It THE a.. BKE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, .MAUCH lM, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Only Thirty-Fire Can of Wfcett Re ported and Caih Wheat S1N Unchanged. CORK D KLINES ONE CENT OMAHA. The rerelpt of corn March C. 191. and wheat con- Itnu light. There were only thirty-five rsr of mhut reported In and the rash. ht market waa quoted unchanged. lorn was lower lodav. Th better grede of this cerea.1 dole) at yeterd' price, while the oft grsd corn declined a cent. l were quoted unchsnged to ty lower. Mont of the sales were mad at Vc off. Jive waa atrong. advancing 1 to 2c. Parley wa unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, eqtml to 1.017,000 bu.; corn. 177.0no bu.; oata, t.H) bu. IJverpool clone: Wheat, unchanged; corn. Id higher. Primary wheat receipt were l.IM.Om) bu. and shipments S86.000 bu., sgalnat re celpts of 7EMW0 bu. and ahlpmenta of 4J".a bi. lsst year. Prlmsrr com receipt were 7S1.000 bu. and shipments tu., against receipt of 4cA.o bu. end ahlpmenta of 615,000 bu. lsst vear. Prlmsrv oat receipt were WU.0OO bu. and shipments W7.000 bu.. againat receipt of l.ZM.noO bu. and ahlpmenta of l.OW.ow bu. laat year. CARIXIT RECEIPT". Wheat. Corn. Oat. fhlrago Vlnneapolla , piihith Omaha Kanea lly Pi. Inula ... . r w n . 4 . M . So M If . M 4 I . f.l 3b It ......... Winnipeg . Ml Theaa aalea were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, l.flft'4. No. I hard winter: 1 car, 11.04: 1 cai. 1.K; 4-& car. $101; t earn, fl.OO'4; 1 car. 11.02; 1 rar, ft.o. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. tl.OO; J care, Wc; 4 car. Wo; 1 rar, Mc; 4 cr. 91c. Rampl hard winter. 1 car, 71c. No. 4 aprlng: 1 car, 97c. No. I durum: 1 car, Mc; 1 car (light) Mc. riem ple durum: 1 car (oata mixed) 95 No. I durum mixed: 1-i car, 910. No. I durum !nlx-d. 1 car, Kc. No. 4 mixed: I car. I I 00.. H No. 4; 1 car. JTVfcc. orn No. II white. car, No. 4 white, t car. Mr; 7 car. B40; 1 car. Mc. No. t yellow, 1 car, S7'c. No. 4 el!ow. 1 car, 4e; t car. No. 5 jellow. I ?-J rara, ; 1-6 car, (tic; 1 car, Mr. No. yellow. 1 car, 63c. Hampla yel low, J-4 cer, Mc. No. t mixed, 14 cara. Mo. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, tec; 14 car, 4V; 1 car. t'.c. No. I mixed. 1 cara, 63c; 1 rara. tlr: 1 car, 62c. No. mixed, J car, K'c: 1 car. or; I cam, nats-Ptsndard, 1 car. 44c. No. I white, t car. 4'JSc; 1 cr. 42'c; 1 car. 4!c. No. 4 white. I car. 4 1 He. Sample white, 1 car, 4c. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: No. i hard, tl.n4fil."S'. No. 1 bard, Miict'fl."4: No. 4 hard, WeCi $1.V No. I aprlng. ll.OVq 1.12; No. 1 spring. ll.OIQl.0ft: No. I durum, Wit Hc: No. S durum. Corn: No. 3 white: Mc; No.. 4 white, MmiMir; No. I white. IHflJ.1c: No. white, MVi 2c; No. I yellow, "3Tc: No. 4 yellow. otiK.c; No. yellow. n4yi(Wc; No. 6 yellow, fS&1n: No. I mixed tiniyfrwc; 0, 4 mixed. aWic: No. & mtsd, l?!83c; No. mixed. Wmi2Hc. Oat: No. I whle, (W1V; etsndsrd. 44',tir44'c; No. I white, 42rr4'o; No. 4 white. 41'u41V- Harley: .Malting. ftmtKV; No. 1 feed, tittu'ajc. Kye: No. 2, fcxfiWi'; No. 8, 7;sSc. Chicago closing price, furnished Tha Bee hv Iyaan A Bryan, stock and grain broker. Si& South Wsteenth. Omaha: Artee Open 1 1 1 g"h". Ijow. I Clae. Ye-y. l..e.j 1 neat 1ay.;t ',! 1 0M 1 OdH l 0'ir i 1 cSl 1 fri 1 07' 1 07' 1 Tj I j lOt', 1 OSTVl K'ft 1 W'x . I J OS I . 74M,;74'VBVil 76', "6 V 76 "fi 1 "H July Hept. 1 WV,! 1 Iril io; 1 07 Corn. i My.!76ff! 76 f77 July. 76!. V 7Pi' Sept. I . 7t! . "i (t. 1 i May. 44Miy 44SI 4!r,i ' 44 i444f?H July- 4.7wiHi " 42H!42SJ' 2to"m Mv0 t-orn. i i May. ii ftfttr H oo fci w July. Ird. May. July. ept. Rlh... May. .Inly. 77Vt! tl I 11 62Vt' II 66 1176 11 II 00 11 1fl 12 i:r H T7U 12 OS 13 12'4J It 901 11 CHK A4. .KAI A.M rHOVISIU.a l'eatnrr of the Trading: d C'loataaT Prlrea n Board ( Trad. CHICAOO. Match 25. Although at flrat I he wheat market t'ay eemed to ilUre gard peace nporU. the bnarlxh effect of a ui U gosnlp tecaiiHi inantfent later., largely a a result prion ioed un ettl'd. Vitl Vc to SHc net lower, with May at l.(Vsfj1.0SV nd July at It o;w. 1'uin luat l'o to lVSISc; oala, Wc, ond provtalnn. liV312c to K:. 1' talk wa relatively Ignored her for a while, owing to official denial, but the attitude of tinder changed to a con eldemljle extent after the market at Liverpool developed weakner. whlih wan xplaimd tn cablegrama a due miri or Ice to "politic." Prior to the dUnatrhe telling of th- weak cloee at IJver)Kol price were hull lalily affected by fear of a late apr rig in the north weat and of a delayed movement Iter because of continued wintry weather. Cnfavorahle crop report from the far southwest and from the soft winter wheat atatea tended also to give value a transient life, hentlment, how ever, turned more and more to tha bear 'de a the sesalon drew to a close, with buyers apparently In no mood to take any unneceaaary chances over niKht re garding dlpluniatlo ntovea in Ktirop. 4'rlpiled, wire service which may have retarded buying orders, formed an addi tional handicap to tha bulls. Increasing supplies and the slowness of tuurn demand pulled down corn. Oats were depressed by tha wenknesa of other grain. Heavy aalea of turd acted aa a weight on tha provision market. lullTtrt-Higher; creamery. SHiJtmc. VMii Higher; receipt, 1DJ44 ensen; firsts. 1SH ; ordinary flmts, lVc; at imri tun Included, 1llvc. POCLTHV-AIIv. unchanged; fowl. 17c: prlnc, I7jc. POTATOK8 Higher; receipt. II csrs: Michigan. Wlconln, Minnesota and Ia kota white, ); Minnesota and Ia kota Ohloa. S&o3c. SVFIV YORK GtlKHAL MtRKIf Qaatatlaaa af laa Day mm Various amnnodltlea. NF.W YORK. March. 2J.-FLOCR-Strid VAHKAT Mpot market waa steady No. 1 durum. 11.2; No. 1 hard' ll.iSty: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 1.33V' No' 1 norinern, wanuoua. l.fA. f. o. b.. New orit. Kulures easy; Way, II.16W. CORN-Hpot. ev: No. 1 ycllos 12 ;"c. c. . t.. Ms york. 'AT Spot, easy: standard. 10c: No 1 while Vt--tc. KKKIW Iisy' weaSern brand, standard inlildllnga. 4 4 Tiii.4uo, city bran, tCI.60; b"ti In 1'il-lb. sacks. HAY Ktrm: No. 1. 1 ?oft.4r: No. 1 n l il JO, No. X. ll Ooul.Oj. shippln! W JHic. Ho I'. steady; state, common to cho ca, 'ii, 14i-.'V: li4. twe, Facitlc coast. I;u5 V14. lol'k-. illliKH-lltu; Uogota. 4M4.(4c; Central Aniri'a, 11c. I.KATHKK Firm; hemlock first. Sfic; eiofids. a)i4c. rRoVIStuNA Pork, firm: mess. tM(4t it: family. ls 0141 :i 00; short clear. 1:2 ti'A'aJ. lieef. steady: mess. llT.Oirii 17 10 fsmtly. tt.&i-V,i Vi Ird. easy; middle wen. ll 4. -j ll.. T v '.! V julet : clly. S,c; co intiy. l3fiS',c; special. ic. OMAHA tKIEHAL MARKET. M'kaleaala Prices far Praxlare t kareed lr Oisak Dealers. BL'TTKR No. 1 creamery. In cartons or tub. ; No. t, ZU.: , I'1'1.TKY-Hen. I.V; roosters, lc; )utig looslei. lib 14c: duck. 1:4c; geee. 14c; turkeys, loo per pound. CM KKSri-Inij.1.1 ted Hslas. 44.'; dome, tic' ate: block, c: tains. 19'c; dslilrs. )t-c, Irip4ri. lic; young AiiMtrirs, Klo; blue lah.1 Urn k, 101-av; liiutiurger. ILi ; Im l.i:? .I Krocli Itiiguefort, 4c. ci n'I I'-s 4,',iea.kK i.-.e. ,i gal.: Mtand-Sf-.s, il 'i. ssircts, H.S11. Northern. -t sal - m iruUnla. l o, selects, II. PJ, ia. 1 1 a.: L'lu PmnU. i A per M). H-H-KtcsIi. per lb.: i'a.rfi.b, 17c; hal I -t. luc: salinun, lSi'. id rnsppar, lie: a-"-' n Laa. lo.-. 1 t.xVlW. J.-ulhc. . 1 13 M a 10 I 12 15 22 66 I 22 & 1 21 80 11 170 11 40 It ru7 11 40 I 11 62'i 11 00 11 CO 111 76 It S.'4 It 12 11 K I 11 7U 12 10 52 ' 12 1;i 12 I 11 S24 founder. l?c. Frcfcn, per lb - Haltbut, Jl; herring. V:; trout, ISc; white, l"r: aalmon. l"4lUc; pickerel. 7tjc; Pike, Ki l"c. 8mked, per lb.: Whle, l4n. Kip pered, l-r lit.: Nilmi'n, lie; Klnnan had die, iic; roe had, c each; had roe, 4c per HKtf-Nu. 1 rlh. Hc; No. I rlb. lHc: No. 1 rlh. 17"c. No. 1 chuck, HHc; No. I chuck. HSc; No. t chuck, 11c. No. I loin, 26r; No. 2 loin, Z3VC: No. I lotn. Ifc. No. 1 round. !f"r; No. 2 round, )Sc ; No. t round, 14c. No. 1 plate. 10c; No. t platea. fte; No. X plate, "c. Fruit and vegetable prlcea furnlahed by Qlllnaky Co.: KMC ITH rnge : Sunklat, 4a. 50 box; (2.75 box; , 3 box; 1?. lift box; IMa, PM 4o(; Vtm, IXHa, H 76 box; ', 2le. 2T"a, $4 box. Lmoni: (lol deti Bowl, a, Pm. tb box: Hllver Cord, MM box. Orapefrult: WW, fc.7 box; 4fi. $3 box; 64a, H60 box; 4. ftn, $4 box. Hi nanaa: Medium alr.e, l1.Nfiil.7K bunch; medium alxea )umbo, 12 On'u'2.28 bunch; regular Lxe jumboa, 2T'it.7& bunch; ex tra large lurrrboa, l.iU'ul. bunch; mam moth Jumbo. l.tnut .76 bunch. Cranher rle. til 4arrel. Uatea: I)romedary, $2.76 ate; etuffed, $1.75 box; Fard, lac lb. Fig: New, &c box. Apple: Ben Ivla Bech tel. In barrela, $4 barrel; Ben Lavla, other varletiea In barrel, UfiO barrel; Shield Brand Wine 8ap. $4 SO barrel; Idaho Ben Davla, In hoxe. $160 box; Borne Beauty, $1.7 box; W. W. Pear malne. 11.76 box; extra, fancy Wine Hap, 62 box; lowg Htate Mrecnlng. II. M box; Arkanaaa Black, 12.60 box. Htrawberrle. 24-pint rae. M T6 ce. VEflETABUr Onion: Bed. yellow, lc pound; Ppanlah, 12 36 crate; white, ll crate. Iettuce: II doxen. Bruaael aprnuta, 10c pound. Cahbage. 2'c pound; new, lc pound. Bhuharb: 12.60 box. Cauliflower, IS crate. Peppera, 6ic banket. New beet, carrot, turnip, pamlcy. Hc doxen. t)ld beet, carrot, turnip, paranlpn, 'bgoe, lc pound. lntatoe: Mlnnenota white, II li iMinnei. i oiornno wnite ii Duenel; Mln- penota Hel River Ohio. 11.40 bualicl. nweet I'oiatoea: leiaware. II. 7a lianiper: i jmbp California. 11.76 hamper. Celery: -doxen'iu.,' aa erne; e-ooxen crnies, 9.:. ta Crate; R-dnsen crt. 12.60 crate. Onion Bet: Yellow, 12.60 hualnl; red. 3 crt. NL'TW Peanut: No. 1 raw, (S'o pound; No. 1 roeated. e pound: Jumlm raw. c pound; Jumbo, roasted, ftc pound. 1'e-' can: ISMrc pound: Jumlio, H'e pound. I Fillert: 16c pound. Mixed nuts: 16c! rw.ii.tH MIHCKM.ANROT-8-Honev: Comb, 13.75 1 crnle; Airline, 1 No cane. Popcorn: No. 1 rice, 4c pound; 4'" Impound package, 12.50 cane, I . . - . ; (IIICAfiO l.lC. 9TO(K M 4 HKKT Cattle fttroHg lloa Firm Sheep Firm. CHICAGO, March 22.-OATTI.B-ne-celpta, 1.1.W0 head; market trong; native I'cef steer. 77f.4i Ui.W); wentern steer, 17.iii7.76; tocker snd feeder. tC,SW&; cow and hclfcra, 14.1(i.O0;, calvea, IS W 4j150 HOCft-necelpt. 3r.,000 head; market firm, VttHi ailvance: bulk of aale. mH i": light, l.V!i0.7&; mixed, .3.VjO.;6; rough 1'i.Wiii.i'i; iiIk. 17.51(8.70. HllbKP AND I.AMBl4-lecpts, 14.0"0 head; market firm: wcthera, t.6ffi.26; ewca, tfl.4iol.Sj; hunba, lit. 7611.70. Kamaaa CHy Mve Ktnck Market. KANRAR CITY. Mo.. March 22.-CA-TL,l-Keccl.l. 4.0110 head; market strong lie j "'ner: prima fed nteera, I9.2f.lf t; dressed beef steers, 17 V 'oft. 20; west rrIL 'cers, 7.7'1iM20: aoutherif steers. J. i cow. "I'V heifers. L ,"i''rk'r,.,n'1 feeders. 14.6.8.); bulls,! im.L,1 ':'. 'iMK H.tJO. I higher: bulk of !. t w.,n w. V...L.... V .46ij.); packers and butchers t' 4.62 : iimni. xii an-rn 4r.- ni light, U20ri0.46; Plgn. Ig.OMrS.OO. iH.jr.r.,. A!Ni, I.AMB8 Receipt, 4.600 am"J.m",rk,,t rong to 10c higher; lamha, ll .H '"P1;6": yerlliiga. t0.-O-,u.(,; wethers, t. I.oala I.tvr stock Market. ST. U)CI8. March 22. -CATTLE-Receipts. 4.4J: market steady to lie higher; rmtlv beef steer. 7 VWtO.00; ycarlins ?':," n1 heifers, $UKUU; cowst !T. 6or 1.00; Texa and Imllan teer, IViVlitl mi; l",fiuo heitvra H(oa.00; native calves, rLU0ir'fwlp!"' UMn he';-r market 6fi Mm higher; pigs snd lights, 17. ttiti. 6.7; mixed and butchers, 9.t)iO,77: good henvv. l.7iiifi.Mii. gooa eiM tst'.r AN'll T 1 VI Tl a D...I... 1.700 ter. T.i;imr,rK.1 r"''7'.v,,r'l" wether, oiVS '"'"US, fV.uuwu.Ba; gx ftloax fltr Mrs Itoek Market. ' SIOCX CITY, la., March 22.-CATTI.E -Receipt, 2.M0: market steady; native te.t. 7.7fVo.tV); butcher." 8Wlo l.-n?.n'? br"1- K.7iM.t,; canner. 14.00 io 26; stneker and feeders, ;.2;yJi7 H5 tV w."' M'U'WW' ulla, atagi. itc, tSM .ie'.8rRelr-v -m hwu: market teady to fc higher; heavy. 9..Mnl40: eC-S6; l'ht' head ' ANU 1-AMBSRcalpt. 600 Stock la tM. neceipt of live stock at the five prin clisl western markets yesterday: . Cattle. Kansas City St. Louis ... Chicago Ouialua loux City .. Totals IIOHS 4.010 4.4U0 I!).") 6, MO ..... Z.S 29.2UO CtxMatloaa hirnlahad by Darn. 44 Omaha Naiiosnl bank butldins Haui. Oeamarn T ner oant pfa... to., pit Kalrtnoat creamery, t per oent ld" I alrmont 4ream., ram. ea-Julr dir.. raito.i.nt Cnaowrr. 4 per cent ur. . Kouslns Hute tPontonelle) e Did. U..-H Mill ft Kl .. I per cent pfd IB, Unrala Trl. a T.I., per o... M..lln. Plow, firm pfd ... Oinah a 1 B. St. r. pd Omaha ft. C. U. Itjr. A Jj' M Omaha C. B. ttt Mr., oora. .. rvtara Mill c,,., pfj t'nion Htnok Yanlt Mock. I Vr 'east' tlun.l. - Pnrr 41. g. la. nM Ie Molnea ir Mr. 6a. 1M4 John Hears I'loW t o. w. m tl. is Fori enuih T. I. Ok l.t U. lai. . iKnninloa of Canada In, ISIl.VT . Oarniaa novemnieut 6a 141b losu) Kanm 1tjr Terminal 4a. IMV I-lacoln Tel. a T.I. Xa. IMS I"r Kiiilanii Oment Ce. Sat 1IT ion. r,. i,igh, l.lnol O. ft K. (a. P41 Ontaha 14. hiM 4l. Ht PinaKa Kenrer 4a. l I. 1 61 ft 7t M lu Tin). 17 lul IT I. Met 1J Ml M tut IM M M 7 l4 10.. M Ml a S S4S, Wit, kl ha 70 lot It 'S Ms 4 1M to: Mwans a r. . si. it-. Oimim (laa ( b. lair 12I ra.-trie tl a K. hefunS to mi Bnlft ft it JM4.. ' '" w.'t'.'."' ? . , elrnlla I niwi glut k tniua Sa. IH Coffee Market. NEW YORK. i-ni.wr. .oveintHr. s I7e- itm.i.u-; January LUnc: February. 8 ijc Knot sieaoy: itio is. is,c; Rantos 4s. 10' cost atid freight offers acre reported n. sooui 111 potnls lower with ouotailoits ranging around lOimlu.ioc tor Pfintoa 4. based on Londua jrvdlts The official tables reported no change In lull rets prices, with Hlo echsi-e - higher. liraslllan port receipts, 1 OuO baga' Jundiahy re.eipt. ll.Uai bags. ' evaporated Apples a ad Dries Fralts NKW YORK. JfMt.h M. rVAl1 "HATKD A HHLES Market dull- faney IHIIEII FRriTH-Prunes. essy; Call forma. 44rtH.e: tirrton, 74mc. Apri cots quiet: choice. rAi'ilOc: extra cholc l''4rllc: fancy. Ua,tJt2c. Peaches, unlet: choice. lc; emra choice. fiV-. fancv. ic Halsins stead; loose imini.teU, rti,;,. choice to fancy, seeded. 7'j;irc; seedless 9t l"Hc. Melal Market. NF.W YORK. March t!.l KTA I J-I-ad. 17. 7 bid. B-lter not guoted. Con ner steady; clectrtilvilc, nearbv. iK'(i M.S0; Juns and later. 127. umi I'.tA. lion firm end unchanged. Tin o,uiet; ot. lid. At luidon slxit copoer. AUK na; futures tun electroivtic, A;i; uot nil. tim i"s. rutures. 4. 1 Jl . It-a J sprlter. V4. A.M; Dry t.aoda Market. NKW YORK, March ll-ORY tllV)H8 Ootion gootls ruled firm today, with print c oins lii.Micr ileiv active st higher price ramies. Kllk rhds ns and piece good were in at r Ally drniand. Wool gouds were firm. rlaak 4 Irarlasa. OMAH4.. March S-Hink i-lr.riuti for f iusl.s today a ere'.ir4.4 and for the corresponding day Ust ar. I2.M1.. ft-7 X. Bheep. 12.0 4,600 It,.) 2.7 :. 14.000 14,n0 6.8'0 .out) oi 27,600 llrlnkaj' A f.n Bid. Aak4. ll M HI lost, lit IM IV! 10l, ta H loo 4 V M 71 in 4 a; 44 44 ' 101 I IMta NKW YORK. March S.-CXHTKK-Th. market for futures opened at unchanged 'prl. es to an a.lvnm'of no nt and so'd .about f to 7 points net big ter mt liliTher luring tha middle of the d..v. julv sold I at s ow: and hculember at I 15.- , h. oui prices ease.1 off later. Sep tember, cloa.41 at l.uKo bid. with th; g.w ersl 1st closing net unchanged t" 1 Point higher. Kales 13,Tr baxs Mrrh July. 7tmo; Allirust. s uter HHiti.miL- IE.": e iwi : OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Fairly Active and Fully Steady to Strong; Sheef) Ten to Fifteen Higher. HOGS STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER OMAHA, March 21. W. Receipt were: Cattle. Hoik. Bheep. Official Monday 6.27 6.624 tffllal Tueaday 6 4:11 ttlmat Wednesday. . &. M.I 12 K.H70 6.KO0 14.WW Three daya thla wk.M.HS 40.074 Jn.? fame daya lat week.24.47S 41.120 1.M4 Same day 1 wk. ago 14.MI 7i,l7 2.1. i ama dava I wk. ago.).: 4.1014 2 41 Hame day 4 wk. ago.21.22 4.w 2.S4 Same daya laat year..ll,M S6.4 ll.4 Tha following table ahow the receipt of cattle, hog and heep at the Omaha live lock market for tno year to date a compared with it yer: ll. 1916. Inc. uec. Cattle JP2.220 !v Hog 1.032.10 W'l.VH I2.7ft2 Sheep 624.124 642.4M 11S.310 Tha following labia nhow the average price of hog at the Omaha ftock market for the laat few day, with cotn- rion: late I 1B. 11916. HD4. lima. "912. llftll.lflO. Mch. I I H1LI I K7I -Ml X 371 ?i B 11 7.i f 1 l 471 4 111 t 7 Mch. I.l n4 Ml I 611 Ml Tl 71 Mch. i. itn 47His !! w; Mch. 10.) 241 I PI w! I t I '!. l 'cn. i i.j ii s en w i e ' ",'? Mch. 12 l I 4o 46 ai - 'w i I Ml 4 6nl 6 C I 67! 4V 6s 10 II I 67 6'' I 0f'10 12 I I Ml 6 73110 r. Tin I I 7I0 1" I 741 1 Ml 4 62; 10 64 War. 11. 17 6 711 I 61 Alar. 9 1 9 27 t 1H4 I 8 J6 (4, 4 n M I 631 u jkiar 44 2-1S t 20 I 46 Mar. I Mar. i Mar. I f( I 701 ftil 10 l 20V tj6i I M' I Wl sBI 1 1 ui i : ; ioi 4.vio 1 I 14 li 26 I 4 H i wl 7 .. 4 47 10i "un.iay. i llecelMa and dlnnonltlon of live stock at the Cnlon 8to!k Yard. Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending at a o'clock vt""rd:iJ' ., M. A RECRIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. Il r'i. Bt. P I 4 4 .. .. t 1 .. It it s; 1 .. 2 S 1 4 ! 7 . .. 2 2 2 42 2 3 1 I .. 1 -223 24 13 1 'vt aoneh Missouri Pacific 1 01 11 t nmti i'h Hie C. it N. V east ". N. W.. west.. , 65 C., Pt. P., M. At O.. 27 C, B. ft CJ., east... ('., It. ft J., weat... SA It. I. P., east. 10 C, U. I. P., aest. . Illinois Central 5 HJhlcago U. W 1 Total receipt ..221 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hog. rneep. Morris ft Co... M1 1.H98 S..W1 ri7 Hwlft ft Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co ..I.2K2 .. 768 ,.1,024 2.3411 l.ttlS 1.872 8, S.MI I8 1,647 Ben wart x ft Co J W. Murphy , Morrel) Lincoln Packing Co.... Ho. Omaha Packing Co . 12 13 16 "in , K3 t 102 . 124 4 22 no 1U 48 4!) 9 41 2-1 , . 1 , 14 13 4 I 41 l8 82 64 68 212 Hath Packing Co 1H0 W. B. Vansnnt Co. Benton, Vansant A I... f. B. Iewls Jluston ft Co J. B. Root ft Co J. 11. Bulla Rosenstock Bros y. O. Kellogg Werthelmer ft Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Broa ltothchlld ft Krebs... Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. 4'hrlatla ltlggln lluffmaa ltoth Meyer OHiHslierg Banner Bro John Harvey Jiennl ft Francis..... Kline Jensen -A Lungren Other buyer IK Totals ...6.401 15,031 .!7 CATTLK Receipt continue moderate, only 227 oara being reported In. Thl leavea the total for the threa daya at 14.111 head, a falling off of over .00u head as compered with Isst week, but almost 1,000 larger than for the corresponding time a year ago. . All kind of cattle were In very fair de mand at price that were fully steady and In gome case possHdy a little stronger. Practb ally everything tn lght waa cleaned up In deoent eaon. 1 he beat cornfed beevea toora wera good enough to bring !.!6. ouotatloita on eottU: Qood to choice tieevaa, K,ooflJ.60; fair, to good beeves, l6vu.00; common to fair beeve. tl.t&j 1.60: good to Choln tielftl. n.iS.!j; good to choice cow. .';6t4'7.76; fair to good cow. M.26ua,76; common to fair cow. 64 6u(4.36; good to choice feeders, 17. 4611.10; tslr to good fi4der. V 8u7.4.i; common to fair feedera, stiOn-al ); good to choice Blockers, 17."6'd.2;; atcck lielf ere, 1.764ji7.76: stock cows. IkIHii7.25; stock calves. 7.0 ; I catvej. 17.000 10. irf; bulla, stags, etc., u 6ut i.26. llepresentative gales: BKKF 8TEERS. No. 11... 4... II... t .. ... 14... it... 44... 10... 7..". 14... I... I... s I... I... t... I... 44 .. 1... s . . At. Pr. 4l T 74 No. t. ...... At fr. IM) I (Ml .. SM . . 47 ..1ft.' .. i ..lfc4 ..144 .1171 I It I u to I I ai 1 W 14.. n.. u . 4.. !.. il.. 14.. ..IOI .. .. 44.S . .11J) . .17 . IK .1334 I 14 I 44 & I M t Ut t It t M 144 H BTEKRS AND HEIFRRf. 444 I 10 . 10. 74 I 44 I t I to I 71 31. . 4 t.. MKIFERS. M .. IM It.. t 11.. T 4.. I W I.. !02 1071 ,ri 4M 47 Mt tn 4 11 tn 1 u .101 T 44 t 74 It . tas IM t'ALVOf. w la 4.. 414 I to 1 IM) I 1.. I4t 7 M ISO t 00 110 uo 171 It 00 iw to li HTiM'KKUH ANI r KKDKRH, I t44 1 40 n 740 7 W 4 S f '.t I 7I 1 tn tl 4t I SO t ttl I I 1104 I 1 1 W I W 1114 I at HiwiK Ths bog supply, whll hardly a laiae as yesterday, aa of very fail proportions, liJ curs, or some H.suo head being reported tn. Ho far thla week ar rival have been 4", "7 4 head, being l.MiO short of laat week, but 4.tm0 heavier than two weeks ago and a gain of 4,h0 over the corresponding das a year ago. On early rounds piactlcslly all buyer aere willing to give steady prices for anything, good, but other markets were reporting slightly stronger values and toller wanted at least a nickel above yeaterdey. Both the packers and ship pers were slow about getting down to business, but shippers finally started th ball rolling, buying some of tha mixed bog on a strong to ic higher baaia. and packer aoon got In on about the same bal. Actual trading began quite a little earlier than it did yesterday, but move ment aa less lively Ihsn tin Tuesday. The market gave the Idea that tt waa threatening to weaken at any moment, and this waa perfectly true, for long be fore a clear sac waa made prices dropped back to a steady baaia Light bogs, unless they were good enough to attracts shippers, had been hard to gel action on ail morning, and ahll some sellers were fortunste enough to get rid of their under eights at price that were tVeady to si rong. many were passed up. The result was that when packer buy ers began to leave the ards there were still twenty-five or more loads, mostly on th mixed and light order, still un sold. Hepreseiitatlv sale: No A. an. Pr t . 45t ... It 1 77 174 ... to 70 IV4 ... t IS St Ill ... t li 17 :t Ik 7 4 44 I 14 44 K.4 . . in SHKEP-Th ds- K At fk Pr. M 147 1JI0S 44 Ill 4 t 14 4 11 ..IN 71 nt m 41 Xia ttl I It 7 ... tti 24 11 4 4 supply of sheep and lambs a as much smaller than yester- j day's and about the same sise as Men 'day's light run. Ksllmated receipts wen re ta'aiitv.four cm ra m AMI) heart ituttiuar I the total for the first half of the week st :0.; head. Thla is slightly larger than a week ago. but Is l.ouo smaller than two weeka ago. and a falling off of nearlv 11, mm ss compared with th asm days of last esr. Karly reports from Chlcsgo predicted a tei) heavy run, and sUgiitly loser pilii. but later on receipts estimate sirs modified owing, no doubt, to th si"' 111 which threatened a tiena. Three loada of good Mexican lamb aold a high a U tu. sett lug a new rec- ord for the yard. Hulk of the good to choice licht nl medium weight lamb told at 111. IMj li.). while tilV'ull caught quite a number of load that were either a little' heavy or were not of the beat qunllty. A fairly good load of lambn clipped several week ago landed at 9 4". Buyer of shearing lamb failed to get a thing, the entire supply being cleaned up by packer. Quotation on heep and 1mb: Lambn, good to choice, tlt.hvtrn.70; lamhn. fair to good. l 7MT11.16; lamb, fall clipped. $9.00 4i.7; lainlm. frenh clipped, iV.Wuv.O": curling, fair to choli e. light, t 2Tf 10 n; yearling, fair to choice heavy, s im M .; wethern, fair to choice. H o&fj 76; ewe, good to chnlre, vltfix,60; eee. f1r to good. 7.60ffS.I0. Hepranentatlve aalec No. hd fed ewe 12.1 fed ewe 6 fed lamb 4 Mexican lamb 226 fed lainhe 274 clipped lamb lWI fed In ml 204 fed lamb 270 fed lamb 24S fed lamb 4M Mexican lamb 221 fed lamb Av. ... M ... ... 70 ... 78 . 61 ... ) ... 7 ... 77 ... m ... Pr. I 20 X 46 II So II h II 00 4U 11 36 H H6 11 41 It 11 60 11 10 ew Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. March 22. MERCAN TILE PAPKK Sfi3'. per cent. 8TF.III.1NO EXCHANGE Sixty -dy bill. 14. 724: demand. I4.7KS: cble. 14. 77. SILVEH Bar. OK'r; Mexican dollar, 4.'.'ic Tl MK I.OAN8 Steady; sixty days. 23 1 per cent; ninety day. 2Vi3 per cent; Ix month. 1 per cent. CAM. MONEY Easier; high. 1 per cent; low. 1 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; last loan. 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 I'"" cent; offered at 2 per cent. ( losing quotations on bond toduy were ss follows: f g. ref. la. re rto coupon . . . . f g. s. re.... do coupon f. . 4a. re do coupon I.. ft H. unl. 4i .. HM K. T l.t 4a.. tn'i Mo. Pan. rna. ... 103V Monl. Power U til N. T. C. 4. ... lint'N. T. City 4... 11 N. T.. N. H. ft H 7S l" f. 1IJ 107 it Am Pmeltern Sa A. T. T. CT. 4"..1" CT. Anslivrrenrh is .... NlSn. Piclflt 4... Atihlarm sen 4....4N so t 11.1 Ohl 4 nsn. g. U ret. 4 Heth. ttrei r. M....H14Psr. T. ft T. l ten. psrlfle 1st i"4Pnn. eon. 4a.. hen O. CT 4f. N do n. ' 4,. . '. H. A Q I. MSItenilins e 4a. .114' . .10 is li:.v .10-" r. M. n. r. e."n. U i 8. r. r h 7 R. 1. a V. r. . r. Ho. Pr. cr. Sa 104'4 V. ref. 4i. .. wTt do rf. 4a t) R. O. eon. 4a.. n RatlniT U.. do la . ST rnlon P-irtc 4a . 7R4i 4o rv. 4a f. g. Rubber a . M 1. g Ht-I fm ... Frle sen 4a rien. Klactrtr Ka. III. No 1st 4'a 111. ten ref. 4a Int. M S4. 4ia. Mt 10J . fl Weat. t'nlim im ... V glee. cr. I..K2 K :. '. ref. (a... tl4 Bid. "OffareU. Masons Prepare for Banquet Here This Evening Kdgar N. Bowleg, preceptor of Bt. An drew' Preceptory N. 1, wn In charge of Wednesday's worx at tha spring re union of Nebraska Consistory Na. 1 and co-ordinate bodies of the rtte, which Is being held at the Scottish Rita cathedral. Twentieth and Douglas street. Degrees from the Nineteenth to the Thirtieth. In clusive, were conferred on the third day of the reunion. The conferring of degrees thirty-first and thirty-second will come ,to a close today. A banquet will be ' held In the evening gt the Scottlili Rite cathedral. The program on Friday will be In charge of Rhrlnera, who have arranged an extensive interesting program for th large number of Masons attending tha reunion. Some Job to Count Passing Vehicles Do you think It la an easy task to land at a busy Intersection and count tha vehicle passing In both direction for two busy hours? Ask E. J. Beroy, secretary to Superin tendent Kugcl of the police department. Ife counted 1)28 vehicles passing tha In tersection of Twenty-fourth and Farnam treeto between T and a. m. and 838 passing Sixteenth and Farnam street during the ama hour. For guidance in detailing hi traffic cops this season Mr. Kugel haa been se curing Information of actual condition at the busy intersections. PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR INDIGESTION OR SICK, p01CH Relief Awaits You!- Instantly Stops Dyspepsia, Gases, Sourness, Heartburn-Get Some Now! You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach I bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach I too valuable: you musn't Injure It with draatlo druga. Tape's Dlapepaln 1 noted for It speed In giving relief: tig harmlessness; It certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gasay stomarha. It million of cure In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble lies made tt famous the world over. Keep thla perfect stomach doctor In Save C3oney Every Bay You don't have to wait for sales Come and see our merchandise Compare our prices and you will agree with us. LAUIK.S HUTS Latest styles, worth $20 to 1 3 5. our pric $12.50 to $20.00 .MK.V8 Bl ITS All colora and styles; all wool fabric $7.50 b $15.00 llOYN' Kl ITS All latest shades and styles, biggest values in tha city $1.98 lo $6.00 J. SlELPimnD 314-316 No. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Senion Records Some Substantial Secoveriei from Loweit Level i of Earlier in Week. TRADING RATHER RESTRICTED NKW YORK. March K.-In keeping with Its recent Irregular and illogical course, today' market recorded som" substantial recoveries from lowest levels of the esrly week, mainly In consequence of offlHnl denials of overnight pence ru mors. Trading, which wss somewhat re. stricted by the storm, revolved almost wholly around the varying aspect of the foreinn situation. I levelopmcnts of broader financial In terest, such aa the persistent weakness of exchange on Oermany and Austria, and another break In the Paris rate, ex cited little attention except In banking circles. Progress towards the comple tion of the Canadian loan, which has been definitely fixed at I7."',OIO, was re ported by the underwriters. Domestic news touching tipon the mar ket Included the announcement of tie placing of additional large or.ler for equipment by ra'lroada nnd weekly re view bv teel trade review ai'thorltl" which offered further evidence of the vin cenaing activity In that industry at rising-price schedules. Flocks opened unevenly, hardened and fell arain before midday, that hiief per iod covering the major pir -n of 1 1 dny'a operatlona. In the afternoon the market strengthened In all dlvMon wit'i considerable short covering nnd retained! much of its advance at the end. I nked S'tate Steel. Crucible Htcel. Mer cantile Marine, preferred, metals and equipments. In fine, the nsunl leader contribute measurnbly to the relatively small totnl of 6IO.0110 share. Oils wcr" under distinct pressure at Intervals In connection with reports of fresh disturb snces In Mexico, but made full recovery Inter. The course of Anglo-French war bond wns watched with especial Interest, that Issue laving come to be regardei as 1 barometer of conditions affecting ih allies. Trading In the bonds were very large, early quotations showing defiled strength." but the price reacted a stnnll fraction before the end of the session. Local monetary conditions show no change from long prevsl'lnir ease, but rates weat and southwest stiffenerd on Increased mercantile demand. Ponds were steady with no especial fea ture, except for the war issues. Total sales, far value, aggregated II R2",010. I'nited States coupons 2a, advanced ' per rent on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stick today were: gslen. Hlsh. Low. Close. Alaaks Hold Allla-Chalmers America! Beet Sugar... Amertran Can American T.nconiotlT .. American H. A R Am. 8. A R. sit Am. flugar Reflnlo. ... Aeierlcan Tel. A To! American Tnhaeeo Anaconda Copper Atcnlaon Balowln InconfotlTS ... Baltimore A Ohio BetMeham Hteel Bmohlrn iftapto Tr California Petrolaum ... Canadian Paclflo Central !eather ......... Chesapeake Ohio Chlcsgo G. W rhlcsgo. M. A ft. P... Tilcao A N. w Chicago. R. I. A P. Rr 1 Tilno Cncmer Colorado Kuol A Iron.. Cruelhle Ktael 1.1 lH It'. I.MK) sow lilt Til, 4? 14 7 w 1011, ill 71' 7014 41V 741, 1 7S IK .V .t!Ml miH 101 2m 11714 lit too 111 1104, lim. ia4, IM 14. W MH ttl, e loja, 111114 ion 1, M.aoo 10714 1044 inns. eo iu4 a. 4, 40 'rjt, 14 44 S 44 4 NS tM U s 1M4 44 4H "4. 4 17 44 44 4 tQ' 14 44 'son ii4 too 17 1 4fl 8.70(1 hi 4 1.610 1.400 4. 1O0 81.S.0 '4' inn . 4 IT) K1V, '474,' 4 1 Penrer A R. O. two ni.tlllera' rarrurities .,. . Kris Oenersl Fleetrie 4)rsat Northern pfit Ilreat No. Ore elfa rtttssenhelm Exploration.. Illinois Central intarhoroucll Coi4. Corp.. Inspiration Copper TTtternailonsI Harveater... Kanaas Cttr flouthsrn.... 4'H 37S "4 74 mo too, iSAi, i7 414) 12J 122 IM l.sno 4414 600 11 4? :o'4 444 Mia 101 17 4S4, 4714 44 300 11014 tfl4 11I4 610 W 24, 34V Ihlsh Vallay 10) 7'a 7S 74 V, 1!4 " 1044 MS lfl'i 44 lit 44 1 144 104 4 44 12A 11344 Z0V1 Si 44 ?4S M SI 4Tt 2114 lutavllle A NaahTllle Mestean Patrolsura 40.400 111M, 104 40 SC J'S Miami Coooer Mlasoari. K. T. pfd. Mtaaouri Pacific National Blacutt National lad NaTSda Coooer Now York Cantral , N. Y.. N. H. H Norfolk A Weatsra,.... Northers Pacific Pacific Mall Pacific Tsl. A T PeunavlTSjils m Coo. coppsr Seadtne Sesnhllo Itos A SaSal. e.nithera A-iric ...... Souihen T7tiwsT tudebsker Vmpsay ., Tannoaaea Crisoer ie Cotr-any I'nlon Paottlo Tnton Pclllo eol 'nl'ed atatss Ptssl V. . jHtesi rM 400 1Wi 124 4C4) 7 ' r,(M i.-,s "H 1.10 1WH 1"4 too ax4 otvi IttO 12S IM 1.1 1. too t Tn 1. 4W (mo 47 '44 tt M'4 i.144 4S14 OI 44I4 14H4 142V4 444 Ui 4144 Vv 191114 1a 1V4 1.4O0 U14 1IS4, IMS t.1.NI V. 4444 30 11'4 1144, 1144k your home keep It handy get a Urge fifty-cent case from any drug store and then If anyone ahould eat something which doesn't agree with them: If what they eat la)' like lead, ferment and sours and forma gaa; cause headache, dlnlnos and nausea; eructation of acid and undigested food remember aa aoou aa Fape's lMapepsln come tn contact with th stomach all auch dlatre van ishes. It promptness, certainty and ease In overcoming the worst tomach dis order I a revelation to those who try It. Advertisement. KHOKH Mens, Ladles' and Children's: all standard makes. Including- Buster Brown Una for boys and girl. Our price 98c, $1.50, $2.00 tnd $2.50 HOeiK For boys and rirls.' r.'l slses 10s KI KMSHIXGS We please, you on every article, no matter how small Just try us once. CLOTHING CO. 16th Street 2 ono 4 14. am '' a l'a 44 US as 'a 'i 4o.' "4 'a 44 Montana Power . liana ral Motors 4e Wakaah H pM ln International Marin pfd. 41 at) Kenneeoit i'rper 4 1 7S' Total sales for th dor, ahare. North Omaha Will Have a Christian . Science Church Omaha Is to have a new Christian Sci ence church. The Third Church of Christ. Scientist, will be orgat led In the north part of the city sometime In the next couple of months, according to 'a unanimous de cision made by member of the de nomination at a meetnlg at the First Church of Christ, Scientist. Although no definite site ha as yet been selected. It wa decided that the new church will be located north of Lake street. There are about 100 member now attending the First or Second church who will make up the congregation. The new church will relieve crowded , l.l. .kloh ..! .h. nre.ent I time In the two older churches. Following the Incorporation ' of the church under the lawg of Nebraaka. the , organisation and the selection of the site, the opening meeting will start. It take but a minute of time to save dollar whan you read The Bea Want A4 column. KERNAN TALKS TO AD CLUB MEN OF GERMS IN MILK F. I Kernan, secretary of the .Mamlto Sanitary dnlry, talked to the Omaha Ad club Tuerdny on the subject of "Pre paredness." "The fnlted States," said Mr. Kernan. "Is now enjoying the most perfect man hood In Its history. We do not greatly fear the result of an attempted Invasion from the outside, but there are millions of virile, cunning enemies within that arc abundantly able to attack us from the Inside and destroy this superb man hood, and therein lies our greatest dangers." Mr. Kernan had with him bacteria slide that ghowed the difference between the number of these enemies to be found In one of our principal foods milk. Ho also had bottles of milk showing; the various degrees of cleanliness that plight exist without tho public's knowledge. Ho told how disease could be spread through impure milk, and explained the elimina tion of danger through pasteurization, which Is simply a method of treating thu milk with heat until the harmful germs are destroyed. "There is ho secret to pasteurization," explained the speaker. "It is merely n process that anyone can perform in their own home with full aucces. And It does not in anyway depreciate the value of the milk as a food, or change its flavor." Pain Gone! Rub . Sore, Rheumatic Aching Joints Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. ' Jacob's Oil." Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only: not, one case In fifty requires internal treatment. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out come the rheu matic, pain and distress, "St. Jacobs OH" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and doesn't burn the kin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching; Joints, muscle and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache gnd. neuralgia. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a moment, you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Rub rheumatism away, Advertisement. H01T1 COHED V TOLD IN ASIMPLE WAY Without Apparatus Inhalers, Salves, Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke or Electricity Heals Day and flight l 1 Bw m. U tl MtrvthlnR thfotuttljr dif fer oat No lotluna, praya or aleklf tuneMllrif mmvm or crrsvmft. No &toiiiiftr. r may apparmtu of any kind. Nothing tu amoka or Inhala. No ataamtiMi or rubbing or ln)Mf torn.. No clm-trtctty or vtbixtiou or Daw. N powder; no pltutara. no kerning In the houit. Nothing of that kind at all. Soma, thing aud dtffarfnt. aomdhtng delightful and hsMtthful. aomtMhlng Inatnotly au-cailul. You do nut hava to wait and yngar and pay out a lut of uoDy. Tou cum atop It oyer nig. nod 1 will gladly tll yju turn PR Bfe. I am not a doctor nd thla la not a ao-called doctur'a pr4jrtpUon but I an cured and toy frto-nda ara cured, nnd you can bt curod. Your aut faring will atop at oata ilka nmgic. I Am Free You Can Be Free My catarrh waa filthy and loathaoma. It aaada mm 111. It dutlnd my mind. It undarmln? my htMlth anj waa wcakanlng wy will. To hawking, aoughlag. aHilag nmda m obaoxloua to all, nnd my. foul braath and disvguatlnc habit a mnda arwa my lovd antaa avuld wa aovrot.y. My delight In Ufa waa dullad and my fnculttro ImpaJrad. I knew that la tlma It would bring ma t aa untimely grara, bacauaa avnry mumant at tha day and night It waa aiowly yet wuoaly napping my vitality. Bat I found n cura. and 1 ant ready la tall you about It FKKK. Write ate prompt If. RISK JUST ONE CENT end na aoaey. Juat your name and addpeaa ea a poetal card. Hay; "Dear Bam Ivan Pleaae tall aae how yeu cured your aumrrm nndhew I caa cure mtae." That'a all Tm nd e any. I will wa derataad. and I a 111 write te you with coanpleta la 'let-mat I on. KRKK. at eace. Da not delay, rend palatal card ar write me a lettr lotlar Don't think f turning tUia poae until lave aad for ihia wtsudorful tratntrat ibat ran da fur ;eu nhat t haa tKsae to me ft AM PtATZt Rmmjm nof lnaWaain Aeewtaa. v CMcaga, IU. t'tah fVieper wrn I nton ., W a.llnKhooe Rloctrlo Siw Your Sick Child Is Constipated! Look at Tongue Hurry, Mother! Remove pois oris from little stomach, liver, bowel3. Give "California Syrup of Fig?" if cross, bilious or feverish. a No matter what ails your child, a ! gentle, thorough laxative, should always be the first treatment given. I If your little one u out-of-sorts. half- sick. Isn't resting, eating and acting naturally look. Mother! see If tongue Is coated. This 1 a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross. Irritable, fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad or has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throst, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of tha little bowels without gripping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative." because It never falls to cleanse the little one's liver and bowels and sweeten the stom ach and they dearly love Its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Bewaro of counterfeit fig syrup. Aik your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;'' then see that It is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Advertisement. METHiMtrSM BOTHER YOU? The Doctors Say "Use Musterole" So many sufferers have found relief in MU8TEKOLE that you ought to buy a small jar and try It. Just spread It on with the fingers. Rub It In. First you feel a gentle glow, then a delicious, cooling comfort, MUSTER OLE routs the twinges, loosens up stif fened joints and muscles, MUSTEROLE Is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. It penetrates to the seat of pain and drives tt away, but does not blister tha tender est skin. It takes the place of the muaay, old fashioned mustard plaster. MUSTEROL.B is recommended for Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, Fleurlsy. Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Stiff Neck, Headache and Colds of the Chest (It often prevents Pneumonia). At your drufglat's. in 25c and SOo jars, and a apeotal large hospital size for 12.60. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse Imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Company,' Cleveland, Ohio. RECIPE TO STOP DANDRUFF This Horns Made Mixture Stops Pan draff And Falling Hair and Aid IU Growtli. To a half pint of water add: Bay Rum...........M............M..l ea. Bar bo Compound....... a small box Glycerine M. .U, os. : These are all simple ingredients that ' you can bay from any druggist at Terr little cost, and mix them yourself. Apply to the scalp once a day for two weak, then once every other week until all the mixture Is used. A half pint should be enough to rid the head -of dandruff and kill the dandruff germs. It stops the hair from falling out, and relieves Itch ing and scalp disease. Although It la not dye. It acts upon tha hair roots and will darken streaked, faded, gray hair In ten or fifteen days. It promotes the growth of the hair and liinHrn liaivii iiu auiii (lUH,--AU- vertlsement. Chicago. Memphis, Now Orleans And ALL POINTS EAST Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL Two Solid St&el Trains Daily. Tickets and Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE 407 South 16th St. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent, rtiont) Douglas 234. Call Tyler 1000 If You Want to Talk to The l or to Anyone Connected With The IW. 1 M 7. HWA i i