Tin: iu:k: omaha, ti'Ksday, mawcii ji, unu. s BRYAN STOPS OFF, BETWEEN TRAINS Say. U. S. Will Not Get Tangled in European Conflict and National Prohibition Coming. SOES TO HIS BIRTHDAY PARTY Never looking better and never feeling better, according to his own assertion, notwithstanding the fact that Sunday he observed his flfty alxth birthday, William J. Bryan spent fifteen minutes In Omaha yes terday morning, en route to Lincoln, where last evening he was the guest of honor at his birthday party. 1 II -t-n n n i m a im frnm TConul City in the morning, having spent I ' . . ... sunaay mere ana oDservea me day and his birthday anniversary by de livering addresses in two of the churches. lie has been spending tha greater portion of the winter at his two southern homes, one In Texas and the other in Florida, and, speaking of the winter, Mr. Bryan asserted that he had been having a most enjoyable time, but that he was glad to get back to Nebraska. Asked if he would attend the con ventions of the republican and democratic parties, with the real Bryan smile of long years of stand ing, Mr. Bryan replied: ' As to the democratic convention, 1 am not certain about going as a dele gate; but at anv rate, I will be there. You know that I am a newspaper man (h,t t .m tiovA tn an In rover It for i - .torv. nr course. I expect to be at ! the republican convention and report It for the line of papers I represent." C . lo Keep Out of War. Then the three big questions were fired at Mr. Bryan: "What is going to be the ultimate outcome of the war in Kurope, and Is the I'nlted States Kolna to be Involved?" "What have you to say on the Mexican situation?" and "Will prohibition carry in Nebraska this fall?" With another of the Bryan smiles over spreading his face, and without trying to douge, Mr. Bryan replied: "Do you know that right off-hand and with the conductor. outside the train call ing, "AH aboard,' you want me to dis pose of three propositions that have taken up the time of the president and congress for months. "However, aa to the first question, for a. time things looked bad, but I believe they have shaped themselves so that the United States is going to keep out of the European war. No Tear of Mexico. "Aa to Mexico, I don't think there la may cauae for alarm, now that it haa be come apparent that the United States la not going to take a hand In the diffi culties other than to help run down and captura Villa. I have no fear of the outcome, so far as Mexico la concerned, and I believe that the situation there will work itself out to the satisfaction of all concerned. "Now, aa to prohibition. It Is rapidly becoming a -national Issue and eventually Jt will win throughout the United States. It la something that Is bound to come. Whether, or not the amendment will carry in. Nebraska, at the eleotlon this fall I cannot say. I hope it will and I propose to do all that I can for Its suc cess. I aspect to stump tha state for tha prohibition amendment, making a, number of speeches. "I never felt better In my life. My health la good and I have never been In better condition to go Into a campaign." MR. BRYAN REACHES 1IlfCOt.JI Small Crowd Greets Ex-Secretary at Railroad Station and Hotel. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., March 20. (Special Toltgram.) William J. Bryan arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning to attend tho annual democratic round-up In cele bration of hla birthday. Mr. Bryan was met at the Burlington station by Warden Fenton and Governor Morehcad and a amall crowd of his admirers. The party was driven to the Llndell hotel In the warden's automobile, where the Com moner will consult with his advisers on etate affairs durinj the day. There was only a small crowd at the hotel and there was no display of enthusiasm at either the railroad station or hostelry. For Second Time Angus Faces Trial on Murder Charge l,eo Angus, once convicted on a murder charge, Is again belnij tried for taking a life. He is being prosecuted for slaying Carl Rudman. AustrU.il laborer, at Thir teenth and William streets last fall. Angus' defense Is that he shot to pro tect himself, as Rudmnn was armed with brass knuckles. Six years ago he was aentenced to serve a life term In the pen! tentlary for complicity in the murder of Nels Lausten. Cuming street Baloon keeper, who resisted highwaymen. Angus was pardoned after serving some little time, and It was not long before he was again In trouble with the police. Council Says the "Birth of a Nation" Violates the Law The city council directed Superintend dent Kugel of the police department to notify the management of the Brandeis theater the "The Uirth of a Nation" Is being presented here In violation of an ordinance which went Into effect since this motion picture was shown here lait fall. Uev. John Albert Wlllisnis sent a writ ten complaint to the council. GETS SPECIAL PERMIT TO JOIN U. S. ARMY Special permission haa been received at the army recruiting station to enlist Sam uel K. Scott, colored, Xli Maple street, as a trumpeter with the Twenty-fourth Infsntry, a colored regiment now at Hon olulu. Scott was formerly with this regiment, Pince being out of the service ic; was mairied. He wi.I sign over a certain stoount of bis pay to ;.is wife and she will reielve a check for this amount each mon'h from the government. He will leave at once fur Honolulu Acquires Marshal Job, a Flivver and Wife in Eight Months; is Mum This man Qulnlcy Is a quirt little chop, aint ? You know who we mean, or "whom"' we mean, as the grammarians Insist on having It Teh, sure, K. J. Qulnley, F.mmett J. Qulnlcy. deputy United Ktatea marshal, y'know. Why Is he a quiet chap? you Interro. gate, ask or exclaim, as tha case may be. Answer Is. because he goes around do ing Important things and never peeps about It. What did he do? you Insist on knowing. Oh, nothing much, only got married, we answer careless-like. And, get this he got married October 17, A. L. 1915, and hardly anyone knew "nyth,"f bou.t Rt Be""v"- Tep. None of this hullabaloo and mll- lion-dollar mystery stuff, like "Pave" Dickinson pulled when he got married. Qulnley just did it qulet-llke. MASONS ASSEMBLE FOR BIGREUNION All Degrees from Fourth to Thirty Second Will Be Conferred Dur ing Five-Day Session. BIG BANQUET ON THURSDAY Masons from all parts of the state are in Omaha for the spring re union of Nebraska Consistory No. 1 and co-ordinate bodies of the rite, which started Monday at the Scottish Rite cathedral, Twentieth and Doug las streets. All the degrees of the rite, from the fourth to the thirty-second, in clusive, will be conferred in full form and ceremony during the first four days of the reunion. Monday's work in Sit. Morlnh lodge of Perfection No. 1 began when the class assembled at from 2 o'clock to 10 o'clock In the morning. A bvslness meeting was held at 10 o'clock. The work of confer ring the degrees from the fourth to four teenth. Inclusive, started at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Frank C. Patton, vener able master, was In charge. Luncheon and dinner will be served at tho Scottish Rite cathedral every day while the reunion Is being held. Members Of the Scottish Rite Woman's club, who are acting on the reception committee, are taking charge of this part of the program. Foar Degrroea Tnesday. Degrees from the fifteenth to tha eight eenth. Inclusive, will be conferred Tues day. Work will start at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon. John W. Dlsbrow, wise master of Semper Fidelia chapter No. 1, will be in charge. The conferring of degrees, from the nineteenth to the thirtieth, inclusive, starts at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning. Edgar N. Bowles, preceptor of St. An drews preceptory No. 1, will be In charge. Tha work on Thursday starts at 10:30 o'clock In the morning, at which time the. thirty-first and thirty-second degrees will be conferred. John H. Grossman, master of Kadosh, Nebraska consistory No. I, Will be in charge. Banquet Thursday Night. V. banquet, to which all Scottish Rite Masons In Omaha have been invited, will be held Thursday evening at the cathe dral. The program on Friday will be In charge of Tangier temple, A. A. O, N. M. S. A busy day for the visitors is being planned. There will be a buffet luncheon at 12 o'clock noon at the old Masonlo temple. A theater party for the visiting ladies and a big Shrine parade will be fea tures of tne afternoon's program on Fri day. A ceremonial also will be held In the afternoon. The five days" reunion will coma to a close Friday evening with a big Initiatory stunt" for the ladies and a concert by local talent at the Boyd theater. Fred C. Rogers, illustrious potentate, will be In charge of Friday 'a Shrine program. Total Grain Stored Here Same as Year Ago-Corn Falls Off Omaha starts the week with grain stocks In storage substantially the same as on the corresponding date of last year. There are now, of all kinds of grain, J,241,wX bushels In the elevators. One year ago there were 3.31!.000 bushels. The quantity of wheat on hand haa made a gain of close to 1,000,000 bushels, while there haa been a falling off of more than 1.000,000 bushels of corn. The figures are: ' Now. Wheat l,iX2,oix Corn l.auo.ouo Tear ago. 142.000 2.2St.oiO 819,000 32,00 f.O.000 Oats 81B.MO Rye 43.0UO Barley 41,000 Totals 3.S41.OU0 8,312,000, On the Omaha market prices were higher than last Saturday. Wheat gained to 4 cents per bushel; corn, ',4 cent, and oats, V, to a cent. Wheat sold at 98 cents to 11.02; corn at 66 to 67 centa and oats at 34'i to 454 cents per bushel. Receipts were fair for a Monday, there being H8 cars of wheat, lift of corn and 36 of oats. Henry Ehrenpfort, for Fifty Years in Omaha, Dies Sunday Henry Ehrenpfort, pioneer resident and Insurance man, died Sunday morning at his home, 2326 South Eleventh street, at the age of 76 years. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the home, w ith burial at Forest I,awn. Mr. Ehrenpfort had many friends and acquaintances here. He was one of the active Ak-Sar-Ben boosters from the In ception of that organisation and never tired In his labors st the "den." Ha moved to Omaha from Washington, V. C nearly fifty years ago and made this city hie home continually. On May t. last year be and Mrs. Ehrenpfort cele brated their golden wedding anniversary. His wife died December 30 last, while Mr. Ehrenpfort was In a liospitsl at Council Uluffs. Four children died In in fancy. There are no surviving children. Members of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben ond the Douglas County Association of Nebraska, i'ioncers will attend tl.s fu tiers!. ' What else has know In. 'e doneT you insist on Well, he bought an Oscar, a I.illlc, a Flivver. Ton brtcha.'and never said a word about It. What's 'at? You s.iy you wouldn't say a word about It either If you d bought one. Aw, you're Just Jealous. Anyway, Kmmett J. has been rambling right along In his bottt without bragging about it a bit. If you ask him whether he's got an automobile he says unhesi tatingly. "No." But If you ask If he's got a Kllvvrr he answers firmly. "Yes." lie is like George Washington, lie can not toil a He. Emmet t J. Qulnley has acquired a wife, a Flivver ana a I'nlted States deputy marshal's badge In the last eight months. Probably If It weren't a matter of pub lic record and If we didn't sec him around deputymarshallng we wouldn't know ha was a deputy marshal. He's such a quiet chap. TRIMMERS TO PLAN RETAIL GALA WEEK . L. Holland Calls Conference Decorators Who Will Ar range Displays. of WILL DISCUSS ALL DETAILS Window trimmers who are to deco- rate the windows of Omaha's retail Ftorcs for the big "Week of Wonder ful Windows" will hold a confer ence Wednesday. K. L. Holland has been delegated tts a committee of one to arrange ibis meeting, at which details in re gard to the decorating of the win dows are to be worked out. The Re tail Publicity Buyers' club met, heard reports of the various com mittees and then appointed Mr, Holland to arrange to get the trim mers together. This does not mean that they will agree to trim the windows all alike. Kach man will preserve his big Idea of how to trim the moat attractive window for his own store, but they have many points on which they must agree. First they must agree aa to Juat U'W they will aVrange the matter of screen ing off the display until tho appointed hour 7:30 o'clock. March 30, They must agree as to how many days they will have the windows screened off before the grand opening. They must then agree as to Just what slgnat they will depend upon for a cue to allow them to withdraw the screen at the exact minute of the open ing. The siren whistle has been suggested. If this Is to be the signal, all must agree to It. Then they must agree as to who will blow the whistle. All these details having been properly arranged, the trimmers will go back t.i their respective stores, ' roll up theli sleeves, and set to work to execute tha most artistic window displays the storif of Omaha have ever shown. BYERLY TO LECTURE ON BEAUTIES OF ESTES PARK Frank -W. Byeriy will lecture at the Toung Men's Christian association audi torium this evening on the i beauties of Rocky Mountain National park, more commonly known as Estes park. In the course of his lecture Mr. Byeriy will show over ZOO stereoptlcon views of scenes In the Rockies. The lecture Is free to the public. Coffee Facts v Read what the 19th edition United States Dispensatory (page 253), the guiding authority for chemists, druggists and physicians, says about the drug caffeine, of which there is about -'; grains in the average cup of coffee: "Given in large dose to the lower animals, caffeine produces hur riGd respiration, restlessness, slightly lowered, followed by a markedly elevated temperature, tetanic and clonic convulsions, progressive paralysis, and final ly death from paralytic arrest of respiration." Although man is stronger and more re sistant, it is a well-known scientific fact that caffeine, in coffee, is a frequent cause of head ache, nervousness, biliousness, heart flutter and many other ills. Not at one large dose, but by little doses repeated regularly does this subtle, habit-forming drug get in its work, and, sooner or later, many coffee drinkers suf fer. Before that time comes, suppose you make a personal test quit coffee ten days and use Made of wheat and a little wholesome molasses, this famous pure food-drink has a rich, snappy flavour much like that of mild, high-grade coffee,' and it contains no drug or other harmful element. There are two forms of postum. The original Postum Cere-al must be boiled; Instant Postum is the original Postum reduced to soluble form; a level teaspoonful in a cup with boiling water makes a perfect cup in.stantly. Both forms are equally delicious, and the cost per cup is about the same. The change from coffee to Postum is pleasant as well as highly beneficial, and with the better health that comes with freedom from caffeine, the drug in coffee, you'll know "There's a Reason" (Jrocers everywhere sell Postum. LIGHT QUESTION IS PUTON TABLE Council Rejecli Jardine's Proposi tion for More Lights at Same Cost as the Old. HOWELL ENTERS THE FIGHT After two hours' discussion on the proposed electric street llRht con tract, the city council committee of the whole, by a vote of three to four, decided to Indefinitely postpone the whole proposition. ' Mayor Dahlman and Commission ers Kugel and Jardlne voted in fkvor of the Jardlne resolution, which, briefly, is: That the city shall enter into a contract with the Omaha Klectrlc Light and Tower company for three years at rates of j $31, $86 Hnd $68 per lamp for the three types of lamps previously de scribed in detail; trial the city shall have the right to buy all of the street lighting equipment any time Piter three years on an appraised valuation and upon sixty days' no tice to the company. When the proportion was lost by a vote of three to four Chairman Huller se cured adoption of a motion that the mat ter be Indillnltely postponed. 'Hants Mailer Cleared In. A few weeks ago the light company of fered a proposition on the baaia of t:i3, 138 and S72'for the three types of lamps, but Commissioner .lardine came In wMi Which are understood to b agreeablo to the light company. Mr. Jardlne ex plained It was his aim to secure Improved street lighting now and at tho same time leave the matter In a atatua that at tho end of three years there would be no tm his resolution for the reduced figures pediment In the way of municipal owner ship. General Harries read s statement In which he outlined the position of hla eon pany as a public service concern, statl ifl: "Our company will not knowingly do an unfair thing. It will never ask for Im proper or unearned consideration. It wants only a reasonable return upon the actual cosh It has invested or may Invest. It seeks the good opinion of those whom It serves, and Is always deeply concerned as to tho trend of public thought. Just now It does not altogether tindcrstan-l why It should be assailed because of an official effort to provide Omaha w'th greatly Improved lighting facilities over a largely Increased area for a sum which does not and can not exceed the amount of the present appropriation, which bet terment would require investment by the company of approximately 1100,000, The company Is not attempting to put any thing over. If tha terms to which we have consented are disapproved . public sentiment we will not accept the con tract." Howell FTtitrra FlgTht. General Manager Howell of the city water plant addressed the commissioners at considerable length, contending that the electrlo, light company- Is not fair with the public Mr. Howell asked Qen cral Manager Iloldrege Of the light com pany for financial statistics of the com pany, but Mr. Holdrege declined to make any statements. He further contended that $117,000 a year now being paid the electric light company for street lamps would pay Interest on 3,0no,0i0, twice the amount a municipal plant would cost. There Is pending at this time an effort to engage an engineer who will prepare plans and estimates of a municipal elec trlo light and power plant, this Informa tion to be used by the city council In tha submission of a bond proposition hext November. The result of the council's action on s TUM the street lights means that tha present 'nrtriuiie stcm of ele trie street lights will have to stand until such time ! lis tn. commissioner sre able to sgree, among themselves, or the city has a ' municipal plant. The proposal of the j electric light, company was to Install new tpe lumps and add t.I'o lampa, the an nual cost of the entire stcm not r ex ceed the present allowance for this pur pose. Is approxlinatrty ItlR.ono a year, pose, which Is approximately HI.".,! a , cr. Unitarians Will Erect New Church Architects are now working en plsns for a church building for the V'nltarlatis of Omaha. The location Is not yet defi nitely decided upon, but It Is expected that the church, parish house and par sonage will be located somewhere In the west part of the city. The new church Is have a huge pipe organ of the latest snd best type. t'. W. Russell, chairman of the board of trustees, has completed the appoint ment of standing committees for the year. Tho chairmen are as rouowa: Finance, N. W. Capen; meetings and ' mlnlstera, W. F. Raxter; music, Mrs vv- K. liaxtcr; Woman'i alliance, Mrs. (J. W. llo'drege; membership. Grant Tar son: lot and building, William Newton; Sunday school. W, F. Hsxter; courtesies, Mrs. G. A. Joslyn; publicity, A. U I'al mer. At Turpln's hall Sunday morning I'al frey I'crklns of Uoston addressed the 1'nltsrlans on the modern significance of the holy spirit. "Thd old biblical writ ings," he said, "were but Inadequate ex pressions of a divine principle felt by great men of that tlmo and race. The liberal of today la governed by science and reason, but feels religious faith In a holy spirit thst lifts nun up and onward as a pusher and part In evolution." Climbs Into Sewer Pipe to Elude Law A police officer marto a rail upon Newt Jones, colored. SNS.1 Itlondo street, because Newt had been accused of abusing his wife. New t spied tha officer approaching tnd promptly began maneuvers for a hasty retreat. Pursuit resulted and Newt finally climbed Into a sewer pipe In a last effort to elude his pursuer. All ef forts to extricate the offender were un availing. He was hopelessly stuck and Imprisoned In the narrow pipe. The offi cer, however, had a sudden Inspiration and fired his revolver In close proximity of one end of the pipe. Jones promptly rame out the other end and as a result was sentenced to ninety daya In the county bastlle. SCARLET FEVER SITUATION SHOWS BIG IMPROVEMENT There were fifty-nine case of scarlet fever reported last week, aa against seventv-three the prevloua week. The health commissioner continues to take a roseate view of the situation, believing that within a few mora waeka conditions will have been nearly normal again. These: scarlet fevar deatha were re ported .during., the last few days: Mildred Buettgenberk, 28 months. 1341 South Twenty-first street; Hannah Kenny, 16, ItilS Oak street. During the last forty-eight houra the following eleven cases of scarlet fever were reported from nine locations: Wavno llobertson, M North Twentieth. Wlliiard Hlngleton, Ml Forest avenue. Frank Wilson, Fourteenth and Doug las Fred Nelson, 1018 North Fortieth. Clarence, Call and Morrla Undberg. S024 Franklin. Mao Kelly, Apartment 4. Twenty-fifth avenue and Farnam. Julia Nathan. 82tt Houth Twentieth. Henrietta Arrlndale, Mi Franklin. Marie Carroll. 2114 Locust. J) ' ' ; iff--' "Bob's" Fee Graft , Saturday's pocketing- of half the receipts gave him SSS la addition to hla 14,000 a year salary. 1st ap- M ap plications Date at $1 each, at M each. ' March 1 2 ! March ; 17 0 , March .V U I Mn red 4 ' March j March T I I March ft 33 t ' March ! ! March l -1 ' ' March 11 ' " ! I Mar. h l:t 74 1 Match 14. M S March IS 74 J I I March is K'l 0 I , March 17 Iirt 1 I i March IS e 1 I Totals. I4da In Match. 7-ft !ft ! Gas Bike Coppers Will Start to Work First oftho Month F.inhro Harney Oldflelda beware, starting April I, the motorcycle suiud ron will begin actlvltl-a for the summer season and all enthusiastic automobillsfs found exceeding the speed limit, splnn77i,x ', past street cars thst are st a stop or lolstlng rules of the rosd wl.l be ysnked Into polite court. SAYS CORN ACREAGE IN NEBRASKAWILL BE LARGE 11". P. F.ller, trsvellng agent for the Northwestern, who covers the eastern half of Nebraska, Is In Omaha and as serts thst Bgrlriiltursl conditions at this srsson of the yesr wet never better than now. Raid Mr. Filer: "All through my tr: rltoiy farmeia are busy In their fields, plowing and getting ready for planting. The. corn acreage la going to be exceedingly large. Fall wheat rame through the winter In splendid shspe and the fields are as green as usually In May." And reel Fine The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe anrl heal all annoy ing skin and scalp troubles. Sample Each Free by Mall With S3-p. Bkln nook on rnouest. Ad dress posu-csrrl "t'utleura, Oept. liU, UfMten "old throughout the world. How to Safely Peel Your Face If you wear an aged, discolored or I weather-beaten complexion, the most sen- slble think to do Is to remove It ralner ' tcan paten It over or "doctor" It with cosmetics. The only way to really remove the complexion. aside from resorting to an expensive snd painful surgical opera tionis by means of ordinary msrcollsed wax. Spread the wax over tho face at night, ns you would cold cream: wash It eff In the inuniiiiK. T.ils gradually peels off the lifeless and, the half-dead outer kln, In minute particles gradually the trtsh young akin beneath beams forth. Then you have a clear, velvety, healthy- ; hued complexion such ss nu unnatural method can posslblV produce. Freckles, , lilotchps pimo'ea all surface defects due to westher, Ill-health or the ravages of i time, of couiiie. disappear with the Ul-1 1 11 r lied skin. Ask the druggist for sit1 i ounce of mercollxed wax; you won't need , more. If you wear wrinkles or crowsfeet, th best thing to do Is lo bathe your face in a hurmiesa lotion made ly dissolving an ounce of powdered ssxolite In a half plat witch baxel. Nothing else will so surely crane the unwelcome lines. Advertise- . men'.. I HjAWiT ' EASILY RELIEVED BY CLEANSING THE BLOOD ' S. S ,S. Gives Quick Relief by ; Toning Up the Blood. i Yes, but how? A natural question. .The answer la that you must cleans; l your blood by stimulating It to healthy, vigorous actijn so that It will throw off ' the genua Impurities that cause llheumatlMm. The action of the wonder- .ful blood purifier, 8. 8. S'., I to prsctlc 'ally renew the life blood, giving It vigor, stimulate the flow, making it throw out ithe germs and tie pilio.i Impurities. The iexcrucla'lug pains of Rheumatism, whi tti- i 1 r it Is the shooting. s!atblni Bclstlca, the gripping aweny or muscular Kheunvt I (lm. or aching srms and legs that break 'up sleep, will te eutliely relieved by K. I !8 K. Don I use nostrums and drugs. I Tske the hlouil bath Nature s blond i I tonic. 8. 8. 8. Oet It at any druggist's. but Insist upon X. H. 8. us tW you shout blood diseases. S-nd for booklet, What the Mirror Tells.'- or If yours Is a pe ullar esse, write Sw ift Specific Co,. ,il"4 h"i hesin treatment at once. When Itching Stops There Is one safe, dep .idabie treat ment that relieves Itching torture In stsntly and that 'cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 36c bottle of xemo and apply it as directed. S ion you will find that pimples, black heads, ecsema, ringworm and similar skin trou bles will dlssppear. A little semo, the penetrating, satisfy ing liquid, is all that Is needed, for It banishes ail skin eruptlona and makes the sklo-soft, smooth and healthy, s) - Zemo. Cleveland. wiittes DdrlMme j HAIR COMING OUT? j I'nndruff eauca a feveilsh Irrltatl in of the a. alp, the hair roots shrink, loosen slid then the t.alr comes out Isst. Ti :op islllrg hslr at once atel rl I tha s si rf every rartlcle of daniliu'f. Get a 2". crnt bottle of Pandirln- at any drrn; store, pour a title In your hand and tui It Into the srs'p. After a few applica tions the bsir stops coming out and yo i can't find any dandruff. Advertisement. Becomes Coated If Constipated If cross, bilious, sick, feverish, or , full of cold, take no chances. ;..0aUforaia. - Syru of can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. Children love this "fruit laxative, " and (nothing - else clesnses the tender stom- arh, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will rot stop playing to empty the bowels, and the result is, they become tlshtty clogged with wsste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your ,' little one becomes cross, half-sick, fev erish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad. system full of cold, haa sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen. Mother! Pee If tongue la coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Pyrup of Figs," and In few houra all 1 the constipated waste, sour bile and un digested food passes cut of the system, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "California ! Byrup of Figs" because It is perfectly harmless; children love It, and It nevy falls to act on the stomach, liver and -bowels. " Ask your druggist for a BO-cent bottle .7 of "California Fyrup .if Figs," which has " full directions for babies, children of all - ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle, flows re of counterfelta sold ' here. Get the genuine, made by tha "Cal- Ifomla Fig Byrup Company," and refuse . any other kind with contempt. STOMACH UPSET? Get nt the It ewil Cause Take Div KdwardV Olive Tablets. ! That's what thousands of stomach suf- ferers are doing now. Instead of taking.' tonics, or trying to patch up a poor dl- ', gestlon, they are attacking the real cause -of the aliment clogged liver , and dlaor' i dered bowela. ' Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse tha liver In a soothing, healing way. When ; tha liver and bowela are performing their natural functions, away goes In- , digestion and atomsch troubles. If you have a bad taste In your mouth, tongue coated, appetite .poor, lasy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undlgeated food, you should take Olive Tablets, tha substitute for,' calomel, ,, Or. Udwards' Ollvs Tablets are a purely : vegetable compound mixed with olive oil.'! Tou will know them by their oltva color,' They da the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at r-dtlme for quick'', relief, so you can eat what you like. At 10a and 2So per box. All druggists. The Oliv Tablet Company. Columbus, Ohio. ; Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale" column; read it. JT is especially in springtime when the rigor of winter has passed that the tonic qualities of , THEKroYCnLJLlKB are particularly bene ficial. Better have a case sent home. Phone Douglas J889. Save coupons and gtt premium. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY. Ditributor$. J RUPTURE We liae a suoceasful treatment for, Tiupture without resorting to a painful and uncertain surgical operation. We ' are tho only reputable puysiciana who will la such i-fears upon a guarantee to give satisfactory results. We have de voted more than twenty years to the ex-' elusive treatment of Rupture, and we nave perf i-tod the best treatment In ex istence totlay. We do not Inject paraf. fine or wax, as It la dangerous. The ad vantages of our treatment are; Ne loaa Of time. No detention from business. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison and no laying up la a boa-' pltal. A Pew of Otir Satisfied Patients. Mr. Peter Blsh, Harvard. Neb.; Arnold' Born, Norfolk, Neb.; W. M. tienailnger, Burr, Neb.; C. 8. Judd, Avoca. la.; John H. Dtaver, Blair. Neb.; C. M. Harris, Ml- , tern, la-; Orrln Reed, Ogalalla. Neb.; Anton t'erla-.n. Oakland, Neb.; Rev. J. O. Htannard, Utlca. Neb.; John Itahne, Wis. nsr, Neb.; John ''oe. 81oux City, la.; Daa Murphy. 166 North ltth St.. Omaha, Vb., and hundred of others. Call e. writs D WTUT KATIIIT, sot ses Ui&t OuaJss Bes. , JL