, the stockholders of tha Allen
Motor company hsve lncressd their cap
ital stock from StViO.OWi to U.Snn,XK. This .
places the Allen company In the list with !
! the largest and strongest manufacturers j
of automobiles today. Their long and I
continued experience In buying facilities j
places them in position at the present '
time to bS better able to take care of
the demand upon them than a great
many other manufacturers.
Bee Want Ads serve hundreds dully
Romance Instead of Finance Lure
Young Hearts Together in Matri
mony Daring the War.
(Correspondence of th Associated Press.)
PARIS, March 18. Genuine courtship-
real love-making as an Incident to mar
riage Is on of th Innovations that war
has brought to France, It may develop
Into a revolution of th marriage system.
and is almost certain In any case to be
the death of much of th red tape that
has entangled, and more or less strangled.
Cupid. ."
Marriage was hard hit during the first
months of the war, hut by reason of the
authorisation of unions by proxy and
the Infusion of war romance It Is rapidly
In Paris there were only 76S marriage
In January, 1916, as against 1.841 In Janu
ary, 1914. In December, 1915, there were
1,289. showing a remarkable recovery tin
der the circumstances.
In a great many of these war marriages
It Is noticed that girls without fortune
are for the time being running their more
favored sisters a clos race, since In a
great proportion of th marriages cele
brated since hostilities began the mar
rlage contract has been dispensed, with;
no mention of dower nor talk about
money; romance has taken the place of
Marry Naraee Often,
Wounded heroes have In hundreds of
oases fallen in love with and married
their nurses; nearly every day the story
Is told of some man In a fighting regi
ment corresponding with an unknown
sympathiser who has come horn on
leave to find that his "godmother" Is
worth marrying for herself.
Women and girls acting as "godmoth
ers" to unknown correspondents at th
front hare developed what la lightly
called "the flirt at the front" Into formid
able proportions, and this Is at this mo
ment, perhaps, the most efficient marriage
agency In the world. Th sacrifices made
by soma girls marrying soldiers who
hav been blinded or maimed almost to
th point of total helplessness have spread
the contagion, and Jove affairs are bom
at every hand by the close communion
of sympathetlo minds centered on great
events, and through the constant move
ment of soldiers coming In contact with
nw faces, every one of which under
Present circumstances Is bound to be
sympathetic. ' .
Pome psychologists have Inquired
whether there was not In France a cry
ing need for deeper affection, and
whether the decreasing natality in th
country was not due in great part to the
obstacles of marriage and the more ma
terlal considerations that always entered
Into It. The soul-stirring Incidents of the
war have unquestionably brought every,
one into closer union, and there seems to
have been a general wining out of -old
scores thst kept acquaintances and even
families apart There have been many
reconciliations through the exchange of
news of the exploits of mutual friends,
and many Instances of divided famllllea
(foiiesiiotidence of the Associated Press.)
AMSTERDAM. March 30. -That ex
traordinary vigilance has been tmctssHry
to prevent smuggling Into and out of
Holland during the iresent ereat war Is
Indicated by an official report of the
Dutch general headquarters, which shows
that sixty-two smugglers were killed or
wounded by fire from soldiers during
191S when 3fi,879 summonses were Issued
for smuggling. In a further effort to pre
vent smuggling It Is now forbidden to
store any goods within an hour's walk of
the frontier.
( 'orrei omlrnce of the Associsted Press.) ,
BRISTOL, March 20. A woman detec
live haa been appointed in Bristol, which
thereby gains the distinction of being '
the first city. In th? klnirtom to take
such a step. The new officer has re-
celved special training In police work.
and although her duties will chiefly con- '
oern women and children, her services j
will be utilised In solving all classes of j
crime and mystery. i
Whiil Their Papas Know.
littln Nellv told Anita what she tcrme I
a "little fib "
Anlts A fm Is He snme as a story, and j
a story Is the same rs a ll. j
Nelly No. It's not. !
Anita Yes, it is. berause my father
said so. an1 my father is a profesirr at
the university.
l!y I don't rare If he Is. My father
Is a real estate man and he knows more
stout lying than your father. Kansas
City Star.
pimmtmv:y-j;r'miirii ssaii" "' nninm
You don't want a car without a manufacturer
behind it and you won't have if you buy an Allen.
The Allen Motor Car Co.' Is strong enough financially
to back up all Ita owners.
9 3-4 x 8 inch AMen-Socnoiar '
Motor. 37 H. P.
A cylinder oast m Moo,
VnM psww plant
tVeaMnfftoaee atectfrfo rtwHnj
and lighting system.
Omt rtailg ar rear raeutun ieed
Fall floating resr axis, pfsaetf
ateej Aaneina'a,
fJSineh wlfulbaam, 83 Ineh
utxHrmlunt rear springe.
Ftrmmtonm dmmottntMbJ tiOl
with one extra.
Weight of ear it 00 pound.
Standard Motor Car Co.
Carl Changttrom, Mgr. . - .
Western Dittributor "' r
2010 Farnam Street, Omaha
.Paetarf Atfdwt TJfB ALLEN MOTOR CO., Foeiori, Ohio
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
U)..u., March 30. Fifteen thousand
special trains have been run over tha
1-ondou, and Southwestern railroad dur
ing the past year In connection with
movements of troops. This was inde
pendent of the larg number of trains
for soldiers on leave, many empty trains
run In connection with troop movements
and 1.&Q ambulance trains.
Fzccs As Feir As
A Sunnier's Cay
Are. Poenible If Htuart's Calcium
Wafer Are Vsnd for a Short
Time After Kn h Meal.
Many people have been heard to say
that they used creams and lotions for
years without effect, yet after five or
six days of Stuart's Calcium Wafers
their complexions were perfectty clear.
Iuk la that whlih has made your suc
cemful neighbor what be Is and haa con
spired to prevent you from becoming
what you would Ilk to be. I.uck is good
or bad, according to whether you era
contemplating yuur nul'hbor'a success
accounting on your failure.
I.uck Is a handy little thing to have
around, for It it does not benefit you
it at least affords you an objective kick.
Ing point. Also, th mere mention of
Its narite relieves you of the nectasity
of making many embarrassing excuses.
luck la a barb which may prevent dis
aster from poarhloa on your domains:
but if It does not do this, you at least
hav the satisfaction of impaling upon
It all reasons fur your defrat.
I.uck Is perhaps more unlucky than you
are. Judge.
' Great Ulaeevery.
"Rome of the grandest discoveries of
the as." said tha great scientist, sonor
ously, "have been the result ef awl
dents." "I ran readily believe that." said th
fair lady. "1 once made one tbal way
Tha great man blinked his amasement
"May I ask what It was?"
CVrtaiiUy." replied the fair one. !
fn;nd that by keeping a bottle e( ink
htidy you can use a fountain pen Jual
aoy other pen without all In
trouble of filling it ' ClirU'.utn Register.
Millers M asset.
Th Minneapolis Millers have secured
Roy aiiuMy fiuin the Washington club.
"X Got Kid of Blackheads la a ttffy by
wain siosni uaioiiun Waters."
They contain no poisonous drug of any
kind, ar perfectly harmless and can be
taken with absolute freedom, and they
work almost like magic. Calcium Sul
phide, their principal Ingredient, is th
greatest blood-cleanaer known to science.
No matter how bad your skin may be.
Stuart'a Calcium Wafere will quick!
work wonders with It. It's goodbye to
blackheads, pimples, acne, bolls, rash,
ecsema and a dirty "fllled-up" complex
Ion. You can get a box or 8tuart'a Cal
cium Wafers at any druj store at (0
cents a box, and you will be positively
delighted with their wonderful effect.
Free Trial Coupon
r. A. Btaart Co SOS tart Bid..
Marshall. kuch.i Knnd me at on,,,
by return mall, a fre trial package
of Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
Name , . .
Street ,
City Htatti
Stafcxd Seven Passenger-31035
VlthQutsuziUaiy Seats-OIOPQ
$ 1 000.
Gives you better dollar for dollar
value or more complete satisfaction
Sf These are the
'things to consider
ronrrsj or nirraBT
Standard seven-passenger body.
Idvlded lounge-type front seats.
i, io eounua.
1 It-Inch wheelbase. I J-sflr
S4x, Unodyear fortified tires. AH
weather tread rear. ' iTW T OTI Tl"T
Kaay-rlding auxiliary seats. A J I H H SllJhl
Peep real leather upholstery. V-e AX-S mj JL J X X
l.lght Rrewstsr green finish. x
i?L...-n.. t IN T1417 MATtfllMtP"
Moach magneto Ixntttnn.
tromberg high-efficiency carbu
retor. Byur electric starting and llght-
Smooth acting disc, clutch.
Jeffery one-man top.
Adjustable clear-vision wind
shield. Motor driven tire pump.
Automatic gasoline feed.
Learn to depend on what YOUR JUDGMENT
tells you. We wont waste more space lauding the car.
We state a fact above and ask you only for an oppor
tunity to prove it.
Omaha, Neb.
DlKtributor Kastern uit
Northern Nebrnaka and Wm.
era Iowa.
TO AGrTSJWe have TaluaNe territory open and Khali be glad
to hear from wide-awake dealers. Mheral discounts.
Haatiiigs, Neb.
distributor for Southern and
Western Nebraska.
vtV:.t A- i.""9xv '4