Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
THE IIKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARC II 2o, 1916. ALARMIST REPORT FROM DOUGLAS i Senator Ashurst Hai Telegram Say In; Large Force of Mexican! limed Near City. GET. CALLES FLATLY DENIES IT WOMAN WHO SHOT her husband New York lawyer and friend of Bryan. WASHINGTON. March J 4. A tel egram from D. A. Richardson, Doug las, Aril., Raring Mexican troops were massing across the line from Douglas, pointing out that the Co lumbus massacre could easily be re peated In the Artiona town and ask ing for "help before it wai too late," was made public today by Senator Ashurst of Ariiona. Senator Ashurst aald he knew Richardson and regarded his Infor mation aa authoritative. "I am giving ttale telegram for pnbllcatlon," said Senator Aehurst. "and will not even aubmlt It to the senate, because It would be useless. I am tired of trying to get anything done." Tet Telea-rass. Richardson's telesrats follows: "Mexican general nae fortr plecea of artillery and 1,000 cavalry stationed ten blocks rrom center of Douslas. 8ven thousand cavalry sis "" ouWl ftouctaa. "Ws bars only l.KiO Infantry. cavalry P" of rtlll,,' ur troops stationed two mtUe east of Doug las. Am reliably tnfomed that it would take one hour for our troops to reach Donates ta ease of nlahl attaclt. Our array forbidden by administration from making any active defense preparatlona for fear Mealcans might misconstrue such preparation. Mexleana have entrenched against Vnlte4 States aide and hava barbed wire entanglements. We have no entrenchment. Mexican troops could easily repeat Columbus massacre In Douglas on much larger ecale snd return to Mexico with small less. All of these statements oaa be verified by our army officers bore. Help If you can before It to too late." Conflicting reports cf the massing of Carransa troops on the border reached hers today. American consuls In northern Mexira. under orders of the Stats depart ment to Investigate th troop movements, reported that they fo-jnd no massing of troops in the northern sections. General Cailes Dealew Keport. DOUOLA8. Aril., March St-Oenemt P. Ellas Cailes, military governor of Honor, today again denied reports that a large number of Mexican troops hava reached Agua Prteta opposite her from the south. Investigation did not reveal an Increased number of troops In Agua Prleta. Douglas passed Its quietest night In two weeks last night Over in Agua Prists, Governor Cailes spent the evening play ing whist with the family of Mrs. Alios O'Laughlln. presenting ten gallons of toe cream to the O'Laughlln'S for games he lost Mchstag Will Delay Debate On Subsea Warfare BERLIN. March . Via London, llarch ? It la understood that the Reichstag wilt take a recess Friday or Saturday until the end of April to give eommitteea opportunity to - discuss the budget snd Us bills. This adjournment will postpone the expected speech of 'Chancellor von Bethmann-Ilollweg en the nation- fotelgn policy. It alao may .mean the aide-tracking of tha debate on the submarine campaign. It was evident at today's session that the conservatives were restive under the agreement to avoid discussion of the sub marine issue in open seeslon. Count von Wtstarp said he was willing t? adhere Vo the agreement on condition that the matter be discussed alt the more thor oughly In committee. Another conserve tlve speaked desired to mention the sub marine question, but met with a shout from the house that It waa against tha agreement. , Kven then he persisted, whereupon the president remarked bluntly: . "Tou may not proceed on that subject." Tha conservatives found an outlet for their feelings in repeated eulogies ef Admiral von Tlrplti. CLEAN-UP ORDERS HAYE GONE FORTH Inspector to Serre Noticet on Feo pie Who Maintain Nuisances in Their Back Tardi. HE ALSO APPEALS TO PRIDE The future plans of Mrs. Klolse Young English, who was exonerated by a cor oner's Jury for having shot and killed her husband. Arthur Bnglish, a New York lawyer, personal friend of William Jennings Bryan, and son of Dr. Thomas Dunn English, author of "Ben Bolt" are being kept secret and her home in the Catoctln mountains, seven miles from Frederick. Md., m which eh fired twelve bullets at her husband, la kept under a close guard. Mrs. English declared aha acted In self- defense In the shooting and that Her husband had threatened to kill her. In that community English wsa regarded aa of unsound mind. Mrs. English was formerly a belle of Frederick and eloped with Arthur Eng lish In 1906. lie bad been married before and was divorced. Lorimer Bank Made Excessive Loans to Politicians CHICAOO. March !. Owen T. Reeves. Jr., president of the Drovers' National bank and formerly government bank examiner, testifying tcday In the trial of William Lorimer, charged with conspi racy In connection with tha failure of the La Sail Street Trust and Savings bank, aald that In examining the I Salle atreet institution he found what tie regarded as excessive loans. Mr. Reeves said that ha found loans to W. J. Cooke and A. J. Harris, prominent in local politics, snd to Charles E, Erb- stein. Erbsteia waa counsel for Lee O'Nell Browne, Illinois state legislator, who was tried and acquitted on a charge ef bribery In connection with the election of Lorimer to the United States Senate. "The Crbsteln loan had been in the bank for some time," said Mr.e Reeves, and X did not think that It was a good one. T. H. Paynter, former United itatea senator from Kentucky, owed HO, wo, which was an unwarranted loan because ha was not worth that much money. Then there were some ethers to firms which were approaching or did ro Into bankruptcy." The bank reserve was dangerously Itw," continued the witness. "Instead of being 25 per cent as the law required. It waa only 104 pet1 eont on the day of tha examination." Former Senator Paynter was a member or tha first senatorial Investigating com mittee, which Inquired into the election of Lorimer to the United States senate. Health Commissioner Cunnell makes an appeal to the people of Greater Omaha to begin at once a vigorous clean-up campaign. "I am with the governor on his proclamation for a clean-up week, beginning April 10, but I maintain we should start now to get our mu nicipal house in order," said the commissioner. Files are beginning to appear. A woman in the Han acorn park dis trict reports she has dealt mortal blows to three fliea tola week. Dr. Connell contends that the earlier this clean-up campaign Is started the less files there will be to swat next month and tha months to come. Make Omaha an undesirable place for fliea," remarked the chief custodian of the health of the city. Health Mlats. A few hints from the health com missioner; "Clean up alleys and back yarda and front yard. "Ransack basements and cellars for rubbish and old material. "Clean-up. paint-up, brush-up, sweep up. "dive aa much thought to tha interior of homes aa you give to exteriors. "Lst In the sunlight and tha fresh air." Dr. Connell has Instructed his Inspec tors to start serving notices on house holders who maintain accumulations of rubbish and ashes In backyard's and al leys. These notices are served as a fule in extreme eases and cover flagrant vio lations. Tha doctor believes more good can be done by stimulating a spirit of ctvlo pride throughout the city. He ssks the co-operation of the publto school teachers to the extent of Interesting the children In this clean-up campaign. Im provement dub are requested to take this up with members. 'A little effort on the part of every body would make Omaha shine like a new tin whistle," says the health com missioner. Americans Send Supplies to Villa, Says Mr. Lewis WASHINGTON, March J4.-Senetor Tjewla, democrat, declsred In a resolution Introduced today, that American authori ties had knowledge of supplies and money being furnished to Villa from foreign countries and from the United States, ills resolution proposed to brand Ameri cana who give such aid aa "guilty of actual treason." At the requestlon of Senator Borah, re publican, the resolution was read twice and then Senator l.rf-wls asked that It lie over and gave notice that he would speak on It at an early opportunity. Some of the border senators read tele grams from cllixens, expressing sppre henslon for the safety of American in terests along the Mexican line, and Sena tor Stone renewed his appeal to sena tors not to agitate the situation. The dis cussion died without action. Secretary McAdoo Will Be Official Guest of Chile SANTIAOO, Chile, March It. William Q. MoAdoo. American secretary of the treasury, will be officially a guest of Chile during his visit here with the other members of the American dele gation to the International Trade confer ence after the session of that bodjr at Buenos Alrea. A declaration to that ef fect has been Issued T the government, which haa named a commission to at tend him during his stay. Dr. Frank J. Lutz, Noted Surgeon, Dies ST. liOTTIS. March M. Dr. Frank J iAita. noted as a aurgeon throughout the United States, died of heart disease st his home hers today. He was 60 rears old. He had been aurgeon of the St Louie A San Franrieco railway and vice president of the National Association of Railway Burgeons. Federal Officers Dismantle Amateur Wireless Stations SAN ANTONIO. Teg.. March M.-Twen-ty-flve wireless stations In and about thla city have been dismantled by federal officers acting upon instructions from the Department of Justice. It was an nounced here today. These plants designated aa "Amateur stations" have been a source of con siderable annoyance to the War depart ment, especially alnce tha establishment of wireless apparatus with the American troops In Mexico. It waa found impossible to prove of fenses agalnat individual operators and as the statlona was conalrdered a menace, authorities were directed to put them all out of business until the trouble in Mexico la settled. Danish and British Steamships Sunk LONDON. March 2S. -Another Danhh steamship has been sunk, the Christlans sund. of 1.017 tons. Its entlrs crew of twenty-tws was saved. The Britleh steamship, Fulmar, l.fTO tons, also haa been aunk. Eighteen of Its crew were rescued. The National Capital Friday, Merck S4, 11 . The Senate. Met at noon. Senator Iwls Introduced resolitlon1' claring anv person giving aid ! villa guilty of treason. The House. Met at 11 a. m Immigration bill was brought up fir general debate. Judiciary committee continued hearings on Impeachment chsraes against Tnlte I State Attorney Marshall of New Torn. Naval committee continued national de fense hearings. Alleges Bottling Business in Omaha is Run by Trust Alleging that the Omaha Bottling com pany. of which William W. Tager prealdent. and tha filoiip-f herry Bottling company have created as Illegal com bl nation In restraint of trade, and that they have barasaed him and tried put him out of business, Julius Zellgson of the American Bottling - company brings two aulta against them of $25,000 each In district court. The defendant In each suit is Mr. Tea ger and, the- Omaha Bottling company In the first suit It Is alleged Yeager caused the plaintiff to be arrested in 1911 on a false charge of larceny of bot tles and containers of aoft drinks. In the second petition It is stated, that the plaintiff suffered greatly when his workmen went on a strike at the Inatl 6stioa qf his competitors. Pa Rourke Signs Anderson of the Cincinnati Reds BEATRICE. March 24.-peels4 Tele gram.) Pa Rourke of the Omaha ball team today signed Outfielder Anderson, formerly with the Cincinnati Nationals. Ho Is a 409 hitter. lie Is now st Shreveport, La., and wilt report for duty In a few days. Most ef the hired men will arrive in the city between now and Sunday in order to be ready when spring practice starts Monday morning at AthleUo park,: i which la being put In first class shape. 1 It Is practically decided to Pr Sunday games at Falrbury with Slous, City.. Two exhibition games will he played here sack week between Omaha and Sioux City, and If they are welt patrontted, games will be arranged with Lincoln and Tope a a. SPECIAL PERMITS TO REMIT TO THE WAR ZONE The Hebrew Sheltering snd Immigrant Aid Society of America has received from the eecretsry of state a telegram aent by Isidore llershfleld, Ita representative In Europe. '. through James W, Gerard, American ambassador at Berlin, reading aa followg 'All residents general government War saw comprising six gubernaa. Lomsa, Flock, Kallsch, Waraaw, part of Sledllcs and part of riotrokow, officially permit ted to write original short formular let ters addressed only to your society which you must forward to American relative from whom aid requested. All cities and plaeea in aald general government off! dally placarded with posters giving your name, address and newspapers publteb official announcement. Consul at War aaw helped greatly. First direct com munlcatlnt with American relatives thus made possible through you alone. Ex pect similar permission other occupied territories. Accorded special official fa duties for transmitting remittances to all places." The) Store) of the Town Browning, King & Company EASTER SUNDAY Just Four Week. Off. APRIL 23RD It E ttster Sunday. PREPARE NOW! Women's Knit Underwear Moved To the Main Floor In a spacious new section, rear of Main Aisle, ready to supply your requirements in Knitted Underwear weights, styles, prices. in all sizes and Brassieres Favored by Fashion You will look so much better when you discard the old fashioned corset covers for a fautlessly fitting Warner Brassiere - Your figure lines will be beautified. lour corset and your gowns will fit more stylishly and you'll revel in the satis faction and solid comfort of a dainty, durable Brassiere. A Brassiere giving added style and charm to your ap pearance at the same time contributing .unspeakably o your comfort and health. Priced 50c Upwards Corset Section Third Floor. FROrIP SON-BQDEN 6C0. Jhelasliion Genler ofllie MiddleWesl Established 1886. r Originations in Neckwear The variety offers un- ' told possibilities t o make the selection as exacting as you wish : New Vestces and Yokes in Geor rette, net and organdie, with high roll collars and square effects; also round Dutch styles. Large Cape collars of organdie and mull. . Roll and Dutch collars, aquare and round, for coats and dresses. Collar, and Cuff Sets of sheer organdie and mull; also Geor gette seta. Ruches and Rmffllngs for the high collars. YOU'LL FIND INTERPRE TATIONS OF ALL THE BEST SPRING MODES. . Millinery Day Saturday Wonderful New Hats In a Complete Showing Fourth German War Loan is Success BERLIN'. March :.-( Wireless to Bay vtlle.) Pr. Kari-Uclffcrloh. ee'retery of the imperial treasury, told th Reichstag today that the fourth rnin .war loan had beea a brilliant success, the subecrlp. tions having reached mora than IS J0, 000.006 marks. Mens f llHari, AUBURN'. Neb.. March !4.-(8peclaI Telegram.) News has reached here of the death of William Uagley. one of the plo neers of this county, at his home at loa Angeles. Cel. Mr. Bagley came to this county io lss, and left here twenty years ago. Julia A. Huff, wife of John Huff, died at her home yesterday. 8 he was f years i.f age and is survived by her husband. HOTEL COMMISSIONER HAS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (From a fctaff Corrrspondent.l LINCOLN, March S4.-(Speclal )-Every-body in Nebrssha will be expected to take a bath on April S, and Colonel Philip Augustus Arkermsn. hotel commissioner, who has promulgated the order will art an example by taking a bath- himself. The colonel wnntd - hare made April 1 clean up day, tmt Governor Morehead Issued his edict etherwUe and so he will expect every hotel In the state to be glven-a scrubbing end renovation. The iiliie-foot bed sheets will be sub ject to special Inspection, the holes darned up and the wrlnkl. s all ironed out so they will look as if they had Just arrived from the laundry and the cook will be expected lo put one more gooseberry in the huckleberry pie, In order that the guesta may know that the order of the hotel commissioner meets with such favor by the hotel boss that he feels generous. Threw Oil I olds sss Treves. Grip When yea feci a cold coming on. take laxative Irorao Quinine. It removes cause of Culds and Grip. Only one "brotno Quinine." K. W. Orove's signa ture a bos. 5c Advertisement. fee Want Ads eerve ht-ndreds daily CET A BRUSH FREE With a Can of Print, Varnish or SUin Men's and Young Men's CLOTHING, . FURNISHINGS " and HATS. CLOTHING- Manufactured in our own factory and sold by u with absolute guarantee of satisfac tion or money back. $15 to $40. FURNISHINGS- Only the best made by the world's recog nized manufacturers in their particular lines. Spring stocks complete. HATS Exclusive agents in Omaha for KNOX HATS $5 to $20. World's largest dis tributors for the FAMOUS JOHN B. STETSON HATS $3.50 to $15. CAPS that are different. $1, $1.50, $2, The season' most charm ing styles are assembled in our Millinery Section. Dress, semi-dress and tailored designs effectively trimmed with new birds' wings, imported feathers, imitation gouras, flowers and ribbons. More than 500 Models' in this one assemblage. Millinery Section Second Floor. IfouH &xd ihe new U ideas here the insJazxf fashion approves ihem. Suits, Hand-Tailored by Men Fashioned not to sell for a price, but to sell be cause of correct style and real value. A collection of Thursday's and today's arrivals, new modes designed in checks and plain colors, $19.50, $25, $35. Others to $95. .alterations free of oharga. New Fashions in Coats Strikingly unusual and smartly conservative. They are the last word in dependable fashions, made so as to fall free of the bouffant frocks, coats cut to cover completely the travel dress in a word, coats to blend perfectly with every costume from $16.50 to $75. With especially attractive ones at $25. . The Store for Shirtwaists Authentic blouse styles presented in an exhibi- ' tion of constantly chang ing models. When shop- ping Saturday spend a few moments in this de lightful section. New arrivals will be on display. The Vogue of the Separate Skirt Present new - and fashion able dress skirts of silk, each a distinctive production of a master designer, $12.50, $16.50, $25, $35. Sport Skirts priced up from $6.50. Sketched . F foxn Stock Glove Special 16-button lisle gloves in Black and brown, $1.25, $1.50 regularly, Saturday, 39 a pair. Main Aisle. Spring Silks Cottons, Woolens A regal richness, a wonderful splendor of color, a soft spring time charm combine to make these displays lorely beyond com pare. Main Floor. rm vetrm T.msTf aiflSIIlS IT aVTOTCt TODS COA-b JTsVOM Rosenblatt iu,UCoaI Co. BaTYS TOO SOS TO 1 BO O STSUST TOM JTOtJ VT. AMD MUX. tfrlZO 'er ton All slses, $Hl I J lr ton cinoni wtjt. f c or U.p shaft sj-a-e ijlalJ niMilc else. hanU cr n d. T loruioia-rancr ( r rn hand-picked OJiwU lump ILLINOIS All alies, an na quality d 0 s U U Pr ton WWiWW &AJ1LAMT AH stses. rood as any $6.50 rrosasT eJUery Tel. imif m m i 18.00 coal. at the Hamilton Paint & Glass Go. 1517 Howard Street, rhone Douglas SdsS. CLE AM VP. FAINT CT. Opes Saturday B realms vaUl t . SL J. Helphand Clothing Go, Will KELP You Save Money $ North 16 314 St. P1I0IIE TYLER 1000 Aava yoa will suste the aame omrSeoaa aeretee as taoua-k yea we SeUresrlas Jtma Wsskas So TKM BB offloo ia parses. AMUSKMKNTB. raoae . S4 THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Last Two Times of Cnrrsas BUI. Matinee Today 2:15. TONIGHT 8:10 Early Oortala Xasokays la Oiwrtonea"! WtlUam Book a&A Vraaveas Wnlta. Traale Watsoa Sisters Uty. A Ml' SEME NTS. Browning, King & Company Why Neglect Your Eyes? When lo many cases n select produces nervous ayspepaia, headaches, forget fulness, dizziness, floating spots, styes; thick, rad watery eyes; Itch ing, burning, and a lack of applica tion In your work. The above symp toms' are evi dence o t eye iirmn. Dun t aaiajr. w.. ...mi.. rarrut your delects with the proper flasaes. Mr prices ara tne lowest In the city for hlh-claes service. 1 auarantee satisfaction In every case. If you have not lUe ra-ly money, pay aa fat. J. T. McCeYBTaTY, Baits 1111 W. O. W. BISK, raoae obs. etao. GEO. T. WILSON. Mgr. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER OBlTf Contii 11A.M. tall P.M. nuous XABT TXsCB TODAY ltitO, lieo, 9, 4:SO, SI40, T, S:tO, :4d rAJsAJSOOMT VAAAMOVBT OUTI1 SCOBOBOO Presents Constant Collier x "VZ Zi Bty jij8 Coi. Qf Garcia Gny" A Drama of the Bower, Blffer, Better Type, Tenia- a Story ol a Wealthy Ttaaaoier Breufht 'aoo to raee Wlta Buddea Bala. BRANDEIS T0fjy J-;-"A LITTLE GIRL T BIG Cmf Brags S5o-6Qo-T8uSl afatlaee, isoAOa Tour Says, Bos;. Tomorrow, Stat. Wed. Ketara of Osaaaa's Tavorlte Flay "The Bird of Paradise" If asp The BtawaUaa ?aa The Toleaao near Btnarora eB Boeae Bvealagm, S5o to si.Bo starless, tsa to tl Farnam Theater SATVsUAY TODAT "THE FLIRT" (Toatarlair starts Waleamp, la a S. act Blue Blra Photoplay front the story by Booth Tarklaartoa la The aturaay Teul Post. First Kplsode of the arrsUuroB oabb or kibt paob will be ehown at the aUPPODBOBtB TalBATBS, 16th and Cumtne; Xta., Sunday. March 16th. Turpln's Scucol of Dancing rwntv-els-hth A Farnam. Iit List your name now. private lessone any Urn AJurB Sit. "OBULKAB TTTM CSWTBm." tfm t Aff7 DUy Kata 1 S-S8-MO TtetttaBTncs 10-SO-AO-7DO Henry K. Morton, zeua n""'. SlillaWL. S Das.iliaa and sarteoo,ao Tkres ssurss: rss w rn, - nisn un Is JU" ant the aicwpUsaaltr taaar surlstta, ' M(rut' CuaTssUoa la Kit." Bis IMtui Chorus. T .Alsa' Dime statiaeo Week Says. lot. Mis A Suae A rillarS ass "liorUl Maids." WUIsre-sUraa ttsst ratsrns Sat. aiw. BA V n MATS. SUN. O Y U WED.. SAT. Toalgat -Opealsr Aa .all aTest Week. EVA LANG . Supported fcy EDWARD LYNCH i.theBMi. . HirnnY" Hl'IEHGHTI. I, J TODAY Wm. Farnum la Fighting Blood Sunday t UUlaa Olsh la "Dapbas and taa Pirate. CONTINUOUS VAUDCVILLC ANO FOTO rLAVS CURLEW CORLISS ELEVEN TO ELEVEN TON1TE 8.20 WABI KruG OB PABOtB Where The Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FARNAM THEATER CAMERAPHOXE GEM LOVAL PASTIME LYRIC MAGIC HAKSCOM IXY PALACE DIAMOND 111RT ALMO OMAHA BENSON FIXK EN CI I sS I 1 s