Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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State Superintendent Urpes Rising1
Generation Should Lave Love
for the Flag.
TYSON of Knoxville, Term.;
appointed assistant secretary
of war by President Wilson.
iFiom Stuff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. March TL (Ppectiil'
MiprHntondrnt Thomss believes that ev
ery school In the country and every
sihnlsr should bo alive to the conditions
which surround the country and that
patriotism should be Inculcated In the
minds of the rising generation. With
that end In view he has prepared and
sent oul the following Instructions to
superintendents and tesihers:
Tho weather vane of the time, con
ttnry to nl leHtsbllshe I law, seerns to
point In two direction. We know not
uhlch direction will finally be hown
hv thl instrument; whether the V'nlted
States Is able to avoid war and aland a
an example to all nations as a country
of democracy and free Institutions and
that throuah Ha Influence the natlona
may be led Into a long period of peace,
or whether we are entering a period of
the heroic In war euch as the world hsa
never seen, should make little difference
In the method of teaching patriotism In
oor schools.
The times are especially propltloua for
patriotic Instruction. There never was a
time when the teaching of the English
'Innsuaae should be an thoroughly
emphasised. The Declaration of Independence-
and "America" should be
taught to every child, and every child
old enanjeh should read Kdward Everett
Hale's "Man Without a Country - and
Abraham Uncoln'a "Oettyaburg Ad
dress." The flag should be displayed
In every schoolroom or upon every
school house; its roeanlng. Its history
and that for which It stands should be
taught. The salute recommended by tha
Orarxt Army of the Republic and tha
Woman's Relief Corps is especially ap
propriate for the smaller children;
"I pledge allegiance to the flag and
the republic for which It stands; one
country; one language; one flag."
(from a Ataff Correspondent.)
LtVCOLN. March 22. (Special.) State
Treasurer George Hall baa discovered a
new meaning to tha word "affiliate." as
It la used In connection with tha affi
davit of acceptance of petition filed
for a candidate.
The affidavit reads, "I hereby affiliate
with tha party, etc." Mr. Hall
construes tha word differently than other
candidates and In hla letter to the seure
taryof state withdrawing hla acceptance
of a petition filed by membere of tha
progressiva party says that ha affiliates
with tha progressiva party because tha
progressiva party waa organised to da.
feat the republican party and a tha
democratic party la alao trying to defeat
tha republican party tha two parties
However, ha says that If there la n9
objection to his accepting the filing ha
will withdraw hla acceptance, thanking
the petitioners for ther Interest In hla
rampagn and hope they won't forget
it at the general election If ha get the
,1 P
y t
P-TV Iff
Col. iuJa TYsath
Dr, LeonhartHurt
As Motor Car Upsets
tr'rnin a Ktaff Correspondent.)
UNCOI.N, March a. (Special Tele
gram.) J. S. I .con hurt, a well known
phjslclan of thla section of tha state, and
at one time a member of the Lincoln city
council, was very seriously hurt by hla
automobile upsetting at the high grade
croaelmr of the Missouri Pacific tracks,
four miles east of Lincoln. The steering
wheel pinned him beneath the machine,
breaking three ribs, necessitating an op
erntlon to remove the broken bones, which
hsd penetrated one of his lungs.
The road approaches the track on a
shiirp turn and the doctor lost control,
the machine going Into the ditch at the
bottom of the high grade. Mrs. I .eon
hart and another woman with her were
Gunshot Reward for
Farmer with Kodak
BEATRICE. Neb., March K.-tBneclal
Telegram.) A woman traveling through
the country In company of her husbnnd
with a team of oxen, shot at Adolph
Ouenther. a farmer living near Plckrell
today when ha attempted to take a cam-
ra picture of the outfit. Ouenther ea-
aped Injury and called the sheriff who
arrested tha couple. They refuse to give
their names.
HASTINGS. Neb.. March 22. (Rpeolat
Telegram.) Questions sent cut by tha
state superintendent's office for county
eighth grade examinations are beyond the
mental reach of tha pupils, said Miss
Attorney General Reed came to Omaha
yesterday, and for a week will he under
the cgre of his brother, Dr. W. H. Reed,
who resides at Benson.
Tha attorney general has had a severs
time during the last two months, at first
being taken with . an aggravated attack
of grip, when he was compelled to go to
the springs for a week's treatment. On
his return he undertook to take up his
duties at tha state house and Buffered a
relapse. Ills condition was very serious
at ona time, but' It Is now hoped that a
good rest will put him In shape srfaln. .
HATER CRNTER. Neb., March 22
(Special.) A prairie firs three miles wide
commencing about seven miles southeast
of here swept tha country for a distance
of about twelve miles yesterday, being
driven, by a strong northwest wind. Many
from this place responded to an appeal
for help, but It was not until tha wind
went down In the evening that the fire
wa under control. Fences, telephone,
lines and seventeen stacks of wheat were
destroyed. The origin of the fire Is un-
BEATRICK. Neb., March 22.-Ppeclal
Telegram.) John Bartler and Oanla Smith
were run down by bloodhounds from this
city esrly today near Pawnee City, where
they are charged with robbing the home
of Frank Howard of $100 worth of ar
ticles last night. Borne of the stolen
property was found In their possession.
At Ihelr preliminary hearing at Pawnee
City this afternoon they were bound over
to the district court on a bond of S2,onO
reneau'SnTmewTll NOT
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 22. (Hpeolal.)-The
name of I. A. Reneau of Broken How will
not appear on the republican primary
ballot for delegate-at large to the repub
lican national convention, as a count of
his petitions discloses' that he lacks suf
ficient names In two of the districts, the
Fourth and Fifth, to make the filing legal.
Thla will be a disappointment to Mr.
Rsneau's friends, because a lager number
fleet red to seem htm go on tha ballot.
Governor Sets Apart
General Cleanup Day
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 21 (PpeclaDGover
nor Moorehead has Issued the following;
"Again as governor of the atate, I feel
Impelled to call the attention of the peo
ple of Nebraska to the necessity of
guarding against the dstruction of prop
erty by fire. Instructive fires have been
prevalent throughout the different ststes
during the past few months, and at this
writing a conflagration, destroying mil
lions of dollars worth of property la rag
ing In rsris, Texas; homes snd business
houses are belns wlied out and over
IMiiO.oriO damage sustslned, by a popula
tion of JO.nuO. Five thousand people are
Ithout food or shelter, and win om
dependent upon others for Immedlste
help. During the winter months, rub
bish and all kinds of Inflammable sub
stance has been accumulating, and the
dry winds of March will prepare thla for
the lighted metch or stub of cigar or
other means of Ignition. Tns lime to
clean awav everything that makes It
easy for a fire to start la at hand.
"I tnererore urg ins ween Deginning
Anrll 10. be observed as Clean ITp Week.
during which time there be united action
In regard to this business, each Individ
ual joining his neighbor In the good
work. Don't wait, begin now. Vlafely
First.' "
Primaries Not
Public Functions,
Holds Texas Court
AUSTIN, Tex . March 22-The state
supreme court today held unconstitutional
a law passed by the last legislature pro
viding for the holding cf a democratic
presidential preferential election. Sub
stantially, the decision said public funds
were not available for holding party pri
maries for the reason that these pri
maries were not public functions.
t ;
FAIRBURT, Neb., March" i.M9pclal
Telegram.) Sheriff Ed Hughes la return
ing from Boise, Idaho, with "Puffer"
Olds, formerly of thla city,' and Is ex
pected to arrive In Falrbury Friday.
Olds Is charged with deserting his Wife
and two children and was caught - In
Boise. Sheriff Hughes secured a requl-
Carrie Sullivan. Adams county sunerln- jsltlon from the governor ot Idaho for his
tendent. In a statement today. She says
many of tha questions are ao constructed
as to baffle tha reasoning powers of the
child. One of the questions to which she
objects Is: "What (a the effect of rural
mall service, telephone snd the automo
bile on rural lifer Another Is: Who la
S&ehulon Plkef One pupil examined here
said the Income tax was a tax coming In,
and that tha spoils systejn was a system
put up by some people and spoiled by
others. "Humidity la the way the people
live." wrote ons pupil.
These answers, says Miss Sullivan, are
not the fault of tha pupils, but of the
return. Olds will be placed In Jail at
Falrbury and prosecuted for wife deser
tion.. He Is a former Rock Island brake
man of this city.
Chamber of Commerce Bedaet.
HAHTINOH. Neb., March 22. (Special
Telegram.) The "Chambo rof Commerce
has adopted a budget amounting to
for the coming twelve months. This In
cludes the salary of -the director of the
testings municipal band. Since the busi
ness men have been relieved of tha bur
den of state league base ball by the fail
ure of the loop, It Is expected tha fuad
will be quickly raised.
NORTH PLATTE, Net).. March
(Special.) Whether or not a man can
mall his filing fee on the last day for
filing and still bo considered a candidate
is a question which is pusxllng county
officials of Lincoln county. R. L. Frame
of Hershey mailed his filing fee toha
county treasurer last Saturday and now
tho question artsea whether under the
present law a filing mailed on tha date
answers tho purpose of a filing made in
ths office of the county treasurer. The
'matter will be taken up with ths attor
ney general, who will be asked to give
a decision on tho question.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 21 (Special.) For
the week beginning April S. the schools
of ths stats will ba asked to join In a
study of food conditions and tha best
methods to be used in sanitary handling
f ths same. Mate Superintendent
Thomas thla morning sent out a letter
coertng the matter.
Move for hew Catarrh.
HASTINGS, Neb.. March H-tHueclal
Telegram. V A moverwnt has been put
under way to erect a new Episcopal
.c-hurrh here. If the proposed building Is
not made the cathedra) for the western
Ni bravka district It may be erected at a
memorial for the late Mrs. Lee H. Young,
wife of tho rector.
liRAND ISLAND. Neb.. March 22.
tsiwcial l Chief of Police Bnodgrass and
wife of Grand Island were visitors at the
borne nunuay.
Kteward John Frown of the west hos
I'll 1 baa returned and Is again at his
pont or duty.
Mrs. Dr. Waggoner'a father of Fella
( ity visited over Sunday at ths home.
His name was mentioned quits frequently
in news dispatches recently from his
bome place, as he was the victim of an
accident there.
Commandant Walsh is absent from his
dsk. It Is rumored that he Is endeavor
ing to secure the services of a band to
pisy on ueoorauon day. May su.
Spring work on the home farm has
cummriioed in earnest, aud everyone coa-
ii in wnn inai work la busy.
I'.cv. I. O. Snick of Grand Island occu
I I. d the pulpit at the Soldiers' home
r.Hprl lest fcunaay and gsve an excel
Ifui addiees. lie etated tlist he wss In
surd to give a discourse oa teniperaou
at Islington next feunday.
Mrs. A. K. tie ward has beea eonflned
to brr room for the last week on account
ot a recreucs of the grip.
To Tots at ."forth Bena.
FREMONT. Neb., March 22,-(Rpeclal.)
Dissatisfaction on the part of some
of tha business men of North Bend with
conditions following a year tinder the
dry" regime wil probably result in the
question being put to a vote again this
Veteran Burlington
Conductor Suffers a
Paralysis Stroke
Daniel O'Shea, aged about ffi years,
one of the oldest conductors on the Bur
lington in point of service, suffered a
third stroke of paralysis at St. Joseph
Tuesday night and his recovery is con
sidered doubtful. En route from their
home to Lincoln, Mrs. O'Shea this morn
ing passed through tha city, going to her
husband, who Is In ona of tha 8t. Joseph
More than forty years ago Mr. O'Shea
started with the Burlington, practically
all the time working on the lines west
of the river. For some twenty years ho
has run a passenger train between Lin
coln and St. Joseph. At one time he waa
roadmaster on tho lines west of tho river.
Tuesday morning, apparently in good
health. Mr. O'Shea took hla train out of
Ijlncoln. Fhortly after reaching St.
Joseph In ths afternoon, he complained
of pot feeling' well and soon afterward
became unconscious. He had previously
suffered two slight strokes of paralysis.
City Prosecutor McOuIre states that
this morning a grist of getty ap
peal cases will be called In district
court. It la announced that in cases
wherein appellants or bondsmen do not
appear the bonds will be forfeited.
William J. Tanaeman Ied.
AVOCA, Neb., March 22.-(Special V
Hllnm J. Tangeman, aged 66 years, died
at his home In Talmage Saturday after
an Illness of several weeks of heart fail
ure. He leaves a wife, one eon and one
Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Kindeldey Addresses
Music Teachers
LINCOLN, Neb.. March 21 Otto Kin
deldey, chief of ths music department of
the New York City library, wss ths Prin
cipe! speaker today at ths third day'a
sessions of the National Music Super
visors. In convention here. . "The Influ
ence of Folk Music on the Progress of
Art" was his subject. A banquet and
round-table discussion Is to be held this
evening, followed by a grand opera se
lection to be given by local high school
students. Ths morning was spent by
visiting high school classea In musical
appreciation, musical history, harmony
and voice, followed by -a ' discussion of
school work Inspected.
Market linnrr Home Sold.
BLAIR. Neb., March :.-(SpeclaI.)
The summer farm residence of the late
J. T. Msrkel, Omaha hotel and railroad
eating house promoter, with about sixty,
nine acres of adjoining land, near De
Soto atatlon, waa . bought thla week by
Lee Smith, whose Isnd joins ths Market
land. The price was 110,600. This deal
closes out ths last Interests of tha Market
eatata in ths 1.800-acre farm bought by
him some thirty years ; ago, and upon
which he spent thousands ot dnllsrs In
building, ditching and othor improve
ments. Tills property Is one of the finest
summer residences north of Omaha.
Protests Johnaoa'a Kama. .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 22. (Special Tele
gram.) M. 8. Wilcox, chairman of the
Burt county democratic committee, hsa
entered a protest with ths secretary of
state against the name of Nels Johnson,
who hsa filed for the state senste from
thst district on the republican ticket, ap
pearing on the democratlo primary ballot
as petitioned for by Burt county demo
crats, who have no candidate for the
nomination. Mr. Johnson served In the
1900 session In the lower house.
AVOCA.' NehT March" 22. (Speclal.)-A
petition containing the required amount
of signers has been presented to the
mayor of Palmyra, which they wish to
place the electrto Itght proposition on ths
ballot at the coming election.
RUSHVILLE, Neb., March 22. (Spe
cial.) The Rushvllle Commercial club
gave a noonday luncheon today to tha
business men, when over 100 aat down
to a most appetising meat prepared by
ths members of ths Mothers' club. Judge
Westover presided and in a few happy
remarka. introduced Frank I. Ringer,
commissioner of the Manufacturers' is
soclatlnn, who made a splendid talk on
community Interests, using as his slogan.
Oct Acquainted With Your Neighbor;
You Xlay Like Him." The speaker, was
eloquent with good humor and pathos,
snd won the deep respect and sympathy
of ths audience In his presentation of the
better community way. At tha conclusion
of his address he recited the poem, "The
Man That Is to Take My Place." Judge
Westover afterward called for a ' rising
vote of thanks to ths speaker, which was
responded to most heartily. This after
noon Mr. Ringer addressed the school
children, for whom he had a special mes
sage for ths boys and glrlss in helping
the community to better and higher
Rryea at Pawmre City.
BEATRICBt - Neb., March .-' Special
Telegram.) W; J. Bryan willy speak here
Saturday night on state Issues.
Frsakli Caaaty.
'Complete filings In Frapklln county
follows: '
State Senator Republicans: rr.' Butler.
Carl Spence. A. T. Ready. Democrats:
John W. Robinson, Charles S&muelson,
Martin O. Munson. E. Spawn.
legislature Republican: W. C. Dorsey,
Albert A. Albers. Democrets: Nels P.
Hansen, Carl Burnhsm, David He
Cracken. Treasurer Republicans: A. J. Dunlavy.
Victor Thompson. Democrats: Rmll Nel
son. Chris ltoupp. H. Weston.
Clerk Democrats: Thomas Ixirentsen,
O. Muckel. No republican candidate.
County rintendent Democrats:
Mlse Kato- .iss O'Neal. Prof. Bonner.
No republic.... candidate.
Clerk District Court Democrats: J. E.
Mens. Repubullcsns: E. 8. Murray.
County Attorney Democrats. J. Lossy,
I hnmuelson, A. Hole. Republicans.
Charles Hlasenka. ,
County Assessor Republican: Harry
Shryock. Democrat: Charles Brown.
' ''J '" f ,'" i c7 r,V" """J" " 11 1 "' I"";1" 'Ji "I'll" ii i wm '!
"lK 'V'nV v ' ' '
:r a m L - -J -
.vV ff L there it no better food than
'V i- Aim iri
i ' i . W a. I a gaka I i n
t 1 i
Grape -Nuts
with cream r good milk.
Many disease of cluldhood and youth are due to
faulty diet diet that restrict the amount of needed
mineral salts, the lack of which, as your family physi
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diseases of mal-nutrition.
Crape-Nuts, made of whole wheat and malted
barley is rich in these vital mineral element so
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This food taste good, is easily digested, and many
letter trom parents, alter trial, testily
"There's a Reason"
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I Custom icfasfftwf J
A high purchase price for a high quality car
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ment of a custom-made body.
The price of White motor cars is stable,
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without depreciation of. the other. . Neither
the methods nor the results of quantity pro
duction apply in the manufacture of a White.
"Thirty" Touring Car $2700
, , "Forty-Five" Touring Car $3800 '
,2205 Parnam Sttet ' '
L.Cklcag9 12:40
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