Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tim BEE: OMATIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1010.
VTetrassaa's for rportlar ."
Baltimore Bilrwr Kihotm. Jwlr.
A-lfhUac nature BurtM-OrM.
moo mmt IV Now Beacon p"-
ma to Tire Ckala, Ju. Morton Boa Co.
Th "Tos-TIU" Uafl. Sunderland.
roprty Carta or -To rent property
e J. H. Pumont & Co.. Keellne Bldg.
Mirror Kads a ad -Uw4 Oman
Glut Oon. Co.. Ml! Cap. Ar. D. IW.
Tirdere Hon rmna eiaasiflee
actlor. todar. It appaere 'h B
.XCL.UHTVBLr. Find out hat ' v.
rlou moving picture tnatr offer.
-atnlit 1h jrry Frederick O.
Nickel of Reynolds. Nob.. re-enllsted In
tho navy as an oiler and n ent to the
mechanics' school at Charleaton, 8. C.
Hew Asslstaat at mymoath CTharoh
Rev. Frederick W. Leavltt now has an
assistant at th nymoath Congrega
tional church, of which ha la paator. He
arrived in the shape of a nine-pound
boy at the Leavltt home.
Doctor Iioeea Tool Dr. John Baptlat,
P-7 Barker block, a Hearts that his offlcea
were visited Sunday by thieves, who car
ried away several hypodermic cases,
i tirmometrs and a number of other
Frio (or Coaoart Beat The adver
tisement of the Mendelssohn Choir con-
rrt at the Boyd theater In Tha Sunday
e stated that the gallery seats would
be 73 cents. This was an error and
should have read 60 cents. The concert
will be riven this evening.
Two rtned for Disturbing Feaos
Joseph McKenna. &1 South Fifteenth
street, charred with disturbing the peace
at tha above number, was fined 4 in
police court. O. W. Hlne, 1922 California
street, arrested for a similar offense, was
fined $S and costs.
Xernaa to Address Ad Clab -F. L.
Kernan, secretary of the Alamlto Sani
tary Dairy company, will address the
Omaha Ad club this ' noon at the
1'axton hotel on the subject of "Prepar
edness." The session will be held In
i srlor B and lunch will be served at 12
Union Pacific Awards Contract To
Kllpatrick Brothers Collins of Beatrice
th I'nlon Pacific has awarded a con
tract for fifteen miles of double track
work, beginning at Curvo, Utah, and
extending west. On tills stretch there
will be considerable heavy work. Includ
ing four short tunnels through solid
(stasia at tha sTorta Freabyterian
Ntorth Presbyterian church was crowded
last evening at the special musical serv-
l'-. given by tho choir under tha leader
nip of Prof. le O. Krats. The soloists
were Mr. Paul Reynolds, Miss DImmock.
Mrs. Roy Flannagan, Mr. Dean David
son and Mrs. C. J. Ochiltree. Miss Rlolse
West is organist.
Us "Tsk-TU" Bfclntfes. Sunderland.
Huge Increase
In Earnings of
Bethlehem Plant
NEW YORK, March 20,-The annual re
port of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation
for 1915, Issued here today, disclosed that
the net earnings of the corporation and
its subsidiary companies, after deducting
expenditures, amounted to 1:4, 521,408, as
. compared with 9.4f,6r77 In 1914, an In-
crease of nearly 360 per cent. Orders on
'hand December. SI, 1915, aggregated $175,
IK.VX, as against 4.5lS.m on the corre
sponding date of th previous year.
Calling attention to the bill pending In
congress for th building by tha govern
ment of an armor plant Messrs. Schwab
and Grace declared "that If such a bill
Is passed th value of existing armor
plant In thla country will be virtually
destroyed." ,
The Bethlehem Steel corporation, it was
pointed out, haa more than $7,000,000 In
vested In its plant devoted to this use.
NEW TORK. March J0.-S. P. Morgan.
d of the banking house of J. P. Mor
gan and company, who arrived here today
day from Liverpool on the steamship
Philadelphia, reiterated tha denial recent
ly Issued from hi office her thst a new
credit against American securities said
tn have been mad In London, had been
arranged by him for the entente allies.
He asserted that he knew of no new
loan to th allies being contemplated now,
and asserted that th resources created
by the lsst loan were not exhausted, sup
porting hi assertion by reference to the
steadiness of the exchange market. As
to tha reported mobilising In London of
American securities held In Great Britain
and Franca, Mr. Morgan said:
"I understand they expect to handle
these securities as they have been doing
in the paat and they will be taken care
of In a way that will not hurt the mar
ket." Asked as to what impressions he had
gathered while In Europe s to ths
progress of th war, li mlltngty said:
"I am not a military man; banc I
cannot discuss that question. I did not
observe, however, any signs of weaken
TORREON, Maxloo, March JO. FTrht-
lng took place between Carranxa forces
end small bands of Vllltsta at five dif
ferent points In th neighborhood of Tor
reon yesterday, apparently with a view
of reaching the Monterey train, which
was derailed near Pomona two days ago.
The attack were concerted against Vil
las, Montomoroa, Coyote, Ban Ignaelo
and Canon Chorritos, where the govern
ment patrols successfully held their
ground with but a small loss In killed
and wounded. The train reached here
today, reporting that four Mexicans had
been killed in the wreck, which was due
to had conditions of the road bed.
The Americana here, who number about
a hundred men, women and children. In
cluding those tn Purango, are undecided
about leaving for the frontier, a th
, train Journeys are very slow, apart from
iska of derailment.
It Is th belief her, that there Is ab
solutely no business at present her for
Americans, and it rrlght be better for
them to go, at least to Monterey.
OME, Msrch to. -Cardinal Jerome
I Jiff '? 'Jotl1- J""cfe-t of Ihe pi u;iajamitt,
7 riled today.
fc (.'animal tiottl as born in SM t
Onoa and was made a cardinal In It,
lie had been 111 for some time. The office
f prefect of hc propaganda U one of
tne most Influential in the Catholic
One Dope Smuggler Captured Netr
Honey Creek and Officer Hart
in Fight
Walter Rets of Crescent City, la.,
wag shot In the chin while acting as
deputy sheriff in the pursuit or two
dope smuggler late yesterday after
noon, by a member of a posse from
Honey Creek, la., which was also la
pursuit of the men. The Injury Is
not great, however, and his rapid
recovery is predicted.
For the last two or three days two
men have been watching the Honey
Creek depot, according; to reports
from Deputy Sheriff McKeown of
thst place, their actions finally be
coming so queer as to arouse the
suspicions of that officer.
Testerdsy morning it wis learned that
the two men had obtain a parka con
taining dope from th express office at
that place and had left in th direction
of Council Bluffs.
rose la Parsalt.
The deputy then organised a posse and
started In pursuit of the men, telephon
ing Orescent City authorities th par
ticulars of th eas and ordering them id.
stop the men If they came that way.
Accordingly th Crescent City deputy
also formed a posse and started to look
for the men.
By tha time tha Crescent City officers
had got fairly under way tha Honsy Creek
men captured Mike Danato, one of the
men, "the other, his partner, retting
away. The officers who captured th man
then started for Council Bluff to plac
him in the county Jail when they met
the Crescent City posse who ordered them
to halt.
Fire lata Each Other.
Thinking that these were confederate
of the captured men th officer opened
fire which the Crescent City men returned
with the result that Rels was shot in tha
As soon as the men recognised one
another the battle ceased and tha pris
oner waa hurried to the Jail at the
Bluffs, where he was searched, tha of
ficers obtaining a large quantity of mor
phine from his person In boxes stamped
from Kansas City. Danato says his horn
Is In Omaha and refused to tell tha au
thorities the name of hi partner.
Miss Holbrook on
The Evolution of
Races of Mankind
Evolution of "rae" ideas was traced by
the lecturer. Miss Isabel Holbrook. In her
theoeophlcal talk last evening on "What
Will Come Out of th Malting Pott"
"The law, periods and problem found
In the evolution of an Individual man are
to be found likewise In th evolution
of a race," said Miss Holbrook.
. "In our own branch of th Aryan raoe,
which includes th north European na
tions principally, w reach that time of
the development of th mind principle
which make for tndirlduallsatlon, sep
aratism, egoism. Conflict comes between
j the selfish tendencies of that star and
those higher qualities which would lead
to onward progress and uplift by sacri
fice, by synthesis, by brotherhood. No
doubt, out of th ashes of th present
European struggle will rise, Phoenlx-lika,
the fair and powerful structure of a great
world empire, ona greater than that of
Rome or Athens, mora extensive than
that of the Egypt or Persia or India of
Eich Italian Subject
Murdered by Bandits
EL, PASO, Tex.', March K.-Enrlco VI-
contl, an Italian subject, and on of th
best known foreign ranchers In Mextoo,
was murdered by Mexican bandit on his
ranch at Encinilla. Chihuahua, last
Tuesday. New of the murder reached
here today In a telegram sent to Vln-
cenxo Vlscontt, brother of th murdered
man. The telegram was sent from Pre
sidio by Weneslaa Garcia, a brother of
the head cattleman on the ranch. The
cattleman escaped when Vlscontt was
murdered and made hi way to OJlnaga,
where he communicated with Wencesla
Vlscontt' ranch wss 76,000 acres In ex
tent and located 100 miles south of OJIn
aga and about an equal distance south of
Chihuahua City. Tha bandits who mur
dered him seised his cousin, Juan Bilbao,
a Spaniard, on his ranch sixty miles
southwest of Enclnlllaa, a week previ
ously and held him for fl.BOO ransom,
which was psld from FJ Paso.
Lawyer Drops Dead
As Ascends Pulpit
CHICAGO, March 10. Louis J. Plerson.
lawyer and member of the Illinois legis
lature, dropped dead in Ihe pulpit of tho
Methodist church at Wllmette, a suburb,
today. Mr. Plerson's was to have been the
first of a series of talks by lawyer to
th congregation.
Mrs. Charles Oudgell, 2H7 Douglaa
street, attempted suicide yesterday noon
by swallowing carbolic arid at her home.
Her husband who happened In th room
just as she committed the act knocked)
tha bottle from her hand and then called
Police Physician Miller, who after work
ing for some time on the woman, revived
Mrs. Oudgell has been ill for th lsst
three months, according to a statement
made by her husband, and It la thought
this was th cause of her attempt to
end her life.
Funeral services for Edward Brown,
former Omaha man who died In Los
Angeles last Tuesday, were held yester
day afternoon t the Elk lodg rooms
and were largely attended.
The pallbearers were: Judge W. a.
Pears, Frank Broadwell. J. D. Weaver,
' Charles Hutchinson, Lysle I. Abbott,
Omaha, and Schorr and Charles A. Beno,
Council Bluffs Elks.
Th services In the chspel st Forest
lan cemetery were conducted by Rev.
Thomea J. Markay. Interment was In
Forest Lawn cemetery.
( A New Union Depoi ! J
fmw. cminxznr. ' )
Found by Police in Florence Pumping-
Station After Ail-Night
Joy Hide.
Local police solved recent auto
thefts early yesterday morning when
they succeeded In capturing William
DaTls. 1512 North Twenty-eighth,
and John Evans, 1806 North Twen
tieth, with an Overland car belong
ing to A. J. Morris, 2603 Bristol, In
their possession. Upon arrival at
the police station tha young men
confessed to several of tha recent
thefts, explaining how they had suc
ceeded In evading the officers up to
the present time.
. Mr. Morris' oar th last of th series
of aulos taken by" th two meri was left
by th owner in front of the Brandei
theater building last Baturday evening
about o'clock and at 10:80 o'clock was
West far Joy Rid.
Th young men said they took th car
about t o'clock and went for a Joy rid,
covering a larg part of th city before
they finally landed at th Florence pump
ing station Sunday morning at about I
o'clock, where they went to set warmed,
they said, and aoctdentially fell asleep
cn benches in th hallway of th build
ing. Th pollc were finally notified, the
aotlons of th pair being auspicious, and
th emergency car wss sent to the scene
manned by Officers Armstrong. Emory
and Kennedy.
To the officers the men denied having
anything to do with the car which they
had left on tha drive In front of the
pumping station, but finally admitted the
theft and were taken to th station.
Employed at Shops.
Both. Davis and Evans ar employes of
the Union Pacific shops, according to po
llc report, and they themselves admltt I
their familiarity with th different makes
of auto and their operation.
"No ear can be looked so that I can't
start it," said on of th men. Without
exception th report given of the stolen
car to th nolle, stated that when left
by th owner they were locked.
Other cars taken by tha pair have been
found about the street In little da mated
condition. They ar held on the charge
of larceny of automobiles.
United Christian
Party Organizes
The United Christian party was organ
ised Saturday night by the election of
8. J. Woodruff state and J. B. Whitby
county chairman. These officers will nam
th working committees.
It I asserted that the purpose of the
new party I political and industrial and
that th unit of organisation will be th
local council. Locsl councils will meet In
home of members, where plana will b
discussed. It Is proposed to have a local
council In each ward of tha city and each
precinct of the state.
Frank Johnaon, lilt South T went r-sec-
ond street, wss seriously Injurea yester
day afternoon when the auto which ha
waa driving upset on the Sixteenth street
viaduct throwing him and hla three com
panions out upon tha pavement. Tha acci
dent was caused by th right rear wheel
catching In tha street car tracks.
Dr. Kulakofsky was called and attar
giving tha Injured man first aid ordered
him sent to th St. Joseph' hospital. He
'sustained many cuts and bruise around
th face and head beside a fractured
skull. Hope for his recovery are enter
tained though at the present time he Is
In a critical, condition.
The other occupants of tha car. C.
Calabria, 2210 Poppleton; John Damato,
las South Twentieth, and Jim Carvallo,
Twentyrsecond and Poppleton, wera un
injured aside from scratches about tha
hands snd fare. Johnson has regalnsd
consciousness and showed slight signs of
Two Ottasswa Mea Hilled.
OTTUMWA. la.. March 30.-Edward 8
lowenberg, democratic candidate for
sheriff of w six'llo county, and W. C.
Arnold, also of Ottumwa, were Instantly
killed today when their automobile
crashed Into a bridge between here and
Feature Film. of the Woodmen of
the World Shown to the Fra
ternal Officials.
The "premier" of the first produc
tion of the Fontenelle Moving Pic
ture company, Omaha's new film
producing concern, was shown yes
terdsy afternoon In the projecting
room of tha studio in the National
building, Twelfth and Harney
Said to be the only film producing
company between Chicago and tha Pa
clflo coast, tha Fontenelle concern haa
been at work for several weeks on It
first production, a six reel feature. "Ar
You a Chopper." The plctur waa pro
duced under th ausjpioe and with th
co-operation of th Woodmen- of th
Th first showing- of th plctur tn th
studio was attended by officials of th
Woodmen of th World, members of th
producing company and several Invited
All the scenss In th production were
made In th studio and In and about
Omaha. A well-acted comedy-drama ex
ploiting th fraternal order and th work
It does runs through five real of th
plctur. Th sixth reel shows officials
and employe of tha national headquar
ter of tha order at work in the offices
In the Woodmen of tha World building.
Scene In and about th building and on
downtown Omaha streets also ar Incor
porated In th plctur.
Bltuallstlc work of th Woodmen of th
World Is Shown to th publie for th first
ttm In th history of th order In this
The next production of the film com
pany will probably be one with the co
operation of the Federation of Labor.
A. Durran, who was with th Path
peopl for several year, I th produc
ing manager of th new film concern.
DEMINO, N. M., March .-Th Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth Infantry, col
ored, entered Mexico from Columbua to
day, according to dispatches reaching
Big Eaters Get
Kidney Trouble
Says Authority
Take a tablespoonful of Salts
to flush Kidneys if Back
Omit all meat from diet if you
feel Rheumatic or Blad
der bothers.
Th American men and women must
guard constantly against kidney trouble.
because we est too much and our food
Is rich. Our blood la filled with uric
acid which the kidney trlv to filter
out, they weaken from overwork, become
sluggish; th eilmlnativ tlu clog and
th result is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline In health.
When .your kidneys feel ll-e lumps of
lead: your back hurts. or the urine 'a
otoudy, full of sediment or you are ob
liged to seek relief two or three time
during th night; If you suffer with
sick headache or dlssy, nervous spells,
acid stomach, or you have rheumatism
when tha weather Is bad, get from your
pharmacist about four ounces of J a 'I
alts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kldnsys will then act fine.
This famous salt Is made from the acid
of grape and lemon Juice combined with
llthla, and ha been used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys;
to neutralise th acids In th urine so it
no longer I a source of Irritation, thus
ending bladder disorders.
Jsd Salts Is inexpensive; csnnot injure,
makes a delightful effervescent lithla
water beverage, and belongs In every
home, because nobody can make a mis
take by having a good kidney flushing
any Uma. Advertisement.
Ovor Four Hundred
At Milder-Buchman
Wedding Ceremony
Nearly "0 guests attended the wedding
of Harry H Milder and Mis Esther
B ti china n of St. louts last night at the
Fontenelle. The affair waa one of the
most brilliant of Its kind this season, and
at any rate was the most elaborate wed
ding party In Jewish circles In a long
Rabbi Orodslnaky officiated. The bride
was attended by Mrs. Morris Milder, a
sister, as matron of honor, and Miss
Anna Milder, as maid of honor. Hen
Milder was best man. Th other of the
groom's attendants were the three broth
ers of the groom. Abe, William and Hy
men. Bridesmaids were Rose Studna.
Anna Schechter and Miss IJUIan Rels
man. Miss Jennie Katleman wsa ring
bearer and Ruth Cohen and Eddie Rosen
blatt were train bearer.
Arnold Browar was maater of ceremon
ies and the usher were as follows: B.
Prod, Ben Posley, J. U Orkln. Mitchell
Wasserman, Sam leon, Herman Hold
smith and William Perlmsn.
Among the) out-of-town guests were:
Joseph end Miss Julia Burhman of St.
Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taxman of
Roek Island, A. A. Waxenherg of daven
port and Mr. and Mrs. M. Studna of Kan-
i City.
Reward for Wark at erdan.
mpBT.Tv xr m wsi k anrtw tiiMi,,
BWvvllle.V femoeror William ha bestowed
the Order Iour l.e Merlte on Captain
Haupt and First Ueeiitenant Brander of
the Tweniy-rourrn Mranoennurx inraniry
regiment, who were the first to enter Fort
Iouaumoni witn tne compunifs, me uvr
seats Nsws agency announced today.
Tanlac Gives Remarkable Re
lief to Man Unable to Walk
for Nine Weeks.
Naturally He Praises it!
Relief from pain that had kept him bed
ridden for nine week was the splendid
tribute paid to Teniae yesterday by J.
a. White, the well-known real estate
dealer, of Hit P street, Omaha.
Teniae really became Mr. White's busi
ness partner, because the msstcr medicine
made It possible for him to get back "on
tha job" Just at the busiest sesson for
the men who deal In houaes and lots, new
homes and spring rentals.
Professional and business men are
among tha heartiest supporters of Tsnlac,
for their mature Judgment makes them
especially well able to Judge fairly and
give a clean cut verdict.
"Rheumatism and lumbago kept me In
bed for nine weeks," Mr. White explained.
"Why, the pain In my legs and feet was
so severe thst It actually forced me to
stay tn bed. I-trled to walk, but I wss
compelled to give up the attempt.
I was always looking for relief, as ws
sufferer do, when Tanlac wsa called to
my attention snd I decided to give It a
"I waa not only gratified, I was sur
prised, for from th very first bottle th
pain began to diminish, and now, after
taking fiv bottles. I am up again. All
th pain have vanished. Of course. I
feel good. And I am recommending Tan
lac." Mr. Whit added, "because it haa
dona ma rood."
Tanlac now I being specially Intro
duced In Omaha at th Owl drug store,
lth and Harney streets.
Tanlac may be obtained In Benson at
th Schlller-Beattle Drug Ptore; Spring
field. H. Flegenbaum; Weeping Water,
Meyer Drug Co.; Nebraska City. Henry
Schwake A Co.; Auburn, E. H. Dort;
Ashland, H. H. Cone; Malmo, P. B. Fitch;
Fremont, Brown-Federlckson Drug
Store; Osklsnd, W. O. Harding A Hon;
Clarkson, FX It. Koxa.
An exclusive Tanlac agent Is wanted
In every town, village and cross road
in this county. For particulars ad
dress cooper Medicine Company, Day
ton, Ohio.
It Is not necessary to shampoo quite so
frequently If your hair Is properly cleans
ed each time by use of a really good
shampoo. The easiest to use and quick
est drying shampoo that we can recom
mend to our readers msy be prepsred
very chesply by dissolving a leaspoon
ful of canthrox, obtained from your drug
gist. In a cup of hot water. This rubbed
Into tbe scalp creates a thick lather.
soothing snd cooling In Ita action, as
well as very beneficial to scalp and hair.
After rinsing, the scalp Is fresh and clean,
while tha hair dries quickly and evenly,
developing a bright luster snd a soft
flufflnsss that makes it seem very heavy.
House or
Omaha It a city or desirable
house and cottages. It 1 surpris
ing when yon know what It I postl
ble to secure at a modest rental.
In any section of the city
may be found house of
all style- and sizes, mod
ern, in pleasant surround
intfs. yards, porches, etc.,
which only the folks who
have lived in one can fully
The widest possible range of
choice) may be bad now. In another
month It will not be near so easy to
find a bouse that will fit your re
aulreisents In every detail.
Look over the listings in
the "Houses and Cot- i
tages" columns and mark
those that look promising".
Tell the advertiser you are j
a Bee reader and thus get j
particular courtesy. !
Telephone Tyler 1000
vrketlj Rtmdi fie Want AM
Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will
Increase Strength of Delicate
People 200 in Ten Days
la many tntaaee Feisoce have suf
fered aatold ag-oay for years SootorlnaT
for aerrotuj vreakae, tamaclt, liver or
kidney Ulseeee er eom ether aument
waaa their real trouble waa lack of Iroa
la tae blood. sow to talL
Tin Vnra. M. V.-t a rmret dleenwnw Hr. R.
Saner. Fparlalh. rl itita rttf mi: If ye ere
tn nil an e-ul Mned tMt am mil van? vtie
are III re wnM proNUtlr ka snatlr imMkM
at the emortlnclr lane ewetar He lack tme
ana who are tit fur ao ether neuoa thee the
bv tree. Tee aanaarnt tree ta aaaalle ail
tkatr ran It tt wan ml eansenme armptoms dlnapeer.
Wtthmrt Ime tke Mae at ennft kwee the snwer
to onanae fon4 lata llrtec ttawae as therefore
Retains jrm est sons yra anr tmt; raa een't
tke strenstk oat at It. Toer tnn merely
aaenee thmajth fner rat am I tae oore Ihresst a
MM with Haa rallara en Me span thai the mill
ren't srtnq. Aa a resell ef thla reatlaeinai blaee
and nenre starvation, people become annarellr
eeekened. nervous snd ell run dnw and rm
q neatly dareln all snrta of eonilltlone. One Is
too thin, amsber tn burdenar) with vnhaatthr tat;
anma are so veak ther oan hanllr walk; mm
think ther here Srapafiala, klilner or Mrrt trnabla:
enane ran t state) at nlaht, others are eteeer aa
tired etl ear: an me fuaa and Irritable: snajie
nn? anS Mnnd'eaa bnt alt lark phrai'-at snare
and enitaranne. la eurh eases, it la enrae tnaa
fonllahneaa le take stimulating aaedlrlnaa or nar
rntla drntn. which nnlr whlo us 'ir flaeatns
vital powers for the moment, maybe at the ai
pens ef 7ur life Istar on. No maitor whet aa;
Save Money
Going West
Settlors or
Kyrry Ttierxlay from
to certain point
Montana 1
North Dakota
Manitoba 1
Saskatchewan I
rare to rotata la Alberta from $1.00 to $4.00 Mgerr.
Ktrry day -Marrh an to April 1
Inclusive; to main lines polnta in: -
North Pacific Coast - - - $32.50
Canadian Northwest - - - $31.15
Montana $27.50
WrlPe, eaU or phoaa for trampleta details and enaat
far to aay yoUit la tbe West aad Hortiwae.
1B39 Ianam St-, Omaha.
Ptaonai Ironrla SrVO.
The Metropolitan Van & Storage Co.
Raymond Furniture Co.
1513-15 Howard Street '
... SERVICE ...
Security and Safety
Phone Dougfat 5524
aa.? a t i a"i
- -- ssw-r-. - wm - .r -
rum siaitt rr
I r-v trrvf r-rri IS II
I fir&ttVFXidirz Hltt
You Want pffiS
Column." Jnit
The "Swappers Col
umn" is a co-operative
market where folks
who have something
they don't want trade
it for something: they
DO need.
nr. a tells yon. If ton are not franc ant wall yne
nw It to yourself to make the foHowtn teet.
p-a bnw long roar eas work er how far yea eaa
walk wlttmut heramtn tlre4. Neat take tw flte
sraln tablete of ordlnarv nesated Ire three times
pr day after meals tar twe weeks. Than teat
yntrr atrenstb asaln and aee tor yearaeif haw
mar) yea have saleed. I here sees Soeaws ef
nerruaa ran Sows eenekt whe vers all tne all the
time doable, and area triple their straaik sad
endnraaoo and entirely ret rkt of Ik ill1 syvayurmi
ef drwprpela. It Tar and other tiuaaitse ta from we
to fnnrteen its re time simply by taktas iron Is
te propar form, and thla. after they bed In anma
. Here haee nnrtortns for ajiAalhs wltkoet obtain
Ins anr bmtent. Toe eaa talk as yo plaaae
aiMtiit all the wondera wrnoeht by sew remedies,
but whan roe oome down to sard fsrte there la
amnios like goiai old Iron to pat oolne In
rhaaaa and eood anend, seaJthy fleet os year
bonra. It ta alao a greet narae and stomach
Mrenfthener and the beet blond ballder Is the
wrll The only trntihlo wee that the old forma
of Inorwanlc Iron like tlnetnre of Iroe, Iron See
ute. etc., nften ruined people's teeth, ttpeet thrtr
tomarha and wera not aaalmtiated and for theie
reaanno they frequently did more harm thee ffjeod.
Hut with the dlarorerr of the aawer forma of
nrnanlr Iroe all thla baa been Vrrerrome. Nuxated
Iron for eaarrmla aa pleaeant to take, dViee not
tnlnre the teeth end la almoet Immediately kene
flrlal. NuTKt The manufacturers of Nutated tree hare
auoti anhrmnrlod eonfldenee Is lie eoteecy thst
they eutboTiae the announcement that they will
forfait 10O ) tn any Charitable Inetltatlee If ther
cannot lake any maa er ammaa ender stair whe
lerke I rim end Inorwaae thalr etraeeth sSS por eeet
or ever In four weeke time, pnarldad they tare
no eerlmm orwnjile troebte. Alee they will ra
ti in it your money In aay rase le writes Naasaed
Iron dure not at leant double your atreniih la
ten daya time. It le dteeenaed In thla rlty by
Weatfall Drug Co. end all eUier dmaftata
Colonist Faros
Omaha, Xlarrh 14 to April
- - - - apawe-e0
- - - - $24.97
SI! '
Auto Van Equipment
Moving snd Stc-rags.
Kousehcld Cssii ssd Fi:ms
i k 1 ft. Via
r i t t ri
aajsar gt. 3 jm- - ..u- -Sstt
-j. telephone your
Tyler 1000.
It In