Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    he Omaha 'Sunday
I L! '1
Fair '
Champion Take the Aggressive at
Start of Titular Boat and Easily
Outpoints the Challenger.
Follows Up Advantage and Also
Earns the Honors in the
Second Period.
N'EW YORK, March 25. The
doors of Madison Square garden
opened late. A Jostling crowd. Im
patient at the delay, poured through
the runways In single file, tickets In
. The big hall filled elowly. The
galleries, so close to the roof that a
tall man standing tip-toe could hare
touched the rafters with his finger
tips, were packed tight long before
the bare spots on the floor began to
The faces In the galleries, bal
conies, boxes and theends of the big
' oval floor blurred Into indistinct
splotches of white In the glare of the
big mercury lamps above the- ring.
In frail-looking perches, swung
from the rail of the second balcony,
the moving picture men focused
their cameras on the ring.
The preliminaries began, but for all
, the crowd cared the boxers might as well
. have been pummelling each other in. their
( own backyards. The spectatpra were ln
. terested only In the big bout and they
, were willing to wait. .
Old Champa on Han.
' ' John I Sullivan, Bob Fltxslmmons, Jim
Corbett-all one-time : holders of the
heavyweight championship had seats
close to the ring.
Among those holding box seats were:
J. P. Morgan. Reginald C. Vanderbllt.
"Diamond Jim" Brady, David Belaaco,
Enrico Caruso, Llndley M. Garrison, W.
Coleman Dupont and Mayor Curley of
Boston. .
There 'were scores of women In the'
great throng. Soma - sat In the arena
boxes, but mostly they were la the bal
conies. ".
Jess WUIard was the first to antar tha
ring, climbing through tha ropes at t:ST.
He was accompanied by his manager and
chief second, Tom ' Jonea. and ' seconds
Walter Monahan, Jack Hemple and Ray
Wlllard appeared to be exceptionally
coor and at ease, and tripped across the
ring to sheka hands with. Frank. Moran,
who arrived three minutes later. Moran
wai seconded by Willie Lewis, Frank
Kendelt, Bill McKennon and Joe Kelly.
Th timekeepers were, for Moran. Joe
Consldlne; for Wlllard, Harry Weiss, and
for the club, Dr. Muth.
Wlllard Eaters Hla.
Wlllard wore soft bandages, tn sharp
contrast, and extended well above his
wrists. He was Clad around the loins
by heavy red worsted tights, ; while
Moran ware dark green trunks of a sim
ilar texture. .
While the two heavyweights sat In
their corners. Bob FUxslmomns, J. J.
Corbett, Kid MfcOoy and John I Sullivan
were Introduced In turn, the last of tha
quartette being given a tremendous ova
tion. The former ring stare shook hands with
the principals of the big bout. During
these ceremonies Moran appeared an
noyed and nervous over the delay, while
Wlllard leaned back on the ropes and
smiled a noncommittal smile. He fre-
' qUently looked across tha ring to Moran's
corner, but the challenger appeared to
avoid the champion's eye. .
At : Referee Charley White entered
the ring and called the two heavyweights
to the center of the ring to pick their
five-ounce gloves.
The official weights were announced as:
ilorsn, m: Wlllard, rS&H pounds.
, Itcfeieo White took the principals to
the center of the ring at :M for final In
structions, r
First Roaad WillaM's.
Hound 1 Wllard jabbed Moran in
the face with a left and later retaliated
with three Mows to the body which Wll
lard blocked. Moran hooked a left to
Willard'a Jaw and took three loft jabs
to the fare in return. Moran swung right
and left to Wlllard's neck and receive!
a hard rUht In the body.
Moran missed a right and went Into
a clinch and Wlllsrl tore lose and landei
a right and left to the head. Wlllard,
imBBnfa mm m irriiu; icn in me idle,
dazing the challenger. Moran swung
wildly with right and left, but Wlllard
iContlnued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
' Koiecaat till 7 p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha, Council liluffa and Vicinity
Fair Sunday; rising temperature.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. l"eg.
5 a. in 3'i
6 a. m 32
7 a. m
a. ni 82
S a. in It
10 a. m 32
.1 a. in S3
13 in S4
1 p. na 24
I p. m U
3 p. m 34
P. m 83
a p. m 83
p. m 32
T p. m 3?
Ixsesvt Mr.
1911 lll W4 1U
M .i ffi 30
Hishest yesterday.,
lowest yesterday...
Mean temperature..
Temperature and
z 24
33 30
23 .06
85 21
i 24
.00 .22
lures from tha normal:
Normal temperature 41
Deficiency for the day
Tots I excess since March 1 !!!:'
Normal preclpltatio n oj ini-h
Kxcesa for the day ) ,.h
Tom! rainfall since March 1 34 turn
1 ef rienrv since March I m inch
Kxces for cor. period. 1U iii In, h
I leficioncy for cnr. period. IW4 Vi inch
1. . A. VEtSH. Local Forecaster.
Correspondents Allowed to Send
Only Twenty-Five Words
Daily by Wire.
ICO, March 25. (By AeropUne to
Columbus, N. M.) Owing to lim
ited wire and wireless facilities the
total number of words which may
be sent from here by correspond
ents is 260 or 300 daily. This num
ber of words has been divided
equally among the correspondents
In the field, so that with the pres
ent wire limitations the number of
words which any newspaper may re
ceive by wire during a day Is about
The censors in announcing this
limitation said that military neces
sities precluded any larger use for
the present or the army wires, which
are the only means of communication
from the field headquarters or the
The correspondents with the army arc
bound by the same regulations as the sol
diers. None 6f them may visit Mexican
towns outside the lines and as at present
the army is occupying no such towns
all of them are outside the lines. Further
more; the censorship regulations do not
permit of correspondents filing over any
wires or by any other couriers than those
designated by tho censor. l'f to the
present no correspondents have been per
mitted beyond the field headquarters.
Fxcept tho brief dally dispatches by
wireless all news passing the censor Is
carried back by army malls.
' Brigadier General J. J.. Pershing. In a
talk to the newspaper men asked them
not to use the name of officers nor of
military units. He explained in a gen
eral way the movements now being made
against Villa. However, he cautioned the
correspondents specifically against using
any of thla Information. The newspaper
men have shared the hardships of the
soldiers on the marches. As the main
object was speed, all superfluous bag
gage had to be left behind, and as a re
sult most of the writing has been done
by daylight on account of tack of light
Sometimes the new has bean written by
campfire light, occasionally by candles.
and rarely by the cotaperaZJvrly luxurious
-glare of a lantern.
Mexican Soldiers
Sensitive to Jeers
v . Of -Yankee Troopers
(Via Aeroplane to Columbus, March 26.)
Americans who reside' In the portion of
Mexico through which 'the army chasln
Villa haa marched express tho belief that,
barring conflict with the Mexican army,
these American troops will have an op
portunity to establish business prosper
ity between the United States and north
west Mexico, There Is at present no in
dication at field headquarters that any
fighting is likely, except that sought
with the members ef Pancho Villa's
band. Therefore the Americans In touch
with the pursuing troops are watching
an unusual phase of . the troop move
ments, namely, the manner In which the
Americans treat tha Mexicans as Indl
Tlduals. These Americana declare that they look
lor the United States army, which pays
aa It goes, to create a good impression.
Bishop A, B. Call of the Mormon col
ony at Colonla Dublan said:
'Some of the Mexican soldiers are
small boys. I know of one from here
who was only 11 years old. Sometimes
these boys do not cut a very good military
figure on account of their youth and bare
feet. But they do not like to be laughed
at by American soldiers and their com
manders object to having fun poked at
their men. If the American troops going
through Mexico treat the Mexicans with
consideration In the small things the
first big step will have been made toward
establishing cordial relations between
Mexicans and Americana."
Bryan, with Other
Dry Men, Open Up
With Lincoln Talk
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJKCOLN, Neb., March 26. (Special
Telegram.) Admonishing all dry voters
that they should vote for none but pro
hibitionists, William J. Bryan opened the
campaign for a dry Nebraska at the city
audltcslum here thla afternoon, under
the auspices of the Dry federation.
He waa introduced by W. T. Thompson,
manager of the dry campaign, and about
600'pcuple were present. A. O. Wolfen
barger, U. McKelvla and one or two
others were the speakers. While Mr.
Bryan had been admonished that no pol
1th s would be permitted, It could easily
be seen that the drift of his remarks
were along the line of voters always re
membering that Brother Charlie was a
candidate for governor.
School Kiddies Give Up 375 Teeth
and Then Go to Bird House Exhibit
One hundred and fifty North Sid pub
lic school boys and girls attended a
tooth-pulling party and then went to the
bird house exhibit yesterday morning. It
waa Just lota of fun.
Dorothy Klein, liOO Paul street, 1-year-old
Kelloin acbool girl, suffered tha ex
traction of four teeth and did not cry
a bit. Kh even laughed,
A total of 376 teeth were extracted from
mouths of 143 children by tha doctors
of a dental clinic. Veven public school
nurses accompanied the children to the
scene of the teeth removal and then es
corted them over to the bird house show
In the city hall.
The children became so shsorbed in
the bird houses that they forgot the
bleeding vacancies in their mouths.
v-iveecued Out
of v .re
Aboard Ship.
Minister Asserts Official at Dieppe
Declared Submarine Shell
Struck Boat.
PARJS, Mar. 25. The ministry
of marine, in an official statement
Issued tonight, declared that the
8ussex was torpedoed and estimate
the number of victims at about fifty.
WASHINGTON, March 25. Am
bassador Page reported late today
that of twenty-five Americans aboard
the Sussex, only two, Kdward H.
Huxley and' Francis E. Drake had
been reported to him as saved.
Ambassador Sharp at Paris trans
mitted a repdrt from the American
consul at Dieppe, saying the Sussex
was torpedoed and that sixty-eight
persons were wounded or killed by
j the explosion. The ambassador
added, that the ship had been towed
to Boloune and 250 persons landed.
PARIS, March 26. Samuel F. Bemls of
Medford, Mass., a passenger on the Sus
sex, said today that ha aawi plainly and
unmistakably, the wake of a torpedo
ooming toward tha steamer.
Mr. Bemls, who is a Harvard re
search man said: ',
"1 waa on deck at the time. The
weather was clear and beautiful. I saw
a torpedo coming toward the steamer.
The wake waa putiiily and unmistakably
visible. '
"The moment it reached us there was
a terrible explosion. Many persons were
blown ' into tha water. I saw some
kllUd before my eyes." 'a
Mr. Bemls has made a deposition at
the American embassy. " -.,
Fifty Lives Lost.
. LONDON, March 14. The number ef
lives lost on the Sussex la given aa fifty
in an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
Dover. It said many were, drowned by
the captaining of an over-crowded lit
boat, w,- --
. Twenty-five Americans were on board
h V cross-channel steamship Sussex,
Which met -with, disaster from a mlno or
submarine yesterday afternoon. Two
Americans are known to 'have been in
jured seriously by the explosion. They
are Miss Elisabeth Baldwin, daughter of
Prof. J. Mark Baldwin, a resident ef
Paris, and Wilder G. Penfleld of Hudson.
Wis., a Rhodes scholar at Oxford unl-
Whether any Americans were killed by
the explosion or drowned has not been
ascertained, but American passengers aay
that a young American waa standing at
the point where the explosion occurred
and could not be found afterward.
The American embassy issued a notice
today asking American survivors who
have reached England to report them
selves. The Sussex was towed te' Boulogne
today. No evidence has been obtained
to indicate whether It, waa struck by a
mine or a torpedo, but officials believe
a submarine was responsible.
Although passenger steamships have
been crossing the channel daily on regu
lar schedule since the beginning of the
war, thla is the first serious misadven
ture which haa befallen any of them.
A man named Edward Marshall, be
lieved to be the well known syndicate
writer of that name, 'was a passenger
on the Sussex.
The only physician on board was an
American woman whose name has not
been learned. Survivors say that ahe did
splendid work In caring for the wounded
and for those rescued from the water.
Francis Drake said:
"The behavior of all the women on
board was simply splendid."
Mr. Baldwin and hla wife and daughter
were taken to Boulogne. Mr. Huxley
and Mr. Drake were brought to Dover.
Mr. Penfleld was bound for France to
Join the hospital staff of Dr. Joseph A.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Six.)
Bayless Steele Gets
Big Kansas City Plum
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 25.
President Wilson has aclected Bayless
Steele for postmaster at Kansas City,
thereby ending a disagreement between
the president and Senator Reed over the
Kansaa City postofflce appointment,
which began in 1914. The president then
nominated W. N. Collins, who was re
jected by the senate at the instance of
Mr. Reed, who now agrees to Mr. Steele
On tiny miss declined to submit to the
dental operation, but when she reached
the bird house shows she experienced a
rhang of heart and asked to be taken
back to the dental college to hav a
tooth taken out. Tha record pull from
one mouth- was twelve teeth.
These children had been examined at
the schools by the nurses and ware
given the privilege of having their de
fective teeth removed without charge,
thla being a new feature of the public
school medical examination.
At the bird house exhlhit these boys
snd girls walked around holding hand
kerchiefs to their mouths.
tme hundred snd twenty-fiv teschers
attrnrimc the I'ouxlas County Teachers'
institute ettend'-d the with County
Superintendent Yoder.
Whc .her io buy some more 5EEpg Sj 0
coal and have It turn warm". cf jzr:
or io $ive he Fuel Purveyor jgL ) Ipf
the Ua!!la! ant! shiver ? ( "
( , ,
jCov L. 1 8CTTEM oer J ' ,
Commerce Destroyer Greif Sent to
SjJottom by Armed Merchant
man Alcantara.
BV'I.LRTJJf. ' l
BERLIN i (Via Amsterdam "and'
London), March 15. A statement,
on tho engagement In the North Sea
on February 2&V in which tho Oer-1
man aulllary cruiser Greif sank, to
gether with the British. Alcantara,
Issued today by; tho admiralty, says
the Orelf blew- itself up after a bat
tle with three British cruisers and
one destroyer.
LONDON, March 25. A German
raider has been sunk In the North
sea. ' Fire German officers and 115
men out of a total of S00 were cap
tured. Tjie British lost seventy
four men.
; Tho British armed merchantman
Alcantara, which sunk the German
raider, the Greif, was itself sunk.
The fight occurred In the North sea
on February 29. Tha Orelf was sunk by
gunfire and the Alcantara by a torpedo.
The British loases were made up of flv
officers and sixty-nine men.
The Alcantara waa a large liner be
longing to the Royal Mall Steam Pack,
company of Belfast. It had been In the
service of the British - government for
some time. Its gross tonnage was 16,300.
It waa E70 feet long and was built In
Glasgow In 1813.
Plane Mail Service
From Pershing Camp
COL.ONIA DUBIjAN, Chlhuhnhua. Mex
ico, March 25. (By Radio to Columbus,
M. M.) An aerouplane mall and dispatch
service was established today between
the border and the advanced base of the
American expeditionary force here.
General J. J. Pershing started today to
make a two-day inspection trip of all tha
troops In the field. There have been no
claahe involving American troops since
the start of the expedition and quiet pre
vails throughout the district occupied, ac
cording to military headquarters her to
Madison County
Voting on Court
House Location
NORFOLK, Neb.. March X.-Madi-on
county la voting today on the question
of removing the county seat from Madi
son, where It haa been for forty years.,
te Norfolk, the largest city In the county
and 1U chief railroad center. In spite of
the fact that rain and sleet are falling, a
heavy vote is expected because of the
bitter fight that has been made through
out the county on the proposition.
On photograph of Jesus Christ, by
Darius Cobb, autographed, froju which In
life aha derived great comfort, is a be
quest mad by the lata Dr. Mary Strong,
to her sister, Emily, of East Manchester,
N. II. Her will haa been filed for pro
bata. Th Salvation Army Rescue Horn gets
all or her personal effects and -: Ply-
mouth church gets 3A; a cousin. Henry, j!
gets J.v, and her brother, Charles, of
Kast Manchester, V. H , gets all th rest I
of th estate, which Is vslud at about
The Question of the Hour
Convicted Murderer Denounce! Po
lice, County Attorney and Court
Before Sentence is Imposed. '
Arthur llauser. degenerate CTtmt
nal, who committed crimes against
women whom ho robbed, must spend
the remainder of his natural life in
tha Nebraska state' penitentiary for
the murder of W. It. Smith, Wood
men of the World cashier, who was
killed last fall. f
Judge Willis sears, 'in criminal
court, pronounced sentence upon
him after Hauser, In answer to the
usual privilege of showing why sen
tence should not bo Imposed, had
bitterly denounced the police, tho
county attorney and even tho court
Stwdiea Testimony.
For the last two weeks Judge Sears has
been readng the transcript ef teatlmony
In the Hauser case as triad before the
late Judge English, who died before im
posing sentenoe. Me found no thin In the
testimony not concurring with the verdlot
of the Jury, which recommanded life Im
prisonment. x
Hauser came Into court "loaded" ap
parently. Colorful phrases and ton In
flections such as are usually found only
In tha yellowest of yellow newspapers
were his main support.
Says He Was "Jobbed."
"An innocent man, a man as Innocent
aa the court Itself (Judge ears frowned).
Is going to suffer a Lllghted life behind
the cold steel bars of a grim prison cell.
I am no more g,ullty of this charg than
you are, Judge. (Hears twitched nerv
ously.) Hteve Maloney 'Jobbed' me. I
was never properly tdt&tlfled. That girl.
Miss Slater, don't know what she's talk
ing about, and that street car conductor
who identified m was wrong. I'm a
victim of miscarried Jvstic."
He continued In similar vein for five
minutes, burning up th police, the county
attoitley, the aherlff and everyons who
had anything to do with hla prosecution.
As he waa being 11 back to his cell
before being taken to lncoln, he passed
a man in the corridor who snapped at
"The chief trouble, you rat, la that
you've been pampered too much here.
For the crimes you ve confessed you
ought to have been chopped up In Inch
cubes, and I'd like to ba th man to have
the butchering Job."
Hauser pretended h did not hear the
Sussex and Englishman Cases
Unsettle Submarine Situation
WASHINGTON, March a Instruction
of tli British steamer Englishman with
the possible loss of American lives, and
th explosion on the channel liner Bus
sex, carrying American passengers, com
ing close on the alleged attack on th
Patria end the sinking of tha Tubantla
have served to unsettle the submarine
situation again and raise posslhllles of
mor complications with th central
American Consul Armstrong's pre
liminary report, received today from
Bristol, that th Kngllshman waa tor
pedoed, and that four Americana were
missing from the rescued, presented the
most serious aspect of th situation.
Further investigation of both th Kng
lixhnutn snd Sussex cases wlU b made.
The text of ths dispatches, dated to
Part of Twenty-Fourth Now On Way
South Will Be Sent to Marts,
and Del 2Uo.
'y-AN ANTONIO, Tex.. March 25.-
in answer to protests from residents
at Tresldlo, fflarfa and Del Ilto for
greater protection. General Funston
has announced that a battalion of
the Twenty-fourth Infantry, now on
tho way here from Port D. A. Rus
sell, will be stationed in that dis
trict. ' . .
One company wilt go to Marfa and re
lieve a company of th Fourteenth which
will go to Del Rio for patrol duty along
th Southern Pacific railway; Another
company will be stationed at Pabens,
near Kl Paso.
Colonel Folts, commanding th troop
at Douglas, today disposed of the rumor
that Carranxa troops were being massed
along the border. He reported that the
garrison at Agua Prieta. opposite Doug
las, comprised only 200 officers and men.
and that there waa only one battery of
Destroyer Hammed
And Badly Damaged
KEY WEST, Da., March Th
destroyer Monaghan was rammed and
tad'.y damatied by the destroyer Roe here
today. The Monashan was tied up at the
government wharf with its stern pro
jecting out of the dock when th Roe
attempted to make a landing. The
Monaghan waa damaged about forty feet
from the stern and below the waterline.
British Capture a
Turkish Outpost
LONDON, March 25. A surprise attack
by IlrltlHh forces in Mesopotamia on
March 15,. resulted In the capture of a
small Turkish post at Falahiyeh on the
west bank of the Tigris, It was officially
announced this afternoon.
llomhanlment of Kut-EI-Amara by
Turkish a In raft and artillery also Is re
torted In the official statement which
saya the Brl'Uh casualties were alight.
rtbala Oft for 4 anal.
NEW YORK. March K.-MaJor Oeneral
George W. Gocthala. governor of the Pan
ama canal sone, sailed today for I'snama
on the steamHhlp I'ustores. He said that
ho was confident that the canal would be
opened on April 15.
day, to th State department follows:
"Dominion line steamer Englishman
torpedoed; time and place unknown
here. Survivors brought Into northern
HrltLnh ports. Thirty-three so far be
lieved saved, sixty more reported and
possibly rescued; leaving shortage of
eighteen. Following Americans were
on board: Peter McDonald, horse fore
man, Iloston; P. lluckley, M. A. Uurkt,
horsemen, sddress unknown here; George
McDonald, trimmer. Lawrence. MaM.
Their namea are. not lncluiJ In lists f
thirty-three so far rescued.
"Kngliithman waa bound for Portland,
Ms. lj:ti Avonmouth twenty-first In
stant. Trsnsported horses to St. Na
salr. Plane, for Northwestern Trad
ing oompany. New York. Was not on
government business. No further par
ticulars at present available In Bristol"
1 Paso Dispatch Sayi Pandit lias
Elnded Pursuers and is Flee
in; Into the San Miguel .
Belief Expressed that Fight in Can
yon at El Oso only Outpost
KL PASO. Tex., March 25.
Pancho Villa was reported today to
be fleeing west in the San Mlgtfel
country, having; eluded the encir
cling wing that was being drawn
around him by American and Car
rania troops. News of the outlaw's
retreat westward was brought here
from Rl Valle, but could not bo con
firmed at Kort Bliss or In Mexican
official circles.
Several thousand American soldiers are
known to be ranging the country south
of Cssss Granrtea In every direction try
ing to locate the bandit, but hav not
come In contact with him.
Wlr communication out of El Paso
Into Mexico is still Interrupted, and It
Is believed that roving banda of Vllllstaa
are responsible for the wire cutting, hav
ing been detached from th main Villa
command for this purpose. Mexican Con
aul Garcia was still without further word
of th reported fight that th Carran
tlsta soldiers had with Villa at Bl Oso,
south of N'amlqulpa.
Dispatches received at Mexico City
and Douglas, Arlx., apparently eon firm
the reports to El I'aao from General Bar
tanl In the field that th troops of th
de factor government had com Into con
tact with Villa In th Banta Clara can
yon. General Pershing bad mad no
mention of this battle, and army officers
her Incline to th belief that it was
probably little mor than an outpost en
gagement. .
Ask About flat.
' Major Sample, in command ef th
United Statea army baa at Columbus,
haa been asked to verify tha report
brought Into Douglas, Arts., that Villa
bandits had crossed th border eight
miles west of Columbus and murdered
three Americans, two women and en
man. The bandits, numbering 10S er
more, are said t have rearoaeed Into
Mexico after th killing. The Graeme
of such a body of VUllstas In the upper
Galena district would be a threat te the
line ef communication to th base of
th American expedition , at Cms as
Orandes. Transportation ever this lln
from Columbus southward Is troublesome,
th trails being badly eut and th heav-
(Contlnued on Page Two, Columa Four.)
Gilbert Dolan is
Judged Guilty of
Highway Bobbery
After arguing nearly ten hours, th
Jury before which Gilbert Dolan was
being tried for highway robbery, re
turned a verdict of guilty. H was ac
cused with his brother Arnold of hav
ing staged a daring series ef highway
robberies in Omaha.
Arnold Dolan, the elder brother, entered
a plsa of guilty and declared he worked
with a man unanown to htm. Ills par
ents also testified that at the time whan
Gilbert waa supposed to be Joy-riding
around with auto drivers ha had h.irf
up, h was at home In bed.
Both Dolan boys are under 2S years
of age.
Gets Damages When
Name is Omitted in
the Telephone Book
A telephone company la legally obliga
ted to publish the namea of ita subscrib
ers, is understood by the verdict In th
suit of the Chicago I-aundry for flO.OOO
against th Nebraska Telephon com
pany. The laundry represented that they lost
business because their nam waa left out
of the book for on Issue.
The company books wer checked ev
closely, an operation taking up nearly
two weeks. The Jury finally awarded
damages of 1760.
Next Thursday the buildings and
grounds committee of the Board of Edu
cation will ODen aeslari V,M. tr.m
buildings north of th Park school, on
property recently acquired by th school
district for a new Park school. Th struc
tures are to be removed. The old Field
school building at Thirty-eighth and
Jackson streets. South Side, also will be
soid and moved away.
Must Sfell-
Otlior people's hard
luok and misfortune
is often an opportun
ity for someone else.
Ill health and other
things force men to
move to other climates,
and they put a little
ad in tho Beo Want
Ad column to sell
their business usual
ly at a sacrifice. Look
for these mubt-sell ads.