18 Tin: bke: omaha, MARCH IVant-Ad Rates te OAKS WITS OlDlli w Par word each Insertion IpMll at Farm and Ranch Latins. Tj per Una ntcli Insertion (Count sU word to th line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING TJNDBlt AUENT8 OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: fe par word on tlm lo par word... three consecutive time C-aao- ati (a per Tin en tlm 7c per tin three consecutive time (Count its word to th line.) ITO AS TAKE IF TOM ZBB TXAJT a TOTAt or BOO OA Ull THAV 10 TTM BAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICE3; lOo per line each Insertion (Minimum chart 60 cent.) Monthly Rut for standing- ad (no change of cony) $1.10 per tin (Count alx word to th Una.) Contract rate en application. THJ3 BEE will not no rfinfbla for more than on Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than on tlm. AIWFRTTPFRPJ should retain receipt given by Th Pee In payment for Want Ada. s no mlstak can be rectified without them. CAE TJffl TFTKPnONH !f ran rannot conveniently bring- or send In your ade. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, end you wilt Torsive the earn rood aervic a when delivering- your ad at th offlc. PTTOKF" TTLETl 1o. . "-ant-ad ror,UMN8 clou- F ENTNO EDITIONS 1J;a f. MORNING EDITIONS 9:00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHAJTOEID DAJLT. Aaiwen tbn question "Wher to ro tonight" Dmttwa, EfFlTE37 16TH CURLKT CORLISS, WITH ART ACCORD AND NITA DAVIS. Th flrat of th Happy Family Series. An entirely new version In Picture. "Tlpa." a Screaming Comedy. A Hure Cure for the Blues. Seeine- America Weekly. Princess, 1317-19 DOUOLAS. "Mlas Warren' Brother,'1 a powerful problam play by Vltagraph 'Nuff said. "When Hubby Forgot," a real comedy. Latest News of th World, war views, etc. THBTTaRNAM, 1415 FARNAM SfT First run Universal program. be. Qrlmaon Trail, oo. Scar and Strlpea Forever. Com. 6 cents 6 cent. North. 16TH AND BINKKT. GRAND. Th Theater Beautiful. "Th Iron Claw," Episode No. I. "A Modern Paul." -reel Vltagraph. d ra m a ,e n d a good Vim comedy. EOffHROP. 24TH LOTHROFT Wm. 8. Hart In "Between Men." Hoa lit. T824 LEAVENWORTH. APOLLO. "Th Trail" End," Kalem drama. "Th Primitive HI rain," Kaaanay drama. I reels. "Making Good." 8ellg drama. Hughey, th Irocsa Srr," Vltae graph, comedy. Boulevard, sad & LeTawoi th. Tonight at 7:15 and 1:46. Th Metro Picture' Per v r offer Madam r trova In "Mr Miadonna." r.OHLFFTnt6 iFXEAVfif4W6fitH Helen Ware In "Croi CurrenU." Trl- anKle, also an ArtlaMo Interference, Wwt, MONROE." S65S iTARNAM. "Up From th rJepth, a Mutual rnas terplcture featuring Courtney Foot and Olady Brookwelf. "Henry Happy Honeymoon," comedy. Mutual WeekJy, latest current event. o t ai Btde. MISS THEATER. S4TH AND N. Sellg Tribune No. tL Bel. "What Happened to Peggy," I-real Bio. "Heahed bv a Heanahooter," Vita. (ORPHEUM, 14X11 A M KBT8TONB DAT. Th Worat of FTlend." with Webel 'end Flelda. "Ilxsy Height and Darlnf Heart," with theater Conklln. tar Features Tb are Sneclal Ertra-Rl 1 Features now appearing at th Vs following Theaters. AP6LT3E SW IJOAVKN WORTH. Th Prlmitlv atraln.w BOL'LKVARD. Cd A LEAVENWORTH. "My Madonna," KTH AN- N TB. "Th Red ClrcU." I.MFREB8,; 16TH AND DOUGLA8 Curley Cortlaa with Art Aooord and Nlta Davla. Th ftist of th Happy Ksmlly series. G HA iii. MTU AND UlNNEf . "Th Iron Claw," Episode No. L Lu'lHhOP, S4TH AND LOTliKOP. Wra. S. Hart In "Between Man." MdNHOU 216 PARN'AM. "V from the Depth. Mutual Master piece, featuring Court nay Foot and Gladys Brock well. orphUm mth and m sts. Th Worst of FrUnd." rittN'CE?; 1117-19 DOUGLAS. "Miss Warren' Brother," a powerful erohlem plavJ De TM ArVU ytKBKtt KOTIt K. joiiNAbN-Mra. Chrlsllna L., aged " 28 eara. 7 moutha Zl daya. beloved wife of Harry M. johnaon, March 23. lain. Kuneral Buuday aflerimon at 1 o'clock from family rvalilenc, 2671 i:vana St., to Poreat USD ceraatary Krlenda Invited. Oil K I STK N 8 KN-Thouias. MarciTij, l&ld. Funeral Sunday, March 2d, at 1 P. m from r-id-riis of son. C. A. Chrfte wen, ilsil Military avenue. Interment, epringweu cemetery, r rifiai are wel come. KLOHIJT1. M' uiAl.ll't C i i'UjWk.HS ar piaot. Art Combination, shipped every where. Excellent e-rvlc to our rus turner in past year recommend 1144 A flWOHut'A. 141j Karnam Bt. D. 1. 01. BATH, florist. 1S4 Parnain 8tTD. 20u0. L.. Ha.Ur.hm)N. lkie Douakaa D. 11 Merrier KU.rlata felegrapn Awe A. Iis MIIU'K l:j Harney. D.iu. luev MtUkUOK l.lCt. Marriage llcensva were laaued to tb following couples: Name and Residence: In Martin L. Bemou, Kalunaioo, Mich.. - o ret u Tyson, rtroomn. i. ...,..,. , ri Jtni Grant, Omaha. M Helen Jarvis, Omaha. 19 Olaf Jensen. Omaha 21 I .aura Larson, Omaha ,. ,. 19 Georg B. Weyaert. Omah over 21 Annie Wuilama, Omaia owr IS Raymond Mundell, CotJd .... 21 t-lsie Rnone, Cuad 21 Jacob K. Gooeeen. York 21 Grac I. Plaher, York 2t Joan Bella, Omaha M Anna biania. Oui ib-i , J HOII'MCMTI AXD CHMETEH1I MAUSOLEUM. WHT bury your dead In th cold ground j In stormy weather whrn you ran buy tomb In marble building t reason bis ulldlns I jleiTh prices. Tel. KAIW)I,F.IM CO., I . fl7A Baumelaier Monument Worka, mauao lumi, all kinds rnsrkcrs. 1th Chsrle. BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. Mirths Frank and Martha Alekvlewlch, 4S29 South Thlrtv-nlrith, girl; Nick end Koa Aiurlno. 61 Pierce, girl: M. 1'. and . Mills Atklaon, 1S(( Emmet, boy; Pletro I and llnsinn Housed, South Twenty oventn, ooy; jonn and 4.V4S South Thirty-ninth, boy Bva Qlemera. I y. I iwaths Ph Forty-second I waths Phoebe Hopper. 70. 114 Bouth nd; James Selmsn Jackson. 1, lf.1'4 Wirt: Baby Xrown XM Corby: Mln nle Anglln. 62, 101 South Thirty-ninth; William Anderson, 60, iXi Poppleton; Mary Pell- Scales, 26. hospital; Miss Annie Stafford, 61, hospital. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some artlcl would do well to rail up the offlc of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the atreet cars. Many article each day are turned In nd the company Is anxious to restore them to th rightful ' owner. Call I oug. 4K IP TOU Iom anrthin b will a4rartlM tt kera, rn will auralr nroiw It If (sun br aa kaoaat parens. Hamarkahla raoorarlaa ara brovstat abrnit everf dar ihrough tbia eelatna. THB UAW Panpia bs (I nil loat artlelM ara lmrrtM In knowing that tke stata law la i riot ta rilrlni than to mt the ownr through adrartimnt an4 otharwlia. an4 thai a failure to 44 aa. If aasie aaa be preraa. la- TOlv a arara pvnilty 8TRAYED OK" STOLEN oeton bull, brlndl and white, female. Answer to name of ljidy. Reward for return or Information leading to whereabout. Phone Walnut yx. LOHT BoaUn bull terrier; brlndl and white, puppy about h month old. An swers to name of "Tout." Reward. Tel. Harnev 2. U'4 S. yth Bt. lA'iflT-Whlte spfts dog, 4 months old, n- swers to nam of Don. Reward. Doug las n. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Fwrnltare HoiiekiiM Good. (jMAHA PILLrOWfCO--Felt and hair mattranaes mad ovr In aew tick at half the price of new ones. Phone ua for ampl of ticking. Mail orders filled. Wfl Cuming Bt. Douglas 24f. r'URNiTURffl bargain; bed, 1; tablae. enair. rug, gag stoves, : oonaing or all kinds. & n. Mth. Webeter rt. LARUK light "oak hall tre. Cali Wbtr 7014. Piano and Maaleal laitramaalt. BAltOAINS. In slightly tised and econd-hand PIAHOB-PLAYER PIANOS ORGANS Was Now 1 Bturtevant, ebony f 1 Klngatnn, oak 1 I Kimball, walnut M0 1 Hallet A Davis, oak 4'0 1 W. E. Whltlock, ebony X7f I Chlckering A Son, abony.... 4fiO 1 R. H. Howard, oak 3,i 1 Btelnhauer. oak (new) 20 I Hallet ft Davis, oak S75 1 KlmbalU mail., large case... 400 1 Voae ft Bona, mahogany 4fO 1 Kimball, mahogany (new)... ) I Btrtoh A Zeldler, mah. (new). 460 135 145 J7.1 176 175 1M 10 225 2?o r 800 fUA IKK-riANU.. Wa Now 1 Bo 1 Bn 1 III Boudoir riayer, oak I 2?I Boudoir Player, oak 3n Ins 1'layer. mahogany S7J 825 ts 4W fvl too 10 600 .3 . M) . IS 1 Whltnay Player, mahogany. (VO 1 Btory A Clark Player, maU. 0 1 Bhr Broa.' Player, oak K) 1 A. Hosp Apollo Flayer, mah tM I A. Hosp Apollo Player, oak 700 1 Kimball Player, mahogany (Ilk new) TW 1 Whitney Player, oak (XM ORQANS. 1 Kimball, high top I I -yon A Mealy, high top , I sterling, chapel 1 pirun, ctiayvt jv 1 Kimball, Snail., piano cased 75 Theso Instrument hav all been thor oughly everhauled at our factory saH that they can hardly b told from new. Term to ault th most modest pocket book. Sol repreaentatlv of the celebrated MASON A HAMLIN PIANOS Tb highcat priced plar.o in th world. A. HOSPE CO., 1S1J-161S Douglas Btreet, Omaha. Neb. tl.M per month A. Hospe, 1612 Douglas. tor aaa Offleo Flat are. tKHKS. safea, soales, stiowcaaea, shelv ing, eto. v ouy, een. vroana riziura m fiuuply Co.. 414-1-M 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. 5R BALK Grocery and butcher flx- turn miu itucK. iiwa iwiimii, ) . .i o, Mth. FOR BALK Cheap, a 4-foot floor show case, like new. Then Red 64K2. Jewelry IHaaaondu, Watekea. EROnKGAAKD ' lucky weddlu. rlug" at 10th and Douglas Bt. - Typewrttera a 1 Bappllea, pEWifnachliiee sold the ram as rent; 3 per month. Be ua bafor you buy or rent Shipped any place on ten day' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, lis 18th, Omalia. Neb. RKM1NGTON8. MonaroTis and. Smith Premiers for rent; pent anywhere. Rem fngton Typewriter Company. D. 12H4. RliLIANChTTtlbbon ani carbon CodT S-'O. Typewriter and offlo supplies. 1619 Homey Bt. SPKCIAlT Oueranteed typewriter rib. bona for L Reiianc Ribbon A Carbon Co., Douglas tzz. fcKNT an Oliver typewriter mo. for U. Oliver Typewriter Agency. HW farnara. ITPKRW1TKR8 sold, reuteu repalredT Central Typewriter Kxe. 108 Parnam. wing Mirklnrl. SEWINO MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needlee and part of all sewing meohlnea MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lth and Harney Bt. Doug. 1(W1 C'lotbtaaT, Fare, Pto. VB buy and aeil tailor made suits and overcoata. PTiimn. nil nougiaa m. Lnaateer, Baildl-a MaterLala. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER FOR BAUIT Used In conatructlon of building: la first class condition. Call Doug. 2117. Bllllata and Pool Taklea. T8R, SALE New and eeooudTiand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allevs and acoessorlea: send for cata logue: easv bayments. The Brunswick Halke-Collenuer Co., 407-H B. mth Bt. Maehluery and Kagiaes, bt urciiM ill 1 srn ut.lnn. -1 flim condition, very cheiD. see ( uhlll Electric Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S79. N r W econd-haiMl motors, dynamos, magnetoa. 1 Bron lectrtc works. an-a H. Uth Ht. Prlatlna and Office applies. tlF L T L.' Lj Lllli VII 111V U , H. printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. hi 8. ISth Wt CBNTR A I. Hunting Co DOl'OLA 8JTM. I'Oimi.AS t'riiinna Co. Tel. Douglas . Mtacrllanevna. MT high standard of quality will maintained: 4 uuarts or Old Fontem whlaky, 9S.36; bottled la bond Henry Pollock, mail order nous. Doug. TIU, 122-IS4 N. i. th St. ALEX JETE8" UU0R UOUSB Thlrteenth and Douglaa. Rottled-ln-bond whisky, K, 1100. .. full quart. FOR BALE One Baby Grand CO-egg In- ciiDaior, new, never uaed; am leaving city, tm Valley Bt. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TREASURER EMMET G. SOLOMON. BKODKGAAHIl 8 ' Lucky Wedding Ring" at 16th and Douglaa Bt. CA RTFk Sheet Metal. 110 8. 15th Bt. FXERflBF. AT Y M C. A. -Business mn Ladle Taltorlac HIGH elasa ladles' tailoring. IL Flacher, Flomar Hotel Blda . lot N. 17th. Ty'r tt?. Painting" aad Paster Hsstlsg. HIGH-CLASSjwork low price. Tyler 1111 lfiGlf-"c(JtSS woik. low price. Web."T9.i2. Uattvns aad liialli G. U. VAN AKN'A Dress Pleailne and Button Co.. f 6-7 Paxton Blk. North east corner ita and r a ru am su. Phou Douglas tluk FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I1rrumiill Accordion, PI'te. Knife. Bog Pleating, Cov. Uulton. Hemstitching. Neb. Pleat ing Hiittfn ' o. Paxton Bin. CURE'S brexsmeklng school; suits, dreases.etc California. Doug.76J0. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed. Ty ler 19G9. MADAM E MICHAELS Gowns. Suits and Wraps. til Po. 2MhHt. LsU. ". V: KUH changing location; temporary anoress, Douglas xrxft. FjRSf-cTAKS drcsBmaklng.Red VfttiUi l)rarr,airln FW N!at --sx; i.. - - j."'" ' " 'L" -r '.'l.!J ttrraia( for Wamta. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and tyles; hemstitching, plcut edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. IDKAL. BUTTON AND PL.KATINO CO, ) DouglHS Block. Douglas 1. (arpeatera mm oa tractor a. Leeeard A Hon IX Capltol Ave. T. ltU C. W. Hokanson, 2506 Lvnwth. Tylii2-J .3." YOUN 0,2fa M lamir Web. 1737. Cementing and VlasterliigCaijRecTOSt. C. H. Roys. m B rlstol. Ph. Web. Wsi" Accountant. E. A. DWOHAK, C. P. A. 43437 Ramge Hl.lg. Jet:DuBl.'Tl0 A. ETZ K NHFKKi J H, Council Bluff, la. Tel. Black 1197. Auditing, Accounting, Incorporations, Investigation. t'oatatnea. THE largest stock of rnasqusrad and theatrical costumes in the country. Theo. I.lehen A Hon, 1K14 Howard. D. 4115. THEATRICAL, gowns, full dress suits, for rant. 209 N. lith Bt. John Feldman. Pli.n Inatraetloa. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In It to v lessons. I'mr. tiaynes ior vngina System. V0 Harney. Douglas fWi. Hagtime piano playing positively taught In 20 leaeon. 4XlZ Cuming. Wal. Silt. Bath. DR. BKNDA-Siilphur, Bteam , Modera Turkish, Electric KATlt.i ana mao riAUK for tired nerves and rheumatism. Prlvete apartment for ladle with ladjr attendants. ll Farnam. I'hone D. MifT. ? hlropraccora, Bplnal "Adjoatsaent. DR. BURIIOHN, 414 Rose Bldg. D. M47. ainTcr Bcnool grao consultation irwe. rrB. lsrseiTW Bran. The. Bldg. D. S4-T TrT3. C Xawrence. i BairdBldgTb, 4t Bakerlee. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery good. guppued lO paruea, iougea ana wiwrin merits. Z. H. Reeder, W N. lltk. W. WJ. Bekool of Pkotogr apky. PHOTOGRAPHY taught in all branohea. Fw 60o leasona in kooaK worn save you money. Kmory School of Photog raphy, I2 N. Ittth. Phone Tyler 248., lioaeeeleanlagi. FDFCTRTC house cleaning, our work and price win piease you. ii us remove your storm window and put In your screena Tyler 931 J. Detective. JAMEB ALLAN, SI 2 Neville Block. EM- dem e secured In I1 casee. Tyler LU6. LANG nat'i Detective Agcy., Ino7KTee- nne Miug. u. 4M. Btnctiy oonr manual. Drnara. DRUGfl at out price, freight paid on HO orders; catalogue tree, unerman A Mo Cotinell Drug Co., Omaha Neb. Joattcr of the Pence. L H. C LAI HORN E. 612 I'axton Blk.; Rod 7401. Notary public; dcpoalUon eteno. C7 W. Brltt, 3H1 Barker" Block. (irocerle. OROCERIEH, fruit and vegetable and lenaer, juicy meat, i'rompt oenvery. Tom Johnson' Branch Store, 626 N. 24th St. l'hone Colfax 1M. Vnenatm Cleaners. CI. LEAN QUICKLY and THOROUGHLY WITH KCLIPBU ElJiCTRIC: RENT tl AND $1.60 PER DAY. DOUOLAS 1760, Fixtures and'lrinar. nTTRTTTMlectrlo washing machine, LUlUU-lH.urtri. Irons and re.rflna lamp. 2222 Cumlng Bt. Doug. 8619. lleaner an4-)ytr. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 130 N. 12th, D. 6072. Deatlata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 911 W.O.W. Bldg. Taft Dental Room, 15lTDouglaa D. 2184," Movlnsc Pietaro Maehfsei OMAHA Kllm. Ex., 108 Bo. 14th St Mo- tlon picture machine and film bargain. Pateate. IX O. Barnell, Paston Blk. Tel. Red T117. A. Bturges. 30 Brandels Theater Bldg. Wine aadl.lo.aore. BUT your family liquors at Klein's liquor nouse, ez. w. loin, uougia i a. Tallorfaa. H. MARCUS, tailor and cleaner, pre ng miiu iviwirms. o v i, loin lj, CMnstv and Psraaee t leanina. Work guaranteed. K. Borneman. D. 7289. Architects. Everett 8. Dodd. li Paxton Blk. D. fOtl. Towel SaDnlte. OMAHA Towel Supply, 2U7 8. 11th. D. ua. Paraaco and Tlawar. HABER8TROH, 4020 Hamilton, Wal. 1971. Traski and gait (am. FRELING 8TE1NLK, 1806 Farnam St Watek BDeelallata. Christiansen, 2d fl.,J axton Bk., It yT. ex. Weddlaa Statloaary, Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg. Oo. Advertising Moveltte. M. P. Shaler & Co.. 12th-Frnam. D. Wi. Attorney. C. T. Dickinson 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1S04. Braaa and Iron Poaadrle. Pazton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha SU, Danelua Academies. DELUX ACADEMY, 111 8. 18th St f-leetrolyale. Allender. H Bee Bldg. Uloi Red Mr. t'klro nod lata. Carrie J. Buford, 63) Pax. Blk. Red 4687. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKb DESKS New df.sks, used desks, bought aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. W A N T KI 1.000 old feather bad: high est price paid. Andreas A. H. Mack, general delivery, Omaha. Lrop postal. win can. WANTED to buy, a barber shop. B. H. rsorion, numpnreyv meo. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANT TWO AUTOMOBILES For 160 acre Fall county, 8, D., small house, fenced, part broke, good wheat and alfalfa land: till AH; mortgage 0 due In 1W19, per cent. Price J.uuO. 11 mile from Oelrlch; also hav 1 Omaha Iota for trad. Say what you will do. 8. G. Seward. Sahler St. Omaha. HAVE 16 yearling S. C. Wlitte leghorn hen and pullets and one cockerel from Cyphere' and D. W. Young trapnested tock, for sale at 1.4.00, or will trad for good Jersey heifer or good milk cow and pay cash difference. Clark L. Dort, A uburn. Neb. FINE, large I AO Reglna music box, with big bunch ot tune sheets, all In fin shape; also 130 rolls of ea-not piano player music. Want good Newoomb fly shuttle carpet loom, or what hav you 7 B. c lion. Hee. -UiCiC4 h. v.. old model, ' but gOOQ condition; jusi in tning to cut down to a speedster; want a Ford truck, horses, tools, or what? Let m show It. 8. C. liwl. Be. "COMPLETE U. ft. signal corps wireless ending and receiving outfit, with gaa engine and generator to operate set. Want used motorcycle. Address B. C. 1110, Be. I WANT a Id-hand Ford roadster; will exchange twin cylinder Harley-Davld- aon motorcycle, fully equipped and in perfect condition. Address 8. C. 1109. Be. SMALL horse, good wagon and harness. Will trad for common chicken or lumbar or any thing I oaa make th right kind of m deal on. AdOreas . C. 1119. Be. CAMERA Will swap on 136 l-mlnut poet-card camera for good plug-around horse, harness and wagon; horse not ton old o eat. Addreas B. C. 1111, Bee, FOR SALE OR TRADE Pop corn and truck stand, beat corner In city, good for 140 per week now. J. Monuene. 149 North Sixth street, Council Bluffs, I I 1 3H Hue sle.d revolver. 1-22 revolver - 1 I tennis racket to exc hange for good I watch or an) thing l can us. 8. C , J U. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE practically new W Kdison Am berola to trade for good hor-e and biinsy or would take good pony and nddl.AdiIre.s clu.. Pee. f vVI swap about MK advertising cards, aeaoricd tltlea. th leathPt-ett carry ing case for anything 1 can use at all. A rid rr s 8. Cll 1 Hee. I WILJ trade for a 4xi or "6x7 camera. Olve full description and particulars and tell where I ran see and examine same.Address B:f linsBee. Wol'f.D exchsnge oak wood "refrigerator, used only two months; caparlty 90 pounds; white enamel What. have you? Addreos H. '. 10f, flee. DIAMOND 'ping, one and three-fifths carat; wllJ exrhange for good Ford worth 350. or take motorcycle or piano. Addreas 8. C. 1092 Bee. ' FINK National cash register, in ler- fect condition; looks like new. want small, used car, or what have you? 8. C. 1107, Bee. HAVE 6-year-old mare, sound and with foal to Jack, to swap for Argo or Bax on roadatcr, or what hav you? B. C. HOB. Hee. WILL swap chicken appliances or furni ture ror sn Iron Age or t'lanet junior hand garden plow; no other make con sidered. B. . lli. nee. WILL trade $400 Chlckering Bro. piano, Walnut case, for Ford or good team, wagon and harness. K. C. 1011. Bee. HAVE good bed springs and all-felt mat- trees; will swap for good coal or worn range. Address B.LH2 Bee. 17" PIANO player rolls for " 8-nnte piano, swap for .lnythlug; would like rifle. S. ('. 1115. Bee. INSWAP, biiy and ell kodak; fim developed rre. KACrK BTljUHt. vine ink., liin and HnyM, EQUITY In 6-room house, on car line. 041 Main Ht., Benson, for sale or traae, auto, or what? Addiess O W. Bee. BABY go-cart and bath tub to exchange for lawn mower, refrigerator or wnai have you 7 B. C. 6U8, Be. DIAMONDS, value IIO, to exchange for automobile. Must be In first class con dition. Address 8. C. 1W. Bee. JENGI.ISH pouters and turblt pigeons to trade ror homer or rarneau pigeona. Address 8. C 1094, Omaha Bee. HAVE parts for a Maxwell 1 or a mode) U to swap lor what have you. o. 1097. Be. EDISON horn phonograph, records and stand; will swap ror truna or leauier traveling bag. S. C. l'WO. Bee. UNDERWOOD, No. 4, and Bmlth Pre mier, no. , ror wnat uav youi jiu- dress 8. C. 111. Bee. MORRIS chair valued at 117; will chang for good leather ault case, a . C. I'fl. Bee. CAMERA 4x6, 1 plat holder and por trait lens. What hav you 7 Address B. C. 1074. Bee. SIX octave Kimball organ, oak finish. wish to trade for 9X12 rug ana a ouriei. B. C. 1104. Bee. FOR sale or exchange, a brand new rjlano lor lot or good Ford car. o. mn. HAVE high grade bicycle, beat of con dition, to trade ror .a nign power run. Address 8 C 1117, Bee. FOX visible typewriter to trade for any- thlng I can use. Address p c ma, nee. WILL trad nearly new piano for Ford touring car. Address B. C. 1114, Bee. ONE good trunk or l good oak sideboard to exchange for good ru g. B. C. 607, Bee. ixjL'lTY In country store building, want uto. Carlisle. 40 1st Nat. . mag. GOOD cornet valued at ill" for furniture, or what have you? B. C. 1102, Bee. Registered Airdaie pups for trad. What have ymi7 8. c. 64, nee. llOTORCYCLE to swap for horse. Phono 2122. Council Bluffs. WILL do plumbing work for 1914 or 1018 Ford. Harney is. TWO llk Angora goats, value or what hv7 Address p. c. liw, Me. iMALL cook stove to exchange for pouP try. 8. . loo, tiee. BUSINESS CHANCES $200 TM w fit not buy a Hf annuity. But an excellent business opportunity, Wher brains, - plus work Insur fu turity. ,. ' , - x ADDRESS B S", BEE. MOVING PICTURE SHOW FOR BALE In a live wire town ot BjOOU popula tion, clearing from 170 to $126 per week abov expenses, only one other show In town, sickness reason for selling. Ad dress T SIS, Bee, FOR BALK A Pool hall outfit, 10 tables chair and equipment, or win sen in business and lease. Including Barber hop ot four chairs, doing good busi ness. U. A. ing, ia r arnam dl i.OTEL furniture and bulnesi only hotel In good business town. Ptio rea sonable. Health reason for selling. Ad dress Commercial Hotel. Ansley, Neb. MOVING Plctur Theater, real bargain; machine, repair, auppllea, accessories, Dew and eoond-hand. Be us. OMAHA THEATER BUPPLT CO., Baird Bldg. T)oug. I6fli Y5R SALE Infanta.' children' and la dle' furnishing store at David city. Neb., at a bargain; best location In town; doing an excellent business; want to retire. Box No. 223, David City, Neb. FOR BALE for Immediate turn, 12,200.00 took groceries, doing a good cash busi ness; best of reason for stilling; good brick store and living room. Yorlck Nlchol s. Henry. Neb. fR RENT Yard room for everal auto moblles or garden apace, with, 6-room house, modern except furnace. 623 B. Mth Ave. riarney i.hh. FOR SALE Well eatabllshed grocery, clean stock, fin location, wish to retire. Address owner, D. D. Loomls, 2&.7 N. W. Boulevard. Spokane. Wash. FOR BA Good paying restaurant, confectionery and lc cream parlor cheap If taken aoon. Address Frank II. conrao. urarton, ntn, FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard war; live town central Nebraska. Good reason (or aelllng. B quick. Ad dress, Y 267. Be. BALOON Good paying business in a good wet town. White, or call N. H. Neuens, Ilerce. Neb. 1 t HEATERS Buy, leas or sell yoiir the ater, ma chin and supples through Theater Ex. Co.. 1406 Farnam. D. 7. TJowd'Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, bav cloaed out more mclae. stock than any o t her firm in U. 8. Writ for te rm. IMALL CIGAR FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for selling. K. A. ttimpaon. niue niu. !. WILLIAMS, established year, to buy or sell business; ace him. 411 McCagu Bldg., referenoe u. a. isat. nans. TjFFfCE-for real estate or Insurance; same floor as Be oftioe; UxU feet; fHk The Bee Hldg.. urrice uoom TWO-CHAIR barber outfit; make offer. 1 A Hl.lflliE,, 420 First N at. Bank Bldy. fX) GET In or out of busineaa call on UANUKSfAU. in new piqg.j.ju.CTii TO SELL or buy a business, call on Muscn a uorgnorr. ri inwr en. u. FOR BALE Groceries and fixture. In- pulr at 11 M el., outn uraiini. GtMJlJ lc business, route and wagon at a bargain, aaureae j m, r. HiwisIbi Houaee. THB BEST ROOMINO HOUSES PROPOSITION ' IN OMAHA This I a large brick realdence. located on the northwest corner of 25th end Itodea Hts . known a "REEDHURST." This building Is I stories and basement and contain 16 room. -The room are verv largo and In most rase provided with running water. Entire building 1 turn heated. Una feature la the dining room facilities, which r in the base ment and consist ot a large dining room with alcoves. butlers pantry, eeooclally convenient serving table and kitchen. If you are looking for a hlah class rooming house we are sure this will pleas you. Th grounds are ample, there being large lawn on th east and south aide. For further information " THE BYRON REED CO.. CI 1. 17th Bt ' Tel. Dougla 997. VMIb.N YOU PLAN TO SKI.L, THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT T IAst your property In THB BFK'S Big House, Horn and Real Kstat Quid. Buyer -f real es tate ar exacting usually. Valu muat t there, and apparent rlc should be an Inducement, but make th information definite od you will get responses from persons really interested In vour oner, tf you run It la TUB BES. SITUATIONS WANTED W"EB"KL"Y RATE, lie PER LINE, tiv work or business arts regular rates. 2 lines one week c 1 lines one wetk 46c each extra line ldc per weele Male. YOUNG married man with 7 year' -perlenc In wholesale business, now employed, wishes position with more than "Just money;"' wants to Join forces with some concern offering belter fu ture; sober, reliable and best of ref erences and could put some money Into a suitable business. Address E W. Omaha Bee. TOUNO man want position In autom-i-bile business, llm had 4 year' expeil ence n this Hue as repair man and chauffnr. Can lurcish the best of ref erence. Call Doug. 2f32. YOUNG men or women who want good rosltlon should ndvortlae In The Bee. t Is the psper big business men read, bankers, brokers, retail and wholesale merchants. TRAFFIC manager position wanted with wholesale firm or other corpora tion; twenty yeara' railroad experience; beat of references; general abllltle guaranteed. Address Y 81i, Bee. COMBINATION man, thoroughly experi enced In advertising card writing, win dow trimming: Kood salesman; best references. Address A BeeJ YOUNG married man wishes puBltlon. Willing to do anything. Has om money to Invest. Address K 88. Bee. FARMERS When you want help writ or call Empire Labor Agency, 209 3. 12th, Phone 7oug. 00f pent ale. - POSITION wanted by young lady, I" yeara' experience In bookkeeping and stenographic work: can furnish excel lent recommendation and reference. Phone after 7 o'clock D. 6064. AN educated, refined lady, aced 32, would like a position as comtmnlmi to an elderly lady or Invalid. Reference fur JiishwL Address M. 889, Bee. THE BEE charge "for "Situation ad'' Is lower than any other form of adver tising not enough to cover cost of printing. YOUNG married lady want a position; hav had experience as clerk. Phone Harney 6331, ask for Mr. Q. GIRL wants position aa chambermaid; experienced; In town or out. Doug. 7237. YOUNG lady wishes position a house keeper. Call Douglas M66. COLORED girl wishes position as chem- Dermam. weoater bizo. YOUNG lady wishes position as house keeper. Douglaa WM. EXPERIENCED waitress wants position. Call Red 6621. PRACTICAL nurse want position. Web- ster 6108. Practical nurse. Ty. ;31 W. 1711 Burt Bt Lstslry and Day T Vora. PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable, Harney 961. EXPERIENCED woman wants work cleaning or laundress. Tyler 2698. COLORED woman want day work. Douglas tKtz. JFAMILY washing; bundle washing. Web. 47N8. C LE A NINO and laundry work. Weh 4'4'v Laundress, day work. A. Jackson. W, li.7. Cleaning, laundry and day work. D. 7469. LSI nl ry and Hay Work. Woman wants steady wash place. Bo.22ol. Ex pcrieiiced laundry or cleaning. W. 701tT Email family & bundle washing. Weh. 1539. BUNDLE washing wanted. Web. 18..2. WASHING, lace curtains done. Tyler 1H4L BUNDLE washjng and day work. wTSa. LAUNDRY, washing, cleaning. Har. 96U WANTED Day work. Cali Tyler 2506. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 92. HELP WANTED-MALE tore and Office. BKPR. and cashier. 10; branch mgr., ale experience, 185; traveling aa lea man, grocery special lies. 186; shipping clerk, 76; retail salesman, hdw. and stoves, 175-1S5; ledger clerk, 100; ass t bkph., o&; steno., 00 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N., INC.. Originator of th Reference Business. 7C.2 Omsha National Bank Bldg. SALESMAN, auto, supplies, 1100; bkph., 1x5; bkph., 176; ledger clerk, !; ales-men,-retail shoe, .salary; steno., ttO; steno., 176; bkph. and steno., 175; typist, small amount steno. work, 160. WATTS REF. CO.. 840 Brandels Theater. 1 RAILROAD CLEUlvS $76.00 STENOGRAPHER 75.00 BANK TELLER 76.0) STENO. AND BOOKKEEPER 70.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEH BLDG. Professions aad Trade. FLOWER and shrubbery man on sub urban place; season' work if satisfac tory; what experience have you had and wage expected? Address C 887, Bee. PRINTER, combination linotyp and doorman wanted immediately by Ga sett office at McCook, .Neb.) steady; 130 per week; wire. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. W find a position that fit you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1015-16 CITY NAT. BANK BLDG. PRESSER to work on ladles' tailor gar ments; one who can sew preferred. Lohrman. Ladle Tailor, 436 Paxton Hlock. BLACKSMITHING and boraeshoer. N. lth. 911 Dreg ttore jnaps. Joba Knelst. Bee Bldg. Ralesmta and solicitors. WiNTKll RxDerlenced alove salesmen calling on the furniture and hardware trade In Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, for high grade line of steel and cast iron coal range and combi ne Hon coal and gas ranges. Liberal commission proposition. State experi-rw-e- viva references. Address E'ans- vllle Stove Works, Evansvllle, I nd. FOUR experienced piano salesmen wanted for retail work with dealers Excellent opportunity to connect with immense factory in tne Middle west. Splendid opportunity for advancement. Give age and experience. All replies strictly confidential. Address Y 120, Bee. W ANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN FOP. ADVERTISING NOVELTY SELLS TO ALL STORES : BIO MONEY CAN BE MADE AS STRAIGHT OR 81PE LINE PROPOSITION. CALL AFTER 6:15 THIS EVENING WEL L1NGTON INN. ASK FOR MR. HAR- UCKEK. SALESMAN wanted to sell harvest or field hats In Nebraska to the country store trade. Experienced salesmen with established trade preferred. Good propo sition to the right men. Address. Hy grade Hat Worka. Jersey City. N. J. WASTED Stock and bond salesman Standard Security & Investment Co., 1207 w. u. w. mae.. uman a, SALESMAN WANTEI a!l 621 8. 16th. Hotels and Kvstaaranta. RELIABLE employment agency. Davenport St.. headquarters ror hotel help; spec, attention to distance orders. Trad Bckoola. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn th trad. W hav originated a plan to teach It ulckly and earn lack tuition while i.':,i'Hi.' i cuir inciunca. open to every one. Writ for catalogue, 110 So. 14th ft. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE school ha moved from MO Leavenworth St to I026-1S Farnant Bt EARN barber trade, more than make lour tuition while learning. tet of tool Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ tor catalogue. 140J Dndg. TR1-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE. IEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition, !'. 1 Cans Bt. Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. HELP WANTED-MALE TraiTe Schools. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work tor the big spring rurh. Fine training work on autos and lectrlc starting systems. AMERICAN A1'0 COLLEGE. 1051 Farnam Bt. Omaha. Nea. MlaceJIawe-na. WANTED Experienced gardener, grape and small fruit man and wife; near Omaha; permanent place; good home. Address V 670 B, giving experience and references. WANTED Youn men aa railway mall clerks. 175 month: sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, DepL 2-'l-N. Rochester. N. Y. MEN OR WOMEN, IS or over, wishing government positions, 176 month and over, should apply for particular to Y ?-L5f?. MARRIED man to work on farm, must have experience. German. Box 185, Campbell, Neb. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MINNESOTA AND DAKOTA LANDS. ' Branch offices: Crookston. Polk county, Minnesota, and Jollette, Pembina county, Norih I'akota, In the heart of the Red River valley. Write for list and prices. Earle F, Andrus. 328-330-332 Endlcott Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. HELP WANTED FEMALE Store aad Offlee. STENOGRAPHER Position open in of fice of wholesale house for stenographer with some experience in office work; position Is permanent with opportunity for advancement. Applicants will in their applications give age, experience, .specimen of handwriting and city refer ences, stating position they have held and with whom. Consideration will only he given to experienced stenographers. Address fl (W, Bee. STENO., I7n; dictaphone operator, 1V); steno. and bkph., ; eteno., !j0; bkph. and steno., 1'iO. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N., INC., 7f2 Omaha National Hank Hldg. EXPERIENCED cashier and assistant bookkeeper. Apply Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. STENO. and bkph., 180; eteno., 16S; steno., 150: steno.. M0. . WATTS REF. CO., 40 Brandels Theater. FIRST-CLASS lady stenographed for im plement house, 9R5; no filing fee,, THE MARTI CO.. 1337 W. O. W. Profeaalona aad Trade. WANTED AT ONCE 26 experienced ma- chlne operator In neckwear depart ment. Smith, Lockwood & Co., 13th and Castelar. LEARN halrdreeslng at The Oppenhelm. gales omen and Solicitor. WANTED A few active ladies to repre sent a large mrg. concern In Nebraska and Iowa, for one of the fastest selling patents on the market; big demand, peasant work and good pay. Apply 1201 vv. o. w. widg. V E have openinga for three active women solicitors. Good proposition; salary and expenses. Paxton Hotel, Room 442. WANTED White waitress for small res taurant and hotel. 4824 S. 2ith. Tel. South 32S2. Household and Domestic. THE charge for "Domestic Ads" Is now the same a all other Help Wanted advertising one cent per word each Insertion. . WANTED an elderly woman for com- fianlon and to look after house while ady is away all day; three In family. A good hon e. Call 1117 day time: after 6 call Colfax 248. Reference exchanged. COMPETENT maid for general house- woi-k; smau inmuy, good wages, iiar- r -y 3256, or 123 8. Sid Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing or ironing: good watrea. 3316 Burt St: Tel. Harney 1026. WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework; I in family: no wash ing. Harney 45,sZ. U02 8. H6th. WANTEDCompetent maid for cooklml and general nouseworK: no washing; reference. 131 So. 38th St. Harney 2102. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; good wage. Airs. J. L. Baker. Harney 2635. COMPETENT white girl for general housework. Mrs. William Marsh, 4167 Davenport. Harney 1449. WANTtu Girl for general housework; must be good cook. Harney 1641. 8402 Dewey Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house- wnrk; no washing. 602 a. 40th. Harney ill. WANTED Middle aged ladyMr general house work. a03 N. 84th. Webster 70j7. GIRL for general house work; must be good slain cook. 33"8 Woolwortn. WANTED Jewish or Russian lady for nouse work, can soutn uu. GOOD girl for general housework. 2109 Webster iSt Doug. novo. CAPABLE girl for general housework; no wsHhln. Colfax 696. GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 4826 Davenport. GIRL for general housework; good home. 410 South atn. Ave. WANTED Competent whit cook. 104 N. list Ave. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE! STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reason for sell ing, a variety of courae In a reliable Business School, one of th leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caure InveatUate thia at once, since Spring Term begin soon. Call offlc. Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Pay School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. 806 8. ISth St Omaha. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, Snorthand, Htenotype, Type writing, Telet,r liy. Civil Service all Commercial and Ent,lh brancnea. Cat. alogu free. BOYLES COLLEGE, lith aad Harney St. Tel. Douzl.ia 1566. PAXTON Blk. School of Lettering and Art teacnea paying trades privately, ht. Ml, SCHOOL OF VOUEHN LANGUAGE- Clsss or private leasuns. Lowntown ludlo. Phone Web. 14. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula nd other rectal disease without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and nd money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal ' disease with testimonials DR. E R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach. Ilvr nd kidney trouble, goitre, nervous neas and asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by ma Examination Free. Call Suit 111 Bee Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERG, Chiropractor. T ler lt PtrRfiRY -1'' a,,nW drugtreau xiuua ment is best known cure; booklet free. THE Fl' RLE Y, 3157 Far nam, Omaha, l'hone Harney 37 1 PERSONAL TO PENSION "INVALID " The Indies' H.imo Journal 11 5A' The Saturday Evening Post l f I The Co intrv Gentleman II 01 Ro subscriptions by April earn that IS.000 for The Invalids' Pension Ass n. l Your order or renewal contribute tOor' l'hone Douglaa 71i3, or ddres ' GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at th Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrtsl horn o llclts your oid clothing, furniture, mag- xlnes. We collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. 11 1 0-1112-1114 Pod A e Et. DRS. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractor, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St., 3. O. Consultation free and Invited. Phone South 4016 RUPTURE Buceoaafully treatad. A U Jj wllhout a Burgle! operation. Call or writ Dr. Wray 4k Matheny, 106 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. NU-BONE Corset Shop; surgical corset a specialty. wenster-Miinneriana lag., 16th and Howard. Red 4392. . MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210- isrR umy ana roeau, , 17th and Douglas. D. 1458. d; look like new. Plume m naird hik., ; STRAW hats dved: Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyea. Dora Elsele. D. 8632. 1136 City Nat. Bk. LET us do your dry cleaning and press ing. Our prices are right. City Pressings Club, 802 Neville block. Tel. Red 4673. PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. rr- Douglaa 713. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room 208 Karbach Blk. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 616 Paxton B I k. D. 3227. Office hours 10 to 1. RHEUMATISM treated successfully; re sults guarnnt'd. Dr. Bowser, 314 Be Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone Douglas 6372. 610 Be Bldg. FOR SENT ROOMS Faralafeed Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERJSt If you fall to find th room you desire among these ads, call at Th Be offlc for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms In all part of th city. If more convenient phone The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your name and addreas, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New Hat ar issued very week. 2411 CAPITOL Pleasant corner room, next to bath; always clean, quiet; rea- t son Vile J JUST what you want. Fine neat front room for one or two gentlemen. Must eeJo appreciate. Dougla 7365. 4 HAVE rooms suitable for from 4 to men; close In; rent reasonable. 221 howardj NEWLY furnished rooms for young men; close In. Cnll Harney 8788. 3l!0 N. 17TH ST. Ijarge double fron room for two gentlemen. NICELY furnished room, close In; all modern. 631 8. 22 Bt. 60S 8. 29TH ST. Strictly flrst-cl Harney 1665. Hoase ecplngr Room. 2116 CALIFORNIA Large front furnished rocm, with kitchenette; walking dls- I tance; reasonable; reference required. Douglas 7747. HANSCOM Park district modern house keeping room; reasonable rent Har ney 16.44. HOUSEKEEPING rooms with kitchenette and sleeping rooms; reasonable. 2117 Webster. Phone Red 6770. ONE nlue front room for light house- Keeping, reasonaoie. tzt ct, aa est. Doug. 7681. PA RL OR, dining room and kitchenette, i an lurnisned. Z7-. . iota Bt Phon t Red 6299. S 20TH, 3019 2 housekeeping room, partly ! lurnianeq; modern. Tyler 2362 w. . 2201 DOUGLAS St. Housekeeping room; '' everytning rurnisned. I3.w. Close in. . 2208 HARNEY St. Housekeeping room. 1 gag lurnisnea. i3.nu. walking distance, i 616 SOUTH 17th St. Two-room ault. fur- ' nisnen, an m opera. Tyler lm. N. 23D ST., 620 Oood-slsed rooms, rea- sonaoie. flea 8b 69. Board and Ream, KOUNTZE Park: ideal place tor um- mer; large ooudi iront room; excellent board; reasonable; H block to car. Tel. Webster 2006. NT(?E. ne.wlv furnlahed rnnnnrllnv eultn or rront rooms, suitable ror couple; will jt'I Arva Hrtncri C.ll rn,... Tl 71 F 1 PLEASANT south room, with or w: board; large enough for two. 230a Doug-V Ihs St. i r N. 23D, 604 Two nicely furnished modern rooms. Board u desired. I'afarnlihrd Room. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished light house- keeplng rooms; xg per month.- Col. 13&s. NO. ISTH ST., 20083 semi-basement, mod ern and light. 19. Web. 2469. Room Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEG WANT AD DEPT. ad find out all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. Its a plan that la helping many people rent .belr room. HOTELS HOTEL SAN FORD, HOTEL HA RLE Y. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. special Rate tc. Permanent Guests. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses A part men ts. 2-ROOM, and bath, furnished apt In th Mae w ood, very choice, 135 and 139.50. Ernefct Sweet. Douar. 1472. Houae. WANT couple to share furnished house; reasonable to right party: good loca- tlon. Douglas 8"21 418 '3 a. 26th St. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. loJO LINCOLN BLVD. 11-room house Si strictly modern, with hot water heaU '- -Sm j Price 100. Douglas 1818. G-KOOM mcciern cottage. 15, with gar ane. 3421 Davenport. Webster 6766. 6 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, 2213 Lav enworth. l'hone Tyler 41(K 1.1 N. S3 AVE., & rooms; 1 baths; April 1st; tM. Doug. 2947. 6-KOOM modern, 2710 Davenport treet i-ROOMI DESIRABLE COTTAGE. 8. E. corner Mth ar.d Capitol Av. Fine neighborhood, close in. Well kept up, part modern. $18 to desirable small family. Ready nov. Inquire flat east. GOOD 6-room modern house; cwly dec orated; W! N. lsth St.. m. W. 11. GATES, 647 Omalia Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. 1515 N. 17th. 7 rooms, batn .TT 2427 Charles, 7 rooms, bath ill JoHN N. FRENZER DOUGLAS 654. CARTER Lake summer cottage, equipped with sewer, water and electrlo light. G eorge K. Thompson. ttV Brandels bldg. J6u9 CORBY s rooms newly papered, modern except furnace, only 111 Web ster T:ij. liils GRANT 8T 7-r. com., modern. Ui. T. F. Hall. 4M Rams Bldg. DouAtiu. 7-R.. mod.. 2ii Manderuii. Web. 1906? oath. I'S-THRPK ROOM rNl.TAi 112 THREE-ROOM HRlfW l'i.AT Separate entrance one-story, gaa elec. light, sink, toilet, water paldl Vary neat, clean, quiet, respectable, lawn, garbage, eta, cared for. 1'J B, Utk. i block south of Vinton on 1Mb. Red 4oC i-RtX)M hcuse, modern exoept fui aoeT I large yard for garden: for keptg 1 automobile. 63 a. uCm Av. Har. I 4-. 1114 Park kvU. uliULX B.ICCj ItKoui VSl Doug-yf l 1 4