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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1916)
he Omaha Daily NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. THE WEATHER. Cloudy VOL, XLV-XO. 241. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOUXIXU, MAI KIT L 1)1V-TT.NTY PAtSKK. ?:.T.rr::;-..':,."r nixuu-: copy two cents. CROSS CHANNEL PASSENGER SHIP TORPEDO VICTIM DENTIST ADMITS BUYING THE POISON Waite Says He Purchased it on Re quest of Father-in-Law, Who Wished to Take It. AMERICAN FORCE ABOUT TO ATTACK MEXICAN BANDIT EL PASO SHERIFF CALLS FOR TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD U. 8. OUTPOST ON MEXICAN DESERT Here is an American outpost established on the Mexican desert, south of the international boundary, scanning the horizon for signs of Villa's troops. mi ""1 ill mini minium r Bee: I' h Vi fa fx ( 4S T Sussex, Carrying Three Hundred Persons, Banning from Folke stone to Dieppe, Meets Disaster. ALL ON BOARD ARE RESCUED Later Reports Say Vessel Still Afloat After Being Attacked Off Beachy Head. ANOTHER ENGLISH CRAFT LOST LONDON, March 24. It is re ported that a cross-channel passen ger boat from Folkestone to Dieppe was sunk this afternoon. This afternoon nothing Is attain able as yet from any reliable quar ter here concerning the Folkestone boat, but It Is understood to hare been carrying 240 civilian passen gers, In addition to a crew of sixty men. It Is rumored that the steamer sank at 4 o'clock this afternoon. All Are Saved. The continental truffle office of fhe Brighton railroad aaya, that according to reports received, all persons on board the steamer were saved and the vessel Is atlU afloat. The Central News says the steamer was the Sussex, and that It was torpedoed off Beachy Head. The agency gives the number of passengers as 3S0, a few of whom were British. The vecsel was un der the command of Captain Mouffet. while the crew numbered forty mostly French. A later report timed 10:30 p. m. says the Sussex is still afloat and in charge of a tug. Englishman Sank. The steamer Englishman of the Domin ion line has been sunk, according to Lloyds. It is stated that thus far sixty elprht survivors have been accounted for. The last record of the steamer English man shows that It sailed from Portland, Me., February IT, for St. Nazaire and Avonmouth. The Englishman was a ves sel of 6,257 tons, and was owned by the Mississippi and Dominion Steamship com pany of Liverpool. Jt was built in 1S92 at Belfast. Abe Test Clause of Immigration Bill is Ridiculed by Cannon WisiliNQTON. D. C, March V. The literacy test In the Burnett Immigration bill was supported by those who pointed to the possibility of vast Immigration after the European war and opposed by former Speaker Cannon, who ridiculed It. Armed with a census report of 1790 he argued that the names of two-thirds of the members of the house were not found among those then recorded In the UrUted States and that the names of many men foremost in national life showed by their absence In the list that their forefathers had been immigrants. "There were no McKennas, Pltneys or Van De Venters for the supreme court." said he, "no McAdoos, Burleson or Houston to sit about the cabinet table. I can find among the first families of that time no Agassis, Edison or Westing house, no Carnegie, Harriman, Have meyer, no Astor. Belmont or Lorlllard, no Funston or Pershing, no Watterson or Pulitzer, no Gompers or Morrison or Billy Sunday. "Another name not on the list is that of Roosevelt." The house cut loose with an uproar of applause that continued until Mr. Cannon rose and bowed. Entent Nations Decline to Disarm Merchant Ships WASHINGTON, March 24. The entente allies, replying individually to Secretary Insing's suggestion for the disarma ment of ail merchant ships, have In ef fect declined the proposal. ' The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. .Saturday: l Oiincil liluns ana vicinity - I'nsi ttli'ii and Ti'iuirrtDrri colder. I liuiabi Yesterday. Hours. ! n a. Ill (1 a. m 7 a. m . 8 a. m 8 a. ni . in a. in 11 a. in 12 m 1 p. m 2 P. m , 3 p. m 4 p. in 6 p. m ti P. in 7 . in , 8 I). Ill , .. 46 .: 46 . 47 ,. 50 ,. 54 .. f .. o .. 1 ,. 62 .. 67 . IM . HS . 65 . :t . 61 . tl Comparative kji'm Hcoora, 19l lUK1 191 HlBhrot today 70 48 til l.nwent today 41 M l!l Mean temperature S7 41 4H IP1 as 17 32 Precipitation (ij 4"1 .01 temperature and precipitation tures from the normal: Normal ttni;rutiire Kxcexs for the day Total excess since March 1 depur- . V 17 101 .(, Inch normal pieiiiniRlicn I H-ficu-nc v fur the day .-4 .1(1 inch Total precipitation mn.-e March 1. .11 Inch 1 f li icncv since, Miticii 1 M Inch Kxicsh (or cor. pertoJ In l'.M5 67 Inch Deficiency cor. in riud In 1M4 Kl Inch Reports from Statloas at T I'. M. Station and State of Weather. Cheyenne, snow ... avenpurt. clear .. Denver, stiow ..1 i..m fnltiM tf-lnurlv Temp. Iflsh- Rain 7 p. m. eat. fal .... In .... 'M 2t i 34 - 4 70 4ii VK 'M H 61 34 .10 .14 ,.t-' M .00 .M (VI .i'2 T .04 .14 .12 .16 T Ixidgo City, part cloudy. 62 Lander, cloudy 2i North rintte. cloudy 34 St timha, iiat'tly cloudy.... til 'uclilo. parti v cloudy.... : JvHPlrt City, cioufly Salt I.eks City, cloudy. Sheridan, Uoiidy Hioux City, cloudy Valentine. snow JO :i4 4H 2; T indicates (race of precipitation. U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster CLOUDY U DENIES ADMINISTERING DRUG NEW YORK, March 24. District Attorney Swann announced late to day that Pr. Arthur Walte, accused of the murder of his father-in-law, John K. Peck, had confessed that he . . . . . nan purcnasea a quantity 01 poigo- and given It to reck In a small'' - " - . V e a walla rlanl M hiwAV.. ing himself administered thft' or knowing that Peck took lt"" The district attorney added that Walte had said he bought the poison at Peck's request, because the aged millionaire wished to commit sui cide. NEW TORK. Marcn I4.-Soon after Dr. Arthur Warren Walte, accused of poi soning his father-in-law, John E. Peck, wealthy drus; manufacturer of Grand Rapids, Mich., i had cenied the charge today. District Attorney Bwann an nounced that he had nhtalned a voucher from a druggist signed with Walte's name, for the purchase of a quantity of arsenic on March 9, three days before I'eck's dearth. . District Attorney Bwann said the drug gist's record showed thst.Walte had pur chased enough arsenic to kill several men. Dr. Waite. In denying to Assistant district Attorney Brothers the charge of poisoning his father-in-law, said he had never purchased arsenic In his life. When Informed of the druggist's record he "be came suddenly glum and refused to talk." Brothers reported. The district attorney also examined Miss Catherine Peck, the aged sister of the drug manufacturer. He announced he had learned from her that she had given $10,000 to Waite to invest in mort gage bonds, but Instead of doing so he had used $30,000 In a speculative account with Wall street brokers and sent $10,000 to his brother. Dr. Walte admitted, according to Mr. Brothers, that he had put something into Peck's soup some time prior to his death, but declared that it mas medicine, and Dr. A. A. Moore, the rhyslclan who at tended Peck during his illness, had in- structed him to employ this method of j actlonarles, who wish to stir up trouble giving the patient medicine, because Feck among the Mexicans," the telegram said, had complained that it was bitter and I "I intend to prosecute the campaign had refused to take it. j against Villa with more energy than be- Mr. Brothers announced that Walte j tore, would be removed to Bellevue hospital, j Sixty cases of rifle cartridges were a prisoner, later in the day. His condi- i turned over to Ives G. Lelevier, consul tlon was not yet such as to permit his here for the de facto government, today removal o The Tombs prison. j by an express company and later were Dr. Walte told his guards, according to j delivered to General Calles at' Agua reports thejr made to the district attor- Frieta, Each case contained l.OOo rounds, ney, that he would keep his lips sealed j Consul Lelevier stated that he also, en as..thw4da4itMf the woman with , deavored to have the American custom whom he lived at a hotl as Df. and Mrs. , authorities life the ban placed recently A. W. Walters. on the exportation of dynamite to Sonora "And I will stick to her," he was quoted J ""Iciently to allow the Democratic Mln- aa saying. Lieut. Pailthorp Shot to Death in Room on Cruiser SEATTLE. Wash., March 24. Junior Lieutenant Ormond C. Pailthorp, U.- 8. N., was found today by officers of his ship shot to death in his room on board the cruiser Saratoga. Lieutenant Pailthorp was 29 year old and was appointed to the Naval academy from Michigan, his native state. In 1906. Investigation showed that Lieutenant Pallthorp's wound was self-inflicted. No cause for suicide Is known. Pailthorp returned In February to the Puget Sound yard from the Asiatic station. He was engineer officer of the Bartoga. Berkeley Fire Chief Asphyxiated BERKELEY, Cal., March 24. James Kenny, chief of the Berkeley fire depart ment, met death here last night by suf focation while fighting a fire In oil works. While on his way to the fire Kenney's automobile collided with a tele- graph post and the chief was thrown for a distance of about fifty feet. He got up unaided and declared he was not hurt. Trial of Orphet is Set f orApril Tenth WAUKKGAN, III., March 24. Will H. Orpet, student of the University of Wis consin, charged with poisoning his for mer sweetheart, Marian Frances Lam bert, a Lake Forest High school girl, en tered a plea of not guilty in the circuit court today after motion to quash the indictment had been overruled. Judge Donnelly denied bail. Date of trial was set for April 10. General Otis is About the Same LOS ANOELKS, Cal., March H.-At-tending physicians Bald today that Gen eral HariiHon liiay Ot:s, editor of the I.os Angeles Times, ill tilth pneumonia, was "about the same. ' He passed a fair r.lght, but it was thought advisable to eive him a mild stini'ilant. Yesterday he passed the day -without taking any opiates. His condition was said not to have improved. DEMOS DECIDE AGAINST EXCISE TAX UPON SUGAR WASHINGTON, March 24.-DemocraU of the senate finance committee today Practically decided not to recommend an excise or production tax on sugar as an amendment to the pending house reso lution repeaJInf the free sugar provision of the tariff law. Benatora Hardl Ic and Gore have been urging sich an amend ment, the latter also proponing a half cent Increase in the sugar tariff to remain In effect until six mouths after treaty of peace lu Kurope Gavira Hears that United States Troops Planned to Strike at Villa Band Near Nami- TW- V 'S ARE NEAR THERE ..'iv .wni of De Facto Troops , cij tj. m oaio to Be Closincr in on v a Pancho. BELIEVED HE WILL BE TAKEN BAN ANTONIO, Tex.. March 24. General Gavlra, Mexican com mander at Juaree, advised Consul Beltran of the Mexican government here, that he had been Informed that an American army officer with the forces near Namtquipa, had noti fied General Rertonie that they probably would attack Villa today. DOfOLAS, Arts.. March !4 Deneral P. Ellas Calles, military governor of Bonora, received a telegram today from General Enrlquez, military governor of Chihua hua, stating that five columns of Car ranza troops were closing In on Villa and his bandits near Namlquipa, and that with the aid of the Americans it was be lieved that Villa would not be able to escape. Governor Enriques also telegraphed that reports concerning the revolt of General Herrera were false and an effort by the "radicals" to cause trouble between the Carranza government and the United States. The Mexican troops operating near Namlquipa, according to General En rlquez, were those under the command of General Cavaxoa. General Oarza, Colonel Cano, Colonel Bala and Colonel Her nandez. General Calles also received a telegram today from General Luis Herrera at Chi huahua City, in which the latter denied emphatically that he had revolted against the Carranza government and had Joined Villa. "I deny with all pofslblo emphasis these reports given to the press by re- ing company at Cannanea to obtain a J supply of explosives. One thousand em ployes of the mine, he said, will be ; thrown out of employment within a tew days unless the company can obtain the dynamite needed In blasting for ore. Hilar It a mora at Colombo:. COLUMBUS, N. M., March 24. No word was received at the military base here today from General J. J. Pershing's ex peditionary command, either by wireless or courier. A motor truck train which was expected to arrive early in the day failed to report, but It was believed it may have been delayed by the dust of a norther. With the Interruption which, it was as serted, was not due to a defect In the wireless, numbers of rumors, all appar ently without foundation, became current here. One had It that American troops were engaged in a battle with Villa In the vicinity of (deleted), south of Casas Grandes. Another had it that the bandit and a small band were surrounded in the same vicinity by American cavalrymen, who rapidly were closing In on him. The rumors could be neither confirmed nor denied by military authorities here because of the absence of dispatches. Be lief was expressed, however, that all was ell with the American forces below Casas Grandes. A telegram from General Pershing later asserted that dust storms, which j have been raging, have made It Impos- sible for aviators to do scouting duty. It is known also that the storms have in terfered with troop movements. No men- ! tlon was made of a battle in General Pershing's report. Texas Sheriff Killed by Prisoner He Was Taking Back Home MUSKOGEE, Okla., March 24. Three posses are pursuing Paul V. Hadley and his bride, wanted In connection with the killing of Sheriff Jacob Giles of Beau, mont, Tex., on a train near Checotah, Okla., early today. Hadley was being taken to Beaumont from Nebraska, to answer a murder charge. After he killed Giles, it is alleged Hadley compelled the conductor to stop the train and, with his wife, fled to the hills. Tht y are said to be armed. GERMAN SOCIALIST PARTY SPLITS VER U-BOAT WAR BK'RIJX, Msrch 24. hy wireless to Turkerton, N. J.r-The long-expected upllt i In the Herman socialist party as the re I suit of the political situation created by the submarine warfare controversy in the relchstag occurred today. A new party consisting of eighteen socilst members was constituted by the radical wing after a socialist caucus had been decided to exclude Deputy Haas for a breach of discipline. The socialist's caucus was held after closure had been applied In the relchstag by the president when the resolution was reached to exclude Deputy llsase, for the same reason that Deputy IJehknecht waa excluded from the organizatlun, the minority assembled and rvaolved to leave the party. The total number of socialist members In the relclistag Is ion. The dissenting minority on the last vote consisted of thirty socialists. P A FT Si. At . .... V. A'. if .t...-v'. i : . , 'vv X' V SOVTJOSTIH 7XICCK DIETZ AFTER TROOPS FOR AK-SAR-BEN Omahan Meets Encouragement in Quest for Army Men at Semi centennial. MAY GET THE GUARDSMEN (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 24. (Spe cial Telegram.) Gould Dietz, of the Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Ben had Interviews today with of ficials of the war department look ing to the mobilization of troops tn Omaha In connection with the celebration of the fiftieth, anniver sary of Nebraska's admission into the sisterhood of states. Mr. Diets wu escorted by Representatives Lo- becla In his swing.through the army and navy tulldlng, the congressman paving the way for the Omaha man, whose interest and enthusiasm In the forthcoming celebration made a deep Impression upon the officials visited. Mr. Diets waa told that if troops wera available, either regular 6r mllltla. dur ing the week of October J. they would be mobllixed in Omaha for the semi-centennial celebration. May Come to Omaha. Mr. Diets suggested that If the national guard of a number of the states were encamped at Fort Robinson, as now planned in September, they might be moved to Omaha as part of their man euvers, terminating their encampment at that point. This suggestion, Colonel McKeever, in charge of national guard duties with the regular staff, thought well of and volun teered to work along those lines. In view of the co-operation of the. Ne braska delegation, through the efforts of Representative Klnkaid, it Is now be lieved that the National Guard of North and South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska will be brought together In a general encampment at Fort Robin son this year. The date of this encamp ment Is necessarily problematical, but It will be In all probability late In the sum mer or early tn the full. It wis learned today that the Kansas National Guard desires to Join tntho en campment and that Ml.iourl Is also seri ously considering the question of joining sister states In run kin:; an encampment that will be worth while. Mounts for Officers. Colonel EX J. Murfln of Lincoln, judge advocate general of the Nebraska na tional guard, who has been In Washing ton co-operating vith Judge Klnkaid In bringing about a "great big" encamp ment of cltlxen soldiery at Fort Robin son, said today he had assurances from the war department that officers' mounts would be supplied and that the neces sary horses and mules would be pro vided to make the encampment a mili tary success, these animals to be later returned to the permanent establishment. Range at Ashlnad. Colonel Murfln said today that the rifle range at Ashland was practically com plete, the only essentials being the re cording of the deeds and the payment of the purchase price. "This rautje," said Colonel Murfln, "will make a concentra tion camp at Ashland second to none In the country, and will make Ashland an ideal place for rifle practice, not only for Nebraska troops, but for adjoining states that have no suitable range. This becomes a permanent fixture for United States troops for rifle practice and prac tically establishes a post national In char acter for such purposes.'' Roosevelt Objects to Public Reception NEW TORK, March ?4.-Cnlonel and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt are due to sr rlve here today on the steamship Matura, returning from a six weeks' Journey through the West Indies. Home of the colonel's admirers wanted to send a com mittee down the bay to welcome him, as they did when he returned from the African hunting expedition In 1910, but they learned from Ills secretary, John W. McOrath. that Mr. Roosevelt desired no demonstration In his honor. The half-formed plans were abandoned. SB B"'"1k- . . v . .. X i. ( ' t . ''''.' -VV 1 BERLIN DENIES DEFEAT BY RUSS War Office Says Four Attacks by Muscovites Repulsed and Gap in Line Recovered. FOUR DIVISIONS IN THE ASSAULT DKNLIN, March 23. (Via Lon don, March 24.) The Importance of the struggle around Verdun naturally overshadows interest in the contest on the eastern front, but the latest dispatches show that hard fighting is In progress in the north ern sector of the Russian line. ' The Russian gun fire became in tense on the evening of March 19. More than 60,000 shells, chiefly of heavy caliber, fell over a small sec tion of the front near PoBtavy. Ger man wire entanglements' -and t the front line trenches were damaged by this fire. At night the Russians attacked In thick waves. The first two waves were mowed down before they reached the entangle ments. The third pierced" the German position on a front of less than 100 yards and the assailants were ejected .by a counter attack led in person by a regi mental commander. At dawn the Rus sians made a fourth attack, but it waa smothered In its initial atagea by Ger man artillery. Four Russian division are said to have participated In these movements. The Germans were compelled to summon few reserves. Their losses were heavier than on the two preceding days of the fight ing on account of the Russian drum fire, but is usserted that, nevertheless, they were surprisingly small. Activity of the Russians at other points of Field Marshal Von Illndenburg's front Is less marked." Verdun Generally Oetet. PARIS, March 24.-(U: a. m.)-There has been no change in ; the situation around Verdun since yesterday, according to the war office announcement this afternoon.. West of the Meuse tne night waa calm. Kast of the river there were Intermittent bombardments. The text of the statement follows: "In the Argonne our batteries last night cannonaded with enerey the enemy posi tions In the wood of Malancourt. Near Hill No. 2X5 we caused the explosion of a mine and occupied the resulting crater. "West of the. Meuse the night passod quietly. East of the river there was In termittent bombarding In the vicinity of Douaurnont and Damloup. "In the Woe v re there have been out bursts of artillery firs in the sectors of Moulalnville and KparKs, both sldos tak ing part. "There has been n other development of Importance on the rest of the front." Medics of Valley To Meet in Omaha ST. JOPKPir, Mo., March 24. The medi cal society of the Missouri valley se lected Omaha as the place for Its semi annual meeting In September, at Its final meeting here today. Sir Ernest Shackleford is Back from His Antartic. Expedition BTNIiKY. N. 8. W March 14. -lieutenant Hir Krnest H. Hhackleton has re turned from his Anlarctlo expedition. News of the achievements of the expe dition Is withheld for the present. The adventure of l-lonlciiunt Hlr Krnest Bhackletmi, heading the British trans Antarctic expedtlon, had a three-fold purpose, tn navigate the Antarctlo ocean on a meridian; to secure for the British flsg the honor of being the first national emblem thus to be taken from sea to sea across this south polar realm, and to conduct scientific, work relating, among other phases to meteorology, seniiraphy, geolotiy and tiendi llc survey. The expedition left Knxland In two sec tions about nix Mi'ckn after the Euroiiean war begun, but it waa not until early In January, 1'jli. after delay due to unfav orable Ice conditions, that the party headed by 8lr Krnest set off on a 1,700- 'Y '-' " ''II "-mi . r i. .am r x;iijOl..iifaiM.-, Wil Mim M WILL NOT CALL OUT NATIONAL GUARD Cabinet Decides After Discussion that Services of Militia Prob ably Will Not Be Needed. MIGHT HAVE BAD EFFECT WASHINGTON. March 24. The question of railing the National guard for border duty to release regulars for service in Mexico, was discussed at today's cabinet meet ing, but it was decided there was no prospect of such action at this time. The cabinet waa told that there was sentiment In congress lo protect the con stantly lengthening'' line of communica tions of the American punitive expedition by sending more regulars Into Mexico and placing guardaroea along the bor der, -Major General Funston, however, had not asked for addition tmoHi It was said today, and War department officials did not believe mobilisation of state troops waa now necessary. After the cabinet meeting officials showed they feared a mobilisation of guardsmen would have a disquieting effect In Mexico. They ex. pressed confidence that American troops in Mexico were In np danger, flhould large bodies of Carranxa troops go over to Villa, however, the question of call ing out the guard will be considered. Four Thousand New Voters Found In Douglas County Four thousand new voters have been added to the poll books of Iouglas county, during the last few weeks, ac cording to Election Commissioner Moor head. About S.000 men have appeared to submit changes of address. Mr. Moorhead announced last night that he will keep his office open this afternoon and evening until o'clock In order to accommodate an expected fuslr of registrations. Fifteen dsys remain In which to resis ted The law reads thst one cannot vote unless registered at least ten days before the election. Registering once Is enough. unless residence has been changed. The other requirements are tlmt one must be over 21 years of age, a resident of the state for six months and the county thirty dsys. WILLIAM R. BENNETT TO GO UNDER SURGEON'S KNIFE William R. Bennett, now of Chicago, but for years a resfdent of Omaha and one of the leading business men of the city, has sustained . an attack of ap pendicitis. He is now in one of the Chi cago hospitals and will be operated upon as soon as rr. EJ. Wl Powell of this city oun reach him. Pr. Powell Is an oldfrlend of Mr. Ben nett. Testerday the doctor received a tel egram from Mr. Bennett, requesting that he perform the operation. The doctor leaves for Chicago this morning. For some years Mr. Bennett has been a resident of Chicago and at this time he is owner and manager of the Hip podrome. mile voyage from South Georgia, an un inhabited island In the south Atlantic ocean, about ViO miles due east of Cape Horn, for Itoss Sea, on the other side of the south pole. From Tasmania, the second expedition meanwhile hud sailed also for the Ross Kea, there to meet Kir Krneet's expedi tion with supplies necessary to come out of the Antarctlo ocean by April, 1V1&, but conditions far from propitious made nec essary a change of plan. The section which started from Tasmania was ob liged to spend the winter of 1916-16 at the Itoss Bea to await Sir Krneat's arrival, which had been expected sometime this month. Hlr Krnest sailed In the Kndur ance, a three-master, with uuxlliary en lnrs which gave It a ten-knot speed. This vessel, of 3A0 tons, had accommoda tions for thirty-two persona, and the party which sailed Included fifteen officers and scientists. County Official Appeals to Governor to Send State Troops to Help Defend the International Border. AMERICANS NEED PROTECTION rcdcral Anthoritica Think There is No Need to Ted Any Alan. SIGNS OF INCREASING TENSION El. r.VPO, Tox., March 24. Evi dence of the seriousness with which the locl sulhnrltles regard tho border situation wns supplied to nlpht !n rn snno'-nrpnir nt by Sher iff Peyton Jsmcs Kdwnrda that he lins tolcRrnrhed Governor James E. KorKURon that he believed the state mllltla should he sent to the fron tier. Sheriff Edwards said thst he did not wish to ho considered an alarm ist, hut thnt developments In Mex ico convinced him that additional protection was needed for Ameri cans along tho border. He refused to give the wording of his telegram or say how many additional troops he thought necessary. The action of Mr. Kdwsrds following that of the Arisnna authorities In direct ing that border companies of mllltla of' that state be recruited . to full war strength gave renewed force to the ten- alon which earlier In the day had shown' signs of relaxing. Their Views Are Different. There la a sharp difference In the point of view between federal and local offi cials here. The former Insist that while the situation Is filled with dangerous possibilities, there Is no reason to fear an Immediate crisis. The local authori ties on the other hand are equally posi tive that there Is grave danger of an out break .which will set the entire border In a blaze. The federal officials are showing ln creasing Irritation over tho alarming re ports about conditions which are being circulated here night and day and which are being sent out to the rest of tho country in news dispatches. They are fearful of the effect that these reports will have on the MeWce,ns, whor'have shown many signs In' fhe last few day of Increasing restlessness. Consul Thomas P. Kd wards at Juares and severU othej-"" ""Nin residents in the Mexican tow S Vewsaiia t the state department- ftigorously pro testing against the' WJrculatlon of these reports and asking that some steps be taken to stop them. It Is understood that similar messages have been sent to Washington from other federal officers with a direct recommendation that a censorship be established hers. . . No News ef Fig Mia. i No news of the reported fighting b-l tween the Carransa troops and VUllstaa near Namlquipa or of the report front Mexican sources that the bandit chief and his followers were surrounded flva miles south of Namlquipa by American and Mexican troops waa received here today. According to the Mexican oonaul here, Andres Garcia, the Mexican wires have been cut between Casas Grandes and Madera. The same reason waa given byl consul Garcia for the dearth of news' following the first battle reported near Namlquipa some days ago. Artillery is Active j All Around Verduni PAIIIS, March S4. Bombardments con tinue by the French of German position In the woods of Malancourt and Avo court and by both the German and French guns of opposing position on all sides of Verdun, according to the French offi cial comrrtvnlcatlon tonight. 'No Infantry action has taken place, except In the Argonne forest, where the Germans en tered Frepch first line trenches but were Immediately expelled with a loss of some men taken prisoners. Brother of Herrera Released by U. S.' Kli PASO. Tex., March 14 Melchor Herrera, brother of General Luis Her rera, was released today by the United States authorities, lie wss taken Into custody when reports became current here that General Herrera had revolted from the de facto gtvernment. The ar rest wss made Just after a conference that Herrera had held with General Ga vlra, commander of the Juares garrison. Herrera went immediately to Juares after his relesse. M'DONALD NAMED POST MASTER AT DEADW00O WASHINGTON, March M.-Preeldeni Wilson today nominated Edward MoDon ald to be postmaster at Dead wood, & D. "Junk" Every home and busi ness house liaa a lot of used furniture and fit tings which the owner describes as junk. But there is a market value on just such things as these, uud a small ad in The 15eo will find plenty buyers. w