Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    TIIK JJKK: OMAHA. Fit I DAY. MARCH 24, 1916.
GoTernor Enriquei Says Herrera ii
Close After Bandit in Southern
GAL.VE8TON. Tex., March 23
General Luis Herrer It conducting
active military operations against the
Villa forces and has not gone over
to the bandit leader, according to a
cablegram from Mexico City, received
by the Mexican consulate here today.
Tbls menage says that the Herrera
campaign against the Villa force Is
being waged In southern Chihuahua
KL, PASO, Tex., March 23. Ignaclo
Hnrlquez, civil governor of the state
of Chihuahua, sent a telegram to
Consul Garcia at EI Paso today de
claring that General Luis Herrera,
commanding the garrison at Chihua
hua City, still was loyal to the first
chief and not to credit reports of his
defection to Villa.
Consul Garcia made public mewing,
from Governor Enriquei, which read:
"Tour ttifjtf referring to the prena
.report regarding- General tula Herrera
received, t have juat eh ken handa with
Herrera and he In loyal to the legal gov
ernment of Mexico. lo not give credit
to report In tfila matter."
Reporta ef General Herrera revolt
were heard at army headquarters yester
day and from private advlcea received
here. They were credited, but an abso
lute confirmation or denial of the report
was lacking.
Mirk A pareheaeloa at Bl Paso.
Whether or not the report of Herrera's
defection waa oorroct It waa obvious that
In military circles much apprehension
waa felt over the situation at Chihuahua.
Brigadier General Bell aald ha had been
advised everything waa quiet In Juares,
and while his reports Indicated there waa
a Villa aentlment In Juares, ha regarded
the situation aa satisfactory. The gen
eral aald every precaution had been taken
to meet any possibility of an uprising In
General Belt aald that ha bad no Infor
mation regarding a vague report that
General Pershing bad taken over the
Mexican Northwestern railroad south of
Caaaa Grandee and that troops were be
ing moved aouth from that point by rail
road. The general did not know where
tho report came from. The military baae
at Columbus had not beard of the re
ported seisiire of the railroad.
General Bell added that Major General
Funaton had not advised him concerning
any change of the army base from Co
lumbus to El Paso, but that the tranafer
could be quickly effected.
Railway nadir Needed.
An early agreement with the Carrania
government for the permission to use
Mexican railway line la greatly desired
by army officer. The main base would
then be transferred from Columbua to
this city and the Mexico Northwestern
railway could be uad to ship men and
aupptlea to Cases Grandee. The railroad
could b easllyftnalntatned against Inter
ruption, while the present line south
ward out of Columbus over a desert
might be readily cut should Villa re
cruit a formidable body of men. Villa
- Is aald to have sent agents among the
populace In the mountain districts urg
ing, them to support him against the
Americans. The outlaw la reported ' to
be equipping his men wUh arma and
ammunition, which ha haa had cached
for some time. Ha has plenty of good
mounts and once his command la ready
Villa will be In a position to start a
guerilla campaign against the American
There la no confirmation of a report
that Colonel Cano of Carransa's army
has Joined forced with Villa.
All waa quiet In Juatts early today and
street ear service, which waa suspended
last night for fear of trouble In that
Mexican city, was resumed thla morning.
Tfce railroad bridges ar still under guard.
May Disarm Mealoaaa.
W grave was the situation regarded
here that the military authorities planned
today drastic stepa to rt'.leve all Mexicans
in El Paso of any arms they might have
concealed In their booses and enforce
what would be practically martial law In
-Utile Chihuahua." the heart of El
Paae'a Mexican section.
All night long El Paso waited aleep
Icaaly for the warning whistles which
would tell that the long expected out
break had occurred. Three hundred sol
diers with machine gun detachments
-waited under arma for any amergenoy,
and the police reeervee, equipped with
rifles, were also held ready. Again and
again rumors ran through the town that
hooting had been beard In Juares, but
each time they proved base leas.
It la understood that government off!
clais here have aent to Washington l
recommendation coached in the strong
est terms, urging that atepa be taken to
disarm ail Mexicans along me ooraer.
taking tho right of forcible entry and
aearch. At necessary, lp to the present
time. It la aald that tha Washington au
thorities opposed such a atep on the
around that It would be misinterpreted by
the Mexicans aa discrimination against
tbem and in violation of their rights. It Is
now Insisted by the local authorities that
the time has paaaed for any delicacy In
handling the situation. It la pointed out
that no American la permitted to enter
Mexico armed and that there haa been a
for greater laxity on this side of the bor
der' than waa desirable.
Joarea Sltaatloa Delicate.
The situation In Juares remains mostly
a subject of conjecture with auch items
of information aa are obtainable bearing
a decidedly atnlster aspect, it la known
that a bitter feud exists between the
mayor, Manuel Prleto, and tha military
commander, General Oabrlel Gavlra.
I-rleto is a staunch Carranalsta, while Ga
vlra la devoU-d to tha Interests of Gen
eral Obregon, Carreaae'a minister of war,
but who at the aame time la known to
be bitterly hostile to the first chief's pro
gram, especially aa It relates to co-operation
with Americans. 1 Uavlra's troops are
otvMed between Obregonlstaa and former
Many Metleaae la El Paao.
Whatever may happen In Juares there
la no supposition hero that any attack
would be made en Kl Paao from tha
other aide of the river, but there la the
greatest apprehension that an outbreak
ca the one side would Inevitably be fol
lowed by an outbreak on the other. There
ere about lo.oofl Mexicans la this city out
of a total population of Tl.sue, and the
majority of the Mextcana belong to the
lowest and most Ignorant portion of tha
!eo.e, ,The military and civil authorl-
ride Accompanies
Exploring Trip
Mrs. Hoy C. Andrews and her faithful
dog, "Pat"' will accompany her husband
Into the Interior of China, on an explora
tion trip for the American Museum of
Natural History, They have left New
Tork and aall for Japan on the tenth of
It Is really a bridal trip for the young
couple, Mrs. Andrews Is the daughter of
Major Henry Borup, United States army,
and tha sister of the young Arctic ex
plorer, George Borup, who was drowned
on Teary'a north pole expedition.
Mr. Andrews hsa twlco encircled the
world for tha Natural History museum.
His companion, Edmund Heller, besides
bis trip with the Roosevelt expedition
(Rooeevelt African expedition), haa been
with one of Paul Italney'a expeditions
and baa Just returned from the Tale
Peruvian expedition.
Describing hla plans, Mr. Andrews said:
''From Peking we will sail down the
coast to Fu Chu, In Fu Klen province.
Hera Mr. Heller and Perry Caldwell, a
missionary will Join us for a hunt through
tha Bohea mountains, some 300 miles in
land, from the strait of Formosa. There
Is big game In this region and wa should
obtsln some valuable and new apeclmena.
'From Fu Klen my wife. Heller and I
will go up the ooast to the mouth of the
great Wang-Tse river by steamer, which
tlea have made vigorous efforts to fore
stall any trouble by art os ting every Mex
ican who waa auspactod of Inciting their
fellow countrymen nglnsj Americana.
That such a' system, apparently organ
ised, haa been carried on for aome time
haa been well known. Numerous arrests
have been made, especially among the
VUllsta colony, which is quite large.
Troaale Kapaete la Soaora.
Tha belief ef Americana who are fa
miliar with Mexican affairs was that
If tha reported revolts in Chihuahua se-
rloualy shook tha power of the flrat
chief, It would not be loqg, before there
waa trouble in Sonore. Thla state Is
headquartere of the Obregonlatas and haa
never, according to Information here,
been mora than lukewarm to tho Car-
ranaa cause. It la tha native atate of
General Obregon and Ha people are aald
to bd devoted to hla Interests. General
Calles, the military governor of Honors,
la known to be an out-and-out Obregon
adherent, and In hla recent fiery attacks
upon the clentlfloos and clericals, com
bined with' hla proposal to confiscate
all concessions granted by Huerta and
Villa, have given omtnoua force to the
persistent rumors that be Is not only
antl-Amerlcan. but sympathises at heart
with Villa. It la certain that a large
number of hla most trusted officers are
former Vllllstas, who were implicated
with tha bandit chief in aome of his
moat notorious exploits. .
Whatever be the outcome, tha nervous
tension along tha border haa Increased
to such an extent that most Americans
frankly admit that they would prefer a
definite aunderlng of relations between
Waahlngton and the de facto government
to a continuance of the existing situa
DES MOINES, la., Varch 21-(8paclal.)
Castor oil, the bogey of the amall boy
with a stomachache, haa almost fallen
Into disuse. It baa trbebled in price and it
la virtually impossible to purchaaa oil
In large amounts at fciiy price. Tha ad
vance is attributed to the European war.
A canvaaa of Dea Moines druggists re
vealed the fact that few of them have
enough castor oil on band to cope with
green apple colic. Wholesale druggists
are In tho aame predicament, it la said.
Traveling Salesmen have been Instructed
not to sell more than a gallon of oil to
one druggist. The supply comes from
the East Indlea and trade with that sec
tion hsa been greatly demoralized by lark
of shipping facilities.
Only One IKvao qtl.MYK.
To yet the genuine, call for full name,
for signature of E. W, Grove. Cures
Cold In One Pay. Ste. Advertisement.
WASHINGTON', aBarch ll-Pre.ldent
Wliaon waa back In Waahlngton tonight
after a brief vlatt to Philadelphia to
have hla eyea examined. He left at I
o'clock thla morning and returned at 4 t
thla afternoon. On the return trip he did
aome work with hla etenosrapher.
Tha president waa en by a compara
tively amall number of people In Phila
delphia becauaa hla plana had been kept
aecret. After feeing the oculist, he called
on hla slater, Mrs. Anne Howe.
Verdict for Betas Hit by A at.
A verdict for U.O waa awarded David
McVea In dletrlct court In hla eaae ageinet
the Brandela atorea. He waa (truck by
one of the defendant' automobile.
i 'J I
Her Husband on
to Interior of China
will lake us up the Wsna-Tse to Tuns
Ting lake. Here wa will follow another
stream by flnt boat as far as we can got
toward Wel-Chati province.
"Thla province Is one of the wildest and
most difficult to enter In China. Then-
are no roads and few Inhabitants. The
country Is mountainous and rugged. This
will be the msln field for our work on
this trip, though we probably will push
on Into the province of Yunnan, unless
tho revolution that has recently broken
out there makes It too dangerous. We
mny even go Into Thibet.
"All this country la semi-tropical, cold
In the mountainous regions snd warm In
the valleys. This part of Central Asia
probably formed the birthplace of the
human race.
"We will go right Into the field of tiger
hunting upon our arrival In China, and
If wa are fortunate wa will send some
fine specimens of the man-eating tiger
to the museum.
"Borne time will he required, of course,
to finish the necessary dlplomntlc nego
tiations In regard to our trip and to
China, but If our hopes are fulfilled, the
members of our party will begin to look
for big game about the second week In
May. Our achedule calls for a year of
actual work In the field."
Mrs. Andrews will take her pet !og
on the trip.
(Continued from Page One.)
alarm Uia army officers, however, who
believed that if Herrera really haa re
volted, hla activities will be confined to
operations that have for their object the
strengthening of Villa'a bands and the
haraaslng of General Pershing's forces.
It was feared that one of hla earlier
movea would be tha cutting of tha North
western railroad, over which General
Funston hopes to receive permission to
move auppllea to tha American troops.
now almost MO miles Into Mexico. To
prevent thla move General Funaton la
powerless, and It la doubted If Carransa's
troops are In position to oppose Herrera,
Reporta at headquarters that General
Gavlra's garrison at Juares waa about to
revolt, and that the troops at Torren
were manlfealng disaffection, were re
garded with apprehension at the fort.
The Mexican consul here continued to
deny their truth and reiterated his asser
tion that Herrera had not taken tne
Early reporta at Fort Bam Houston
did not Indicate any marked development
In tha campaign agalaat Villa.
NORTH PLATTE), Neb.. March J3.-
Pralria fires awept a territory of 160
square mllea north of tha towns of Wal
lace and Somerset in Lincoln county yes
terday, last night and today. Late. to
night tha fires were said to be under
control. Two hundred men prevented de
struction of the village of Dlckena by
fighting continuously throughout tha day
and far Into the night. One man, Thomaa
Griffith, waa perhaps fatally burned.
Much hay, corn in cribs and farm Imple
ments were destroyed. One farmer lost
a valuable herd of hoga.
DUtreaeiar Coach Care.
Dr. Klng'a New Dlacovery not only
atopa your couah, but hardena your aya
tera asalntt colde: kllla the ferm. All
drugget. Advertisement.
u Fir
Wlton you fool a oold coming on, stop it with a few
doses or LAXATIVH BROMO QUININE, which destroys
perms, acts as a Tonic and Laxative, and keeps the system
in condition to throw eff attacks of Colds, Grip and Influenza.
Laxativo Uromo (Gjuinino
Removes tho Cnuao of Colds, Crip
and Influenza
hut remember there la Only Ono
"Bromo Qummo"
Omll tof full namo mnd look for thla mlgnrnturm on box
av aaar ay Mm
French Official Report Sayi Bom
bardment Continues at Several
Points All Night. j
PARIS. March 23. The French of
ficial statement thla morning says j
that last night a violent bombard- j
rient took place to the east of the j
Meuse river. To the west of the j
Metise the fire diminished In lnten- j
sity and the general situation Is un
The French war office thla afternoon
gave out the following statement:
"West of the Meuse the bombardment
diminished last night. The enemy did
not renew Its attacks on the little hill
of Haucourt (about one kilometer south- j
west of Malancourt), part of which we
hold. !
"East of the Meuse the bombardment (
has continued with violence at several :
'In the Woevre there he been no Im- I
Portant development to report, with the
exception of an Intermittent cannonading.
"West of , Pont-A-Mousson a surprlce j
attack upon a trench of the enemy In
the vicinity of Fey-En-Haya resulted In !
our taking several prisoners.
"The night passed quietly on the re- .
malnder of the front." !
Germane Claim Systematic Progress.
BERLIN, March 21-(Vla Ixmdon.
March 23 ) Attempts In other countries
to Interpret the various pauses In the
German operations at Verdun as Indi
cative of the waning of the offensive
or the exhaustion of German troops de
note failure to comprehend German
strategy, according to the tenor of dis
cussion in military circles here. Officers
any these pauses are only a part of
tho general scheme of operations.
The method has been to make prepa
rations for every attack ao thoroughly
as to guarantee success with minimum
losses. German commanders have pur
posely avoided a simultaneous attack cn
the whole Verdun front.
Neither do these officers admit tha
Germans are fighting to revive the spir
its of the people at home, with only
a forlorn hope of victory. It la aald these
operations are intended to lead to the
capture of Verdun and hasten the ter
mination of the war,
The results of the operations at Verdun
thus far. In 'regard both to the positions
gained and the losses sustained, have
been fully in line with expectations.
IjONDON. March 23. The Hamburg
American liners Prlns Adalbert and Kron
Prlnsessln Cecilia which were aelzed at
Falmouth at the outbreak of the war
were condemned in prise court today aa
Tha Kronpriseasln Cecllle, a freight
ship not the better know North German
Lloyd liner of that name waa In tour
ist service when tha war began. In
March, 191. it carried a large shipment
of war materials for the Huerta govern
ment to Vera Crui. The United States
objected and the cargo was never landed.
The Prince Adalbert waa on ita way
to a German port when the war began.
It put in at Falmouth at the request of
Anerlcan passengers, England not hav
ing entered tha war than.
CHICAGO. March M.-E. B. Boyd, for
tha Western Trunk lines, and C. A. Lahey,
assistant freight traffic manager of tha
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad,
teatafled at the Interstate Commerce
commission's hearing of the Iowa freight
rate cases today, that the Iowa rates
were higher than ratea on shipments
from New York to BL Loula and other
cities on the Mississippi.
Head Bee Want Ada for profit. Use
them for results.
J. Helpitand Clothing Go.
Will KELP Too Save Money
314-31$ North 16th St.
Old Tiddlers' Contest,
Y. M. 0. A.
Men 55 years of age or older
will play for prizes.
Monday, March t7tn, S . X.
CMldrea lOo. A4olta ISe.
Turpin's Softool of Dancing
Twenty-eighth eV Farnam. BTew Olaaaea.
(.11 your name now. Private leeaone any
time. BAMST 6143.
Flret Fplaode of the
"bttbako oajib or mabt rAoc"
will he ehown tt the
mxrroDKOMB tmatib.
26th and fuming .,
Sunday, March Ifth.
Sport- Clothes
Suits Coats Skirts
Individual, attrac
tive model" of
out-door clothes
In checked wool
ens, velours, rol
flne and serges.
There is the
sought-for snap
and style to each
Sport Coats this
season are very
fetching. They
are shown In
high colors as
well as the more
dashing checks
with vivid lin
$25, $29.50,
$35, $39.50
$18.50, $25,
No extra charge for
The Store For Shirtwaists
Is showing blouses of practical fabrics for out-of-doors
wear. Practically attractive are the linen
& ...$3.95 and $5.00
' If
Friday, 89c, $1.25 and $1.50
Many of these hats are in blacks and are ordinarily
seen only in hats selling for considerably more.
It saves your money as
teeth the measuring
Pnpmd by m Doctor
Send 2e stamp today for a generous trial package of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream to
I. W. Lyon & Son, Inc.,677 W. 27ti St, N. Y. City
4TT If there ever waa aa ae
tor who Is a perfect
speclment of manhood, Will
lam Farnum Is such.
The ladies admire Will
iam for his wavy curls
and gallant manner, while
the men folks, well they like
to see BUI fight, for he
doesn't go after It in a mol
lycoddle fashion at all, but
as a strong, virile man who
knows how to both give and
take real punches. (
gTt Furthermore, William
j Is some actor. Put him
in any role, and he does not
go through his performance
In a careless or listless man
ner, but actually lives the
part, and so realist to and
earnest is his portrayal that
rou become Imbued with the
same spirit and enjoy the
picture all the more.
Today and Saturday we
present Mr. Farnum in
Fighting Blood."
Briefly this is a story
of a big mountaineer,
. IS Who IS sent to pnaon !
i crime he did not commit.
fllliji ilif i
Wm, FariMim 3
-in- J
Irightmg olood j
iiiuniaiii :uiiiun!iiiui!!niiiiiininM!inii!i!ini!ifiniiiiisiiiiirin""iHHiii!ix
Tho Fashion CjnIeroriheilrdcllGWesh
Established I88&J
Practical wide
full flowing skirts
for the girls who
love out-door life.
This showing Is in
white as well as
rone, green and
other b rligh t
$6.50, $10.50,
any alteration service.
Beautiful New
Trimmed Hats
SPECIAL a Q n i. J 95
Large, Medium and
Small Shapes, in all
the new colors.
600 Smart New
Untrirhmed Hats
the powder saves your
tubs on every can of
of Dmnlal Sargary
The prison chaplain inter
ests him in the Bible, and
when he Is later pardoned,
he goes forth to preach the
doctrine of Christianity.
One of the thrilling! scenes
of "Fighting B I o o d". is
where he is forced to stop
his first sermon and forcibly
eject several drunken lumber-jacks
from the church.
The story is along new and
novel lines, .and there Is an
entertaining little love story
running throughout to keep
up the heart interest.
tflT Staged in the wonder
ful mountain country of
California, the settings are
e x C e ptlonally picturesque,
and the entire production is
one that holds you from
start to finish.'
fTl We also have an Inter
sil eating Pathe weekly,
and a good comedy, while
the organ and orchestra pro
gram will please you.
Don't forget we open
now at 11 A. M.
Coming. Sunday. Lil
lian Glsh In "Daphne
and the Pirate."
New Embroidered
Voiles in White
Special 50c a Yard
Very dainty and attrac
tive for spring and sum
mer wear; fresh, new
and extra value, at 50c.
40 inches wide.
Linen Section Main Floor.
5c and 10c a Yardv
Serpentine Crepe,
Dress Crepe, Voile, Ba
tiste, Gingham, ets
suitable for dresses,
kimonas, and children's
Goods worth up to 30c yard,
Friday, 5c and 10c yard.
THEATtR Saturday lfatlaee
Srngm., flSo-COo-7gc-f 1 Matinee,' asoOo
rotur Bay, Betfaniaf Bua. Vat. Wed.
Betnra of Omaha'e Tarorite Kay
"The Bird of Paradise"
Hear aUea PA oloano
, Slarere S Seeae
gTenlaa-a, B6o to S1.60 Xattnea, tSe to fl
Phnna fianlr. 44
The Beat of Tande.
me. Daily Mat.
Inaa .flu Vwmw
Xn-ht,8il6. Ralph Dun
KINOER8; Mre. Gent
Hughea & Car Jim
. . . r. v- nc j hlr ijoreni; i.e
Orpheum Travel Weekl.
a""7. loo. IM (.xcmt
gat. and Sua.). . Nl,hta. We. Jic. TTan I T6c.
una warn
lcatlBee Today, a30
aw a mm .at Time Tonight
Not a Moving Picture Play
Ml. Wl LLlAM
mox-jea rtnr c-tirrcm."
Daily -tat a., is-ts.soo
X-ag-e., 15.-3.0O.7So
Hawy K. Morton, Zella Ruasell. Jun
"Tha Smiling Beauties
The utlr "Tha BMUty Parlor." "High Ltie
In Jail" and tha aioaptlonallr tunny burietia.
' Bulf lu' Conranlloo id 20K." Big Beauty
X,aoa -time Matinee Week Bay.
Rat. Nit. a Wk.: BtaM A Plllard and ' Sorlil
Malda" Willard-Moraa fight rotuma Bat. alia.
waat ov rAmo-ir
... .ru:i.
His Pride and Shame
Opaa 11 to U.
Mammoth Strang Organ.
11 A. M. to 11 P. M.
Today, rriday aad Saturday, at 11,
18:80, li0, 3, 4:30, Si0, 7, 8:80. g:40
OUTI1 MOK0800 rrea.nte
Constance Collier I.T.rA1.:
t:u,T "The Code of Martla Gray".
A Drama of the BT.w.r. Blrrer,
Batter Type, Telllar a Story of a
Wealthy rinaacle Brought faoa to
Taoe With Mnddea Bula.
oto rLAva