TITE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 2.'), lHlH. 4 Nebraska TAKES FALL OUT OF TREASURER HALL Rival Democratic Candidate Ac crues Him of Failure to Do Duty and Playing Favorites. WILL KOI ASK SPECIAL LAWS (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN, Neb.. March 24.fpctan The congenial spirit which ha ao far characterised the candidacy of demo crat airatnat each other la airaln shown in a tatement Issued by Harry Adams of Chadron, democratic canrtldnte for state treasurer, which seek to antago nise the administration of Ftate Treas iirer Hall and "how him up'1 before th votere. Mr. Adama aaya: The man who la elected to the people of thla atate and then after electfon straightway turn hi. "P"" them and seeks to build P ''" . kJ their expenae should not ask for their suffrage a aecond time That I my con tentlon and t hav. that In mind In aeeK In to obtain from the present atata treaatirer the democratic nomination ror thI'wantr'l't understood by those whose suffrage I auk that If nominated and chosen for the atata treaaurerehlp I will think of the people first and my pol il eal welfare aecond In the administration I wiBt to be apecinc In thla. tf elected I will work w ith all departmenta of thla atata for the heat good of the atata. It will not. be my purpose to cripple any department, sorely needed by the state. In order to Increase what I Pellev to he mv political etnndln-. I will uan my A..A....t i twuiima lha people would have me use It In admlntstertna; thla office. I will act upon all the board of which I am a member by law for tha fceet Interest of the taspayera, to the reduction of the atata a It la nnMlM to do SO. It will not be necessary lor m nraiw of the atata to be reported to to make me do mv pa'par,' duty. 1 aha II not aak the taipavcra to foot enpenee hllla connected with my administration b eauaa 1 intend, If I am elected, to aea that mr office la conducted In the way the people manifestly want It conducted. hail ct impartially and fairly toward all banka and bankera of the atata. I ahall not allow my political whim to eovem me in the distribution of public deposit moneys, and I ahall not ahare one cent worth In tha premium on the writlna- of my bond. I ahall not endeavor to Influence, tha legislature In the enactment of any lawa delned to alv ma more arbitrary power In the conduct of the affair of my office. I shall endeavor to be the servant of all the people rather than the autocrat over those with whose money I have been entnrated. These are plain polnta of difference between my opponent and myself. Hla record is known to all voters, who went to inform themselves upon It. I Insist that he ha not run the office as he should have run It and I am wllllne; to leave It to the people as to which plan of administration thev desire to aee put Into effect for tha next two years. From Our Near Neighbors Llkhnrn. Miss Klia Hans n waa an Omaha tsltor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pay were at Omaha. Monday. MIhs Mina Nolls la spending the week In Omaha. Mr Minna? visited at the home of her on in lUnson Tuesdny. Oeorsye pnnsch and family visited, Mon !hv nt ti e t". ('. Hulling; home. Mrs. Anna T.each entertained the Ijidict' Kensington Wednesday, Miss l.ora Ainult of Stanton, la., vis ited nt the l)cln home Friday. Ladles' Aid society met at the Hack man home for dinner Wednesday. Mrs. John nielclt visited at the home of her mother In Henaon Haturday. Mies Helen Richards of lincoln visited a few rinya at thu Hcanlon home. Members of the Kn;le loda-e save a Dr. C. W. Hli key and family of Hen- 1 BlnRtoti railed here Tunecluy evening. otto rfleffer. J. A. Oibbona. Rmll H. k and William Dose have purchased auto- mo b Ilea. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulson and aon. Adnlhert. of Omaha, visited at the Deln home Wednesday. Mrs. B. It. Ilrewster and Mra. P. C. Brewster visited In Crete. Net)., from Saturday till Mbnday. lant supei Inlendcnt ; Mr". Monshnn, jnhn Ientell end Irvine I'resha, musical com mittee. The Mothers' club and the Valley Woman' club nave an Interesting pro gram In the interest of the National Bet ter Itahy Movement, Thursday afternoon In tho Methodist Kplscopal Chun h. The Mothers' club held Its monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon with Mrs F. M. Math. Mrs Kennedy was lender and an especially interesting program wnr given. Klghl nw membera were enrolled Rrnalniliia. l.ushthen purcha.nd a new car even taxes Mrs. John Wllllnms and Mra. Fred Mender, both of Falrvlew, were enter tained at the Wllllnms' home Friday. Mra. Phoebe Hopper died Tuesday In Omaha. Her body wu brought here for burial Thursday. Mra. Charle Wltte la a niece. Mra. K. A. flchiirman entertained at a party Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Wyatt of Harrlshursr. Neb., who I visit ing her son, J. N. Wyatt, and family. aprlnvf leld. Miss Kthel Walter of Chicago I vis iting Mis F.llaaheih Davidson. Mr. Alva Scott of Caier. Wyo., la vis iting Mr. and Mra. W. K. Wllber. W. J. Duva of Iienaort visited hi old ac quaintances her last Wednesday. Dr. A. I,. 1ova of New York City was the guest of Rev. Mr. Hurlelgh Thursday, Mr. and Mr. El J. Oultilev of Omaha pent the fore part of the week here with relative. Mr. John "rween! end daughter. Elisa beth, vlxited in Auburn tha for part of the week. I a. C. Johnson waa subpoenaed to eerve a petit Juror In the April term of the federal court In Omaha. The IjO'ilavllle bridge la nearlng com pletion and will be welcomed by tha trav- ung public in thla vicinity. Mr. and Mra. WBIber celebrated their olden wedding on March 20. They have lived In Nebraska all but two yeara of that time. John Nottlcman. W. B. Miller. Willi Snllng and Hoy llnrberg wore nominated for village council at a cltlr.en" meeting last Monday nlfclit. Two councllmen are to bo elected. A reception wag given tha liitfh school debating team on Ita return from Schuy ler, where they won the decision of the Judges In tho debute there. The team waa placed In a lignt wagon and omwn through Ilia street by the high wtioo! pui)ll. Jnhn this week. Ilenrv Dlerks of Colorado Is visiting his brother Oeorge and family. Victor Klnnlnger is on tho alck list. having recently undergone an operation The Oerman T.mlle' Aid society will hold their regular meeting Thursday afternoon. MImh l.nulse Markmm was married In ftmsha Wednesday afternoon to Mr. John Voxt. jr. They will live on a farm near Kennard. Mlaa Lena ttohwee was mnrrted last 'week to Mr. Otto Wllke. Mr. and Mrs. Wilke are at home on a farm near Irvlngton. The sale of the farm belonging to the late John Miller to Henry I'etersen, was recorded thl week. The purchase price waa $170 per acre. The toinlls of the Hleh school, under the direction of Mr. Mclver, are re hearsing for a play to be given at tha woodmen nail ftiarcn za. Norfolk Man Charged with Trying to Buy Votes for Madison NonrOLK, Neb., March S4. (Special Telegram.) Oliver Blanbenship. a team Ur, t In jail her chaged with bribery In attempting to secure vote for Madlaoa In tha Norfolk-Madinon county goat lo tlon tomorrow. f i 1 Notes from Beatrice And Gage County BEATRICE, Neb., March S4.-Speclal.) Mta. Matilda McHenry, who la traveling about tha country with an o team In company of her aon, and who hot at Adolph Ounther, ft farmer living near IVkrell, Wednesday. 11 he attempted to get a snap hot of tha outfit, wa brought Into court yeatorday and releaaed on promise that she and her on would get out of the county. I The liquor question will be the Issue at Odell thla spring. Bin candidate have been selected for vlllago trustee. Thoy are William U Temple. It. C. Durkett, Jamea lUney, John Oilllan, Harry Mc Oinley and Henry Uomcraham, Only two are to ha elected. Mr. Peter Hohenfeldt, n old resident of Beatrice, died yesterday afternoon at her homeJ In thla city, aged 7 year. 8h I survived by her husband and thre children. The athletic board gave a banquet last evening at the Paddock hotel to tha Pea trice High school champion base ball team and their girl friend, then being about sixty present. Superintendent Bod' welt wa tha tnastmaater and response wera made by Principal HlUyer, Coach M. F. Jones. Captain Burroughs, J. T. Harden, II. A. Thompson and other. Waterloo. Walter Pike of Gordon, Neb., 1 visit ing hla parents, Mr. and Mr. El. N. like. Mr. Mendel Tark from Waterloo, la., Is a visitor at the home of Mra. 6. A. Teal. Mra. George Marshall of Valparaiso la visiting her alater, Mr. A. 8. Hut. and husband. Mra. liawrence Zwlehel and children went to Central City, Sunday for a visit with relatives. Dr. and Mr. Richardson and family have moved to their new home at FJIk- horn. Dr. Klehardaon will still continue hi practice In Waterloo. At the village primaries last week, R. T- Robinson, Ooorge Crook (Jeorge Met, C. K. Kellett. W. D. Conned, J. K. Moore and William Jarobson were nominated Messrs. Ilohlnson, Jacohson and Wilson are retiring membera of the board thla year. The question of licensing a saloon r ni also come up at the annual elec- l"n on April 4. M-. snd Mrs. S. T. Rumner and Mr. snd Mr K. Sumner and their families left Thursday, for their new home at Kimball, Neh. The families have been resident of this community for twenty y ea rs. C. H. RoetlgTr of Hooper, la U. newly eleited superintendent of the Waterloo schools for nest year. Other new teadieta re Miss Mattel Twiherty, Waterloo; Miss Alice Klshel, Kouth Omaha: MIm Verna Ijsne, Adams Miss F.dna Shopp, Platts- mouih. and Mrs. Arhu Mendenhall wern re-elected. One more teacher la to lie elected. ttnra, Miss F.Mhcr Sheldon has returned from a visit to Lincoln friends. Mrs. fl. Rehmeler was limiting Weeping Water relatives Wednesday. Mr. K. G. Hpencer wes here from Tal niaco 8aturlay visiting relatives. Mr. and Mir. Krnet Htoner were here over ftunduy from Weeping Wafr. Mr. Jacob Opp. and daughter, i.uella, were Nebraska, City visitors Saturday. Mls Myrtle Calkins of Weening Wn.tcr I spending the week with friend her. Miss Irene Jones waa here from Weep ing Water the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Johnson spent Sunday with rrlnMves near Klmwood. Mrs. W. A. Rose, son and daughter, arrived the last of the week from Oiegon. Mrs. Adolph Mogenscn Is here from Weeping Water for a visit with relatives. Mh-. Ora K. Copea gave the domestic; science demonstration Tuesday, her sub ject being "Ift Overs." Miss Clara Marquardt wss here from Havelock Saturday for a visit with her parent. Rdwtn 8chomker snd wife were here from Nehawka Sunday for a visit with relettlve. Mis Margaret Kruse of St. Hilnire, Minn., haa been spending tho week at the Dr. Kruse home. Adolph and Mary Zlmmerer and the Misses Kavanaugii of Nebraska City were Sunday visitor In 'Avoca. jmtn J .'WW- Oshkosh Woman Hurt in Auto Accident OBHKOfffI, Neb., Marcn M.-(Bpeclal Telegram.) Mra. Margaret Wilson had both lege broken In an automobile acci dent here today. The driver lost con trol of the car going up a bad hill and his two women companions got fright ened and Jumped out, one of, them fall ing In the way of the car as 'It ran bark down the hill. She waa taken to the North Platte hospital. Valley. Fitzgerald was In Omaha Mrs. Jnhn Thursday. Mra. C. Collin and Mlse Gertrude In gram went to Omaha Thurday. Madolln Monahan and Mildred Fita- gerald spent the week-end with Mr, and Mra. Harry Corlngton at Henson. Rev, J. IL Ramsey of Omaha wa given unanimous call to be pastor of the Presbyterian church at the congrega Uonal meeting Tuesday evening. A high school oratorical contest was riven In tha Methodist Kplscnpal church viltiasday evening. Tha first plana wa awarded to Kmlly King and second to Myrtle (lames. . The following officer wera 4Uected Tuesday evenlntr at the annual meeting or tha ITestiyterlan church: John laentcll. elder; Irving Preeha, H. J. Kerree, John Foater, trustees: Mr, A. Gardiner, trees Urer; Mra. J. II. Ingrain, fciunday school superintendent; Mr. II. P. Ferree, assla- Splendid Laxative for Elderly People Has Been Prescribed by Well Known Physician for Many Years, The inflrmltlr of age are eapecially manifest In a tendency to constipation, and call for treatment that will afford relief In an easy, natural manner. The rapid action of eathartlo remedies and purgatives that shock tha syystern should be avoided, more especially as the relief they offer Is only temporary and la us ually more than offset by disturbance to the vital organs cauaed by their violent action. Nearly thirty year ago Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Montlcello, 111., prescribed' a compound of simple laxattv herbs that has since become the standard household remedy In thousands of homes. It sot easily and gently, yet with positive effect, without griping or other pain or discom fort. Mr. IUchaI Allen, Qaleshurg, LKana., 1 aeventy-on year old, and after using a bottle or Dr. Caldwell' syrup Pepsin, wrote that It had dona her a world of. good and that aha Intend to keep It in tha house always. Druse 1st soil Dr. Caldwell' Syrup lair-mvw-'-'- &--N&ll'f&-W f" '"T T ' ' If T 1 laMhiij 4 i TKBM. BA-OXAXI. AXI.SST Pepsin for fifty cents a bottle.'' It la a splendid remedy and should be In every home. A trial bottle, froo of charge, oan be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4ii4 Washington St., Mon tlcello, 111. Notes from Aaklaaa). ASHLAND. Neb,, March t4..-(Ppeclal. Fir at tha Burlington atatlon her Thursday night destroyed a freight car and content; loss several hundred' dol lar. A stack of hay containing aeven ton was destroyed by fire Tuesday night at the home of T. H Owens, northweat of Ashland. I-osa ahout fTC. Wilier Wilhetm, a email boy near Mem phis, swallowed a grain of corn which !od?ed In hla windpipe. Tha doctor, by taking hold of the lad by th heels, shook tha grain out Juot as tha little fellow waa turning black In the face. The funeral of Vernon Hendrlx, &-niooth-old aon of Mr. and Mra. Ernist Hendrlt, who wa killed I y being thrown Hit his mother to th pavement, Tues day afternoon,' waa held yesterday after-not-n. Iloaae la Crete Haraed. CRETE. Neb., March S4.-tSpclal.) The horn of Frank Wagner, in th noi tti rurt of Crete, wa totally destroyed by flie this morning at an early hour. Tha family has been away for several daya and the fire had such a lart that when the fire department arrived the fire waa fat control.- It la not known, whether the house was Insured or not. I Vteegdagr Water. Mr. and Mr T. U Wiles visited rvla-Um-s around Plattamoulh this week. Rous Dennis and family are moving lmi k to Wet-ping Water from Lincolu. Mra. Jamea Balling of Palmer, Neb. v tailed bunday at th Antun Jorgeusen hume. ' The Oakdala IJberty Belt Bird club hs buen oiUHQiafd with a membership tit t nlv-ix. Harold Marshall and James' Miller left the firet of the week for lite northwest in search of homestead. Mrs. J. F. Brendel of Murray visited this week at th boms of her parents, air. and Mrs. T. P. Jameson. D. M. Johnson has received th news of tha death of Ms oldeat sister, Mra K. li. Dawauo. at Fort McCoy, Fla. tisrley Meyer shipped a car of fat ratlie to the booth Oninba uutrket Tuea flay that brought 14.1 a h.ad. Miss Maude McKaraee visited at Fall City the first of the week at the buiua vt her brvitiors, Clyde and Ait. Mr. and Mra. Gordon Towla of Hart i.il. Neb., visited this k at the honia tt i.er pareiiU. i-r. and Mis. A. C. Welch. Most unquestion it is a very wen aressea c Crowd of Men that are steady in their patronage of this Store The Reason is very plain - We give a young man a young man's A Mature Man naturally requires dig suit, one that is designed to fit his mind "ty as well as btyle and personality as and age as well as his body it's gener- WH as smartness. Try ally a because they have pet the standard of America in young men's clothes, i I suit on in front of one of our mirrors and see how much it means. Prices No Higher than for Ordinary Clothes. Suits or Top Coats H522 S2022 $2529 1516-18-20 Farnam Street. I 1 1 This Duofold Bed Divan, n 3jg --------------- pi A Chair and Uleckev In Solid Oak. DDOB Terms: $4. CO Cash, $3.00 Monthly At the UNION OUTFITTING COMPANY 5 , "g The Ideal Living Room Furniture of Today We can safely venture to say that there are more of these living room suites sold today than any other type of furni ture for the living room. The reason is very obvious. Not only Is this type of furniture more comfortable than the stiff back, spindly variety of former days, but It is also more practical. Living Room by Day Bedroom by Night It's the simplest thing in the world to convert jour living room into a bed room with this Duofold outfit. With two slight operations this divan can be quickly changed Into full sized bed as a bed davenport, ex cept that you lie with your head to the back of the divan. This Columbia Grafonola All Three Pieces Placed In Your Home for S4.C0 It is our object to prove to th most skeptical that furniture of a high quality can be bought on low credit terms without paying a big profit for the con venience. Did you ever, in all , your experience, see a three piece Duofold outfit of this character selling tor less than this special price for cash? JLCMB SXWXKCr WAOXZITBS. Just Ilka Illustration. Haa drop head at tachment, full set of rtlekel plated svwliiK" marhinn attachments a.nd la fully Ruaninteed to give perfect at- laravtlon. Tne camnt work la of oak. Spe cial price Terms: Boo Weakly. $17.50 GOOES BOTjS OtTT Or TO WW OR BAST .TMTL'irTS, nEIOXT paid boo milks, xro riaxiaxT PAZJ OST SFCIAX8. And A Latest 0kz:r " Musical j "j Selec tions Jf - J AUfor H' 1 uh ii $78?o M a Sold on very Easy Terms. 1 UDIitcU 1 , 1. It I '-Action I i ' SIBECT ACTION OAS RAHOrS. If the people of Greater Omaha could but realise the wonderful iraa aavlna; qiialltles of thla range, every gaa tinrr would have one of them In their hnmea. We make no Idle boast when we tell you that a iJlrect Action Oaa ItaiiKf will cut your aaa bill fully one-third it'a a positive fact They are moderately priced and aoW on very easy terms. DAUT ATJTO DirtXTHmT TO rLOaEXOB, SEVMIi SOUTH SIOB AKD COVXOIIi MI.VTTB. r : : " The Greater Number of Smart Dressers Buy Their Clothing on ; CREQIT-So Uhy Don't YOU? ' W aW swm i , A- ! -Mostunquestionably, M i j i ii i i i rrv i ii ill i i 9 rJ rM IB SJ LJi vrt J Ti 1 I wpII rlrBf,rl r f I SI I I I 1 that are steady in their patronage ! JUST COME TO THIS STORE, PICK OUT WHAT YOU WANT and PAY US $1 A WEEK MILLINERY 50 A WEEK. LADIES' IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES and MATERIALS, SUITS $14.75 to $42.50 LADIES' EASTER HATS $1.50 TO $15 LADIES' SPRING DRESSES $7.50 TO $32.50 LADIES' WAISTS Large Selection, $1.00 TO $10.00 .$5Z5to$29i LADIES' SPRING COATS IN ALL THE LATE NOVELTIES ... NEWS FOR THE MEN FOLKS BIG VALUES IN MEN'S SUITS SEE THEM PRICED FROM $10.00 TO $29.50 LATEST STYLES Gash Store Prices LIBERAL CREDIT BOYS' SPRING SUITS, $3.50, $5, $7.50 BIO LINE of MEN'S HATS and SHOES RIGHT PRICES $1.00 A WEEK THAT'S EASY (Att - THREE-ROOM HOME OUTFITS $4.00 Monthly. $69 tnma book taxx.es i.ikk i il lustration, mad of aolld oak. rtntahed a-olden. Large circular tup. fitted with -foot extenaion annus; round base. Colonial feet. Worth 115.00. Hale iprlce $1 Caah, $1 Monthly. mun anno. $10.75 O O J. L1FI tBZ.X XV8S rOKMS. Ad JuatHjle to your ev ery r q u I r. m n When not In ua oc cupies only a email space In your closet, special prloa for the 11 -sect ion dreaa form only $9.45 So Waakly. 5 ' ef , c m il y iw'i - i my at a own KACZa. Like cut. well made, mlaaiun finiuu. Worth $1.7 ale price 98c nuruia BxvsaBUi aoai. your choice of Kloral or Orlentai dealgna. They are 9x11 fet In sis and are full seamless. The ool or are woven Into th rux Itself. Worth $20. 8aJa orlce 91 .M Cash, 91.00 MonttUy. iia ana are $13.95 "raonri itom.' NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT "2" It will save you time and money if you use BEE WANT-AD3?