THE UKK: OMAHA, THIHSDAY, MAIU'H T s FCR UNT-HOUSES , (lit I KK V tSUOl'NV CI. I.. HorSKS AN1 t'OTTAUES. 1'AUTL.Y MODKKN. r . il Klld Ave U "10 1S.W 16. Oft i-r., RS.l No. th ft 5-r., Hickory Ht (i-r., 7m Hickory St t-r.. 2417 Kllliion Ave .. r . 4-1.1 Center Bt. tlsrge barn ana 5 acres of Mro'md I . . . . . 13.00 .15.00 i-r.. Sol Martha 8t -r.. WW No. 2Tth Ht.... o-r.. fx Martha ft tl20 12. W 15. i) 15. , 15.00 20.00 , ). , 20. 0i) , 1S.W 5-r.. f"! Manna ri... i-r 511 Maltha St 615 Martha fct 61 No. 17th Ht bis No. 17th St JT.14 Charles St i2 So. Mh St i-r. t-r. &-r. STRH TLiJ jiuui.n.i. 5-r., 4M7 Franklin St 5-r., 41 IS No. 17th St 5 r S.M9 No. 3th St 5-r.. lf.' So. Mh St f 5-r., 3121 Corby St. (new) s-r., 4f5 No. 401 h St 7-r , 62'i So. !th. St 7-r, 1018 So. 2h St. trlose In). . tf.mi . . 4. . 27. B0 . 20. fm . 26.O0 . 37 .M 7-r., 3317 l'oase m 7-r.. 712 So. SRth St. 40.00 nr.. on 2fi.a (heat fur- nlahed) -r.. 414 No. 41st St S-r.. i-r.. -r.. S-r., b-r.. -r.. 5-r., S-r., 7-r., ivwey Ave f.27 Fark Ave RUrt Myrtle Ave FL.AT8 PAKTl-Y MODF.RN JfilS Reese St. (2d floor) WIS Reeae St. list floor) S115 No. 24th St. (2d floor).... 1019 So. 2Mh Ave STRICTLY MODERN. 2ftJ So. mh St 1S01 So. 2Sth St 13 So. 2Mh St . 82.RO . so. oo . 40.00 .112.00 . 14.(10 . 12.50 . 18.00 . .,25.00 .. 27. SO .. -r., r., i:W6 So. 2Mh St.. r., 17 Bo Jxth St HEATED APARTMENTS. THE CARPATH1 A, NTH MASON STH. .. 2S.0O .. 25.00 2-r., Apt. No. J 17.50 FLORENTINE, ETH A MASON 8T8 4-r.. Ant. No. 10 (furnished) 35.O0 $-r.. Apt. No. 11 -tw 8TOECKER. 826 SO. 24TH 8T. 4-r., Apt. B 128.00 and $30.00 THE CLYDE. 1806 OHIO ST. 4-r . Apt. No. 1 115.00 and 120.00 PORTER & SIIOTWELL, offices with AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Cor. 17th ft Ponging Sta. Pong, 5018. 537 So, 26th Ave., 6-r., strictly mod.. $2. 221S ljeavenworth, 10-r., mod. ex. ht., M. t2 So. 28th, 6-r., mod., $22.50. S07 So. IWh, 4-r., all mod., $26. 104 So. 2!Hh, 6-r mod. ex. heat. $16. 3118 Decatur, 7-r., strictly mod., $30. r09 Spencer, 9-r.. all mod., $30. 2206 Clark. 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $16. 3217 Burt. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $14. 2617 Emmet. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $17.50. 2M8 F.mmet. 7-r., alt mod., $23. 2721 No. 28th Ave., 5-r.. mod. ex. ht., $11. 2K26 Blnney. 4-r., part mod., $10. . 2611 Charles, 7-r., all mod., $27.60. FOR RESPONSIBLE COLORED FAMILY 2018 Charles, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $12.50. 3108 Seward, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $15. WILIi REPAIR ANY OF ABOVE. McCAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodpe St. Poll. 415. o. Turn old furniture, household goods and clothing- Into cash with a Bee Want Ad. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS Wwt. VERY choice 4 or 5-rooni steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1NB. 1WK FARNAM ST. MODERN 6-room apartment. Including sleeping porch. Well located. Harney 139. ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney., 3-roora apartment, namey in, North, (-RioM heated apt. corner first floor; . vacant April 1st; will decorate to suit; sea It any time; summer rat,e, $22.60. 1811 Maple St. 4' large rooms; modern; newly deco- rated, ia). lszi Maple St. Red 1S81. FIVE-ROOM steam heateu apartment, very desirable; the Chula Vista, loth and" Poppleton Ave., 142. P0. 322 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Doug. 157L .room flat itnnm h.atu . 2620 Leavenworth St. RenC $30. Conrad Young. 322 Branoela Thea. Bldg-. D. 1571. MODERN, steam-neatea apartment, near P. O.; 1 upwards. O. V. Btehblns. 5-ROOM cottage with gas, $10 per mo.: 1018 N. th St. oatfc. house, partly modern, Omaha and South Side. I-ROOM oon- venlent 114. South 3S6T. Miscellaneous. MONTH KREK RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. S-r. and hath apartment, brick, mod. . W . . KA D. E. BUCK. 912 Omaha Nat. D. 6226. I J 1 HOTELS . HOTEL 6ANFORD, HOTBL. HARLBY, 19th and Farnara. 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. , MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE -VAN & STORAGE stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse an and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; storage, J per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. I'ouglas i'MS and Tyler 230. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate, locked rooms, for household goods and pianos; moying. packing and snipping. O.MAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., SOU a. 16th St. Douglas 4163. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. S!l N. Uth St. Phone Douglas SS4 o. Harney 1W7. MOVING AND STORAGE. PACKING, SHIPPING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. Douglas 77ao. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co., moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglas 1496. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Pncking, storage. 15 Cap. Ave. TyierlL'OO. FIDELITY rJal FREE Phone Douglas 2&8 for complete list of vacant hoUBesand apartments; also for storage, moving, im h ann Jackson Sts J. C. REED 1207 Farnam St. Lxpicsa Co. pucking hikI Douglas 6146. Moving, storage. FOR RENl-BUSINtSS PR'FTY Stores. SToitK building, itxi, wllli vacant space In the rear. This Is only 132 feet from :5th and Farnam Sts.. and Is desirable In every way. It will be rented under i lease and can be altered to suit ten ant THE BYRON REED COMPANY, rhone Doug. 2K. 212 So. 17th St. STOREROOMS. Three dandy fine storerooms at 24th mid Leavenworth; one of the best loca tions in city; rent very reasonable. Calkins & Co., Douglss 1M3. City Nat. Bank Bldg. IIIANU new up-to-date storeroom on Capitol Ave Just off liiih street, steam neat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures in hardwood floors, pfate glass win dows. To be ready April X. Cackley Bros STORE building. 8oth and Seward; nice location for groceries and meats. Phone Webster 8761. TORE ROOMS st 1SH-11 Farnam St. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Rarngg Bid. D. 7408. STORE, modern, low rent, near post of fii e. O P. Stebhlns, 1S10 Chicago. STORE building. lTlng rooms In rear. N 20th. DougUs 13. Of flees sad Dnk Romi. SMALL office and lilmcnl. loa near i&stoffice. G. P. Meohlns. FOR RENT SUBURBAN & ACKK.S S1 Hocks from t'ouncll lUutfs- 'mafia oar line; (v-room house, wtll rem cheap If taken at cmf. THUS t.. M HARRY. ' 4.S Keellne Bldg. Red. 4S4. WANTED TO RENT Bnalnesa Properly. WANT to lease Ram ice and machine shop, with or without machinery and tool. In some live town. Would buy small stock. Olve full particulars firat letter. Ad dress 314, Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED We. North 3Sth Ave. Home For Sale Mouse built by owner. 4 years old; two bathrooms, sleeping- porch, oak finish, hardwood floors, white enamel upstairs: everything up-to-date; large lot. Ask ua for Information If you want an exceptionally desirable home at a bargain. Family changes make an Immediate sain necessary. J. II. Dumont & Co., 416-18 Keellne Bids:. Ph. Dounlas SKK CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New 7-r. modern. oak and birch finish thro'Wirhoiit, beam celling: and all built-in features pressed brick foundation, south front, close to car, first-class material and workmanship. A complete home In every detail. Best buy In Omaha. Owner. IViukIhs 152. SUBURBAN BUSINESS IT. At end of Famam and Cuming- Sts. cars. A choice business or residence lot, only $i0. Easy payments. OKOROK O. WAUiACK, 614 Keellne. W. L. SELBY ft SONS, INSURANCE, North. A New Five-Room Bungalow Located west, near Dundee car line. All modern conveniences and a bargain. Only $250 cash required. ITione us 'for full particulars. Shuler & Cary, Doug. 423t 204 Keellne Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER BELOW COST Five rooms and hath, entirely modern cottage, excellent condition, atorm aash, hade, etc. Close to car and school. Will rent for $25 per month. Can b bought on easy terms. See owner at 2R"i Corby St. after g p. m. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; ' large, lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price $2,350. Located 4107 North 29th St Norris & Norris, 400 Pee Bldg Phone Douglas 4J70. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN. 2702 Decatur St., large IM-oom, all mod ern home, corner lot, room for another house to be built In rear. Owner very anxious to sell and wants offer. Oo out and look the property over care fully. Inside and out and let us know what you will give. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 16 Omaha National Hank Hiag, A SNAP It taken at once.. Six rooms and bath; strictly modern home; corner lot, 50xlii&; garden space: $ blocks from car line. If you are looking for a home at a reasonable price It will pay you to look thla up. Mrs. Anna Bender, 3524 Kugglea St. Telephone Colfax 1896. AT AUCTION, at east door of court house, 10 a. m., March 25, to highest bidder for cash, 6-room house aX 5320 North 2tUh street. Fine, large base- ' inent, large lot, fruit and shade, city water, gas, half block from car line, good neighborhood. PHAIRIB PARK DISTRICT. 2712 Ames Ave.; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; full two-story, south front, beau tiful shade and hedge; wide street; lot 40x130; $500 cash and $30 monthly, In cluding Interest. Keys at my residence. B. J. Scannell, 2703 Fowler Ave. Phone Colfax $611 or Douglas 398. GREAT BARGAIN Well equipped modern cottage, full ce mented basement, beautiful yard. Spe cial Inducements for cash, aa owner la leaving city. Tel. Webster 2. SEE THIS ONE 7-Room house. S711 N. 17th St. Fin renalr. large lot, 40x180. Price $2,600. only ti0 down, balance at $26 monthly; fine location. Ask for Mr. Uelsing. iASTINO A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. SPECIALBARGAIN. -room cottage, toilet, gas, water, 60 ft. lot. $1,350; terms, $50 cash or Ford car for equity. S. P. BOSTWIC.C. 900 BEE BLDO. 14300. KOUNTZE PARK BARGAIN. 6-r. nearly new bungalow on Florence Blvd., part mod., 1 block north of Kountze Park: cheap at $3,300. YOUNGMAN, 801 Om. Nat. Bk. D. 1476 BXROAIN 8-rooni house, corner lot, 60x 64. at 2601 Parker St.. for $1,860. W. H. Oates, 647 omana Natl Bang Xldg. Douglas 1294 RESIDENCE 7-room modern, nice lo catlcn. Sea It and make ma offer. Ai L. Blgford, Ml Sherman Ave. S-R., modern home, fine location, block from car and prettiest mile; owner leav ing city. 4609 N. 21st St. MODERN house, garage, at 2,Vi6 ManUer- son; lot 60x128. Price, 3,wo. owner, Webster 156. . BRICK house and lot, 1515 Sherwood Ave., 81.20a Quick. Douglas 2947. Boath. $100 Cash and $15 a Month far a good 6-room cottage at 2214 Plercs St., near cross-town car line; good neighborhood. Priced to make a quick sale. 116 Pierce St., a 6-room all modern house for $100 cash and $30 per month. If you are looking for a snap see these places. (Veigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 300. 808 Bee Bldg. BRAND NEW NEAR HANSCOM PARK Large living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on 1st floor, oak finish, two nice bed rooms, bath and sun parlor on 2nd floor, liv ing rooms nicely decorated, full cement basement, all modern, corner lot with east ana soutn front, price only 3.7bO. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Hanscora Park 1311 Georgia Avenue 7-Room on first floor, one finished upstairs: strictly modern; large lot 60x in. liiKifl Darn or garage for two cars. Non-resident forced to sell. A real Dargaln. Price 82,760. Terms $600 cash, balance monthly. J48TUNiHJ5YDENn4arneyJti G-ROOM BUNGALOW Built last fall; It haa rooms and sun room; garage in rear house; occupied by coupie ai present; prica'O, small casn payment, balance on easy terns will decorate to suit; you can see the house by calling owner. Red 1581, and will arrange to show you house, located at i -Mi a. .m m. MTHIS DANDY NEW 6-R. HOME ! ! (lose to t-asieiar scnooi. vtn down, balance like rent; price R.SoO. Beauti ful oak finish, large east front lot strftly modem. A big sacrifice. OSBORNE, 701 Om. Nst. Bk. D. 1474 FACING HANSCOM PARK. 6-room house, mod. ex. heat, full lot paving paid, for $2,0; act quick If you wsui imi. P. J. Tehhens D. t2, V Omaha Nat MUST BE SOLI) Butigslow". full lot $1 .irt easy terms. Owner. Colfax 4.l. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Ktaeel la neons. FRC1T AND CHICKEN RANCH. One acre all set In hearing: fruit: good S-room home, ham and other outbuildings: now vacant; all ready to move Into. Price. $!.0i: can make terms; act quick If you want a fine home. W. 8. FRANK. 'l Neville block. 8-R. OLD HOUSE LOT 4413I $1.; $J00 cash, balance monthly, o paved street; good location; snap. It. A. WOLF 514 Ware Block. Donets 8ofi I-KOOM MA Ki JAIN NKvV, S.-ROO.M. FTORY HOCSK. NEAR CAR. K SNAP AT $3,400; REASONABLE PAYMENT BENSON DOVOtJlS 17. CARMICHAEU 641 PAXTON BLIC SAFETY FIRST. . FOR RELIABLE AND RAFn FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE. SEE v tttt a D r i iva (..rvp S Brandols Theater Bldg. Tyler 'fet. 4-R. mod. home, $J0 mo. : $75 cash, fulf cor. lot, east front, fine location. 2 blks. to car; exceptional value at $2,650. Mo- kltrlck R. K. Co., D. 14H2. Ty. 2140-J. CNR Tl acre two 1 acre, three 10 acra tracts; all No. 1: priced right; see ma, W. COLFAX. Douglas OTP. 702 Keellne Bldg. 2214 ft. 11TH -room, nearly new, strictly modern hovise, lot Wxl40; would divide. Berka & Musll. Douglas 6M7. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED West. 2V4 ACRES close to esr; easy terms. Myrtle Deuel. Colfax MM. after 10 a. m. Nonl Come Out to Minne Lusa and see the wonderful development go ing on there. You will find the best lots offered In Omaha at $550 to $Mk). Sewer mains, water mains, walks, grading and seed ing all paid for. Easy terms. CHARLES Wr. MARTIN A CO.. Owners. i TWO corner lots, 50th and Hamilton Sts., KlxIM, $71X1; $37."i csah, bal. terms. I THATCHER. 1217 City Nst. Doug. 3S01. I CUAIINO. near ith St., 22 or 44; must "be sold to close estate. Orlmmel, 849 i Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. oatfc. $800 CASH WILL BUY 13 ACRES Located between Omaha and South Omaha, near Lane Cutoff, at $4.(100; $NO0 cash, balance on terms, five years, $ per cent. Let us show you this because ft Is a good buy. inATT-FAIRFIELD CO., Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4M. WILL BUILB TO SUIT. Have 15 first choice lots In Leaven worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Doug. 291. Carl E. Bolen. I14 Psxton Bldg. FINE lots, Bancroft add 6th, walking dis tance; only $B50; easy terms. Colfax 752. FOR SALiO 4 good lots' In Washington, D. C. O. V. McBeth, Newton. Kan. RICHARD EVERETT. ARCHITECT. 10 No. 15th St. Phone Douclaa 1009. $2a0 BUYS lot near car. Douglas 2M7. . M lacellaneoos. VACANT LOTS Corner, 100x128 feet, paved street, sewer and water; located In Boulevard park. Price $1,560. ' Inside lot. 40x115; street to be paved In spring; located In Boulevard park; $816. Inside lot, 50x130, on 40th, Just north of Ames Ave. Price $360. Nine Iota near lKth and Fort Sts. Price $200 each. Ten lota near S4th and Fort Omaha Ave. Prices from $225 to $100 ench. Will make terms to suit buyer. RASP BROS., Doug. 1653. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS WINONA APARTMENTS 2GTII AVE. AND DEWEY Twelve apartments. Janitor's quar ters In the basement, Gross rental of $7,200 a year. Price 346.0UO. Here Is actually one of the best built, best finished apartments in Omaha, In a location that is becoming more valuable every dav. It is only two blocks from Farnam street, between 26th avenue and 27th street; streets on three sides; private alley on the fourth; no vacan cies, no undesirable tenants. Remem ber the price, t&.ooo, and rent at $7,2uO. Mtge., $1!5,000. "ITS THE BEST OFFER THIS ARMSTRONG-WALSH 00. Tyler 1526. Keellne Bldg. Sole Agents. Flat or Apartment Site We have 110 feet south front on Cali fornia, between SSd and 84th. This Is an exceptionally food location for either flats or a small apartment house. Prica only $3,000. Term If desired. A. P. Tukey & Son, Phone Doug. 502. 1507-8 W. O. W, Bldg. INTELLIGENT and persistent advertis ing will 'sell ' any salable real estate. and the largeat number of prospective buyers can r-e reached through the Real Estata and Want-Ad Oulde to all of Greater OmaJia THE BEB, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Season. START YOUR HOMR IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; price $200.00; slss, 50x12s; located on Locust St. between Clark and burnham;, not far from school and car line. Geo. R. Wright. Bee office. Omaha. ' Dundee. Take Advantage of the Future rise In value. Don't envy the man who "got In on the ground floor." You take fewer chances today than the man who bought 10 years ago. The city Is growing to the west at a apld rate. Safe to Buy and Build In Happy Hollow and Dundee's new est addition, because it is west, and the building restrictions sssure good houses, preventing your .neighbor from building In such a way as to de preciate your property. Don't Mass This Opportunity Rut select a lot In one of these addi tions and start now hy becoming an owner of real estate where values are bound to Increase. Easy Terms One-tenth cash and 1 per cent of purchase price, psyable monthly. Call or phone us, and we will gladly fur nish plsts with prices and show you the property at your convenience. George & Company, Tel. D. 7M. 902 City Nat. Bank. Bldg DUNDEE $8,500 One of the best houses overlooking Hsppy Hollow; nine rooms; modem In every wsy; now orfered for first time. GLOVER & SPAIN, 919-30 City National. D. am TUNDEE bungalow of six rooms ana sleeping porch; almost new; hot water heat; occupied by owner; lot KxlSo. Phone Walnut 3071 Florence. FLORENCE ACREAGE. 17 ACRES Inside city limits of Florence: some frult and about six scrrs In a! falfa: balance of lund all tillable; small lioue, bam, Hi'. This ran be hnuuht for r,t .er acre If taken this montli. Pomh.'Sou given st once. O'Nell s Real Estste 4 Insurance Agency, ti t IJidii'U lr TlK strr :tiig. Tl. r h -4. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN M m f e 1 1 n r o . SPRlN(r IS HKUK Dandy 5-r. home. .1 extra large lots: $11 down, bsl. monthly; lrs than rent; price only $l.55: fine bain; all kinds frutt. close to car; dnnilv place for chickens, etc : make own living let us show (oil toda Call t'oltat S7M, OSBORNE, Ct'l Onv Nat Bk. D. 1474. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES LtK Aero KnntTi" t)ne of the finest In N. W. Neb , Holt I county; finely Improved, all hard soil.! t-5 of the land tillable; running water all fenced and cross fenced, miles hog tlKht; 2-A. cultlvntcd. K.I-A. alfnlfs. i A fine ha). Price Includes 0 whltc fsced cows, 40 head l'olnml-Chlna hg, 10 head horses; all kinds of Implement. Ford car. I'rlce $.ti, mortgage $I5(" yeara to run. Will take good clear land In part payment. This place will hear the closet In vestigation. This Is not yellow dog trad ing stuff. Write us for further dctslls. D. V. fcholos Co., 15-1 City Nat. Bk B1dg iHigK 5-l'ASSKN(;KI. W-Vorso "power, "1914 model Jackson auto, with electric lights and self stsrter; newtv painted; hew top; thoroughly overhauled; will trade for cltv property or farm land. Ask for Melnti. Hastings V Heyden, 1114 Harnev St. Tvler 50. TRADES. Farms and TRAPES. TRADES. Omaha property for ex change. .1. A. ABBOTT . 1 Omaha, i Patterson Blk ItiXCtl ANUE Los AiiRlela tor Omaha, my S-room. modern bungalow, $.50i) for something In Omaha. J. M. Clute. ;I35 Hill St., Los Angelea, Cal. SIX houses and farci to exchange Neb. farm. Tolsnd Trumbull. Bee Bldg CAN sell or exchange anything you have' i oner. vj. J. l anan. McCagvis HMr I PROP'TY 1 ' ! REAL ESTATE-BUS- il FEET, th St., 1 Llks, from viaduct, Co , McCague Bldg. 6.600. Mccague Inv. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Msrlgsgri LOANS ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. QUICK SERVICE. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Building. WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. ' UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. 6 TO 6 for loans on beat class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loana. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., '!t Famam St. NO DELAY. W. T. ORA HAM, BEE BLDG. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. OMAHA homos. East Nebraaka farms. O K EKpTi KGAIi KS I ATK IV. 1016 Omaha Nat. Phone Douglag 871B. MONEY TO LOAN. .or 5 years, on improved properties. SHOPEN & CO., 1'oug, 4246. MONEY on hand tor city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. 345 Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. $100 TO $10,0(10 made promptly. F. D. Woad. weaa rung., istn ann re in am rus. CITY property. Large loans a specially. , 228 State Bsnk Bldg. w. H. Thomas, CITY LOANS. C. G. Canberg, IX- 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. CITY anti farm loana, 6. ti iier cent. J. H. Dumont Co.. 416 Keellne B.dg 5 MONtt. HAHKiaON ft MORTON. 16 Omaha Nit. Bank Bldg. Storks and Honda. SAFETY snd GUARANTEED ON HOME BUILDERS' Preferred Shares plus Builders' Profits and Mortgage Security. Our No. B "New Way" tells all about It. Ask for It. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Fiscal Agents. B. W. Cor. 17th & Douglas Bts., Omaha. HAVE two $1,000 mortgages diawlnai per cent Interest; secured on Tennessee land; duo in I and 4 years; will trads for good automobile, or wbat have your Address C 415. Omeha Bee. 11.200 FARM mortgagu bearing 7 per oent. secured by property valued $3,700. Tal- mage Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W; Bldg Abstracts of Title. nntrnntoo Abstract Co. We can bring VJUaini-t!t;)jown vOUr abatraet on ahort notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 2947. nd Abstract "Co a modern abstract office. JOR 8. 17th St Tel. D. 547. REED ABSTRACT Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 20$ Brandeis Then. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy oo ntmihly payments, mall atiira room, with living rooms above, la Central school district. Phooe Red 7864 WE have a customer for a Dundee lot; willing to pay cash; owners only wanted to reply. THOMAS L. M'OARRY, Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. LET us handle your vacant property; we can either rent It or sell for you. Call Douglas 37.12. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. tin ACRES, ( miles from Danville: 70 acres in cultivation, all fenced. I acres of orchard; 3 wells; S-room house and barn: mile to school and church. R F. D. mall dally. Price only $1,800; good terms. Write Yell County Land Co.. Danville, Ark California A LITTLE fsrm. $2M. Rosy terms. Call- Kasy terms. rornla impart csrioans or chickens and eggs. Here's a chance for poultrymen. My 2-acre tracts are Just big enough for chickens and are close to town con veniences and market centers. Write owner for full Information. P, B. Ooss, Hherldan.Placercounty. California. o CALIFORNIA Little suburban farms near Ixs Angeles for sale; easy pay ments. Write E. it. Walte, Shawnee, Okl. t'anaalai l.anris. WISHING to dispone of hundred sixty acres gooa land, near trie great illy or Winnipeg. Msnltobs. Twelve fifty per acre. Will accept a good Ford d'ipeiet or runabout as part payment. J. O. Knehn, Room 4, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. lows Lands. Ho At RES. 12 miles Iroin Council Bluffs. Good house, barn, cnicsen tiouae, run ning spring, well, fenced, alfalfa. A good farm at low price fur Immediate sale. $1,600 cash, balance easy terms. W. T. SMITH CO., Doug. 'M9. Cltv Nat. Bk. Bldg. Mtaaoarl LanOa. GREAT BATlGAIN8-G down, $f monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri, price only $176. Address Box bus, i-x-celalor Springs. Mo. Minnesota Lnnas. S46"aCRES, 45 miles from Minneapolis, near two god railroad towns; una hslf under cultivation, balance uks for tssture and hay, can practically all e cutlvated: good soli, good set of buildings; this land will produce SO bushels of com per acre; country Is thictly settled; complete set of ma chinery; 17 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 1-year-olds; 4 good horses, 25 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes st V& per sere. One-half cash. Immediate pos sesion can be had. SCHWAB BROS.. VCi l'lrno.itli Bldg , Minneapolis. Minn. V FARM AND RANCH LANDS ehrwsita I. anils, LAND "SALE 4 80 ACRES IN CHERRY COUNTY. NEB W'lll be sclil at public auction to the highest bidder on Saturday. April I, ll, at Valentine Nl . commencing at 2 p m. This fsrm Is locate. I four miles from lluige Neb, and 1 tulles from Crooksion. Neb., and Is described as follows: The aouth half, northeast quarter, southeast quarter, section 10. south half northwest iiuarter, emth wrat iiuarter. section 11. township 31. ratine ,10 It ,a a good place; Is fenced, ha good ho. is.1 slid ham, good st:l and wlixlniiil and Is really one of the best propositions ever offered. This is the chance In a lifetime t. secure a fsrm at your ca n pi Ice, and Is only being oftertd for sale because the owner haa Interests elsewhere that demand his constant attention. If you are looking for a bargain ami want a fsrm In a good location, do not pass this up. .1. M. HOLLAND, OWNER CO ( 1 KM. T 1 1 Ai'K W E 1 .1, j UCT. Hl snap If taken t.y April ),V Klne stock and dairy ram-h. !W acres, R ml. N. W. of Harrison. Neb., Sioux county. 50 a. broke, am a. rough pasture and timber land; running water; balance hav and pasture; land hard soil, buffalo and wheat grass; gently rolling, l ml. to school; $-room frame house, log addi tion. Oood well and windmill, sheds and corrals, sll fenced and crossrenoed. I'rlce S.0ii0; $;!,S0n 2 yeara from Mav 17, IS!; balance cash or trade. Would con sider new car, f. o. h. Askton, Idaho, or clear town property. Address owner. v . F. Slmmerman, Ashton. Idaho tv , ., 5. fST tTT,-; t r. - r -. , : - tlon: i. a. pasture; 45 a. meadow; bal ance cultivated, running water; excel lent for general farming and stock raining; no agents. J. C. Strark, 1016 Idaho St.. Columbus, Netv KOUN I 3-ncre unclaimed homestead, good soil; ample rainfall: artesian water; near free Umber. Ptlce $:Xt, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy. Ft. Mirenn. Colo. CA.NgHe some excellent trade on good 2-acte Brown Co., Neb., ranch. Will price thla at actual value. He I yea A (!lfford 318 Ramge Bldg.. Omaha. Neh. lit ACRE 3, tlatden County. Neb. ; "cTeer of mortgage. Price $ per acre. Will trade for automobile. W. K. Craig. 1317 city Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha. FOR BAXiCP.eet Targe boy" high grade medium priced lend In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley. Wnl beeh. Neh o M'lseonatn l.aaila UPPER W isCO NSIN Beat dairy an) general crop state In the union: snttlers wanted: lands for sale at low prices on essy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lauds for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lanls ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. Mlacellaaeoaa. .HAVE YOU A FARM Fort SALE? Write a good description of your Isnd and send It to tne ninux t'lty, la.. J. nal. "Iowa'a Most Powerful Went Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving alxteon ads on twelve different days for $2; or (0 words, $4, or 75 words, $H. Largest clrcU'atlon of any Iowa news paper; 260,000 readers dally In four great states. FARMS, acreage and city property sale and exrhango. C. R. Combs, Tnr Brandela Theater Bldg Doug, litis. "" BUYERS WITH THE MONEY TO INVEST. Farm land ads placed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lands. Quality and quantity are both found In THE BEE'S country circulation. The subscription rats for The Bee Is much higher than any other Omaha newspaper. Naturally The Bee ta raad bv a claas of well-to-do farmers. Send In your ad and reach soma real buyers. HORSES-UVESTOCK-VEHICLES for ante. MUST SELL HARNESS. $2,700 worth of double harness tu close out a a flisoouni ok unv-iniro xrom reg i ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., 1529-1-M N. lth St.. Near Clark t. NOTICE TO A CAoll AND QUICK BUYER. IS head of young marea, 14 In foal, all well matched, ages from to I; last of the estate. All my good young brood mares, slso fresh milch cows and I head of mules; no reasonable offer re fused. Call 124 8. 24th St. Lady owner. McKsy, manager. DEATH IN FAMILY FORCES HALE Of my two black horses, weighing 5K lbs . 4 snd 5 years old. Bought lost summer for $460. Will sell at great sacrifice. Also two well-matched teams of mares, foaled by a Percheron stal lion, weighing 2.H00 lbs. per span. $0$ So list St. Call at barn In rear. Xij I hava exchanged my farm for reat estate In Omaha, 1 hava left for ssJs well matched, chunky team of marea, t and yeara old; will foal In May, weight, 2,4(0. Bay mare, weight 1.UU0; one gelding, "-eight 1.400. No cash offer refused. tOU Iouglas Bt. HARNESS. SADDLES AND TRUNKS We make them ourselves and sell them direct to the consumsr. Why pay two profits for inferior goods when you can get high grade gooda at first costf ALFRED CORNISH CO., 1210 Farnam St.. Omaha. WIDOW must sell. 1 have Three good msres that must be sold. I lost my husband and have no further use for these horses; gentle and In good con dition; will sell cheap. These are good, hi- horses and gentle. Call at 2408 Ht,. Marys Ave. Mrs, inorp. ON account of only son leaving home. I am forced to sell wen-matcned team of mares, one to lost In May, weighing nd y years old, KIRIUl -.., " ..." . w I , nunit In anod condition. Also nslr of Us horses weighing about 2.400 lbs. Inquire of Mrs. Msxson, can Harney m. SPAN of good work horses, harness es, h Til wsgon. All for $150. Walnut 2 i young horse, ouggy, names. Doug. 24; HAY-$.e0 ton. A. W. Wagner, S01 N. K POULTRY AND PET STOCK MONEY In chickens: writs foi Johnson's tree catalogue. Poultry Know-How, about the iiay-for-ltself Old Trusty Id cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Ctn 1r Neb. JUST RECEIVED: Chinese nightingales, beautiful plumage, good singers; $A0u. Mat Geisler Bird Co., 117 Fsrnam St. WHITE Orpington cockerels and white Indian runner ducks. 4 S. 40th St Phone South 2)l. FOR BALK Oood fox hound. Joseph Stinger. leep niver, ia MXU groin. 100 lbs., $1.75. Wagner. WIN.1S, AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE The Best Bargains In Used Cars One Overland Touring Car, In good shspe. Two slightly used 1814 Maxwells sonable. One IV U Chalmers Roadster, rea good shape; price right. One 1I3 Studebaker. first-class shape. (f)ne 181 Veils ' 4"," A-l condition. One 1U12 International. Three Ford Touring Cars, all In A-l condition. One 11)07 J -cylinder Maxwell Roadster. We need the floor space and these cars will be sold within the next few dsys. No reasonable offer refused. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. 221 Fsrnam St. Douglas $51. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE STEVENS TTl ltVKA. slx-cyl . toiirlng. Peerless touring Iocomnhl1e touring. Cadlllar touring Klaaclkar speedster. A I ' TO CLEARINO HOUSE, ??o Farnam. 1:I0. TTTfTATTTO HUlt'-".ervTTlr!t. liuil Jackaon. Tyler MTv Auto reiwlrlng and gen. hlaekainlthin:;. auto si'i'ingx ms'ln and repaired. BB1MF.ST VARIETY OP "olH CARS IN TUP". CITY. A SNAP. Hudson speedster. In gol running order. $:'U0. If tnKen at once, fall liar. 13.17. orl S -.6ih. WHEHK can I get a good lined car? Industrial llarage Co., 20th and Har ney Sts (iiioli linivalns In tires, all etsea and ntlee Itunlex Tir- Co. ;:.4 Kernsm USMl ear hni gains it M ni I'h v 1 1 Rrn'n Auto Co 1n IB-It Farnsm Si' Asia Ttrea end Supplies. AUTO REPAIRS REBUILT $.'.'' TO e'.OO. DUO TIRE CO., 1RI1 Chicago St.' Business Property Investment AN1 AN ESTABLISHED HOTEL BUSINESS 1NTLITDINO Three-Story and bnsmipnt. pood brick building. (50x132 fet In sUe. with 6 retail More rooms and 8C-room hotol snd hotel furniture and equipment and good will In well-established and profitable hotel buntnesn; alao 95-year lease on lot (16x1 112 feet at low rental, without reappralseinent. Ica llon northwest corner Kth and Howard Sts., Omaha, In same block with City National Hank Building and Orpheum Thea ter. Retail stores alone will pay .leasehold rental, taxes and Insurance. HUILD1NU. 1IOTKL I-'1'KN1TUKE AND Bl'61-, NKS8 AND LHASK ALL KOK $31!. 000. MM I I I I'l '."HI i IS) ! S.i I I I ' . i.iii Xs'Ut Ml v i .i . ill? 1 - j,.i i- .1 Ik An unusual opportunity to make a business property in vestment and purchase a going, profitable business. For Further Information Call Upon or Address, GEORGE & COMPANY Phone, Douglas 766. City National Bank Bldg. Omaha. These New Store Buildings FOR RENT The First Store Building in the New Town of West Benson Located along the C. A. N. W. Railway on West Main Street, paved road, two miles west of Benson. This building consists of two good sised store rooms and three rooms In the rear of each store room. The stores are for rent. Would be a good location for a general merchandise, drug store, meat market, hardware, butter and egg market, barber shop, or many other different kinds of business. The three rooms In the rear are living rooms. A large farmer trade can be worked up at this point. The rent will be made very low. Jitney service connects with the end of car line in Benson every hour during the day and half hour dur ing the morning and evening. ' ' ' See us about making a lease on one or both of these atore rooms at once. - Hastings & Heyderi 1. 1614 HARNEY STREET, . ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Compile SB turslsUeS b Kerr Tills luarut n4 AtiKrscl csmpsur. Wi Huulh evntent WARHANTY DICEUS HeniK-tt Rmm tu William U carsr. lot ) blink 1. ("Mlshtnn'i dd I t.flO HarrlM I'ulvln to lik P. oolvio st al., lot t block ft. Houlh oiiuht 1 Carl A MhmIuii to Uula Urrkt. sil tMt ot vlll fct irf blo.ll , bowr Hill t.fii Joseph Urlir snil lt to flsoras t. Ilsr- ker uodt Iota I snd I. blork 111. Umsh. U.WKI HaxlDM A Hydn to Vluior llsnssu, lot . blwk 11, l.ineoia Heishu VIHor HanMil to Tliomaa Durkls lot I. Wuck 11. I.iiiooln Itslshts Ij, K..r Haumha.'h to Willlsm and roru Hauml. h, In 10, block I, Oilora Fiaca . Bllastath O Kl-ni to Krnaat P- Hogora, lot 21. Foreat Hill l"rk Juavh B-kar, truala, to U. W. Klrod. lota Its and 111. Boanis add Maldsn invawioont t'u. to Frank Ssmluik, lots, blok I, Hllladala. Bout 11 Omaha ... Ktmnk Uokulll and wtf l ITrsnk Trdy. ar , lot . block 1 fotwr Cobb's Sscoud add to South Mnak Chriatls W. Ktmnuaon snd wits ts Jamas B Ba, lot . blork t, liar's add rr4 C. Aahmuain and wtto ts Ms? Msrtls, 1M I 1 I 4i l,SB ttl and Ul. WMImorolans oa Phlladalphla Mrm" nd TiuM Oo. to John U MiUunald. wM lost lot snd trt of lot 1. block B. Shin's add l.SOO Hall la B. mons ai ai. ia jamoa n. mt, IS fort of all M M W I, block tt. woat omaha J .. '; Jasnl N. Knftald and haabasd ts Maala and Hasrr llrlmnaeh. lot , block 1, Brvar a NakMMi'B ttocond aHd to Vallay Edgar J Bulmar and wlfo to Ellaa Prdaraon lrlatooaon loU It Snd U. block 14. Am klfli IMaoo Alfrod Janaas to Nola Jaaasn. lot it, blook I, Orant Plas John J Mahonor and ! to H. 8. Arnalain. Wrta 1 and I Rlrkert 4 I'araon a sob of lot I. blnrk It. rViutb tlmaha Mauda B Hanaoo an1 huaiiand to Waltar Chrtatanaan, part ot lota i and . blo k 1. IWmla Park Rnmia (Irani to cbarla C. Randall, part of lot T. Johnaon'a add yt'IT TUAIM DBT3t. Trank Kotarlia to Anaika Kutarba, andVi ot lot U. blork II. Brown Par Mahal H. Staphas to William I Stophan loia 17. 1. I and 10. blwk 1. Thoana aon A Oooa' add Bdward 1. staphan and wlfa at si. to Wil liam I Stbi. I-'la 17. II. II and X. bk k Thoojaaon 0k adl FIRE IN OKLAHOMA TOWN CAUSES GREAT DAMAGE HOBA FIT, Okl., March 12. Tha Inter state Compress company's plant here containing 7,000 balea of rot ton, was des troyed here today by fire of unknown origin The loss was estlmstcj tonight to be mora than MEO.non. Systematic fire Hunting was out of ths question berause of a high wind and Insufficient wster. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE tmo Heimlrlnj, oni a nttnw. Auto Radiator Reptlr tI e, mil rrioes ngtM jet. H J1Mn St. i 73'. ynt i eu ..l-ii hi- mi.! , I, I i i i I i.l ren'iirerl II- ' dfir r O'l I in it . jok'm I it pi i v- v in o Vimiring. u j s. i;th St. Tyb-r :o7, ni:lit.l(ed 74. fininiia HiiTainr if". i; Kti I . jm! l:lftrlr t iil,iuchlte. Valter Andr on. ep t rp g eie trilv" butteries Homer. Knrnari. T. 4"!17 A I 'TOMOI' ' I.'" 1 N S I -R A N ' ' P.. Fire Theft. Liability gnd I r.iperiy Drxiuas ;' ep r Rit. KII.LY. ELLIS THOMPSON'. !)lS-n City Nat. i.iiiiU Bltlu. Doug. --Iff. MOTORCYCLES An 3 BICYCLES 11 A RI.KV DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Iiurgnln In urd uiaeiiine, 'K't:ir Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2Te: lenvenwort i tl: n- 1 m1 1 "11 r Fire Truck Hits Switch Engine at Council Bluffs Fire truck No. S of the Council Bluffs fire department struck a Northwestern switch engine broadside yesterday, entirely demolishing- the truck and send ing the switch engine to the roundhouse for repairs. The truck wae hurrying down Broadway at a rata of about eighteen miles an hour and the driver thought he had a clear way across the railroad tracks. When It waa too lata to stop the gate started to lower aa a switch engine rolled across Broadway. The truck atruck the engine between I 1 the drlwrs, breaking the connecting rod. Assistant Firs Chief Cotter jumped and suffered a sprained hip. Other members of the tire company stayed on the truck and none waa severely injured. The truck weights 11.0UO pounds. Lahey Finds Men Stealing Brasses Special Officer Isliey ot the Illinois Cen tral railroad late yesterday evening came upon two men stealing brasses from the cars In tha yards at the tnteraectlon ot Thirteenth and Grace streets. When he demanded that they surrender, they started to run. firing four shota at tha detective, none of which took effect. I-ahfy returned the fire with a shotgun and states that ha saw one of the men fall. The police made a complete search of the yards, but found no trace of tha man. Officer Buford, however, found several brasses In a hole tilled with water, where the. men hid them, expecting to return for them some time in tha future. Mast Haw Villas BAN FH A NCI SCO. March St Tha I'nlied Stales army recruiting headquar ters at risn Francisco today begn a poster recruit inn campaign with a first scries of posters handed to pedestrians. hraited: "We must have Villa." .r