Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1916, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee Call Tylor 1000 iVYou Want to Talk to The Bee or to Anyone Connected With The tie. THE WEATHER. Rain ( VOL. XLV NO. 240. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORXIXd, MARCH 'J4, l!lo FOUUTKKX PAHKK. Oa Trains, M Motet Taws Stands, ete. SINOLK COPY TWO (ICNTS. GAVIRA REPORTS VILLA DEFEATED NEAR NAMIQUIPA CHINESE REBELS RUSSIANS BREAK THROUGH TRIPLE LINE OF TEUTONS I GEN. CHARLES TOWN- FIRST PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN DURING BATTLE OF VERDUN This is one of the first photographs to reach this country, taken during the terrific battle around Verdun. It shows a French convoy taking machine gun ammunition to the firing line to repel the vigorous J vn attacks. SHEND, the British com mander, who, with his gar rison, has been besieged for months by the Turks in Kut-el-Amara, on Tigris, river. CALL UPON YUAN TO LEAVE OFFICE i r J Restoration Not Enough to Satisfy Republican Army Chief, Who Will Not Stop Till Presi dent Resigns. REVOLUTION WILL CONTINUE Troops in Two Cities in Xwang--tung Provinces Reported to A Have Risen in Revolt. MANDATE HAS COME TOO LATE m SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. Cable advices from Chinese revolu tionary leaders in Shanghai received today hy officials of the Chinese Re ' public association received here said Yuan Shi Kai's resignation has been demanded by the "Republican army." Trial by a national assembly of province representatives for having accepted the emperorship is also de manded, according to the same cable advices. Rebellion to ; On. The demands are said to be made by General Tang Chi- Yao, com mander of the Republican army, and military governor of Yunnan prov ince. Indications are, it was said today by officials here, that the revolution would continue until Yuan Shi Ksi leaves the presidency. . J Troops in two cities of Kwangtung provinces, today's cable Information ' stated, have Joined the Republican ry' attacking the province. Mrtli Trltta, Mixed Deception. SHANGHAI, China, March 13. Ad Vices from Hans Hon today Indicate tno.t the State department mendate announcing- abandonment of the plan to re mime the monarchist form of government In China has met with a mixed reception In south China. In two forceful factions, the supporters of Yuan Shal Kal are said there wilt be a peaceful settlement of the- existing- dif ferences as a result of conclusions reached. Those opposed to Yuan Sha Kal according to the .dviees declare the man date has come too late and that people are too deeply stirred against what they characterise as Yuan Phi Kal's faithless ness to his presidential oath to be ap )eaed with anything lees than his elimi nation as head of the government. ' - - - r v Kattee . Received. WASHINGTON, March 2S.-Forma not lft!"IUion of the abandonment of Presi dent Yuan 9hl Hal's project to turn the Chinese republic Into a monarchy reached the State department today from Ameri can Minister Relnsch at Peking. No de tails or explanations were made by the minister. ' Bar Silver Rises to New Eecord . for War Period NEW YORK, March 2J. Bar stiver nd Mexican sliver dollars today at- alned their highest quotation since the beginning of the European war. Stiver bullion sold at B-,. oents an ounce ana Mexican dollars at 46Sfc centsthese prices representing advances of t and IH cents, respectively, over last Saturday. Dealers In silver attribute the rise to a scarcity of supply in London and In creased demand on the continent and In t'blna. Sixth Death from Indiana Tornado INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 23. The death of the Infant child of Albert Irwin of Monon, brought the death toll taken hy the tornado which swept Indiana early yesterday morning to six. The child wst carried more than 100 feet by the wind. The property loss wss estimated at upwards of 12.000.000. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m, Friday: J For Omaha. Council Fluffs and Vicinity -Rain, warmer. Or-SarrMperstsrel at Omaha Ye.teraar. Hour. S a. m. da. in. Deg. ... 11 ... at 7 a. m. a, m. l SI rgm :tS::::::::::::::s vV JK 53 J 1 D. m 1 tv m 1 i. m u. m i p. m T p. m 8 p. m CniBaratlv luocal Ber. ISH WS 1914 Iligheat yrsteriHy 61 Vi 4 IWfit yealerilMy Ji T H (Mean tempera lure 4 38 31 1'reclpitatiun T ."0 .W 1911 at 61 Temperature and precipitation lu re a from the normal: Normal temperature 1 eflclf ncy for the day Tolal defU'lt-m-y sine Marrh 1... depar- ..... 40 Normal precipitation Ix-fti-lency for the lav Total rainfa'l almo March 1... lxtflclenry aince Marrh 1 K.xceaa for cor. ptrlod. ll15 Deficieni y for cor. period. 19H. .0." Inch ..". Inch . Inch .m Inch .72 iooh .77 Inch Heporta froaa Btatloaa at T l. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. T p. m. est. fail. Cheyenne, iloudy ei jn .) lavenport. clouJy U ' it Senvrr. part cloudy ba ui .ml L- M nines, cloudy 44 4 T North I'latte. cloudy 'o .(. Omaha, rain 4j 61 T K:id 'ity. cloudy .10 Hierlilen. anuw Jri 4) .4 .Sioux 'ltv, rain 44 4 ,n V'xlenl Inv, cloudy a .) Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. VVICLSH. Iocal Kureiaster. "'"'''wa, l"' -ajs v A ITfU . FILM senvxst GEtt. Towns h eh o. SUPERIOR MILL AND LIGHT PLANT BURN Fire Which Starts from Overheated Bearing Causes Loss of Hun dred Thousand. SMALL HOUSES ALSO DESTROYED SUPERIOR, Neb., March 23. (Special Telegram.) Fire, which broke out in the flour mill of the Superior Milling company here to day, destroyed this building, the mill and elevator of the Superior Corn Products' company and the local electric light plant before It was checked. The losa Is estimated at $100,000. The-' flames started from an over-heated bearing. Fanned by a heavy gale from the aoutheast, which swept the flaming firebrands straight toward the busi ness center, "the city was threatened with destruction by fire for several hours by flames which broke out from a hot boxing In the milling plant owned by David Outhrie and operated under a lease jointly by Ernest Meyer & Bona and the Su perior Corn Products company. The mill, as well as the light and power plant of the South Nebraska Power com pany, and several frame residences and outbuildings went before the fire was gotten under control, and for a time It was feared the flames would spread to the most heavily built-up sections of the city Water Sapply Partly Cmt Off. The water supply of the city was In a large measure dependent upon the burning-electric power plant, and when that failed matters took on a serious aspect, but by carefully husbanding the supply on hand Mayor W. 8. Young and Chief George Johnson were able to get the fire under control after It had burned for two hours, and It is not tbought further dam age Is imminent. The fire la said by James Charleton, employe of the mill, who was called from his dinner by the alarm and was the first person on the scene, to have started about a shaft boxing on the second ffoor of the mill shortly after noon, but It spread so rapidly that In ten minutes it was beyond all hope of control, and In less than half an hour the huge building, together with the power house, a frame and brick structure situated fifty feet to the south of the mill building proper,' was but a smouldering heap c' ruins, and the flames spread north to houses occupied by the mill employes. Hrandn t arried Half Mile. The buildings of the Alfalfa rroducts company, which stand a hundred feet east of the mill, were saved by the fact that the wind blew the fire directly away from them. Fire brands from the mill were carried half a mile northwest and set fire to the premises of F. V. Bishop and the the roofs of several frame houses In the intervening space, but these fires were extinguished without loss. Crowds are still watching the burning erasers, aa a high wind continues, and with the fail ure of the auxiliary water supply, the town would be at the mercy of the fire If It should gain a start In the district threatened, which la comprised entirely of small frame houses. The property loss at this time is estimated at :oo,ono, partly covered by Insurance. As a result of the destruction of the . power plant Superior Industries are at a standstill, and Its residents are without lights. (Jas oline engines are at a premium and local dealers have disposed of oil lamps down to the 112 model. The National Capital Tbarsday, Marrh :, tOIA. The euate. Met at noon. Ixbate was resumed on the Indian ap propriation hill. Finance committee considered the house resolution repealing free augar tariff pro visions. Kern amendment to hank law to per mit bank directors to serve as directors In other banks waa favorably reported. The lluxae. Met at 11 a. in. Iterate on army reorganisation bill continued. a and means committee dmocrata met In perfect the ailimnlst rat in tariff committee IcxWlat ion. 1 .Natal i-uniritiiice cuii(inu.-i iiaiiiuini ,uc ' f ne healing. Vicious Drive of Slavi Carry Thenv . . ... Krvnnd Three Trenches of tne rf- Enemy Near Lake Naroci. ROUT FOES WITH THE BAYONET Capture More Than Thousand Pris oner's and Dozen Machine Guns, Says Petrograd. FIGHT ON SEVENTY-MILE FRONT ' PKTKOGRAIl, March 23. (via London.) The Ru-Rlan drive In the vicinity of Lake Narocz. according to reports received here, hss car- tied them through three lines of German trenches. The Russians routed the Germans by bayonet fighting, rapturing more than 1,000 prisoners and a doien machine guns. While admitting that it is not yet clear whether the fighting which is In progress south of Dvinsk sig nifies a general advance of the Rus sian troops in that sector or whether it is intended as a demonstration to attract German forces from the Kranco-German front, the military critics lay emphasis upon what they allude to as the universal success of the attacks during the last few days, the vlclousness of which Is pointed to as being sufficient to have made an impression upon the German general staff. Move In Three C.roape. The Russian troops are operating In three groups covering a front of seventy miles, tiut the severest fighting Is re ported to have occurred in the vicinity of i.w. vror. where the Russians' drive carried them through three lines of Ger man trenches heavily protected by wire entanglements. The Russians resorted to hir favorite method, bayonet fighting .,.r , Germans In spite of desperate resistance and capturing more than 1.000 men. Including seventeen officers, a doxen m.hiu turn and other booty, The Germans are Invariably countering .i. . attacks bv advancing at nther ectlons of the line but from all i.n..rtni according to the military obtervers. the Teutonlo efforts lack co ordination anfi It Is evident that In spite of the recent concentration of additional troops In this region the Russians antici pated any plans their adversaries may have had for a concerted offensive here. . tvv Herman atrenath ' was estlsaated flart autumn to be eight corps of infantry nnrf SAveral .cavalry aiviin region but these have since been consid erably augmented. Rosa C'aptara Croaslnav An important success Is recorded on the Gallclnn front whore the Russians cap tured the crossing of the Dniester at Mlk haltche. The Austrian official communi cation Is cited in reference to this vie tory as it Is admitted. that the Austrian were obliged to abandon the position foU lowing six months' defense after the for tlflcatlons had been reduced by the Russian artillery. Chief of Aviation Service Hurt by a Fall at His Home WASHINGTON, March Ueutenant Colonel Samuel Heber. chief of the army aviation service, tell three stories in his home today and was badly Injured. He was removed to a hospttsl. Reports to the War department after Colonel Reber had been examined at the hospital were that his Injuries were not serious. Colonel Reber fell over the bannister rail of a stairway In his home and plunged down the areaway to the floors below. He Is a son-in-law of Lieutenant General Miles, retired, and recently had been appearing before a board Investi gating charges of Inefficient administra tion of the aviation service. Congressional Inquiry Into the service also has been, proposed and now is pending. "Watch Your Sneeze Or Spread Disease" DK8 MOINF.8, March tJ. (Special.) Because of the prevalence of coughs and colds and the epidemic grip. Des Moines school children are taking lessions In pre vention of the spread of the disease. The following three sentences ara used In the writing lessona and are memorised by the children In the lower grades: "Cover up your sneexer." "Run awsy from sneexers." "Watch your sneeie or spread disease." alius Nellie Warren, principal of Green wood school, originated the sneexe pre caution Idea. The pupils In her school pent one whole dsy In discussing the ef fect of the sneexe on public school health. Berge Persuaded To Make the Race tFrom a Htaff C01 respondent.) LINCOLN, March . -(Speclal.)-Georgs W. Berge of IJncoln has changed his mind and after refusing to accept tbe petition fllina; htm t- - the democratic nomination for attorney general, today sends In his acceptance for the same. FORT DODGE BUSINESS WOMEN ORGANIZE CLUB FORT DODGE, la., March a. Business women of Fort Dodge have organised themselves Into "The Fort Dodge Busi ness Women's club." Among the member ship there sre teachers, doctors, ste nographers and saleswomen.' The club bill meet monthly to dlarues matters. I tie solution of which will be mutually beneficial. .Ne- .v HOUSE PASSES HAY MILITARYMEASURE Bill Increasing Regular Army to 940,000 Men Goes Through Lower Body. JUST TWO OPPOSING VOTES WASHINGTON, March 23. The Hay army increase bill, providing for a regular army peace streugth of 140,000 fighting men Instead of the present 100,000, passed the house late today, hy a vote of 402 to 2. It goea to the senate for immediate consideration virtually as drafted by the house committee. The negative votes were cast by Representatives Britten, republican, of Illinois, and London, socialist, of New York; The Kahn amendment, proposing an Increase of the standing army to 220,000 men, was rejected, 191 to 2U. ' Campaign Against Literacy Test Bill Is Started in Iowa DES MOINES. March O. A campaign has been Inaugurated In Iowa to fight the Burnett literacy test Immigration bill In congress. An effort will be made to Influence the Iowa congressmen to oppose It by a com mittee composed of Rabbi Mannhelmer. R. Marks, S. Engleman and Mra. 8. Levlaon of Des Molnee, This committee also represents the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America, of which Leon Banders Is president and whose advisory board comprise Ixniis D. Brandels, Jacob II. Schlff. Issac N. Pellg man. Oscar Straus, and other men of na tional prominence. The local committee will secure slgn rs to a petition directed to the members of congress Immediately, as there Is fear of aotlon on the measure within a short time. The petition follows: 'I respectfully protest against the pas sage of the Burnett immigration 0111, which is now pending before the congress of the United States. I believe this meas ure to be contrary to the best traditions and principles of our country, and I am convinced that the existing law provides sufficient safeguards against the admis sion to the United States of immigrants who are physically, mentally and morally unfit. I believe that the adoption of this restrictive measure seriously Will hamper the commercial progress and development of the t'nitcd States." SchoonerLoaded with Munitions for Villa is Stranded Off Mexico NEW YORK. March itS.-The schooner La Provtdencla. which went aehore on the coast of Mexico last week, was smuggling arms and amniTltlon for Francisco Villa, according to word re ceived here today by Juan T. Burns, consul general fur the de facto govern ment, from the Mexican ministry of war and marine. Alfredo Rlcot, supposed owner of the schooner, and several other persons on hoard were arrested by the constitu tionalist authorities, the message stated. Our Friday Market Guide Dependable information about the market is nec essary to the alert, house wife who wants to supply the table with seasonable food stuffs. The Bee gives this information in a spe cial page each Friday and the best food purveyors of the city tell our readers through their advertise ments what they are offer ing. See Tomorrow's Bee y fv vii fsx "r Jiife,. ..,h- m . -J j - , ... . . . .J-- f I f.j.t .-...... s .. - T .-fy: ' ... . i , a rfUk.-' VMS.- C.Kt t - . . . - aW v. j.. . V , at r . ... 4 H ,.i vK .J -. Vt .- 1 ' 'T?'. " ' '-'J' ' -. '' ' " if W linKllU-. llfi Jllfl' 1 I W lit III! II III .. jaOX -J ' -., . r f Xn raMas. s . iiw.4i .Si. : . H BimiiiiMiis si iisiismiii siiii mi i HI' 1 1 1 ilium I I mil m "I l " ii i n aiwse-m Wl, iy i m h mm Zl AtttTVMrtOH CONVOY. Osn rLf SVZyrcM . a.aM.aaawaawMMaBaaaaMwaiaawwawaa.MaMiaMawMaaaaaaiaaaiaaHia n aa a WOODMEN CIRCLE HEAD STARTS SUIT Mrs. Emma Manchester Brings Action in District Court to Prevent Curtailment of Her Powers. EFFORT TO CHECK AUTHORITY Mrs. Km ma D. Manchester, as su preme guardian of the Supreme For est of the Woodmen Circle, women'a auxiliary of the Woodmen of the World, brought suit In district court yesterday against the national execu tive body of the woman'a organisa tion, alleging that they are Illegally withholding from her certain pre rogatives and authorities. Mrs. Manchester for eighteen years has been the chief national officer of the circle and was re-elected last June at St. I'aul to another four-year term. She asks the court to restrain the members of the executive council from holding In effect a resolution recently pasaed, which she asserta, deprives her of the right to ap point committees and officer as provlfioci In the constitution of the organisation. 'Members at ' Caanell. The members of the executive council are Miss Dora Alexander, supreme clerk, OniAha; Mrs. Mary La Rocca, supreme adviser, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Ida W. Kelly, supreme banker, Dee Moines, la.; Mrs. Maggie Hydo, supreme' attendant, Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Mary Taylor, chair man of the board of managers, of San Antonio, 'Tex.; Effle Rodgers, Little Hock, Tex.; Rmma F. Campbell, supreme manager. Port Huron, Mich.; Mamie E. Ixng, supreme manager. New York City; Mrs. Annie Watts, supremo chaplain, Merldan, Miss.; Mrs, Florence Rolling, supreme Inner sentinel, Hammond, Ind.; Mrs. Msry C. Delahunty, supreme outer sentinel. Charleston, S. C. ; and Mrs. C. M. Kelly, supreme manager, of 6t. Louis,, Mo. f Attoraeya la Case. Attorneys for the plslntlft are Stout, Rose A Wells, Arthur Mullen and Judge J. J. Fulllvan. Her attorneys declare that the petition filed yesterday which asks relief from the resolution adopted by the supreme council, Is the result of a con troversy that has been waged of late among officers of tbe order. Mrsslsg of Reaoletloa. The resolution in effect compels Mrs. Manchester as head of the Circle to sub mit all appointments of deputy supreme guardians, general, special and local or ganisers and managers for soliciting members and organising groves; also lecturers, adjusters and assistants and all action fixing their compensation snl paying them, to a committee of officers consisting of Mrs. Manchester as supremo guardian; Mary E. I .a Rocca, supreme adviser, and Dora Alexander, supreme clerk; and compels submission of sll ac tions .taken to the executive council whenever it la in session. Commercial Club ' Takes Up Fight for a New Depot The public affairs committee of the Commercial club took up the project of a new I'nlon Opot for Omaha at Its noon meeting and Instructed Chairman II II. Baldrlge to appoint a special com. mlttee w hich shall .confer with the rail roads with regard to the advlaabillty of a new t'nlnn depot. This committee will be sppolnted. Immediately. Women Stand in Line for Hours to Buy Tickets for the Big Fight NHW YORK. March U Women stood In lines for hours early today waiting for tickets to be placed on ssle for the W'lliard-Moian fight on Saturday night. When the box office at Madison Square Garden opened, It was besieged by a crowd of several hundred persons to pur chase the U and $5 tickets which were placed on sale. Msny of them had been standing In line since midnight, some bringing breakfast with them. The ticket sellers bad t.OuO or the lower priied aeata to sell, but could have dis posed of m.OUO. Only two tickets were sold to a person, officials said. In sn effort to keep them out of tha hands of speculators. LOST FLYER FOUND; OUT 0FGAS0LINE Lieutenant Gorrell, Mining; in M ". ican Deiert, Picked Up by Motor Train. DEEP SAND DELAYS TRUCKS COLl'Mni S, N. M., March 23. Lieutenant Edgar R. Gorrell of the United States Aero corps, who has been missing since last Sunday, waa found today three miles south of Ascension by a motor truck train under Lieutenant J. L. Parkinson, Twentieth Infantry according to re ports made tonight to Military head quarters here. . Lieutenant Gorrell waa uninjured, but waa out of gaso line and had lost his way. Wireless communication with the expeul tlonsry base at Casss urandss wss re sumed today when It was learned by Major Sample, commanding the army station here, that all the transport trucks and wagons with their drivers and guards were sate at the ' temporary base. Two drivers and four 'guards, "who left As- eeftslon for Caaas Urandes last Mondsy, who had been missing reported today. The trucks were delsyed by the heavy i sand trail. . ... No additional Information was received! today' of the reported defection of Gen eral Luis Herrera, Carransa's former military governor of Chihuahua, and In army quarters here It waa aald that an nouncement of Horrera's revolt may have been prematura. Tugs Will Escort Nieuw Amsterdam Through War Zone ROTTERDAM. March .-(Vla Lon don.) The Holland-American line an nounced definitely today that the Nleuw 'Amsterdam would sail at 11 o'clock to night. It will be accompanied as far as The Downs by tugs, with llfe-aavlng ma terials. These tugs also will escort the steamship Rotterdam Incoming from Nsw York from The Downs to this port. Negotiations with the Sailors' union have been concluded satisfactory, so that no trouble with the crew of the Nleuw Amsterdsm is expected. About 6150 pas sengers boarded the Nleuw Amsterdam yesterday evening and are waiting for the vessel to sail. TUB HAai.'K, Netherlands. March a.--(Via Ixindon, March 21) The stesmshlp Zeelandla, slstur ship of the Tuhantla, which recently waa sunk by a mine or a torpedo, will not salt for Buenos Aires. March 2D. as had been arranged. There la much discussion of the geslton that Dutch steamships be voyed by warships. . aug- coiu Swedish Socialist Editors Charged With High Treason STOCKHOLM. March i..-Vla Lon don.) Three socialistic editors, Measri. Hoeglund. Oljelund and Hedon, have beer arrested on a charge of high treason. In consequence of the passing of a resolu tion at a conference ofHwedlsh socialist organisations, that a general strike snd a revolution be stsj-ted In esse of war. A great sensation haa been aroused over the Incident, ss Mr. Hoeglund Is one of the most prominent members of the Swe dish Parliament. Confidence Is the keynote of the Moran camp, regardless of tha fart that Wlllard is sn overwhelming favorite among the pugilistic experts and the average fol lowers of boxing. Keports of the cham pion's slxe snd physical process elicit nothing more than a smile from the man who la to try to wrest his title away Saturday night. Moran's confidence In his ability not only to outbox Wlllard, but to knock out the gigantic Kansan Is lit tle short of sn obsession. Moran admits that hs has never seen Wlllard outside of the "movies," but claims thst this Is no handicap, aince he has teen able to study' every move of the conqueror of Jack Johnson st his leisure. Carranza Commander at Jnarei De clares Bandit Beaten by Cano and Now in Flight Before Gutierrez. HERRERA FLOPS, SAYS BELL American General at El Paso Con firms Report of Chief's De sertion to Outlaw. . HERRERA DENIES IN MESSAGE SAN ANTONIO, Tex.. March 23. General Bell, at El Paso, sent to General unston today a message, aay inn tha this (Bell's) report of yester day that General Herrera had re tolted has been confirmed. General Kttnston advised the War depart ment. EL PASO, Tex., March 23. Gen eral Oavtra of t he Juarei garrison received further advices this after noon regarding, the battle hetween Tancho Villa and Colonel Cano near Namiqulpa last Monday. General Gavira aald the Villa troops were routed and fled toward Namiqulpa and that forces of General Luia Gu tlerrei went in pursuit to give Villa further battle. According to a telegram General Oavlra says he received, the battle which took place seversl kilometers south of Namiqulpa, lasted several hours. Forces Advance oa Yllla. Villa, according to the telegram, la now In the vicinity of Namiqulpa. Forces are advancing upon Villa in command of Colonel Cano, from Las Cruces; Colonel Palas, from Babrlcora; Colonel Hernan des, from Tenehusnes; General Qsrsa, from Santa C'lars. and General Cavasos, from emosacts, the telegram added. Further confirmation that General Luis Herrera of the Chihuahua garrtaon had not deserted to Villa wss received by Genersl Gavira of the Juares garrison this afternoon In a telegram from Gen eral Herrera himself. The telegram said: ''Tour tetegram of yesterday received. Deny In mr name emphatically the rumor that the reaction aries' have circulated in Ban Antonio, Tex., saying I have gone ever to Villa. ' On the contrary, I am ready to fight him '; as energetically as possible." Fa astern Prepares. BAN ANTONIO. March .-Qenerl Funaton proceeded today with his plan at preparation to meet the altered. tttlou that would be oreated by any injection of new forces' lnta the Villa organisation that General Pershing fighting. No ad ditional evidence confirming the reported defection of General Luis Herrera and ' I.Ooo Carransa troops In Chihuahua was received. No report has been mads to General Funaton of arevolt at Torreon or in , Bonora. Unofficial reports were that many of the troops In Bonora yesterday proclaimed themselves adherents of -Villa. . 1 General Funston todsy sent to General Pershing at Caaas Grsades orders to make earlier and more detailed reports of his operations. Whether the Seventh cavalry had en countered and defeated a detachment of Villa's men near Namiqulpa, as reported last night, waa not known at head quarters. Jfa Mara Trttsi Asked. No additions! troops have been asked ' for since the Fifth cavalry and the Twen-ty-foueth Infantry were ordered to the border. Oeneral Funston la yet anxious to use the Northwestern railway tor tha move ment of supplies. The quartermaster at Columbus reported that less difficulty now Is being encountered in moving sup plies with the automobile trucks, but' staff officers regard such a method aa lnadeauate. No Information concerning a report that ' Oeneral Pershing Is using a actios, of the Northwestern railroad for transporta tion of troops was available at head quarters here, but General Funston said It might be that he waa uslnr that part of the line south of Casss Grandes to the Cumbre tunnel. It he was using It, Gen eral Funston ssld, it was with the eon sent of the local commander. ay Mare Ksteaaea Map. Staff officers of General Funston' studied a more extended area of north ern Mexico today. The probable moves of Herrera snd his 2.000 men were care fully considered and at every point along the border where they might disturb the ' peace on the American side careful note was taken of the positions of American troops and the time it would take to get them to the scene. That phsse of the situation did not (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) $: $ $ If your property is not producing an income that is satisfactory to you, why not add some cash and exchanged for a properly improved . property that-wjll? A Bee Want-Ad. will do the trick. PHONE rIVleri00O