THE UKKj OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 21. l!Mfi. FORMAL PROTEST FILED BMRRANZA Chief Objects to Step Which Areer ictn Commander Had Already Been Ordered to Avoid. WILL HOT OCCUPY ANY TOWUS WASHINGTON, March 20. Gen eral Carrania bat formally pro tested against American troops oc cupying Canal Orandea in their pur suit of Villa and the American gov ernment baa replied that the troops bare been ordered specifically no to occupy Cuas Grandes or any other towns or cities in Mexico. The protest and reply were In tended in an exchange of notes be tween Acting Secretary Polk of thr State department and Ellelo Arre ts endo, ahmassador, designated to the United States from Mexico. After a conference today between Presi dent Wilson and Mr. Polk It bwamt known that Mr. P01-, In a note for warded to Mexico yesterday, said In structions had been tent to General Ftmaton to keep hie troop away from alt town a. The Stat department today had not received a reply from the request aent to Carrania for the una of Mexican rell roada In transporting auppllea to , the expeditionary force. " Bvery effort la berng made toy the State department to disseminata In Mexico the Information that the United States has no motives of aggression In sending troops across tha border. Following1 out the same policy the American troops now In Mexico have been given Instruc tions to ba careful In their dealings with Mexlcana generally. Tn urging tha use of Mexican rail roads for that purpose. It has been pointed out to tha Carransa government that elmiar permission waa granted Carransa troops for tha use of troops last fall. Mr Polk declared today that the United States had not requested permission to take over railroads In Mexico, but had merely asked for permission to transport supplies. General repots from Mexico today were optimistic In character. Mr. Polk denied emphatically reports that tha govern ment had any reliable Information of plots to bring about armed Intervention. Oeneral Carransa, it was learned to ds )r, had been urged by soma of his closest advisers to offer a large reward for tha apprehension of Villa. Box Car Situation Regarded Settled (Prom a tSaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March iO.-Speclal Telegram.) Representative Sloan is in receipt of a letter from tha Nebraska State Railway commission thanking him for tha efforts ha put forth in properly bringing before tha Interstate Commerce commission tha car shortage stluatlon with, the ? further Information that the grain car situation had become about normal, which would probably render it unnecessary further to press for a hear ing before tha Interstate and foreign committees of tha house. "The railroads of tha west ' furnished me with the material and I went before the house and aarly In February the sit uation commenced to progress," Mr. Bloan said. ,"X demanded of the eastern roads a statement of conditions and their response wsa the granting of twenty , additional care. Tha fact that it was heard before the Interstate Commerce commission hurried mstters along a great deal.' "I regard It aa a very valuable adjust ment of a serious situation for our farm rrs and grain dealers of tha northwest," R. W. MoGlnnla of Fremont and Un .'oln and his wife stopped her last night lnd left today. They have been in Florida and are on their way home. Good Roads Special Starts; Out at Boone i , assssaas BOONH5. Ia March K. -(Special Tele gram.) Iowa's famous good roads spe cial, which will travel over thousands of mile of Iowa's railroads, started at Boon this morning with a rousing meet ing attended by prominent railway offi cials, stats officials, farmers and club women from many parts. Addresses wer made by officials of th Department of Agriculture aent out from Washington for tha trip. A motion pic ture maohln Is carried to aid lecturers. The Northwestern Railroad company fur nished th entire equipment for tha train, which will be out six weeks to two months educating Ioaa people as tt the value of hard surfaced roads. . Ifotee frwas Colaaahae. COLUMBUS. Neb., March W.-lSpeclel.) Th board of directors of th Columbus Commercial club has decided on Tuesday evening, March IS, for holding th annua meeting for th election of officers and a banquet. Nebraska Harness Makers' association hss decided on holding its annual meeting in Columbus this year, th dates having been definitely fixed for May 3. 24 and S&. Tna Columbus city band will have a membership this year of between thirty flv and forty plecea and will be one of tha largest bands In th state numer ically. Th band will open Ita concerts this year about the middle of May. In structor L. F. Stoddard 1s how giving re hearaals on new rnus'c and Is bringing about results. Over ft stockholders of the' Platte County Independent Telephone company will meet in this city Tuesday afternoon. It la proposed to issue about eOO share of additional stock, this being necessary on account of the purchase of the Ne braska Telephone company's Interest her. New Improvements are content plated that will coat In the neighborhood of fM.S0a. The work of cutting over the Bell phones Is now completed and Co lumbus has one telephone exchange tn plao of two. Jacob Male died Saturday at t, Mary's hospital in this city, death result lng from dropsy. Mr. Malek had only bees 111 for a few dava. Ha waa a plo neer of Platta county, living at Tarnov, and waa CS years old. He leaves a large family to mourn his demise. , His body was shipped to Tarnov for Interment Daaa'reaa ttreaehlal tsssk. Ir. King's New Discovery will give quick relief in brombtal irritation and bronchial asthma. Allays Inflammation, mm sore spots. All dr us fists. Adver- t lee 1 ?. TWO OF THE POEMS IN STATE CONTEST Vertes Submitted by Miis Curaher and Miis Xatherine Melick. TWO TIED IN SECOND PLACE (rFnma Ptsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March ).-Bpecial.)-The task which the committee selected to chooe a poem for Nebraska arg) satisfy everybody was a difficult one. so It Is understood that while they finally as reed on me one written by Flew W. H. Buss poems, one by Miss Helen Caraher of Lincoln and the one by Mine Melick of ' Hsvelock. were so close to the require- wnn frecu:aiiy an even I thing except in one or two minor mst ters. Consequently In justice to the two young women the state superintendent has given out the poems, which sre as follows: 'The Land t the Smile of God." (By Helen Carsher.) Oh. wonderful, free, golden-hearted Ne braska, True sa the blue of your midsummer skies; Sweet ss your green, wsvlng fields of slfalfa. Hisve ss your blustering breesea thst rise. Catllnr to heaven your praise, oh, Ne braska. Waklnc the stars ss they twinkle and nod. Ilii'hlng the chorus of suns to the music Blown from the Land of the Glsd Bmlle of God! Lend of the Smile of oOd, proudly we hsll you. Core of the heart of our own V. 8. A. Smiles thst reach out to your hilltops and f matures, rls where th Platte shimmers sil ver end gray. Oh, wonderful, rich, three times bless-ed Nebraska! Sun. wind snd rain laugh In service for you; Nowhere on earth Is a climate more per fect. Handolasp mors loysl or friendship more true. Strong ar your sons, pstriotlc Ne braska, Fearless to stand both for honor and peace: Knights or th Plains were your" atthers, Nebraska, Knights of th Truth till th universe cease t Shout all ye daughters and sons of Ne braska. Heaven gleams down on our proud Goldenrod; Just st th crest of the west is Ne braska. Glorious Land of th Qlad Smile of Godl Mis Carsher Isemployed In th office of the Stat Hotel commission and Is frequently referred to as tha "State House Poetess." She has written several poems which have been published and her Christmas poems each year ar In great demand. Th poem which the committee selected as equal with that of Miss Caraher's was aa follows: Nebraska, (By Katherin M. Melick.) The shores of an olden ocean lit raves of a sunken , Roe out of tha primal motion To let th prairie be. And billows of grain blow over The grsv where waters sleep! Crab apple blossoms and clover - In tba caverns of the deep. ' n. -. For the Otis In of the ancient Wster Is loosed from our golden ssnd, Thst earth's own sons and daughter May enter tha chosen land. Her we have mad our garden in the heart of the desert waste And w rear our grove of Arden Where th torrents Interlaced. We fear not th stormy voices That call over cornfields bare The valiant heart reiolt-ea In keen, tumultuous air. The valiant spirit knoweth That after the Titan atrlf Conies ever the hand that eoweth, The spirit that Klveth life. FUNSTON GIVES POSITION OF THE THEEECOLUMNS (Continued from Pag One.) south of there la Kl alle. and from that point th only practicable way ef bring ing up supplies is by railroad. Th val ley converge here Into a narrow, deep gorge. In which about l.oa people live. Th territory In which Villa probably will remain ia embraced In an Imaginary line between Chihuahua and Minaca, with the Mexican Central railroad on dm aide and the Sierra Madre on th other. HI sol diers have th advantage over the Amer icans In that they will travel light with only a few days' provisions and are sea soned men well able to withstand th hardships of mountain campaigning In that climate." Dr. Bush aald that he had no doubt that Villa as spreading stories of Ms wonderful victories over the Americana. of how he had raptured Texaa and that Carranxr. had gone over to th United Btatea. it would be eaay, he aald, for him to make tha ignorant peons among whom he la operating believe th wildest stories. Calle Raises New Isaa. Another serious situation baa been caused by th action of General Call military governor of Vonora. In demand ing that the 1 lolorada Mining com pauy of New York reopen their mine at Hermoalllo at once. General Callea has wired the New Tork offices of the com pany that if th mine la not reopenod mmedlately h will take it over and run it. Tha property ia aald to be a very rich gold mine and formerly employed l.uoo Mexicans, according to General Calles. He declared today that be hud no inten tion of confiscating the mine, but thatiretary Garrison the president expressed tha Mexlcana were suffering through be- ! his disagreement with the Clarke amend ing thrown out of employment and that ment and some other features of the bill, he Intended to p it them back to work, jbut took the view that he would not act Th governor said that the l.a Colored ! against th sentiment of the majority of company waa th only on that had sus pended operations In Honor and that there was no reason for lis action, as ha could and would give them ample pro tection. DAKOTA CITY WILL VOTE ON THE LICENSE ISSUE DAKOTA CITT. Neb.. March N.-tSne- cial. At an adjourned evasion of th village board held last evening a peti tion signed by thirty-three freeholders, asking that th question of license or m liiensa by submitted to th voters at tho municipal election, April 4, waa granted and the wets will endeavor to switch the town from the dry column to th wet. where It has been for a number of years, until last year, when th drys carried It by a vol of T to Houx City liquor Interests are taking an active part tn the local fight, la aa effort to jret a foothold handy to Sioux City. f MANY HAWKEYES ANXIOUS TO ENLIST Many Priioneri at Anamoia Re formatory Will Aik for Parole So They Can Join Army. CIVIL WAR VETERANS ENLIST DK3 MOINES. March 20. Devel-,nd opment in the Mexican situation and the dispatch to the border of regular army troops Is causing wide comment n ow 1th some results, which seem surprising In view of the fact ,nRl "'miiar conditions proDaDiy never have prevailed before In the history of the state. xrAmr a t. - .ki- It is said, Is stirring the patriotic pulses of msny prisoners at A nam oat reformatory. According to Warder C. C. MrCloughry, a number ofthem have Indicated that they will ask the 8tate Board of Parole for suspension of sentence ao that tbey may Join the army and participate In the hunt for rancisco Villa "Some of our men have had military training tha twould fit them admirably to Join the expeditionary forces," said the warden. "A number of them have Indi cated their eagerness to enlist." W. I Kuser, superintendent of the school for boys at Eldora, ssys that he has seven military companies at his In stitution, each of them composed of forty members. If troops are needed. In ad dtlon to those already available, he aald, h could furnish at least one company of wel itralned, well disciplined, healthy, vigorous young soldiers eager t6 serve their country. Civil War Veterans Rnllst. From Muscatine comes a report that sixteen veterans of the civil war. every on of them mora than 70 years of age, have filled out enlistment blanks and for warded them toth War department at Washington, "We ar all ready to fight again for Unci Bam," said on of tha veterans. "We went out In i and w fought for th union until 'SS and to this day every on of ua can shoot a rifle a accurately a a lot Of young fellows," Th volunteers Indicated that they might be more useful for border patrol work than for any other duty, believing that their age would render Impossible, or nearly so, active service in Mexico, with Its long marches. Th sixteen veterans who enlisted are: John Koehler, J. W. Berry, W. H. Hilton. W. Johnson, J. M. Duncan, Honry Schmelaer. Paul Rapp. J. P. Stlneman. August Elchoff, V. B. Huffman. J. W. Carl. J. S. Long. Peter eOttert. L. 8. Moss, oJseph Biles and George K. Du prea. Volnateer Caaapaay Recmlted. Feeling also runs high at Paton, la. Ther flfty-on young menheaded by Jo seph A, Schwab,' who Is as enthuiew&tlo as ony of his recruit, although he is 61 years old, have offered their services as Iowa's first volunteer company In th campaign against Villa. Officers of th Dee Moines recruiting station of th rnltcfl States' navy, are In receipt of th following letter from Mr. Schwab: "Hare Is a Hat of names of young men eligible for military duty, ranging from 11 to H years of are. All of them can handle a gun and ar good marksmen. If you ar In need of these men, I would Ilk to have a commission as captain to take eharg of them. If you need volun teers let m know as one." The letter and th name of th would- be recruits have been ofrwarded to th Navy department at Washington. French Occupy Three Villages to North of Saloniki LONDON. March 80. A atrong French column with light artiUery from the f- lonlkl entrenched camp has attacked 14 d occupied th villages of Maclkovo, Kara- dagh and Kosuna. which had been en tered by Teuton and Bulgarian forces, according to a. Reutar dispatch from Sa loniki dated March IS. Th French had only a few casualties. Owing to th en croachments of th Teuton allies Into Greek territory and th consequent ad vance of the French th neutral frontier son which had been agreed upon between th Greek and Bulgarian governments Is now eliminated. Forces of the central powers and of th entente allies are face to face, th dispatch adds, and shelling, sniping and grenade throwing ar In progress In the neighborhood of the above mentioned vIN lages, about thirty rille north of Sa loniki, aa on th other fronts where th adversary forces ar in contact! President Says He Will Sign the Philippines Bill WASHINGTON. March V President Wilson has told congress leadera he will sign the Philippine bill, including th Clark amendment for Independence not later than four years, despite his din approval of aome of Its details. The pres ident discussed th bill today with Chairman Jonea of the house Philippine commute and Senator Simmons. It Is planned to take the measure up In the houso aitrr the army bill. In his correspondence with former Sec-f both houses. POSTMASTERS AND PENSIONS ANNOUNCED .VT WASHINGTON tFrom a laff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Msrch JO. - (Special Telegram.) Pensions grsnted In Ne brake: F.lla E. Hall, Hastings. 1J. Rllsabeth Oenterl. Holstein. i:, Bsrbsra Wade. Burkett. Ill Postmasters sppolnted: Miss Marguer ite A. Riley at Dawson. Richardson county, vice A. K. O'Grady, resigned; Miss Aulta Eldridge at Rowe. Lyman, etiunty, S. D.. vie Z. T. Butley, resigned, lng steadily south, 'but roving north Ths Postofflr department haa accepted the proposal of G. A. Heraog to renew th leas of present quarters of the post office at Harvard, Neb., for ten years from May I. Benjamin A. Brewster waa nominated for postmaster at Chadron, Neb., today. DE FACTO FORCES QUIT VILLA CHASE; BANDITESCAPES (Continued from Psge One.) the Carransa commsrtdrr at Juarei, at points along a line reaching north and south from Oaleana to Namlqulpa. a dis tance of about seventy-five miles. By the same accounts he hss not been mov ing steadily south, but roavlng north M,t. Tn1 mountainous, cenyon- spilt, roadless country In which he is operating adds many miles to the coun try he has covered as compared with its distsnce on the msp. The reason for the Carransa troope moving to the border remains unex plained. It is Impossible even to make a fair estimate of the number of men under General Oavlra at Juarex. The large staff at his headquarters and th fact that new troops are .arriving dally indicate that his fore is a large one. The most conservative estimate places It at .V. and calculations range from that point upward to 1.000. Kept Oatslae Town. Kvery precaution has been taken to prevent the farts being known, and most of the men ar kept outside the town among th hills. Reports from Agua Prleta and Ojtnaga tU of Mexican rein forcements reaching those points also, but nothing is known aa to 'their num bers. Ther la no question that th serious and growing uneasiness In El Paso haa been sharply accentuated by the problem which haa arisen over th re quest of the Unttedx States government to General Carransa for th ua of th Mexican railroad to transport supplies. Americana her do not believe that Car ransa dare grant this request, especially aa it ia understood that Oeneral Funston proposes, if It is granted, to take train crews and equipment Into Mexico and Place military guards at the stations. Th presence of American soldiers on Mexican railroads could not fall to ba misunderstood by th peons, and it Is feared would be sure to provok out bresks. Road Badly Needed. On th other hand there are many in dications here that the Mexican railroads ar sorely needed by th American mili tary authorities to ship supplies to th troop in tha field. At th present time these supplies must go forward over a desert and mountain trail by wagons and mules. The pressure Is Intensified by the fact that almost all the forage for th cavalry horses must be sent from th basla as th corn and oats fed mounts of th troopers of th United States could not live on the diet that will sup port a Mexican pony. Ominous report are received here that, the transportation system la already over taxed and it Is this feature of the situa tion that causes tha deepest anxiety and the most apprehension. This anxiety has not been lessened by th news that Car ransa has deferred th issue by a request for more information from the Washing ton government. Aeaaraaces at G are la. At the same time Andres Garca, Jai- ranxa consul hare and known to be In In timate relatione with tha first chief. maintains that there la no danger of fric tion over th question of the shlpmen'. of American army supplies over th Mexican railroads. As long as it was merely a question of supplies, Mr. Garcia adld to day, n was a matter of small consequence. Roumania Will Enter War on Side ! of Entente Soon ATHENS. March 1. Via Paris. March K).) The Impression prevails In high political circle at Athena that Roumar nla shortly wilt abandon 1U policy ot neutrality In favor of the entente allies. Defense latrodace Testimony. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., March IO CS pec lal Telegram.) The second phase of th Ford murder trial began this morn ing with the introduction of the evldenc of th defense. Th shooting of Boyd by Ford la not denied. It ia contended that it was Justified by numerous threats mad by Boyd allegedly against Ford and evidence of Instances wherein the two had trouble previously are being re lated. Th case la expected to go to the Jury possibly by Wednesday evening. Tried Various Kidney Remedies But Only On 3 Proved Reliable It Is vith great pleasure that I writ these lines of praise tor your wonderful kidney and bladder remedy. Z had kid ney trouble ao bad I became very much alarmed. I had tried various kidney remedies I heard of but without relief. I waa about discouraged of ever being helped, when, on day I picked Up a book containing testimonial of people who had been helped and cured of their kidney trouble by th us of Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, so I decided to try it and I know I owe my present good health to the wonderful curative power of Swamp-Root. I sincerely hope my words will be th meana of restoring many other sufferers of kidney and blad der troubles to good health. Very truly youra. B. J. FEN8TERMAKBR. 1491 Roycroft Ave.. LAkewood, Ohio. Personally appeared before me this Uth day of October. 1915, B. J. Fenatermaker. who subscribed tha above statement and made oath that th same la true in sub stance and In fact WM. J. KLiOTZBACH. Notary Public. lttv to Dr. lUliae a Cc Uagbamtoa, W. Y. xw WhatSwamp-Raot Will Do for Too send ten cents to ur. Kumer Co, Plnghamton, X. T., for a sample ska bottle. It will convince anyone. Tou will also receive a booklet of valuable In formation, telling about th kidney and bladder. When writing, be sure and hien tlon the Omaha Dally Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar else bottles for sale at all drug stores. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package b proves it 25c at all druggists. ALLIES RETALIATE FOR AERIAL RAIDS Sixty-Five Aeroplanes Drop Tom of Explosives on German Aviation Station at Zeebruggee. ALL RETURN HOME SAFELY LONDON, March 20. Olxty-rtre al lied aeroplanes today bombarded the Belgian coast town of Zee brugge. All returned. The following official statement waa made: ' "In the early hours of today a com bined force of approximately fifty Brit ish, French and Belgian aeroplanes and seaplanes, accompanied by fifteen fight ing machines, attacked the German aea- plane station at Zeebrugge and the aero drome at Routave, near Zeebrugge. "Considerable damage appears to have been done. Th machlnea on the average carried S00 pounds of bombs. All the ma chines returned safely. "One Belgian officer Is reported seri ously wounded. "All the British machines referred to were naval." Zeebrugge Is on th Belgian coast. twelve miles northeast of Ostend. Slnoe the German occupation this port haa be come of considerable importance, par ticularly as a German submarine base. It la one of the principal points from which submarine operations In the North Sea are directed. To Care a Cold In One Dar. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it falls te cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each hn. 9Rt A A vartlumant Farmer Mar l,ose Ills Scalp. AURORA, Neb., March 20. (Special.) George Crumrlne of Phillipa. the aged farmer who was badly Injured when his automobile ran over him last Thursday, was reported today as having had a very bad night. He Is aome better today. His head Is causing him great pain. It is not known yet whether the scalp will be saved. It waa nearly torn from his head In the accident. Ouch! Backache! Rub Lumbago or Stiffness Away Eub pain from back with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." When your back Is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lameness Is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing. penetrating oil needs to be used, only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It la magical, yet ab solutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica. backache or rheumatism so promptly. It never disappoints! Advertisement. to o Tfo!- ISaid Calinnetli "I wint what I ask for I know what it would mean to go bom without it. Mother won't take chances she's sure of Calumet sure of light. wholesome, tasty bak ings of positive, uni form result of purity and economy. Yoa try CALUMET tB&king Powder i I - 1st aside your 4 favorite brand once if and you'll never go back to It. calu met is the world's best Baking Pow der tt s moder ate in price." ReoeeredHtcfceat Awards HtmCmktmk I, tm tilt THOflP50N- Tlio fasKon Gn!crGn!nyaic Established I3fof OUR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Robert Nicoll, Arrived in New York This Morning . Mr. Nicoll spent the past two weeks in Omaha fa miliarizing himself with the demands of this locality. He returns to New York with an accurate idea of the wishes of Omaha women, and will spend the rest of the season in the metropolis, where American fashions originate, in close touch with the best style creators. This personal service is appreciated by discrim inating women, who realize that Thompson-Belden's apparel is the newest and most distinctive in the middle west. You Are Invited lo Inspect Our Showing$ of Spring SUITS -DRESSES- COATS-BLOUSES-SKIRTS At noon today, refresh the mouth and cleanse the teeth with PERFECT A Standard Ethical Dtntifrlem Bend 2c stamp for a gsnsrous sample of either Dr .Lyon's Perfect Dental Cream or Tooth Powder. L W. Lyon Soaa, Inc,677 W. 270 St,N. Y, City 7s) if i 1 1 i to rtins in ii i iniii A 93O.0O0 poucr. A short : '-ne ago THE MIDWEST 1,1 FB issued a policy for $30,000 on the life of a prominent surgeon of Lincoln. He elected that instead of payment being made In one lump sum at his death that his widow ba paid in Installments, which will not be less than 1126 a month aa long as she shall live. There is a growing tendency for the owners of large policies to provide' a life income for the beneficiary. Some times a widow Is not yersed in business and in numerous caes her investments have not proven satisfactory. Every policy now lsued by THE MIDWEST LIFE gives the Insured the option of providing a life Income for the wife and children. TheMidvvestLife N. Z. BNELL, President A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY SELLHK HOI - filUCTiTlHG Vft IRSCMSCZ 0K11 mST NATIONAL IANK BUILDING, LINCOLN. OMAHA AOCNCV CITV NATIONAL. BANK SBUIL.OINS CIKIWAl sCINTSl CI0RGI CROCKIa, r a.riaNir and i.j.KiseiiiiH WHEN AWAY FROM BOMB The Dee Is the Paper yoa ask fe tf yarn plaa to be asses a&ore than a few days, have The Bee mailed te you. AHl'IGHEXTl. Whone Song. 494. Th Beet of Vend. villa. Dally ataU laee. 8:16. Every sTlg-ht, giltt. Ralph lu ii bttrs 81NG1NU BEbL RINGERS; Mra, Uene Hughes A Co.; Jim Cook A J tick Lorens: Ie LYDIA BARRY R0SHANARA Hoen Dupreece; Msjor Mack Rhoadea; Orpbeum Travel Weekly. Prlcae: Matinee, gallery, joe. Boat SMta (except Sc and Sun ). te Nltbta, lOo. sou, tOc and Tdo. "OMAJtAja run UBXTEJV." tP'm tTi Ju' lB-8-o OiJfliTafa, 16-a-oO-7fio Harry K. Morton, Zella Russell. June -"Th. Smilins Beauties 1.. Three aatlrea: "The Beauty rarlor." "High IJfe In Jail," anil the exception ally funny burletta, "Suffragette's Con vention In 201(.' Hlg Beauty Chorus. Xrfbdlee' Dime atattne Week Says. BOYD Tomorrow, Thursday, Thnradar. Not a Moving Picture Haj MR. WILLIAM In His Oreal rrama Success MENDELSSOHN CHOIR TmOaCAB J. IIUT, Comdaotov. Za Coaoart with MME. Jl'LJA CLALS8EX BOYD THEATER Tonight Beserved fleata, TB to aiOO. -Oailery aoo. TOVi,TE.KRuG WAR! "ON PAROLE" I 1 UUI THE HAWK Fllli! m zU s4 sl i & t a AMUSEMENTS. TODAT-nim Datrnt of KB WOIT XOPFSB la DON QUIXOTE roD TXB&xjra la His Pride and Shame Xaystoae" Mammoth Strand ripe Organ. O-pem ii to 11. xaaio at livery Turi ormaaee. TODAY wed. TWICE DAXX.T t:lS A9 :16 P. K. flame Biff Comoaar Symphony orebtra ana oanoatt of i feota. Moesi Mata I5e te tn svas-s., euo to aa. TODAY FANNIE WARD IN 'FOR THE DEFENSE" HIPP 15th and Harney UO.NTIM'Ol 8 VALDEVILL.K and PHOTO PLAYS THE WHlfcPfcKKD WORD Zlsven to Eleven. Turpin's ScTiool of Dancing Twenty-eighth Far nam. Bow Claaars 1,1st your name now. Private leeaona any time. HAEEIT 8143. Where the Omaha Bee- Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FAUX AM THEATER CAMERAPHOXB GEM ' L07.1L niBTiun LYIUO 4lAGlCk HAXSOOM IVY . P LACK DIAMOND ALMO BENSON in it r OMAHA 1 FLOr.KXLKJ irihdii u i