Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1916, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
The Bee is the Paper
yo ask for; if Ton plsa to
ebsant mora than few days,
bar The Bee niailsd to yon.
VOL. XLVXO. 238.
ft..1 single copy two cents.
SOME OF THE TROOPERS WHO HAVE GONE AFTER VILLA Part of the Eighth cavalry, which makes up the flying column that is chasing the
Mexican bandit and his band of outlaws to their hiding place in the Sierra Madre mountains.
Wireless Report Tells of Battle Be
..... .... , : : . : r ' '
Want Additional Troops to Protect
Hit Line of Communication,
Already Over Hundred
Miles Long.
tween Bandits and Carranza
Forces Near Los Cruces,.
'Adequate Force of Infantry and
Cavalry Needed, Sayi His
Report to Capital.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 21.
General Funston today asked the
"War department for additional
troops to be used in the campaign
against Villa. He did not state the
number, but explained he wanted an
adequate force ot infantry and cav
alry to protect the line of communi
cation already more than 100 miles
long. He received no further news
from General Pershing.
The request for more troops came
(imply because General Pershing has
found It necessary to stretch his line
of communications so thin that, un
less reinforced soon, operations must
be restricted to a limited area.
AVkr It In Made Kirr.
Sending out detachment! of cavalry In
different directions south of Casas
Grandca has made advisable the station
ing of troops along those lines to sup
port the mobile forces sweeping tha trails
jto Bablcora, Namaqulpa and Carmen.
I When Bablcora Is reached the advanced
troops of the expeditionary forces will
lie almost 800 miles from the border.
Lack of newe from General Pershing
nd the absence of any unofficial reports
Indicating developments south of Casas
Orandes slnoe yesterday caused General
Funston to scan eagerly all reports
brought to hts desk, but had no bearing
on hlM renuest for additional troops, he
aid. The cutting of wires south of El
Paso had not been reported to his offi
cially. BAN ANTONIO, Tex.. March 21. Gen
eral Funston today asked the War de
partment for additional troops to be used
In the campaign against Villa. He did
not state tha number, but explained ha
wanted an adequate force of infantry and
cavalry to protect" the line of communi
cation already more than 100 miles long.
He received no further news from Gen
eral' Pershing.
Failure to hear from General Pershing
sharpened tha Interest. of those at Gen
eral Funston's headquarters today, but
did not arouse any anxiety. If was pointed
out that tha cavalry detachments lat
night, reported moving along three trails
south of Casas Grandea, were out of com
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.;
Heavy Fighting is
in Progress Along
Italian Frontier
BERLIN, March .. (Wireless to Bur
ville.) Heavy fighting continues on tha
Austro-Itallan front. The official Aus
trian statement of yesterday saye that
Italian attacka have broke down before
the Austrian tire. The announcement fol-
'un the Gorlxia bridgehead. Austro
Hungarians yesterday morning set fire
to a postion of the enemy bereye me
.1 - 1 V. a) rr. t Tn the
.f t Vtemoon Austro-Hungarlan artillery
Y Shelled heavy the enemy's front before
4 th--lw4d)Jjljd- During tha night they
elected the enemy from a trench before
Fighting continued at the Tolmlno
bridgehead as a result of the enemy's
efforts to conquer positions firmly In
Austro-Hungarlan hands. Tha number
of Italians captured reached 925 and the
number of machine, guns taken was in
creased to seven. Several attacks by
the enemy against Mrslivrh and Km
broke down. At Romson the Austro.
Hungarians captured a position and took
143 Italians and two machine guns.
"Lively fighting continues on the Carln-
thlan front, in the Tyrol rrontier dis
trict the enemy held the Col Dl Lana sec
tion and some points south of the front
under his artillery fire."
The Weather
Forecast, till 7 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Mcinlty
Rain: colder. . .
Hours. Uog;
6 a. in 45
a. m
7 a. m
R a. m to
a. m 46
10 a. m 49
11 a. m 63
IS m M
1 n. m 61
i p. m t o
5 p. m 7
4 p. in V
6 p. m
6 p. m M
7 o. m 1
8 p. m 7
CoamnarntlTo UkmI Hesorti.
1910 191 1914 1913
Highest today 6 32 M 2i
I.owi-nt today 4:1 21 14 8
Mean temperature fxi i "20 16
i'recipitation HO ."3 T T
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from tha normal:
Normal temperature 39
K'ru for the day 17
Total exrena since March 1 K2
Normal precipitation .04 Inch
Iieflrlency for the day 04 inch
Precipitation aluce March 1 08 Inch
jKfinency a Into Mar. h J 74 nch
Kirr cor. period 115 fcj nch
lJeflciency cor. period 1014 67 Inch
Reports from lutiitsi at T 1. M.
Station and State
Temp. High- Raln-
ot w earner. 7 p. in.
Cheyenne, clear 44
1'avenport, cloudy 44
1 nver, clear f'i
1 Moines, cloudy 60
Jrjdge City, cloudy 72
INorth Platte, part cloudy 6
s iimana, eiouuy i
Rrld Cliy. ler 41
iSanU Ke. pnrtly cloudy. 56 .".s
hheridan. clear 41
Hiotix l ily, cloudy i..' :.t
li rt'ne. rain 40 hk
T indii-aHs trees of irecinitnilon
L. A. Wtijill. Lual 'u..'ueier.
Republican State Convention at
Topeka Karnes Four Delegate-at-Large
to Chicago.
TOPEKA, Kan., March 21. The
republican state convention here to
day elected four delegates-at-large
and four alternates to the conven
tion of the party, adopted resolutions
criticising the "Wilson administration
and favoring national prohibition,
national woman suffrage, and ade
quate preparedness, and adjourned
without a wrangle, after a little less
than three hours deliberations.
The four delegates, elected C. F.
Scott, lola; W. F. oMrgan, Hutch
inson; Alfred Williams, Columbus,
and T. Davenport, Smith, Hiawatha.
As alternates, E. B. Jewett, Wrichlta;
Vern E. Tipton, Parsons; J. It.
Ransom, Kansas City, and Mrs. Sid
ney Breese, Cottonwood Falls, were
ot Instructed.
The delegates were not instructed as
to whom they should select as national
committeeman, or how to vote at the
national convention.
The convention went on wcord In reso
lutions adopted as favoring:
'An army and navy kept at a high
standard of efficiency, but not for an in
oreasa In the present establishment so
enormous a to put the United States
In a class of military nations and force
conscription, or lay unreasonable burden
upon the resources of the country.
"Constitutional amendments, providing
for national prohibition and for national
woman suffrage?""
"Preparation for peace by tha election
of a republican president and congress
who will enact' legislation to preserve
the American market for the American
producer; that will provide a merchant
marine; that will amend the immigration
laws to exclude undesirable Immigrants;
that will reconstruct and readjust Inter
state legislation, and that by meeting the
demands for the development and com
munity Ufa will keep the country In step
with the. progress of the age."
Villa Cntaaa Approrrd,
The resolutions also contained an ar
raignment of the present national ad
ministration,' deploring the "vacillating
and uncertain course of this country with
Mexico and with the warring nations of
Europe." They approved the govern
ment's determination to hunt down Villa.
Two Aeroplanes Lost
on Way to Front to
Search for Villa
COrA'MUBS, N. M.. March H.-Two
aeroplanes of the first ' squadron have
been lost in flight en route from here
for tha front In Mexico. Captain B. D.
Foulols, In command of tha squadron, to
day reported their failure to arrive and
said their whereabouts was not known.
Six machines arrived safely, exceedingly
high . winds have made army airmen's
tasks hazardous.
North Dakota is
Naming Delegates
FARcJ, -N. r.. March ll.-North Da
kota voters today cast their ballots In
the state presidential preference primary
to elect six delegates each to the repub
lican national convention at Chicago and
the democratic national convention at
Bt. Louis. A fairly representative vote
was expected.
The Non-Partisan league, a voting or
ganisation of farmers, has Indorsed ten
democratic candidates whom they an
nounced are pledged to no presidential
candidate and ten republicans who ara
pledged to United States Senator Robert
u. La Follette of Wisconsin.
HOLDREGE. Neb., March a. (Special )
Thirty-three filings for state and county
offices were made In Phelps county. The
filing fee for C. K. Harman for gov
ernor was paid Into the office of the
county treasurer last Saturday. The
greatest contest is for the office of
county superintendent, two republicans
and four democrat having filed. Three
republicans and two democrat have filed
for sheriff.
CUNT, Tex.. March 1.-Fears that
Mexicans might make an unexpected raid
resulted in the closing of the school to
day at Fabena, a border town opposite
the Mexican village of Gaudalupe. Cap
tain Moses, in command of a 1'nited
States company of infantry here, advised
Dr. Rlcker that as a matter of precau
tion he ehould remove his family from
lti torder. The school teacher, hearing
CuptHin Moses' advice, promptly cloned
the s hool.
French Official Report Says Violent
Assaults in Sector West of
Meuse Repulsed.
PARIS, March 21. German forces
again made violent attacks in the
Verdun sector west of the Meuse last
night. ' The war office announced
today that the Germans had gained
no success except that they obtained
u slight footing southeast of Malan
court wood. 1
East of the Meuse the night was calm.
The text of the statement follows:
"In HelKlmn an enemy reconnolssance
along our lines north of Point Boenlng
was at once driven back by a counter
"In the Argonne our artillery has been
very active along the southern boun
dary of the Cheppy wood.
"West of the Meuse the Germans sev
eral times last night renewed their at
tacks against our front extending from
Avocourt to Malancourt. where the bom
bardment by shells of large caliber con
tinued without Interruption. The attacks
were accompanied by throwing of flam
ing liquid by detachments of men carry
ing special machines for this purpose.
'In spite of the heavy losses Inflicted
by our fire the enemy was able to take
possession after hand-to-hand fighting
of the. southeastern part of Malancourt
wood, known as tha Avocourt wood,
which wa occupied. All the efforts of
the Germans to march out from the
Avocourt wood resulted In fallura. -
"lne night passed quietly on other
sectors In the Verdun region."
German Take Two Positions.
BERLIN, March Zl. (Via London.)-
French positions . northeast of Avocourt
wars raptured by tbe Germans, who took
t.MO prisoners, the war office announced
The unqualified assertion that tha Ger-
mans ara in possession ot ueaa man
hill, northwest of Verdun, Is reiterated
by the correspondent of . the Tages Zcl-
tung at the Verdun front.
"Not only hill No. 2M. called Dead
Man s hill, but bIbo the enemy posi
tions on hill No. 296, included under the
designation iead Man s hill, are In Ger
man hands." he says. "The French
neither hold nor command the position.
German advanced posts are south of the
summit ot hill No. 235."
According to German reports the
French, whose maps designate hill No.
165 as Dead Mans hlH. began to give
this designation to hill No. 295 whon
they were driven from hill No. 3.
Sinn Fein Rioters
Fire On Policemen
in King's County
IJN'DON. March 21. Sinn Fein rioters
fired on the police Isst night. Three of
the police were wounded.
Tha rioting occurred at Tullamore,
King's county, Ireland. A police sergeant
was wounded seriously and a county In
spector and a district Inspector received
slight wounds.
Tullamore, a town of S.uwhabltanta,
Is fifty-eight miles west of Dublin.
There have been Intimations of dis
turbed conditions in parts of Ireland In
several recent dispatches. On March 34
the police of Cork raided the residences
of the principal officials of the Blnn Fein
party and seised arms and documents.
The London Post last week said the
situation In Ireland was serious on ac
count of the activity of the Binn Fein
society, ft asserted a vigorous campaign
against recruiting was being carried out
without serious hindrance In the west and
south and that several persons had been
Indicted and tried, but had been acquit
ted. Villa Hopes to
Join Forces With
Zapata in South
B1L.UNGS, Mont., March 21. Villa Is
trying, to roach and cross the Klerra
Madre mountains In an effort to Join
forces with Zapata, the rebel leader, oper
ating In the southern pnrt of Mexico, ac
cording to an opinion expressed today by
Dr. 8. C. A mold, chief surgeon for Villa
In 1914-15, who has arrived here from
Dr. Arnold saM Villa would find
40,KO men under Zapata. In the evont he
succeeded In getting Into southern Mex
ico, Dr. Arnold asserted. United Statea
Id get at the bandit only
era Crux.
NEW YORK. March a.-German ex
cliange declined to a new low record to
day, the rate for demand bills to Berlin
he'ng quoted st 71 "-111 for the equivalent
of 4 murks, as against tha previous low
of 71'. Today's quotation wss slmost
nominal, however, vi offerings of ex
I'hnnge were lisht.
For Women Specially
The Dee's exclusive fea
tures relating' to house
hold topics, current
fashions, social entertain
ing and the personal prob
lems of t h e eternal fem
inine are unexcelled.
Read Our Woman's Pages.
Republican Sub-Committee Post
pones Action Until Meeting; to
Be Held in April.
'CHICAGO. March 21. The aub
corumlttee on arrangements of the
republican national committee ad
journed today without taking action
on the selection of a temporary
chairman for the national conven
tion here next June. The sub
committee will meet again at the
call of the chair about the middle
of April.
Five men mentioned roost promlnentlj
as candidates for temporary chalrmai
Representative James A. Mann of Illi
nois, Senator Warren Q. Harding of
Ohio, P. C. Knox ot Pennsylvania. Her
bert S. Hadley, former governor of Mis
souri, and Nicholas Murray Butler, presi
dent ot Columbia university,
Nona of tha five was believed to have
the support of all of the committee when
the session began. (
Early in the dlscusnlon it was reported
that opinion was tending toward Senator
Franklin Murphy,. Who yesterday said
the "wisest leaders of the party seem to
think that Colonel Roosevelt could not
be elected If he were nominated," de
clared today that "recent Jetters writton
by Colonel Roosevelt Indicate that he is
very much a candidate. Ha haa several
admirable qualities. Ha sticks to his
William F. Stone of Baltimore was
elected sergeant-at-arms for the June
convention. This will be the fourth re
publican national convention in which
Mr. JStone has served In that capacity.
Plot to Make Bogus
Bills Originated
In Penitentiary
WASHINGTON, March 21. Secret serv
ice officials here said today the recently
discovered plot to counterfeit the 15 fed
eral reserve note of the San Francisco
federal reserve bank originated in the
Washington state penitentiary at Walla
Walla. Nine men, all of them Inmates of
tha penitentiary at the same time, are
reported under arrest In Seattle and San
Francisco in connection with tha plot.
Britain Bars Autos,
Booze and Pianos
IjONDON. March a. Further restric
tion on the Importation of luxuries were
Imposed today. At a meeting of the prlvv
council. King George signed a procla
mation prohibiting the bringing In of
automobiles, motorcycles, various musi
cal Instruments, such as player pianos
and phonographs, and spirits and other
strong drink with the exception r.f
brandy and rum.
IiOLDREGEJv Neb., March 2L (SpccKI.)
William Nelson of this city has been
nominated by the temperance party for
the office of mayor. No other psny will
have candidates for city offices this year.
Mr. Nelson la at present a memb-r of tha
Roard of Education and president of tho
Commercial club.
Government Defrauded of Millions
in Taxes On Cigars and Cigarettes
WASHINGTON', March Ul. -Treasury of
ficials declsre that arrests of cigar and
cigarette manufacturers In New Jersey
yesterday on ehsrge of defrsuding the
government of Internal revenue taxes,
only scratched the surface of fraudulent
practices which have extended from
manufacturers to retailers snd even to
consumers all over the country.
Ho far the investigation has not shown
Just when the conspiracy began, but It
1s believed that it may be traced back
as far as t went y-flve ears. Kome esti
mates of the amount out of which the
government has been defrauded run up
to l"0u'i'i (inly a small pnrt of the
amount tan be recovered, but the govern
President Decides to Accept Pro
posal of Carranza for Agree
ment Covering Case.
WASHINGTON, March 21. Presi
dent Wilson and his cabinet today de
cided to accept a proposal for a proto
col between the United State and the
do facto government of Mexico for
co-operation In the pursuit of Gen
eral Villa and his outlaws.
General Carranza's ambassador
here and State department officials
will dlsruss the protocol further. It
is expected it would be put In final
form in a few days and signed.
It also was decided at today's cabinet
meeting that word should be sent late
today to General Carransa that the re
quest of the United States to use the
Mexican railroads docs not Include the
transportation of troops, but only the
shipment of supplies to the American
troops In Mexico.
Acting Secretsry Polk and Secretary
Baker explained to the cabinet over
night dlepatches and the situation grow
ing out of the request for use of the
Mr. Polk ssld In reply to the request
that Carransa had asked whether it was
planned to transport American troops as
well as supplies. Tha president and the
cabinet wra disposed to meet any rea
sonable request. It was indicated that
the proposed protocol would be so com
prehensive as to Include all questions
which might arise In connection with the
Joint pursuit of Villa by tha American
and Carransa force .
Acting Secretary Polk.s Secretary Dan
iels, Attorney General Gregory and Post
master General . .Rurlcson . .remained -In
conference taith tha president after tha
Other cabinet members had left. They did
not disclose the subject of the confer-
Lieutenant Bowen,
Army Aviator, is
Injured by Fall
COLUMBUS, N. M., March .-(By
Wireless from Field Army.) An aero
plane, one of six to arrive today, was
partially wrecked In a fifty-foot fall. The
pilot, Lieutenant T. 8. Howen sustained
a broken nose and other slight injuries.
Ieutenant Bowen was attempting to
take the air under difficulties. The wind
was high and showed a tendency to whirl.
Several attempts of tha aviators to fly
had been frustrated previously by the
wind conditions. Finally Bo wen went up,
but when fifty feat In tha air his plana
took a dip and plunged almost straight
to the ground.
Lieutenant Bowen's nose was broken,
his right eye was aHghtly Injured, but
otherwise ho appeared unhurt. The six
machines which arrived here were of the
first aeroplant squadron, which last fall
made a successful flight from Fort Sill,
Okl., to San Antonio in three days, much
of which was done by the compass. Lieu
tenant Bowen wss one of the aviators
In that flight. His home Is in Franklin,
A cavalry unit and additional artillery
has arrived at this base; a regiment of
Infantry Is enroute, snother regiment of
cavalry also is on the wsy.
Villa was today reported defeated by
Carranzii forces at Cruces, Just south of
El Vnlle.
American troops have lecn dispatched
to the vicinity where Villa was reported
as fighting with the constitutionalists.
The Americans went In separate flying
column. .It Is understood here that con
stitutionally troops have been dispatched
to the same neighborhood to co-operate
In attempting to trap Villa.
CHICAGO. March 21. Three Indict
ments charging assault with intent to
kill and murder were returned today
against Jean Crones, accused of attempt
ing to poinon 100 piles' s at a banquet ten
dered ArchblHhop Mundeleln here March
10. lionds were fixed at 171.000. Crones
still Is at large.
ment Intends to lrlng civil proceedings
to get back every rent possible and to
Imprison such offenders as can be
Most of the leaders of the alleged con
splracy are said to be under surveillance
and more arrests are expected.
I'nder the law cigars are taxed from 7&
rents to t a 1,000 and cigarettes from
si. zt to t&u a i.uuu. f ailure to use proper
revenue stamps, or to use any at all,
gate an opportunity for large profits.
Reports that the frauds had been made
possible or Inspired generally by govern
ment employee In collusion with conspira
tors were denied. A few specific Instances
where officials suspect collusion are un
der Investigation.
Preparedness Measures Displace
Water Power Bill, Now Before
the Senate.
WASHINGTON, March 21. A d
clslon to push pendng national de
fense measures ahead ot the water
power hill now before the aenata
was reached at a conference today
between President Wilson and 8en
atora Walsh, Kern, Martin. Swan
son, James, Myers and Stone. H wag
agreed that water power legislation
should be passed by this congress
but that It should not Interfere with
progress of the army bill.
The form ot the water power bill wiih
discussed exhaustively at the conference.
Opposition has been expressed to some
features of the Myers bill, now pending
In the senate, providing for the leasing
of water power sites on public lands.
Some senators thought the bill glvea too
much authority to the federal govern
ment. '
The president has expressed deep In
terest In the water bill.
Army ' P Hens.
The house today continued work on
the Hay army reorganisation bill with
about two-thirds of the measure remain
ing to be disposed of. Among the Sec
tions awaiting conshleretlon were those
relating to the National guard, the Indus
trial reserve, and providing for a nitrate
plant. s
The first action of the house today
was to adopt without debate an ameul
ment to give the president absolute con
trol over the reserve ot w.ow men.
The. bill, erlglnslly provided that author
ity must he granted bycotigress before
"the" reservists" Could he moWHafel. "An
amendment offered by Representative
Kahn of the committee end accepted by
Chairman May, puts reservists under the
orders of the secrets ry of war to be sent
to any point when the call to the colors
goes out. t
The amendment Is the most Important
addition to the bill yet made. As the
measure now stands the president would
have authority without consulting con
gress, to Increase the army from 140,000
fighting troops to 175,000 and also to sum
mon to the colors the 00,000 reservists
which the hill contemplates will be pro
vided within four years.
Aathoay Amendment ftejeeted
The house rejected a proposal by Rep
resentative Anthony, republican, of Kan
sag, to reorult an additional Infantry
regtment In Porto Rico for service In the
Panama Canal sons or elsewhere.
Mr. Kahn then proposed as an amend
ment a provision In the senate bill that
while the enlistment period should re
main fixed at three years with the colors
and four years in reserve, commanding
officers might discharge peculiarly effi
cient men Into the reserve after one year
of training and that any well trained
man could go Into the reserve on his own
application at the end of twe years' ac
tive service.
The amendment was defeated, lis to 10S.
The question will come up again in the
conference oommlttee. as the senate bill
is almost certain to retain its provision.
First Defeat lor Hay.
Encoursged by the narrow margin
which defeated the Kahn amendment.
Representative Gardner re-offered the
first proposition of that amendment In
new language. It was carried. 131 to 11T,
being the first defeat for Chairman Hay
during the consideration of the bill.
The amendment as agreed to provides
soldiers may bo discharged Into the
reserve at the end of one year's service
with the colors on approval of their
commanding officers.
Chairman Hay argued that the effect
of the provision was to reduce the term
of enlistment with tho colors to such a
degree that the efficiency of the army
as a whole would be Impaired. Repre
sentative Gardner contended that It
would encourage eullstment and tend to
build up quickly a well trained reserve,
since no man discharged Into the reserve
under the provision could re-enlist In the
army until he had completed six years'
service in the reserve.
Dutch Not Satisfied
with Disclaimer
in Tubantia Case
Til K HAOCK, Netherlsnds. March 30.
(Via London. March 21.) Tho official
German declaration that no German sub
marine was responsible for the sinking
of the Dutch steamer Tubantia has
failed to satisfy the Putch people and
press, whose resentment hss Increased
to bitter anger since receipt of the news
that other ships have been sunk, sup
posedly by torpedoes.
t'nder the heading "Intolerable At
tacks," the Amsterdam Handelablad as
serts that President Wilson' should take
the lead to protect civilisation against
the new form of submarine warfare.
The ministers of the Interior, marine,
trade and foreign affairs conferred for
nearly two hours at The Hague today,
with representatives of the principal ship
ping companies. The conference ad
journed without a decision. The confer
ences will be continued tomorrow (Tuesday).
Indications that Cordon Around the
Elusive Outlaw is Being
Drawn Closer.
EIj PASO, Tex., March J 1. Fran
cisco Villa and his band of outlaws
have been forced Into another battle
with the Carrania troops near La
Crucea. This Information came as a
report by wireless today to the United
States army atatlon at Columbus, N.
M., and it was further said that
American troops had be.n dispatched
to Las Cruces to aid in the fighting.
The fighting at Las Cruces, follow
ing the engagement at Namaqulpa
yesterday, indicates that the Car
rnnr.a troops are pressing Villa hard
In his flight northward along the
Santa Maria river, and that the out
law may soon be forced to stand and
give battle to the American troops
now moving southward.
The American and de facto government
troops sre drawing the cordon closer
around the elusive Villa and within a
few days army officers here believe It
will lie known whether Villa Is to meet
Ids fate In battle or haffle his pursuers
by a' successful escape Into the Sierra
.Madre, A series of running fights la an
ticipated, Telearrapfe) Wires Cmi.
The telogrsph wires were cut some
where north of Caaas Urandes today and
Carransa officials here were without de
tails of the Namaqulpa battle. In which
Oolonel Cano whipped the outlavV A
roving band of bandits that scattered
from the main Villa command on Its
flight south after the maasacre of Co
lumbus, are believed to have cut tho
wire communication. Communication may
not be restored for some time and In
formation of Villa's movements will have
to come by wireless to the United States
army base at Columbus to be transmitted
to Msjor General Funston, the depart
ment rommsnder at San Antonio. .
Meeatalaa Oaly Refege.
With tha Carranslstas pushing steadily
from the north and the two American
column moving southward. Villa cart
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Bill Providing for
U.S. Armor Factory
Passes the Senate
WASHINGTON, March zt-The Till
man bill to provide for the erection or
purchase by the government of an armor
plate factory at a eost not to exceed
111,000,000 wss passe by the striata late
today by a vote of U to IS.
The house naval committee has set
sslde tomorrow for consideration of the
mesMure with a view to reporting It to
the house promptly.
Pemocratlo senators supported the bill
solidly, regarding It as one of the impor
tant measures included In tha national
preparedness program now being has
tened to completion. Nine progressive
republlcens Joined with the majority in
voting for the bill. They were Ifienstors
Rorah. CI ,nn riimmliu rlMm ..
Norrls, Polndexter, Sterling and Works!
Passsge of the measure in the house Is
regarded ss assured. Administration
leaders are arranging to bring it up soon
after passage of the army reorganisation
and Immigration bill.
Texas Town is Facing
Destruction by Fire
PALLAS, Tex.. March . Reports from
Paris, ninety miles north ef here, early
tonight Indicated that the town, which
haa a population of 20,000, wae threatened
with destruction by fire. Long distance
telephone communication was Impossible.
One company reported their local ex
change in flames, the operators having
fled from their posts.
Acute Dilation of
Heart Kills Boxer
PHILADELPHIA. March a. Acuta
dilation of the heart caused the death of
Andrew Crowley, the local featherweight
boxer who collapsed in the third round of
a bout with Michael Malone here last
Friday night and died a few minutes
later, according to the verdict ef the
coroner' Jury at the Inquest today.
Malone was exonerated and discharged.
The Only Pictures
You will find in
reading the classified
columns, are those
created in your
mind after a real
study of those ads
offering rare buying
There are lots of
them every day, 1
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