Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
BRINGING f I ROURKE AND KRU6 OPEN CAMP TODAY Accompanied by Cy Forsythe, Pa and Marty Leave for Beatrice to Get Things Ready. EARL SMITH IS ON HIS WAY They're off! At :M this morning Fa Ilourka, Marty Krug and Cy Korsythe will catch a rat tler out of Omaha for Beatrice, where they will open the sprint training camp of the Rourkea. Rourke and Km IT will apend the remainder of the week Betting the ramp ready for the athlctea when they begin to report next week. Marty and Forsythe also contemplate a little preliminary working out no they will have the edge on their matea in the way of condition and be able to put gin Iter and pep Into the training festivities. Fritk fchllebner. Clink Claire and Wal lle Bpellman will lenve Sunday for the camp. All fthree of these players live In Omaha. Karl Smith, tho scintillating outfielder, left hl home In Portsmouth, O., yester day and wilt arrive In Beatrice, Satur day. Hmlth la craiy to be up an, at 'em and aaya thia year he'll rang among the .309 ! uittera. aa well aa retaining the honor of being the best fielding outfielder In the loop.' T,v Will He Late. Ilsrry Krause and Ernie Kruger will be a little late In reporting. Krauae leavea Ban Francisco, Kunday, and will arrive In Beatrice, Wtdnesday. Krueger will not leave Arlsomi until April 1, thua arriving at the cam April 4. Hut Krauae and Krueger have been working out al ready, living aa they do where aprtng haa already arrived, and will be In ahape when they report. Cecil Thompson will be on time. He had prevloualy expected o be late on account of. pre Ming btnlneaa affairs at home In Perry, N. Y. Rourke got a wire from ilia southpaw t wirier yesterday, In which he aaid he would be on the Job when the . bell hita. All of the other hired hands are ex pected to arrive a per schedule. ( KREIGER THROWS REYNOLDS . AND CLAIMS THE BELT ViLlEHTON. Neb.. March 22. (Spe cial) In a fast match for the Nebraska welterweight championship at the Royal theater Wednesday evening, Adam Krelger of Lincoln gained a new title for himself by throwing Jack Reynolds of Silver Creek In ctralght falls; tho firat In fifty-seven minutes and theserond In alx. ' Reynolds heretofore held the champion ship and weighed in at 143; Krelger aelghed In at 1 -',. The flrat fall was by the hammerlock and head scissors, but Reynolds" backers claimed that the head scissors waa a atrangl and. after con siderable argument It was decided to call the firat fall a foul and go for two more falls, oo the referee waa changed and Krelger wanted to bet odda that he could throw hla man tn five mlnutea. but found no takers. The next fall was by the arm strangle and hammerlock In alx mlnutea and com pletely put Reynolds out of bualneaa. lie could not "come back" and the match and belt was forfeited to Krelger, who will defend It against all comers at 148 pounds. Street Hallway Ball atarla. Th street railway base ball teams will irt hliisa lodav. The Pierce atreet division will met the Cornell Bl'i'fs divi sion at Joe rimith Para at : p. m.. Thirty-fifth and Broadway. . Council Blutfe. BEL LEVUE LADS DECLAIM IN PROHIBITION CONTEST 1 1 1 i Right Pellevue boya ranging tn age from 11 to It years of age engaged In a prohibition declamatory contest, held un rier the auspices of the Intermediate Christian Endeavor at the Bellevue Pres byterian church. Harry Fowler, with a reading by John P. 8t. John, entitled "Vote the Trefflo lown," won first place, with Carl Erton a close second ln the reading "On Which fcJJe Are Your1 The winner of first place received an excellent fountain pen, and the boy who took second wsa given a gold sea if pin. !r. Stephen Phelps opened the service with prayer, which was followed by prohibition song, "Brewers' Big Horses.' The boys, lth their subjects, were: Bernard Combs. "High License;" Irv ln Khafrr. "Woe Vnui llhn that Oivetl His NtUhbor lirlnk, ' Kxther (ttnkes Sre We Kind to MarvT" a story true life; Carl Krion. "On Which Hide Are YouT" Claude MeUullough "Th Kuuntaln of Crime,' by Juiv Morion tiord.n Dunn, "The Crimson linllot;" Her old KH, Prohibition in Atlanta," by II. V. Grady; Harry Fowler. "Vole the Traffic Down." by John P. Bl. John eon. "Irv Clean Nebraska Where Yoi Are," Bfllevue rollea Young Men a Chrla- 'laii (' la i ion qviartet. W. N. Paxton. chairman. Judges, Mr. Ulnar, sir a Ohman. W A adit ore Maaae Officers. P1KRRE. 15. D.. March a.-(8perlal.)-At tls meeting of the atate auditors' association the officers selected for the next year were: Pr rat lent. Jack Maua. Bunhamme; flrat vice preaideut, Frank J. (lurpby, Meade; aecond vice president. J. N. Wold, Ieuel; aecretary-treaaurer, W. O. Nelson. Yankton. UP FATHER Ui-Jl VERt-IOU VHY.EB.- &HEHM.A K T . . - hi . . . T I -W I A I I II II I I)Mi(fr l.eefcae. I.1C18Y HHKWINU CO. Int. M. St. T t Mattrer ! 1W f'S' Klnnaman .1-3 K.J J? W Karr 177 174 Vl r. Jarosh...l't l&t 3 I IW Frits HI 1 Chrlstenaen 1 Straw l7 Week 11 Potter ... Handicap .191 . 34 ToUls IK3 ri. 831 3S74 Carter lkt Ladles. BOWLING. 1st. Id. Tot Bralley 100 100 Cattln M18 1M ilW Oould 141 l' iM Ooldatrom M 101 187 Lovering 11 144 236 Totala "Jill 1108 CARTBR. llsndlcap ..10 10 10 JO Total W7 44 1M 716 CORET M'KENZIK. 1st. 2d. It. Tot. A. Bowers. .177 SW3 177 u67 Poherty ....1X3 am ! 1XJ Hland " B. Bowers... W M 10 5'i Zarp 149 TO 148 44. Totals IMS 1(77 M 7709 TRACT BROS. PAlvR. 1st. Id. 31. T-it. Rierman .... Hackett Keating I'nderwood . Whltehouse Prlmeau ...i2 23 181 &l Amsden 17t 15 171 627 Hnlliday ...l l&s 1M Kent a ist j-i Totala Fk-hoenman 14ft 1 122 4IA Handicap ..14 1". 2a 4 Berg .... Freeland Helfner Johnson Hassett Totals Totals SNI Ml 171 2ol7 OMAHA V. at BTORAOfel 1st. 2d. St. Tot. , ITamerstr'm.lM 174 171 58S Straw 1 1 121 3" Howell 1 L17 lu 43 Toman IH1 'M 17 fctg Touaem . ...l..:t 19 2-' b64 Carpenter Jetes RoKers .. Zlpfel Dlmlrk . Totals 10 M4 8t PKTE 1XKMIS. 1st. 2d. at Tit. Balxer 170 1 179 Hf Teal 1H2 1!J M J4J Kehm 1 If 1iV 48 Totala Wartehow ..178 2-.'4 lit H Uoff 187 177 ;01 LSI Totals...... 8I4 B50 M8 27i2 MIDLAND P. O. CO. Olsen 174 i) 11 tOfi gpeelal Match. F. AND M. BANK. (Benson.) Lsraon 118 Hins .. 145 SOUTH HIGH WILL ENTER BIG MEET Coach Pattern Will Organize Eelay Team to Participate in Annual Athletio Tournament. REVIVES INTEREST IN TRACK South High will be represented by a relay team at the annual Indoor athletio meet at the city Auditorium the night of March 81. Central and Council Bluffs High achoola and Lincoln will also take part. The local school baa not had a track tenm in three years, and It Is the Ian of Coach Patton, who starred In the field of track at Knox college and Ne braska university, to work up at least a relay team for thla one event. If sue cessful a regular team will be organised nd gent to Lincoln to take part. In the nnual Nebraska stale meet. - Albert lliohn. Ueorje Bott and Lyman orr are three fast men who will begin training at once for the dashes and the I quarter, half, mile and two-mile runs. I Blohn was once a prominent participant I In racea at the Young Men'a Christian! asaoctatlon and la a fleet runner. Nixon I la the strong msn In the high Jump and I shot-put field, while Bhalnholts Is a close I competitor. Other good men Include Gust Rugle, star tali lor of last year's base ball team and big tackle who played such consistent game last year on the foot ball eleven.' Thla athlete is expected to tar at hurling the Irons and the broad Jump. Three Men Hurt In Strike Riot at Parrett, Ohio HT EC B EN V 1 LL E. o M.rrh Three men were Injured and ten arrests wer made today aa a result of rioting at the mines of the Modern Coal cont- pany at Parrett. O. Five hundred armed men, it waa alleged, marched upon the company's property and demanded that the men employed Join the union. County authorities were notified by Phone and a larae force of rinnuil.. ... dispatched to the acene of the rioting. The men who made the deacent upon the coal company Dronert were uld t k.v. come from Plney Fork and other points In tOat vicinity STREET RAILWAY COMPANY BUILDING 25 NEW CARS At the Iake atreet shops of the Omaha street railway company work haa aturted on tne construction of twenty-five cars that will be ready to go onto the ays- I Improvement club, Esst Omaha Improve tern early next fall, prooably ahortty I nwnX rralrla Park Improvement prior 10 in. carnival aeaaon. The care wl be of the aame type as those on Farnam and Twenty-fourth streets cross seats, with aislee down the renter. The building of the twenty-five cars la about all the new work contemplated by the street railway people this yesr. At this time there ate no plana tinder con templation for any extensions of lines. The regulation maintenance work will be continued, aa In the past, the purpose being to keep all portions of the system '.n the very best condition. Dr. Klaar'a Mew Lite Pills. Regular bowel movement la essential to your health. Take Dr. King's New Ufa Pills and have a dally movement. Vic. All druggtste. Advertisement. TI1E BEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAKCU Copyright. Xttk. Interna tional News Herrsca, . 1 ' in 113 41 1 Westergard I'J 151 1 444 1 1j0 4i. Rani 1 14 1.4 40 )S l 'iauller 144 1 IS 4iU 170 191 &M 34 M 1 1 Totals 75 717 733 t.W U hi U AND P. CO. lat. M. 3d. Tot. Wllsin Osvln . Brlstow laard .. Moylan ,.14 147 14 4W ..i,i in 144 m ..1M 181 1&4 471 ..1M IS 146 438 ..10 138 1 isi Totals 7&.1 716 101 120 dale City Letagcae. FLORHHBIMS. 1st. Id. td.Tot. Koran 101 111 109 19 Htors 146 194 1 47 6M Gibson 175 166 f 49 1st. Id. Tot .102 171 Nelson 183 ltt 114 64 I 123 27D Johnson ....1S 1M 141 4t I ...100 100 2X) ...IiiO 1"0 'i ...121 US 137 . ,. Tl rrrr Totals 812 891 8ffl 2616 1LKR t j RANDS. 1st. 2d. 3. 1. Tot. H.nV.. :.v;:2 i "! ! Chandler ...214 V 142 6a4 Beselln 212 238 111 Voaa ........1M 11 189 J4 677 S08 1083 LAKES. 1st. 2d. Tot. 100 100 200 103 83 1S4 110 8 1W 1W 131 270 75 107 183 Totals S M I tall'KUY CJIBMON8. 1 Rnord iV tn i7jTR 1 62S b 1036 CLUB. 1st. 2d. Tot. l.ylell 141 1J4 158 4..S Ford 181 138 1 27 422 ...122 ! 214 ...100 100 2M ...H 101 3" ... 08 1 33 2.11 ...100 loO 200 i-idS'rSm" m imo S , Totals..... .8i 809,777 1472 626 6.7 1U63 1st. 3d. Id. Tot. I ..197 lso 127 474 1 Ptlne Heyer ..lfij 173 159 W I lne"".:::'5. lW m n 1st. Id. 3d. Tot. Mitchell ..107 133 183 613 I 101 143 4o2 143 14 4.".i Totals ...917 847 790 1534 iMrs.SumneyBuys, Home lor a Lonely . Old Bachelor Bird Mrs. If, C. Sumney entered the city council chamber yesterday afternoon and viewed the bird house exhibit with won dering eyes. Hhe walked over to greet I Helen Thompson, BeUe Ryan, Miss Flynt and Mlaa Craig, who were busy directing the arrangement of the exhibit "I want to buy a bluebird house. You know, we have a lone bluebird In our yard. He has been there for several days and la looking for a suitable location. I Just know he la a bachelor bird, because he looks so lonely," began Mrs. Bumney "Your bird may be an old maid bird,' suggested Miss Thompson. "Oh, no, he la too good looking to be an old maid bird. I am sure he is a bachelor bird, and when I get a house for him he will find a mats and aettle down." continued the visitor. Robert Oalt. auDervlaor of rarnenterln work at Fort school, becsme interested I In Mrs. Humnev'a rasa and aava her a nice bluebird house, which she took homo with directions to place the house from five to ten feet from the ground. "I Just felt aorry for that lone bluebird, with no home and no mate." said Mrs. Pumney as she made her happy departure. Civic League Will Meet Friday Week at thq City Hall The annual meeting of the Civic leag'ie Is to be held Friday evening. March 31 In the city hall, when, the city planning movement will be considered as well as the work of the CJty planning commis sion. The following organisations are en- send deles tea to thla meeting: OmahA Commercial club, Ak-Sar-Ben, I arn cluti. crelgnton r Irai aq dlUo" Improvement club, the Danish llonecr. The Examiner, The Excelsior, Field Club District Improvement club. C,ty of Flo"". Noon-Day club. Omaha Ad club. Omaha Association of Build ing Ownera and Managera, Omaha Auto club, Omaha Bar association, Omaha Bee, Omaha Builders exchange, Omaha Clearing House aasoclatlon. Omaha club, mh Country club. Omaha lai.y N' Omaha Ktectrlcal club. Omaha Or"-1" exchange. Omaha Field club. 0h Estate exchange. Omaha I rveiau uroct rs association, vnin Omaha QUd. Omaha Trade Exhibit. Tribune, Omaha Woman a club. Play S.ym.r Lake Country club, the Tech- nlcal club. I'nlverslty club. World-Her- laid. Military ..venue Improvement club, Lincoln Avenue Improvement club. Ne I braska Ar.-hltecte' aasoclatlon. Pouthweat Ui,,h r,r. u.rA IIMI tmr.rov.ment club. Central Park Improvement club, Happy Hollow club. Central Labor union. Car ter I-ake club, Douglas County Medics society, Lincoln Heights and Hltcheoc. Addition Improvement club.. Prettiest Mile club. I'nlted States Civil Service Employers' assoclstlon. Newport-Belve dere Improvement club, Omaha Manu facture' association, mayors of Omaha Bei.aon. Florence and Bellevue. Teachera' aasoclatlon. Poclal Settlement association. Omaha Rotary club, city commissioners, county commissioners. Board of Educa tion, Forest association and Omaha So ciety of Fine Arts. I Ksv tn i ha Bit luhim-Ilea Want Ada. FACULTY MEMBERS OUTPLAYJTDDEHTS Teachert in Hih School of Com merce Demonstrate that They Are Some Players. CLOSE' RIGHT UP TO FINISH At basket ball Wednesday afternoon the faculty of the High School of Commerce defeated the pupils, II to 11. on the Young Men's Christian association floor. The Commerce Hlg?i quintet fought the Instructors to a standstill and the game was In doubt until the) last minute of play. It waa the basket shootiag of Drummond. Linn and DetrlAg that put It over the school team. ... . ... . The soore stood 7 to t at the end of the first half. In favor of the faculty. T ?dMta bmck ln "1 beginning of the second half and overfook the lead and held It untn the jai!t throe ninutM of play. Rokusek was the individual atar for the students, with six points to his credit Preliminary to the game the Com- merce Reserves walked away with the Commercial Tramps hy a score of . I to 1. B"" Tramps was the only point getter for tila team, with a. field goal in the flrat half. The Tramps were unable . . vu MwMi.h vi the close guarding of the Commercial Seconds. nrl Vlrhnlinn nlavau4 In tr fashion for, the Reserves. The lineups were as follows: COM. HIGH. FA CO LTT. Mlileherg F. ltokusek F. F Detrlng F Knotts W. Reeves C. Conhiser O. C Linn O Drummond Carlisle a. C Tolsnd Substitutes: Nicholson foe Mlllhm Johnson for W. Beeves. Brott for Knotts. r leia goals: Kokusek (2), Johnson. Con hiser, Detrlng (i), I .Inn (2), Drummond .n. rout goaia: Mini-erg. ftokuaek (2) Linn (2). Foula committed: Commercla HlahL S: Faculty. 0. Referee: Marfar land. Kcorekeeper: Ruasum. COM. RE8BRVK8. TRAMPS. Nicholson F.l F Brown I' lxa F. F To and Johnson ....CJC Harsh Moakovitx O.IO Dutcher Ci. Beeves. ...O. Q Melcher Substitutes: Klx-er for Fixa. Chlsium for Tolsnd. Field seals: Johnson 2 Fix. Moakovlts, Brown. Fouls com mltted: Reserves. 8; Tramps. 5. Referee Aiacianana. Three Men Killed As Freights Crash MINNEAPOLIS, March 2.-Three men were killed and three Injured, two prob ably fatally, when a freight train on the Minneapolis 6 8t, Louie railroad craahed r anoiner rreigni tram a hair east or New Richland, Minn., during a snowstorm today. The dl: A. C. BTQVKR, Minneapolis, engineer, FRF.D HART. Albert Lea, stockman OLE WANEQEN. Albert Lea. The caboose and three stock ears burned. The victims were caught In the burning wreckage, Heary Ris of lee. nrnRE. 8. r March a. (Speclal.)- A heavy run of Ice has been Coming down the river 'all today,' with a stage of about nine feet Thla probably clears the river, as far up as Mobrldge. I Quit Meat When : Back Hurts or Kidneys Bother Says Uric Acid in meat clogs Kidneys and irritates Bladder. A glass of Salts is harmless way to flush Kidneys, says authority. If you must have meat every day. eat It, but flush your kldneys with aalts oc casionally, aaya a noted authority who tells ua that meat forma uric acid which I a,mot Paralyses the kldneya In their ef- 10ns to expei it irom ine diooo. inry become sluggish and weaken, then you 'th "J"1' TIL'VX' Tl region, aharp palna in the back or aick headache, dlsslness, your stomach sours, tongue la coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and Irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To neutralise these Irritating acids, to clease the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Baits from any pharmacy here; take a tableapoonful In a glass of water be fore breafaat for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes snd lemon Juice, combined with lithis. and haa been used for generations to flush and atlmulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise the acids la urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad. Baits Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure, and makes a delightful effervescent Utbla-watar drink Advertisement. 23, Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Dave Northnip is Owner of Elephant With Some Appetite Dav Northina, simmerclal scent of the Great Wentern tn Omaha, has become sols oaner, proprietor and possessor of on bonest-ta-goodneM elephant, assets unkmowa. but appetits la the pink of con dition. The anrtnal has arrived ln Omaha from Red Wing, Minn. It came in a car by Itself with a liberal consignment of feed and all charges pal- The animal is blued at 8.000 pounds net weight. 'Why the elephant should be wished onto him la a mystery Northrup Is as yet nable to solve. Not contemplating any opposition to the circus trust at present Northrup Is Inclined to regard his ele phant as a white elephant. Home months ago Northrup became the possessor of one automobile, and the up keep expense threatened to bankrupt him. He managed to dispose of it and thus escaped. Now he's got an elephant that can eat more peanuts than an auto can gasoline, and a, constant chsnt of "woe Is me" can be heard emanating from the Great Western office. GRAHAM ICE CREAM FIRM WILL BUILD NEW PLANT The Graham Ice Cream company has Just purchased from George Barker a lot on Jones street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, for the purpose of erecting a modern Ice cream manu facturing plant. Contracts will be let Immediately and work on the grading will atart the flrat of next week. The building will be two stories high and basement and will be entirely modern. Construction will be pushed rapidly and It Is expected the building will be com pleted In ninety days. Valuable Health Hints: The Roosevelt Conservation Commission on national vitality indicated in their re port that -in the United States -every year- there are . 600,000 deaths which should not :have ocourred. Think of it! 1,(44 deaths every twenty- four hours which 'should have been pre vented a Titanic a day. Is it not fright ful to contemplste? Their report also indicated that . at least half of the S.900,000 kick beds con stsntty kept' filled In the United States Should not be needed. Many people fall (11 and die because they do not know how to keep well, while others simply neglect to apply to them selves their knowledge of the laws of health. When' you realise that Impure, impov erished or impaired blood la tho prime cauae of disease, you will understand the importance of keeping your blood pure and vigorous, and If it has gotten In bad shape from any cause, you must quickly realise the very great Importance of getting it back In good condition With out' delay. The surest and safest way that haa been found to keep the blood pure and also to make It cure after It has beoomo Impure is to take 8. 8. P. the Standard Blood Remedy for fifty years. Do you know that ' aUSSTTstATISir Is not Just a local soreness? The pain in the muaclea or . Jointa Is merely a symptom the cauae is much deeper. Rubbing' the sore spot with oils or lini ments may bring a certain amount of temporary relief, but the disease Is still In the system and the pain will come back. Rheumatism Is poison in the blood that poison must be removed be fore the disease can be cured. It can be removed by using S. . 8.. which acta directly on the blood -purifying it and removing the poisons ' that cause the disease. B. 8. 8. Is, purely vegetaDie and not, only purlflea the, blood, but 'Is gplended tonic for the entire system OATAaVJtX. The symptoms ot catarrh are moat fre. quently treated Instead of treating the disease itself. Catarrh la the result of mpurittes in the blood these impurities must be removed before the disease can be cured. - The most common symptom of Catarrh la an Inflamed aad . tender condition of tho breathing paasagea and the blocking of throat and noatrlla with mucous. . The use of washea, nasal douches and creams merely ease the local Irritation, but do not reach the disease. To cure Catarrh you must go to the seat of vie trouble tne wooa ana Ill yfli Jl a,jfiBaWseassjBS ,. w. ...". - . Irving Barr Made Bookkeeper at the Omaha Postoffice A bookkeeping department has been organized at the Omaha potofflc fol lowing Instructions from Washington, it la located ln the large north room on th-j first floor, formerly the office of the superintendent of mails. Irving F. Barr, formerly assistant cashier, is bookkeeper, and Miss Mabel Hart, for five years at one of 4 ho stamp windows, has been promoted to the postlon of assistant bookkeeper "be cause of her faithful and efficient ser vice, unfailing courtesy and constant effort toward the best Interesta of ihe' department," says Postmaster Wharton.' New desks and other furniture have been Installed In the new office and new linoleum will be laid. Miss Clara Peterson has been trans ferred from the money order department to the stamp department to take the place of Miss Hart. GOTHIC Arrow Collar Flta the knot of a four-ln- hand or bow perfectly. 2 far 25c' Cluett, Peabody & Co.. Inc., Makers cleanse and purify It with 8. 8. 8.' Its action' is to cleanse and strengthen the blood corpuscles so they: fight off the disease. " TTBtTXZa AaTD IOIB1. i Diseases of the. skin are caused by poisons In. the blood. You. cannot cure a skin disease until the poisons in the blood are. removed - The -use , of . salves and ointments may give some temporary relief, but the poison that cauaes them is atill In your system and will break out on the sur face again. You must, go to the root of the trouble and remove the cause. 8. B. S. haa been purifying the blood and thus enabling nature to drive away sores, plmplea, ulcers and other akin troubles, for half a century. It contalna no harmful drug. It will do for you what it has done for others give it a trial before It is too late. '" rOIBOSTXO BLOOD. Aa stated In the introduction, the cauae of most diaeasea is polson-lnfecteu blood. You cannot have a hewlthy body if you have impure blood running in your reins. The blood is the great source of nouriahment for all fleah tissues. When the blood la not pure It carries poisons and Impurities to all parta ot the body, causing local Ills that cannot be cured until the blood la purified. Jm pure blood shows Itaelf in many wyi lack of energy lose of apipetlte, sleep lensness, may all be evidence Of an im paired condition of the blood. 8. H. 8. haa been Bold for fifty year? and Is known far and wide a the aur. eet remedy for all blood troubles. It la nature's remedy, being made from ron'e and herb and acts directly upon th blood corpuaclea making thm pure an, healthy ao thry can do their work ii fighting off disease and toning up tae entire system. KAXAJtXA. Malaria Is a pots-nous srm whl h gc'.s into the blood from external source snd is most powerful for evil ln thoe cons'l tuttons which arc satursted with other nnlaons already present In the blood. It is more apt to attack those whos boil la impoverished or impure from any cause, than those whose systmn ate normal and whose blood is pure. The beat treatment for th's prevalent malady la that which will destroy ma le r Ion Krma In the bloo.1. tosether with all other poisonous material that may be I resent. 8. 8. S, will purify your blood and e'esnfe It of all impur: I -a. If you au fer from malera. don't loie any time gcttinr a bottle of tlii wonderful medicine ' . BEXimSB. - 8. 8. P. Is guaranted to be purely ve?e table and while cleansing your blood of all impurities it will set as a tonic f ir your entire bodv. bullritng up your phys ical and nervous system. This wonderful medicine Is prepared onlv ry Hwlft Sredfic Compi ly, :K Swift Bu ldliig, Atlanta. Oa. Write for rpMil booklet and If medical advice Is wanted, write for that also to adjrexa glvn shove. Booka and medical advice are free. sev.r rail. lit ir--i"rV'i- f- Be Rid of Piles A Froa Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat ment Will Amaze You "With. Its Eesults. "Take Mr Avse Vim ryramia rn Treatment" Tt Is only fair to yourself to TRY Pyramid Pile Treatment tho most popu lar home pile treatment ln the world today and one that has stood the tee -of time. Mall the coupon NOW or e'se (ret a B0o box of Pyramid Pile Treatment from any druggist. Take no substitute. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUO COMPANY. tab Pyramid Bldg Marshall. Mich, Kind ly send me n Free sample of Pyramid Name Street Cltr.... Ftste. saiwG cms. stops "OLD KENTUCKY" IS PERFECT CllEWIIG Its Sweet Juicy Flavor Is Wholesome, Satisfying 2nd Lastinn 3 IKE TASTIEST OF CHEVVS In order to really enjoy tobacco you want to taste the flavor. There is only one way you can do this and that is by chewing it. And the most wholesome and most satisfying form of chew ever invented is hiph-grade pressed plug, like Old Kentucky. A fruity-sweet chew of Old Kentucky has more satisfaction in it than a whole plug of ordinary tobacco. Take choice Burley leaf sun ripenedmellow and luscious press it into golden-brown plugs by the most modern methods, without allowing a particle of the, natural juice to escape and there you have Old Kentucky, the per fect chew. There's no other nhirr tolir made that has the delicious, appe e- tizing, wnoiesome flavor of O' Kentucky. I Your dealer has Old Kentucky in ioc plugs. Get a plug today Advertisement. . ft. MSStW jB Aial wtelssfii h iajtsT iajsBTfT HswSBstfssfal ijrtaJGUJs la I in1 iih Em f or- a ' ibm n if si 1 MtIP-"'-